Decorative types of maple. Alphabetical index of plants from “A” to “Z.” Norway maple, or platanolea

Amateur gardeners and landscape designers They are sensitive to rare ornamental plants. The Japanese maple can become the pride of every garden. Its natural distribution range is limited to the islands of Japan, the South Korean coast and the Russian island of Kunashir. It grows more often in mountainous areas.

Growing this tree crop requires certain knowledge and precautions. How to properly plant and care for a heat-loving plant.

In natural landscapes - a deciduous tree or shrub up to 10 meters high. The bark and branches are colored reddish-gray and are smooth.

The leaves are like those of our maple - dissected to half the diameter into several segments (from 7 to 11), large (coverage up to 15 centimeters). Depending on the variety, the dissection of the leaves can be different, sometimes they are very feathery. The petioles on which the leaves grow, 3-5 cm long, may be pubescent.

Due to the magnificent color of the leaves, this type of maple has become so popular; the crowns of the Japanese beauty fly like red flames in the middle of the garden. Some of its species have a crimson-red foliage throughout the growing season, others change color from green to yellow and crimson.

Bright flowers Not large size appear earlier than the leaves in spring. From them lionfish are formed. These are seed fruits up to 3 centimeters long, with the help of which plants of this genus reproduce.

Eastern maples are grown in open ground and in special tubs.

Types and interesting varieties

Japanese maple has several subspecies, and breeders have developed amazing varieties that no one can pass by indifferently. They differ in the shape of the tree and leaves, and their demands on living conditions. There can be both tall and short specimens.

It should be noted that cultivated varieties are much more picturesque and are found much more often than basic ones. natural varieties. In addition to the main species described above, others are also grown.

Fan-shaped (palm-shaped)

The tree, original in shape, has a spreading crown with beautiful, carved leaves. The long-lobed leaves have a lacy outline and remain golden yellow or red throughout the season. Having shed its foliage, this plant remains a decoration of the garden, thanks to its graceful branches. It blooms red in June; many varieties have been created based on it.

Shirasawa Maple

A rare variety up to 15 meters high, there are shrubs with a low-growing outline. The leaf blade is not very dissected, large. A striking representative of this species is Aureum. This shrub grows up to 4 meters high and has yellow-orange leaves with a border around the edge. Enough winter-hardy variety, but they also like to cultivate it in tubs.


Gorgeous maple, almost completely dissected leaves in summer have green. In autumn the tree turns purple.

Orange Dream

Yellowish-green leaves with a red border are painted in a red-orange color. Orange Dream grows quickly and is tall.


Very ornamental shrub with delicate outlines of dark red leaves, almost inky in color. Even in the shade it does not lose the dark color of the foliage.

Mikawa yatsubusa

Height 1.5 meters, bush dense and squat. The leaves are needle-shaped, green in spring, scarlet in autumn.


One and a half meters in 10 years - this is the height this tree grows. It is distinguished by a dense bushy crown, its leaves are deeply cut. When it turns blood red in color, it becomes especially attractive. Shaina is planted in containers, decorating terraces and verandas, and the halls of houses.


The Japanese red maple variety reaches 1.8 meters in adulthood. Green leaves are edged with red and cut. Retains color saturation in partial shade.

Beni Kawa

The leaves are light, the original red bark.

Dissectum Garnet

The finely dissected conifer-like leaves are green in spring, becoming reddish-purple or orange-yellowish in autumn. The huge crown coverage, almost twice the height, gives the tree a very beautiful, attractive appearance. Such drooping varieties of shrubs should be placed near ponds or gazebos.

Aka shigitatsu sawa

The tree is 3 meters or so tall. This plant has peculiar pink or red dissected leaves. Loves partial shade.

Wilson's Pink Dwarf

The fan maple variety is not very winter-hardy. The height of the bush in adult form is 2.5 meters, the coverage is 1 meter less. The leaves grow on red branches and have orange.


Deeply dissected green leaves with pink or red borders give a spectacular appearance. Towards the end of the season it changes color to purple.

Where to buy seedlings, where and how to plant

You should not buy Japanese maple seeds online from unknown sellers. It is advisable to come to a nursery or store engaged in certified sales and buy a tree.

Buy a seedling better in spring or autumn; you need to make sure that the bush is not damaged. It must be planted immediately.

