Safety precautions when performing masonry work presentation. Safety precautions when performing masonry work. Labor protection requirements before starting work

By doing stone works It is necessary to provide measures to prevent the impact of the following hazardous and harmful production factors on workers:

Location of workplaces near a height difference of 1.3 m or more;

Fall of overlying materials, structures and tools;

Spontaneous collapse of structural elements;

Moving parts of machines and the structures and materials they move.

In the presence of dangerous and harmful production factors indicated above, the safety of masonry work must be ensured on the basis of the implementation of the following labor protection decisions contained in the organizational and technological documentation (POS, PPR, etc.):

Organization of workplaces indicating the design and installation location of the necessary scaffolding equipment, load-handling devices, containerization equipment and packaging;

The sequence of work, taking into account ensuring the stability of the structures being erected;

Determining the design and installation locations of means to protect against a person falling from a height and falling objects near the building;

Additional safety measures to ensure the stability of masonry during the cold season.

Laying of the walls of each above floor of a multi-story building must be done after installation load-bearing structures interfloor ceilings, as well as landings and flights in staircases.

If necessary, construction stone walls above floor without laying floors or coverings, it is necessary to use temporary fastenings of these walls.

When installing ceilings and other structures, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 8 of these rules and regulations.

When laying the external walls of buildings with a height of more than 7 m from internal scaffolding, it is necessary to install external protective canopies along the entire perimeter of the building that meet the following requirements - the width of the protective canopies must be at least 13 m, and they must be installed with a slope to the wall so that the angle the temperature formed between the underlying part of the building wall and the surface of the canopy was 1100 C, and the gap between the building wall and the canopy flooring did not exceed 50 mm;

Protective visors must withstand evenly distributed snow load, established for a given climatic region, and a concentrated load of at least 1600 N (160 kg), applied in the middle of the span;

The first row of protective canopies should have a protective flooring at a height of no more than 6 m from the ground, and remain until the walls are completely laid, and the second row, made solid or from mesh materials with a cell no more than 50x50 mm, should be installed at a height of 6 - 7 m above first row, and then, along the course of the laying, rearranged every 6 - 7 m.

3.6.3. Safety precautions when performing finishing work.

When performing facing work, it is necessary to take measures to prevent exposure of workers to the following hazardous and harmful production factors related to the nature of the work:

Increased dust and gas pollution in the air working area;

The location of the workplace near a height difference of 1.3 m or more;

Sharp edges, burrs and rough surfaces finishing materials and structures;

Insufficient illumination of the work area.

In the presence of dangerous and harmful production factors indicated above, the safety of finishing work must be ensured:

Organizing workplaces, providing them with the necessary scaffolding and other means small mechanization necessary for the performance of work;

When using formulations containing harmful and flammable substances, there must be solutions to ensure ventilation and fire safety.

When performing finishing work, the requirements of these norms and rules must be met.

Finishing compounds and mastics should, as a rule, be prepared centrally. When preparing them on a construction site, it is necessary to use for these purposes premises equipped with ventilation that does not allow the maximum permissible concentration to be exceeded harmful substances in the air of the work area. The premises must be provided with harmless detergents and warm water.

It is prohibited to heat and dry premises with braziers and other devices that emit fuel combustion products into the premises.

When working with solutions containing chemical additives, it is necessary to use personal protection(rubber gloves, protective ointments, safety glasses) according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the composition used.

When dry cleaning surfaces and other work associated with the release of dust and gases, as well as during mechanical filling and painting, it is necessary to use respirators and safety glasses.

When cleaning surfaces with acid or caustic soda, you must wear safety glasses, rubber gloves and an acid-resistant apron with a bib.

When applying the solution to a ceiling or vertical surface, you should wear safety glasses.

Labor safety instructions for masons

When carrying out bricklaying work, according to their qualifications, masons are required to comply with the safety requirements set out in " Standard instructions on labor protection for construction and industry workers building materials and housing and communal services", this standard instruction, developed taking into account building codes and rules Russian Federation, as well as the requirements of manufacturers' instructions for the operation of technological equipment, equipment and tools used during operation.

