B. Karlov, V. Pevzner, P. Slepenkov, a textbook for an amateur navigator (control of small vessels). Fire detection systems on ships and ship fire alarms Ship alarms. Ship alarm systems

47. Requirements related to lights, must be observed from sunset to sunrise (at night). At the same time, other lights should not be displayed that could be mistakenly taken for those prescribed by these Rules, impair their visibility or interfere with observation.

Rules related to signs, must be observed from sunrise to sunset (daytime).


In this paragraph, interference with observation means interference with identification. ships and their positions.

48. During the day, when visibility conditions require, boatmasters must use the signaling prescribed for the night.


During the day, when visibility is limited, you should turn on navigation lights. Such visibility conditions may occur due to fog, smoke from forest fires, or intense precipitation.

49. The location of the lights must comply with the requirements of Appendix No. 2, and the visibility range must not be less than those specified in Appendix No. 3 to these Rules.


The arrangement of lights provides visibility of one or more lights from any direction, it provides for the visibility of a specific combination of lights, or a single light to determine the position of the vessel. In any position of the vessel from any angle (from any side), either a group of lights or one light must be visible.

By the color and location of the lights, you can determine the type of vessel: single, pushed or towed, tanker or dredger, etc. By the lights, you can determine the position of the vessel and the direction of its movement.

The visibility range of the lights is indicated in Appendix Table 3. In this table, for small vessels the visibility of some lights is allowed to be much less than for large vessels. The lights of small ships are sometimes lost against the background of coastal lights or their reflections from the water surface and become difficult to distinguish or completely invisible, which can pose a danger when diverging from ships.

Lights on pushed trains may have their own characteristics. On the pusher the lights are very bright, but on the train, on the bow of the front barge, the fire may be weak, powered by a portable battery that does not provide full heat. If you detect the top lights of a pusher in the form of a triangle, you must immediately look for a light on the bow of the front barge of the train, which may be ahead of the pusher at a great distance (up to 200-250 meters).

When overtaking a towed train, especially in the dark, it should be borne in mind that from the stem of the front barge to the yellow towing light of the towing vehicle there is a towing cable, the length of which can be from 25 to 250 meters. This circumstance must be taken into account and not cross the shipping channel under the stern of the tug, which carries two masthead lights on the mast, and at the rear, from the stern, there are yellow towing lights and lower white stern lights.

50. Vessels vessels undergoing repairs or lay-up in water areas located outside the navigation channel and not creating obstacles for other moving vessels may not display the prescribed lights and signs.

51. Signal lights:

  • masthead light - a white or red light located in the centerline of the ship, emitting a continuous light along a horizon arc of 225° and located so that this light is visible from a direction directly along the bow of the ship to 22.5° abeam of each side;
  • onboard lights - a green light on the starboard side and a red light on the port side, each of these lights emitting a continuous light along a horizon arc of 112.5° and must be so located that the light is visible from a direction directly ahead of the vessel up to 22 .5° behind the beam of the corresponding side;
  • stern light - a white light located at the stern of the vessel, emitting a continuous light along a horizon arc of 135° and positioned so that this light is visible from a direction directly astern to 67.5° on each side;
  • all-round light - a fire that emits light continuously along a 360° arc of the horizon;
  • towing light - a yellow light emitting a continuous light along a horizon arc of 135° and located so that this light is visible from a direction directly astern to 67.5° on each side;
  • light-pulse signal color or white - a flashing light emitting light along a horizon arc of 112.5° from the beam of the vessel to the bow or stern, overlapping the centerline plane of the vessel by 22.5°. The light pulse signal is a night and day alarm. In the absence of a light pulse signal, it is permitted to use a light signal (flashing white light) at night, and a signal flag during the day;

Note. The light pulse signal may have a flash of white light or a light in the color of the side - red or green.

  • flashing light - a light that flashes at regular intervals.

Electrical alarm systems include emergency, service bell, fire and emergency warning alarms.
Emergency alarm. Provided on all ships and dredgers served by crews to notify crew members about emergency work or an emergency situation. This type of ship alarm includes bells and loud bells installed indoors and on open decks, as well as light alarms with intermittent operation, which, along with an audible signal, are used at high noise levels.
The emergency alarm is activated from the wheelhouse or control room using a contactor or button. It is also possible to activate an emergency alarm based on signals from other systems.
To ensure constant readiness for operation, the circuit is powered from rechargeable batteries.
Service bell alarm. It is used as a backup means of communication between the wheelhouse and the engine room or other areas of the ship and serves to call personnel or issue commands, as well. also for transmitting a response to the command post about the execution of the command and limited information.
The message is transmitted in the form of conditional signals with different numbers and different durations of sound sections and pauses.
Fire alarm. Automatic system fire alarm is intended for timely notification of the watch service about the occurrence of a fire on the ship. It also allows you to automatically turn on the emergency alarm, turn off artificial ventilation and activate fire extinguishing means.
The electrical circuit of a fire alarm usually includes automatic and manual fire detectors, a receiving device, sound and light remote signals, and communication lines between the receiving device and fire detectors.
Fire alarm systems are distinguished by the connection diagram of the detectors and their connection to the receiving device (beam and loop), by the type of fire detectors (manual, thermal, smoke, fire and combined) and by the operating mode (continuous and periodic monitoring).
In beam systems, detectors of one beam monitor the condition of the premises of a certain fire zone. Each beam is connected to a beam set of the receiving station, which monitors the status of all beam detectors and communication lines, receives information about line faults, and generates “Fire” and “Fault” signals. The general structure of the station includes generalized signaling.
In loop systems, detectors located in different rooms are included in one communication line, and therefore they do not report the location of the fire. As a rule, the number of loops does not exceed two. Otherwise, the operation of loop systems is no different from beam systems.