Japanese maple varieties love diffused shade and permeable soil. There is no need to choose too alkaline soils and treat the soil with lime.

The soil should be fairly fertile or slightly acidic, and always loose.


  • A hole is dug twice as large as the root system of the plant;
  • Pour drainage into the hole, then humus or compost with peat;
  • Moisten and straighten the roots, place the tree, sprinkle with soil and water;
  • To preserve moisture, mulch the tree trunk area.


Produced by seeds, both in nature and under cultural conditions. Seed material must be fresh.

  • Before planting, the seeds are stratified by placing them in sand (it should not be wet) and kept in a cold room all winter;
  • In spring they are planted in containers with special soil; they can be treated with growth stimulants;
  • In autumn, the strongest shoots are left to overwinter in a cool place in the same container, where the temperature is always above zero;
  • Next spring, transplant the shoots into separate pots;
  • Seedlings that have reached 30 centimeters should be planted in a permanent place - in open ground, tub or pot.

Japanese red maples can be propagated vegetative way– grafting cuttings onto palm-shaped rootstock. This procedure often ends in failure.


Domestic gardeners plant low-growing varieties Japanese maple. If it grows in a container, it needs to be fed regularly with mineral compounds. Fertilizers for heather crops are suitable. It will also need more frequent watering.

The roots of the plant do not like stagnation of water, they can rot. Therefore, watering should be abundant but timely.

On old and dense trees it is necessary to carry out anti-aging pruning. It is done in the fall, after the leaves have fallen. Sanitary removal of broken and diseased branches is carried out every year in the spring. It is also necessary for the prevention of fungus.

Preparing for winter

In the summer you need to start preparing the maple tree for winter. Finish fertilizing, watering and loosening. Late autumn remove all leaves from the bush, and after the first freezing, spray the branches with a weak (3%) copper-containing solution.

IN northern regions In Russia, it is still safer to plant this crop in tubs, and winter period bring into a cool room. It is also practiced to overwinter directly in pots laid on their sides in the garden, in a shallow trench.

IN middle lane practice covering for the winter with garden non-woven material. It’s good if the winter is snowy, then the maple can survive it stably.

Spring care

With the arrival of spring, it is necessary to awaken the tub plant so that it quickly adapts and begins to grow. To do this, after the frosts have gone, on warm days the tree is shed with a large amount of water.

Attention! Tender young leaves will inevitably burn in the sun spring time. To prevent this, potted plant cleaned in partial shade or covered, just like an open ground plant, with a light covering material.

Japanese maple in landscape design

The low growth allows the plant to be successfully grown in containers. The advantage of this method is that the container can be moved from one place to another, saving it from the sun or removed for the winter, and also from time to time placed in different parts of the garden.

Pots are also placed on stands to make them more visible. Need I mention that the slow-growing tree is used to create bonsai. They are formed by special cutting, using wire and other techniques.

The home location of the maple dwarf is favorable for indoor air. It moisturizes, gives oxygen and pleases with flowering.

Red maple is an excellent partner for other garden plants in the garden. It is not very powerful root system, and does not oppress nearby crops.

Combines with shrubs, flowering and cereal crops. The garden’s exclusive appearance is given by its proximity in the autumn, when the green leaves of other trees stand next to the purple and orange caps of the “Japanese”.

Rocky gardens in Japanese style, rock garden, rock garden, roof of a building, lawn - everywhere the maple will be the central figure. These beauties can also be planted along walking paths.

The surrounding area and the banks of small artificial reservoirs You can decorate it with a picturesque bush planted nearby.

An old maple tree knocks on the window, waving its leaves in a welcoming manner, inviting my friends and I for a walk. It’s so familiar and familiar – “helicopters” and greenish-yellow crumbling flowers in the spring, the gentle shadow of green giants in the summer and a riot of colors in the fall. And like a break in the pattern, like a mockery of the very concept of “green spaces”, a cheeky and categorical chord in the calm harmony of lard is red maple.

Beet red, fiery, orange-scarlet, pink-plum - all the colors and shades of what we commonly and routinely call red are mixed in this amazing gift of nature.

Red maple, or red-leaved maple, is one of more than one hundred and fifty species of plants belonging to. Red maple comes from Southeast Asia and gained particular popularity in Japan, where it grows not only in open ground, but is also successfully cultivated in pots and grown in tubs to decorate verandas, terraces and balconies.

