Crown height. Standard mistakes when building log houses. Determining the number of crowns and calculating the material

Quite often, when looking for a contractor to build a house or bathhouse, we come across such concepts as the price for 1 m3 of rounded logs (OCB) or simply the actual cost of a log house. I'd like to figure it out! What does the cubic capacity of a log house consist of? How is the cost of a log house calculated and what does it consist of?

In order to on one's own It is necessary to calculate the volume of logs in a log house based on the given parameters (axial dimensions and height), calculate the number linear meters logs in a log house. The easiest way is to multiply the length in linear meters in one crown by the number of crowns of a log house.

Calculation of the number of crowns depending on the given height of the log house.

To calculate the required number of crowns, you need to know the working height of the rounded log. Working height of log directly depends on the width of the groove. Below we provide a table for a standard groove.

Table of working height of logs (N otsb):

Log diameter groove width Working height of log
180 90 156
200 100 173
220 110 191
240 120 208
260 130 225

Dividing the given height of the log house by the working height of the log, we get the number of required crowns.

We count:

3000mm/191mm=15.71 - therefore, for a given height we need 16 crowns.

Based on the drawing of the log house, we calculate the number of linear meters of one crown (taking into account the protrusions - corners)

In this example, the length of one crown is 9+9+6+6+6=42 m.p. Consequently, the total linear meters in this log house are 42x16 = 672. Next, you need to take into account and add the halves of the first crown (zero crown) - they necessary to shift the rows in the crowns. We got 3x6 halves = 18 linear meters. Since one whole log produces 2 halves, we divide 18 by 2 and get 9 m.p. logs in halves. So, we got 681 linear meters, but this does not take into account openings. Minus the linear meters in the openings, the result is 546 m.p.

In total, in this log house there was 20.75 m3 of net volume of central bank. And the last thing that needs to be taken into account when calculating a log house is illiquid trimmings and losses when sawing parts of the house kit.

They can range from 3 to 7 percent. Accordingly, the qualifying cubic capacity of this log house will be approximately 22 m3.

With the cost of one cubic meter of rounded logs in a house kit being 8,500 rubles, the price of this log house will be 187,000 rubles.

We hope this article will be useful to you in your calculations! Good luck to you in your endeavors!

-> Sections of the site -> Log house -> Do-it-yourself log house -> The first (framed) crown of the log house.

The lower crown works in the most difficult conditions - close to the ground, more wet than other crowns during rain and snowfall. Therefore, traditionally, special attention was paid to its production.

Before laying the first (lower) crown of the log house, do not forget about waterproofing, which is 2 - 3 layers of rolled bitumen waterproofing material, laid between the foundation and the logs to prevent the walls from getting wet from the foundation.

The first (flashing) crown is made from the thickest logs.

If you have such an opportunity, then it is best to make the first crown from the types of wood that are most resistant to rotting. Larch or oak are best suited for this purpose.

Obviously, sides 1, 3 and 2, 4 are on different horizontal levels, which differ in height by half the diameter of the log. Therefore, the first crown, from which the entire frame begins, can be realized in two ways.

Despite some inconveniences, such a crown will be more durable due to the fact that the logs are subject to minimal processing and remain almost solid.

To prevent rotting of the logs of the first crown, special attention must be paid to thoroughly antiseptic surfaces in contact with waterproofing (hewn surfaces). Before laying, coat the hewn surface with an antiseptic using a brush 3 - 5 times. By the way, this is the only place in the bathhouse where I used antiseptic.

Backing boards should not be coated with melted resin (bitumen) or wrapped in roofing felt. A tree clogged with resin or wrapped in roofing felt will rot very quickly.

An inter-crown sealant is laid between the foundation waterproofing and the backing board, between the backing board and the first crown.

The process of making a crown molding is shown in a series of videos frame (first) crown of the log house.

The framed (first) crown of the log house is video technology.

Cover crown. Part 2. Chopping logs

Indicate the dimensions in units convenient for you: in millimeters,
centimeters or meters by checking the required item.

A- Length façade wall, is determined taking into account the size of your plot and the required area of ​​the house. When determining the value A It is recommended to take into account standard dimensions; the woodworking industry offers rounded logs up to 6 m long. If a larger length is required, the logs will need to be joined, which may affect the strength and thermal efficiency of the structure.

