Instructions for cleaning service dogs. Basic rules for caring for a dog. Flea and tick treatment

You should examine your dog daily, paying attention to both its general appearance and individual organs. The examination is usually carried out after a walk, when the dog behaves calmly. The paws are examined to check the condition of the claws and pads (whether there are any wounds, cracks, or splinters).

The dog's coat and skin are constantly checked, since their condition (coat shine, hair loss, flaking, skin irritation) is an important indicator of the dog's health.

You need to examine your dog daily

The eyes are an indicator of the dog's overall well-being. If she has a cheerful look and clean eyes, she is most likely healthy. The nose is a very sensitive organ, so it is checked for scratches, purulent or mucous discharge.

The dog's oral cavity is checked to determine the condition of the teeth and the presence of stuck bone fragments or small foreign objects that may cause discomfort or pain to the pet.

The dog's nose is checked for various types of discharge, as well as scratches.

The dog is examined very carefully, since if it experiences pain at this time, it can even bite its owner in self-defense.

All foreign objects noticed during the examination are carefully removed, and if any signs of disease are detected, immediately contact a veterinarian.

Particular care should be taken if there is a suspicion that the pet has choked on a bone, as in this case the symptoms are very similar to those of rabies. A dog affected by this disease, just like a dog choking, cannot swallow, and due to paralysis of the head muscles, its lower jaw sag.

Dog care products

Care products should be of particularly high quality and not dry out the skin. There are a lot of such remedies, so before making a final choice, you should consult with a veterinarian or other dog owners.

Currently, the choice of dog care products is quite wide.

The owner can choose shampoos, conditioners, sprays that are suitable in their qualities specifically for his pet. Leading cosmetic companies, trying to make caring for dogs as easy as possible, have developed and produce products for external use, made on the basis of natural ingredients that do not contain harmful ingredients.

Most detergents are based on high-quality plant oils, medicinal plant extracts and minerals. Do not use external dog grooming products that contain alcohol, soap, chemicals or medications that negatively affect the structure of the coat. External pet care products are quite economical and easy to use; they carefully care for the skin and coat of dogs.

There are special dry hair care products for adult dogs and puppies. For example, powder shampoo will perfectly clean your pet’s fur without water, removing dirt and leaving a pleasant smell. This shampoo is gentle and gentle, and its chemical composition does not cause skin irritation.

In addition to dry shampoos, there are sprays that clean the animal's fur without water. They thoroughly clean and moisturize the dog's coat, giving it shine and a pleasant smell. Sprays are intended for puppies that are afraid of water, are sick or have suffered serious illnesses. The spray is sprayed onto the dog's fur, rubbed over the entire surface of the body, and then the excess is removed with a napkin. This pet hair care product is recommended for quickly removing stains.

Powder shampoo

The use of the spray makes it easier to comb the coat and improves its structure. In addition, the drug does not change the natural color of the animal's coat.

To improve the color of the coat, dog breeders use tint powder, which enhances the color of the coat, masks its imperfections, removes excess fat, is easily washed off and has no odor.

Shampoo with conditioner

Special shampoos with conditioner, aloe extract and moisturizers are perfect for show dogs. Such pet care products enhance the brightness and depth of the dark color of a dog's coat. When bathing a dog, shampoo should be applied to the coat and rubbed in for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

The conditioner included in the shampoos gives your pet's coat a healthy shine and silkiness. These preparations give the wool a pleasant smell for a long time.

Shampoos with rose and lemon extract are perfect for deep cleaning of wool. Such products help restore and heal the dog’s skin and coat and give it a pleasant aroma.

Shampoo for dogs based on coconut oil, chamomile, rosemary, sage, nettle and yarrow does not contain soap, alcohol and chemicals, forms a little foam, has a pleasant smell and washes the coat well without changing its color and structure. Shampoos and balms of the “Forest” and “Gentle” series are very popular.

“Forest” shampoo is a cosmetic and hygienic product and contains extracts of nettle, string and birch leaves. The amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, and microelements that it contains stimulate metabolic processes in the dog’s skin and hair roots. This has a particularly beneficial effect on the dog’s coat growth and skin condition. Dog breeders recommend applying this shampoo to wool moistened with warm water at the rate of 0.5–1 ml per 1 kg of animal body weight. The positive quality of this shampoo is that it does not irritate the animal’s skin and does not have a degreasing effect. “Forest” shampoo prevents the formation of dandruff, eliminates the specific dog odor, has good cleaning properties, forms abundant foam and is easily washed off. After using this shampoo, the animal's fur acquires a beautiful shine.

Shampoos designed for deep cleaning are great for bathing dogs with very oily and dirty hair. These products can wash away any dirt from an animal’s fur, including tar and bitumen.

Cosmetic and hygienic pet shampoo “Gentle” is a detergent for regular care of the skin and coat of show dogs. It is produced in polymer bottles of 100 and 200 ml. The shampoo mixes well with water of any hardness and in various ratios, forms abundant foam, and is easily washed off with water. It is developed on the basis of chitosan succinate, surfactants and auxiliary components that stimulate metabolic processes in the animal’s skin and hair roots, giving the dog’s coat shine. Conditioner-rinse based on jojoba oil, intended for the coat and skin of dogs, consists of water, grapefruit extract, propylene glycol, glycerin, jojoba oil, contains vitamins A, D, E. Conditioner with jojoba oil is recommended to be used as an independent remedy for insect bites, skin irritation, inflammation. It does not cause allergic reactions or skin irritation, and has medicinal and cosmetic properties due to the fact that jojoba oil, penetrating through the skin deep into the tissues, transports biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the structure of the animal’s coat.

Surfactants and auxiliary components of “Gentle” shampoo eliminate the specific dog odor.

Conditioner-rinse can be used after using any shampoo; it does not require rinsing. It is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 6, distributed over the entire surface of the animal’s body and rubbed into the dog’s skin and fur for 3–5 minutes.