Under common name red maple, or Japanese red maple, there are several types of maples with characteristic leaf colors. The most famous of them are Japanese red maple, Shirasavi maple and palm maple (fan maple or palm leaf maple).

Red maple owes its beauty and exotic leaf color to the special biochemical composition characteristic of these trees. In addition to chlorophyll, which is known to provide green pigmentation, red maple has many carotenoids that produce yellow, red and orange colors. In addition, the plant’s cell sap contains a lot of anthocyanins, which color the foliage in purple and carmine colors, so beautifully in harmony with the gray tint of the tree bark.

Incredibly beautiful leaves

The crown of red-leaved maples is usually found in a round or oval shape, sometimes in the shape of a mushroom. The cut finger-like leaves look like lace gloves. Everything about this plant is decorative - the foliage, which changes color from spring to autumn, the silver-gray bark, and even the thin branches with leaves that have fallen in winter.

This is beautiful emphasized ornamental plant very hardy, but it does not like straight sun rays, drafts and frosts below -15 degrees. The ideal place for a red maple in the garden is a sheltered area from the wind with mosaic lighting.

Red maple plantings are used in “mountain” gardens, where they harmoniously combine with dark perennial conifers. At the foot tall varieties, reaching a height of four to five meters, perennial flowers that do not require bright lighting are planted. The umbrella crown creates a cozy shadow in the relaxation corner, beautifully contrasting with the greenery of plants typical of the middle zone.

Planting and caring for red maple

These trees with red leaves look very beautiful in both single and limited group plantings. When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance between seedlings of one and a half to three and a half meters. A pit for planting is prepared with a depth of fifty to seventy centimeters. If planting in a wetland, be sure to think about good drainage. When planting, the hole must be half filled with water and be sure to add complex fertilizers to the soil.

Lonely handsome man

Some varieties of red maple are specially bred by breeders for growing in tubs or containers. These plants do not exceed one and a half meters in height. Maple is planted in clay or plastic pots in lush, humus-rich soil prepared from equal parts of compost, turf land and peat. Plants grown in pots do not like excessive soil moisture. Watering red maples, both those growing in tubs and those growing in open ground, must be combined with the application of fertilizers. The frequency of watering depends on the growing area and weather. With a lack of watering, red maple plantings survive, but lose their decorative value.

When caring for red maple, tree pruning is of utmost importance. Maple does not require radical pruning; it is enough to timely file away damaged and dry branches. It is also necessary to promptly seal media and damage to the bark with the help of a garden varnish in order to protect the tree from pests and diseases. But this garden plant acquires a special decorative quality when it has been in the hands, or rather in the scissors, of a skilled gardener. Thanks to pruning, trees acquire truly fantastic shapes, and in combination with the color of the foliage, this creates a fabulously beautiful result.


Red maple, like many other garden ornamental plants, is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

When choosing a method of propagation by cuttings, they are cut in the fall and dropped into a hole until spring. In the spring, overwintered cuttings are planted in pots with light soil mixed with sand.

When growing red maple from seeds, “helicopters” with seeds are collected and kept in winter at a temperature of 0--3 degrees. In the spring, on the eve of planting, the seeds are soaked, and when they hatch, they are sown in holes to a depth of five centimeters. In summer, sprouted seedlings need to be shaded and watered moderately. When the seedlings reach a height of 50-80 centimeters, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

In Japan there is autumn holiday Momiji, the season of red maples, when the whole country admires the change from green foliage to orange-red autumn. Classic Japanese maples are heat-loving, but the family is not limited to these species; American red maple grows well in central Russia.

Red maple (Acer rubrum) is native to North America and has three or five lobed leaves on red petioles. In summer, the leaves are light green above and whitish below. Red maple is especially beautiful in autumn. Before finally turning red, the leaf turns yellow, orange, scarlet.

The most interesting varieties:

  • "October Glory"– leaves are glossy, green in summer, and crimson-red in autumn;
  • "Red Sunset"– a tree with an oval crown and a rich palette of autumn colors from orange-red to pure red;
  • "Armstrong"– characterized by a pyramidal crown;
  • "Somerset"– blooms in April, before the leaves bloom; in the fall, the dark green foliage turns bright red;
  • "Sun Valley"– a low tree, up to 6 m, leaves acquire in autumn beautiful shades from bright scarlet to dark red.