It is necessary to comply with safety requirements in accordance with SNiP 12-03-2001 and the rules for the production and acceptance of work in accordance with SNiP 3.03.01-87.

Before starting bricklaying work, masons must:

Present to the manager a certificate of testing knowledge of safe methods of working on brickwork;

Prepare the necessary personal protective equipment, check them, put on a helmet, special clothing, special equipment. shoes of the established type;

Prepare the necessary personal protective equipment, check them, receive an assignment to perform bricklaying work from a foreman or supervisor and undergo on-the-job training taking into account the specifics of the work being performed.

After receiving a task from a foreman or manager, masons are obliged to:

Prepare the necessary personal protective equipment and check their serviceability;

Prepare technological equipment and tools necessary when performing brickwork work, check their compliance with safety requirements.

Masons should not begin masonry work when:

Failure to carry out regular tests in a timely manner ( technical inspection) technological equipment, tools and devices;

Failure to carry out regular tests in a timely manner or the expiration of the service life of protective equipment for workers established by the manufacturer;

Insufficient lighting of workplaces and approaches to them;

Violation of the stability of buildings and structures;

Detected violations of security requirements must be eliminated on our own, and if it is impossible to do this, masons are obliged to report them to the foreman or the head of the bricklaying work.

When laying buildings, masons are obliged to:

Place brick and mortar on floors or scaffolding in such a way that there is a passage of at least 0.6 m wide between them and the wall of the building and the working floor is not allowed to be overloaded;

Use collective protective equipment (fences, catching devices) or a safety belt with a safety rope when laying walls at a height of up to 0.7 m from the working floor, if behind the wall being built there is a distance of more than 1.3 m to the surface of the wall (floor);

Erect each subsequent floor of the building only after laying the floors above the erected floor;

Fill voids in the slabs before they are delivered to the laying site in the design position.

Masons are required to attach the safety belt in the places indicated by the work manager when laying:

Cornices, parapets, as well as alignment of corners, cleaning of facades, installation, dismantling and cleaning of protective canopies;

Stan elevator shafts and other masonry work performed near unfenced differences in height of 1.3 m or more;

Walls more than 0.75 m thick in a “standing” position on the wall.

Before starting to lay external walls, masons must ensure that there are no people in the danger zone below, close to the place where they are working on bricklaying.

When moving and feeding workplace brick cranes, ceramic stones and small blocks, pallets, containers and load-handling devices should be used to prevent the load from falling. Masons slinging loads must have a slinger's certificate and comply with the requirements of the "Standard Labor Safety Instructions for Slingers."

To prevent pallets being moved by a crane and freed from bricks from falling, they must be tied into bags before slinging them.

When moving prefabricated elements with a lifting crane building structures(floor slabs, lintels, flights of stairs, platforms and other products) masons are required to stay outside the danger zone that arises when moving loads with cranes. Approaching the specified elements is allowed only at a distance of no more than 0.5 m after they are lowered above the installation site in the design position.

When accepting elements of prefabricated building structures, you should not stand between the accepted structural elements and the nearest edge of the outer wall.

Elements of prefabricated building structures should be installed without shocks or impacts on the mounted elements of building structures.

When performing work on punching grooves, adjusting bricks and ceramic stones by chipping, masons are required to wear safety glasses.

When manually feeding materials into pits or to underlying workplaces, masons are required to use inclined chutes with side boards. Materials lowered through the chute should be accepted after their descent has stopped. Dropping materials from heights is not permitted.

When working with solutions with chemical additives, masons are required to use the protective equipment provided technological map to carry out the specified work.

Safety requirements in emergency situations for brickwork

If a pallet with bricks malfunctions while it is being moved by a crane, masons must leave the danger zone and give the “Stop” signal to the crane operator. After this, the brick must be lowered to the ground and transferred to a serviceable pallet.

If cracks or displacement of the brickwork are detected, you should immediately stop working on the brickwork and report this to your supervisor.

In the event of a soil landslide or a violation of the integrity of the fastening of the excavation slopes, masons are obliged to stop laying the foundation, leave the workplace and report the incident to the head of the bricklaying work.