Shampoo with jojoba oil and rosemary gives the coat a special shine

Using a conditioner helps protect your dog's skin and coat from the negative effects of the environment.

Balm-rinse "Forest" is a product for regular care of the skin and coat of dogs, developed on the basis of surfactants, emulsifiers, extracts of nettle, birch, string and auxiliary components that stimulate metabolic processes in the animal's skin and hair roots, giving wool shine. It has good conditioning and antistatic properties, is easily washed off and does not have an irritating or degreasing effect on the dog’s skin. It is necessary to ensure that this product does not get on the mucous membrane, as this can cause mild irritation. It is recommended to use conditioner after Lesnoy shampoo. Apply a little balm (at the rate of 5 ml per 1 kg of animal body weight) to clean, damp hair, distribute it over the entire surface of the dog’s body and rub it, after which the preparation is washed off with warm water.

To add shine to a dog's coat, there are currently various sprays available. Thanks to their use, the wool becomes more silky, shiny and voluminous.

In addition, sprays remove static electricity and do not irritate the animal's skin. There are also special powders, ear cleansing liquids, etc.

Conditioner shampoo with tea tree oil not only perfectly cleanses the coat, but also refreshes the skin and has an antiseptic effect.

Sprays do not contain greasy components, do not leave stains on the dog's coat and do not stick it together.

Dog ear cleaning liquid consists of water, propylene glycol, maleic, salicylic and benzoic acids, helps to easily remove secretions and soften the skin in the ear canal.

The drug controls the growth of bacteria and eliminates unpleasant odors. For hygienic care of your dog's ears, you should use the liquid 1-2 times a week, 3 times a day. You need to moisten a cotton swab with it and remove the discharge from the auricle. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Among dog eye care products, wet wipes for removing tear stains, powder and tablets are especially popular.

The wipes are designed to remove dark stains from tears and are soaked in a solution of cetrimonium chloride, sodium chloride, and propylene glycol. They are safe to use, do not irritate the dog’s eyes, and restore the shine of the coat around the eyes. They wipe the animal's fur in the eye area. For severe contamination, repeat the procedure 3 times a day for a week.

Dog eye care powder prevents inflammation and excessive discharge from the eyes, relieves redness caused by inflammation, and cleans the fur around the eyes from stains caused by eye discharge. The powder should be applied to the area around the eyes once a day.

Avoid getting wet wipes in your dog's eyes as this can cause irritation.

Puppies and young dogs are given 1 tablet per day, and adult animals - 2 tablets. They can be given to animals whole or crushed into food.

In order to accustom your pet to toothpaste, it is recommended to let the dog try it from the owner’s hand. Brushing your pet's teeth daily with a finger brush prevents the formation of tartar.

Hygienic oral spray cleans dogs' teeth, removes unpleasant odor from the mouth, and destroys harmful bacteria. It consists of water, sorbitol, xylitol, flavorings, copper gluconate, glycine, thymol, citric acid, lysozyme and glucose oxide.

As a means of preventing the formation of tartar in dogs, you can use chewing toys equipped with rubber spikes. The toy is made of durable elastic material, helps clean teeth and massages the animal’s gums.

Chew toys are impregnated with flavors identical to natural ones, which increases dogs’ interest in them.


During long walks, the hair of dogs, especially long-haired ones, gets very dirty. Therefore, animals need to be cleaned daily, removing dust, dirt, dander and dead hair. This procedure is a good prevention of skin diseases for the dog, and also stimulates blood circulation and metabolism.

After walks, the dog must be cleaned

The pet is cleaned every day, and if it gets very dirty during a walk or during training, then the cleaning is repeated.

The dog should be brushed by standing to its left. First, comb the fur with a comb, starting from the head, then on the neck, body, tail and limbs.

After the dog's fur has been combed, it is cleaned. This procedure is carried out in the same sequence as combing. First, with light pressure, the brush is moved against the wool, then with stronger pressure - along the wool. After several movements, the brush is cleaned. Having finished dry cleaning, move on to wet cleaning with a special washcloth. At the end of all procedures, all accessories are put in order and the fallen hair is collected.

Some dogs don't like having their inner thighs brushed, so be careful.

Eyes and ears are cleaned with a damp swab.

If the dog has an unbalanced character, then he is accustomed to cleaning gradually: first he is stroked with his hand, then gently with a brush, and when he gets used to it and calms down, they move on to the cleaning procedure.

If the pet has a calm temperament and trusts its owner, then it can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a small brush.

Bathing the dog

Dogs need to not only be cleaned, but also bathed, since cleaning does not completely remove dirt and dander from the dog’s coat and skin.

First, the wool is moistened with warm water, then lathered with a special shampoo or soap and washed thoroughly. If necessary, the procedure is repeated twice.

How often this procedure should be carried out is decided by the owner, depending on the breed and characteristics of the pet. In summer, dogs are washed more often, in winter - less often, and when there is snow, you can clean them with snow. Many dogs love to bathe and swim, so they quickly get used to this procedure and do not cause any trouble for their owners.

Swimming in open water is beneficial for dogs, especially during hot periods. Even for the first time, an animal usually enters the water without fear following its owner or if some object is thrown at it for fetching.

Before swimming, remove the leash from your pet and check that there are no piercing or cutting objects in the bathing area. In hot weather, you don’t need to dry your dog after swimming (it will shake itself off), and until the fur is completely dry, you can walk it on a leash or run with it.

Dogs are usually bathed once a month. If this procedure is carried out too often, then the protective fatty substances washed off from the coat will not have time to be restored, the dog’s coat will become fragile and brittle and will lose its ability to repel water. Frequent washing is recommended only if the dog has increased function of the sebaceous glands.

In summer, dogs enjoy swimming in open water.

