The best projects of the “School for Ecology” competition: think, research, act! Environmental Project Topics: Definition, Classification, Topic Selection and Presentation

Research project "Let's protect our native nature!"

Mukhina Svetlana Nikolaevna
Job description: I bring to your attention a project on environmental issues, city pollution from household waste.
Subject:"Let's protect our native nature!"
Target: To attract the attention of citizens to the problem of household pollution in the city and direct their actions to prevent this situation.
Tasks: To study the opinions of citizens about the problem of household pollution.
Collect and analyze information about the placement of trash cans and trash cans in the city.
Conduct conversations and mini-lectures with children and adolescents aged 5-17 years in order to inform them about the problem of household pollution in the city.
Conduct “Clean Coast”, “Clean Forest”, “Clean City” campaigns among teenagers.

“It is the environmental component that should become the key leitmotif of human activity” V.V. Putin.
Relevance: global scale of household pollution.
Causes of urban pollution:
1.quantitative shortage of ballot boxes on the city streets;
2.bad manners, irresponsibility of the townspeople.
Hypothesis: the fight against household waste on city streets will help maintain cleanliness environment, physical and moral health of a person.
-between grafting ecological culture the younger generation and the immoral, irresponsible behavior of a number of adults;
- between the growth in the production of high-tech materials and the lag in their processing.

A survey was conducted: “My contribution to maintaining cleanliness and order in hometown."
100 people were interviewed.
Survey results:
1. Do you agree with the statement that the citizens of our city maintain cleanliness and order on the streets? (Yes -42, No – 58)
2. Do you always throw away household waste in designated areas? (Yes – 84, No –16)
3. Have you ever left household garbage in the entrance of your house? (Yes –3, No – 97)
4. Do you keep your entrance clean? (Yes –59, No –41)
5. Do you always use street trash cans, or can you afford to throw a cigarette butt or piece of paper on the ground? (Yes –74, No –26)
6. Do you think you are contributing to maintaining cleanliness and order on the city streets? (Yes –65, No – 35)
7. Are you satisfied with the aesthetic appearance of the streets of our city? (Yes –45, No –55)

Main Features household waste:
Food waste;
Waste paper;
Tin cans;
Products made of plastics that do not contain chlorine;
Products made of chlorine-containing plastics;

Time for garbage to rot in landfills.
Transport ticket 1 month
Banana peel up to 6 months
Wool sock 1 year
Wooden stick 4 years
Waxed glass 5 years
Painted board 13 years
Tin cans 100 years
Aluminum jars up to 500 years
Plastic bottles up to 500 years
Glass jars NEVER

Together with teenagers studying in the associations, we held the “Clean Coast”, “Clean City”, “Clean Forest” campaigns; we created booklets about the dangers of household waste and distributed them among city residents. We believe that people who themselves took part in the improvement of the city will no longer litter themselves, and perhaps they will stop those who want to throw a candy wrapper or a lemonade bottle on the ground.
Love and take care of your city!

