How to make a sugar machine with your own hands. Homemade cotton candy is a return to childhood. The secret of colored cotton candy

Surely many people associate cotton candy with childhood, trips to the park or square, which were always accompanied by eating it. Sometimes you want to remember this taste, but a family trip for a walk is not planned yet. In this case, you can make cotton candy at home with your own hands using a simple set of ingredients. Without a special apparatus, the process, of course, will be difficult, but if desired, it can be mastered.

If you plan to prepare this delicacy often, pampering your children and yourself, it makes sense to purchase required device. Its cost is relatively small, it is easy to use and completely safe.


If you decide to purchase a device for cotton candy, or more precisely, for its preparation, you need to know how to use it correctly:

The process of making cotton candy using special equipment is carried out in several stages. The device is warming up. Pour 1-2 tsp of sugar onto the disc. When melted, the product turns into crispy, sweet threads. Now they need to be transferred to a stick.

You can use bamboo or sushi chopsticks. They are lowered into a bowl in a vertical position. When rotated, the threads themselves wind around it, forming fluffy ball. If fibers remain on the walls of the container, they can also be picked up using a stick. cotton candy.

If there is a need to prepare colored treats, you can use dyes by adding them to sugar.

This equipment allows you to quickly prepare delicious sweets, but it also has its drawbacks:

  • The device is quite bulky. Its dimensions are similar to those of a food processor or slow cooker;
  • Inexpensive equipment heats up very quickly, so when preparing cotton candy, they need to be turned off periodically. If this is not done, the device will soon fail.

Do not forget to clean the bowl of the machine, otherwise over time it will be completely covered with a layer of sugar.

Having such a device, you can organize constant production cotton candy. Some even think that it is great idea to create and develop your business.

DIY equipment

The operating principle of the device is simple, which encourages many to create it themselves. To do this, you will need a simple set of materials that can be found, perhaps, in every home, and skillful hands.

Here's how to build this device with your own hands. Clean 2 tin caps (eg bottle caps) with a file or sandpaper. Make a large hole in one of them and several small ones in the second lid, connect them with wire.

Now you need to attach a motor from some home electronic device (for example, a hair dryer) to them. Using wire, attach the entire structure to a board, which will become the base of the device. Using the terminals, attach the motor with the battery (you can use a crown battery).

Place thick cardboard on one side to create a partition. The device in which you can make cotton candy at home is ready and can be used like regular equipment. You can heat the rotating drum using a candle or lighter.

Despite the simplicity of the design, it is not safe, so it is better to acquire original equipment or do without it altogether. A delicacy prepared with your own hands will turn out no worse than one made using a machine.

In a frying pan or in a saucepan

To start, practice cooking with a small amount of ingredients. The process will require skill. In this regard, it is possible that the first couple of times you will just have to practice.


  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 0.5 cups;
  • vinegar – 2 drops;
  • fork, Chinese chopsticks.

Cooking method:

That's the whole cooking principle. Don't forget about safety precautions. Hot sugar syrup can burn if you are not careful when handling it.

If the first time the cotton wool does not turn out as you expected, there is no need to be upset - next time it will be better.

Colored treat

Colored cotton candy is especially loved by children and adults, but how to make it at home? It's absolutely not difficult. Today there is a huge variety of dyes and food additives, which will allow the treat to acquire a new taste.

The most popular dyes: yellow curcumin, red betanin, yellow saffron, purple anthocyanin, fiery red paprika. True, when studying their composition, it becomes clear that there are very few natural ingredients - all chemicals. When preparing treats for children, you should not use such components.

You can make colored cotton wool using the juice of fruits and berries (strawberries, raspberries, lemons, oranges, mint syrup, etc.). It diversifies the taste and gives beautiful color. The technology for preparing the treat will not change - just add the juice to the rest of the ingredients.

If you cook in a frying pan (or in a saucepan), use less water - the required volume of liquid will be replenished with juice. Having prepared several syrups with different additives, you can connect their threads, then the sweetness will turn out to be multi-colored.

When preparing the ingredients, it is important to consider that the sugar for making cotton candy should be the most high quality. You should not use dyed raw materials - most likely, they were used to give color chemicals, so just use natural dyes.

Perhaps everyone likes it. However, it is not advisable to purchase a device for its manufacture solely for home purposes. After all, installation costs a lot of money. However, you can make a cotton candy machine with your own hands.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

Almost everyone can create a machine for making cotton candy with their own hands. This requires few materials and tools. You will need a large saucepan, as well as some accessories that can be found in anyone's pantry. With a little effort, you can create a device without spending a penny. With the help homemade device You can make any quantity of treats at any time.