Dredgers usually use loop-type fire alarm systems with thermal automatic fire detectors; Continuous monitoring of the integrity of connections is also provided.
Thermal maximum differential detectors are used as automatic fire detectors. They react both to temperature and to the rate of its increase.
The detector is installed in the engine room, inside the main switchboard, in the room of electricity converters, near heating boilers and in other fire hazardous places. Alarm receiving devices are located in the wheelhouse.
When the contact of any fire detector VK1—VK4 opens (due to temperature), the coil of relay K1 is de-energized and its opening contacts close and turn on the alarm devices: a signal lamp and, through relay K2, a howler (see Fig. 133). A break in communication lines also triggers an alarm, which provides continuous monitoring of the integrity of the beam connections.
To manually check the circuit circuits, use the 5/ button. Capacitor C prevents false triggering of the circuit during short-term opening of the detector contacts (for example, from vibration), discharging onto relay coil K1. The howler is switched on through the opening contact of relay K2. The call is turned off with button 82.
The circuit receives power from 24 V batteries via two feeders. Diodes Ъ1—У04 provide galvanic isolation of power circuits.
Emergency warning alarm. To monitor the condition of equal and auxiliary mechanisms of systems and devices, as well as the parameters of various environments, emergency warning systems (ALS) are used on ships, sending light and sound signals to the control posts of the power plant and the ship when the controlled parameters reach values ​​unacceptable for normal operation. .
Alarm parameters include: temperature, pressure and level of water, oil and fuel, level in fecal and waste tanks, insulation resistance electrical networks, rotation speed of mechanisms, compressed air pressure, etc.
For self-propelled vessels, a list of controlled parameters for the main mechanisms and systems is given in the Rules of the River Register of the RSFSR.
Electrical alarm systems differ in purpose (individual mechanisms and systems, centralized), in element base (on contact and non-contact elements), in the method of receiving signals (without storing, with storing), in information characteristics (with separate, with generalized signals) .
The emergency warning and switchable protection system (SPASZO) of the main ship engines ensures the following functions:
submission of individual warning light signals on the local switchboard and a generalized signal on the remote control when the controlled parameters reach the warning value;
submission of individual emergency light signals and a generalized signal on the remote control when the controlled parameters reach an emergency value;
delivery of generalized sound signals when controlled parameters reach warning and emergency values;
preparing the sound signal for operation after it is turned off;
protection (stop) of the engine simultaneously with the appearance of the alarm value of the signals;
delayed response of minimum oil pressure sensors to prevent false alarms when the engine is stopped, as well as during its startup and reversal.
Warning alarms are provided for the following parameters: maximum cooling water temperature, minimum water level
in the expansion tank of the internal circuit of the cooling system, the maximum temperature of the lubricating oil, minimum pressure oil in the reverse gearbox or gearbox, maximum thrust bearing oil temperature.
An alarm with simultaneous engine shutdown is provided according to the following parameters: maximum cooling water temperature, maximum lubricating oil temperature, minimum lubricating oil pressure, maximum engine speed.
Separate sensors are usually used to supply warning and emergency level signals. The settings for their operation are set by the diesel engine manufacturer; the number of controlled parameters depends on the type of engine.
On electrical diagram SPAZZO system (Fig. 134) shows the warning and alarm by lubricating oil pressure.
For warning and emergency signaling, the same signal panels are used, which light up continuously when a warning signal appears, and intermittently in the event of an emergency signal.
The oil pressure APS circuits are switched on through the contact of the electromagnetic relay K2, which is included in the electronic time relay KT, shown in a simplified form. The time delay of the CT relay is determined by the discharge time of the pre-charged capacitor C4. When starting the engine, the capacitor charging circuit is broken by the contact of the limit switch 82, which is mechanically connected to the engine starting device. This prevents false alarms when the engine is stopped and during its startup, while the oil pressure in the line has not yet reached the nominal value.
The intermittent mode of light signaling is achieved using a multivibrator (rectangular pulse generator) C/2, assembled using transistors and capacitors. The contacts of the output relay /C4 of the multivibrator are periodically turned on and off in the circuit of signal lamps H12, Sh4, which operate with a certain frequency and duration.
When the contact of the sensor BP1 of the warning value of the parameter is closed, the signal lamp Hb2 of the SPASZO panel receives power and, through the diode Uy1, the lamp Ш4 of the generalized light signal on the engine control panel in the wheelhouse or control room receives power. At the same time, a charging current of capacitor C1 flows through diode U02, resistor K3 and the control electrode of thyristor U5, opening the thyristor. The strength of the thyristor control current is determined by the resistance of the short-circuit resistor, and the flow time of this current is determined by the capacitance of the capacitor C/.
The short-circuit relay coil receives power, the relay is activated, and with its contacts it turns on the bells IA1, NA2, located in the Engine Room and in the wheelhouse.
Capacitor SZ prevents the passage of current pulses through the thyristor control circuit caused by fluctuations in the supply voltage, and thus prevents false ringing. Resistor R1 is designed to discharge capacitor C/ after opening the sensor contacts. Through resistor R4, capacitors C/ and SZ are discharged.
The bell can be turned off by pressing buttons 53, 56 on the SPASZO panel and the engine control panel in the wheelhouse. The button contacts open, interrupting the flow of current through the thyristor, which leads to its locking and disconnection of the short-circuit relay. After this, the bell activation circuit is automatically ready to receive the next signal.
After eliminating the reason for the activation of sensor BP1, its contact opens, lamps Hb2, H14 go out, capacitors C1, S3 are discharged. When the controlled parameter reaches an emergency value, the BP2 sensor is triggered, through the contact of which a signal is received to turn on the sound and light signal circuits.
Sound signals HA1, HA2 are turned on in the same way as when sensor BP1 is triggered, but in this case, in addition to capacitor C/, capacitor C2 is charged (through contact BP2, diodes Uy6, Uy3 and resistors KZ, R4).
Through the contact of sensor BP2, relay coil K1 receives power. The relay is activated, closing contacts in the self-locking circuits, starting the multivibrator 1-2, relay coil Ko and opening the contact in the H12 lamp circuit.
Relay K4 of multivibrator 1)2 periodically turns on and off, which leads to intermittent operation of the signal lamps Ш2, Н1-4, connected through the contacts of relay K4.
The relay contact Ko closes in the power supply circuit of the electromagnet UA of the stop device, which stops the engine. Relay Ko can be turned off using switches 54, 55 on the SPASZO panel and on the engine control panel in the wheelhouse. At the same time, the warning lights H13 and Y1d light up.
After eliminating the malfunction, the contact of sensor BP2 opens, and the light alarm continues to work, since relay contact K1 is connected in parallel with the sensor contact. To remove the self-locking of relay K1, you must press button 57 on the engine control panel or briefly de-energize the circuit using switch “51 on the SPASZO panel. Relay K1 is switched off, its normally open contacts are opened in the self-locking circuits, the start of the multivibrator C/2, the power supply of the protection relay K5, and the normally open contact is closed in the circuit of the lamp Hb2. As a result, the signal lamps go out and capacitor C/ and capacitor C2 are discharged through diode U04, lamp H12, relay contact K1, resistors #4, KZ and K2.
When other sensors not shown in Fig. are triggered. 134, the circuit works in a similar way.
The serviceability of the alarm circuits is checked by turning switch 5/ on the SPASZO panel to the “Check” position or by pressing button 58 on the engine control panel in the wheelhouse. In this case, the sound and light signaling circuits receive power through the U05 diode, and the C72 multivibrator through the Uy7 diode.
The Hb1 signal lamp on the SPAZZO panel signals the presence of power, protect! and P1-P4 protect the stop device electromagnet coil and the alarm circuit from short circuits. The circuit is powered by 24 V batteries.
Security questions
1. What business telephone systems are used on ships?
2. Name the signaling and ringing devices of telephone sets and switchboards.
3. What is the difference between the operating modes of a microphone and a telephone for electromagnetic converters with a differential magnetic system?
4. Name the main parts of a ship's battery-free telephone.
5. Explain the operation of the functional diagram of the telephone exchange.
6. What alarm systems are used on river vessels?
7. Name the components of fire alarm systems and the difference between beam systems and loop systems.
8. Explain the operation of the circuit for switching on the bell of the SPASZO emergency warning system.

§ 53. Internal and external communications and signaling

Internal communication and signaling through extensive systems on the ship ensures fast and accurate transmission of orders from command posts to executive posts. In addition, intra-ship communication allows you to transmit information about the operation of ship mechanisms and maintain two-way communication between services, household and living quarters of the ship. The means of on-board communication and signaling primarily include wired communication, which is divided into: 1) electrical signaling various purposes with control devices; 2) electrical telegraphs and signs; 3) telephone communication.

Electrical signaling is widely used on ships as a backup connection between telegraph and telephone. Ship alarms are the main means of notification (all types of alarms, emergency, watch and other groups of calls).

In those ship premises where a lot of noise occurs during the operation of machines, in addition to acoustic (sound), optical (light) alarms are also used.

Acoustic signaling devices include bells, loud bells, howlers and rattles.

Light or visual signaling devices are license plates and light signaling breakers.

Combination instruments include howler bells, bell bells and lamp bells.

Special electrical alarms on ships include a light or sound signal that occurs when a specified value is reached in the controlled object: temperature of air, gases or working parts (bearings), water level in tanks, holds and compartments, fire, etc.

Electric telegraphs and indicators are autonomous installations on a ship intended for:

1) trouble-free remote transmission of orders from the command post to the executors;

2) attracting the attention of the performer to the transmitted order;

3) transmitting the executor’s response confirming the correct understanding of the order;

4) visual control of transmitted and received orders, etc.

Electric telegraphs are used on ships of all types to transmit orders to the main propulsion and steering installations. Regardless of the operating principle and design of electrical telegraphs, they all consist of the following basic elements: order transmitter, order receiver, response transmitter, response receiver, signaling.

Rice. 76. Machine telegraph. 1 – handle for giving orders; 2 – execution response arrow.

The engine telegraph transmitter-receiver (Fig. 76) is installed on special columns in the ship's command post (in the wheelhouse and on the wings of the navigation bridge) and is intended for transmitting orders to the executive posts and receiving a response from them about accepting orders.

The engine telegraph receiver-transmitter, installed in the engine room, is a wall-mounted device with a tracking system of various commands intended for the performer, confirming the acceptance of the order from the engine room to the navigation bridge. The normal position of the device is with the handle down. Engine telegraph orders consist of the conventional names of the ship's progress: “Stop”, “Towing”, “The smallest”, “Small”, “Medium”, “Full” and “The most complete”.

To transmit an order, rotate the sensor handle. Along with it, the indicators in the executive and control posts rotate synchronously.

To transmit a response about the performance in the engine room, turn the handle of the sensor device until the executive arrow-handle aligns with the command arrow. The combination of the executive arrow with the handle indicator in the command device serves as confirmation that the command was received correctly. The installations of the steering telegraph and steering indicators are intended to transmit orders from command posts to executive (tiller or steering compartment) and control (wheelhouse) posts about manually shifting the rudder blade and its true position. The transmitted commands indicate the side - starboard or left - and the degrees of rudder.