Upon completion of bricklaying work, masons are required to:

Remove debris, waste materials and tools from the wall and scaffolding;

Clean the instrument from the solution and put it in the designated place for storage;

Put in order and put away special clothing, safety shoes and personal protective equipment in designated areas;

Report to the manager or foreman about any problems that arise during work.

4.7. Safety precautions for plastering works Oh:

When carrying out plastering work, you should strictly observe safety rules, guided by current regulatory and instructional documentation, including SNiP 12-04-2002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production", chapter 10.

In addition, when performing plastering work, it is necessary to pay special attention to the following requirements:

Persons who have undergone safety training and have studied the devices, principles and procedures for working with mechanisms and tools are allowed to perform plastering work;

When performing plastering work using mortar-pumping installations, it is necessary to ensure two-way communication between the operator and the installation driver;

To dry the premises of buildings and structures under construction when it is impossible to use heating systems, air heaters (electric or powered) should be used. liquid fuel). When installing them, you must comply with the requirements of fire safety rules during construction and installation work. It is prohibited to heat or dry the room with braziers or other devices that emit fuel combustion products into the room.

Before the start of each shift, you should check the serviceability of mortar pumps, dispenser hoses and other equipment used for plastering work. Pressure gauges must be sealed.

It is prohibited to operate mortar pumps at a pressure exceeding that specified in the passport.

Operators who apply the plaster solution to the surface using a nozzle, and workers who spray it manually, are provided with safety glasses.

Portable current collectors (tools, machines, lamps, etc.) used when performing plastering work must have a voltage of no more than 36 V.

Scaffolding means and other devices that ensure the safety of work must comply with the requirements of “Scaffolding means”.

Scaffolding means must have level working decks with a gap between boards of no more than 5 mm, and if the deck is located at a height of 1.3 mm or more, fencing and side elements. Overlapping connections of decking panels are allowed only along their length, and the ends of the joined elements must be located on the support and overlap it by at least 0.2 m in each direction.

When accepting scaffolding, the following must be checked: the presence of connections and fastenings that ensure stability, fastening points for individual elements, working decks and fences, verticality of the racks, reliability of support platforms and grounding (for metal scaffolding).

In places where people are lifted onto scaffolding there should be posters indicating the magnitude and layout of the loads.

During operation, towers must be inspected by a foreman or foreman at least every 10 days.

4.8. Safety precautions when working on thermal insulation:

Work on the device external thermal insulation buildings must be constructed taking into account the requirements of GOST 12.1.003 "SSBT. Noise. General requirements safety"; GOST 12.1.004 "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements"; GOST 12.1.005 "SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area"; GOST 12.1.019 "SSBT. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection"; "GOST 12.1.029 "SSBT. Means and methods of noise protection"; GOST 12.1.030. "SSBT. Electrical safety. Protective grounding and grounding"; GOST 12.2.003 "SSBT. Production equipment. General safety requirements"; GOST 12.2.010 "SSBT. Hand-held pneumatic machines. General safety requirements"; GOST 12.2.011 "SSBT. Construction and road machines. General safety requirements"; GOST "SSBT. Hand-held electric machines. Particular safety requirements and test methods for saws and circular saws"; GOST "SSBT. Hand-held electric machines. Specific safety requirements and test methods for hammers and hammer drills"; GOST "SSBT. Hand-held electric machines. General safety requirements and test methods"; GOST 12.2.030 "SSBT. Manual machines. Noise characteristics. Standards. Control methods"; GOST 12.2.033 "SSBT. Workplaces when performing work while standing. General ergonomic requirements"; GOST 12.2.062 "SSBT. Production equipment. Protective fences"; GOST 12.2.071 "SSBT. Lifting cranes. Container cranes"; GOST 12.3.009 "SSBT. Loading and unloading operations. General safety requirements"; GOST 12.3.033 "SSBT. Construction machines. General safety requirements during operation"; GOST 12.3.038 "SSBT. Construction. Work on thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines. Safety requirements"; GOST 12.4.011 "SSBT. Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification"; GOST 12.4.026 "SSBT. Signal colors and safety signs"; GOST 12.4.059 "SSBT. Construction. Inventory safety fences.

