Why does paint fade in the sun? What kind of siding does not fade in the sun and does not fade. What to do if you get sunburned? How to avoid getting sunburned What color does not fade in the sun

Summer is the time when many people take vacations and go away to bask in the sun. But if for some sunbathing is pure pleasure, then for others it is a risk of experiencing pain and discomfort, which is called a sunburn.

I'm sure you already know that sunburn is the result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin and that you can prevent unpleasant consequences with the help of sunscreen. But what you may not know is that sunburn is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body, and that the effectiveness of aloe vera (popularly considered one of the best remedies for relieving burn symptoms) has not been proven at all.

Considering that sunburn is a fairly common phenomenon, it is surprising how many questions, myths and misconceptions it has acquired.

In this article we will explain to you what tanning, sunburn, sunscreens are and, most importantly, how to protect yourself from the development of cancerous tumors.

Why do some people tan while others instantly burn?

In short, sunburn is a reaction of skin cells to DNA damage caused by ultraviolet rays. Tanning and sunburn in themselves are not harmful to the body, it is only evidence that the DNA molecules have been damaged, which means that the likelihood of developing skin cancer has increased.

Ultraviolet (UV) is electromagnetic radiation that occupies the spectral range between visible and x-ray radiation. The sun emits several types of ultraviolet radiation.


Short wavelength UV (UV-C) is almost completely absorbed ozone layer. But the remaining two types (UV-A and UV-B) are able to penetrate the ozone layer.

For a long time, it was mistakenly believed that only UV-B could cause skin damage and cause DNA molecules to go into an excited state (this leads to mutations, genetic disorders and, as a result, the development of cancer).

More recently, scientists have found that although UVA does not cause burns, this type of radiation also causes cancer.

It is worth keeping in mind that our body has natural protection against ultraviolet radiation - a dark pigment called melanin. Melanin colors cells dark color and reduces the harmful effects of radiation on the body.

Some people are born with elevated levels of melanin, which makes their skin darker and less vulnerable to UV damage. Others are forced to produce this pigment under the influence of small doses of radiation. The whole process takes from one to three days, and when it is completed, what we used to call a tan appears.

However, having a tan does not mean that your skin is completely protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. People of all skin tones are susceptible to sunburn. It's just that those with less melanin are more likely to get burned.

Why sunburns are painful, itchy, and blistering

The body's first reaction to damage to DNA molecules from radiation is to kill the affected cells. This is necessary to prevent mutated cells from reproducing uncontrollably, forming a tumor.

If dead cells are upper layers When the skin peels off without any special obstacles (about a day after a sunburn), the body has to clean out the damaged cells in the deep layers. There is a special mechanism for this.

When a cell dies, it releases a tiny piece of damaged genetic material. This signals neighboring cells to initiate a series of changes known as the inflammatory response.

This is the same reaction that the body triggers in response to an infection. Blood vessels dilate, increasing blood flow (resulting in a rise in temperature), and increased protein synthesis leads to itching and pain.

If a large number of cells are killed at once, a blister forms in their place. The body needs this in order to fill the damaged tissue with plasma and thus promote healing.

When and where are you more likely to get burned?

The time required to cause burns is proportional to the dose of ultraviolet radiation received by the skin. Accordingly, the more direct rays hit the skin, the greater the dose received.

That is, the closer to the equator, the higher the chance of getting sunburn. Likewise, the probability increases sharply in summer period, especially between 10:00 and 14:00. And UV radiation reaches its peak at noon.

Unfortunately, clouds block visible sunlight better than UV rays, so you can get burned even on a cloudy day.

In some cases - for reasons that are unclear - clouds can even increase the amount of ultraviolet light reaching the surface.

If you are at high altitude, then the likelihood of getting burns is much higher, because in this case solar radiation there is no need to break through the entire atmospheric layer to reach you.

There are other factors that can increase your risk of getting burns. For example, being near snow, water, white sand, or other material that reflects UV will expose you to more radiation.

How to prevent burns

The answer is banal. Use sunscreen. This will not only prevent sunburn, but will also significantly reduce the risk of cancer cell formation.

Although with sunscreens, not everything is so simple. There is evidence that the active chemicals found in creams have side effects and can cause poisoning. Therefore, today it is a very popular opinion that best protection- These are creams based on minerals such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

Yet most dermatologists tend to believe that the benefits of sunscreens based on chemicals more than potential harm. Dermatologists also recommend using creams with a broad spectrum of protection (UVA and UVB protection) and an SPF of at least 30.

What is SPF in sunscreens?

