Ozone is so different: five facts about a gas that can save and kill. General information about medical ozone

MOSCOW, September 16 – RIA Novosti. International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, a thin “shield” that protects all life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation Sun, celebrated on Monday, September 16 - on this day in 1987 the famous Montreal Protocol was signed.

Under normal conditions, ozone, or O3, is a pale blue gas that turns into a dark blue liquid and then into blue-black crystals as it cools. In total, ozone in the planet's atmosphere accounts for about 0.6 parts per million by volume: this means, for example, that in every cubic meter of the atmosphere there is only 0.6 cubic centimeter ozone. For comparison, carbon dioxide there are already about 400 parts per million in the atmosphere - that is, more than two glasses for the same cubic meter of air.

In fact, such a small concentration of ozone can be called a blessing for the Earth: this gas, which forms the life-saving ozone layer at an altitude of 15-30 kilometers, is much less “noble” in the immediate vicinity of humans. According to the Russian classification, ozone belongs to the substances of the highest, first hazard class - it is a very strong oxidizing agent that is extremely toxic to humans.

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone LayerIn 1994, the UN General Assembly proclaimed September 16 as International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. On this day in 1987, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed.

RIA Novosti was helped to understand the different properties of complex ozone by Vadim Samoilovich, a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Catalysis and Gas Electrochemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Ozone shield

“This is a fairly well-studied gas, almost everything has been studied - everything never happens, but the main thing (is known) ... Ozone has many different applications. But don’t forget that, generally speaking, life arose thanks to the ozone layer - this is probably main point", says Samoilovich.

In the stratosphere, ozone is formed from oxygen as a result of photochemical reactions - such reactions begin under the influence of solar radiation. There the ozone concentration is already higher - about 8 milliliters per cubic meter. The gas is destroyed when it “meets” with certain compounds, for example, atomic chlorine and bromine - these are the substances that are part of dangerous chlorofluorocarbons, better known as freons. Before the Montreal Protocol, they were used, among other things, in the refrigeration industry and as propellants in gas cartridges.

The protocol to protect the ozone layer has fulfilled its task, scientists sayThe Montreal Protocol has fulfilled its purpose - observations show that the content of ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere is decreasing, and with the help of the agreement, the scientific community has made great progress in understanding the processes in the atmosphere associated with the ozone layer, the Russian representative in the International Ozone Commission, a leading scientist, told RIA Novosti Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Gruzdev.

In 2012, when the Montreal Protocol celebrated its 25th anniversary, experts from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) named protecting the ozone layer as one of just four key environmental problems, in which humanity has achieved significant success. At the same time, UNEP noted that the ozone content in the stratosphere had stopped declining since 1998, and, according to scientists’ forecasts, by 2050-2075 it could return to the levels recorded before 1980.

Ozone smog

30 kilometers from the Earth's surface, ozone "behaves" well, but in the troposphere, the surface layer, it turns out to be a dangerous pollutant. According to UNEP, the concentration of tropospheric ozone in the Northern Hemisphere has almost tripled over the past 100 years, which also makes it the third most important “anthropogenic” greenhouse gas.

Here, ozone is also not released into the atmosphere, but is formed under the influence of solar radiation in the air, which is already polluted with ozone “precursors” - nitrogen oxides, volatile hydrocarbons and some other compounds. In cities where ozone is one of the main components of smog, vehicle emissions are indirectly “to blame” for its appearance.

It's not just people and the climate that suffer from ground-level ozone. UNEP estimates that reducing tropospheric ozone concentrations could help preserve about 25 million tons of rice, wheat, soybeans and corn that are lost annually due to this gas, which is toxic to plants.

Primorye experts: ozone holes are appearing, but who is to blame is unclearReasons for appearance ozone holes still remain a controversial topic among experts. On the day of protection of the ozone layer, Primorye experts told RIA Novosti about what theories there are for its damage and how much neighboring China, whose energy is based on coal, influences the condition of this part of the stratosphere.

It is precisely because ground-level ozone is no longer so useful that experts from meteorological services and environmental monitoring constantly monitor its concentrations in the air of large cities, including Moscow.

Ozone is beneficial

“One of the very interesting properties of ozone is bactericidal. In terms of bactericidal activity, it is practically the first among all such substances, chlorine, manganese peroxide, chlorine oxide,” notes Vadim Samoilovich.

The same extreme nature of ozone, which makes it a very strong oxidizing agent, explains the applications of this gas. Ozone is used for sterilization and disinfection of premises, clothing, instruments and, of course, water purification - both drinking and industrial and even waste water.

In addition, the expert emphasizes, ozone in many countries is used as a substitute for chlorine in installations for bleaching cellulose.

“Chlorine (when reacting) with organic matter produces, respectively, an organochlorine, which is much more toxic than just chlorine. By and large, this (the appearance of toxic waste - ed.) can be avoided either by sharply reducing the concentration of chlorine, or simply eliminating it. One of the options — replacing chlorine with ozone,” explained Samoilovich.

Air can also be ozonized, and this also gives interesting results - for example, according to Samoilovich, in Ivanovo, specialists from the All-Russian Research Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and their colleagues conducted a whole series of studies during which “in spinning shops a certain amount of ozone was added to ordinary ventilation ducts.” As a result, the prevalence of respiratory diseases decreased, and labor productivity, on the contrary, increased. Ozonation of air in food warehouses can increase its safety, and there are also such experiences in other countries.

Ozone is toxic

Australian flights produce the most toxic ozoneResearchers have discovered a thousand-kilometre-wide "spot" in the Pacific Ocean where tropospheric ozone is generated most efficiently, and also identified the most ozone-producing flights - all of which have destinations in Australia or New Zealand.

The catch with using ozone is still the same - its toxicity. In Russia, the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) for ozone in atmospheric air is 0.16 milligrams per cubic meter, and in the air of the work area - 0.1 milligrams. Therefore, notes Samoilovich, the same ozonation requires constant monitoring, which greatly complicates the matter.

