What is collected in the gardens in the fall. =Autumn harvesting work. Planting green manure and fertilizing

Theme "Trees in autumn"

Completed Adgamova G.R. Russian language teacher at MBDOU "Shemordansky" kindergarten No. 2 “Teremok” Sabinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan »

Age: 6-7 years.

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Project goal:

generalization and systematization

children's ideas about

changes taking place

in the life of trees in autumn.



Developing the ability to admire the beauty of autumn nature and

desire to show care.


Development in children of cognitive abilities to autumn changes in the life of trees,

Develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, ability to analyze, compare, generalize.


Study the interaction of trees with the outside world;

Form basic ideas about the life of trees;

Reflect knowledge gained through experience in various types activities (visual, mental, play).

Project implementation stages :

Stage I - preparatory stage .

  • Formulation of the topic and goals of the project.
  • Developing a plan to move towards the goal.
  • Drawing up a plan - diagram
  • Preparation of project presentation and
  • notes directly
  • educational activities.

Stage IImain stage .

  • Organizing excursions with children: to the autumn park; in the kindergarten area.
  • Educational activity on the topic: “Trees in autumn”
  • Examination of reproductions, photographs, illustrations: I. Shishkin “Autumn”, I. Levitan “ Golden autumn", I. Brodsky "Fallen Leaves", V. Polenov "Golden Autumn"

Stage III - final stage.

  • Organization of an exhibition of joint works of children and adults “The Beauty of Trees in Autumn”.

  • labor to remove leaves from the area,
  • excursion to autumn nature, collecting leaves for herbarium and crafts,
  • tree watching
  • learning outdoor games “We are autumn leaves”, “One, two, three - run to the birch (poplar, aspen, etc.)”

Cooperation between teacher and children :

  • Writing a story about trees autumn period based on impressions during walks and excursions
  • artistic and productive activities (drawing, applique, sculpting
  • Examination of reproductions, photographs, illustrations: I. Shishkin “Autumn”, I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, I. Brodsky “Fallen Leaves”

Perception of fiction:

memorizing poems about autumn: “Oak and Hazel Tree” by L.N. Tolstoy,

“On Forest Paths” by E. Trutnev,

“Autumn is on the threshold” by N. Sladkov,

“Autumn” by A. Pushkin,

“Four Wishes” by K. Ushinsky

Independent activities of children :

  • examination by children and comparison of leaves and trees, observation of leaf fall;
  • didactic games: “Whose leaf?”, “Find the leaf,” “Find the tree by the seeds.”
  • task: choose the tree you like best, find out what it is called: find out whether such trees grow in our garden. Look at it and answer. What parts does a tree have? Why does a tree need leaves, roots, trunk, bark? What grows next to it? Why? In drawing classes, offer to draw it.
  • go out into the area, examine the trees. Stroke the bark, press your cheek to it. What is it like - warm, cold, rough, smooth, wet, dry? Hug your tree and try to pull it out of the ground. It turns out? Why not? What keeps a tree in the ground? Are the roots visible? What are they?

WITH cooperation with parents:

Competition of joint works, when organizing a competition of joint works with parents, it was discovered that many children with their parents and at home designed very interesting herbariums, collages, paintings,

Making riddles about trees in the fall and publishing a book - kids.

Expected result.

Learned to observe nature native land, admire her beauty,

We fixed the names of the trees, their structure, and external features.

BOU "Rostilovskaya secondary school"

Gryazovets district, Vologda region

Oral speech development lesson

based on subject study

and phenomena of the surrounding reality

in the 4th grade of special (correctional) education of the 8th type

Subject: « Seasonal work in the garden and garden. Harvesting. Children's games in different times year."

Subject . Seasonal work in the garden and garden. Harvesting. Children's games in different seasons.

Target : find out what work is carried out in the fall in the garden and garden.

Tasks: expand children’s knowledge about seasonal work in the garden and in the garden, how people harvest crops, what kind of participation children can take;

expand the vocabulary of words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs;

teach to highlight common feature in words, develop the ability to generalize, compose a coherent story, the ability to answer questions, edit text;

to cultivate in children a positive attitude towards work, a desire to help their parents, and to work in a team.

Equipment: presentation, pictures “Harvest”, vegetables and fruits, subject pictures on the topic, basket with apples.

1. Updating knowledge.

Guess the riddle.

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn) (Slide2)

What time of year is it now?

What month?

What month has already passed?

What month will it be?

Name everything in order autumn months? (Slide 3)

What do people do in the garden in the fall? (Harvest.)