Varieties with red autumn foliage color are also found among other species - Japanese red maple, Shirasawa maple, palmate or fan-shaped, and holly.

Planting red maple in open ground

American maples are one of the few representatives of the genus that grow well in shade and can withstand prolonged flooding of the root system. Maples are loved by the rich nutrient substrates, do not tolerate sand and rocky soils. The bright red decorative color of the foliage does not appear on alkaline soil. Maple is planted in an area with fertile soil.

The tree requires constant moisture, so good drainage is made at the bottom of the hole so that excess water. A complex mixture is added to the planting hole. mineral fertilizer by mixing it with soil. The size of the hole must correspond to the root system. The seedling is watered, the tree trunk circle is mulched with peat, compost, sawdust or straw.

Agricultural cultivation technology and care

Red maple is frost-resistant and undemanding to soil moisture. In his homeland, in North America it is considered one of the most drought-resistant maples. At the same time, this is one of the few species that grows on flooded, almost swampy soils.

The tree is unpretentious in care and requires much less attention than fruit trees. In summer, red maple trees like to have their leaves sprinkled during dry weather. In the spring, two weeks before the buds open, sanitary pruning, apply complex mineral fertilizer and mulch the tree trunk circle.

When pests appear, treat the tree with insecticides. It is most often affected by the maple whitefly, mealybug and leaf weevil. Coral spotting is a common maple disease - burgundy spots appear on the bark. The affected branches are removed and burned, the cut areas are smeared with garden varnish. In autumn, maple leaves are collected from under the trees to prevent the spread of infections.

Pruning and crown formation

As a rule, maples naturally have beautiful spreading, conical, pyramidal or rounded crowns, which do not require formative pruning. In spring and autumn, when the movement of sap is slow, sanitary pruning of branches is carried out, removing dried and frozen shoots affected by pests or diseases.

Excess root growth and shoots of competitors that thicken the crown and intersect with each other are also cut out. With age (about 10 years after planting), the skeletal branches of the tree can be shortened by 2/3. If the height of the tree needs to be kept at a certain level, the top is trimmed annually.

Plant propagation methods

Some varieties produce abundant root shoots. To propagate such trees, it is enough to dig up a young seedling in the spring, separate it from the mother tree, and plant it in a new place.

Varietal maples are propagated in two ways:

  1. Seeds. Before planting, maple seeds require stratification. They can be kept for 3 months in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 4 °C. Or sow seeds in open ground in the fall at a depth of 3–5 cm. Young shoots appear from them in the spring, which are best covered for next winter.
  2. Cuttings and grafting. This method is most often used in garden centers to obtain seedlings good quality. Cuttings of varietal maples are grafted onto a ready-made rootstock with a developed root system.

When growing maples, it is necessary to control their spread, as this easily occurs by self-seeding, and weed out unwanted shoots in a timely manner.

Wintering red maple

Red maple is a winter-hardy ornamental plant. It does not require special shelter for the winter. Only young seedlings can freeze in harsh snowless winters.

To cover a small tree, a frame is built, which is wrapped around with non-woven covering material. To prevent the roots from freezing, pour into the tree trunk circle thick layer mulch.

For successful wintering Maple trees are stopped feeding with nitrogen-containing fertilizers in mid-summer. To prepare for frost, the tree only needs potassium and phosphorus. In the fall, before the soil freezes, you can water-recharging irrigation, which will protect the root system from damage.

Application in landscape design

The culture is used for single and group plantings in garden plots and parks. Small decorative forms grown as pot plants, create bonsai.

Maple has been used in landscape design for a very long time. It is unpretentious and does not require complex care plant. A huge variety of varieties allows you to choose the appropriate form for any site. Let's talk about this plant in more detail.

Maple family

Maple (lat. Acer - “sharp”) is a genus of tree and shrub plants, belongs to the family sapindaceae. About 150 species are known, many of which are cultivated and found wide application V landscape gardening. Distributed throughout Europe, Asia and North America.

Maple trees vary in size from dense shrubs to powerful trees with different types of crowns. The shape and color of the leaves is amazing. The plant can change its color 3 times, in spring, summer and autumn, or it can remain unchanged throughout the entire season. Sometimes the shade even differs on both sides of the leaf blade. Such a beautiful ornamental plant rightfully attracts the interest of landscape architects and amateur gardeners.