Soap suds must be washed off completely, otherwise your pet may experience skin irritation. Particularly sensitive dogs sometimes develop eczema.

After washing, the dog is dried with a towel and is not allowed to lie down until the fur is completely dry.

After bathing, the dog must be dried with a terry towel.

If your pet is not shy, you can dry its fur with a hairdryer. The fur of many dogs, especially decorative breeds, is not very durable; it should be lightly and gently blotted with two terry towels.

After bathing, the dog's fur is combed. Train your animal to stand still while brushing. To do this, at first you can fasten it by the leash to the bracket.

It is advisable to use professional brushes for hair care. Combing the fur begins from the paws, then gradually rises up to the middle of the back.

Some groomers advise drying dogs' hair from the parting downwards, carefully combing it with a brush.

Combs are the main tool for grooming. They come in large and small. Large ones are used to comb out debris from a dog’s fur, and small ones are used to give it a certain shine.

Combs and brushes for grooming

All combs intended for hair care are divided into 3 groups:

Puffers. Used for working with very long hair. These are small combs with sharp teeth;

wedge cutters. They are used quite often, are small in size and easily fit in the hand;

massage combs. They are needed to add shine and are used almost daily, especially for grooming short-haired dogs.

Long-haired dogs are especially difficult to care for. Often tangles appear in their fur, especially in the groin, under the arms and in the hock area. They should be trimmed every time after bathing your dog.

In addition to regular brushing, many dog ​​breeds also require haircuts. It comes in two types: full and partial (hygienic). For a full haircut, the dog is usually taken to a special salon or a specialist is invited to the house.

An incorrectly performed haircut at an exhibition is considered a significant drawback.

To get a partial haircut, professional help is usually not required.

A dog's fur is constantly growing, so it needs to be trimmed regularly. When treating the paws of dogs of such breeds as the American cocker spaniel, Afghan hound, the hair around the pads, between the toes and in a circle slightly above the claws is cut short so that it does not come into contact with the ground while running and walking. The fur around the anus is clipped solely for hygiene purposes.

Ear care

2-3 minutes after this, the inside of the ear is thoroughly wiped with a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil, boric alcohol or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

If dark discharge with an unpleasant odor appears in your dog’s ears, the animal often shakes its head and rubs its ears with its paws, you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, as this may be a sign of some disease.

Eye care

Eyes require special care.

Sometimes dirt gets into the eyes, which can lead to inflammation. In this case, the eyes are washed with chamomile decoction. For this, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dried flowers into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20–30 minutes, cool and filter. Using a cotton swab dipped in the resulting decoction, carefully wash the animal’s eyes.

A dog's eyes are an indicator of its health

If the inflammation is very severe, carefully spread the eyelids with the thumb and forefinger of the free hand, and instill albumin with the other. Even healthy dogs often develop small pus-like discharges in the corners of their eyes, which should be removed regularly with a small piece of clean cloth. Copious discharge, as a rule, appears if the mucous membrane has been irritated by wind, dust or smoke. It is not recommended to remove them with a cotton swab, since individual cotton fibers often separate from the main mass and irritate the eyes.

Care for the organs of smell and touch

Very often, dog owners judge the well-being of their pet by its nose: if it is hot and dry, the animal’s health is unsatisfactory, if it is wet and cold, the pet is healthy.

Dogs rarely use their sense of touch.

This is mainly done by old animals that have lost their visual acuity and sense of smell.

The dog's sense organs are vibrissae, tactile hairs located on the muzzle. They help the animal find and recognize any objects or a road in the complete absence of light.

If the dog's nose or whiskers are very dirty, they should be gently wiped with a damp cloth or clean soft cloth.

You cannot use alcohol solution or any other liquids with a strong, persistent odor instead of water.

Scientists have found that the role of tactile hairs in a dog’s life is much more important than previously thought. It turned out that animals whose whiskers are artificially removed become insecure. They become disorientated in the dark and do not recognize the people and dogs around them.

Oral care

Taking care of a dog's teeth is the main concern of the owner. To keep teeth strong and healthy, calcium-containing foods (cottage cheese, milk), fresh tomatoes and raw bones should be introduced into the animal’s diet.

Under no circumstances should you accustom your puppy to treats. Pastries, sweets, cakes and sweet buns will be bad for his health and can cause a number of dental diseases.

Tartar causes irritation and inflammation of the gums and has a destructive effect on tooth enamel. Ultimately, this can lead to complete tooth loss. You can prevent the formation of tartar and get rid of yellow plaque if you regularly brush your dog’s teeth with a special toothpaste without a strong odor or strong taste. To do this, take a small wooden stick, one end of which is wrapped in a layer of cotton wool, dip it in toothpaste or sprinkle with a special powder and gently brush your teeth.

The health of your dog's teeth depends on proper nutrition and regular care.

Teeth cleaning

Inflamed gums are usually treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a decoction of medicinal herbs (sage, nettle, chamomile). However, treating this disease at home is still not recommended. It is best to contact a veterinary clinic, where the animal will receive the necessary help. The same should be done if your dog shows signs of caries.

If the tooth is very badly damaged, the dog often rubs its muzzle with its paws, refuses to eat and begins to chew on objects around it.

If small twigs, bones or other foreign objects are found in your pet's mouth, you should carefully remove them, using tweezers or dental floss if necessary.

Care of paws and claws

The dog's limbs must be washed and inspected regularly, as their pads are often injured during walking. This can happen if the animal carelessly steps on a sharp thorn, a piece of stone, barbed wire, broken glass, etc. Even if the wound is small, it still poses a danger to the dog’s health, since dirt that gets into it can cause inflammation.

After a walk, you need to carefully examine the dog’s limbs for wounds and damage.