2. Subject message. – Today in class we will talk about what kind of crop you have grown, how people harvest it and what part you took in harvesting

3 . Riddles from the garden “What grows in the garden?” (Slide 4)

And now we will solve riddles. I read riddles, and you, who have the answer, bring it to the table and explain what signs you used to recognize it. (Slide 5)

Autumn has given you and me a generous hand.

And in every garden bed, mysteries grew.

I was born with a wonderful head of white and curly hair.

Who loves cabbage soup, look for me. (cabbage)

Buried in the ground in May

And they didn’t take it out for a hundred days,

And they began to dig in the fall -

Not just one was found, but ten!

What's its name, kids? (potato)

I grow in the soil in a garden bed,

Red, long, sweet. (carrot)

And in this garden there are bitter mysteries.

Thirty-three clothes and all without fastening.

Whoever undresses them sheds tears. (onion)

What is it: grown into the ground

Thick on top, sharp on the bottom, red? (beet)

Round, not a month, yellow, not butter,

Sweet, not sugar, with a tail, not a mouse. (turnip)

What a curiosity!

There's a carrot on the branch!

Hanging, blushing, basking in the sun. (pepper)

How mysteries grew in our garden bed -

Juicy and large, so round.

They turn green in summer and turn red in autumn. (tomatoes)

It grows towards the ground and is removed by winter.

The head looks like a bow.

If you just chew even a small slice -

It will smell for a very long time. (garlic)

In the summer - in the garden, fresh, green,

And in winter - in a barrel, strong, salted. (cucumbers)

Here's the green fat guy -

Large, smooth... (zucchini)

This is the rich harvest we reaped in the garden. How can all this be called in one word? (vegetables).

4. The meaning of vegetables.

Why do people grow vegetables?

5 . Proverbs.(Slide 6)

Explain the meaning of proverbs.

Vegetables are the glory of doctors and the pride of chefs.

What goes around comes around.

Crops need care to reap a rich harvest.

6. Game “How to harvest vegetables?” (Slide 7)

Insert the correct words into the sentences, just like vegetables are harvested.

Potatoes from the ground….. .

Carrot … .

Cabbage... .

Tomatoes … .

Words for reference:

dig, cut, tear, pull out.

7 . Physical exercise.

We dug up potatoes

Cucumbers were picked from the ridge,

They pulled out all the carrots,

They cut the carrots deftly

And in a basket from the ground

They brought you a gift.

8 . Work according to the table “Harvesting potatoes.” (Slide 8)


What time of year?

Where do the guys work?

What are they doing?

Give the children names and tell about them.

What potato crop has grown?

(children answer the questions first, then tell the whole story.)

9. Children's participation in harvesting.

How involved did you take in the harvest?

(Children's stories)

10 .A story about turnips (Slide 9)

One of the first vegetables that people learned to grow was turnips. It was eaten fresh, steamed, and cooked into porridge. It is no coincidence that people composed fairy tales, songs, and games about her. - What tales about turnips do you know? (“Turnip”, “Tops and Roots”)

11. Patter.

In the old man's garden the turnip grew strong .

12 . Game "Turnip".

Turnip, turnip,

Grow strong.

Neither small nor great,

To the mouse's tail.

13. Fruits.(Slide 10)

Besides vegetables, what else do we harvest in the fall? (fruits)

Using the table, name which fruits you know.

What fruits most often grow in our area? (apples)

Poem. Y. Akim "Apple". (Slide 11)

The apple is ripe, red, sweet,

The apple is juicy, with smooth skin.

I'll break the apple in half

I'll split the apple with my friend.

What signs can you pick up for the word apple? (Slide 12)

(red, yellow, green, ripe, juicy, sweet, sour, fragrant, aromatic, appetizing)

Where do apples grow? (in the garden)

14. Compiling a story based on the painting “Apple Picking.”

Plan. (Slide 13)

What time of year?

Where do the guys work?

What are they doing?

Give the children names and tell them about each one.

What apple crop has grown?

15. Editing text. (Slide 14)

Put the sentences in the correct order to create a coherent story.


We walked in the garden.

Suddenly an apple crawled along the path.

It was a hedgehog.

He pricked himself into an apple with needles.

So he ran with a load on his back.

16. Game "What has changed?"

Pictures: apple, pear, plum, lemon, orange.

Remember the order of the pictures. Close your eyes. What has changed?

17. Game "What's extra?" (Slide 15)

Pear, apple, tomato, peach.

Cabbage , cherry, zucchini, cucumber.

Apple, tomato, pepper , cucumber . (red)

Potatoes, carrots, beets , zucchini .

18. Lesson summary. Relaxation.

So, let's return to the topic of the lesson and summarize.

What seasonal work do people do in the garden in the fall?