SPF is an indicator of how long a cream can maintain its protective properties. That is, if the skin burns in 10 minutes without cream, then a cream with SPF equal to 30 can increase this period to 300 minutes.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that SPF is a logarithmic indicator and after reaching a certain point (approximately 30), further increases in this value are unlikely to add additional protection.

How to use sunscreen

Experts recommend applying the cream at least 15 minutes before you are in the sun. You should repeat the procedure every two hours or immediately after you sweat or swim. Of course, there are a number of waterproof creams, but the rest are either washed off or lose their properties.

What to do if you are already burned

First, get out of the sun to prevent further damage and allow the body to begin its healing mechanism.

Secondly, to relieve pain, you can take cold shower or use a moisturizer and anti-itch cream. If the pain is severe, it is acceptable to take painkillers.

Important! There is no evidence that aloe vera is the best remedy to combat burns.

Another good advice: If you're burned, drink more water. Sunburn is often accompanied by dehydration.

Sunburns begin to heal within a few days. It gets better in a couple of weeks. Still, it's worth remembering that cells with damaged DNA molecules accumulate and the more often you sunbathe or burn, the higher your risk of developing cancer.

Be careful in the sun!

1. The most important thing: the first sessions sunbathing should not last more than 20 minutes. And if you are one of the fast-burning representatives of I-II according to Fitzpatrick - and haven’t sunbathed yet this year - even less.

2. If you are taking medications, consult your doctor before sunbathing. Some medications can increase the body's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, provoke photodermatosis or the appearance of hyperpigmentation. In particular, ibuprofen and some other antipyretics and pain relievers, antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs, and herbal remedies based on St. John's wort may have a photosensitizing effect.

3. Apply sunscreen 20-25 minutes before going outside: The chemical filters included in most new generation cosmetics do not begin to act immediately.

4. Keep in mind that daytime face creams with SPF are often not suitable for the beach. Firstly, because SPF 6-15, which most of them have, is not enough for the beach. Secondly, the filters included in their composition can only protect against UVB rays, while on the beach protection from both types of ultraviolet waves - UVA and UVB - is required.

Read more about the most important rules skin care before and after tanning, how to tan properly and choose sunscreen cosmetics, the program experts will tell you "In shape."

5. Don’t forget: a tan obtained with the help of “auto-bronzant” does not protect against sunburn. Unlike a regular tan obtained in a solarium or on the beach, self-tanning does not cause the formation of melanin in skin cells - a pigment that not only gives the skin a brownish tint, but also weakens the effect of ultraviolet radiation.

6. Don't skimp on sunscreen: apply them in sufficient quantities (at least 20 ml should be used on the face and body in one “session”) and renew the protection every 2-3 hours: after a couple of hours, sun filters lose up to 50% of their “working ability,” and if we use a lot swim or play sports - and more.

Protective moisturizer Protective Daily Moisturizer SPF 30+, Ultraceuticals with broad-spectrum physical and chemical filters and antioxidants that slow down skin aging - green tea extract and vitamin E

Waterproof sunscreen for face Expert Sun Aging Protection Cream, Shiseido with moisturizing and anti-aging effect with broad-spectrum filters and Profense CELTM complex, which prevents the formation of wrinkles and age spots

Sunscreen cream for sensitive skin with very high protection level SPF 50+ (PPD 42) Anthelios XL 50+, La Roche-Posay, free of perfumes and parabens

High protection nourishing sunscreen cream Advance UV Defense SPF 30, SkinCeuticals with Mexoryl SX and XL sun filters, alpha-tocopherol and plant antioxidants

Tanning milk with high level protection "Maxi-Spray" SPF 30 Protectyl Vegetal Maxi Spray, Yves Rocher with formulawater- andsweat-resistant

Protective anti-aging skin cream for face and body with a high degree of protection Intelligence Soleil SPF 50, Dr. Pierre Ricaud with Acti-Liss formula for moisturizing, nourishing, preventing skin aging and the formation of age spots

Sun protection stick Targeted Protection Stick SPF 35, Clinique for sensitive skin areas with a water- and sweat-resistant formula, antioxidants and skin softening ingredients

Sun protection stick Super Stick Solaire SPF 30, Sisley for sensitive areas of facial skin with camellia oil, mango and shea butters

7. Another very important nuance, which everyone remembers, but when they get to the beach, they usually forget: do not sunbathe from 11 to 16 hours, when the sun is the most active and you can get a sunburn in literally 5-10 minutes. In addition, as dermatologists never tire of repeating, the sun at this time is also especially harmful, so the best option It won't be easy to move under an umbrella. In general, go indoors or at least under a wide canopy. And keep in mind that in near-equator latitudes, “hour X,” when it’s very easy to burn, comes earlier: starting from 10 a.m., the sun is mercilessly hot (by the way, at the same time, at the same time, the risk of getting a heat stroke increases).