In dogs living within the city, traces of fuel oil, oil paint, bitumen, etc. can often be seen on the fur and paw pads. It is very difficult to wash them off with plain water, even using shampoo or soap. Such stains are removed with a cotton swab soaked in solvent for oil paints. Then the animal’s fur and skin that have been exposed to the solvent are rinsed with soapy water, wiped dry, and the skin is lubricated with baby cream or vegetable oil.

Scissors and nail clippers

When examining a dog's paws, you should definitely pay attention to its claws. In dogs, they are non-retractable and consist of keratinized epithelial cells. The keratin content in them is very high, which gives them special hardness. The keratin sheath is needed to protect the living tissue inside the claw (claw bed), penetrated by small blood vessels and nerve endings. The living part of the claw in dogs with white claws is usually clearly visible, as it has a distinct pink tint.

If your dog's nails are black and the boundaries of the nail bed are not visible, it is recommended to trim only the tip of the nail.

When it comes into contact with the surface on which the dog walks (concrete, parquet, marble), the outer edge of the claw wears off, acquiring its characteristic crescent shape. When a dog walks very little, the claw is not worn down enough and its shape is greatly distorted. If the length of the nails exceeds the permissible length, they greatly interfere with the dog, and this can lead to deformation of the paw.

Nail trimming

Claws that are too long should be shortened; if they have jagged edges, they should be filed down.

The claws are trimmed using pruning shears and filed with a special file with three edges or a file.

You should handle your pet's claws very carefully, since cutting them too short can damage living tissue, causing the pet severe pain, causing bleeding and fear of such a procedure.

Nails are trimmed every 4 weeks. The first time this procedure is performed is 3 weeks after the puppy is born, since during the feeding process it can severely scratch the mother’s belly.

If your dog has split nails, you need to use a file or nail file to straighten the edges of the claw, and then lubricate it with a nourishing cream. When trimming nails, you can accidentally damage the dog's nail bed, which will immediately begin to bleed. If this happens, you need to moisten a swab in an antiseptic solution and blot the bleeding cut with it.

Dog walking, transportation

The dog needs to be walked at least 2 times a day, not only so that it can fulfill its natural needs, but also so that it has the opportunity to run and exercise.

During a walk, the dog should be given the opportunity to run

Enough time should be allocated for walking the dog, since, unlike a puppy, an adult dog cannot empty its bladder at once; it does this in several stages with short breaks.

It is especially important to ensure that the dog's natural needs are fully satisfied before training. If this does not happen, she will become distracted or have a bowel movement in the training area.

If it is not possible to combine walking and walking the dog, then it is necessary to allocate a separate time for walking, otherwise the pet may get sick from lack of exercise.

When walking, the dog must be muzzled and on a short leash. You can let her run around only after she has completed a general training course, and only in deserted places and under constant supervision. When a dog runs too far, it must be called back, and when strangers appear, it must be put on a leash.

Small dogs can be transported in a container

If you need to travel anywhere with your dog in transport, it must be muzzled and on a short leash. In some cities, transporting large dogs on public transport is prohibited.

Walking equipment

Dogs, especially large ones, even despite good upbringing, can sometimes behave inappropriately in an unfamiliar environment. Therefore, a collar, leash and muzzle are required for walks.

Collars come in two types: regular, made of leather, leatherette or special braid, and strict, with metal spikes.

You will need 2 leashes: short and long. A short leash, 1–1.5 m long, is attached to the collar with a carabiner and is intended for driving the dog next to the owner. A long leash (10–12 m) is needed for walking the dog. Now you can buy very convenient leashes, which are a tape measure with a spring mechanism in a plastic case. The mechanism allows you to fix the length of the leash, which makes it universal.

The collar begins to be used after the puppy’s bones become stronger. Until this time, while there is a danger of damaging the pet’s neck, it is better to put a harness on it for walks.

Walking equipment

A dog muzzle is necessary if you need to lead it along the street for a significant distance. In stressful situations, an animal can become aggressive, but a muzzle will not allow it to bite strangers. Muzzles are made of leather or metal mesh and must be adjusted to the size of the dog individually.

The collar and muzzle should be of such a size that they do not interfere with the animal, but also do not allow him to throw them off. Keep your pet's walking equipment in a place where he can get them: when the dog needs to go outside, he will let you know by bringing a collar or leash. But you should not allow your dog to play with these items or chew them.

In public places, dogs are walked wearing a collar and muzzle.

Features of enclosure keeping

Some breeders and fanciers living in private homes prefer to keep their pets outside, in enclosures. With this method of keeping, it is necessary to pay special attention to organizing the space for the animal to live. The enclosure in which the dog is planned to be housed must be at least 5–7 m2, it must be equipped with a roof and a wooden floor. Lighting is also important.


When building an enclosure, it is best to make 3 walls of wood, and weld the fourth from metal rods.

Another mandatory element of enclosure equipment is a booth. The walls of the booth may not be thick; a mandatory requirement is the absence of cracks and dimensions at which the dog can freely stretch out its paws, but there will not be a lot of extra space left. For additional insulation and protection from the wind, you can hang a canopy made of thin felt in front of the entrance to the booth.

It is not recommended to use chain-link mesh to build an enclosure, since it is not difficult for large adult dogs to chew a hole in it.

For hygienic purposes, the floor of the enclosure is covered with sawdust, which is changed once every 2–3 days.

It is especially important to give a puppy growing up in an enclosure the same amount of attention as he would have been given if raised in a house. If a pet sees its owner only 10 minutes a day during feeding and cleaning, it can grow up flawed, timid, or, conversely, overly aggressive.

Dogs living in an enclosure do not need additional physical activity

If there are not enough walks, the enclosure animal begins to run around the perimeter of the territory available to it, gnawing the rods and corners of the boards. This applies to both dogs that are walked outside the enclosure and those that defecate directly in it.