How do children participate?

Who enjoyed working in class today?

Who is satisfied with their work in class?

Rate.!!! (Slide 16)

Thanks everyone. I treat everyone to apples.


E. D. Khudenko, I. A. Terekhova. Getting to know the world around us: A textbook for special (correctional) schools, type 8, grade 4.

Moscow, ARTKI, 2006.

L. G. Gorkova, A. V. Kochergina, L. A. Obukhova. Scenarios for environmental education. Moscow, "VAKO", 2011.

T. I. Podrezova. Materials for classes on speech development. Seasons. Forest. Mushrooms. Moscow, Iris-press, 2006.

T. I. Podrezova. Materials for classes on speech development. Vegetables. Fruits and berries. Moscow, Iris-press, 2007.

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Autumn time is coming and every gardener is preparing to do the maximum number of tasks that will bear fruit in the spring. It is important not only to harvest the harvest, but also to prepare the beds, put away vegetables for storage, and carry out autumn work in the garden. In this article we will talk about the most important works at the dacha, which should not be forgotten in September.

Autumn work in the garden

In the garden, as in the vegetable garden, you need to perform a number of activities:

Everything takes time. Therefore, there is no need to prolong the pleasure, let’s get started.

Preparing trees and shrubs for winter

  1. It's too early to prune in September. garden trees, formation of shrubs. But comply sanitary standards costs. Remove broken and dry branches. Treat the cut areas with either garden varnish or a mixture of clay and manure. Don't leave open areas. Pests will definitely take advantage of your negligence.
  2. If the leaves have fallen (depending on the region of residence, this is observed in some areas), do not try to remove the foliage. Burn litter only if it has been damaged by pests or disease. Leaf litter will act as an organic fertilizer if it is spread out in a hole near the trunk. In addition to laying under the crown of a tree, fallen leaves are also suitable for a greenhouse, greenhouses or compost heap.
  3. You can produce. Why are trees painted or whitewashed? In winter, the sun heats brightly and sometimes damages the bark. Cracking occurs after freezing. To prevent influence sun rays During the winter and spring seasons, it is worth protecting the bark. Whitewashing is done with lime. Some in solution experienced gardeners Ecogel and Farmayod are added. The drugs have a bactericidal effect and protect the trunk and skeletal branches from infections. If you know how much, then add sulfur. This substance will repel rodents.
  4. Treat bushes and trees by spraying with the following preparations: Bitoxibacillin or Lipidocide. During any processing, remember trunk circles. If the remaining insects, thanks to your actions, remain on the ground, they will certainly take advantage of the moment and return to the tree.

Fertilizing and watering

  1. Fill the tree trunk circles with water. Water generously, especially if no more watering is expected. By saturating the roots with moisture, you will provide your trees and shrubs with moisture for a long period.
  2. Apply fertilizer. If you need to reduce soil acidity - dolomite flour, if there is not enough organic matter - compost or humus. It is recommended to add minerals in the spring. Do not feed trees and shrubs with fresh manure. It contains gases: ammonia and propane, which do not fertilize the soil, but cause irreparable harm. Microorganisms and worms do not live in such soil.

You need to prepare vermicompost from fresh manure. Spread the valuable fertilizer over an area 20 cm high that allows. Sprinkle with water, then with M-preparations, pierce with a fork and cover with straw or sawdust. The future fertilizer will begin to breathe and steam will appear. The formation of beneficial aerobic bacteria began, and the process of decay began.

When the gases evaporate, it will disappear bad smell, and the mass will take on an earthy color - your fertilizer is ready. It is in this version that it is safe and even useful for your land. It can be applied under trees and in.

Autumn work in the garden (video)

Autumn planting in the garden

Most summer residents are fans of autumn planting. What can you plant in September?

  • raspberries;
  • currants;
  • gooseberry;
  • fruit trees: apple tree, pear tree, plum tree, quince tree, cherry tree;
  • garden strawberries.

The main thing when planting in autumn is to act according to agricultural technology.. Treat the seedlings, properly prepare the soil, and water the soil. Some plants require covering with film or spunbond. September is a fertile time for planting. There are no active frosts or temperature changes yet.

Preparing the garden for winter

There is more trouble in the garden in the fall than in the garden. Need to collect vegetable crops, clear the beds of weeds, prepare the soil for the next season. But you and I are practically experts! Let's act thoroughly!

Harvesting and preparation for storage

Those vegetables that need to be harvested in September are stored longer. In most cases, gardeners benefit from warm and sunny weather. It is possible to collect root crops dry and avoid rotting processes. When harvesting vegetables, be sure to dry them in the sun for several hours, shake off excess soil, sort: large - small, whole - injured.

