How to disassemble the water unit of a Beretta geyser. Troubleshooting a geyser with your own hands. Water pressure problem

In itself it is an alternative when there is no full and regular provision hot water. You can list all its advantages, but they are probably already known to many.

Still, when buying a gas water heater, it is difficult to give preference to any type or even brand for a person who has never had such a water heating device before.

We will try to talk about different types of automatic gas water heaters, their advantages, weaknesses and nuances of operation. Also read about what to do if the device requires repair.

1 What properties differ between Beretta and Mora speakers?

  1. The design of the Italian Beretta gas water heater, like the Czech Mora, consists of a tank with a heat exchanger inside. Pipes through which gas and water flow are also connected to it. But the Czech analogue costs a little more.
  2. The Beretta geyser has significant dimensions. Mora is more compact. Therefore, before choosing, think about where the device will be installed. Based on this, you will know which technique will be more convenient for you.
  3. When installing the Beretta, you do not need an adapter when connecting to the gas and water pipes. If you are installing a Mora column, you will additionally need to purchase them.
  4. The Beretta idrabagno gas water heater is noisier in operation than the Mora. This is due to the fact that idrabagno has open camera combustion. There are also Beretta columns in which the combustion chamber is closed.
  5. All devices break down sooner or later. But Beretta brand speakers do this extremely rarely. But repairs to the Mora gas water heater will be needed more often.
  6. Repairs require the availability of spare parts. It’s almost impossible to find them for the Beretta idrabagno, as well as a technician who could repair this type of gas water heater. True, this is compensated by the fact that it breaks extremely rarely.
  7. Both Beretta and geyser Moras can start their work either from piezo ignition or from electric automatic ignition. It is worth noting that the first type of column is ignited manually and then works continuously. The second option is more economical - the device is ignited by electricity or by charging batteries, and does not operate around the clock.
  8. Depending on the type of device, both the Beretta and Mora columns are equipped with various additional sensors that can signal if the water or gas pressure has dropped, or something is wrong with the chimney. All this will help you operate the dispenser for a long time, since the automation will turn it off if there is a risk of breakdown due to a malfunction in the supply of resources. Also, in case of any problems, the water heater will not light up.

2 What to look for when buying a geyser?

When choosing, pay attention to its power. The most good reviews leave about 25 kW speakers. With such power, the device will provide the family with hot water, and will not consume more resources than necessary.

Also look at the water heater model. She may be guessing different types ignition: manual or automatic. Different types of chimney can also be provided: vertical or horizontal. You should buy the model that will be more convenient and suitable for the layout of your home.

It is better to take an idrabagno gas water heater, which would be equipped automatic system shutdown in case of danger. Thus, the device will not work in case of overheating, any breakdown, or during times when there is no water or no gas supply.

2.1 What to do if the column breaks?

Repair of the Beretta idrabagno or Mora Vega gas water heater will someday be needed, because the equipment does not last forever. Some faults can be corrected yourself, but some will definitely need to be addressed to a specialist.

The most common problem is when the Beretta gas water heater does not ignite. Depending on the type of device, the causes of this problem may be different.

If Mora's gas water heater does not light up manual type ignition, a clogged igniter may interfere. , so it’s worth contacting a specialist. But before that, it’s worth checking whether there is a centralized gas supply. If it is impossible to light a device with electric ignition, then the problem may be a dead battery, which is easy to replace.

Some breakdowns associated with the water part of the device can be repaired yourself. To do this, you would like a Beretta gas water heater diagram. This will give you a better idea of ​​where the heat exchanger is, which needs to be cleaned periodically to improve its heating capacity, as well as other parts that may also need repairs.

You can also change the filters with your own hands, which are located on the pipe through which water flows into the water heater. They often suffer from scale and salt deposits. As a rule, filters are not repaired - they are simply changed.

2017-03-03 Evgeniy Fomenko

IN technical passport The following operational safety requirements are prescribed; if they are observed, the manufacturer guarantees proper operation of the device for at least 10 years.

Do not cover the device with papers, cloth or other foreign objects that may interfere with the air flow.

