What is a caliper? The principle of operation of a caliper, types of tools and examples of measurements. Fundamental design characteristics of a caliper

Initially, it seems that a cold burn is a myth. From subzero temperatures similar damage to the dermis cannot occur. But it turns out that in this case it is the cold that is the main harmful factor leading to skin damage.

What is a cold burn?

It is not so easy to say unequivocally what a cold burn is.

Cold burns occur as a result of direct and indirect contact with frozen surfaces and gases. It can be local and general. Initially, the dermis on the affected area of ​​the body is pale, without much sensitivity. After a few minutes, the skin changes dramatically in color: it becomes either bright red or bluish. Swelling increases, accompanied by slight burning and itching.

If the cold burn is not severe, then the symptoms and special sensitivity disappear within 2-3 days. Most often, the dermis in this area becomes rough and gradually peels off. Sensitivity to cold remains.

With a more significant cold burn, most often 2nd degree, the process proceeds a little differently. The dermis swells with large blisters filled with red serous fluid. The entire surface of the affected skin acquires a bluish tint. The swelling is very strong. Recovery of sensitivity is long-term. Frequent tingling, burning, itching, “goosebumps”, and very high sensitivity to cold occur in the affected area.

In case of an extremely severe cold burn. Not only is it affected top part dermis. Tissues are affected by deep damage. Widespread formation of blood clots in the affected area due to severe disruption of circulatory processes. In some cases, tissue gangrene develops. The dermis begins to darken sharply. Gradually comes off as black scabs.

An extremely serious situation in cases where, in addition to the dermis and soft tissues, bone tissue is also affected. In this case, wet gangrene occurs, the development of which must be prevented immediately. Such a cold burn has almost irreversible consequences.

Why does a cold burn occur?

This condition can develop for many reasons. Most often, the root cause lies in prolonged contact with extremely cold objects, staying in conditions high humidity With low temperature, disruption of circulatory processes, contact with gas, or even cold water. In the latter case, it is worth understanding in more detail why a cold burn occurs. It also has a second name – immersion. Its development is chronic, as it develops as a result of prolonged exposure cold water. Appearance The dermis remains virtually unchanged after warming.

It is customary to distinguish three stages of immersion burn:

  1. Expressed by: redness, numbness, burning of the affected area of ​​the dermis. Tingling occurs less frequently.
  2. Characterized by numbness, severe redness, partial loss of sensitivity, and the appearance of blisters.
  3. The tissues gradually die, joins infection. Most often gangrene.

There are certain conditions that can aggravate a cold burn and lead to serious complications. These include:

  • Prolonged exposure to cold air without proper movement.
  • Starvation.
  • The presence of severe injuries and blood loss.
  • Being intoxicated.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system leading to circulatory disorders.
  • Weakened body due to debilitating chronic diseases.

For people with at least one of the above conditions, a cold burn is more dangerous and fraught with serious problems.

Cold gas burn

Cold gas burns often occur due to contact with methane or other industrial gases. In everyday life, a person practically cannot expose the dermis to such effects.

Cold metal burn

In this case, long-term, at least several minutes, contact with a metal object is required. Most often it affects not only upper layer epithelium, but also soft tissues. A burn from cold metal can lead to gangrene and damage to blood vessels.

Cold burn with ice

Often only the epithelium is affected. If the contact was prolonged, then a cold burn from ice can lead to the formation of blood clots and loss of sensation on the skin. long time. In cases of frostbite of the 3rd degree, irreversible processes may occur that cannot be stopped without hospitalization.

You should not wait for specialists when emergency assistance is needed now to protect a cold burn. What to do at home must be decided based on the condition of the dermis and the reasons for the lesion.

