How to make wallpaper from old curtains. We make blinds with our own hands from wallpaper step by step: photo and description. Accessories for roller blinds

Interior decoration indoors of a house or apartment requires a lot of effort. During it, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail, including window decoration. For registration window openings many people use curtains. These products are offered in specialized stores in a wide range. But if you wish, you can make beautiful and original curtains from wallpaper. But before you begin, you should carefully consider the main features of the execution process.

Before you start making Roman blinds from leftover wallpaper, you should carefully read positive qualities of these products. And they have quite a lot of them:

  • high degree of availability. Curtains made by yourself will cost less, unlike finished product, even if expensive material is used for their manufacture. At the same time, their annual replacement will be inexpensive and will save your budget;
  • simple production. The process of creating these curtains does not require special skills or extensive experience. Everything is done quickly and easily;
  • with your own hands you can make a beautiful product for decoration with original design. On sale there are usually monotonous curtains that have an unattractive appearance. But when making blinds yourself, you can make original additions and decorative elements;
  • For production, you can use wallpaper with a washable structure. This will make caring for the curtain much easier and will also extend its service life.

What you need

Making Roman blinds from wallpaper is not at all difficult, but even doing it yourself requires careful preparation.

If you want to do original blinds With unusual design, then it’s worth purchasing the necessary tools to complete the work:

  • select wallpaper. They must be the same color, with the same pattern. You can use leftovers for work;
  • scissors with a sharp blade. This tool will prevent the formation of creases;
  • a sharp awl for making holes. This element can be replaced with a simple nail;
  • measuring tape, ruler;
  • a simple pencil that will be used for marking. It is undesirable to use a felt-tip pen or marker, they can leave indelible marks;
  • cord for decoration. In order to create beautiful curtain you can use a ribbon made of satin fabric;
  • tape, glue, stapler;
  • means for fixation. This special element, which is used in clothing to restrict drawstrings;
  • the working process may require a hammer and a block of wood.

Besides the right tools and materials, it is also necessary to prepare the place for work. It should be spacious and comfortable.

DIY options

How to do it yourself? This process can be accomplished in several ways. The main thing is to strictly follow the sequence of work, then you can get an original curtain for the living room, bedroom or kitchen. And if you have your own idea, then you can create a designer item to decorate the room.

Classic version

Must be done on a level and spacious base. This is required so that when unwinding the roll there are no distortions, and also accuracy is maintained when performing all actions.

Creating a curtain from wallpaper is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The first step is to measure the window opening. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to important condition– the curtain can be inside the frame or on top of it;
  • The width will remain constant, but the length may increase. For example, if the size of the height of the window opening is 120 cm, then another 25% should be added to this indicator, namely 30 cm. As a result, the length of the cut fabric should be 150 cm. This indicator takes into account folds;
  • then roll out the roll on a flat surface, measure and cut off the required fragment;
  • On the wrong side, stripes are drawn to create blinds. This process is carried out using a ruler and a simple pencil. The width of the lines should be from 2 to 3 cm;
  • The initial fold is performed using a ruler; it allows you to fix the required level of evenness. The first element is used to bend the rest. Everything must be done exactly in accordance with the markings; if a misalignment is suddenly allowed, the following sections will be deformed. As a result, the product should look like an accordion, which should not spring;
  • placement of the cord on the side. To do this, you should make an indent of 10-15 centimeters from the edge of the canvas and pierce two holes;
  • you can place the cord in the center. In this case, holes are pierced in the central part of the canvas. To do this, the accordion should be folded and placed on a flat surface. wooden block. You can use a hammer to quickly make holes. The hole can be made with an awl or a nail;
  • After this, the resulting holes should be slightly widened and a rope or tape should be threaded through them. The cord should move freely through the holes, but it should not dangle;
  • It is recommended to secure the tape on the bottom side with a fixing agent, and on the top side with double-sided tape. If the edges satin ribbon will bloom, then they need to be burned;
  • the finished structure can be attached with double-sided tape to the selected location. Release the lock and straighten the curtain;
  • if the tape is threaded in the center, then after opening the curtain, the edges can be gathered in the form of a fan and secured using a secret method.

On a hot day summer heat people are looking for all sorts of methods to escape the heat. Those whose windows face the sunny side also try to hide from the sun. We recommend making stylish blinds from wallpaper with your own hands, because it’s inexpensive and practical!