4.8. Safety precautions for painting works:

When carrying out work on finishing surfaces with painting compounds, it is necessary to comply with the rules provided for by SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements”, “Instructions on fire safety for workers and engineering workers of construction sites and enterprises of Glavmosstroy”, GOST 12 1.004-91* “Fire safety”, GOST 12.3.035-84 “Painting works”.

Workers engaged in painting work must be trained in work techniques and safe methods labor.

Painting work at height should be carried out from scaffolding or cradles.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training and received a certificate for the right to work with these tools are allowed to work with pneumatic tools, as well as those certified in the first group of safety precautions and who do not have medical contraindications for this species works Every painter who uses a pneumatic painting tool must know the instructions and rules technical operation tools, safe ways to connect and disconnect tools from the air duct; the main causes of tool malfunction and safe ways to eliminate them.

If problems occur in the operation of the mechanisms necessary repairs It is allowed to carry out only after they are stopped, de-energized and the supply of compressed air is stopped.

Corps of all electrical mechanisms must be reliably grounded.

Workers engaged in painting work must be provided with the following individual and collective means protection in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.011-89, which must be used depending on the nature of the work performed:

Safety footwear and workwear (GOST 12.4.103-83);

Rubber gloves (GOST 20010-93);

Cotton gloves (TU 17 RSFSR 06-7745-84);

To protect your eyes, goggles open or closed type;

For respiratory protection - dust respirators RU-60MA, RPG-67A, ShB-1, "Lepestok" (GOST 12.4.028-76 * , GOST 17269-71 * , RU-6ONU (GOST 17269-71 * ).

The complex of sanitary and technical measures includes providing workers with household premises, sanitary and hygienic devices (SNiP 2.09.04-87*).

Workers engaged in painting work must undergo an acceptance medical examination upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health No. 90 of March 14, 1996.

In the process of using finishing materials, the formation of a small amount of solid and liquid waste, they must be collected in special containers and sent for destruction in accordance with SN 3184-84 "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste." It is necessary to strictly observe the entire range of security measures environment. The product is disposed of in the same way after warranty period storage

If paint or finishing compounds come into contact with your skin, remove them with hand cleaner and rinse with water.

Solvent-based paint compositions and solvents must be stored in closed, ventilated, explosion- and fire-proof rooms in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9980.5-86.

→ Stone work

Safety precautions during masonry work

Fulfill brickwork The mason should only stand on scaffolding or scaffolding, without standing on the wall.

You can work on a wall (stand on the inner mile) if the thickness of the wall is three bricks or more; In this case, it is imperative to use safety belts and tie to stable structures.

Scaffolding and scaffolding must be installed on clean, level surfaces. Particular attention should be paid to supporting the tubular scaffold posts on the ground. To distribute pressure evenly, wooden pads are placed under the posts perpendicular to the wall being built (one pad under two posts).

Flooring on scaffolding and scaffolding must be level and free of cracks. They should be made from inventory boards, sewn with strips. The gap between the wall of the building under construction and the working flooring of the scaffolding should not exceed 5 cm. This gap is needed so that, by lowering the plumb line below the scaffolding, it is possible to check the verticality of the masonry being built.

The condition of all scaffolding and scaffolding structures, including the condition of connections, decking and fences, must be systematically monitored. The condition of scaffolding and scaffolding must be checked daily before the start of the shift by the foreman in charge of the relevant area of ​​work at a given site and the foreman.

The laying of any tier of walls is carried out so that its level after each mixing is 15 cm above the working floor.

Simultaneously with the laying of walls, ready-made window units. In cases where door and window openings are not filled with ready-made blocks during the masonry process, the openings must be covered with inventory barriers.

The laying of cornices protruding from the plane of the wall by more than 30 cm, in the absence of external scaffolding, must be done from the inventory of exhaust hanging scaffolding.

When laying walls from internal scaffolding, it is necessary to install external inventory protective canopies along the entire perimeter of the building in the form of a flooring on brackets hung on steel hooks, which are embedded in the masonry as it is erected.

When installing canopies, the following requirements must be observed: install the first row of canopies at a height of no more than 6 m from the ground and leave it until the walls are laid to their full height; install the second row of canopies at a height of 6-7 m above the first row, and then rearrange them every 6-7 m along the course of the laying. Protective canopies must have a width of at least 1.5 m and external corner elevation 20° to the horizon.