  • Helps with redness and blisters. Bring 50 grams of vegetable oil and 25 grams to a boil beeswax. Soak a cloth in the mixture and apply to the affected area.
  • Mix sea buckthorn and fir oils in equal proportions and lubricate the surface of the skin area.
  • Peel fresh potatoes and grate them on a fine grater. Wrap in a double layer of fabric. Apply a compress to the affected area. Once it becomes warm, repeat.
  • Mix 10 milligrams of calendula tincture with 5 grams of Vaseline. Apply to the affected area every 5 hours.
  • Mix 100 grams of natural oil with 2 homemade eggs. Apply to the surface of the skin and rewind well. As soon as the ointment dries, carefully rinse it off.
  • A burn with blisters should be well coated with a mixture of one homemade egg yolk, 15 grams of fat sour cream and 10 grams of vegetable oil. Bandage it well. Wrap with a bandage. Change once a day.
  • Finely chop the burdock leaf or pass through a meat grinder. Distribute the resulting mass over the affected area and cover with a rag. For minor redness, you can apply a whole burdock leaf. Change as soon as it becomes warm.

Despite the great variety traditional methods, you can’t do without an examination by a specialist. A cold burn is a serious thing and you need to learn how to properly prevent its consequences.

Despite the fact that a cold burn can be caused in numerous ways, if the affected area is applied correctly, not a trace will remain of it. The main thing is to react in a timely manner and prevent further effects on the tissue.

The caliper got its name due to the main element of its body - the rod, but the compass we are used to is a little far from this tool in its structure. We will try to understand a subject full of mysteries with the help of this article, we will look at its structure and operating principle.

Vernier caliper design - main components and their purpose

The design of a caliper does not seem complicated from the outside, but its parts are so compact and optimally arranged that they make this device simple and easy to use. And it can do a lot, and the measurements that are performed with its help are very important in many areas of industry and construction. When using a caliper, we obtain the linear dimensions of objects, both external and internal. And the accuracy, which in some models reaches an enviable level, makes this simple tool increasingly in demand.

The purpose of a caliper is to measure lengths, diameters, depths, but let’s look at what provides this capability using the example of the simple type this device. The main unit is a ruler, which is called a rod, giving part of the name to the tool. The divisions on it are usually 1 mm, and the total length is usually 15 cm, but individual models can be longer. The ruler determines the maximum size that can be measured this tool . Which means maximum length or the diameter of the object should be no more than 15 cm.

At the end of the ruler there are sponges, or rather their halves, and the other halves are located on a movable frame, which moves along the ruler, measuring the size of the object being examined. There are internal and external sponges; in the former, the incisors face outward, in the latter, they face each other. Consequently, the first ones are inserted into the object and moved apart to fix the internal geometric parameter, and the second ones are moved apart widely and then come closer to fix the object under study among themselves. To accurately take the size or transfer it to another surface, the movable frame can be fixed with a special screw, which is located on it.

On the main ruler we can look at the integer value of the desired size, but the vernier scale, which is applied to the bottom of the frame so that it is exactly under the main marking of the ruler, will help to clarify the result. The vernier has ten divisions, each of which measures 1.9 mm, the entire scale is 1.9 cm long. These are the parameters of a regular household caliper; on other models this ratio changes. Having found a vernier division that coincides with any division of the main scale, you can refine the desired value to tenths of a millimeter. The use of a caliper is not limited to the internal and external dimensions; you can also mark the depth of the holes, for this there is a tail that extends from the ruler. This is a depth gauge scale.

Vernier calipers - classification and marking

The measuring instrument, a caliper, can be of 3 types and about 8 standard sizes, at least according to domestic standards regulatory documents. Moreover, when buying any precision instrument, it is important to focus on the standards by which it is manufactured and calibrated. It is divided into types depending on the indicator of the measured value from which we take the required numbers. This there can be vernier (ShTs), dial (ShTsK) and digital (ShTsTs) calipers. In the first case, we will have to run our eyes over both scales, count the divisions and report the result. In the second case, we will see numbers on a mechanical scale with a moving arrow, but in the third case, we will be shown the finished result on the display.