We can distinguish the main types that are most often used in the design and landscaping of garden plots.

River maple, or ginnala

River maple, or ginnala (Acer ginnala) is a large shrub that grows up to 6 m in height with an asymmetrical crown. The dark green leaves are three-lobed, the middle part is more elongated in relation to the two lateral ones. In autumn they take on spectacular colors, ranging from bright red to purple. Miniature yellowish flowers have a pleasant aroma. Flowering begins in late spring and lasts 15–20 days.

Growing conditions: It is better to choose a bright place for planting, but the plant can also tolerate partial shade. In the shade the maple loses decorative qualities. Due to its resistance to dust, smoke and gases, it can grow in the city. The ginnala maple grows quickly and does not suffer much after transplantation. Prefers sandy and loamy soils with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction, but tolerates heavy and clayey soils. It tolerates frosts of the Moscow region well and does not freeze. Despite the fact that river maple prefers moist soil, waterlogging is detrimental to it, so it is necessary to ensure high-quality drainage. The ginnala maple requires annual spring pruning.

Great for Japanese and Chinese gardens. River maple looks good both in a group and alone. The plant forms a dense bush and easily tolerates pruning, making it suitable for forming hedges. Often used for landscaping the banks of reservoirs. Borders look interesting - low hedges 0.5 m high. In autumn, maple will create an accent in the garden due to the expressive color of the leaves. Pairs well with snowberry, dogwood, oleaster, lilac, mahonia and barberry. It is also recommended to place the maple tree in front of the composition of coniferous plants.

Green maple

Greenbark maple (Acer tegmentosum), depending on its formation, can be either a shrub or a small tree. It usually grows to a height of 8–10 m and has a wide spherical crown. The plant is decorative with an unusual coloring of the bark: alternating gray-green and white stripes are located on the trunk. The shoots have a dark cherry hue, with noticeable pinkish buds protruding from them. The leaves are wide, bright yellow in autumn. Greenbark maple is an excellent honey plant.

Growing conditions: Despite its love for sunny areas, it easily tolerates shade. Wind, dust, smoke and gas resistant, suitable for landscaping urban spaces. Prefers fertile, moist loams with a high combination of humus and a slightly acidic or neutral reaction environment. Greenbark maple is quite winter-hardy, but can freeze in cold winters. Does not tolerate salty soil and stagnant water in it.

This type of maple looks decorative both in a group of plants and as a tapeworm. When composing a composition, it is better to position the plant in such a way that its spectacular bark remains open.

Red maple

Red maple (Acer rubrum) is a tree that grows up to 15 - 20 m in height, with a massive, spreading crown. Even before the leaves appear, in March-April, whitish-red flowers bloom on the plant; flowering lasts 2 weeks. Then large three- to five-lobed leaves with a red tint appear on the tree, which gradually turn green by summer. In autumn, the top of the leaf blade is orange-red, and the bottom is pinkish-silver.

Growing conditions: red maple loves the sun, but is quite shade-tolerant. Wind, dust, smoke and gas resistant, can be grown in urban environments. It grows best on moist, sandy, sandy or loamy soils with a slightly acidic reaction and a high humus content. It is winter-hardy, tolerates waterlogging of the soil, but does not like alkalization and over-compaction.

Picturesque both in a group and as a tapeworm. In large areas, alleys are created from red maple.

False siebold maple

In our conditions, the pseudosiebold maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum) rarely exceeds 6–8 m in height. It is characterized by an oval multi-stemmed crown and rounded palmate nine-lobed leaves of light green color. In autumn, the crown turns mauve or red.

Growing conditions: loves the sun, but will also tolerate shade. Wind, dust, smoke and gas resistant, suitable for urban landscaping. It is advisable to plant on fertile, humus-rich loams with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction environment. Does not like stagnation of water and salts in the soil. The land trunk circle it is necessary to loosen regularly, as the plant does not tolerate overcompaction and dryness. Unfortunately, in the conditions of the Moscow region, maple can freeze slightly and especially suffers in severe frosts.

Used as a tapeworm and for landscaping alleys. Decorative leaf varieties look especially good in a group.

Pay attention to these varieties:

Norway maple, or platanolea

Norway maple, or platanolea (Acer platanoides) is the most popular and recognizable type of maple; it was brought to Russia by Peter I. At first it was grown in the Summer Garden under careful care, since it was believed that it was not winter-hardy enough. Subsequently, it spread throughout the European part of the country, and currently the Norway maple shoots are disposed of as a weed.