Other operating requirements:

  1. If you smell gas in the room where the Beretta speaker is located, do not turn on the device under any circumstances, and if it is already running, turn it off, open the window and call the emergency gas service.
  2. It is prohibited for young children to use the device, as well as persons who are not informed about the principle of operation of the device.
  3. It is not allowed to use or store the speaker in a room where the air temperature drops below 0 degrees.

Regulatory requirements for placement:

Forced ventilation in the kitchen
  • The room where the device is installed must be with an area of ​​at least 8 square meters
  • You have a new device in front of you, and a natural question arises: how to light it? Everything is very simple, for this you need:

    1. Open the gas valve.
    2. Then turn the gas control relay (located on the left) to the position where the maximum flame is drawn. At the moment when you rotate, you will have to put a little pressure on the handle.

    When you open one of the hot water taps in your apartment, the device will automatically start the pilot burner, and then the main burner will light up. When you stop consuming liquid, the main burner will go out.

    The instructions for the Beretta Idrabagno 11 gas water heater state that if the device does not turn on within a minute, the flame monitoring device will detect this malfunction and stop the gas supply. This situation will lead to emergency stop devices.

    Geyser Beretta Idrabagno 11

    Restarting the device can only be done in manual mode, it is necessary to turn off the mixer hot water, and then open again, after this simple procedure it will start automatically. This type of device can work with low fluid pressure.

    In order to regulate the heating temperature of the liquid, use the right handle located on the control panel. By turning it to the left, the liquid flow increases and the temperature decreases; by turning it to the right, the temperature increases and the water flow decreases.

    In order to avoid scale deposits on the heat exchanger, it is not recommended to set the maximum temperature. It is recommended to set the temperature to no more than 40-45 degrees.

    In order to turn off the Beretta Idrabagno Aqua 11 device, you need to set the left toggle switch to the “disable” position. If you plan not to use the device for a long time, you need to close all valves (gas and cold liquid) if the device is operating on liquefied gas, you need to close the valve on the cylinder.

    In order for the device to operate without breakdowns for the period guaranteed by the manufacturer, it is required to carry out scheduled maintenance once every 12 months. In addition, regular cleaning of the case with a soap solution is required; it is not recommended to use products containing solvents or powder with abrasive particles. Before carrying out any work, it is imperative to shut off the gas and water valves.

    During scheduled maintenance the following is checked:

    To remove the front panel, you need to remove the handles from the control panel, unscrew the screw, then pull the panel up to remove it from the brackets that are located at the top and bottom. Pull the panel towards you.

    Let’s say right away that repairing a geyser, like any other gas equipment, is a matter exclusively for professionals. But, although repairing speakers with your own hands is not allowed, knowledge is never superfluous. The ability to determine on your own what exactly is broken, what this breakdown threatens, and what the repair could cost will not hurt anyone. What kind of breakdowns of geysers happen, and what “symptoms” are they accompanied by?

    How does a gas water heater work?

    To begin with, before getting acquainted with the basics of fault diagnosis, it is useful to find out how the gas water heater is designed; repairs will largely depend on the device. We will not delve into the intricacies of the design of many speaker models; we will limit ourselves to just getting acquainted with the general principles.

    Centralized hot water supply appeared relatively recently by historical standards. The issue of heating water at home has been resolved in various ways, but the most common one we had was a storage solid fuel heater - the so-called titanium. Titanium was heated with coal, less often with wood or fuel oil. The water in the boiler had to be heated in advance. So it took at least an hour to take a bath. Of course, using such a device was very inconvenient. The problem of quickly heating water was solved in geysers.

    The operation of the column is accompanied by popping noises

    Possible reasons are as follows:

        • The gas pressure is too strong, the burner ignites too actively, causing the flame to fail.
        • The gas pressure is too weak, air gets inside the burner, which is accompanied by a micro-explosion.

    The burner needs cleaning and adjustment. In principle, nothing complicated, but you don’t need to take on this work yourself; repairs to the geyser should be carried out by a specialist.

    Low water temperature

    Insufficient water heating may be due to low power columns. Do not open the hot tap in the bathtub, sink and kitchen at the same time, or buy a more powerful unit.

    Another possible reason the burner may be clogged, as indicated by yellow flame. Call a gas technician, a specialist will solve this problem in an hour.