Telegraph communication on ships can be manual or automatic.

A manual connection is one in which calling subscribers, connecting them and disconnecting them is done manually.

Automatic communication is a telephone system in which calling, connecting and disconnecting subscribers is carried out automatically: the caller dials a specific combination of numbers.

The variety and complexity of requirements for ship telephone communications led to the creation of independent (autonomous) telephone circuits serving certain groups of posts. Autonomous telephone circuits are reliable, durable and provide fast telephone communication.

Automatic telephone communication is usually used for routine communication with the ship's accommodation and service areas. In accordance with the number of subscribers: 10, 20, 50, 100, etc., automatic stations are divided into KATS-10, KATS-20, etc.

Every year, loudspeaker communication and broadcasting are increasingly used on ships, in some cases replacing telephone installations.

Loudspeaker communication, like telephone communication, can be one-way or two-way.

One-way communication is carried out between one sound-transmitting microphone with one or more loudspeakers connected in parallel to the microphone. Such communication is carried out using a simplex scheme (carried out via wires and radio in one direction).

Two-way communication allows both speech transmission and reception from two points.

The means of external communication of the vessel include: 1) radio engineering; 2) visual; 3) light; 4) pyrotechnic and 5) sound. Visual, light and sound means of communication are used only when the transmitting and receiving objects are visible.

Radio communication carries out wireless transmission of electrical energy over a distance - high-frequency electromagnetic waves, called radio waves in radio engineering. The main elements of radio communication are transmitting and receiving devices.

Electromagnetic wave energy is emitted by devices called antennas. Depending on their purpose, antennas are divided into transmitting and receiving.

Radio communication equipment on a ship is located in special rooms called radio rooms, located in close proximity to the navigation or chart room, and according to their purpose they are divided into main (navigation), operational, general and emergency.

Visual (visual) communication, due to its simplicity, is widely used for communication over close distances.

This connection consists of signaling with flags denoting individual words or a certain meaning (calling a pilot, etc.) or with a flag semaphore. Flags are raised on halyards, which are movable cables suspended from the yards or stays of the masts.

Light communication consists of directional and non-directional devices. Non-directional signaling devices are: a flashlight located on the top (nose) of the mast - a flashlight, parking lights, etc. Pyrotechnic signaling devices are used for warning and identification. Transmission of signals by pyrotechnic means (one-, two-, and three-color signal cartridges for night and daily action produced according to tables of conditioned signals).

Sound signaling (sirens, megaphones, whistles, horns, ship bells and fog horns) is used in poor visibility (fog, rain, snow) when visual communications cannot be used to prevent collisions between ships at sea.

Ship lights refer to external light signals that give an idea in the dark, from sunset to sunrise, in which direction the ship is moving and in what condition it is (emergency, with a tug, etc.). The composition and location of lights is regulated by the “Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea” (RPSS); for ship lights, special designs and devices are provided on the external elements of the vessel.

All ship lights are divided into navigation, anchor and emergency lights (Fig. 77).

The navigation lights of a civil marine vessel with a mechanical engine include: two white masthead lights - the forward one, located on the foremast at a height of at least 6 m above the waterline, and the rear one - on the mainmast 4.6 m above the forward one; side distinctive lights located on the wings of the navigation bridge - green on the starboard side, and red on the port side with a visibility range of at least two miles and a forward illumination sector of 112.5° on each side; a white stern tail light located in the center plane of the vessel on the poop deckhouse or on the railing gunwale.

Anchor lights (white) are installed in the bow and stern parts of the vessel (the bow is at least 4.6 m higher than the stern) with all-round visibility and are lit only when the vessel is anchored.

Emergency lights "Cannot be steered" red, two in number, one below the other, are raised under the forward masthead light on the foremast when the ship is in emergency condition.

In addition to those mentioned, klotik lights are lit, consisting of three (two white and one red) or two (red and white) lanterns. On the gaff of the main mast, two gaff lights rise - the upper (white) and the lower (red), which represent the stern flag at night.

Rice. 77. Layout of ship lights. 1 – klotik fire; 2, 3 – towing; 4 – top front; 5, 6 – emergency; 7 – anchor bow; 8 – side distinctive; 9 – top rear; 10 – gaff top; 11 – gaff bottom; 12 – tailgate; 13 – anchor stern.

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Ship fire alarm system. The principle of operation of the alarm.

The purpose of the automatic fire alarm system is to notify about the outbreak of a fire and the introduction of volumetric fire extinguishing means. Automatic fire alarms are now becoming even more important due to the reduction in the number of watches in engine rooms and the organization of unattended maintenance of individual ship premises.

Vessels equipped with fire alarms for fire detection and warning have a central fire station (CFS). Receiving alarm stations alerting the crew, passengers and production personnel about a fire are concentrated at the control center.

The electrical fire alarm system and smoke alarm system are designed to detect fire (fire) and report the location of its occurrence. Electrical fire alarm systems can be automatic or manual. Electrical fire alarm systems, depending on the type of detectors used, can be thermal (reacting to an increase in ambient air temperature), smoke (reacting to the appearance of smoke), light (reacting to the appearance of an open flame), combined (reacting to heat, smoke and light) . The main elements of an electrical fire alarm system are detectors, a receiving station, a power supply and linear structures.

Detectors are fire signal sensors. Receiving stations receive electrical signals from detectors and convert them into light and sound. Linear structures connect detectors to the receiving station.

Residential and service premises, storerooms for storing ship supplies of explosives, flammable and combustible materials, control posts, and dry cargo rooms are equipped with automatic fire detection alarms.

An automatic fire detection alarm may not be installed: in dry cargo spaces not equipped with volumetric fire extinguishing systems; in residential and service areas of passenger ships or the first method of constructive fire protection (except for explosives storerooms); in rooms in which there is no hot environment at all, on passenger ships with a gross tonnage of at least 100 per. i.e., without sleeping passenger seats, with a flight duration of no more than 12 hours; on dry cargo ships with a gross tonnage of 1000 per. t and on all non-self-propelled tankers.

Passenger and equivalent ships and other ships with a gross tonnage of more than 1000 per person are equipped with manual fire alarms. t (except for non-self-propelled vessels).

Fire alarm call points are installed in the corridors of residential, service and public premises, in machinery spaces, and on open cargo decks. Sensors should be located in easily accessible places and clearly visible. On passenger ships and similar ships, heat detectors have greater intensity than smoke and light detectors, and are used in relatively small spaces. Smoke detectors are used in rooms where a fire may occur from smoldering, as well as in rooms of great height and where it is necessary to give an alarm at an earlier stage of the fire than can be done with heat detectors.

Light detectors are used in rooms with large area and in especially critical premises.

To protect explosive ship premises, fire alarm sensors of the type DPS-038, DPS-2 with executive bodies type PIO-17, PIO-028, through which detectors are connected to existing receiving stations of the electric fire alarm system of the radial system.

Automatic fire detectors are installed in enclosed areas of the ship, manual fire detectors are installed both indoors and outdoors. Detectors installed in places where mechanical damage is possible are equipped with protective devices.

Automatic heat detectors can be of maximum and differential action. Automatic heat detectors of maximum action are triggered when the ambient air temperature rises above a predetermined limit. Automatic differential fire detectors are triggered by a sharp increase in ambient air temperature. Differential action detectors are usually installed in rooms where there are usually no sudden increases in air temperature.

Heat detectors are installed in areas where fires are more likely to occur, in places where there is a possible accumulation of warm air, heated by a fire source, as well as taking into account convection air flows caused by supply and exhaust ventilation. Heat detectors are not installed near heat sources that could affect the operation of the detectors.

Automatic fire detectors that respond to the appearance of smoke are used in cases where the occurrence of a fire is accompanied by abundant smoke (burning of wood-fiber and rubber products and materials, electrical equipment).

Smoke detectors are installed in rooms with possible air temperature fluctuations from -30 to +60°C with a relative air humidity of 80% at 20°C. Smoke detectors are also installed in rooms where the air contains vapors of acids or alkalis. The number of smoke detectors installed in the protected room depends on the configuration of the room, the design of the ceiling, the load of the room with materials and equipment, and a number of other conditions.

Ionization-type smoke detectors are installed at an average rate of one detector per 100 m2 of room area.

In cases where, for technical reasons, it is not possible to install smoke detectors in the protected premises, a method of air sampling using a ventilation system or special devices for air suction is used.

The speed of air movement in pipelines at the places where detectors are installed should not exceed 0.5 m/s; the length of the pipeline from the air intake point to the detector should be as short as possible and should not exceed 15 m.