8. Remember: you can get sunburned even in the shade or on a cloudy day, but in water you get sunburned faster. Even when the sky is overcast, about 40% of solar radiation reaches the Earth's surface. In addition, light sand and water perfectly reflect ultraviolet rays - and the amount of “irradiation” that the skin is exposed to increases.

Natalia Gaydash

dermatocosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the aesthetic medicine clinic “TriActive”

Those with a large number of moles and fair skin that easily burns in the sun should be especially careful with the sun. Not all moles degenerate into melanoma, but close monitoring is necessary for each nevus, as well as for any skin tumor in general. It is necessary to undergo diagnostics (screening) every year and it is better to do this before traveling to hot and sunny countries.

9. Keep in mind that the back, face, décolleté and shoulders burn faster. therefore, it is worth applying products with a higher SPF to these areas (on the face, the nose and ears burn most quickly). Also after water procedures You should put a hat on your head and a pareo over your shoulders or put on a light beach tunic: this will additionally protect your skin from the direct sun.

10. If you suddenly don’t have sunscreen on hand, and there’s no way to buy it, olive oil will help out. It has a small sun protection factor, approximately SPF 2-4 (shea, sesame, avocado and jojoba oils act in a similar way). However, if the skin has not yet tanned and is far from the skin tone of sultry beauties who never burn in the sun, representatives of phototype IV like Penelope Cruz or Selma Hayek, It’s better to stay in the shade: natural sun filters do not provide long-term and sufficient protection on the beach.

You've probably noticed that the curtain hanging on the window fades over the summer and becomes faded. The same thing happens with paintings and photographs, for a long time being in the light. Under the influence sunlight, trees and windows fade, and people's eyebrows and hair become blond. Why is this happening?

This is due to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which causes paint to fade. The human eye is capable of perceiving light waves of a certain length, which correspond to the spectrum we see, from red to violet. We cannot see everything that is outside it. Waves longer than red are called infrared, and those shorter than violet are called ultraviolet. These waves are inaccessible to our vision.

At the same time, they really exist. We feel infrared waves as heat, and thanks to ultraviolet radiation we get a tan. Infrared light waves are used in night vision devices. Some animals are able to perceive this light spectrum. These include, for example, pit snakes. They easily find their prey in complete darkness. And all this thanks to sensitivity to infrared rays.

Infrared vision is somewhat different from optical vision. Thermal sensors are located on the snake's face, which are capable of receiving thermal radiation from various bodies. Once in the brain, these signals are converted into a stereoscopic image of the object, while simultaneously determining its location.

A similar story is observed with ultraviolet rays. Some species of animals and birds are capable of perceiving it. The crayfish, the praying mantis, sees ultraviolet light very well. Scientists claim that this amazing creature sees infrared rays, as well as colors that humans do not know about.

But let's get back to the paint that fades. What is light? Essentially, this is the movement of energetically charged particles - photons. When they reach an object, they hit its surface. As a result, either they are absorbed or reflected. Reflected light particles fall on the retina of the human eye, as a result of which we see the object and its color. If the object turns out to be red, it means that these waves were reflected from its surface, while all the others were absorbed by it.

Photons have a certain energy potential. Its greatest significance is in ultraviolet rays. Getting on the surface of an object, they are able to destroy its molecules. This is their main danger. You probably know that the ability of ultraviolet radiation to kill all living things is used in medicine. By using ultraviolet lamps carry out disinfection in operating rooms and hospital wards. This radiation kills germs and prevents them from spreading. A similar story is observed with paint. Ultraviolet radiation destroys its molecular basis, as a result of which it turns pale or burns out. Well, ultraviolet and other rays that make up sunlight help. That's the whole secret of the burnout process.

Today, metal tiles are one of the most popular materials in the roofing market. It is easy to use, light weight and wide color scheme. When choosing metal tiles, first of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, the thickness of the metal, zinc coating and type of polymer. The color of metal tiles does not affect its quality in any way and is selected only according to individual preferences. Still, let's figure out what colors metal tiles come in and which one is better to choose?

According to marketing research, the most popular among our population are dark red, chocolate and green and roofing materials.