    When you turn on the speaker you smell gas

    This is already serious and threatens with the most dire consequences. Immediately turn off the column, turn off the gas supply valve, ensure constant ventilation in the room, call the emergency service (104) and wait for the brigade to arrive.

    In conclusion, once again I would like to remind you about safety. Do not attempt to disassemble, clean or repair gas equipment on one's own. This work is for qualified professionals only.

    2016-11-08 Evgeniy Fomenko

    Now I will list the main malfunctions of the Beretta column and tell you how to repair each malfunction. So let's go.

    Igniter malfunction.

    The first stage of repairing a Beretta geyser should be to turn off all taps suitable for the device, gas and water. The igniter may be attenuated on speakers with an automated protection system. In working condition, the igniter must be constantly working, since its main function is to ignite the main burner when hot water is turned on.

    Ignition occurs as a result of combustion gas-air mixture. Ignition occurs when the igniter heats the thermocouple, after which it flows to the main burner. If it goes out, protective system triggers and stops the flow of gas to avoid its accumulation and prevent an accident.

    The protective system of the device consists of the following elements: thermocouple, thermal fuse, solenoid valve. An automatic malfunction can be judged if the pilot light does not ignite after you stop holding the gas adjustment handle. To carry out high-quality repairs, you will need to understand the device in more detail.

    The thermocouple has failed.

    A thermocouple is a device consisting of metals with different thermo-EMF coefficients. Welded or fastened together, they form a solder joint that has the ability to generate an EMF of 30 MV when heated. When an alloy is subjected to a change in temperature, the thermocouple produces a voltage at the time that is directly proportional to the magnitude of the temperature change.

    It quite rarely fails, however, breakdowns occur in the central conductor, this is due to the fact that it goes beyond the connection, a short circuit to the housing may occur when the insulation is broken, and the column is turned off.

    It cannot be repaired if the contacts at the welding site are broken, soldering will not work. Required complete replacement to a new node.

    The solenoid valve is faulty.

    It is a reel copper wire, in the center of which there is an iron rod connected to a valve that regulates stopping the gas supply to the burner.

    When the required temperature is reached, a current is generated that creates a magnetic field, the rod is set in motion, which directly promotes the opening of the valve. Next, gas is pumped into the burner. Solenoid valve is responsible for safe work columns.

    If the wick is extinguished by a draft, if you open a hot water tap, gas will not flow into the device and the wick will not ignite. To check whether the valve is working, you must connect it to the wiring regular battery ah, when you light the wick it should light up, but if you disconnect the battery the flame will go out. If this happens, then everything is working properly, the problem is something else.

    Thermal fuse is faulty.

    It is a bimetallic plate, the function of which is to break the power contacts of the solenoid valve.

    One of characteristic features Its malfunction is indicated by the following: if the room is well ventilated and the device goes out, you should check it first. If you turn on the hood and the window is closed, the device may overheat and the thermal fuse will turn off the gas to prevent an accident.

    To check the serviceability of the device, disconnect the leads and short-circuit them to each other; if your column turns on, then you were able to correctly determine the cause of the malfunction. And for further work speakers, purchase a new spare part (thermal fuse).

    Your idrabagno 11 speaker has a leaking radiator, what should I do?

    This is a common failure that is caused by water quality.

    But everything can be fixed if you have a simple set of tools at hand, namely we need:

    • soldering iron
    • solder
    • sandpaper (preferably fine grit)
    • solvent (for degreasing the surface)
    • rosin (to protect the surface from oxidation).

    Before you begin the repair, do not forget to close the gas and water valves suitable for the device. Most often, fistulas form on the front side of the device; in this case, you do not need to disconnect it from the column. If it has formed on the back wall of the speaker, you will need to remove the radiator.

    The first stage of repair is to drain all the water that is in the pipe, which can be done by opening a hot water tap, then unscrewing the pipe nut from cold water at the entrance to the column, so the remaining water will flow out. If you do not do this, you will not be able to achieve the required solder temperature, since some of the heat will be absorbed by the water in the pipe.