This is a large massive tree growing up to 30 m in height with a dense crown. The leaves are five-lobed, up to 18 cm long. Their autumn color depends on how warm or cold, rainy or dry the past summer was. Color varies from yellow to orange, and can sometimes be purple. Very decorative are the small yellow flowers that appear on the plant in April-May, even before the leaves bloom. They pair beautifully with the black bark of the tree.

Growing conditions: grows in any light. Wind, dust, smoke and gas resistant, suitable for living in the city. It grows best on moist, fertile loams with a high humus content and a slightly acidic or neutral reaction environment. Does not tolerate excessive moisture, acidity, overcompaction and high salinity of the soil. It is quite winter-hardy, but decorative forms can freeze and suffer from frost damage to the trunk. Norway maple tolerates pruning easily. Even mature trees (up to 10-15 years) can tolerate replanting.

Used in group and solo plantings. Compositions consisting of varieties with permanent purple leaf color and varieties that change their color from green to red and vice versa look interesting.

Pay attention to the following varieties:

  • Globosum is a tree 4–7 m in height with a round or spherical crown, usually cultivated on a trunk. This is one of the most popular varieties.

  • Golden Globe is similar in shape to Globosum. It has golden foliage in spring and summer. In the sun it can fade to dirty white, so it is recommended to choose shaded places for the plant.

  • Cleveland is a medium-sized tree up to 15 m in height with a spherical or ovoid crown. Autumn foliage color is yellow-orange.
  • Columnare is a tree up to 20 m high with an elegant narrow-ovate or columnar crown. Cultivation in multi-stem form is recommended. Olmsted is similar to Columnare.
  • Crimson Sentry – small tree up to 10 m high. The bright red-brown color remains throughout the entire season.

  • Deborah is a fast-growing tree up to 20 m high with a regular wide-pyramidal crown. Brown-red foliage turns to dark green in summer in spring.
  • The Drummondi variety is interesting for its foliage color - green leaves edged with a white stripe.

  • Emerald Queen is a tree about 15-18 m in height with an oval crown. The leaves are pinkish in spring, green in summer, and light yellow in autumn.
  • Faassen’s Black is a tree up to 15 m high with a spreading crown. In spring, the foliage is light red, against which yellow flowers are visible; later the color darkens and becomes burgundy. Similar varieties: Crimson King and Royal Red.

  • Fairview new variety. A tree with a rounded-vertical narrow crown grows up to 15 m in height. Bright red foliage in spring gives way to bronze-green in summer.

  • Princeton Gold – large tree, young leaves are colored bright yellow color, subsequently become greenish with a warm tint.

  • Summershade – abundantly flowering tree with bronze-colored foliage that later turns pale green.

Ash-leaf maple, or American

Ash-leaved maple, or American maple (acer negundo) is a fast-growing, unpretentious tree 10-12 m in height with a wide-spreading crown and compound leaves consisting of 3-5 leaflets. Large decorative inflorescences bloom on the plant before the leaves appear and remain on it for 10 - 15 days.

Growing conditions: Ash-leaved maple is light-loving and tolerates shade. Wind-resistant, but may be susceptible to wind damage. Dust-, smoke- and gas-resistant, easily tolerates urban environments. Not picky about soil. Varietal forms can freeze slightly in our climate. Calmly tolerates waterlogging, alkalization and mild soil salinity.

It is mainly grown in groups; for single planting it is more effective to use shrub forms. A tree planted alone will have a poorly decorative spreading crown. Ash-leaved maple requires strong and regular pruning in the spring, which will rid the plant of shoots that have frozen over the winter and stimulate many new ones. It will help form a dense bush with brighter foliage color.

Pay attention to these varieties:


Be sure to plant a maple on your site, the beautiful crown will please the eye all year round, will create a romantic corner with a carved shadow or decorate the front entrance.


  • Y. Bazhenov, A. Lysikov, A. Sapelin " Ornamental trees and bushes"

They like to plant maples in all parks and squares. They are considered symbols of autumn. During this period they are especially elegant in golden foliage. The maple family includes more than 150 species. They grow all over the Earth. In our country climatic conditions Only 25 varieties are suitable. According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the maple is a family tree. Therefore, it is often used in the landscape design of local areas.