B– The length of the side wall is determined taking into account your wishes and the space allocated for the construction of the house on the site. Length should be taken into account standard lumber(up to 6 m), in the future this will have a positive impact on the cost of the log house.

Size values A And B it is possible to indicate by the external dimensions of the log house, or along the axes of the walls (this option is often used by professional construction companies that design and manufacture log houses), select the required item.

H– The height of the facade from the first (so-called casing) crown to the ridge of the pediment. If the log house is planned without a pediment, then set the value H= 0.

G– The height of the side wall from the frame crown to the top point of the pediment (ridge). If you do not plan to build a side gable, then enter the value G= 0.

U– Height of the wall at the corner. This parameter determines the height internal space future home. The classical technology of building a log house assumes that the first crown of the log house is the frame crown, the second - bottom harness, into which the floor joists are embedded. Usually the frame crown is made from thicker logs. If the height indoors is 3 m, then the parameter U≥ 3 m + the values ​​of the working heights of the first two rims (i.e. if the D of the logs used is 0.25 m, then to ensure an internal height of 3 m U≥3.5 m). You should also take into account the amount of wood shrinkage; in the first years after construction, log houses shrink, reaching 1/20-1/30 of the original height of the log house. Data on drying of lumber are given in "and GOST 6782.2-75 "Lumber products from wood hardwood. The amount of shrinkage."

Height value U must be a multiple of the crown pitch (working height of the log C), if this condition is not met, then during the calculation the program will automatically change the height and the message Changed will appear next to the calculation result.

Partitions of the first and second floors.

Specify the length of the partitions of the first L1 and second floors L2.

Specify the height of the first floor partitions P1 and second floor P2.

If partitions are not planned on the second floor, set the values L2 And P2=0.

For small log houses (for example, 3×5 or less), the construction of partitions from logs is often not justified, since it critically reduces internal volume Houses.

If calculating the material for partitions in the house is not needed, then set the values L1,L2,P1 And P2= 0.

D– The diameter of the rounded log is selected based on the purpose of the structure, taking into account climatic conditions Your region. You should take into account the recommendations of GOST 9463-88 “Round timber coniferous species. Specifications" and GOST 9462-88 "Round hardwood timber. Technical conditions". If you want to build a bathhouse or summer country house, then a diameter of 0.16-0.22 m is suitable. The use of thicker logs is often not justified, since it significantly increases labor costs and the cost of construction. If the house is planned for year-round residence, choose a log diameter of at least 0.22 m. It is important to remember that the larger the diameter of the logs, the warmer house(since the number of crowns, notches, locks decreases and, accordingly, heat loss will be lower). The cost of rounded logs of larger diameter will more than pay off during the operation of the house. However, working with massive logs is more difficult; you may need special equipment - a crane or manipulator.

C– The working or useful height of the log determines the pitch of one crown. The value of this size is less than the diameter of the log and directly depends on the width of the groove, which ranges from 1/2-2/3 of the log diameter.

T– The length of the ends of the logs protruding at the corners of the house. When cutting without residue, or into a clean corner, T=0, while maximizing the use of the entire length of the material and reducing the consumption of logs. At the same time, this type of angle requires very careful adjustment (according to SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures”, the size of the gaps at the junction of logs should not exceed 1 mm), and is subject to freezing and blowing. To avoid this, additional finishing of the corners is necessary, for example with overlay boards.

Chopping with the remainder or into a bowl is a more expensive, but at the same time more heat-efficient and durable option. Since the ends of the logs protruding at the corners of the house protect this unit from blowing, raining and freezing. When chopping into a bowl, the parameter T, according to GOST 30974−2002 “Corner connections of wooden block and log low-rise buildings” take ≥1.4 diameters of the logs used.

N– horizontal distance between the dowels (these are round wooden pins that prevent deformation torsion of the logs). The distance between the dowels N is 1.5-2 m, more detailed information can be found in SNiP II-25-80 " Wooden structures" It is important that the moisture content of the wooden dowels is 3-4% lower than that of the logs being joined, then after drying the connection will not weaken. The holes for the dowels must be drilled strictly vertically to ensure that the logs can move during the shrinkage process.