The advantage of enclosure keeping is that animals raised in such conditions do not suffer from rickets, they have a stronger skeleton and are less likely to develop diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Since a dog living in an enclosure is exposed to the sun all the time and its skeleton develops naturally, it does not need to increase its physical activity (cross-country, swimming, etc.). But this, as mentioned above, does not mean that the animal can be completely deprived of stress and communication with the owner.

The dog is one of the most popular and beloved types of pets. Currently, there are a huge number of different breeds of dogs, from tiny pocket Chihuahuas to huge English mastiffs, and each person can choose the breed that best suits him in size, character, and individual preferences. However, the presence of a dog in the house involves not only fun games, hunting, participation in various competitions, etc., but also daily comprehensive care for the appearance and health of the pet. Regardless of the breed and size of your pet, caring for a dog always involves a certain set of measures:

  • caring for the coat (combing, cutting, bathing), claws, eyes, ears, oral cavity, that is, carrying out hygiene procedures;
  • ensuring a balanced diet;
  • walking the dog daily;
  • regular medical examination and.

In addition, all measures to care for a pet must be timely, otherwise they may not give the desired result. Let's take a closer look at each of the above points.

Dog hygiene

You need to start caring for your dog's coat from an early age. Puppies should be brushed and bathed more carefully, since during this period they still have very thin and sensitive skin. The process of molting in a dog that lives in an apartment or house occurs almost all year round due to temperature changes, because the room is always warm, unlike the street. The regularity of the combing process depends on the type of coat:

  • As for wool processing, it is much easier with short-haired and smooth-haired breeds. They should be cleaned 5-6 times a month with a stiff natural bristle brush.
  • Long-haired dogs require more labor-intensive care. Breeds such as collie, Japanese chin, mastiff require daily combing with a comb or brush, which removes dirt, dead skin, and lost hair from the coat, and prevents the coat from matting. At the same time, combing helps strengthen the hair, since during this procedure a kind of skin massage occurs. You need to comb your dog with a special comb with long, sparse and blunt teeth;
  • For a dog with coarse hair, the shedding process is practically not typical. These breeds need trimming (hand plucking) every six months. Trimming schemes are developed by specialists individually for each dog.

Dogs perceive water procedures differently. Some people love to bathe, and some are afraid of this process, but any dog ​​needs to be bathed periodically, especially after a walk in rainy weather. You need to bathe your dog in water at room temperature for 5-10 minutes, and you can use various special shampoos and conditioners. All windows should be closed before bathing, as dogs are very sensitive to drafts. The bathing process should bring only positive emotions to the dog. Under no circumstances should you use force to restrain your dog in the bathtub. During water procedures, the dog must be calmed down, spoken to gently, and after bathing, given its favorite food. After water procedures, it is enough to dry short-haired dogs with a soft towel, while long-haired dogs need to be dried with a hairdryer. This must be done very carefully so as not to frighten the pet or spoil its fur.

An important hygiene procedure is also caring for the animal’s claws. Experts recommend trimming nails about once a month, however, if the dog often walks on hard surfaces, then this procedure can be performed even less frequently. When cutting nails, you should gradually cut off the length, since you can damage the blood vessels and in the future the dog will be afraid of this procedure. To trim claws, you should use special nail clippers or nippers. Special attention should be paid to the side claws, since they practically do not grind down naturally. If they are not trimmed in time, they can grow into the skin, causing infections and lameness. While trimming nails, you should also inspect the paw pads for fungus or cuts. To prevent fungus, you need to trim the hair between your toes.

The most common eye problem in dogs is watery eyes and a buildup of white or dirty gray secretions in the corners. If you notice that your dog has wet hair under his eyes, you need to rinse them with so-called silver water. You need to rinse with separate cotton swabs, moving towards the dog’s nose. To make such water, you need to put a silver object in clean, filtered water for a day. If mucus accumulates in the corners of the eyes, you should carefully remove it with cotton swabs, also passing it to the animal’s nose. If the procedures you performed within 5-6 days did not give the desired result, you should contact a veterinary clinic.

Regular cleaning of a dog's ears is a preventive measure for many diseases (for example, otitis media, ear mites). You should inspect and clean your dog's ears with an ear swab weekly. In this case, you can use special lotions that are sold in pet pharmacies, Vaseline or vegetable oil. If your pet is still scratching its ears or shaking its head, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Dog oral hygiene is an important component of your pet's health. First of all, you can maintain your dog’s oral health with a balanced meat diet. In addition, chewing toys with antiseptic made of rubber or nylon are used to train teeth and maintain oral health. You can also brush your dog's teeth, but this is a very difficult task and must be done every day to be effective. You can also contact veterinary clinics, where specialists will clean your pet’s teeth with ultrasound and assess the general condition of the oral cavity.

Balanced diet for dogs

It plays an important role not only for the health of the dog’s oral cavity, but also affects the general health and appearance of the animal. must be appropriate for the age, activity and weight of the dog. It should never be combined with natural products. When creating a rational and balanced diet, special programs can help you - proper diet calculators, which can be found on the Internet and used for free. If you choose a dry type of food, it is very important that the dog drinks enough water. The quality of the food is also of great importance, since as a result the dog may develop gastrointestinal problems.

Dog walking

Dogs that live in apartments need to be walked daily. The duration of the walk mainly depends on the physical potential of the pet, that is, the larger the dog, the longer it needs to be active outside in order to waste the accumulated energy. To begin with, a small puppy needs to be taken out for 10-20 minutes several times a day. For an adult dog, the duration of a walk can be up to two hours a day. At the same time, you should not be afraid of bad weather, because this will only strengthen your dog’s immunity. It should be noted that it is better to walk especially large animals in sparsely populated places. If this is not possible, then the dog must have a muzzle. While walking, you can teach your dog various commands and play with it. The regularity and duration of walks, of course, will depend on the rhythm of your life, but it is advisable that they be carried out at the same time.