Factors influencing the choice of metal tile color

When choosing the color of metal tiles, it is worth noting several factors:

  1. Climatic conditions. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, dark-colored metal tiles fade faster. It is best to choose these colors if the house is located in the shade of trees, which will provide the roof with protection from the sun.
  2. Quality of material. Any metal tile gradually fades in the sun. A high-quality product burns evenly and almost imperceptibly to the human eye, whereas cheap metal tiles fades in spots, which has a very negative effect on appearance buildings.
  3. Polymer coating. Each polymer has its own warranty period for aesthetic characteristics. Polyester will last up to 10 years without changing its appearance, while pural and plastisol last about 20 years.
  4. Manufacturer. It is best to buy the entire volume of metal tiles from one manufacturer from one batch. Although the chemical industry has made great progress, the colors of different batches may still differ slightly, which will not look very nice on the roof of a house. For different manufacturers, markings of the same color can actually be completely different.
  5. Guarantee. Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the warranty period that the manufacturer provides for the aesthetic characteristics of metal tiles. If the metal tile is before completion warranty period begins to burn out unevenly, you can request its replacement under warranty.

There is a misconception among buyers that metal tiles dark colors heats up faster, raising the temperature in the house. This is fundamentally wrong. The color of the product does not in any way affect the thermal conductivity of the material. Physical properties are absolutely the same for both dark- and light-colored metal tiles.

All colors of metal tiles are marked according to a single international standard, which was adopted in Germany in 1927. The abbreviation of this standard is German language– RAL. Its palette includes 213 shades, each of which has its own marking.

Characteristics of various colors of metal tiles

Which color you choose is a matter of taste, but we can tell you a little about the colors themselves:

  1. Brown– symbolizes strength of character and the ability to overcome any difficulties. Most often it is preferred by conservatives, for whom it evokes a feeling of security, restraint and stability. Metal tiles of brown or chocolate color go well with the greenery of trees, so it is recommended to be used for houses surrounded by a garden or park.
  2. Burgundy red– characterizes determination and irrepressible energy, awakening a thirst for activity in a person. Designers recommend it to active people and businessmen. Looks beautiful with accessories of similar shades, as well as in contrast with black or white.
  3. Terracotta– it most closely resembles natural clay tiles. This is a shade brown, reminiscent of fired ceramics. Actively used in the practice of Feng Shui.
  4. Green– associated with nature. Rich green color instills calm and tranquility, while muted tones create an atmosphere of concentration and composure. Psychologists recommend using this color, especially in big cities.
  5. Blue– looks very beautiful in bright light, so when choosing this color you should take care of the evening lighting. Light blue tones bring relaxation and calm, while saturated ones can drive you into depression, so you should be careful with this color. Blue roofing looks perfect in a landscape with bodies of water, be it a lake or a river. It is also perfect for coastal areas. Pairs perfectly with white accessories on the façade or roof.
  6. Grey- one of the most versatile light shades. Perfect for dark places with insufficient lighting. Gray roof harmonizes perfectly with surrounding nature and is considered a symbol of restraint and stability. It is the choice of people who purposefully and calmly move towards their goal.

You can choose the most optimal color, taking into account the facade, accessories and the surrounding landscape, yourself or by contacting professional designers. But the most important thing is not to skimp on the quality of metal tiles, then the chosen color will serve for a long time and be pleasing to the eye.
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Each type of product, be it a car, facing material, a textile product, has its own characteristic color, which depends on the presence of certain pigments in the paint of its coating or fiber.

Paint fading, textile fading exposed to sunlight, heavy rainfall or frequent use detergents- a serious problem faced by manufacturers of almost any product. This process not only worsens the appearance of the product and its aesthetics, but can also disrupt the protective properties of the outer coating, creating the preconditions for negative influence it is affected by various chemical contaminants, precipitation, solar radiation, high and low temperatures.

Why does color change when exposed to the sun?

Sunlight is a stream of particles, each of which has some energy. When the particle reaches the surface of the product, its energy is absorbed by the paint molecule. This process excites electrons in the molecule, which, moving to another energy state, disrupt the established chemical bonds and molecular chains, resulting in the destruction of paint pigments. Accordingly, the color of the coating changes, it becomes lighter or darker, loses its brightness and saturation.

Similar processes in the material are observed when its surface is exposed to other factors - abrasive substances, precipitation, etc.

The ability of a material to retain its color under the influence of light is determined using appropriate laboratory equipment, an example of which is those developed by Atlas MTS. Such devices are widely used in the textile industry, automobile production, building materials, paint coatings and other products.

The speed of the process of paint fading or fading of textiles is determined by many factors, the main ones being the intensity of light and the time of its exposure to the object. Modern devices for testing materials for light fastness and color fastness, Atlas MTS allows you to adjust these parameters, determining the properties of materials under different external conditions and predicting the quality of manufactured products with a high degree of reliability.

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