  1. The influence of climatic and meteorological factors on the functioning of the body of students of early adolescence at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  2. Stray dogs in the urban environment in Yekaterinburg or regional cities and a danger to human health.
  3. Dust-collecting trees, their importance in improving the environment in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  4. Studying environmental factors in conditions of inclined microzonality of agricultural landscapes using the example of the Uktus Mountains.
  5. Analysis of water quality and the condition of water intake structures in Yekaterinburg or cities Sverdlovsk region(specific example).
  6. Source monitoring drinking water non-centralized water supply in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  7. Studying phytoncidal properties green plants of the city of Yekaterinburg or cities of the region
  8. Counting wintering birds: environmental aspect (Participation in the winter bird count program "Eurasian Christmas Count").
  9. Methods for studying the ecological state of the Iset or Patrushikha river, lake. Shartash, other reservoirs of the region and their use in assessing anthropogenic impact (specific reservoir).
  10. Comparison of the cleansing capacity of the river ecosystem of the Iset River, Patrushikha River or other rivers in the region (a specific example).
  11. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Wigg) as an indicator of environmental pollution in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  12. Perception of the visual environment and its influence on human well-being (on specific example).
  13. Natural-historical-cultural natural monument "Stone Tents" or other natural monuments of the Sverdlovsk region (a specific example).
  14. Comparative characteristics vegetation of landscape natural monuments "Shartashsky Forest Park" and "Uktussky Forest Park" or other forest parks of the city (specific examples).
  15. Assessment of the state of the air environment in areas of Yekaterinburg or other cities in the region using the lichen indication method (specific area).
  16. The influence of anthropogenic impact on the growth and fruiting of Scots pine trees in Kharitonovsky Park or other parks of the city and region (specific park).
  17. The role of propaganda in increasing motivation to protect the environment using the example of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College and its impact on human health.
  18. Ecological change studies physical development first-year students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  19. Household waste and problems of its disposal in the districts of Yekaterinburg or regional cities (a specific example).
  20. Assessment of the condition of green spaces in areas of Yekaterinburg or regional cities and the impact on human health (a specific example).
  21. Fauna of diurnal Lepidoptera in the areas of Yekaterinburg or regional cities.
  22. Study demographic situation in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region (specific example).
  23. Assessment of the recreational capacity of a forest park or protected area in the Sverdlovsk region (specific area).
  24. How to survive a monument in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region (a specific example).
  25. Video ecology of the valley of the Iset or Patrushikha rivers and other rivers in the region.
  26. Dynamics of the avifauna of some forest areas in the Sverdlovsk region (specific area) and the impact of anthropogenic load.
  27. Practical aspects of interaction between people and birds in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  28. Factors influencing performance and fatigue in the educational process at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  29. Radiation monitoring of Yekaterinburg or regional cities.
  30. The influence of environmental environmental factors on the health of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  31. The problem of our time “Tuberculosis is the border between life and death.”
  32. Comparative characteristics of the environmental situation in the area of ​​buildings 1 and 2 of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  33. The influence of the urban environment on the condition of plants (using the example of studying the growth and development of lilac shoots).
  34. Species composition and abundance of waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds during the autumn migration period at the mouth of the Patrushikha River.
  35. Species composition and abundance of waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds during the autumn migration period in the pond of Kharitonovsky Park.
  36. Noise pollution in building 2 of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  37. Correct guidance household(specific example).
  38. Comparative analysis of biological methods for assessing air quality using lichen.
  39. Study of the Red Book and rare phytocenotic objects of a forest park or protected area of ​​the Sverdlovsk region (a specific example).
  40. Some features of physical development and hemodynamic function of the heart in 1st and 2nd year students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  41. Studying the home diet of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College in order to identify genetically modified ingredients in it.
  42. Studying the home diet of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College in order to identify harmful food additives.
  43. Environmental monitoring ecological systems Yekaterinburg or regional cities (specific examples).
  44. Research of rare and protected plants of the city of Yekaterinburg or cities of the region.
  45. Daily norm nutrient consumption by students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  46. Diet for students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College
  47. Assessment of the ecological state of the air on the territory of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  48. Video ecological justification for the discomfort of the interface of modern operating systems.
  49. Comparative analysis indoor plants classrooms - No. 216, 316 as a factor in improving the microclimate of indoor spaces.
  50. Study of the ecological state of Kharitonovsky Park or the Park of Culture and Recreation named after. Mayakovsky.
  51. Ecological characteristics of the water system of the Shartash forest park (a specific example) and the impact on health.
  52. Ecological characteristics of reservoirs in the Sverdlovsk region and their impact on health (a specific example).