“This technique is still quite complex. Pour out a bucket of some kind of bactericide - it’s much simpler, pour it out and that’s it, but here you need to watch, there must be some kind of preparation,” says the scientist.

Ozone harms the human body slowly but seriously - with prolonged exposure to ozone-polluted air, the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases increases. When it reacts with cholesterol, it forms insoluble compounds, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis.

“At concentrations above the maximum permissible levels, headaches, irritation of mucous membranes, cough, dizziness, general fatigue, and decline in cardiac activity may occur. Toxic ground-level ozone leads to the appearance or exacerbation of respiratory diseases; children, the elderly, and asthmatics are at risk,” — noted on the website of the Central Aerological Observatory (CAO) of Roshydromet.

Ozone is explosive

Ozone is not only harmful to inhale, but matches should also be hidden away, because this gas is very explosive. Traditionally, the “threshold” for dangerous concentrations of ozone gas is considered to be 300-350 milliliters per liter of air, although some scientists work with more high levels, says Samoilovich. But liquid ozone - that same blue liquid that darkens as it cools - explodes spontaneously.

This is what prevents the use of liquid ozone as an oxidizing agent in rocket fuel- such ideas appeared shortly after the beginning of the space age.

"Our laboratory at the university arose precisely on this idea. Each rocket fuel has its own calorific value in the reaction, that is, how much heat is released when it burns, and hence how powerful the rocket will be. So, it is known that the most powerful option is to mix liquid hydrogen with liquid ozone... But there is one drawback. Liquid ozone explodes, and it explodes spontaneously, that is, without any apparent reason,” says a representative of Moscow State University.

According to him, both Soviet and American laboratories spent “a huge amount of effort and time trying to make this somehow safe (an affair) - it turned out that it was impossible to do this.” Samoilovich recalls that once colleagues from the United States managed to obtain especially pure ozone, which “seemed to” not explode, “everyone was already hitting the kettledrums,” but then the entire plant exploded and work was stopped.

“We have had cases where, say, a flask with liquid ozone sits and stands, liquid nitrogen is poured into it, and then - either the nitrogen boiled away or something - you come, and half of the installation is missing, everything has been blown to dust. Why it exploded - who knows,” the scientist notes.

Ozone is a gaseous substance that is a modification of oxygen (consists of three atoms). It is always present in the atmosphere, but was first discovered in 1785 while studying the effect of a spark on air by the Dutch physicist Van Marum. In 1840, the German chemist Christian Friedrich Schönbein confirmed these observations and proposed that he had discovered a new element, which he gave the name “ozone” (from the Greek ozon - smelling). In 1850, the high activity of ozone as an oxidizing agent and its ability to attach to double bonds in reactions with many organic compounds were determined. Both of these properties of ozone later found wide practical application. However, the importance of ozone is not limited to just these two properties. It has been found to have a number of valuable properties as a disinfectant and deodorant.
Ozone was first used in sanitation as a means of disinfection. drinking water and air. Russian scientists were among the first researchers of ozonation processes. Back in 1874, the founder of the first "school of (Russian) hygienists, Professor A.D. Dobroe shvin, proposed ozone as the best means for disinfecting drinking water and air from pathogenic microflora. Later, in 1886, N.K. Keldysh conducted research bactericidal action of ozone and recommended it as highly effective disinfectant. Ozone research became especially widespread in the 20th century. And already in 1911, the first ozone and water supply station in Europe was put into operation in St. Petersburg. During the same period, numerous studies of ozonation were carried out for therapeutic purposes in medicine, for sanitary purposes in food industry, in oxidative processes in the chemical industry, etc.
The scope and extent of ozone use has been increasing rapidly over the past decade. Currently, the most important applications of ozone are the following: cleaning and disinfection of drinking water and industrial water, as well as household, fecal and industrial wastewater in order to reduce biological oxygen demand (BOD), discoloration, neutralization of harmful toxic substances (cyanides, phenols, mercaptans), elimination unpleasant odors, deodorization and air purification of various industries, ozonation in air conditioning systems, food storage, sterilization of packaging and dressing materials in the pharmaceutical industry, therapy and medical prevention various diseases etc.
In recent years, another property of ozone has been established - the ability to increase the biological value of animal feed and human food, which has made it possible to use ozone in the processes of processing, preparation and storage of feed and various products. Therefore, the development of ozonation technologies in agricultural production, and in particular in poultry farming, is very promising

Physical properties of ozone

Ozone is a highly reactive, allotropic form of oxygen; at normal temperatures it is a light blue gas with a characteristic pungent odor (the odor is organoleptically felt at an ozone concentration of 0.015 mg/m3 of air). In the liquid phase, ozone has an indigo-blue color, and in the solid phase it has a thick violet-bluish color; a 1 mm thick ozone layer is practically opaque to light. Ozone is formed from oxygen, absorbing heat and, conversely, during decomposition it turns into oxygen, releasing heat (similar to combustion). This process can be written as follows:
Exothermic reaction
2Oz=ZO2+68 kcal
Endothermic reaction