Automatic fire detectors that react to the appearance of a flame are used in enclosed spaces with air temperatures from -10 to +40°C and relative humidity up to 80%.

In the rooms where light detectors are installed, there must be no sources of ultraviolet rays, gamma radiation and open flames (operating welding machines, electrical sparks). Light detectors cannot be installed in rooms where the air contains vapors of acids and alkalis.

Light detectors are installed on the ceiling so that the detector “sees” the entire room, especially the most likely places of fire. The distance from the light detector to the most distant point “visible” by it should not be more than 30 m. Light detectors are protected from direct sunlight and direct exposure to lighting lamps.

Manual fire call points are divided into push-button, operating in beam alarm systems, and code, operating in ring systems.

In electrical fire alarm systems, push-button detectors can be used to duplicate the operation of automatic detectors. Manual call points are installed both indoors and outdoors at ambient temperatures from -50 to +60°C and relative humidity 98%. Indoors, manual call points are installed in passages and corridors. The locations where detectors are installed must have sufficient illumination. Manual call points are installed on bulkheads so that the push button is 1.3 m above the floor level and is freely accessible.

IN beam system Up to five push-button detectors serving one address can be connected to one pair of wires. In a ring system, up to 50 coded fire detectors will be connected to the line.

Fire detection alarm receiving stations show from which room or group of rooms the signal came from when the detector sensor was triggered. These stations are equipped with a mnemonic diagram indicating the premises served by each beam. The effect of the sound signal on the CPP does not depend on the light signal. The effect of the light signal does not stop until the causes that caused it are eliminated. On passenger ships, fire signals received at the control center are duplicated to the watch or fire officer's room.

The automatic smoke alarm system consists of a camera with a photocell that detects smoke. This chamber continuously analyzes the transparency of the air supplied from the protected premises through a network of pipelines thanks to the vacuum created by the suction fan. Depending on the type of device, it can perform fire protection of individual premises located at a distance of 300 m from the detection camera. The appearance of traces of smoke in any of the premises protected by equipment instantly triggers a signal in the fire alarm system.

The use of a special circuit that detects smoke in the air using the method of an electric pulse of a photocell obtained by comparing the transparency of the air guarantees high sensitivity and reliability and at the same time automatically indicates the room in which the fire (smoke) appeared, with sound and light alternately operating fans installed near the receiving station . The fans create a vacuum that ensures the passage of smoke from the most distant receiver to the control center in no more than 1.5 minutes.

The air sucked from the premises is discharged into the atmosphere when passing through the receiving device. However, part of it, going through the smoke alarm pipeline, goes directly to the control center so that if smoke appears in the protected area, it can be detected there. All pipelines of the smoke alarm system have a device for periodically blowing them with compressed air (once a month).

To ensure that a fire can be detected at an early stage, all ships are equipped with fire detection equipment. First of all, this applies to fire alarms, but for the same purposes a video surveillance system installed on a ship, as well as various security systems, can be used.

The ship's fire alarm system consists of:

1. Automatic fire alarm sensors installed in various areas of the ship.

2. Fire detectors, activated manually when signs of fire are detected. Due to the small size of river vessels, fire detectors may not be installed, but they are required to be installed on passenger ships and tankers.

3. Fire alarm panel, which is installed on the navigation bridge and where signals from sensors and fire detectors arrive.

Automatic fire alarm sensors are one of the main parts of the system that ensures fire safety. It is the degree of reliability of the sensor of such an alarm that determines the overall effectiveness of the system, which ensures fire safety.

Fire sensors are divided into four main types:

1) thermal sensors

2) smoke detectors

3) flame sensors

4) combined sensors

1) The fire alarm thermal sensor responds to the presence of temperature changes. From a device point of view, thermal sensors are divided into:

a) threshold - with a specified temperature limit, after which the sensors will operate.

b) integral - react to a sharp rate of temperature change.

Threshold sensors - have relatively low efficiency, which is due to the temperature threshold at which the sensor is triggered, about 70 ° C. And the demand for this type of sensors is determined by its extremely low price.

Integrated fire sensors are capable of registering a fire in the early stages. However, since they use two thermoelements (one in the sensor structure itself, and the other is located outside the sensor), and a signal processing system is built into the sensor itself, the price of such fire sensors will be noticeable.

Fire alarm heat detectors should only be used when the primary symptom of a fire is heat.

2) Fire alarm smoke detectors detect the presence of smoke in the air. Almost all manufactured smoke detectors operate according to the principle of smoke particle scattering infrared radiation. The disadvantage of such a sensor is that it can work when there is a large amount of steam or dust in the room. However, a smoke detector is also extremely common, although, of course, it is not used in dusty rooms and smoking rooms.

3) The flame sensor implies the presence of a smoldering hearth or open flame. Flame sensors should be installed in areas where a fire is likely to occur without prior smoke emission. They are more effective than the two previous types of emitters, since flame detection is carried out at initial stage, when many factors are absent - smoke and a significant temperature difference. And in some production premises, which are characterized by a high level of dust or high heat transfer, only fire flame sensors are used.

4) Combination fire alarm sensors combine several methods for detecting signs of fire. In most cases, combination detectors combine a smoke detector along with a heat detector. This allows you to more accurately determine the presence of signs of fire in order to send an alarm to the remote control. The cost of these sensors is proportional to the complexity of the technologies used to create it.

The overall effectiveness of the fire extinguishing system directly depends on a properly designed fire alarm system, based on data received from the fire sensor. That is why the correct location, the use of a suitable type of sensor for certain rooms, as well as the quality of fire sensors allows us to determine

the effectiveness of the fire protection system of the building as a whole. Manual call points, small square boxes containing a closed plastic or glass plate (lid)
alarm button. They are located in clearly visible and accessible places near entrances to rooms, ends of corridors, etc. The distance between fire detectors on passenger ships in corridors is no more than 20 meters. Detector positions are indicated by standard signs made of luminescent material.

Fire alarm panel – installed on the navigation bridge. Designs may vary. Fire alarms can be combined with burglar alarms.

In the event of a fire, the fire alarm panel receives a signal that can come from either a sensor or a manual fire call point. The indicator lamp corresponding to any zone on the vessel will light up and a sound signal will sound. Thus, the watch commander will know in which part of the ship the fire occurred and a general ship alarm will be announced indicating the location of the fire.

To transmit information from the sensor to the central device, communication lines are used - cable routes that form beams, to each of which several sensors and manual call points are connected, located in the same or close to each other rooms.

The fire detection alarm must provide a quick identification of the object from which the signal was received, for which the use of mnemonic diagrams is preferable (and mandatory on passenger ships). When the detector is triggered, an audible and visual alarm must be triggered on the system control panel. If within 2 minutes these signals do not attract attention and their reception is not confirmed, an alarm signal is automatically sounded in all crew living quarters, service rooms, machine rooms, and control stations.

Some types of fire alarm systems provide not only the identification of the beam to which the triggered sensor is connected, but also the sensor number. For this purpose, a ballast resistor or capacitor is connected in parallel to the sensor contacts. When the sensor is triggered, its resistance is switched off and a circuit is formed with the remaining resistors, measuring the resistance in which allows you to determine the number of the triggered sensor.


To extinguish small fires, as well as to prevent fires on ships, portable fire extinguishing equipment is used. According to the PPB for the military and military equipment of the Russian Federation: The use of fire protection systems, property and equipment for purposes other than their intended purpose is not permitted, except in cases provided for in the construction documentation, as well as during fire fighting exercises and training.

Fire buckets are stored on the open deck in supports, painted red with the inscription “Firemen” and supplied with a line of sufficient length.

5. Koshma (fire blanket) - can be made from various materials: fiberglass, canvas, asbestos fabric. With the help of a felt you can extinguish fires of classes A, B and C.

A box of sand and a shovel (scoop) must be on every ship. They are located mainly on the open deck and in the MKO. Sand, first of all, is not intended to extinguish a fire, but to prevent a fire. For example, when a flammable liquid is spilled, you need to cover it with sand as soon as possible, thereby eliminating the very possibility of its ignition and, in addition, the liquid will not be able to spread across the deck and get overboard, creating a threat of pollution. In addition, sand has dielectric properties, and when extinguishing a fire, it absorbs a lot of heat.