Why are wallpaper blinds so popular?

So, you have completed the renovation and have probably already hung wallpaper using the tips from our previous article. If you still have wallpaper, don’t rush to get rid of it. We recommend making stylish blinds.

Blinds in any of their variations have been and remain popular and relevant, and along with these qualities they are also inexpensive. There is no need to think that such a simple solution will look unprofitable or cheap in the interior. On the contrary, a correctly selected wallpaper pattern will decorate the room and protect from UV rays.

DIY wallpaper blinds are ideal for any setting. But knowing the characteristics of paper material, it is not recommended to use them in the kitchen or in buildings with high humidity. The product will look organic on the outbuildings:

  • loggias;
  • veranda;
  • balcony

The popularity of curtains is due to the fact that:

  • they are easy to make yourself;
  • reliably protect the room from ultraviolet radiation;
  • they can decorate any window;
  • it is possible to choose any design;
  • blinds do not interfere with the flowers on the windowsill;
  • can be replaced if necessary.

It would be useful to note this positive side as financial savings. It will take a maximum of two hours to create a curtain. You do not have to place an order for a specific design for blinds to be made in workshops. You can choose any pattern yourself.

Which design to choose

Modern blinds are divided according to the material of manufacture and the method of adjusting the mechanism. Before you learn how to make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands, consider several models of such curtains.

You can stop at:

What is needed to create curtains

Make blinds from paper wallpaper Everyone can do it with their own hands. There are no difficulties in the work. Before construction, you should prepare tools and materials.

You will need:

  • well-sharpened scissors with sharp ends;
  • tool for making holes;
  • meter;
  • regular pencil;
  • main material (wallpaper);
  • rope (best decorative);
  • glue;
  • double-sided tape;
  • latch in the form of beads or a spring latch.

Please note that the quality of the finished product will depend on the chosen base. Choose thick wallpaper, it will not tear and long time will not succumb to fading in the sun. It is not recommended to use wallpaper with a very large pattern. Blinds can affect the appearance of a room.

Options for making blinds

Below we will look at options for do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds step by step instructions will be included with each production.

Before you start work, prepare work site(table). It is desirable that movements during work are not constrained, so there should be a lot of space.

Before work, carefully consider which one ready-made option you want to see on your windows. Pick up beautiful wallpaper, or use those left after repair.

Windows in the shape of arches deserve special attention. It is not so often possible to choose ready-made blinds for them, but making curtains for them is very simple. Especially suitable option, which we described first (pleated blinds). You will get a stylish and elegant design.

If you plan to use it frequently ready-made curtains, and change their location, for example, at the desktop, it is better to use roll models. This product looks good both indoors and outdoors.

Manufacturing of pleated blinds

In the first instruction we will look at how to make pleated blinds from wallpaper with your own hands. There is nothing complicated about the work. It is enough to follow the step-by-step implementation.

  • Decide on the length of the ribbon or cord. These parts should be longer than the blinds, as they will be tied, thereby adjusting the height of the curtains.
  • Spread the wallpaper in front of you. Cut out a rectangle according to the dimensions obtained. During the cutting process, make sure that the design is not distorted. To prevent the material from curling, secure it with a heavy book or tape.
  • Using a pencil and meter, make marks at the same distance on the back of the canvas. Make an “accordion” from the resulting base. To ensure that the fold lines are neat and clear, it is recommended to use a ruler.
  • Try the resulting product on the window. If the length is large, cut off the excess.
  • Mark with a pencil where to make the hole. Do them like this. So that they are located exactly in front of each other. Placement can be in the central part of the material or on the sides. Make holes in the marked areas using an awl or hole punch. Fit the hole to the rope or tape. If necessary, expand it.
  • On top part Apply double-sided tape to future blinds. Make an identical hole in it as on the wallpaper. Thread ribbon or rope. Secure the material with a knot at the top. Remove protective coating with tape and secure the blinds to the window.
  • Place a clamp on the end of the tape or rope. Secure it at a level convenient for you.
  • The blinds are ready. If you made them with one rope in the middle, then the curtains attached to the top will look like a neat fan. In the second version, the blinds will look like the usual purchased versions.

    Roll-up blinds

    This version of blinds differs from pleated blinds. No holes needed here. Now let’s read the instructions on how to make roller blinds from wallpaper with your own hands.