  53. Aging of the population of the Sverdlovsk region as environmental problem.
  54. Dynamics of the ecological state of the Park of Culture and Recreation named after. Mayakovsky.
  55. Application of microfertilizer as effective way disposal of household waste (at a specific site).
  56. Forecasting pollution levels surface waters Sverdlovsk region.
  57. Using the bioindication method to assess the state of atmospheric air in areas of the city of Yekaterinburg.
  58. Analysis of drinking water in Yekaterinburg and its impact on health.
  59. Ecological passport of the forest park of Yekaterinburg or cities of the region (specific example).
  60. Dependence of the incidence of ARVI and influenza among schoolchildren on the content in diet ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  61. Biotechnical measures for the conservation of Red Book plant species on the territory of a forest park or nature reserve in Yekaterinburg or regional cities (a specific example).
  62. Assessment of the state of the ecosystem of Lake Shartash or rivers and lakes of cities and towns in the region.
  63. The mystery of the water we drink.
  64. Influence various types tillage of soil for its agronomic properties.
  65. Study of the ecological state of the Iset River, Patrushikha or rivers and lakes of the region.
  66. Disorders of human eating behavior under the influence of socio-psychological factors.
  67. Socio-psychological environmental factors and their impact on the health of students at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  68. Determination of the coefficient of aggressiveness of the surrounding video environment in Yekaterinburg or regional cities.
  69. Definition environmental characteristics meadows of the Sverdlovsk region by vegetation cover (specific examples).
  70. The influence of the anthropogenic factor on the meadow ecosystem in the Sverdlovsk region.
  71. Assessment of the impact of aircraft noise in the area adjacent to Koltsovo Airport.
  72. The problem of beer alcoholism among students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  73. Mobile phone: “for” and “against” (using the example of students of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College).
  74. Determination of noise pollution on the territory of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  75. Nutritional supplements"for" and "against".
  76. Category E food additives for human health.
  77. Assessment of the intensity of traffic flow and its impact on the state of atmospheric air in the area of ​​reinforced concrete products or other areas of the city and region.
  78. Dynamics of population and biomass earthworm(Limbricus terrestris) in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems (using the example of the suburban area of ​​the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region).
  79. Determination of nitrates in agricultural products.
  80. Dependence of the species and quantitative composition of birds on the degree of recreational load of natural forest parks and parks of the city of Yekaterinburg in winter period.
  81. Impact studies highway on environmental safety using the example of the reinforced concrete district or other districts of the city and region.
  82. "The green outfit of my street."
  83. The impact of railway transport on human health (using specific examples).
  84. Study of the illumination of classrooms at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  85. Ecological potential of the method of photographing wildlife in areas of the city of Yekaterinburg and regional cities.
  86. Ecological potential of the method of drawings of living nature objects in the districts of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  87. Carry out comparative analysis parks or forest parks in the districts of Yekaterinburg and regional cities by photographing wildlife objects.
  88. Landscape design territory of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  89. Ecology of homeless animals in Yekaterinburg and regional cities.
  90. Study of the ecological state of the springs of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region and the adjacent territory (using a specific example).
  91. Development of springs and surrounding areas in the vicinity of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region (using a specific example).
  92. Quality monitoring tap water in the city of Yekaterinburg.
  93. The influence of the degree of environmental pollution on the physiological parameters of some tree species the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  94. Nitrates in vegetable products (using specific examples).
  95. Peculiarities of perception of environmental risks in conditions of economic crisis.
  96. Studying the problem of pollution of the urban environment by household waste (using the example of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region).
  97. Dependence of bronchial asthma attacks on industrial air pollution in the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  98. My view on the problem of homeless animals in the city of Yekaterinburg or the cities of the region and ways to solve it.
  99. Assessment of the state of the visual environment of the city of Yekaterinburg and the cities of the region.
  100. The influence of the conditions of urbanized Yekaterinburg on the state of the cardiovascular system of students.
  101. Mental performance and physiological adaptations of students to the system vocational training at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  102. Vitamin C in the diet of the indigenous and visiting population of Yekaterinburg.
  103. Studying the effect of vehicle emissions on the linear growth of pine trees in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  104. Study ecological environment residential premises (using a specific example).
  105. Influence external factors for seed germination (using the example of flower seeds).
  106. The influence of computer addiction on the performance of students at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  107. Study of the influence of the visual environment on human health in the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  108. Studying the attitude of college students to smoking and the harmful effects of tobacco products on living organisms (at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College).
  109. Assessment of the sustainability of trees and shrubs in green spaces in residential areas of the city of Yekaterinburg or cities in the region.
  110. Linden as a bioindicator of environmental pollution in Yekaterinburg and regional cities.