Within these types, further subspecies can be divided depending on the design and length of the main line. For example, you can divide tools by the type of material from which they are made. An example of a hard alloy tool is ShTsT-I. There are differences in the design of the jaws or additional accessories. Thus, ShTs-I and ShTs-III differ in the location of the jaws; in the first case it is bilateral, and in the second it is unilateral. But the ShTs-II has a micrometric feed frame, which will make marking easier if you need to transfer your measurements to another plane. There is no point in discussing the differences in standard sizes for a long time; one has only to say that the larger the ruler, the greater the error in the obtained values.

How to measure with a caliper - instructions for beginners

Most technically developed people It’s intuitive how to use a caliper, so we’ll briefly recall the main points.

How to measure with a caliper - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Securing the Part

First check the tool for serviceability, to do this, reduce the jaws without the part to zero, look at the clearance, how correctly they are connected, and also look at the scale to see if the zeros on the two scales match. After a positive result, you can begin working with the part. It is most convenient to work in cases where the tool is in your right hand, and the part being measured is in your left, or is completely fixed somewhere. If you are left-handed, then the relationship is, of course, reversed. For measuring external size spread the jaws of the caliper, place an object between them and connect them. They should rest against the edges of the part being examined. If it is hard, you can lightly squeeze the lips for a firm touch. If the part is soft, do not do this, the results will be distorted.

The force is controlled simply; if you try to move the jaws relative to the object, then they should do it reluctantly, but if you also need force for this, then you have clearly squeezed.

It is more convenient to move the frame thumb right hand, holding the barbell with the rest. Check the position of the caliper relative to the object, whether there are any distortions (the jaws should be at the same distance from the edge of the object on both sides), it is better to raise the structure to eye level. To see more clearly, it is better to hold the object with your left hand in the plane behind the instrument, and not in front. Now you should carefully tighten the fastening screw with your index finger and thumb, while the rest should continue to hold the bar. When the value is fixed, the part can be put aside and proceed to study the next stage, how to measure the resulting number with a caliper.

Step 2: Remove the value

It is best to read readings at eye level. First of all, we write down the value of the main scale, i.e. integer. To do this, we look for the stroke on the main rod that is closest to the zero value of the vernier, this is an integer number of millimeters. You can remember it, or you can mark it somewhere on your draft. Now we are looking for a line on the vernier that is closest to its zero, but also exactly coincides with some division on the rod. His serial number should be multiplied by the division value of the vernier used (usually 0.1 mm). If you are not sure that you know this value, look in the passport of this caliper.

Now it's a small matter, you just need to sum up these numbers, and the result is ready. For example, you had a value of 35 mm on the rod, and 4 more divisions were counted on the vernier, then general meaning equals 35.4 mm (3.54 cm). After work, the instrument is wiped (degreased), the jaws are slightly moved apart (by a couple of mm), the clamp is loosened and placed in the case. If you plan to store it for a long time, you can lubricate it against corrosion.

In the process of performing any work related to repairs in a house or apartment, car repairs, or when performing construction operations, it is necessary to have measuring tools. Often, for most jobs, tape measures or rulers are sufficient. For measuring depths, diameters and other sizes will fit versatile and more accurate measuring tool- this is a caliper. The design of the caliper is such that it can be used to measure any external and external dimensions. We will talk about it in our article today.

How does a caliper work?

The main unit is a ruler, which is also a barbell. Hence the name. The divisions of the bar are often equal to one millimeter. The length of the ruler can be from 150 millimeters and above. The ruler determines the maximum that can be measured by the instrument. In this case, the maximum size is no higher than 150 millimeters.

There are jaws installed at the end of the rod. They consist of two parts. The second part of the jaws is installed on a movable frame. This movable frame moves along the bar. This way you can measure the size of the part.

There are both external and internal sponges. They differ from each other in the direction of the incisors. The first look outward, and the second look at each other. So, with the outer jaws you can measure inner diameter, and the second measures the external dimensions of the object. To accurately fix the size, the caliper device provides a special screw, which is located on a movable frame.