    Before work, prepare:

    Let's start making:

    1. By analogy with the previous manufacturing option, you will need to take measurements from the window. Transfer the received data to the roll. Don't forget that the length of the blinds should be increased. It needs to be increased several times.
    2. Fold the wallpaper in half. Connect the edges of the workpiece using glue or tape.
    3. We saw off the metal pipe until the right size. At the ends, make pockets where the weighting material will fit, in our case, it is a wooden strip, but you can replace it with a plastic pipe.
    4. Apply glue to the pipe and glue the wallpaper. Bring the blinds to the window. Mark the locations for the holes and use a drill to secure the product.

    This way you will get roller blinds. As you may have noticed, they are made very quickly and do not differ from those sold at retail outlets.

    You can use them in any place convenient for you. When folded, the design is practically invisible on the window.

    If you wish, you can decorate the made blinds. For this you can use glitter or decorative butterflies. Additionally, you can protect the room from the sun using foil. Just stick this material with reverse side blinds. And your room will not be heated.

    In winter, you want light, and the curtains on the window are pulled back as far as possible. And in the summer you need to hide from the scorching sun and protect the interior of the apartment from its rays. There are blinds for this. They were invented in hot countries - in India, in Spain. They do not allow the scorching light of the sun to pass through and protect the room from prying eyes. In this article we will talk about how to make them from wallpaper with your own hands.

    Blinds in our climate are widespread in offices, shops, own apartments. They are easy to buy, but there is an opportunity to save your money and make them yourself from wallpaper. Everything necessary for this is available in every home. After all, after repairs there are always unclaimed rolls left. These curtains are needed for apartment windows, balconies, and cottages. If the remaining material is not enough for all the windows, then you can buy more in stores for repairs.

    Advice! Ask the seller for discounted rolls remaining after the sale. The quality is excellent and the price is much lower.


    They are easy for anyone to make on their own. Everything you need for this is in any home.

    First of all, you need to decide what kind of wallpaper to make the product from. They should be strong, but not too thick. You need to pay attention to their pattern so that it harmonizes in color with the curtains and room furniture. Interesting option, when they are made from the same wallpaper with which the room is covered.

    First way

    To work you need:

    • a roll of paper wallpaper with a length of at least 1500 mm;
    • scissors;
    • meter ruler and pencil;
    • cord 1.5-2 mm thick;
    • awl;
    • double-sided tape;
    • retainer;
    • decorative tape.

    You will need:

    • newspapers;
    • beautiful cord;
    • two plastic rings;
    • rope;
    • crochet hook;
    • paints, brushes for painting newspaper tubes.

    For blinds on standard window you need to wind up to 200 newspaper tubes 400 mm long. Long tubes can be trimmed as you work.

    Master class: winding a newspaper onto a thin metal rod, usually take a knitting needle. A piece of newspaper is wrapped around it and the edge is glued. All tubes should dry well. Then they are painted acrylic paint. It is recommended to add 3 to 1 PVA glue.

    After painting and drying, the most crucial moment comes. A large number of small round tubes need to be connected into a durable fabric.

    The first connection method: fasten the tubes by intertwining them with rope, making one or two knots at a time. It is advisable to lubricate each node with glue for greater strength. You need to start from the top side of the curtain. The rope should be almost twice as long as the curtain. We tie the upper end to a plastic ring. Now you need to intertwine both ends of the cord from the inside and outside.


    The second option is used by those who know how to crochet at least a simple chain. This method is more reliable; the tubes are held tightly by a chain of cord and do not become untied or stretched.

    At the bottom, the cord is tied into a knot; we coat it with glue for strength. Lay out the canvas on a flat surface and align the tubes, cutting off any that are too long.

    IN window frame drive in nails or special hooks. It is easy to hang the canvas on them using plastic rings. In any case, the curtains are easy to remove on a cloudy or rainy day.

    In order not to completely remove the blinds, you can take a beautiful satin ribbon, fasten it on top and lower the curtains on both sides. At the bottom at the desired height, tie the ribbons into a knot and tie a beautiful bow. These homemade curtains are a variant of roller blinds.

    Blinds repair

    Old faded plastic, paper or wooden blinds can be restored with wallpaper. You need to choose wallpaper that will best suit the interior of the apartment, enliven and decorate it.

    You will need:

    • wallpaper;
    • old blinds;
    • PVA glue;
    • scissors;
    • ruler;
    • pencil.