Without installing protective canopies, it is possible to lay the walls of buildings no more than 7 m high, but at the same time, fences must be installed on the ground along the perimeter of the buildings at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the wall.

When performing masonry work, safety requirements must be met. Scaffolding and scaffolding must be strong and stable. Floorings and transitional stairs on them must have fences at a height of at least 1 m with a side board at least 15 cm wide. All openings in the floorings and openings in walls facing outside must be fenced with strong railings or covered with shields.

When working from internal scaffolding, a continuous protective canopy is installed outside the building wood flooring or wire mesh a width of at least 1.5 m with an upward slope from the wall at an angle of at least 20°. The first row of canopies is installed at a height of no higher than 6 m from the ground, the second row is 6-7 m higher than the first, then it is rearranged as the structure is erected. Structures up to 8 m high can be erected without canopies with mandatory fencing at the bottom. It is prohibited to lay walls with a height of more than 8 m and install temporary flooring on the beams of interfloor ceilings.

Cornices protruding from the walls by more than 30 cm should be made from external or exhaust scaffolding. These cornices must have temporary fastenings that are removed only after the mortar in the masonry has completely hardened.

When moving and delivering bricks, ceramic stones and small blocks to the workplace by cranes, pallets, containers and lifting devices should be used to prevent the load from falling during lifting. When laying the walls of buildings at a height of up to 0.7 m from the working floor and at a distance from its level behind the wall being built to the ground surface (floor) of more than 1.3 m, it is necessary to use collective protective equipment (fencing or catching devices) or safety belts.

It is not allowed to lay external walls up to 0.75 m thick while standing on the wall.

If the wall thickness is more than 0.75 m, it is allowed to carry out masonry from the wall using a safety belt attached to a special safety device.

It is not allowed to lay the walls of buildings on the next floor without installing load-bearing structures of the interfloor ceiling, as well as landings and flights in staircases.

When laying walls with a height of more than 7 m, it is necessary to use protective canopies around the perimeter of the building that meet the following requirements:

The width of the protective canopies must be at least 1.5 m, and they must be installed with a slope to the wall so that the angle formed between the lower part of the building wall and the surface of the canopy is 110°, and the gap between the building wall and the canopy flooring does not exceed 50 mm;

Protective canopies must withstand a uniformly distributed snow load established for a given climatic region, and a concentrated load of at least 1600 N (160 kgf) applied in the middle of the span;

The first row of protective canopies should have a solid flooring at a height of no more than 6 m from the ground and remain until the walls are completely laid, and the second row, made solid or from mesh materials with a cell no more than 50-50 mm, should be installed at a height of 6-7 m above first row, and then rearranged every 6-7 m along the laying process.

Workers involved in installing, cleaning or removing protective visors must wear safety belts. Walking on canopies, using them as scaffolding, or placing materials on them is not permitted. Without installing protective canopies, it is allowed to lay walls up to 7 m high with the designation of a danger zone along the perimeter of the building.

When laying industrial brick pipes It is not allowed to carry out work on the top of the pipe during a thunderstorm or with a wind speed of more than 15 m/s.

Above the loading area of ​​the lift there should be a protective double flooring made of boards at least 40 mm thick at a height of 2.5-5 m.

It is allowed to remove temporary fastenings of cornice elements or wall cladding after the solution reaches the strength established by the project.

The construction of stone structures using the freezing method is permitted if the project contains instructions on the possibility, procedure and conditions for using this method.

For stone structures made by freezing, the method of thawing the structures (artificial or natural) must be determined and measures to ensure the stability and geometric immutability of the structures during the period of thawing and strengthening of the mortar must be indicated.

During the period of natural thawing and hardening of the mortar in stone structures made by freezing, constant monitoring should be established. Staying in a building or structure of persons not participating in measures to ensure the stability of these structures is not allowed.

Process natural stones within the territory construction site should be in specially designated areas where persons not involved in this work are not allowed to be present.

Workplaces located at a distance of less than 3 m from each other must be separated by protective screens.

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