The rates of these reactions depend on temperature, pressure and ozone concentration. At normal temperature and pressure, the reactions proceed slowly, but at elevated temperatures the decomposition of ozone accelerates.
The formation of ozone under the influence of energy from various radiations is quite complex. The primary processes of ozone formation from oxygen can occur in different ways depending on the amount of energy applied.
Excitation of the oxygen molecule occurs at an electron energy of 6.1 eV; the formation of molecular oxygen ions - at an electron energy of 12.2 eV; dissociation in oxygen - at an electron energy of 19.2 eV. All free electrons are captured by oxygen molecules, resulting in the formation of negative oxygen ions. After the molecule is excited, the formation of ozone occurs.
At an electron energy of 12.2 eV, when the formation of molecular oxygen ions occurs, no ozone is observed, and at an electron energy of 19.2 eV, when both an oxygen atom and an ion are involved, ozone is formed. Along with this, positive and negative oxygen ions are formed. The mechanism of ozone decay*, which involves homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, is complex and depends on conditions. The decomposition of ozone is accelerated in homogeneous systems by gaseous additives (nitrogen oxides, chlorine, etc.), and in heterogeneous systems by metals (mercury, silver, copper, etc.) and metal oxides (iron, copper, nickel, lead, etc.). At high ozone concentrations, the reaction occurs explosively. At ozone concentrations of up to 10%, explosive decomposition does not occur. Low temperatures help preserve ozone. At temperatures around - 183°C, liquid ozone can be stored long time without noticeable decomposition. Rapid heating to boiling point (-119°C) or rapid cooling of ozone may cause an explosion. Therefore, knowing the properties of ozone and taking precautions is very important when working with it. Table 1 shows the main physical properties of ozone.
In the gaseous state, ozone is diamagnetic, and in the liquid state it is weakly paramagnetic. Ozone dissolves well in essential oils, turpentine, carbon tetrachloride. Its solubility in water is more than 15 times higher than oxygen.
The ozone molecule, as already noted, consists of three oxygen atoms and has an asymmetrical triangle structure, characterized by an obtuse vertex angle (116.5°) and equal nuclear distances (1.28°A) with an average binding energy (78 kcal/mol) and weak polarity (0.58).

Basic physical properties of ozone

Indicator Meaning
Molecular weight 47,998
Specific gravity by air 1,624
Density at NTD 2.1415 g/l
Volume at NTD 506 cm3/g
Melting point - 192.5° C
Boiling point -111.9°C
Critical temperature - 12.1° C
Critical pressure 54.6 atm
Critical volume 147.1 cm3/mol
Viscosity at NTD 127- KG* pauses
Heat of formation (18° C) 34.2 kcal/mol
Heat of evaporation (-112° C) 74.6 kcal/mol
Heat of solution (HgO, 18° C) 3.9 kcal/mol
Ionization potential 12.8 eV
Electron affinity 1.9-2.7 eV
Dielectric constant
Gaseous ozone at NTD
Thermal conductivity (25°C) 3.3- 10~"5 cal/s-cm2
Detonation speed (25°C) 1863 m/s
Detonation pressure (25°C) 30 atm
Magnetic susceptibility
(18° C) 0.002-10-6 units
Molecular coefficients
.xtintia (25° C) 3360 cm""1 mol (at 252 nmUPL); 1.32cm-1
(at 605 nm visible light)
Solubility in water at ("C):
0 1.13 g/l
10 0.875 g/l
20 0.688 g/l
40 0.450 g/l
CO 0.307 g/l
Ozone solubility:
in acetic acid (18.2° C) 2.5 g/l
in trichloroacetic acid, 0 "C) 1.69 g/l
, acetic anhydride (0°C) 2.15 g/l
in propionic acid (17.3° C) 3.6 g/l
in propionic acid anhydride (18.2° C) 2.8 g/l
in carbon tetrachloride (21° C) 2.95 g/l

The optical properties of ozone are characterized by its instability to radiation of various spectral compositions. Radiation can not only be absorbed by ozone, destroying it, but also form ozone. The formation of ozone in the atmosphere occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the sun in the short-wave region of the spectrum 210-220 and 175 nm. In this case, two ozone molecules are formed per absorbed quantum of light. Spectral properties of ozone, its formation and decay under the influence solar radiation provide optimal climate parameters in the Earth's biosphere.

golnik, characterized by an obtuse apex angle (116.5°) and equal nuclear distances (1.28°A) with an average binding energy (78 kcal/mol) and weak polarity (0.58).
The optical properties of ozone are characterized by its instability to radiation of various spectral compositions. Radiation can not only be absorbed by ozone, destroying it, but also form ozone. The formation of ozone in the atmosphere occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the sun in the short-wave region of the spectrum 210-220 and 175 nm. In this case, two ozone molecules are formed per absorbed quantum of light. The spectral properties of ozone, its formation and decay under the influence of solar radiation provide optimal climate parameters in the Earth's biosphere.
Ozone has a good ability to be adsorbed by silica gel and aluminum gel, which makes it possible to use this phenomenon for the extraction of ozone from gas mixtures and solutions, as well as for its safe handling at high concentrations. IN lately For safe work with high concentrations of ozone, freons are widely used. Concentrated ozone dissolved in freon can persist for a long time.
During the synthesis of ozone, as a rule, gas mixtures are formed (O3 + O2 or Oz + air), in which the ozone content does not exceed 2-5% by volume. Obtaining pure ozone is a technically difficult task and has not yet been solved. There is a method for separating oxygen from mixtures by low-temperature rectification of gas mixtures. However, it has not yet been possible to eliminate the danger of an ozone explosion during rectification. In research practice, the technique of double freezing ozone with liquid nitrogen is often used, which makes it possible to obtain concentrated ozone. A safer method for producing concentrated ozone is by adsorption-desorption, when a stream of gas mixture is blown through a layer of cooled (-80°C) silica gel, and then the adsorbent is purged with an inert gas (nitrogen or helium). Using this method, you can obtain an ozone: oxygen ratio of 9:1, i.e. highly concentrated ozone.
The industrial use of concentrated ozone as an oxidizing component is insignificant.