V– Weight 1 m 3 (cubic meter) or so-called specific gravity rounded log is determined by the density of the wood (GOST 16483.1-84 “Wood. Method for determining density”). Density depends on the type of wood, humidity, and location of growth. Conventionally, at a humidity of 12%, tree species can be divided into three groups: with low density (up to 540 kg/m3) - spruce, pine, fir, cedar; medium density(550-740 kg/m3) – larch, summer oak; high density(above 750 kg/m3) – hornbeam, chestnut oak.

S– the cost of rounded logs in your region for 1 cubic meter(here you can add the cost of delivery, unloading of lumber and assembly of the log house) then click "Calculate".

Results of calculating timber for a log house

A calculator for calculating a log house will help you calculate the required amount of material for a bathhouse, house or cottage.

As a result of the calculation, you will find out the perimeter and cubic capacity of the log house, the number of crowns, the areas and volumes of walls and partitions, the number of logs and their total length, both separately for walls, gables and partitions, and, in general, for the entire house.

Knowing the areas of external walls and partitions, it will be easy to calculate required quantity impregnations and paints and varnishes.

The total length of the logs will help determine how much inter-crown insulation you will need to buy (moss, flax-jute, flax wool, sheep wool are used).

The number of pins is calculated approximately.

Openings for windows and doors are not taken into account.

The calculator will calculate total weight log house, which is important for attracting a sufficient number of people and equipment for transportation and unloading. As well as the cost of the entire house, which will help determine the level of investment for building the desired log house.

Wood is a unique natural building material with a large number positive properties and has a huge number of fans. Thanks to this, wooden houses have not lost their popularity even after new inexpensive building materials with good quality characteristics appeared on the market. Moreover, with the beginning of the use of milling machines for rounding logs and obtaining a beautiful, high-quality and easy-to-lay material, the demand curve for structures (houses, bathhouses, cottages, etc.) made of wood went up sharply. Today, rounded logs are no less common in construction than gas silicate blocks, sandwich panels or brick.

Advantages of building from rounded logs

Natural characteristics of rounded logs: Environmental friendliness– wood is absolutely harmless to humans and not only does not pollute the atmosphere with toxic substances, but also, on the contrary, improves the indoor microclimate by disinfecting the air with the help of phytoncides that can suppress the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, and also improves the well-being and mood of people in the room with the help of essential oils emitted by wood. Good sound insulation properties– wood itself is a poor conductor of heat and sound, and quality characteristics rounded logs and the technology for building houses from them make it possible to minimize the gaps between logs during the laying process, further improving the quality of sound insulation. Maintaining an optimal balance of humidity and temperature regime indoors– the microporous structure of wood promotes natural heat and air exchange, as a result of which a house made of rounded logs is cool in summer, warm in winter, and the air in it never becomes stale, maintaining freshness even with the windows closed. Technical characteristics of rounded logs: High Precision Manufacturing– logs are processed by machine, as a result of which they have strictly specified parameters (diameter, height, length). Castle construction technology– a structurally rounded log has special parts - grooves, with the help of which the logs are connected during the laying process. This makes building a house simple and possible (with strict adherence to technology!) even without the participation of professional builders. Attractive appearance – a flat surface, the same size of rounded logs and the natural beauty of wood make it possible to do without internal and external decorative finishing. Low weight of rounded logs– this feature makes it possible to build houses on “problem”, soft-ground areas, and also save on the foundation (such houses can be safely placed on an inexpensive monolithic shallow shallow foundation).

Disadvantages of rounded logs

Like any other material, rounded logs have their disadvantages. Some of them can be minimized or even completely eliminated: Susceptibility to rot and mold– is eliminated by applying a bioprotective impregnation that works as an antiseptic and destroys microorganisms that can cause rotting. Fire susceptibility– is eliminated by applying fire retardants to the surface of the material, which, in the event of a fire and the fire spreading to the walls, begin to release substances that slow down and suppress combustion. Relatively high cost– the price of a house made of rounded logs is higher than the cost of a house made of gas silicate blocks or panel house. However, the quality characteristics and service life of the house more than offset the disadvantages of the price. Duration of construction of a house– due to the fact that the tree shrinks greatly, the assembled frame must stand for at least six months before construction can be continued. This is the only disadvantage of rounded logs (and wood in general as building material), which cannot be corrected, since violation of construction technology can lead to quite unpleasant and even dangerous consequences.