    On old curtains we measure the width, length and number of slats. We draw the same stripes on a roll of wallpaper. We mark the locations of the holes in the old blinds so that we can make cuts later. We cut out the strips and glue them onto the old slats. At the holes we cut into three parts. We try to glue one by one without disturbing the wallpaper pattern.

    We try them on the windows and admire the updated curtains.

    How to make curtains-blinds from wallpaper with your own hands, other options

    If there are small pieces of white wallpaper left, we recommend making curtains with your own hands using the weaving technique. This technique originated in Ukraine, and is now used everywhere. Patterns are cut out of paper. The result is paper lace that looks good on the window day and night.

    To make such a paper curtain, you will need knives, scissors, a wooden mat, and patterns. On the Internet you can always find tips on this option for making blinds with your own hands from wallpaper step by step and photos of patterns for cutting. With skill, diligence, patience and accuracy, real works of art are obtained.


    Another option is Roman blinds. They are usually made from fabric, but wallpaper can also be used. They require more material and more time to manufacture.

    You can highlight any interior by decorating the windows in the room. To do this, the easiest way is to choose original blinds, which, oddly enough, can be made by yourself. Paper, fabric, or wallpaper blinds are always in fashion. How to create budget option blinds for the window and what is required for this, we will learn in more detail later in the article.

    Types of blinds

    More than 600 years ago, blinds appeared in Arab countries and are still used in almost all office premises and houses. These accessories not only perform a sun protection function, but are also considered a good alternative to even the most expensive curtains. Blinds are one of those things that, by their very appearance, create comfort and coziness in the house. One of the most important advantages of this window accessory is that it evenly transmits light into the room. A number of other advantages of blinds include: ease of installation, affordable cost, durability, ease of maintenance, etc.

    Types of blinds can be distinguished based on the type of construction, as well as the material of the products.

    Classification of blinds by type of design
    Horizontal involve horizontal placement of strips, which can be of different widths. This type is recommended to be purchased for small windows, as it is believed that due to horizontal stripes the space visually expands.
    Vertical They fit well into any room and are very popular. Visually, this design makes the ceilings higher.
    Rolled These blinds operate using a cylinder roller. They consist of a lifting mechanism that ensures the unwinding and winding of the fabric into a roll. It is recommended to use this type on windows in small rooms.
    Pleated This type of blinds is considered a new product in the huge range of these products. Thanks to its dense, neat folds, this look is perfect for decorating any windows.
    Electrically driven This type of blinds ensures trouble-free use of the window sill. Electric mechanism allows you to control the slats and turn them in different directions without extra effort.

    In addition, there are also multi-textured and cassette designs. Especially for plastic windows cassette blinds are designed. They are attached to plastic frames, which open together with the blinds. Multi-texture blinds are a mixture of multi-layered and multi-colored masterpieces. It is this look that will give the window unusualness and originality. It involves a combination of materials and designs, which ultimately turn into a rich decoration of any interior.

    According to the material from which slats for blinds are made, there are:

    • fabric;
    • wooden;
    • plastic;
    • aluminum;
    • paper designs.

    Fabric blinds can be either horizontal or vertical design. Cassette and roll versions are also made from fabric material. These window decor items resemble ordinary fabric curtains and come in a huge range. In order for the material to serve for a long time and retain its primary properties, the blinds are treated with antibacterial and anti-dust impregnation. Blinds made of fire-resistant fiberglass are recommended for use in the kitchen.

    They call it classic wooden blinds. In appearance, they are very reminiscent of curtains with lambrequins. In stores, vertical and horizontal structures wooden blinds.

    Aluminum blinds are found in the form of vertical, cassette and horizontal products. In terms of environmental properties, they are considered one of the best, therefore they are recommended for use in children's institutions, as well as in healthcare.

    Whatever the shape of the blinds, they can be very easily and conveniently cleaned of dust, even with a vacuum cleaner. Due to their properties and functions, blinds have been and remain a popular window accessory all over the world and occupy a worthy place among other products of a similar purpose.

    A huge amount of this type of window decor is sold in stores and on the market. You can purchase blinds in different colors and with a variety of patterns. But it is no less interesting and economical to create blinds with your own hands. What is needed for this and how to choose the right material for paper blinds, we will consider further.