Medical examination and vaccination of dogs

In order to maintain your dog's health, it is necessary to visit veterinary clinics and conduct a medical examination of your pet. You do certain preventive measures against the occurrence of various diseases every day by caring for your pet’s fur, ears, teeth, and claws, but you should not forget about visiting veterinarians. If your dog is not bothered by anything and has a healthy appetite, then an annual medical examination is sufficient. Particular attention should be paid to vaccinating your dog, as this will protect not only your pet, but also you and the people around you from possible problems. Every dog ​​must be vaccinated. I give the first vaccinations at the age of 2-3 months. This procedure is then repeated annually. Vaccination usually includes three shots, but modern veterinary clinics offer one comprehensive vaccine. It has certain advantages, but it is very difficult for the animal’s body.

Remember that a dog is a living creature that needs proper care, care and affection. Pay attention to your pets, and they will definitely thank you with their devotion, bringing joy and good mood to your home.

A daily inspection of the dog is carried out by the instructor (counselor) during the morning, afternoon and evening hours of caring for it, as well as before using it in the border protection service.

In the morning and evening hours of caring for the dog, before walking it (walking the dog), a cursory (quick) inspection is carried out, and before cleaning it and using it for service, a detailed (thorough) daily inspection is carried out.

External inspection is carried out in the following sequence

The eyes are examined, because by the state of the eyes (cheerful or sad look, color of the mucous membrane) one can to a certain extent judge the condition of the dog as a whole;

Ears are examined. In the ears you can find pasture mites, earwax (brown), and sometimes small foreign objects (wood chips, insects, etc.). If you have ear disease, you may experience brownish-gray discharge and an unpleasant odor;

The oral cavity is examined - the condition of the teeth, whether there are stuck small bones or other foreign objects;

The nose is examined to see if there are any scratches, mucous or purulent discharge;

The condition of the paws is checked - the condition of the pads, claws, for splinters, wounds, etc.;

The coat is examined - general condition, presence of shine, hair loss, etc.;

The pulse is counted. The normal heart rate of an adult dog is 70-120 beats per minute. The blows, as a rule, are of the same force and with equal intervals between them. A sign of a sick dog is usually a rapid pulse with beats of unequal force and with varying intervals between them.

Walking dogs(exercise) is included in the complex of measures for caring for dogs at the kennel. Daily walks with dogs are required. Dogs are usually walked 2-3 times a day at times established by the daily routine for caring for them. The duration of each walk is within 30 minutes.

Dogs are taken for walks on a long leash, the most aggressive ones are muzzled. As a rule, each instructor and counselor is assigned a permanent and safe place (area) for active dog walking.

While walking, adult dogs cannot empty their bladder at the same time (in one go) and do this repeatedly, with short breaks. Therefore, you can’t rush into walking.

Cleaning dogs is carried out to remove dandruff (rejected cells of the upper layer of skin), hair debris, sebaceous gland secretions, as well as dust and dirt from the skin. Cleaning is carried out outdoors, in clean air.

Before cleaning, the dog is placed on a short leash. The instructor (counselor) conducts the daily inspection mentioned above and begins cleaning the dog in the following sequence: first, the coat is combed and cleaned with a brush, then the hair is wiped and smoothed with a damp cloth, and finally, if necessary, the eyes, ears, genitals and anus are wiped hole with a clean cloth or cotton wool

After brushing, the wool is cleaned with a damp cloth in the same way as with a brush), for which it is first soaked in water and squeezed out well so that the cloth is slightly damp.

the washing up dogs is also a useful physiological procedure, because when cleaning with a brush and cloth, it is impossible to completely remove dust, dandruff and secretions of the sebaceous glands. The frequency of washing depends on the time of year and the conditions in which the dog is kept and used in service. In summer, the dog is washed every month, and in hot, dry months with a lot of dust - 2 times a month.

Everything you need to know


A service dog, like any other animal, is subject to certain environmental conditions. If these conditions interfere with the dog's adaptability, disease may occur.

It is worth remembering that the dog’s health and performance depend on vitamins for service dogs WOLMAR, physical, chemical and biological properties of air. We are talking about temperature, humidity, air mobility, dust, microbial contamination, etc. Therefore, maintaining an optimal microclimate in the air is considered a very important measure.

During the cold season, service dogs must be kept in rooms with a temperature of at least 15-16°C. To maintain the normal physiological state of a dog, a constant body temperature is necessary. This is ensured thanks to the mechanism of thermoregulation, which is based on maintaining a certain ratio between the formation of heat and its release. The reason for overheating of a service dog's body is insufficient heat transfer in the hot season and lack of normal air exchange. This is especially true when animals are muzzled. Severe hypothermia, in turn, can cause colds and frostbite. An increase in air humidity also negatively affects the animal. Therefore, indoor humidity levels should fluctuate between 50-70%. Humid and cold air is a good thermal conductor. This is accompanied by the body losing a large amount of heat.

As a result, the animal quickly becomes hypothermic. Overheating of the body occurs due to the presence of warm and humid air in the room. Dry air is characterized by drying of the dog's skin and mucous membranes. This leads to increased skin vulnerability and increased permeability to microbes.

As a rule, the air in rooms where service dogs are located contains germs and mold. Their normal level should not exceed 15 thousand per 1 m3. An increase in the content of these pathogenic organisms is facilitated by low ventilation of the room and insufficient sunlight. To reduce dust and microbial contamination, regular cleaning of the bedding, disinfection, cleaning of dogs outside and constant ventilation are provided.

It must be remembered that service dogs are indoors most of the day. Therefore, buildings must protect animals from factors such as rain, snow, dust, and heat. A slightly elevated, dry and level location should be used to construct service dog facilities. It should be located at some distance from other buildings. To protect the room from wind and dust, you need to remember about green spaces. The soil used for the nursery site must be hard.