Chemical properties of ozone

The characteristic chemical properties of ozone should primarily be considered its instability, ability to quickly decompose, and high oxidizing activity.
For ozone, the oxidation number I has been established, which characterizes the number of oxygen atoms donated by ozone to the substance being oxidized. As experiments have shown, it can be equal to 0.1, 3. In the first case, ozone decomposes with an increase in volume: 2O3--->3O2, in the second it gives one oxygen atom to the oxidized substance: O3 -> O2 + O (at the same time, the volume does not increase), and in the third case, ozone joins the oxidized substance: O3->3O (in this case, its volume decreases).
Oxidizing properties characterize the chemical reactions of ozone with inorganic substances.
Ozone oxidizes all metals, with the exception of gold and the platinum group. Sulfur compounds are oxidized by it to sulphates, nitrites - into nitrates. In reactions with iodine and bromine compounds, ozone exhibits reducing properties, and a number of methods for its quantitative determination are based on this. Nitrogen, carbon and their oxides react with ozone. In the reaction of ozone with hydrogen, hydroxyl radicals are formed: H+O3->HO+O2. Nitrogen oxides react quickly with ozone, forming higher oxides:
Ammonia is oxidized by ozone into ammonium nitrate.
Ozone decomposes hydrogen halides and converts lower oxides to higher ones. Halogens, participating as activators of the process, also form higher oxides.
The reduction potential of ozone - oxygen is quite high and in an acidic environment is determined to be 2.07 V, and in an alkaline solution - 1.24 V. The electron affinity of ozone is determined to be 2 eV, and only fluorine, its oxides and free radicals are stronger electron affinity.
The high oxidative effect of ozone was used to convert a number of transuranic elements into the heptavalent state, although their highest valence state is 6. The reaction of ozone with metals of variable valence (Cr, Cor, etc.) finds practical application in the production of feedstock in the production of dyes and vitamin PP .
Alkali and alkaline earth metals are oxidized under the influence of ozone, and their hydroxides form ozonides (trioxides). Ozonides have been known for a long time; they were mentioned back in 1886 by the French organic chemist Charles Adolphe Wurtz. They are a crystalline substance of red-brown color, the lattice of whose molecules includes singly negative ozone ions (O3-), which determines their paramagnetic properties. The thermal stability limit of ozonides is -60±2° C, the active oxygen content is 46% by weight. Like many peroxide compounds, alkali metal ozonides have found wide application in regenerative processes.
Ozonides are formed in the reactions of ozone with sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, which go through an intermediate unstable complex of the type M+ O- H+ O3- with further reaction with ozone, resulting in the formation of a mixture of ozonide and aqueous hydrate of alkali metal oxide.
Ozone actively enters into chemical interaction with many organic compounds. Thus, the primary product of the interaction of ozone with the double bond of unsaturated compounds is malozoid, which is unstable and decomposes into a bipolar ion and carbonyl compounds (aldehyde or ketone). The intermediate products that are formed in this reaction combine again in a different sequence, forming ozonide. In the presence of substances capable of reacting with a bipolar ion (alcohols, acids), various peroxide compounds are formed instead of ozonides.
Ozone actively reacts with aromatic compounds, and the reaction occurs both with the destruction of the aromatic core and without its destruction.
In reactions with saturated hydrocarbons, ozone first decomposes to form atomic oxygen, which initiates chain oxidation, and the yield of oxidation products corresponds to the consumption of ozone. The interaction of ozone with saturated hydrocarbons occurs both in the gas phase and in solutions.
Phenols easily react with ozone, and the latter are destroyed into compounds with a damaged aromatic ring (such as quinoine), as well as low-toxic derivatives of unsaturated aldehydes and acids.
The interaction of ozone with organic compounds is widely used in the chemical industry and related industries. Using the reaction of ozone with unsaturated compounds makes it possible to obtain artificially various fatty acids, amino acids, hormones, vitamins and polymeric materials; reactions of ozone with aromatic hydrocarbons - diphenylic acid, phthalic dialdehyde and phthalic acid, glyoxalic acid, etc.
The reactions of ozone with aromatic hydrocarbons formed the basis for the development of methods for deodorization of various environments, premises, waste water, exhaust gases, and with sulfur-containing compounds - as the basis for the development of methods for treating wastewater and waste gases of various industries, including agriculture, from sulfur-containing harmful compounds (hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, sulfur dioxide).

1. What do we know about OZONE?

Ozone (from the Greek ozon - smelling) is a blue gas with a pungent odor, a strong oxidizing agent. Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen. Molecular formula O3. 2.5 times heavier than oxygen. Used to disinfect water, food and air.


Based on corona ozone technology, Green World multifunctional anion ozonizer has been developed, which uses ozone for disinfection and sterilization.

Characteristics of the chemical element ozone

Ozone, scientific name of which O3 is obtained by combining three oxygen atoms. It has high oxidizing functions, which are effective in disinfection and stearylization. It is capable of destroying most bacteria in water and air. It is considered an effective disinfectant and antiseptic. Ozone is an important component of the atmosphere. Our atmosphere contains 0.01ppm-0.04ppm of ozone, which balances the level of bacteria in nature. Ozone is also produced naturally by lightning strikes during thunderstorms. During an electrical discharge of lightning, a pleasant sweet smell appears, which we call fresh air.

Ozone molecules are unstable and very quickly break down into oxygen molecules. This quality makes ozone a valuable gas and water purifier. Ozone molecules combine with molecules of other substances and disintegrate, eventually oxidizing organic compounds, turning them into harmless carbon dioxide and water. Because ozone easily breaks down into oxygen molecules, it is significantly less toxic than other disinfectants such as chlorine. It is also called “the purest oxidizer and disinfectant.”

Properties of ozone - kills microorganisms

1. kills bacteria

a) kills most coli bacteria and staphylococci in the air

b) kills 99.7% of coli bacteria and 99.9% of staphylococci on the surface of objects

c) kills 100% of coli bacteria, staphylococci and salmonella group microbes in phosphate compounds

d) kills 100% of coli bacteria in water

2. destroys bacterial spores

a) destroys brevibacteiumspores

b) the ability to destroy bacteria in the air

c) kills 99.999% of brevibacteiumspores in water

3. destroys viruses

a) destroys 99.99% HBsAg and 100% HAAg

b) destroys the influenza virus in the air

c) destroys PVI and Heppatitis A virus in water within a few seconds or minutes

d) destroys the SA-11 virus in water

e) when the concentration of ozone in the blood serum reaches 4 mg/l, it is capable of destroying HIV in 106cd50/ml

a) kills 100% aspergillusversicolor and penicillium

b) kills 100% of aspergillusniger, fusariumoxysporumf.sp.melonogea and fusariumoxysporumf.sp. lycopersici

c) kills aspergillus niger and candida bacteria

2. How is ozone formed in nature?

It is formed from molecular oxygen (O2) during an electrical discharge or under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This is especially noticeable in places rich in oxygen: in a forest, in a coastal area or near a waterfall. When hit sun rays, in a drop of water, oxygen is converted into ozone. You can also smell ozone after a thunderstorm, when it is formed by an electrical discharge.