Calculation of material quantity

As I already said, the high cost of rounded logs is one of its disadvantages. It is almost comparable to the cost of brick - the most expensive building material. Therefore, before deciding to build a log house, it is necessary to make preliminary calculations of the amount of logs that will be needed for its construction. You can use our construction calculator for calculations. To do this, it is not necessary to have a ready-made working project, but you need to know the parameters of the log from which you are going to build (diameter, height, paw length), weight and cost per cubic meter, and also have an approximate idea of ​​the size of the future house. Although having a plan, of course, will be a huge plus, since the more accurately the initial parameters are set, the more accurately the calculation will be made. Our free program for calculating the amount of rounded logs required for building a house, cottage or bathhouse displays in the final window not only the quantity and approximate cost finished log house, but also the size of the wall areas, the total area of ​​the structure, the perimeter of the house, the number of crowns and other parameters. The program will also display schematic images of the facade, the side wall of the house, the house in plan and the log itself - each with a numerical indication of the laid and obtained dimensions. Separately, the parameters of the floor partitions and the general dimensions, volumes, lengths and weights of all elements of the future house will be given. In those places where the program was forced to change the initial values, a warning about this will be displayed in red. All information presented in the final calculation will be useful for calculating required quantity rounded logs, and for an approximate calculation of the required amount of fire and bioprotective impregnations, as well as insulation, which will be required in the future for caulking grooves and inter-crown cracks in the house. Read also about

Wall material will reveal many useful properties of a residential building. Good conditions for human well-being, automatic maintenance optimal humidity in interior spaces. Heat retention, uniform distribution throughout the log house. Filtration carbon dioxide, various therapeutic and prophylactic properties of coniferous trees.

Who has not yet decided on the method of processing logs? Or chooses the best time of year for construction. Decides what to choose - a rounded log or a log house manual cutting. He knows one thing for sure: wood has many more advantages than disadvantages. The central bank is manufactured and assembled faster and is cheaper than a log house self made. The second option is more reliable, more prestigious, and more durable. In both cases the main thing when ordering is not to make a mistake with optimal diameter logs for the house.

The main problem of any building is heat loss during the cold season. A log building is no exception. According to GOST, it turns out that you need to build a house with a small area, with minimal glazing (heat also escapes through it).

However, it is enough to choose a log of suitable thickness, install high-quality double-glazed windows, and caulk the cracks. The log house must have an inter-crown groove, sufficient in width, round in shape, tightly adjacent to the lower crown. Heat loss will depend on the shape and width of the groove. The required width of the groove is dictated by the lower temperature mark of the cold season in the region:

  • at winter temperatures down to -20°C, the width of the groove should be at least 14cm
  • when falling, even for a short time to -30°C, at least 16 cm
  • to -40°C no less than 19cm

Machines for OCB are configured to select an inter-crown laying groove with a width of 1/2 of the diameter of the log of the house kit. It turns out optimal diameter for middle zone RF in a rounded log is a wall of at least 28cm. Less - in cold weather you will drown the street. Especially in a house with large stained glass windows and second light, as in recent years they ask you to do it based on the “most popular” projects found on the Internet. Mains gas + efficient floor heating = salvation.

There is de facto no standard for the width of the inter-crown groove for manual felling. GOST 30974 2002 is advisory, given the manual nature of the work. For normal carpenters, the width of the groove ranges from 1/3 of the diameter at the top to 2/3 at the butt, taking into account the runoff (the difference in diameter along the length of the logs). On average, 1/2 the diameter is guaranteed. The working height of the crown in this case is about 2/3 of the thickness of the log. A log at the top of at least 26 cm is considered optimal for a hand-cut log house.. In addition to airflow, the groove determines the reliability of support on lower crown, counteracting the displacement of logs relative to neighboring ones. The general solidity of the building, respectively, the frequency of maintenance of a wooden house.

In fact, building from thick logs is beneficial not only to make your neighbors jealous. Heat loss is lower due to the reduction in the number of rows of the log house at the same wall height. Fewer laying grooves - cold bridges. Assembly is faster ( less days crane operation) + caulking is cheaper (less linear meters). In a thin log, the second floor made of wood looks like a birdhouse.

On a thick diameter, the first cut (the lower part of the tree trunk) is more often found, a moderate number of knots, but they are larger. Heat is better accumulated in winter. It's cool in summer. If you try to make an extended warm laying groove on a small diameter, it will be bad. The tree will split under load.

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