Required parts and tools

So, as already mentioned, to make the apparatus you will need a large saucepan. But that's not all. You also need a special container where the sugar will be poured. The container must be made of fire-resistant material. After all, the sugar will heat up and melt in it. In this case, the container should rotate and throw out thin threads of cotton wool. Of course, that's not all. So, to create a machine for making cotton candy with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  1. Several drills, it is advisable to have a very thin one on hand - no more than one millimeter in diameter, and a drill.
  2. or metal scissors.
  3. Set of files.
  4. Soldering iron.

Device components

A sweet made without a machine is unlikely to turn out so airy and light. To create the device you will need the following components:

  1. Jet lighter. Such a device is characterized by a blue flame. This type of lighter produces heat, the temperature of which is significantly higher than the heating temperature ordinary lighters. When burning, the device does not emit soot. It is worth considering that the lighter should be installed so that it can burn on its own. It will be much more convenient.
  2. Power supply for the electric motor. It could be a regular battery.
  3. DC electric motor. The device must be powered from low voltage.
  4. A tin can, for example, for vegetables.
  5. Small lid for lighter.
  6. Bucket or large saucepan.
  7. Washer, bolt, nut.
  8. A rod longer than the length of a metal or wood pan.
  9. Tube 15 centimeters long.

Lighter mount

Let's look at how to create a cotton candy machine with your own hands. First you need to create a stand for the lighter. To do this, the device must be wrapped cling film in two layers. To secure the lighter, you should mix a small amount of epoxy glue, apply it to the milk cap and glue the lighter. When everything hardens, you need to take the device and remove the film from it. That's all, the lighter stand is ready. It can be removed at any time.

Installation of rod and motor

In order for a ready-made cotton candy machine, created with your own hands, to work, you need an engine. It can be connected using a short tube or a metal rod to a tin can. It's much more convenient. It is worth making one hole at the ends of the tube or rod. Each of them has its own purpose. One will serve to connect to the motor shaft. You can secure it with superglue. You can also use a locking screw. In this case, another hole will be required. However, this method allows you to remove the engine if necessary.

The second hole is needed for mounting tin can. It is best to secure the container with a bolt. After this, the engine must be secured to the crossbar. This is done very simply. It is enough to drill two holes in the center of the strip. It is better to secure the engine with two screws.

Preparing the Can

So, the machine for cotton candy is practically made with your own hands. The tin can will serve as the container inside which the sugar will melt. To do this, you need to pour the product into it and spin it. A hole should be made along the top edge of the jar. The top cover must be completely removed. It is better to clean the edge with a file.

You need to make a lot of holes on the sides of the tin can, preferably near the bottom edge. To do this, you should use drills with the smallest diameter that exists. It is better to retreat one centimeter from the bottom seam, and only then can you make holes.

Installing the container

It is worth making a hole in the tin can for attaching directly to the rod. The container will be secured using a nut and bolt. If desired, the can can simply be soldered to a metal rod or nailed to a wooden plank. However, bolting is best option, as it allows you to replace the container.

The jar should be located above the fire source inside the pan or bucket.

How to prepare cotton wool

That's it. The DIY cotton candy machine is fully prepared for use. It's quite simple to use. All you have to do is light a lighter, pour some sugar into a can and start the engine. The lighter should be installed inside a pan or bucket.

As the jar heats up, the sugar will begin to melt and fly out through the holes in the jar, forming cotton candy fibers. After making the required amount of treats, all that remains is to collect everything on a bamboo skewer. As you can see, everything is simple.

We will show you how you can make cotton candy at home and make a device for it with your own hands from regular fan. To work, we will need 2 CDs, cut out two “washers” from them:

They are made easily and simply, you put something round on the disk, for example a coin, and trace it with a marker. After this, heat up the stationery knife and easily cut out all the excess. A hole in the center can be made using something also heated on the stove.

To begin with, we take the remaining disk we have and glue our washers to it, we need to do this strictly in the center, if we neglect this rule, our disk will vibrate, and in the end nothing will work.

Our attachment for the cotton candy making machine is ready, now let’s move on to the fan. Lay it on the floor and remove it protective cover, then remove the propeller. Take the middle box and make a round hole in its bottom:

Our machine for making cotton candy is ready, as you can see, everything is done with your own hands, very simply and at home. Now all that remains is to prepare the syrup.