7. Fire extinguishers. We will discuss the design and use of portable fire extinguishers in the next chapter.

8. Firefighter suit and equipment. It will be studied in detail in the following chapters.


Historical background

History of the fire extinguisher

The first fire extinguishing device was invented by Zechariah Greil, around 1715 in Germany. It represented wooden barrel, filled with 20 liters of water, equipped with a small amount of gunpowder and a fuse. In the event of a fire, the fuse was ignited, and the barrel was thrown into the fireplace, where it exploded and extinguished the fire. In England, a similar device was made by chemist Ambrose Godfrey in 1723. As an improvement to the design, alum was added to the water in 1770.

In 1813, English captain George Manby invented the fire extinguisher in the form in which we are familiar with it today. The device was transported on a cart and consisted of a copper vessel containing 13 liters of potash (POTASH (German Pottasche, from Pott - “pot” and Asche - “ash”) - potassium carbonate, potassium carbonate, a white crystalline substance, highly soluble in water), a chemical used in firefighting since the 18th century.

The liquid was in a vessel under pressure from compressed air and was released when the tap was opened. The fire extinguisher was the most famous of Manby's many inventions, which also included a device for rescuing people jumping from a burning building.

In 1850, another chemical fire extinguisher was introduced in Germany by Heinrich Gottlieb Kühn, a small box filled with sulfur, saltpeter and coal, with a small powder charge. The charge was activated using a fuse, the box was thrown into the fireplace, after which the released gases extinguished the fire.

The Fire Annihilator was patented in 1844 by Englishman William Henry Philips. While in Italy, Phillips witnessed several volcanic eruptions, which prompted him to think about extinguishing fire using water vapor mixed with other gases.

The design of the “Annihilator” was quite complex, the operating principle of which was based on the mixing of certain chemicals inside a vessel, as a result of which heat was intensely released, turning water into steam. Steam was supplied through a spray nozzle at the top of the fire extinguisher. Unfortunately, Mr. Philips was unable to prove the effectiveness of the invented device, two tests in the United States were unsuccessful, and, ironically, the Philips factory was destroyed by fire.

Here's how the Brooklyn Daily Eagle describes the failed demonstration of the "Exterminator":

“Yesterday, to satisfy our curiosity as to the merits of the so-called “Fire Destroyer,” we came to New York to witness the public testing of the machine, which had been previously announced. To avoid accidents, the test was carried out on the outskirts of 63rd Street, in an open space without any buildings in the vicinity. During the tests, flammable material was set on fire and the fire was extinguished using two devices. The material was spread over an area of ​​approximately six by four feet, the layer being approximately two or three inches thick. The first of the machines began to extinguish, and a stream of white steam coming out of it was directed towards the fire; on the other hand, a second vehicle was brought in to extinguish the fire. The extinguishing was accompanied by a strong hiss, however, when both cars exhausted their charge, the fire burned as strongly as before. The tests were repeated several times with the same results.

Since the tests were long delayed and were publicly announced, it can be assumed that everything was well prepared to show the true properties of the machine, and having witnessed them, we are forced to report that we have more confidence in the bucket of water than in the "Fire Destroyer." .

Dr. François Carlier received a patent in 1866 for the “L’Extincteur” fire extinguisher, the operating principle of which was based on the use of acid. For the first time in history, the fire extinguisher device made it possible to obtain the necessary pressure for release fire extinguishing agent inside the vessel itself. The reaction between "tartaric acid" and sodium carbonate (soda) produced large quantities carbon dioxide(CO2), which pushed out the contents of the fire extinguisher. The device was improved and patented again in 1872 by William Dick of Glasgow, who replaced tartaric acid with the cheaper sulfuric acid.

In 1871, the “Harden Grenade No. 1” was patented in the United States by Henry Harden of Chicago. It was a glass bottle filled with a water solution of salts, intended to be thrown at the source of the fire. Despite the fact that glass fire extinguishing grenades had very limited use, their production continued until the 50s of the 20th century. Since 1877, Harden grenades were also produced in England, by HardenStar, Lewis and Sinclair Company Ltd. in Peckham. Soon production was established in a large number of factories throughout Europe and the USA.

In 1884, engineer Schwarz from Bocholt, Germany, developed the "Patent Hand Fire Extinguisher", a tin pipe rectangular shape and triangular section. The pipe was filled with fire extinguishing powder, probably soda. The contents of the fire extinguisher had to be poured forcefully into the fire. Fire extinguishers of this design, in the form of tin containers and cartridge containers, were soon established throughout the world and lasted until the 1930s. Early

the models were called "Firecide" (USA) and "KylFire" (England).

Carré's model was sold in several European countries, including Germany. Brothers Clemens and Wilhelm Graff were recruited as representatives in the regions of northern Germany. They soon improved the fire extinguisher design and introduced their Excelsior 1902 model. This model later became the famous Minimax fire extinguisher.

At the turn of the century, a steel gas carbon dioxide fire extinguisher was patented. Its design formed the basis for many developments based on this technology. At first, the container with compressed gas was located outside the cylinder; examples of this design are the Antignit, VeniVici or Fix fire extinguishers from Berlin. Later, the gas flask was reduced in size and placed inside the fire extinguisher itself. Despite the fact that the flask with compressed gas was more in a convenient way To obtain the required pressure, acid fire extinguishers were produced until the 50s of the 20th century.

VeniVici fire extinguishers with an external compressed gas bulb

In the first decade of the new century, hundreds of companies produced fire extinguishers based on the use of water as a fire extinguishing agent. Public demonstrations were a successful method of promoting new designs and models. Usually they lined up in the city square wooden structures, and spectators watched the fire being put out, if, of course, the fire extinguisher worked.

In 1906, Russian inventor Alexander Laurent patented a method for producing air-mechanical foam and a compact fire extinguisher based on this principle. The volume of the fire extinguisher was divided into two parts, connected through a drummer. In the event of a fire, the firing pin was removed, the fire extinguisher was turned over and the two liquids were mixed. Sodium bicarbonate and aluminum sulfate, with the participation of a reaction stabilizer, produced fire extinguishing foam. The volume of foam was many times greater than the volume of the fire extinguisher. Unfortunately, the Russian inventor's patent did not find application in Russia, and was later sold and used by a German company in the Perkeo model, the first foam fire extinguisher in Germany.

Foam fire extinguishing technology was improved in 1934 by Concordia Electric AG, which introduced the first compression foam fire extinguisher, which produced foam under 150 atmospheres of air pressure. Soon, many companies, including Minimax, began to use foam fire extinguishing technology, which has proven itself to be the best in the fight against fuel fires. Based on foam fire extinguishers, stationary foam fire extinguishing installations have begun to be produced for use in engine compartments and other rooms using flammable liquids. Perkeo fire extinguishers have also been used to protect large volumes such as fuel tanks and fuel tanks, for which floating fire extinguishing devices have been launched.

In 1912, the first model of the Pyrene fire extinguisher, which was a hand pump, was released. chemical substance– carbon tertachloride (carbontetrachloride, CTC, formula CCl4) – has proven to be a very effective means of fighting fuel fires and extinguishing electrical installations under voltage (the extinguishing agent does not conduct current up to 150,000 volts). The only and most important drawback was that when heated, this agent produced a gas that was deadly to humans - phosgene, which could lead to death when using a fire extinguisher in limited space. In Germany in 1923, a law was passed limiting the capacity of carbon tetrachloride fire extinguishers to 2 liters in order to reduce the risk of large quantities of the deadly gas.

Pyrene Mfg. Co was founded in 1907 in New York City and manufactured its fire extinguishers and other products until the 1960s. The compact fire extinguisher has proven its effectiveness, and due to the increase in the number of automobile and fuel fires, the company has achieved a leading position in the CTC fire extinguisher market.

Pyrene factory assembly line, 1948

Soon, many companies mastered the use of CTC; in addition to fire extinguishers, it was used in fire grenades to improve their performance. Manufacturers such as Red Comet, Autofyre and Pakar sold them well into the '50s. Most CTC-based fire extinguishers were 1 gallon (4.5 liter) in size.

1 Gallon Pyrene Fire Extinguisher

In 1938 in Germany, the companies Minimax, Hoechst and Junkers developed a less dangerous version of the fire extinguishing agent, chlorobromemethane (CB). Most fire extinguishers thereafter were refilled with a new agent until the discovery of freon in the 1960s, an inert gas safe for humans with excellent fire extinguishing properties. Currently, the use of refrigerants is also limited due to their destructive effect on the ozone layer of the earth.