1. Main part

1.1. Current state problems

1.2. Household waste disposal

2. Research results, conclusions and suggestions





Recently, the world has begun to pay much more attention to environmental problems than before. On average, each person in the world generates about 1 kg of household waste per day, but this amounts to hundreds of millions of tons per year, and in the USA, for example, this amount increases by 10% every 10 years. 63 thousand garbage trucks are required to remove this amount of garbage. Russia in 1991 generated significantly less waste per capita than America, but due to the expansion of Western lifestyles, including disposable free bags, disposable tableware, disposable aluminum cans of beer and other soft drinks, we We're quickly catching up. And if in some countries there is a system of separate collection and recycling of individual components of garbage, then in our country all the disposable packaging and other “benefits” of civilization are replenishing landfills that are growing like mushrooms.

During the development of human civilization, the absolute amount of solid household waste has steadily increased. This is due to population growth, its excessive concentration in cities and changes in people’s lifestyles. The topic for the project was not chosen by chance; it is relevant not only for large cities (for cities with large populations), but also for small ones like the city of Bryansk.

Hypothesis, The basis for the work is: “If, due to the use of disposable packaging, the amount of waste produced increases, then there is a need for sorting and recycling to reduce the amount of waste.”

Target project - to develop possible options for reducing waste at the household level.

Based on the goals of the project, the following are set: tasks:

1) Study the literature on the problem of household waste;

2) Explore and describe the garbage accumulated in the trash can by one family;

3) Calculate the amount of garbage per family, per person per week, per month, per year;

4) Identify points for collection and processing of secondary raw materials in the city;

5) Offer options for reducing household waste: develop a booklet for residents encouraging them to use recycling rules in everyday life.

1.1. Current state of the problem

The surface of the earth is experiencing the most significant and very dangerous anthropogenic load. If less than 1 billion tons are emitted into the atmosphere harmful substances(without CO 2), and about 15 billion tons of pollutants enter the hydrosphere, then approximately 85 billion tons of anthropogenic waste fall onto the earth annually. According to some estimates, their total volume by the end of the 90s exceeded 1,500 cubic meters. km, which corresponds to the volume of 600 thousand Cheops pyramids. Even if the predominant part of this volume is chemically inert, then in order to place it on the earth, people destroy natural ecosystems over a large area.

In the Russian Federation, about 7 billion tons of industrial waste are generated annually. On the territory of the country, about 80 billion tons of solid waste have been accumulated in dumps, landfills, landfills, and storage facilities, including more than 1.1 billion tons of toxic industrial waste. Their number increases annually by approximately 120 million tons. The main technogenic pollutants of the earth are heavy metals, pesticides, petroleum products and their highly toxic derivatives.

Household waste, formed in domestic conditions, are usually solid, consisting of solids (plastic, paper, glass, leather, etc.) and food waste. But they can also be liquid, represented by domestic wastewater.

One of the serious environmental problems is solid household waste(MSW). Every home generates a huge amount of unnecessary materials and products, from old newspapers, empty cans, bottles, food waste, wrapping paper to worn-out clothes, broken dishes and broken household appliances. According to data for 1994, for each of the 6 billion inhabitants of our planet there is an average of about 1 ton of garbage per year. Its quantity increases annually by approximately 120 million tons. In cities and large towns of the Russian Federation, 140 million cubic meters are formed every year. m of solid waste, i.e. almost a cubic meter for each resident.

The bulk of solid waste consists of food waste and paper, as can be seen from the data provided.

Approximate morphological composition of solid waste in Russian cities.