3. Why does the air seem cleaner after a thunderstorm?

Ozone oxidizes organic impurities and disinfects the air, giving a pleasant freshness (the smell of a thunderstorm). The characteristic smell of ozone appears at concentrations of 10-7%.

4. What is the ozonosphere? What is its impact on life on the planet?

The bulk of ozone in the atmosphere is located at an altitude of 10 to 50 km with a maximum concentration at an altitude of 20-25 km, forming a layer called the ozonosphere.

The ozonosphere reflects hard ultraviolet radiation and protects living organisms from the harmful effects of radiation. It was thanks to the formation of ozone from atmospheric oxygen that life on land became possible.

5. When was ozone discovered and what is the history of its use?

Ozone was first described in 1785. Dutch physicist Mac Van Marum.

In 1832 prof. The University of Basel Schonbein published the book “Ozone Production chemically" He gave it the name “ozone” from the Greek “smelling”.

In 1857 Werner von Siemens designed the first technical installation for drinking water purification. Since then, ozonation has made it possible to obtain hygienically clean water.

By 1977 There are more than 1,000 drinking water ozonation plants operating worldwide. Currently, 95% of drinking water in Europe is treated with ozone. Ozonation has become widespread in Canada and the USA. There are several large stations in Russia that are used for the purification of drinking water, the preparation of water from swimming pools, and the deep treatment of wastewater in the recycling water supply of car washes.

Ozone was first used as an antiseptic during the First World War.

Since 1935 began to use rectally administered ozone-oxygen mixture to treat various intestinal diseases (proctitis, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, fistulas, suppression of pathogenic microorganisms, restoration of intestinal flora).

Studying the effect of ozone has made it possible to use it in surgical practice for infectious lesions, treatment of tuberculosis, pneumonia, hepatitis, herpes infection, anemia, etc.

In Moscow in 1992 under the leadership of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Zmyzgova A..V. The Scientific and Practical Center for Ozone Therapy was created, where ozone is used to treat a wide range of diseases. The development of effective non-damaging methods using ozone continues. Today ozone is considered popular and effective means disinfection of water, air and food purification. Oxygen-ozone mixtures are also used in the treatment of various diseases, cosmetology and many areas of economics.

6. Can you breathe ozone? Is ozone a harmful gas?

Indeed, breathing high concentrations of ozone is dangerous; it can burn the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs.

Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent. Here lie its positive and harmful properties. It all depends on the concentration, i.e. on the percentage of ozone content in the air. Its action is like fire... In small quantities it supports and heals, in large quantities- can destroy.

7. In what cases are low and high concentrations of ozone used?

Relatively high concentrations are used for disinfection, while lower concentrations of ozone do not damage protein structures and promote healing.

8. What is the effect of ozone on viruses?

Ozone suppresses (inactivates) the virus both outside and inside the cell, partially destroying its shell. The process of its reproduction stops and the ability of viruses to connect with the cells of the body is disrupted.

9. How does the bactericidal property of ozone manifest itself when exposed to microorganisms?

When microorganisms, including yeast, are exposed to ozone, their cell membrane is locally damaged, which leads to their death or inability to reproduce. An increase in the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics was noted.

Experiments have shown that ozone gas kills almost all types of bacteria, viruses, mold and yeast-like fungi and protozoa. Ozone in concentrations from 1 to 5 mg/l leads to the death of 99.9% of Escherichia coli, streptococci, mucobacteria, phylococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Klebsiella, etc. within 4-20 minutes.

10. How does ozone act in inanimate nature?

Ozone reacts with most organic and inorganic substances. During the reactions, oxygen, water, carbon oxides and higher oxides of other elements are formed. All these products do not pollute the environment and do not lead to the formation of carcinogenic substances, unlike chlorine and fluorine compounds.

11. Can compounds formed in residential premises during air ozonation be dangerous?

Ozone concentrations created by a household ozonizer lead to the formation of harmless compounds in residential areas. As a result of ozonation of the room, the oxygen content in the air increases and is purified from viruses and bacteria.

12. What compounds are formed as a result of ozonation of indoor air?

Most of the compounds around us react with ozone, resulting in the formation of harmless compounds.

Most of them break down into carbon dioxide, water and free oxygen. In some cases, inactive (harmless) compounds (oxides) are formed. There are also so-called non-reagent substances - oxides of titanium, silicon, calcium, etc. They do not react with ozone.

13. Is it necessary to ozonate the air in air-conditioned rooms?

After air passes through air conditioners and heating devices, the oxygen content in the air is reduced and the level of toxic air components does not decrease. In addition, old air conditioners themselves are a source of pollution and infection. “Closed room syndrome” - headache, fatigue, frequent respiratory diseases. Ozonation of such premises is simply necessary.

14. Can the air conditioner be disinfected?

Yes, you can.

15. Is the use of air ozonation effective to eliminate odors from smoky rooms and rooms after renovation (smells of paint, varnish)?

Yes, it's effective. The treatment should be carried out several times, combined with wet cleaning.

16. What concentrations of ozone are harmful to bacteria and fungi in home air?

A concentration of 50 ozone particles per 100,000,000 air particles significantly reduces air pollution. Especially strong impact turns out to be on Escherichia coli, salmonella, staphylococcus, candida, aspergillus.

17. Have studies been conducted on the effects of ozonated air on people?

In particular, an experiment is described that was conducted over 5 months with two groups of people - control and test.