Collected in September:

  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • and a number of other vegetables, depending on the timing of their ripening.

To ensure their long-term preservation, it is worth providing boxes, preferably wooden. Place the root vegetables in rows: small ones on the bottom, large ones on top.

Some summer residents sprinkle carrots and beets with sand. Whether to do this or not is up to you. On the one hand, sand retains moisture and the vegetable does not spoil longer. On the other hand, there are many in the sand harmful bacteria and microorganisms that cause a rapid rotting process if an injured root crop is encountered.

How to cover plants for the winter (video)

Cleaning the garden in the fall

  1. First of all, we get rid of the remains of cultivated plants. If they were sick, we burn them. Only be sure to old barrel or other metal container, but not on earth. Use the ash as fertilizer in the spring.
  2. Clearing the garden of grass. In September, not all weeds bloom, but you can do it in time if you haven’t done so in some areas.
  3. We spread rotted manure, prepared in advance, on the beds, peat, compost - future fertilizer for plants.
  4. Disinfecting the area spring planting. You can use a solution of potassium permanganate for treatment: 10 g. per 100 liters of water or baking soda: 1 heaped tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Spill thoroughly. The second step is to use Fitosporin. Follow the instructions.
  5. Change the soil in the greenhouse and greenhouses. If you don’t want to change it, use bleach: 150 gr. per 1 m 2. Such processing is enough not to remember about it for three years.
  6. Remove drip system watering so as not to freeze. Remove thermostats from greenhouse doors and windows.

Planting green manure and fertilizing

Oats, white mustard, and rye are widely used in the country. If the soil on your site is sandy, you should not use rye. She will dry up the earth. It is better to sow it on clay and loamy soils. But white mustard is perfect.

After 20 - 25 days you will be able to mow the tops with a flat cutter or hoe useful herbs, and embed them in the ground. Don't dig it up. The roots of green manure will be an excellent treat for underground inhabitants: worms and other insects. By eating the lower parts of plants, they convert them into vermicompost. You will receive a double benefit: organic fertilizer from the tops and loose soil from decay products.

In addition to planting green manure, you can mulch the ground. Suitable mulch:

  • rotted sawdust;
  • hay;
  • straw;
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • humus.

What is the benefit of mulch in the fall, you ask?

  1. You will provide the earth with natural organic fertilizer.
  2. Mulch will act as a barrier to the descent melt water, which in the spring wash away the upper fertile layer land.
  3. Under such a “blanket” you can preserve winter plantings.

Provided that in your garden in summer and autumn they grew and delighted with flowering marigolds, use them as fertilizer. Chop as much as possible and dig up the soil. When planting flowers in the ground, remember that they will save your future plantings from nematodes, wireworms and Colorado potato beetle. Marigolds have an intimidating aroma. Many insect pests cannot tolerate it and leave such places. This fertilizer will make your area healthier.

Dry some of the “orange” ones. Spring and summer next season you can make an infusion out of them and spray them cultivated plants, which are influenced onion fly, aphids, whiteflies and butterfly pests.

Autumn planting in the garden

What can you plant in the fall before winter? Often these are root vegetables. Having prepared the beds, you can sow radishes, carrots, beets, onions, and garlic in the fall. This must be done before the first frost. Use mulch or spruce branches. If the frosts in your area of ​​residence are severe, prepare covering material. For planting before winter, carefully select planting material, carry out disinfection and, only after the above procedures, plant in the ground.

Autumn work at the dacha in September: what else is worth doing

In the fall, at the dacha, many gardeners do business, the results of which will be seen only in the spring or summer next year:

  • clean, sharpen and sanitize equipment
  • carry out minor urgent repairs garden houses: whitewashing, painting
  • repair fences, hedges, gates, utility rooms
  • canning vegetables and making jam
  • dried apples and pears, grapes and plums
  • clean greenhouses and household premises
  • laying compost heaps

They try to get as many things done as possible so as not to be distracted in the spring, and to prepare for winter. They don’t put off until tomorrow what they can do today. After all, springtime is a completely different hassle: sowing seeds for seedlings, grafting measures, applying fertilizers, preparing plants and planting them, and many more worries for a hardworking summer resident.

What fertilizers to use in the fall (video)

Having completed all the tasks, gardeners can breathe a sigh of relief and a sense of accomplishment. The harvest has been harvested, the land has been prepared, and sanitary measures have been taken. All that remains is to drink a cup of green tea with your neighbors, say goodbye and go for a well-deserved winter rest. After all, there are three working seasons ahead, a new harvest, nice chores, sun and good mood.

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