The powder was already used as a fire extinguishing agent in the 1850s. Most designs relied on the use of sodium bicarbonate placed in tin containers or cartridges. In 1912, the Total company in Berlin received a patent for a powder fire extinguisher using carbon dioxide as a propellant. The gas was stored outside the fire extinguisher, in a separate container, and the effectiveness of extinguishing was achieved mainly thanks to it. Only later did the fire extinguishing ability of the powders reach an acceptable level.

Fire extinguishing powders have become the most commonly used fire extinguishing agent. The design of fire extinguishers has changed over time, nozzles and sprayers have been added, the quality of the powder and the ability to store it in large volumes have been improved. In 1955, the use of powders began. capable of extinguishing Class A fires such as burning wood or other solid combustible materials.

Antifyre Ltd of Middlesex, England, produced a fire pistol loaded with extinguishing powder cartridges in the 1930s. In addition to the powder, the cartridge contained a small powder charge, like a live cartridge. By pointing at the fire, pressing the trigger and releasing the powder, the fire could be extinguished from a distance. The company offered free reloads if the cartridges were used for extinguishing. Several large and small models were produced, supplied complete with several charges, in a steel box with a wall mount.

Several other manufacturers produced similar devices, sometimes using CTC or CBF as the agent in a glass or metal flask.

CO2 (carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide) has long been recognized as an effective fire extinguishing agent. The German scientist Dr. Reidt patented a method for storing liquid carbon dioxide in steel bottles in 1882 and soon, the company F. Heuser & Co from Hamburg began producing them. Around the same time, CO2 cylinders began to be produced around the world and soon, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers were included in the product range of all manufacturers. By 1940 there were several models, the design of which has remained virtually unchanged to this day.

Liquefied carbon dioxide is stored under high pressure in steel or, in the case of small volumes, aluminum containers. If necessary, gas can be supplied through a valve, flexible hose and wooden or plastic tip. When transitioning from liquid to gas, the temperature of the extinguishing agent is about -79°C, so frost may form at the outlets of the fire extinguisher. When the flammable substance is cooled and oxygen is replaced by inert carbon dioxide, the fire is extinguished.

At first, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers were mainly available in 5, 6 or 8 kilogram versions. Later, in the 1930s, large volume fire extinguishers began to be produced, transported on trailers and even on trucks.

Large volume Minimax fire extinguishers, transportable on a trailer

Some companies, such as Minimax in Germany, have begun to specialize in stationary installations gas fire extinguishing for ships, trains and manufacturing plants. Such systems included a large volume of liquefied carbon dioxide, smoke or temperature detectors and central system management. In addition, a network of pipelines with nozzles for distributing gas among the compartments.

Modern fire extinguishers have come a long way since their invention in 1715. Most compact fire extinguishers produced today are powder extinguishers, pressurized or with CO2 cartridges. Their design has remained unchanged since the 1950s, but of course all components have been improved to achieve greater reliability. In addition, modern fire extinguishing powders are certified and are used to extinguish various classes fires (flammable liquids, hard materials, electrical installations under voltage), which cannot be compared with the situation in the 50s.

The highly effective gas Freon was banned for use in fire extinguishers and fixed fire extinguishing installations almost worldwide in 2003 due to its destructive effects on the ozone layer. Currently, no real alternative has yet been found, so the market for gas fire extinguishers is dominated by fire extinguishers with liquefied carbon dioxide.

Halon fire extinguisher for helicopter

Water-based fire extinguishers are increasingly used, despite their limited effectiveness (only extinguishing Class A fires - wood and solid flammable substances, and uselessness on extinguishing Class B and C fires - liquid and gaseous flammable substances - as well as live electrical installations). In this case, additional components are added to the water - wetting agents (for example, AFFF), which can increase and sometimes double the effectiveness of the fire extinguisher when extinguishing a fire. Recent developments in high-pressure water fire extinguishers produce water mist from tiny droplets of water. Consumption is minimal, which reduces property damage that may be caused by water during extinguishing.

Currently, there are several types of foam fire extinguishers used to fight class A and B fires. The operating principle of most of them is based on the use of concentrated foam and cartridges with propellant gas.

Portable fire extinguishers are one of the most effective means of extinguishing fires at an early stage.

The following types of fire extinguishers are used in the navy:

· foam (air-foam);

· carbon dioxide (CO 2 -fire extinguishers);

· powder.

In addition to these three types, there are water and halon fire extinguishers, which are not used in the fleet for a number of reasons.

Let's look at the design and operation of fire extinguishers in more detail.

1. Foam fire extinguisher.

Foam fire extinguishers come in two types: air foam and chemical foam.

The air-foam fire extinguisher is designed to extinguish class A and B fires. The operating temperature range is from +5 to + 50 0 C. They are available in various sizes, with a charge weight from 4 to 80 kg.

Due to the fact that foam fire extinguishers contain water, problems arise when storing them on board river vessels in winter. Therefore, the river fleet tries not to use foam fire extinguishers. On navy ships operate all year round and foam fire extinguishers are very common.

A standard OVP-10 fire extinguisher weighs 15 kg.

To extinguish class A fires, fire extinguishers of the OVP-10A brand with a low-expansion foam generator are produced. To extinguish class B fires, OVP-10V brand fire extinguishers with a medium expansion foam generator are produced.

Air-foam fire extinguishers are not allowed to extinguish live electrical installations, as well as alkali metals.

The design of air-foam fire extinguishers is similar. The OVP-10 air-foam fire extinguisher consists of a steel body containing a 4-6% aqueous solution of foaming agent PO-1 (an aqueous charge solution based on secondary alkyl sulfates), a can high pressure with carbon dioxide, for pushing out the charge, a lid with a locking and starting device, a siphon tube and a bell-nozzle for obtaining high-expansion air-mechanical foam.

The fire extinguisher is activated by pressing the trigger lever with your hand, as a result of which the seal breaks and the rod pierces the membrane of the carbon dioxide cylinder. The latter, leaving the cylinder through the dosing hole, creates pressure in the body of the fire extinguisher, under the influence of which the solution flows through the siphon tube through the sprayer into the socket, where, as a result of mixing the aqueous solution of the foam concentrate with air, air-mechanical foam is formed.

The multiplicity of the resulting foam (the ratio of its volume to the volume of the products from which it is obtained is on average 5, and the durability (the time from the moment of its formation to complete disintegration) is 20 minutes. The durability of chemical foam is 40 minutes.

Preparing the fire extinguisher for use and operating procedures

1. Bring the fire extinguisher to the source of the fire at a distance of 3 m and install it vertically.

2. Unwind the rubber hose and point the foam generator at the source of the fire.

3. Open the locking device of the cylinder charged with the working gas until it stops.

After using the fire extinguisher, its body is washed with water and both the fire extinguisher body and the working gas cylinder are charged.

Chemical foam fire extinguisher - considered obsolete due to its poor effectiveness. Therefore, we will analyze its device briefly.

Inside the fire extinguisher there is a solution of soda (sodium bicarbonate) with the addition of cheap surfactants (surfactants) and a glass of acid. At the moment of operation, the glass opens, the acid comes into contact with the soda solution, resulting in the rapid release of carbon dioxide. The fire extinguisher is turned upside down and carbon dioxide forces the contents through the hole into the fire. Due to the presence of surfactants, a lot of foam is formed.

Before use, the fire extinguisher hole had to be cleaned with a metal rod: if it was clogged, it could cause trouble.

Chemical foam fire extinguisher OHP-10 (Fig.) is a welded cylindrical cylinder 1 made of sheet steel. In the upper part of the cylinder there is a neck 5 with an adapter 4, onto which a cast iron cap 8 with a locking device is screwed. The locking device consists of a rubber gasket 9 and a spring 10, which presses the plug to the neck of the glass 2 when the handle 6 with the rod 7 is closed and prevents its spontaneous operation. Using the handle, the plug is raised and lowered. For ease of carrying and working with the fire extinguisher, there is a handle 3 in the upper part of the body.

To activate the fire extinguisher, you need to turn handle 6 in a vertical plane until it stops, then take right hand by the handle, and with the left hand by the lower end, go as close as possible to the place of combustion and turn the fire extinguisher over with the lid down. In this case, the plug of the acid glass opens and the acid part flows out of the glass and, mixing with the alkaline solution, causes a chemical reaction with the formation of carbon dioxide CO 2, the stream of which is directed through the spray 11 into the source of intense combustion.