    DIY paper blinds

    The production of paper blinds does not require any special financial costs. with my own hands. Those who want to try to create such window decor The first question that comes to mind is: How to choose the right material for paper blinds?

    Necessary tools and materials for making paper blinds with your own hands

    For work we need the main material - paper. It can be of different density and texture. At the request of the master, you can purchase plain material or colored wallpaper. Experienced needlewomen note the quality corrugated paper. It is quite durable and resistant to sunlight. Paper products for windows, in addition to being considered a cheap option, have other advantages:

    • easy to use. It’s not a pity to throw them away in case of repair, or replace them with others;
    • handmade design embodies all the individual wishes of the owner;
    • multifunctional: they decorate the window space and perform a protective function.

    Before you begin the process of making paper blinds with your own hands, you first need to prepare auxiliary materials for work. We will need:

    • scissors;
    • ruler;
    • tape and glue;
    • hole punch;
    • ribbons;
    • clamps;
    • pencil;
    • clothesline;
    • rings for curtains.

    Paper blinds can be made using very common methods. The first is to use a material such as wallpaper, the second is to use newspaper tubes. The third idea is based on corrugated paper.

    The result of all the options is surprising and pleasing, since even with your own hands and without experience you can create real masterpieces for decorating windows.

    DIY pleated blinds made from wallpaper

    Before starting any processes, you need to carefully take measurements from the window for which future blinds are intended. Experts recommend that the width of the blinds be made exactly according to the window, but it is better to make the length with a margin. It is better to take wallpaper as the main material medium density, With vinyl look the work is much more difficult in this case.

    Based on the measurements, we cut off the wallpaper and use the technology of working with paper to make a so-called “accordion”. At the next stage, using a hole punch we make a hole in the middle of the accordion. We glue the finished last step with a piece of double-sided tape. We tighten the clothesline into the hole and also fix it with tape. When cutting the rope, be sure to leave some extra. We straighten the structure, attach it to the window, and all the blinds are in place. Cheap, simple and quick option the production of blinds at home finds its fans every day, especially since handmade are now very popular.

    DIY roller blinds made from newspaper tubes

    The second way to make blinds with your own hands is to use newspaper tubes. This is quite a voluminous job that will require both time and effort, but this design can last quite a long time.

    Step-by-step instructions for making blinds with your own hands from newspaper tubes are as follows.

    Step 1. Take measurements from the window.

    Step 2. Along the width of the window, we prepare approximately 250 (depending on the size of the window), painted in the desired color, newspaper tubes.

    Step 3. Newspaper blanks must be laid out flat and leveled. Then they need to be connected to each other using a rope. You need to tie using the ring technology, connect one tube to the next, and so on.

    Step 4. When all the parts are connected, they need to be aligned in length, and all excess material should be removed using scissors.

    Step 5. The last work process is to make the lifting mechanism. Using a rope, you need to connect the upper and lower edges of the blinds so that the structure becomes functional. In order to paper curtain secured in a raised position, a clamp must be put on the end of the rope.

    Based on these two common methods of constructing structures for windows at home, you can implement many interesting ideas paper blinds.

    Using colored material you can decorate ordinary plastic blinds. Paper blinds not only perfectly decorate any interior, but also perform one of their main functions - they protect from summer sunlight.

    Do-it-yourself stackable blinds made of corrugated paper

    In order to put this idea into practice we will need:

    • wooden planks that serve as fastenings;
    • nylon cord;
    • tape and PVA glue.

    The entire work process consists of making garlands from individual paper elements in the form of various figures. As additional components, you can add various beads and decorative units that will improve the light transmittance of the window structure.

    All paper elements are attached with glue to a nylon cord, which is then pulled through the holes on the wooden plank. The garlands are tied into a strong knot. In order for all paper elements to keep their shape, it is better to strengthen them with cardboard.

    Window blinds made of paper are a good alternative to structures made of more durable material, which differs significantly in price policy and brings the most original creative ideas to life. For more detailed information on how to make paper blinds with your own hands at home, watch the video at the end of the article:

    DIY blinds made from rolled wallpaper are an economical option for those who value comfort and coziness. They can be created from wallpaper and auxiliary tools thanks to the step-by-step instructions described in this article. They can be placed in any room of the house or apartment, be it a bedroom or living room. Below detailed master a class that will allow you to improve the premises of your home. In addition to supporting instructions, the article contains a video that shows in detail each step of making homemade blinds from the most common wallpaper.