For different cities and regions of Russia, the composition of solid waste varies widely. In addition, in each city the composition of solid waste depends even on the days of the week and the season of the year. For example, the content of food waste in spring is 20–25%, and in autumn 40–50%, which is associated with high consumption of vegetables and fruits. There has been a tendency to increase the content of paper and polymer materials.

There are several reasons for the increase in the amount of garbage:

1. Increased production of disposable consumer goods;

2. Increasing the amount of packaging;

3. Increasing the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced with new ones.

In the whole country, only up to 5% of solid waste is processed industrially (at waste incineration plants), the rest goes to landfills. Moreover, more than 70% of waste is transported to unauthorized landfills, occupying about 250 thousand hectares. land. Garbage, despite the prohibitions, is dumped in places that are not intended for this purpose.

A feature of modern waste is the difficulty of its biochemical breakdown. The quantity and variety of waste have become so great that the problem of their storage and disposal is becoming more pressing every year for any country in the world.

KSU "Zevakinsky complex secondary school - kindergarten»

"Homeless Animals"


Grigoryan Daniil

3rd grade student

Scientific supervisor:Lyapunova A.V.,

teacher primary classes

Shemonaikha, 2015


1. Homeless animals………………………………………………………...6

1.1 Reasons for the appearance of stray animals…………………………….6

1.2 Problems associated with homeless animals………………………. 7

1.3 In defense of dogs and cats …………………………………………………...7-8

2. Research on the number of homeless animals in our village…………………………………………………………………………………9

2.1 Sociological survey of the population……………………………………9-10

2.2 Setting up and conducting propaganda work “Lend a Helping Hand”………………………………………………………...……………….10

3. Results and conclusions about the work done……………………………….12




Feedback from the supervisor…………………………………………….16


Modern society is so proud of the achievements of science and technology that many people get the impression that animals are unnecessary in business practical life. This is a common opinion:
“In ancient times it was impossible to do without animals, but now a dog, especially in the city, is funny toy, luxury for people with extra money..." Is this true? Is it really time to part with a friend who has shared all the hardships of life with a person for thousands of years? In this research work we have to figure this out.


Relevance and choice of research topic

Every day I see a terrible picture: many dogs and cats roaming the streets of our village, eating in garbage dumps in order to survive. I started having questions:

    Where are they from?

    What happened to them?

    Did they have owners?

    Or maybe they were abandoned, or they disappeared?

I feel sorry for homeless animals thrown out onto the street by their previous owners. Why have people forgotten about the loyalty and affection of those they have tamed and pass by them indifferently, pretending not to notice anything?

To answer these questions, I decided to try to find out the reasons for the appearance of homeless animals and try to draw people's attention to this problem.

Moreover, this problem has been relevant for a very long time and is global in nature. Homeless animals suffer and cause harm to people, and this is a consequence of a person’s irresponsible and indifferent attitude towards them.

Project typology:

Abstract - research;



Medium term.

The purpose of my research: find out the main reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets, attract students and adults to the problem of homeless animals.

Research objectives:

Study literature and Internet resources on this topic;

To study the state of the problem of homeless animals in our village;

Conduct a survey among students;

Create a propaganda leaflet;

Analyze the work done and draw conclusions.


If you carry out propaganda work with the population, you can reduce the number of stray animals.

1. Homeless animals

Who greets you every day when you leave home? Whom do we disgustedly push away with our foot when opening the door, and without whom we cannot imagine our life?

Stray animals are stray dogs, cats or other domestic animals that live in packs or alone on the streets. Homeless animals exist in all cities, towns and villages. There is no exact data on the number of stray animals.