Diversity different colors maples

General description

Maple is characterized by carved lobed foliage. It forms a lush crown, which is beautiful at any time of the year. In spring, the tree acquires a slightly pinkish tint, which changes to bright green by summer, and by autumn, the maple delights with orange and gold colors. There are both regular varieties, and their decorative forms.

Maple protects others well from dust and bright sun, and helps reduce extraneous noise. This is due to the density of its crown, which can be pyramidal or spherical.

The flowering of the maple tree is also remarkable. In mid-spring its inflorescences appear, which have unusual shape in the form of airplanes. Most trees are quite large, about 25 meters in height, but this does not frighten the owners of local areas. Many people like giant trees that summer period They provide good shade, you can hide in it from the heat. If the site does not allow, then you can stop at dwarf species, which, with the help of pruning, can take on various unusual shapes.

Common types of maple

Among the variety of maple species, the following varieties stand out:

  1. Manchurian maple. It has a spherical shape. The leaves are tripartite, attached by red petioles. In autumn, the top of the leaf changes its shade to yellow, and the bottom becomes pinkish.

    Manchurian maple

  2. Far Eastern maple. This variety is similar to the Manchurian variety, but it is easy to cold climate our country, so there are no problems when growing it.

    Far Eastern maple

  3. Norway maple. The tree has a straight trunk with a lush and neat crown. The leaf has a clearly defined shape. Based on this species, many varieties have appeared with interesting foliage colors.

    Norway maple

  4. Small leaf maple. The tree has a dense crown. The foliage is similar to the holly variety, but smaller in size. By autumn it turns yellow-orange.

    small leaf maple

  5. Yellow maple. The tree is characterized by yellowish-grayish bark and lobed leaves, pubescent underneath with red hairs. In autumn, the foliage acquires a bright orange color, close to a reddish tint.

    yellow maple

  6. Greenbark maple. Its bark is variegated. It alternates white stripes with green and gray. The large foliage is soft to the touch, the blades are shallow. In autumn, the foliage takes on a lemon tint. It contrasts perfectly with the bark.

    Greenbark maple

  7. River maple. It is grown both as a tree and as a bush up to 3.5 meters. Autumn leaves yellow-red. It is good to plant as a hedge.

    River maple

  8. Silver maple. The tree is tall and has an openwork crown. The foliage seems to be cut, from which the tree acquires lightness and splendor.

    Silver maple

  9. Bearded maple. It is a small dense shrub with a height of up to five meters. Has many trunks. It forms well with pruning and blooms wonderfully. By autumn, the green foliage changes to orange, and in winter the tree is decorated with red-violet shoots.

    bearded maple

  10. Fan and palm maple. Low and graceful shrubs with curved trunks. Their crown is asymmetrical and inclined towards the light. Their terminal shoots branch horizontally. Landscape designers love to use these trees, which meet the canons of the East.

    Fan and palm maple

  11. Maple "Drummondii". A tree with unusual foliage that has a white border. Because of this, it becomes variegated and does not look like other species.

    Maple "Drummondii"

  12. Red maple. This species is notable in the fall as it turns a vibrant red color at this time. Compared to the background of other trees, it looks solemn and attracts attention.

    Red maple

  13. . The second name is black maple because the bark is black. It stands out well in winter against the background of snow. During flowering, its pinkish inflorescences collected in bunches are interesting. This gives them the appearance of unusual flowers against the green foliage.

    Tatarian maple

  14. Flamingo Maple. The variety is memorable for its white and pink leaves. The tree is compact and does not need pruning, because it already has a neat appearance.

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The influence of the Moon on the fulfillment of desires
The Full Moon is the highest point of the Moon's growth and an extremely powerful time. On this day, you can influence your destiny and change your life for the better if you know how to achieve harmony with lunar energy. The full moon has long been considered a mystical time: full
Are there insects in Antarctica
In Antarctica, as you know, almost no snow falls - the winds carry the same snowflakes across the continent. Our elite is also almost never replenished; this is generally characteristic of stagnation, when vertical mobility is reduced to zero. In public policy - the same
AI Warnings
First of all, Levandowski is known as a specialist in driverless cars and a participant in a scandal related to this technology (in May of this year, Uber fired Levandowski on suspicion of stealing Google’s driverless technologies - editor’s note), and not as a