    Main types of light-protective products

    Devices that are designed to protect a room from the penetration of unwanted sunlight. As a rule, they come in two varieties: vertical and horizontal. They consist of plates (lamellas) of the same size. These plates can be either stationary or rotated around an axis to regulate light or air flows.

    Types differ in the type of construction, as well as the material from which they are made. Incredible complex mechanism products with divided lamellas quite often fail due to broken components. Even high-end models are not protected from breakdowns. That is why the main advantage of homemade models is their reliability.

    Wallpaper blinds: a practical, aesthetic and very budget option for window decoration

    If we look at the types of this device in more detail, we can distinguish the following varieties:

    1. Pleated. A fabric sheet that folds like an accordion. It is operated thanks to special cords and ropes, at the ends of which clamps are attached.
    2. Vertical. They are a structure whose lamellas are arranged in a sequential order. They can be easily rotated to the desired angle and adjusted with a cord.
    3. Rolled. They are a fragment of material that is rolled up using an existing mechanism.
    4. Horizontal. The essence of the work is based on the “ladder” system. The plates are arranged horizontally. This type of regulation occurs using a rotating drum.

    How to make it yourself

    It is easy to create a working design of this device using inexpensive scrap materials even for those who are very far from handmade. The manufacturing process will not take much time and effort, and the cost will be minimal.

    List of materials that will be useful in the process:

    • Leftovers (if you don’t want to buy for further work a whole new roll);
    • Lace and meter;
    • Scissors;
    • Pencil and eraser;
    • Scotch tape (simple traditional and double-sided);
    • The most common clamps.
    • Hole puncher;

    Thanks to the huge variety of wallpaper patterns, you can get a product that will suit any interior style

    All these components can be found in any household, so there should not be any difficulties in finding them.

    Advice. When choosing wallpaper to create blinds, it is important to pay attention to such an indicator as color: they must have pastel shade so that the room is not too dark.

    After all the materials have been prepared, you can begin manufacturing the product. It is important to follow the step-by-step instructions exactly in order to end up with functioning blinds that will protect the room well from excessive light penetration.

    Master class on making

    Today you can find an innumerable variety of interesting variations in the manufacture of this useful and beautiful product. As a rule, each of them has the same instructions, depending on the type of product.

    Detailed plan for creating blinds:

    1. First, you should take measurements correctly: determine the perimeter and decide which ones will fit best into the room.
    2. You need to add another quarter to the length number, but the width should remain the same. This must be done so that after manufacturing the structure will work.
    3. The length of the cord should have some reserve, since they will need to be tied at the ends.
    4. The next step is to prepare the wallpaper. If they have an ornament, then it must be chosen wisely and it is important not to disturb it during the cutting process.
    5. A fragment of wallpaper needs to be folded into an accordion. The thickness of each fold should not exceed 5 cm. If the width of the folds is made thicker, the product may lose its appearance. Correctness can be checked after all manipulations - the end of one of the sides of the canvas should look like the letter “L”. This will become the bottom of the product.

    Making blinds from wallpaper with your own hands is not difficult and consists of a few simple steps.

    Final moments in the process of creating blinds

    There are a few decisive steps left that will help you make blinds that protect from unnecessary bright light:

    1. The next step is to find the middle of the canvas. Here you need to make holes with a hole punch. Secure the back side with tape and repeat the action.
    2. Insert a cord into the hole, and then straighten the fabric to find out what length is required. The upper end must be secured with a knot.
    3. Next you need to prepare the mount to the window frame. Double-sided tape should be attached along the entire length of the upper end of the blinds.
    4. Glue a piece of adhesive tape on the last strip on the left side.
    5. Decorate the bottom in the form of a “peacock tail”. Pinch the bottom five pleats and secure them with tape. Wrap the cord on the opposite side.
    6. Attach a clamp to the cord. It needs to be pulled to the top, if you need to raise the blinds, close the window - lower the fastening along the cord to the bottom.

    Advice. To improve the appearance of the blinds, you can decorate them with various decorative elements and decorations that match the style of the product and interior.

    The manufactured product is not only spectacular, but also useful, practical, and functional. It can decorate any room and save cash and the process of creating it will not take much time. In addition, you can feel like a real designer and plunge headlong into the exciting process of creating this product, which is necessary in every life.

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