Low groundwater levels are also envisaged. Locating the premises directly on the river bank is not recommended. This is due to the possibility of dampness. An important step is the construction of a continuous fence around the area intended for the nursery. Its height must be at least 2 meters. The fence in its lower part must be buried 0.5 meters. This is necessary to prevent dogs from digging it up.

It is planned to divide the premises for dogs into cabins, which should be connected to enclosures open at the top. As a rule, enclosures must be fenced with metal mesh. This prevents dogs from jumping into neighboring enclosures.

When a large number of dogs are together, it is planned to form a kitchen and an isolation room. It is recommended to equip two cast iron boilers. They are needed to cook food and heat water. The isolation ward is used to monitor dogs that are sick or suspected of having contagious diseases. The distance from the main building on which the isolator is built must be at least 500 meters from the nursery. Diseases and recommendations for the German Shepherd

In nurseries where dogs are bred and puppies are raised, it is necessary to build maternity rooms and veterinary outpatient clinics with a hospital for dogs. For washing service animals, premises at the veterinary outpatient clinic are provided. To wash dogs, a heated room is used, which should have a water heater and a bathroom.

It is possible to keep one or two animals without enclosures or cabins. In this case, the construction of collapsible wooden booths is envisaged. A pole with a ring is installed next to the kennel to keep the dog on a chain. Please note that keeping an animal on a leash all the time is harmful. Therefore, it is periodically necessary to free the dog from the chain. However, you must ensure the safety of the people around you. In winter, service dog kennels must be insulated. To do this, use a tarp, old blanket or other thick fabric attached to the top of the booth.

It is possible to keep a service dog in a city apartment. A prerequisite for this is three daily walks. Their duration must be at least 30 minutes. When kept in a room, the animal must be in a permanent place for rest and sleep. A small rug is placed in this place.

To maintain the health of animals, improve their performance and reproductive functions, the premises of the nursery must be clean. To clean the cabins, they use an iron shovel, a metal scraper with a handle, a broom, a broom, a metal dustpan, a mop and buckets. Daily cleaning is carried out in the premises in the morning. Before cleaning, dogs are taken for a walk and examination.

Mouse-like rodents can cause great harm to premises for service dogs. They damage floors and walls and eat animal feed. Rats and mice can also act as carriers of infectious diseases. To kill rodents, it is recommended to use baits with zoocoumarin. This work falls within the competence of the specialists of the deratization teams. It must be remembered that such baits can poison the dogs themselves. Also, high efficiency in killing rodents is characteristic of traps and other devices.

To destroy harmful insects, the ceilings and walls of the pavilions must be sprayed with insecticides. As a rule, they use chlorophos, dibromine, thiodrine, etc. This procedure should be carried out once a week. To prevent bites from mosquitoes and other insects, use a special oily liquid (dibutyl phthalate).

To protect the skin from cutaneous pathologies, regular cleaning of dogs is necessary. With this procedure, dandruff, dust and dirt are removed from the wool. In addition, cleansing promotes blood flow to the skin and improves metabolism. To clean the animal, use a brush, comb, and clean rags. To serve each dog, you must have separate supplies.

Caring for service dogs

It is important to remember to properly care for service dogs. Daily inspection of animals is important. As a rule, dogs are examined during cleaning of premises. During the examination, an assessment is made of the general condition of the dog, its fatness, the condition of the coat and some organs and . Typically, the following body parts of a service dog are assessed with particular care:

1. Eyes. It must be remembered that this organ may indicate a violation of the state of the body as a whole. We are talking about a sad look, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, etc.
2. Ears. In case of pathology, mites, brown wax, and small foreign objects are detected in the ears of dogs. With an inflammatory disease, ear discharge has an unpleasant odor.
3. Paws. This organ is checked for damage and splinters. In addition, the animal's claws are examined.
4. Wool. In pathology, excessive shine of the coat and lost hair are determined.

All foreign bodies found during inspection must be removed. If there are characteristic symptoms of pathology, call a veterinary specialist. Great care must be taken when examining service animals. It must be remembered that even accidentally causing pain to a dog is fraught with aggressive behavior of the animal. If it is impossible to swallow or the lower jaw sag, one should suspect the presence of a large bone in the dog’s throat. A dog in this condition needs emergency help.


To keep service dogs, you need certain equipment. We are talking about a collar, a muzzle, a short and long leash, a chain. The collar is placed on the animal's neck. A leash is attached to this item. Leather, artificial leather, and special braid are used to make the collar.

A muzzle is necessary to prevent dog attacks and bites. The greatest prevalence is typical for the leather muzzle. Loop and mesh muzzles are also popular. The materials used for the manufacture of such items are leather, leatherette, metal mesh, etc. The muzzle and collar should not interfere with the animal. In addition, the possibility of their reset must be excluded.

The length of a short leash does not exceed 1.5 m. Such a leash is necessary to lead the animal close to the owner. It is also used for training. A short leash is attached to the collar using a lock or carabiner. A long leash is used when driving an animal at a distance from the owner. The distance, as a rule, exceeds 10 m. The dog is tied with a chain.

To clean dogs, use a brush, comb, clean cloth, cotton swab, hair comb, cloth, etc. It is planned to store equipment in storage rooms.

Cleaning service dogs

Regular brushing of animals helps remove dandruff, dust and dirt particles from the skin and fur. In addition, cleansing helps to increase metabolic processes in the skin. As a rule, this procedure is carried out once a day. An indication for additional cleaning is heavy soiling of the animal during work or walking.

First, comb the animal's fur with a comb. Sequentially comb the dog's head, neck, torso, tail and limbs. This procedure should be especially thorough in long-haired dogs. After this, cleaning is carried out with a brush. First, the brush moves against the wool. After this, you need to move along the wool. The condition is a lot of pressure when working with a brush. It is necessary to periodically clean the brush on the squeegee. After this, use a cloth previously soaked in water. Cleaning the animal with a damp cloth is carried out in the same way as using a brush.