The air in the room of the test group was filled with ozone with a concentration of 15 ozone particles per 1000000000 air particles. All subjects noted good health and the disappearance of irritability. Doctors noted an increase in oxygen levels in the blood, a strengthening of the immune system, normalization of blood pressure, and the disappearance of many symptoms of stress.

18. Is ozone harmful to body cells?

Ozone concentrations created by household ozonizers suppress viruses and microorganisms, but do not damage body cells, because Ozone does not damage the skin. Healthy cells of the human body have natural protection against the damaging effects of oxidation (antioxidant). In other words, the action of ozone is selective in relation to living organisms.

This does not preclude the use of precautionary measures. During the ozonation process, staying in the room is undesirable, and after ozonation the room should be ventilated. The ozonizer must be placed in a place inaccessible to children or it must be ensured that it cannot be turned on.

19. What is the productivity of the ozonizer?

In normal mode - 200 mg/hour, in enhanced mode - 400 mg/hour. What is the concentration of ozone in the room as a result of the operation of the ozonator? The concentration depends on the volume of the room, the location of the ozonizer, air humidity and temperature. Ozone is not a stable gas and decomposes quickly, so the concentration of ozone is highly dependent on time. Approximate data 0.01 - 0.04 Ррm.

20. What concentrations of ozone in the air are considered limiting?

Ozone concentrations in the range of 0.5 - 2.5 РРm (0.0001 mg/l) are considered safe.

21. What is water ozonation used for?

Ozone is used to disinfect, remove impurities, odor and color of water.

1. Unlike chlorination and fluoridation of water, during ozonation nothing foreign is introduced into the water (ozone quickly disintegrates). At the same time, the mineral composition and pH remain unchanged.

2. Ozone has the greatest disinfecting properties against pathogens.

3. Organic substances in water are destroyed, thereby preventing further development microorganisms.

4. Most chemicals are destroyed without the formation of harmful compounds. These include pesticides, herbicides, petroleum products, detergents, sulfur and chlorine compounds, which are carcinogens.

5. Metals, including iron, manganese, aluminum, etc., are oxidized to inactive compounds. The oxides precipitate and are easily filtered.

6. Quickly decaying ozone turns into oxygen, improving taste and medicinal properties water.

23. What is the acidity of water that has undergone ozonation?

Water has a slightly alkaline reaction pH = 7.5 - 9.0. This water is recommended for drinking.

24. How much does the oxygen content in water increase after ozonation?

The oxygen content in water increases 12 times.

25. How quickly does ozone decay in air and water?

In the air after 10 minutes. The ozone concentration is reduced by half, forming oxygen and water.

In water after 20-30 minutes. Ozone breaks down into half, forming a hydroxyl group and water.

26. How does heating water affect the oxygen content in it?

The oxygen content in water decreases after heating.

27. What determines the concentration of ozone in water?

Ozone concentration depends on impurities, temperature, acidity of water, material and geometry of the container.

28. Why is the O 3 molecule used and not O 2 ?

Ozone is approximately 10 times more soluble in water than oxygen and is well preserved. The lower the water temperature, the longer the storage time.

29. Why is it beneficial to drink oxygenated water?

The use of ozone increases the consumption of glucose by tissues and organs, increases the saturation of blood plasma with oxygen, reduces the degree of oxygen starvation, and improves microcirculation.

Ozone has a positive effect on liver and kidney metabolism. Supports the functioning of the heart muscle. Reduces breathing rate and increases tidal volume.

30. What is a household ozonizer intended for?

A household ozonizer can be used for:

disinfection and deodorization of air in residential premises, bathrooms and toilet rooms, change houses, cabinets, refrigerators, etc.;

food processing (meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits);

improving water quality (disinfection, oxygen enrichment, elimination of chlorine and other harmful impurities);

home cosmetology (elimination of dandruff, acne, gargling, brushing teeth, eliminating fungal diseases, preparing ozonated oil);

care for pets and fish;

watering indoor plants and treating seeds;

whitening and adding color to linen;

shoe processing.

31. What is the effect of using ozone in medical practice?

Ozone has an antibacterial and antiviral effect (inactivation of viruses and destruction of spores).

Ozone activates and normalizes a number of biochemical processes.

The effect obtained from ozone therapy is characterized by:

activation of detoxification processes, suppression occurs

activity of external and internal toxins;

activation of metabolic processes (metabolic processes);

increased microcirculation (blood supply

improving the rheological properties of blood (blood becomes mobile);

has a pronounced analgesic effect.

32. How does ozone affect human immunity?

Cellular and humoral immunity increases. Phagocytosis is activated, the synthesis of interferons and other nonspecific systems of the body is enhanced.

33. How does ozonation affect metabolic processes?

The use of ozone increases the consumption of glucose by tissues and organs, increases the saturation of blood plasma with oxygen, reduces the degree of oxygen starvation, and improves microcirculation. Ozone has a positive effect on liver and kidney metabolism. Supports the functioning of the heart muscle. Reduces breathing rate and increases tidal volume.

34. Ozone is formed when carrying out welding work and during the operation of the copier. Is this ozone harmful?

Yes, it is harmful, since it creates dangerous impurities. The ozone produced by the ozonizer is pure and therefore harmless.

35. Is there a difference between industrial, medical and household ozonizers?

Industrial ozonizers produce a high concentration of ozone, which is dangerous for home use.

Medical and household ozonizers are similar in performance indicators, but medical ones are designed for longer continuous operation.

36. What are comparative characteristics disinfection when using ultraviolet units and ozonizers?

Ozone, in its properties of destroying bacteria and viruses, is 2.5 - 6 times more effective than ultraviolet rays and 300 - 600 times more effective than chlorine. Moreover, unlike chlorine, ozone even destroys cysts of worms and herpes and tuberculosis viruses.

Ozone removes organic and chemicals, decomposing them to water, carbon dioxide, forming a precipitate of inactive elements.

Ozone easily oxidizes iron and manganese salts, forming insoluble substances that are eliminated by settling or filtration. As a result, ozonated water is safe, clear and tastes good.