    Using a sheet of sandpaper, treat the area of ​​the leak; we advise you to carefully examine your radiator for the presence of small green inclusions; this is the first sign of the onset of a fistula; perform the same repair steps with them, so as not to return to it again after some time.

    The next steps are to degrease the surface and remove particles of dust and dirt; for this you need to take a piece of clean cloth, soak it in a solvent and treat the required surface. You can perform soldering with any solder you have on hand, but if you don’t have it, you can easily purchase it at any radio market in Moscow.

    Use a soldering iron with a soldering temperature of at least 170 degrees. Plug in the soldering iron and wait until it warms up, in the meantime treat the surface with rosin, this is done to prevent oxidation on the pipe and to ensure high-quality soldering. Then use a soldering iron to melt the solder (tin) and apply it to the surface. To ensure high-quality repairs, the applied layer of solder should be about two or three centimeters.

    Scale formation in the heat exchanger.

    This can be determined if the water in the column is not warmed up enough, or if the water pressure at the outlet of the device is low, although the pressure in the water main is quite strong. This failure is due to poor quality tap water, or rather with its rigidity.

    This problem leads to a significant increase in gas consumption for heating. Deposits can be reduced by lowering the set heating temperature; when heated to more than 70 degrees, it happens much faster. To repair your device, you can resort to store-bought plaque removers, which are expensive; they are also not recommended frequent use, or use a solution with citric acid 100 grams of acid per half liter of water.

    Cleaning can be done in two ways:

    • Using a special apparatus. This is a reservoir with a pump built into it that drives the cleaning liquid inside the heat exchanger. It is connected to the radiator tubes at the inlet and outlet. Water circulates inside for an hour, dissolving the deposits that have formed. However, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase such a device due to its high cost; there is a cheaper method.
    • Drain the water from the system, remove the radiator, and prepare a tank filled one-third with water. Immerse the radiator in it and fill it with a purchased or prepared reagent. Place on the fire and boil for half an hour, then turn off the heat and let stand for an hour. Rinse the radiator; if the pressure has changed, the plaque has gone away; if it remains small, repeat the procedure again.

    There is no spark when turned on.

    • The membrane has broken. Disassemble the water unit and replace it with a new one.
    • The batteries are dead. Replace with new ones.
    • Low cold water pressure. Set the pressure regulator to the extreme right position.
    • The piezo ignition has broken down; the connecting contacts may have come loose. Check their serviceability and replace if necessary.
    • The distance between the ignition electrode and the ignition burner wick is too large. You will need to adjust and set the desired distance.

    Our geyser repair specialists carry out the entire package of work regarding Beretta geysers, such models as:

    • BERETTA Aqua 11; Aqua 14
    • BERETTA Aqua 11i; Aqua 14i

    Is your BERETTA gas water heater broken?

    Italian gas Beretta speakers(Beretta) have long been known in Russia and are quite popular among those who used this equipment. Beretta Idrobagno series and Aqua series speakers are produced in several power and ignition options, including varieties of Beretta speakers with closed camera combustion. Beretta gas water heaters are reliable structural elements, stability of operation when water or gas pressure drops. Long-term use of a water heater from this company shows a number of malfunctions: failure of the device due to clogging of the igniter, which affects the column turning on and off during operation; no spark after opening the water tap. All these signs indicate wear of the control unit.

    The main malfunctions of BERETTA geysers may be the following:
    1. the igniter does not light (when the button is released, it goes out, in the case of piezo ignition);
    2. when turned on, there is a clap; The main burner does not light up(in case of piezo ignition);
    3 . while the column is running the main and pilot burners are switched off;
    4 . the column does not dial desired hot water temperature;
    5. no spark, when opening a hot water tap;
    6. the column turns off after ignition in 1-2 seconds;
    7. there is a spark, but does not ignite (in the case of electronic ignition);

    will fulfill high-quality repairs at home of your Beretta speaker at a time convenient for you! Departure of the master in a short time in Moscow and the Moscow region. We carry out repairs only with original spare parts. We have the most affordable prices. A specialist from our company will help you solve all the problems associated with the BERETTA gas water heater. Our employees undergo annual training and have the appropriate certificates, and are annually recertified for access to hazardous gas work.

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