1.1 Reasons for the appearance of stray animals

There are homeless animals all over the world. The source of homeless animals is discarded, lost dogs, as well as those that were born on the street, that is, initially homeless. There are always and everywhere people who first get animals and then decide that they no longer need them. Cruel, soulless, irresponsible people drive out, throw away, and leave defenseless animals on the street. Sometimes an animal simply gets lost or remains on the street because its owner dies and relatives do not take this animal into their home. Someone, if lucky, finds a new owner. But the majority join the army of stray animals, dying from cold and disease, under the wheels of cars. Many are caught and destroyed. Not only a dog can get lost, but also a cat, for example, one that can sit for hours on the balcony or by the window. Hundreds of parachute cats are delivered to veterinary clinics every year. In addition to the injuries received, falling from a window threatens the flyers with the loss of their owner.

1.2 Problems associated with stray animals

Problems associated with homeless animals remain relevant, although most people do not pay attention or pretend not to notice them. Even street animals themselves pose many problems for human society. Let me give you a few examples: let’s remember a familiar picture. On the way home, many times warily avoided packs of angry dogs. True, it cannot be said that anger is caused by unreasonable aggression; in most cases, it is just a response to the cruel attitude of people towards stray animals. It is also necessary to note the problem of distribution dangerous diseases, which spread among homeless animals and can be transmitted to people in various ways (with a bite - rabies, with stroking - helminthiasis, lichen, etc.). However, even in the very emergence of such a problem, the guilt of human society is undeniable. People don’t hesitate to get rid of their pets, thereby adding to the already large army of street animals. Unfortunately, this is not the only reason for the increase in their numbers; uncontrolled reproduction leads to the same effect.

1.3 In defense of dogs and cats

I wonder what would have changed if one fine day we had not seen homeless animals on the streets. We are so used to them that we cannot imagine it. Modern society is so proud of the achievements of science and technology that many people get the impression that dogs are unnecessary in practical business life. The following opinion is widespread: “Before it was impossible to do without dogs, but now a dog, especially in the city, is a fun toy, a luxury for people with extra money.” Is this true? Is it really time to part with a friend who has shared all the hardships of life with a person for thousands of years?

On May 9, 2015, our entire country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, and the horrors of its events are still alive in people’s memory. And at that harsh time, his devoted dogs were next to the man. They walked, or rather, ran into a rapid attack, carrying soldiers, machine guns, and ammunition through the snow. In 1944 there were 60 thousand in our army service dogs! They destroyed 300 enemy tanks, discovered 4 million mines, and took 680 thousand wounded from the field. Do people really not remember this at all?

But also in everyday life Dogs play an important role in human activities. With their phenomenal instincts, they help sappers and geologists, looking for explosives, water in the desert or minerals. We must not forget about the border service - and today the fighting comrades of the border guards - dogs - carry out patrols. How can one not remember that the first living creature to fly into space was the dog Laika. Dogs are also guides for blind people.

We must not forget about cats, they are no less important for humans. They have an excellent ability to lift spirits, brighten up loneliness, and catch mice. Not everyone knows that cats can be in public service. So, to prevent mice from spoiling the priceless collections of the world-famous British Museum, a “cat company” of six cats has been enlisted on its staff. Each of them receives a salary. So that no one touches the cats, and all visitors know that the cats are museum employees, they are given a uniform - a lush yellow bow is tied around their necks.

But most importantly, both dogs and cats give a person fidelity, devotion, friendship and love - in no way irreplaceable feelings.

2. Research on the number of homeless animals in our village.

While studying the state of the problem of homeless animals in our village, I observed the situation on the streets for some time. During my observations, I identified about 20 homeless animals. In addition, a sociological survey of school teachers and students was conducted.

A census of homeless animals and a sociological survey of students made it possible to obtain general idea about this problem in our village:

    total inhabitants in the village - 1200 people

    st. Lenin (stray animals encountered – 8)

    st. Embankment (stray animals encountered – 3)

    st. Chapaeva (stray animals encountered – 2)

    st. Construction (stray animals encountered – 7)

2.1 Sociological survey of the population

I conducted a sociological survey of students at our school (see table of results in Appendix 1)

Analysis of the results obtained allows us to draw the following conclusions.