DIY cotton candy machine

It is done very simply, put a large metal mug of water or a small saucepan on medium heat, add 50/50 sugar and water, mix everything thoroughly. The syrup will be ready when a yellowish tint appears, but under no circumstances should it be dark brown. Now you can proceed directly to making cotton candy, turn on our machine and begin pouring syrup into the “disc” in small drops:

The result is excellent cotton candy, no worse than the one you could try in parks and at public events. After making cotton candy, the fan is easily put back together.

Video on how to make a cotton candy machine with your own hands:

Backup video lesson on how to make a cotton candy machine at home with your own hands:

Do-it-yourself cotton candy making machine

We are pleased to present you with the drawings of the device and the technology for preparing “FESHMAKA”. It won’t take you much time to make a simple device for preparing it.
Feshmak is a caramel-type product, popularly called “cotton candy”, usually in the form of a bundle of elongated thin white threads.
One kilogram of sugar produces up to 80 servings of the finished product.

The simplest design for preparing feshmak at home with a capacity of approximately 160 servings per hour consists of a 220 V electric motor with a power of 50 to 300 W with a rotor speed of 1250 - 1500 rpm and a disk made of sheet aluminum with a diameter of 170 - 180 mm and a thickness attached to its shaft 0.2 - 0.3 mm. To make a disk, you can use tin from a herring can. At a distance of 350 - 400 mm from the center of the disk, a fence made of plastic, linoleum, etc. is installed.

Homemade cotton candy

If you seriously decide to start making a feshmak, we recommend using the design shown in Fig. 1.
For its manufacture it is necessary to use materials provided for by GOST for the food industry.

Rice. 1
1- electric motor;
2 - working disk;
3 - container made of material recommended by GOST;
4 - bushing;
5 — stand on wheels (4 pcs.)

Rice. 2
Apparatus for preparing “feshmak”:
1 - electric motor;
2 - power cord;
3 — disk fastening bolt;
4 - the resulting layer of cotton candy.


The design of the device we propose reflects only the basic principle of the production of “cotton candy”; it is elementary and easy to manufacture. If you wish, you can improve the device yourself by mechanizing some of the manual labor.

Method for making cotton candy.

First you need to prepare the caramel mass. It is prepared without making molasses, which simplifies the cooking process. The mass is not candied due to the formation of invert sugar under the influence of vinegar essence added in the middle of cooking. So, dissolve in a small amount of water (about 3 parts sand 1 part water) granulated sugar and boil for 10 minutes, after which vinegar essence is added (3 ml of essence per 1 kg of sugar) and the mass is boiled again for 10 - 12 minutes. After this, the mass is heated over very low heat for 25 - 30 minutes. until a strong caramel sample is obtained with a moisture content of 1.5 - 1.7%. Humidity is determined by the boiling point of the mass. At the beginning of boiling it should be 100 - 105?, and at the end - 135 - 145?. Without allowing it to cool, pour the finished mixture in a thin stream onto the edge of the rotating disk (2 - 4 mm from the edge). To do this, it is convenient to use a small enamel ladle. Hot syrup, breaking into thousands of thin threads, hardens at room temperature, forming a layer of “cotton wool”.
At high humidity ambient air it is impossible to obtain a high quality product. In this case, you can close the device with a lid with a hole for pouring caramel mass. Turn off the electric motor and separate the threads from the body. Cut the finished product along the diameter line and roll the resulting semicircle into a tube on the table. Do the same with the second semicircle. Then cut the cotton wool into required quantity servings. The product must have white and a pleasant sweet taste. When using food coloring, the product takes on a more attractive appearance.
To maintain the high quality of the “cotton wool”, it is necessary to clean the disk from adhering syrup after each working cycle. Feshmak cannot be stored long time on outdoors- this is his significant drawback. Sealed packaging and refrigeration will keep it for a day or more.
Do not despair if you are not satisfied with the quality of the product the first time. The main condition for success is the accuracy of each operation.

This material was taken from the site

Since childhood, we all love the taste of cotton candy, which is associated with summer walks in the parks and the happiest moments. Now such a delicacy can be purchased even in ordinary grocery store, but the taste is no longer the same, and the quality is cause for concern. That's why best way go back to childhood again - make cotton candy with your own hands.

Cotton candy recipe

If you're willing to put in some time and effort, we'll show you how to make cotton candy in your kitchen.