The OHP-10 fire extinguisher can be used to extinguish solid combustible materials, as well as flammable and combustible liquids in a small area. Since foam conducts electric current, this fire extinguisher cannot be used to extinguish burning electrical wires, electrical equipment and live appliances, as well as to extinguish fires in the presence of metallic sodium and potassium, burning magnesium, alcohols, carbon disulfide, acetone, calcium carbide. Due to the fact that a relatively high pressure is created in the fire extinguisher, before putting it into action it is necessary to clean the spray with a pin suspended from the handle of the fire extinguisher.

A very big drawback: the operation of the fire extinguisher is irreversible - once you have activated it, the fire extinguisher cannot be stopped (unlike, for example, a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher). As a result, the consequences of extinguishing a fire may be no less than the consequences of the fire itself. According to the apt expression of the chemist A.G. Kolchinsky:

"... eliminating the consequences of a foam fire extinguisher can be no less tedious than the consequences of a fire. This is one of those tools that are readily used to extinguish other people's fires, but rarely their own."

It is not surprising that, in accordance with NPB 166-97 (standards fire safety), chemical foam fire extinguishers were prohibited from being put into operation, and the existing OHP-10 fire extinguishers were replaced with other types of fire extinguishers.

Extinguishing tactics:

· when extinguishing, stay at least 3 m from the fire;

· avoid vigorously waving the fire extinguisher, direct the stream, smoothly moving it towards the center of the fire, the foam should slide over the burning surface;

Avoid getting foam on exposed areas of the body; Avoid splashing flammable liquids.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (CO 2 fire extinguisher).

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (CO) are designed to extinguish fires of various substances and materials, electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 V, internal combustion engines, and flammable liquids.

It is prohibited to extinguish materials that burn without air access (aluminum, magnesium and their alloys, sodium, potassium).

Operating temperature range: from -40 to +50 0 C.

The OU carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is a high-pressure steel cylinder (the pressure inside the housing is 5.7 MPa), which is equipped with a shut-off and starting device with an excess pressure relief valve and a plastic cone-shaped socket. The main color of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers is red.

The substance used in carbon dioxide fire extinguishers is carbon dioxide (CO2). It, carbon dioxide CO2, is pumped into a cylinder under pressure. The main task of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is to put down the flame. When a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is activated, pressurized carbon dioxide is released in the form of white foam over a distance of approximately two meters. The temperature of the jet is approximately minus 74 degrees Celsius, so frostbite occurs when this substance comes into contact with the skin. The maximum coverage area is achieved by adjusting the direction of the plastic socket towards the source of fire. Carbon dioxide, falling on a burning substance, prevents the flow of oxygen, the low temperature cools and prevents the spread of flame, this stops the combustion process.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are very effective at putting out flames at the beginning of a fire. It is best to use carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to extinguish something very important, something that cannot be damaged, for example, computers, equipment, car interior, because after
use, carbon dioxide evaporates and leaves no trace.

What to pay attention to:

Since the active substance of the fire extinguisher (CO 2) has a very low temperature, you must be careful not to freeze your hands during operation. To do this, only hold the fire extinguisher by the handles.

Short operating time, it is necessary to open the gas supply near the fire.

The highest efficiency when supplying gas directly to the fire.

Additionally, a fire extinguisher should not be used to extinguish fires on people due to the risk of causing frostbite.

When using several fire extinguishers in a closed room, oxygen deprivation may occur.

Not effective on open decks in windy conditions.

When starting and operating the fire extinguisher, it must not be held upside down.

3. Powder fire extinguishers.

Portable powder fire extinguishers general purpose designed to extinguish fires of classes A, B and C, and special purpose for extinguishing burning metals. The action of a fire extinguisher is based on interrupting the combustion reaction with virtually no cooling of the burning surface, which under certain conditions can lead to re-ignition. The fire extinguisher operates in a vertical position and it is possible to supply extinguishing powder in short portions.

Characteristics of powder fire extinguishers: charge weight 0.9-13.6 kg; jet flight range 3-9 m; operating time 8-30 s.

Extinguishing tactics:

· feed the powder continuously or in portions depending on the fire class, starting from the nearest edge, moving the stream from side to side;

· Move forward slowly, avoiding close contact with the fire;

· after the fire is extinguished, wait time to avoid re-ignition;

· extinguishing with powders can be combined with water extinguishing, and some powders are compatible with foam;

· When extinguishing, it is better to use a respirator.

You should remember some more rules for handling powder fire extinguishers: when using them, there may be a delay of 5 seconds, and also, it is better to use the entire charge at one time, since when supplied in portions, there is a possibility that the fire extinguisher will not work.


Now let's look at the stationary fire extinguishing systems that are used on ships. Fixed systems are designed and installed on ships when they are built, and what systems will be installed on the ship depends on the purpose and specification of the ship.

The main stationary fire extinguishing systems on board are: water extinguishing system, steam extinguishing system, foam extinguishing system, carbon dioxide extinguishing system (CO 2 extinguishing system), liquid chemical extinguishing system.

Water extinguishing system.

The water extinguishing system is based on the action of powerful jets of water that knock down the flame. All self-propelled displacement vessels are equipped with it, regardless of the presence of other extinguishing means on them.

Ship's water extinguishing system

Fire pump;

Fire hydrant with connecting nut;

Fire main.

Water extinguishing system design. Each self-propelled vessel has fire pumps. Their number depends on the type of vessel, but not less than two. The main fire pumps are located in the engine room below the waterline to ensure constant suction pressure. In this case, fire pumps must be able to receive water from at least two places. Tankers and some dry cargo ships have an additional emergency fire pump(APN). Its location depends on the design of the vessel. The APN is located outside the engine room, for example in a separate room in the bow of the ship or in the tiller room. It must be supplied with power from an emergency diesel generator.

End and ring fire systems

From fire pumps, water flows into a piping system that is laid throughout the ship. According to the type of pipeline system there are ring And end. Water is supplied through pipes to fire hydrants (fire horns - as they were previously called). Non-working parts of the fire hydrant, as well as the fire main on the open deck, are painted red. Each fire hydrant has a connecting nut to which the fire hose is connected. And the fire nozzle is connected directly to the hose.

Fire nuts.

International connection

Storz type nut
Mouth type nut

Fire nut Bogdanov

There are several types of nuts that are used in the Navy. The most common connections are Bogdanov nuts. Their advantages are simplicity of design and speed of connection. Their diameter depends on the firefighting system used on the vessel. Another type of nut used in the Navy is the Roth type nut. Previously, there were a lot of such connections on ships, but they are currently going out of use. The design of Roth-type nuts is a little more complicated than that of Bogdanov nuts. Sometimes both types of nuts are used on ships, for example, to make it impossible to connect hoses used to receive drinking water to the fire main and vice versa. On foreign ships to connect the ship's water extinguishing system to external sources water supply uses adapters of international standard, which are stored in special boxes having markings.

Fire hoses.

Modern fire hoses are made of synthetic fibers that have good flexibility, do not fade in water and provide the necessary strength with low weight. Inside the sleeve there is a rubber coating that ensures tightness. The rubber layer is very thin, so it is easy to damage. It should be remembered that when supplying water to the hose, the fire valve must be opened slowly until the hose is filled with water. Then you can open the fire valve to full flow.

Fire hoses are stored in special boxes, double-rolled with trunks attached to them, and indoors and attached to fire hydrants. Length of fire hoses: on deck 20 m, in superstructure 10 m.

Fire hoses at both ends at a distance of 1 m from the connecting heads must be marked: number, name of the vessel, year the hose was put into operation.

Fire hydrant
Hoses are subject to periodic inspection and annual testing. Hydraulic test is carried out at the maximum pressure created in the water fire system by the ship's fire pump. The non-working surfaces of the nuts are painted red. If the hoses do not pass the test, then they are transferred to the category of household use and then the non-working surfaces of the nuts are painted black.

Fire trunks.

The main fire trunks are:

fire nozzles for compact jet;

· fire nozzles for spray jets;

· combined fire trunks.

The fleet uses only combined fire nozzles, which can deliver both a compact and a spray jet. In addition, it is possible to shut off the water supply directly to the trunk. Foreign-made combination barrels have the ability to supply sprayed water towards firefighters, thereby creating water protection for firefighters.

You will find separate fire nozzles for compact and atomized water at coastal facilities.

Stationary fire monitors are also used on ships; they are usually installed on tankers, where due to high temperature it is impossible to get close to the fire.