Most of the students surveyed have a pet, mostly cats, cats, dogs, but there are also decorative rabbits and turtles. Many people would like to have more pets, although they already have a pet. Most children help homeless animals, which is good news. But at the same time, they believe that stray animals are dangerous, and this happens in some cases to be true, because on the way home, many have often cautiously avoided packs of angry dogs. But they are evil because they have no shelter and food. To the question “Has it ever happened that you took a stray animal into your home?”, the majority of respondents answered no. Maybe it's time to reconsider this issue, because homeless animals need protection.

And the most important question: “How to deal with the problem of homeless animals?” Students suggested possible solutions to the problem. Most responded that it is necessary to open shelters, but this is very rare. They offered to feed them, take them home, some even offered to destroy stray animals. Unfortunately, little can be done by schoolchildren. Such a large-scale problem cannot be solved without government intervention. But it is also impossible to watch and do nothing.

2.2 Setting up and conducting propaganda work “Lend a Helping Hand”

Don't pass by when you see a puppy with a broken paw or an exhausted kitten. After all, you can become the savior of a little soul! Remember that the huge number of homeless dogs and cats is the result of our own monstrous negligence.

Try to help such an animal, find owners for a dog or cat that lives in your yard and that you are not ready to take into your home. You can take a photo of the animal, post it on websites, social networks and in the media where advertisements about animals are published.

If this pet, which you think is lost, try to look for its owners. Post advertisements with photographs in nearby yards and bus stops.

Do you think this is all complicated? Of course! But providing real help is always much more difficult than pretending to help. But that is exactly what is required!

In the summer, there were a lot of abandoned kittens on our street. And my parents and I decided to help them. But we understood that summer would soon end, and in winter the kittens would die. We couldn’t take them for ourselves, since we have an adult cat, Ryzhik, whom my dad found last year, he wandered around at their work, dad took pity on him and brought him home. We tried with all our might to place the kittens in caring hands, so that they would find a home, owners who would take care of them. My granny also took kittens from the street and now she has two cute cats.

It’s not easy, but we can call at least a few homeless animals pets; they have found a home and will not die from cold and hunger. The main thing is the desire to help. It makes your soul warmer when you were able to help someone!

3. Results and conclusions about the work done.

Based on the test results, we made the following conclusion: Most of our classmates have some kind of pet at home. Almost everyone understands that the problem of homeless animals exists and that it must be combated.

But how to fight? Here opinions are divided. Mostly the guys think about shelters, but many of them do not understand that shelters are not intended for permanent residence there are homeless animals there, and this is only a temporary shelter for the poor things, where they will be washed, treated, fed and, most importantly, found an owner.”

I offer my vision of solving the problem of homeless animals:

“I believe that the problem should be solved from the very beginning: you should not throw animals out into the street, before taking them home, think about whether you can devote enough time to them.

My actions:

    Feed and care for homeless animals.

    Try to find an owner for a homeless animal.

    Tell friends and adults about this problem.”


I believe that the goal of my work has been achieved. I studied the state of the problem of homeless animals in our village and was able to find out the main reasons for their appearance on the streets. I think that I managed to attract the attention of my classmates to the problem of homeless animals.

What has already been done

While doing this research work, I learned a lot of interesting things about both animals and people; analyzed the information received; suggested possible ways to help homeless animals; prepared a presentation; spoke in front of his classmates.

Prepared an information sheet calling people to take responsibility for those who have been tamed (Appendix 2).

We held a drawing competition on the theme “Take care of animals.”

Ways of development

In the future, I plan to continue working on this topic together with my teacher and classmates. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done by schoolchildren. But you can’t do nothing either. Therefore, we decided to prepare and carry out the following events:

    the campaign “We are responsible for those we have tamed” with the release of information leaflets, which draws students’ attention to the problem of homeless animals;

    a series of classroom hours dedicated to pets and homeless animals;

    whenever possible, provide real assistance to homeless animals;

    hold a drawing competition among students on the theme “Looking for an owner!”

List of used literature:

  1. Vera Chaplina “Pets” Publisher: Eksmo Moscow 2008.p.208
  2. 1. A. de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”, 2007.