On the surface of the main ruler you can see the whole value of the measured size. To clarify the result, an additional vernier scale is provided. It is located on the bottom of the movable frame. There are ten divisions on it - each of them is equal to 0.1 mm. There are models where you can get higher accuracy. To measure depths, the tool has a special tail-depth gauge. It extends from the bar.

Digital caliper device

Today, along with mechanical measuring instruments, you can also find electronic models on sale. They are arranged in a similar way. But there are slight differences. Thus, the device of a digital caliper does not have a traditional vernier.

Instead, there is a display on which the dimensions are read. Digital devices are often more accurate. They are capable of measuring with an accuracy of hundredths of a millimeter.

Main types

There are 3 types of these tools, as well as 8 standard sizes. But this is only according to domestic GOSTs and regulatory documents. The measuring instrument is divided according to the type of indicator from which the size numbers are taken. There are vernier models, dial calipers, as well as digital solutions.

Each type is also divided into subtypes depending on the design of the main line, as well as its length. In addition, you can classify the tool according to the materials from which this or that model is made. Thus, ShCT-1 is made from hard alloys. Types of calipers are distinguished by the presence of additional devices. For example, ShTs-1 and ShTs-3 are distinguished by the location of the measuring jaws. In the first case they are located on both sides, and in the second - on only one. The design of the ShTs-2 caliper is slightly different from the previous element. The tool has a special frame with micrometric feed. It does easier work according to the markings in the event that the measurements will be transferred to other planes.

Caliper ShTs-1

This tool is the simplest and most popular model, which is used both at home and on industrial production. Masters call this caliper “Columbian”. This name was assigned to him by a company that manufactured measuring and other instruments in wartime.

This tool is suitable for measuring internal or external dimensions and depth. As for measurement intervals and accuracy, these are sizes from 0 to 150 mm with an accuracy of 0.02 mm.


Digital devices are offered under this label. They, as already noted, are not constructively mechanical tools no difference except electronic measuring unit and the presence of a digital indicator. Regarding measuring intervals, it also allows you to measure dimensions in the range from 0 to 150 mm. But due to the digital module, the accuracy is much higher.

The comfort of using an electronic device is that at each measurement point you can set the indicator to 0. By pressing a small button, measurement systems are switched - for example, from metric to inch and back.

Before purchasing an electronic model, it is important to pay attention to the readings when the jaws of the device are closed. Also, when the locking screw is tightened, there should be no jumping numbers on the screen.


The peculiarity of this design is the rotary dial indicator, having a round scale.

The indicator scale has a division value of 0.02 mm. These instruments are very convenient for carrying out regular standard measurements in industry. The good thing about the indicator is that its arrow is clearly visible. This allows you to control the measurement results almost instantly. Also, the needle does not jump, which makes it different from electronic analogues. These tools are especially useful for technical control departments where routine measurements are often taken.


These models are used to measure both internal and external dimensions. This option is also used as a marking caliper. The jaws are equipped with carbide tips. This protects them from wear. This tool can measure any size in the range from 0 to 250 mm. Accuracy - 0.02 mm.

ShTs-3 and ShPTs-3

If you need to measure a large part, then this model is ideal for this. This tool is much more accurate than other analogues. Mechanical products have a standard accuracy of 0.02 mm, while digital products have a standard accuracy of up to 0.01 mm. The maximum dimensions available for measurement are 500 mm. The jaws of the tool are directed downwards. Their length can reach 300 mm.

Special calipers

Along with universal instruments, there are also special models that are used only for a narrow range of measurements.

Even if you can find such a caliper on sale, the price for it will be very high - from three thousand rubles.

  • ShTsTsT is intended for measuring pipe parameters. This is a pipe caliper.
  • ШЦЦВ is used for measuring internal dimensions. It is equipped with a digital display.
  • ШЦЦН is a similar tool, but designed for internal sizes.
  • ШЦПУ - digital universal measuring instrument. It comes with a set of attachments for hard to reach places. The purpose of a caliper is to measure center-to-center distances, pipe wall thickness, external as well as internal diameters.
  • ШЦЦД - a device for measuring the thickness of brake discs and similar parts. It has various special protrusions.
  • ШЦЦП - this tool is used to measure the remaining tread depth of a car tire.
  • SHTSTM is intended only for measuring center-to-center distances.