The water extinguishing system is the simplest and most reliable, but it is not possible to use a continuous stream of water to extinguish a fire in all cases. For example, when extinguishing burning oil products, it has no effect, since the oil products float to the surface of the water and continue to burn. The effect can only be achieved if the water is supplied in a spray form. In this case, the water quickly evaporates, forming a steam-water cap that isolates the burning oil from the surrounding air.

On some ships they install fire sprinkler system indoors. On the pipelines of this system, which are laid under the ceiling of the protected premises, automatically operating sprinkler heads are installed (see figure). The sprinkler outlet is closed with a glass valve (ball), which is supported by three plates connected to each other with low-melting solder. When the temperature rises during a fire, the solder melts, the valve opens, and the escaping stream of water hits a special socket and sprays. In other types of sprinklers, the valve is held in place by a glass bulb filled with a highly volatile liquid. In the event of a fire, liquid vapors rupture the flask, causing the valve to open.

The opening temperature of sprinklers for residential and public premises, depending on the melting area, is 70-80 0 C.

To ensure automatic operation The sprinkler system must always be under pressure. The necessary pressure is created by the pneumatic tank with which the system is equipped. When the sprinkler is opened, the pressure in the system drops, as a result of which the sprinkler pump automatically turns on, which provides the system with water when extinguishing the fire. In emergency cases, the sprinkler pipeline can be connected to the water extinguishing system.

In the engine room for extinguishing oil products and the molar storeroom, where it is dangerous to enter due to the risk of explosion, water spray system. On the pipelines of this system, instead of automatically operating sprinkler heads, water sprayers are installed, the outlet of which is constantly open. Water sprayers begin to operate immediately after opening the shut-off valve on the supply pipeline.

Sprayed water is also used in irrigation systems and to create water curtains. Irrigation system used for irrigation of decks of oil tankers and bulkheads of rooms intended for storing explosives and flammable substances.

Water curtains act as fireproof bulkheads. Such curtains are used to equip closed decks of ferries with horizontally loading where it is impossible to install bulkheads. Fire doors can also be replaced with water curtains.

Promising is mist water system, in which water is sprayed to a fog-like state. Water is sprayed through spherical nozzles with a large number of outlet holes with a diameter of 1-3 mm. For better atomization, compressed air and a special emulsifier are added to the water.

Steam extinguishing system

It is currently believed that steam is not effective as a volumetric fire extinguishing agent, for the reason that a considerable amount of time may pass before the air is displaced from the atmosphere and the atmosphere is unable to support the combustion process. Steam should not be introduced into any location with a flammable atmosphere not involved in a fire due to the possibility of charge formation static electricity. However, steam can be effective in extinguishing a burnout on a flange or other similar components if it is applied from a fire nozzle directly to the flange or a leak from any joint or gas outlet or similar component.

You may encounter a steam extinguishing system on some ships, so you need to have an idea of ​​how it works.

The operation of the steam fire extinguishing system is based on the principle of creating an atmosphere in the room that does not support combustion. The main part of the system is the steam boiler. Most modern ships are motor ships and do not use steam. Steam boilers are installed, for example, on product tankers to heat cargo before unloading, and these boilers do not have high productivity, so steam is used only for extinguishing small compartments, such as fuel tanks. Modern steamships are gas carriers and LPG tankers with steam main engines and steam boilers high power, therefore, on such ships, the use of steam as a fire extinguishing agent is quite justified.

The steam extinguishing system on ships is carried out on a centralized basis. From the steam boiler, steam at a pressure of 0.6-0.8 MPa is supplied to the steam distribution box (manifold), from where separate pipelines made of steel pipes with a diameter of 20-40 mm are installed into each fuel tank. In a room with liquid fuel, steam is supplied to top part, which ensures free release of steam when the tank is filled to the maximum. On the pipelines of the steam extinguishing system, two narrow distinctive rings are painted silver-gray with a red warning ring between them.

On newly built river vessels, the steam extinguishing system is not used.

Foam extinguishing system

Foam extinguishing systems are the second most common on ships after water extinguishing systems. Almost all ships are equipped with it, with the exception of small ships.

Vessel foam extinguishing scheme

Foam is a very effective means of extinguishing class B fires, which is why all tankers are required to have a foam extinguishing system running throughout the vessel. On dry cargo ships, foam can only be supplied to certain spaces (mainly protecting machinery spaces).

The foam extinguishing system itself is powered by a water fire extinguishing system, so if the fire pumps are not working and water is not supplied through the pipelines, the foam extinguishing system will also not work.

The design of the foam extinguishing system is very simple. The main supply of foaming agent is stored in the foaming agent tank (tank), which is usually located outside the machine rooms. Low and medium expansion foam agents are used on ships. If it is necessary to mix different foaming agents, their compatibility must first be checked according to technical documents.

Water from the fire main enters the ejector through valve 1 (not to be confused with the injector). An ejector is a special pump that does not have a single moving part. The stream of water passes at high speed and creates a vacuum, as a result of which the foaming agent is sucked into the foam extinguishing line when valve 2 is open. In addition, valve 2 serves to regulate the flow of the foaming agent and obtain the required amount of foam. A mixture of water and foaming agent is created in the ejector, but no foam has yet formed. For example, if we pour liquid soap into water, then there will be no foam until we mix this solution with air. Further from the ejector, the water emulsion goes through pipelines to fire hydrants 3, to which fire hoses are connected. Unlike a water extinguishing system, in a foam extinguishing system, either a foam generator or a foam-air barrel is connected to the fire hoses. Fire hydrants of the foam extinguishing system are painted yellow.

If tap No. 2 is not opened, then water is supplied to the foam extinguishing system and fire nozzles can be connected to the fire hoses and the foam extinguishing system can be used as a regular water fire extinguishing system.

An additional tap leading from the water extinguishing system to the foam concentrate tank is used to flush it.

A foam generator and a foam-air barrel are necessary for mixing the water-foam solution and air. The foam generator itself consists of a housing, a spray nozzle with a fire nut for attaching a fire hose and a double metal mesh. When the foam generator operates, the water-foam solution leaving the sprayer hits a mesh with many cells. At the same time, air is sucked in from the atmosphere. The result is a large number of bubbles, like in children's soap bubbles.

Foam generator
The foam extinguishing system can be used as a volumetric fire extinguishing system. On some ships, foam generators are installed permanently in the engine room above the main and auxiliary engines and ship boilers. In the event of a fire, the foam is supplied directly to the engine room and fills it. In this case, the presence of people in the room is not required.

Volumetric CO 2 extinguishing system

Currently one of the most common volumetric fire extinguishing systems. Proven to be highly effective compared to other systems. Simplicity of device and maintenance.

Carbon dioxide station

The carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system consists of a cylinder station; on some ships there may be several of these stations. Carbon dioxide is stored in cylinders and, when the shut-off valves are opened, is supplied to the ship's premises.

Carbon dioxide displaces oxygen from the combustion zone and thereby stops it, but the fire does not cool down, as when using a CO 2 fire extinguisher. With the help of CO 2 extinguishing, as a rule, the following premises are protected: MKO, cargo tanks on tankers, cargo holds on cargo ships, storerooms with flammable and combustible liquids. The system is not used when extinguishing fires in residential and office premises.

How to use the system:

1. Remove all people from the room where CO 2 extinguishing will be used.

2. Seal the room in which the fire occurred.

3. Give a signal to supply gas to the room.

4. Supply gas to the room.

5. Monitor the effectiveness of extinguishing by measuring the temperature in the compartment. The main indicator of system efficiency is temperature reduction.

6. After the temperature drops, you need to wait another hour, then ventilate the room and send a reconnaissance group dressed in firefighter gear. In the event of a fire in the holds, it is prohibited to open the socket until the shore fire brigade arrives at the nearest port.

Remember that the CO 2 extinguishing system is a one-time use, if you fail to extinguish the fire the first time, do not use the system again until you recharge the cylinders. Therefore, if it is not possible to seal the room, then there is no point in using carbon dioxide fire extinguishing. If the CO 2 extinguishing system is not effective, other systems must be used to extinguish the fire.

Stationary inert gas system (SIG).

Let's look at another system designed to prevent the threat of fire and based on the principles of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing. The tanker fleet has a system for supplying carbon dioxide to cargo tanks from the ship's operating boilers. Exhaust gases leaving the boiler enter a scrubber, a special device where they are cooled and cleaned from solid impurities using water. These gases are then fed into the cargo tanks and, displacing oxygen, create a non-flammable atmosphere in them. The oxygen level in the tanks is measured using stationary gas analyzers.

Liquid chemical fire extinguishing system

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