  • water – ½ cup;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • vinegar - a few drops.


Before you make cotton candy yourself, you need to stock up on everything you need, namely: a saucepan or frying pan in which you will cook and forks or Chinese chopsticks that will serve as holders for the cotton candy.

Start preparing homemade cotton candy with, to do this, mix sugar, water and vinegar and pour the resulting mixture into the prepared bowl. Place on the fire and heat, stirring all the time. You need to bring the liquid to a boil, after which you can remove the pan from the heat, cool the contents, and then heat it again. This manipulation should be repeated 4-5 times. As a result you should get caramel golden color, quite thick consistency.

Now comes the most crucial moment. Dip a fork into the hot caramel and begin moving it around the prepared and pre-attached holder. This way you should wind the sugar threads around the holder. You need to continue this process until you get volume like real cotton candy. Don’t be discouraged if something doesn’t work out the first time, you need to get better at this.

Please note that the sugar threads are very hot, so you should be extremely careful when winding, and children should not be allowed into the kitchen at all. In addition, before making cotton candy at home, you should cover all working and adjacent surfaces with film or paper, so that you don’t have to wash them for a long time and painfully.

For those who are interested in how to make fruity cotton candy at home, we offer the following recipe.


  • water – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • vinegar – 1-2 drops;
  • flavoring additives.


We all love the colorful, flavored cotton candy found in stores, but it turns out that this treat can also be made at home. First, prepare the sugar syrup - mix water and sugar in a saucepan, add the vinegar and mix everything well. And now it’s the turn of additives for cotton candy: you can take ready-made ones, which are sold in the store, or you can use natural ones. Perfect for adding color and flavor to cotton candy. lemon juice, raspberry, or even beet juice, choose at your discretion.

After adding the selected additive to the syrup, put it on low heat and cook, stirring constantly. After Once the mixture boils, remove it from the heat, cool slightly and return to simmer. Do this 4 or 5 times, but be careful that the color of the mixture in the pan is golden brown and not dark. It should turn out thick and stretch well.

Now select the utensils for making cotton wool. Take, for example, wooden sticks, fix them vertically on the surface and make sure that they hold well and will not fall. After this, dip the tip of the whisk in sugar syrup and move it around the stick, winding sugar threads around it. Break the frozen unused mass that remains in the pan into pieces and you will have delicious candies.

For a fairly small cotton candy making machine, you will need several essential components. First of all, you will need a base - metal or wood. The entire structure of the machine will be attached to it. The base, or body, should have holes along the edges into which nails are driven or cylinders are welded.

You will need an engine. Its power determines the size of all other parts of the device, since the more powerful the engine, the larger it is. You can use the engine from a tape recorder or washing machine.

For sugar that heats up during cooking, a sufficiently large bowl is necessary. Since it will heat up, the material must be safe and not melt from high temperatures.

Last necessary element- power supply. Can be anything - or a 220V network.

This design reflects the manufacturing principle and can be modified and improved in any desired way.

Build process

The basis of a simple apparatus for making cotton wool will be a board. There are nails driven into it to secure the engine, but you can also attach the engine with wire.

The engine uses a simple tape motor with several holes and a small shaft. The bowl is fixed to the shaft, and with the help of holes the engine is attached to the base.

Bowl - most complex element in the design of a cotton candy making machine. You can use plugs small size- from beer or ketchup. Cans of Pepsi, beer and other drinks can be used, provided they are cut straight. Any objects are treated with sandpaper to remove all paint.

After this, a hole is made in the middle and many small holes are punched around the perimeter. In the second plug, a small hole is made in the middle and 4 more around the perimeter.

Using wire, both parts are connected together. Upper part- with a large hole in the middle, and the bottom - with many small holes around the perimeter. The finished bowl is secured to the engine. Now, in order to make the first batch of cotton candy, you just need to power the engine with an old charger.

To do this, cut off the plug from the charger (so it doesn’t matter what type of charger it is) and strip the wires at the end. Connect to the engine, observing polarity, and plug into the network. If the bowl moves without falling off, everything is done correctly.

Manufacturing process

You need sugar and a source of heat. Sugar is poured into a bowl and heated to a fluid state. Then the device turns on and with a stick you can collect thin threads of cotton candy.
With high air humidity good product it won't work. In this case, you can develop a design with a lid.

You can’t make a lot of cotton wool with such a device, but it will be enough to please children on Sundays.

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