    Internet site:

    Internet site:

    Home for stray dogs. Balaganov A.

Appendix 1

The total number of respondents was 58 people.

Questionnaire “Stray animals are a problem for everyone”

Do you have a pet?

Would you like to have a pet?

Is there a problem with homeless animals?

How do you feel about homeless animals?

I don't notice

I have a negative attitude

Do you agree that stray animals can be dangerous?

I find it difficult to answer

Has it ever happened that you took a stray animal into your home?

How to deal with the problem of homeless animals?

we need to open shelters


take with you


Where do you most often see homeless animals?

trash can

Feedback from the supervisor

Daniil decided to find out the main reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets and to involve students and adults in the problem of homeless animals. We studied literature and Internet resources on this topic,

studied the state of the problem of homeless animals in our village, conducted a survey among students; shared the information received with classmates; created a propaganda leaflet; After analyzing the work done, we drew conclusions.

This work useful in that all people on earth take care of and protect animals, where the number of stray animals is reduced.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that these works can be of interest to any person, as well as when studying the topic “Animal Protection” in world knowledge lessons.

Appendix 2

Their trouble is our fault. They come into this world to teach us how to love.

Today, thousands of pets die in agony, from pain and suffering, falling into the territory of the human essence, where ruthlessness, indifference, and anger are sown. They are killed, maimed, thrown away like a boring toy and they die without tears and what is most amazing is that they go into another world with love for a person.

If you decide to get a pet, you need to know the following:

Reminder for caring for animals

Determine and equip a corner for your pet;

Feed your pet at least 2 times a day;

Walk with him at least 2 times a day;

Take him to the veterinarian for a check-up once a month;

Don't forget about vaccinations;

Once a week my favorite by special means.

Caress him, play with him.

Love your pet, become his friend.

The life of domestic animals is precarious; they are not able to protect themselves from the cruelty that is sometimes inflicted by the ruler of this world - man.

Poster presentation. Practical project: "We believe the village will be clean!"

eco friends club wildlife WWF "Researcher", MAOU Molchanovskaya secondary school No. 1, Tomsk region.
Project Manager: Olga Vladimirovna Perkovskaya, head of the center for environmental education and upbringing at the school.

Description of the material.
The material of the poster presentation can be used by environmental associations, volunteer groups, teacher-organizers and anyone interested in the cleanliness of their settlements.
Target: improvement of the ecological condition of the village of Molchanova.
1. On September 15, take part in the World Action “We will do it!” and clear the shoreline of the Ob River from debris.
2. On June 5, Ecologist Day, remove garbage from the side of the road along the highway.
environmental problem, the solution of which the project participants worked on:
garbage pollution of the streets, the coastline of the Ob River and the recreational area in the village of Molchanovo.

Main results of the project
On September 15, ecologists from the MAOU “Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 1” organized the “We will do it!” campaign. and students of the 7th and 8th grades, together with their parents and teachers, went to the bank of the Ob River to clean it of garbage. 31 people. Area cleared of debris: 150 meters (Photos 1 and 2).
On June 5, Ecologist Day, the roadsides were cleared over an area of ​​900 meters along the highway. 41 bags of garbage were collected (photos 3 and 4).
On Environmental Protection Day, guys from the military camp removed garbage along the road and near Tokovoe Lake, about 1400 meters away. 50 bags of garbage collected. The guys from the labor camp of the first school collected
56 bags of leaves and garbage (photo 5).
The project partners were:
1. The administration of the Molchanovsky rural settlement provided a garbage collection vehicle to the protest sites.
2.Working group at the Department natural resources and environmental protection of the Tomsk region for holding the action on June 5, approved the composition of participants and the territory for clearing garbage from the village.
3. The administration of MAOU “Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 1” provided a bus to transport participants to the places of action.
4. School No. 1 labor camp.
5. Representatives of summer health camps of school No. 1 and school No. 2.
6. Military camp for youths of the region. They were at military training at the Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 1.

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