How to use a caliper

First of all, the tool is checked - the jaws are brought together, and then the accuracy of their closure is checked. There should be no gaps. Then the caliper is taken in one hand, the part that will be examined in the other. In order to measure the external size, the lower jaws are moved apart and the part is placed between them. The jaws are then compressed until they come into contact with the surfaces of the parts. Then you should check how the jaws are positioned. will be high when they are located at equal distances from the part. Then, if necessary, fix the screw. Next, the part is set aside and the tool is taken to obtain the result.

If the caliper is a marking one, then it can be applied with sponges required dimensions directly on the surface of the part. The jaws are made of carbide and can be used to mark steel and similar alloys.

How to take measurements

The first step is to calculate the number of millimeters. The division closest to zero on the vernier is found on the rod.

Then fractions of millimeters are calculated. To do this, look for a division on the vernier that coincides with the division on the rod. This will be the measurement indicator.


This universal tool which everyone should definitely have home handyman. You can buy an electronic caliper for your home. The price of domestic mechanical products starts from five hundred rubles. Electronic models of calipers are offered at prices starting from one and a half thousand rubles.


A caliper, like other vernier instruments (vernier gauge, vernier depth gauge), has a measuring rod (hence the name of this group) with a main scale and a vernier - an auxiliary scale for counting fractions of divisions. The accuracy of its measurement is tenths/hundredths (y different types) fractions of a millimeter.

Using the example of a caliper ШЦ-I:

  1. barbell;
  2. movable frame;
  3. rod scale;
  4. sponges for internal measurements;
  5. sponges for external measurements;
  6. depth gauge ruler;
  7. frame clamp screw.

Taking readings

Dial caliper

Digital caliper

Based on the method of taking readings, calipers are divided into:

  • vernier,
  • dial - equipped with a dial for convenience and speed of taking readings,
  • digital - with digital display for error-free reading.

The order of caliper readings on the rod and vernier scales:

  • count the number of whole millimeters, to do this, find on the rod scale the stroke closest to the left to the zero stroke of the vernier, and remember its numerical value;
  • They count fractions of a millimeter; to do this, find the stroke on the vernier scale that is closest to the zero division and coincides with the stroke of the rod scale, and multiply its serial number by the value of the division (0.1 mm) of the vernier.
  • calculate the full value of the caliper reading by adding up the number of whole millimeters and fractions of a millimeter.

Types of calipers

  • ШЦ-I- caliper with double-sided jaws for measuring external and internal dimensions and with a ruler for measuring depths.
  • ШЦ-IC- (caliper with arrow reading) for reading readings, instead of a vernier, it has a reading arrow head. In the recess of the rod there is a rack with which the head gear is engaged, so the readings of the caliper corresponding to the position of the jaws are read on the circular scale of the head according to the position of the arrow. This is much simpler, faster and less tiring for the performer than reading a reading on a vernier;
  • SCT-I- with one-sided arrangement of jaws equipped with carbide for measuring external dimensions and depths under conditions of increased abrasive wear.
  • ШЦ-II- with double-sided arrangement of jaws for measuring external and internal dimensions and for marking. To facilitate the latter, it is equipped with a micrometric feed frame.
  • ШЦ-III- with one-sided arrangement of jaws for measuring external and internal dimensions.
  • SCC- with digital display (electronic).


In conditions of active work with a caliper, it is recommended to wipe it with a cloth soaked in a water-alkaline solution, then wipe it dry, and upon completion of work, put it in a case. It is not advisable to allow rough impacts or drops of the instrument during operation to avoid bending of the rod, as well as scratches on the measuring surfaces or their friction against the part being measured.