37. Is it possible to disinfect dishes using ozone?

Yes! It is good to disinfect children's dishes, canning dishes, etc. To do this, place the dishes in a container of water, lower the air duct with the divider. Process for 10-15 minutes.

38. What materials should utensils for ozonation be made of?

Glass, ceramic, wood, plastic, enameled (no chips or cracks). Do not use metal utensils, including aluminum and copper utensils. Rubber does not withstand contact with ozone.

An anion ozonizer from the American corporation Green World will help you not only maintain, but also significantly improve your health. You have the opportunity to use an indispensable device in your home - an anion ozonizer, which combines all the qualities and functionality both an air ionizer and an ozonizer (multifunctional...

The ozonizer for the car is equipped with lighting and flavoring. The ozonation and ionization modes can be turned on at the same time. These modes can also be enabled separately. This ozonizer is indispensable during long trips, when driver fatigue increases, vision and memory deteriorate. The ozonator relieves drowsiness, giving vigor due to the influx of...

What is the formula for ozone? Let's try together to identify the distinctive characteristics of this chemical substance.

Allotropic modification of oxygen

Molecular formula of ozone in chemistry O 3. Its relative molecular weight is 48. The compound contains three O atoms. Since the formulas of oxygen and ozone include the same chemical element, in chemistry they are called allotropic modifications.

Physical properties

Under normal conditions chemical formula ozone is a gaseous substance with a specific odor and a light blue color. In nature, this chemical compound can be felt while walking through a pine forest after a thunderstorm. Since the formula of ozone is O 3, it is 1.5 times heavier than oxygen. Compared to O2, the solubility of ozone is significantly higher. At zero temperature, 49 volumes of it easily dissolve in 100 volumes of water. In small concentrations the substance is not toxic; ozone is poisonous only in significant quantities. Limit permissible concentration consider 5% of the amount of O 3 in the air. In case of strong cooling, it easily liquefies, and when the temperature drops to -192 degrees it becomes a solid.

In nature

The ozone molecule, the formula of which was presented above, is formed in nature during a lightning discharge from oxygen. In addition, O 3 is formed during resin oxidation coniferous species, it destroys harmful microorganisms and is considered beneficial for humans.

Obtained in the laboratory

How can you get ozone? A substance whose formula is O 3 is formed by passing an electric discharge through dry oxygen. The process is carried out in a special device - an ozonizer. It is based on two glass tubes, which are inserted one into the other. There is a metal rod inside and a spiral outside. After connecting to the coil high voltage A discharge occurs between the outer and inner tubes and oxygen is converted into ozone. An element whose formula is presented as a compound with a polar covalent bond confirms the allotropy of oxygen.

The process of converting oxygen into ozone is an endothermic reaction that requires significant energy expenditure. Due to the reversibility of this transformation, ozone decomposition is observed, which is accompanied by a decrease in the energy of the system.

Chemical properties

The formula of ozone explains its oxidizing power. It is able to interact with various substances, losing an oxygen atom in the process. For example, in a reaction with potassium iodide in an aqueous environment, oxygen is released and free iodine is formed.

The molecular formula of ozone explains its ability to react with almost all metals. The exceptions are gold and platinum. For example, after passing metallic silver through ozone, its blackening is observed (an oxide is formed). Under the influence of this strong oxidizing agent, rubber destruction is observed.

In the stratosphere, ozone is formed due to the action of UV irradiation from the Sun, forming the ozone layer. This shell protects the surface of the planet from negative impact solar radiation.

Biological effect on the body

The increased oxidative capacity of this gaseous substance and the formation of free oxygen radicals indicate its danger to the human body. What harm can ozone cause to humans? It damages and irritates the tissues of the respiratory organs.

Ozone acts on cholesterol contained in the blood, causing atherosclerosis. When a person spends a long time in an environment that contains a high concentration of ozone, male infertility develops.

In our country, this oxidizing agent is classified as the first (hazardous) class of harmful substances. Its average daily MPC should not exceed 0.03 mg per cubic meter.

The toxicity of ozone, the possibility of its use to destroy bacteria and mold, is actively used for disinfection. Stratospheric ozone is wonderful protective screen earthly life from ultraviolet radiation.

About the benefits and harms of ozone

This substance is found in two layers earth's atmosphere. Tropospheric ozone is dangerous for living beings, has a negative effect on crops and trees, and is a component of urban smog. Stratospheric ozone brings certain benefits to humans. Its decomposition in an aqueous solution depends on pH, temperature, and quality of the environment. In medical practice, ozonized water of varying concentrations is used. Ozone therapy involves direct contact of this substance with the human body. This technique was first used in the nineteenth century. American researchers analyzed the ability of ozone to oxidize harmful microorganisms, recommended doctors to use this substance in the treatment of colds.

In our country, ozone therapy began to be used only at the end of the last century. For therapeutic purposes, this oxidizing agent exhibits the characteristics of a strong bioregulator, which can increase the effectiveness of traditional methods, and also prove itself as an effective independent remedy. After the development of ozone therapy technology, doctors have the opportunity to effectively combat many diseases. In neurology, dentistry, gynecology, therapy, specialists use this substance to fight a variety of infections. Ozone therapy is characterized by the simplicity of the method, its effectiveness, excellent tolerability, absence of side effects, and low costs.


Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent that can fight harmful microbes. This property is widely used in modern medicine. In domestic therapy, ozone is used as an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiviral, bactericidal, anti-stress, and cytostatic agent. Thanks to its ability to restore disturbances in oxygen metabolism, it gives it excellent opportunities for therapeutic and preventive medicine.

Among the innovative techniques based on the oxidative ability of this compound, we highlight intramuscular, intravenous, and subcutaneous administration of this substance. For example, treating bedsores, fungal skin infections, burns with a mixture of oxygen and ozone is recognized as an effective technique.