  • In German, a caliper (Stangenzirkel) is a compass for drawing circles and arcs of large radii. In German, a caliper is called Messschieber or Schieblehre - respectively, “sliding meter” or “sliding ruler”.
  • A type of caliper equipped with a depth gauge is called “Columbus” or “Columbian” in professional slang. This name comes from Columbus, a manufacturer of measuring instruments; such calipers were massively supplied to the USSR under this brand.
  • In the aviation industry, such calipers were called “Mauser”, due to the fact that high-quality calipers were supplied to the USSR by the Mauser company.


see also

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- it's universal measuring device to determine the linear dimensions of parts with established accuracy. With its help, you can measure the external and internal dimensions of parts, as well as the depth of holes, provided that a retractable rod is available.

Design and use of calipers

The most popular areas of application for calipers are construction, repair of machinery and equipment, processing of metal and wooden products. The scope of application has virtually no restrictions - it can be used to determine dimensions with an accuracy of 0.1 or 0.05 mm (depending on the type of tool) in any field of activity - both in everyday life and in the aerospace industry. Application possibilities are limited only by the scale size and accuracy requirements (up to 0.01 mm for electronic calipers).

The design of a caliper is quite simple. The main element is a fixed rod with a scale and jaws for external and internal dimensions, to which movable and fixing elements are attached.

  • Mobile frame;
  • Movable jaws to determine the internal size;
  • Movable jaws to determine the outer size;
  • Vernier scale;
  • Depth gauge rod;
  • Screw for fastening the frame.

Some models may have a moving scale in the upper part with inch system measurements.

How to take readings using a caliper

Before starting work, it is necessary to check the caliper for accuracy. To do this, you need to completely bring the jaws together and check that the zeros on both scales match. If there is no coincidence, then, depending on the required accuracy, it is necessary to either take another tool or take into account the existing error.

  • To measure the external size, spread the jaws of the caliper, place the object and connect them.
  • Measuring the internal size is carried out by placing the corresponding upper jaws inside the measured area and moving them apart until they stop
  • The jaws should rest against the edges of the part. If the surface is hard, then you can squeeze it a little for a tight fixation; for a soft one, this should not be done, as the result can be distorted.
  • Check the position of the caliper relative to the part being measured for any distortions. To do this, the jaws must be located at the same distance from the edge of the part.
  • Secure the vernier with the mounting screw.
  • Determine the whole number of millimeters on the main scale.
  • We find the coincidence of the stroke on the vernier with the zero of the main scale and count the number of divisions.
  • We multiply the number of divisions of the vernier by the value of the division and sum it with the value of the main scale.

Types of calipers

In general, all types of calipers can be divided into mechanical and electronic depending on the type of scale. The main types, according to GOST 166-89, are:

  • ШЦ-I - a tool with 2-sided placement of jaws for measuring external and internal quantities and a depth gauge.
  • ШЦК - equipped with a circular scale to determine the exact size. Easier to use than vernier calipers.
  • ShTsT-I - one-sided jaws for measuring external linear dimensions. It is highly resistant to wear.
  • ШЦ-II - equipped with two jaws for external and internal measurement and marking, as well as a micrometric feed frame.
  • ШЦ-III - one-sided jaws for determining external and internal dimensions.
  • ШЦЦ - electronic caliper with digital display.

Technical condition and verification of calipers

One of the most important requirements for ensuring the accuracy of a tool is its cleanliness. A magnetized layer of metal filings, preservative lubricant, dirt - all this can significantly distort the measurement result. The result is also affected by tool wear, deformation, and settings violations. To avoid this, annual verification of the caliper by a specialized specialist is necessary. service center with repairs and adjustments. The simplest check for the correctness of the readings is the coincidence of the zero strokes when the jaws are completely closed.

Current GOSTs

Production and testing of tools is regulated nearby state standards. Yes, it determines technical specifications on calipers GOST 166-89. The instrument verification procedure is defined in GOST 8.113-85.

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