In high concentrations, ozone can be used as a hemostatic agent. At low concentrations, it promotes repair, healing, and epithelization. This substance, dissolved in saline solution, is an excellent remedy for jaw rehabilitation. In modern European medicine, minor and major autohemotherapy has become widespread. Both methods involve the introduction of ozone into the body and the use of its oxidizing ability.

In the case of major autohemotherapy, an ozone solution of a given concentration is injected into the patient’s vein. Minor autohemotherapy is characterized by intramuscular injection of ozonized blood. In addition to medicine, this strong oxidizing agent is in demand in chemical production.

A gas such as ozone has extremely valuable properties for all mankind. The chemical element by which it is formed is O. In fact, ozone O 3 is one of the allotropic modifications of oxygen, consisting of three formula units (O÷O÷O). The first and more well-known compound is oxygen itself, more precisely the gas that is formed by two of its atoms (O=O) - O 2.

Allotropy is the ability of one chemical element to form a number of simple compounds with different properties. Thanks to her, humanity has studied and uses substances such as diamond and graphite, monoclinic and orthorhombic sulfur, oxygen and ozone. A chemical element that has this ability is not necessarily limited to only two modifications; some have more.

Connection opening history

A constituent unit of many organic and mineral substances, including such as ozone, a chemical element whose designation is O - oxygen, translated from Greek “oxys” - sour, and “gignomai” - to give birth.

The new one was first discovered during experiments with electrical discharges in 1785 by the Dutchman Martin van Maroon; his attention was attracted by a specific smell. And a century later, the Frenchman Schönbein noted the presence of the same after a thunderstorm, as a result of which the gas was called “smelling.” But scientists were somewhat deceived, believing that their sense of smell sensed the ozone itself. The smell they smelled was that of something oxidized by reacting with O3, since the gas is very reactive.

Electronic structure

O2 and O3, a chemical element, have the same structural fragment. Ozone has a more complex structure. In oxygen, everything is simple - two oxygen atoms are connected by a double bond consisting of a ϭ- and π-component, according to the valency of the element. O 3 has several resonance structures.

A multiple bond connects two oxygens, and the third has a single bond. Thus, due to the migration of the π component, in the overall picture three atoms have a sesquicompound. This bond is shorter than a single bond but longer than a double bond. Experiments conducted by scientists exclude the possibility of cyclicity of the molecule.

Synthesis methods

To form a gas such as ozone, the chemical element oxygen must be present in a gaseous environment in the form of individual atoms. Such conditions are created when oxygen molecules O 2 collide with electrons during electrical discharges or other particles with high energy, as well as when it is irradiated with ultraviolet light.

The lion's share of the total amount of ozone in natural atmospheric conditions is formed photochemically. Man prefers to use other methods in chemical activity, such as, for example, electrolytic synthesis. It lies in the fact that in aquatic environment Platinum electrodes are placed in the electrolyte and current is applied. Reaction scheme:

H 2 O + O 2 → O 3 + H 2 + e -

Physical properties

Oxygen (O) is a constituent unit of a substance such as ozone - a chemical element whose formula, as well as its relative molar mass, are indicated in the periodic table. By forming O 3, oxygen acquires properties that are radically different from the properties of O 2.

The blue gas is the normal state of a compound such as ozone. Chemical element, formula, quantitative characteristics - all this was determined during the identification and study of this substance. for it -111.9 °C, the liquefied state has a dark purple color, with a further decrease in the degree to -197.2 °C melting begins. In the solid state of aggregation, ozone acquires a black color with a violet tint. Its solubility is ten times higher than this property of oxygen O 2. At the smallest concentrations in the air, the smell of ozone is felt; it is sharp, specific and reminiscent of the smell of metal.

Chemical properties

Ozone gas is very active, from a reaction point of view. The chemical element that forms it is oxygen. The characteristics that determine the behavior of ozone in interaction with other substances are the high oxidizing ability and instability of the gas itself. At elevated temperatures, it decomposes at an unprecedented speed; the process is also accelerated by catalysts such as metal oxides, nitrogen oxides and others. The properties of an oxidizing agent are inherent in ozone due to the structural features of the molecule and the mobility of one of the oxygen atoms, which, when split off, converts the gas into oxygen: O 3 → O 2 + O·

Oxygen (the building block from which molecules of substances such as oxygen and ozone are built) is a chemical element. As written in the reaction equations - O·. Ozone oxidizes all metals, with the exception of gold, platinum and its subgroup. It reacts with gases in the atmosphere - oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and others. Organic substances do not remain inert; the processes of breaking multiple bonds through the formation of intermediate compounds occur especially quickly. It is extremely important that the reaction products are harmless to environment and man. These are water, oxygen, higher oxides of various elements, and carbon oxides. Binary compounds of calcium, titanium and silicon with oxygen do not interact with ozone.


The main area where "smelling" gas is used is ozonation. This sterilization method is much more effective and safer for living organisms than disinfection with chlorine. There is no formation of toxic methane derivatives replaced by a dangerous halogen.

Increasingly, this environmental sterilization method is being used in the food industry. Refrigeration equipment is treated with ozone, warehouses for products, it is used to eliminate odors.

For medicine, the disinfecting properties of ozone are also indispensable. They disinfect wounds with physiological solutions. Venous blood is ozonized, and a number of chronic diseases are treated with the “smelling” gas.

Finding in nature and meaning

The simple substance ozone is an element of the gas composition of the stratosphere, a region of near-Earth space located at a distance of about 20-30 km from the surface of the planet. The release of this compound occurs during processes associated with electrical discharges, during welding, and the operation of copier machines. But it is in the stratosphere that 99% of the total amount of ozone found in the Earth’s atmosphere is formed and contains.

The presence of gas in near-Earth space turned out to be vitally important. It forms the so-called ozone layer, which protects all living things from the deadly ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. Oddly enough, but along with the enormous benefits, the gas itself is dangerous for people. An increase in the concentration of ozone in the air that a person breathes is harmful to the body due to its extreme chemical activity.

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