The animal's eyes and ears should be wiped with a clean cloth or cotton swab. If these organs are heavily soiled, moisten the cloth with water.

It is recommended to gradually accustom excitable and aggressive dogs to brushing. They are gently stroked with your hand and brush. Cleaning such an animal is only possible if it gets used to it. A vacuum cleaner can be used to clean service dogs. In this case, it is recommended to use its small bristles.

Washing and bathing service dogs

When keeping service dogs in the yard, they are washed during the warm season. In most cases, rapid adaptation to washing is noted. First, the wool is wetted with warm water. Then soap is used until a large amount of foam appears, which must then be washed off. In indoor conditions, after repeating this procedure, the animal is wiped with a warm cloth. Drying dogs is not recommended for yard washing. This is due to the removal of water from the wool by vigorous shaking. Driving the animal on a leash helps ensure complete drying of the fur. It is necessary to prevent the animal from lying on the ground.

Soap foam is used to wash puppies. You can also use special shampoos designed for washing animals. Recently, there has been a great popularity of such funds. Any method of washing a service dog involves thoroughly rinsing off any remaining foam. Neglecting this rule can lead to skin irritation and disease. We are talking, for example, about dermatitis.

If the animal is heavily soiled, it must be thoroughly washed. As a rule, only the paws need washing after walks.

During the hot season, bathing service dogs is considered very beneficial. Reservoirs that have running water and sloping banks are suitable for this. Areas used for human bathing and livestock watering should not be used. As a rule, the animal is not afraid of water and will definitely enter it after the trainer (owner). In some cases, a retrieval object is used to lure animals into the water. Before bathing an animal, it is mandatory to free the dog from the leash. It is also necessary to inspect the shore for the presence of piercing and cutting objects.

Bathing your dog should not be too frequent. This is due to the washing away of fatty substances that are secreted by the sebaceous glands. These substances lubricate the animal's skin and hair. As a result of their deficiency, the skin dries out and cracks. In addition, fragility and brittleness of the hairline is possible. This is due to the loss of water repellency properties. During the winter period, washing and bathing dogs kept in the yard are not carried out.

The frequency of washing and bathing service dogs depends on factors such as the time of year, the breed of the dog, the individual characteristics of its skin, and conditions of detention. To resolve these issues, it is recommended to consult with experienced specialists. Due to the greater likelihood of contamination in the summer, dogs are washed much more frequently. In winter, cleaning service dogs with dry snow is common. For this purpose, special brushes are used. An indication for increasing the frequency of washing the animal is the increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin. On average, animals are washed once every 2 months.

When getting a dog as a pet, it is important to understand that this is not only a friend, comrade, companion with whom you can play, talk, pour out your soul, but also an animal that requires constant care and proper care. How the owner takes care of his beloved pet determines its health, disposition, life expectancy and many other factors. How to care for a dog? According to veterinarians, this is basic compliance with all hygiene standards and rules, maintaining a proper diet, regular walking of the dog and timely observation by a veterinarian.

There are several types of coat and each pet requires a special approach:

  1. Dogs with long hair. If spaniels, Scottish shepherds and other long-haired breeds look like dogs from the covers of glossy magazines when walking, this does not mean that the problem is only in the presence of long and silky hair. The beauty of the coat is the result of daily painstaking care. A wide-toothed wooden comb is perfect for these purposes. In order for your dog to have a neat appearance, you need to trim excess hair near the anus, between the toes and in the area of ​​the brow ridges.
  2. Smooth-haired breeds. Do not think that if you have a Staffordshire Terrier or a Staffordshire Terrier, then their coat does not require any care. Even breeds that seem to be almost hairless are prone to hair loss, which means we need to help them get rid of old fur. A rubber brush, or a brush like the one designed for cleaning clothes, is perfect for brushing. A suede cloth will help to add shine; after combing, you need to rub it over the fur in the direction of hair growth.
  3. Dogs with rough hair. This type of coat is most often found in dogs from the terrier and schnauzer families. It requires regular step-by-step care:
  • Combing - you will need two brushes, one with metal teeth, the other with bristles.
  • – use a clipper and scissors with rounded ends.
  • – plucking out bristles that have died.
  1. Dogs with medium coat. German, East European Shepherds, Alabais and Caucasians have medium-length hair. This is the easiest option to care for, although it requires regular brushing. You will need a regular brush for combing and a “slicker” to remove the undercoat during the shedding period.
  2. Curly pets. Poodles and some varieties of terriers have an undeniable advantage - they are not subject to shedding. However, wool still needs care. It is necessary to comb out frequently, otherwise the resulting tangles will have to be cut off. Dogs with this type of coat must be trimmed according to breed standards.
  3. Exotic wool. If you are lucky enough to have a pet with stringy fur, in places or completely absent, then in this case you will need to consult a breeder. Only a professional can give accurate recommendations.

Dog washing

Taking baths again directly depends on the quality of the wool.

Dogs with hair that tends to mat. These dogs require frequent bathing. Ideally, once every 7 days; once every 14 days is considered acceptable. During exhibitions, long-haired pets are bathed regularly before events. It is necessary to bathe such dogs completely, not limited to just their paws.

Hard to medium wool. Pets with coarse or medium-coarse hair are bathed once a month and this is quite enough. In order for a representative of the breed with a smooth back and a rather hairy face to look neat, it is necessary to use special balms and conditioners after washing.

Sometimes, to prevent the coat from being excessively fluffy and bristling, dry cleaning is used before exhibitions, which is carried out using a piece of cloth with a velvet surface and a brush. The rag will remove dirt and excess sebum, and the brush will get rid of dead hair and. The same method is effective for caring for dogs with medium hair – German Shepherds, Alabais, etc.

Smooth-haired dogs. Smooth-haired pets (great Danes, dachshunds, etc.) do not require frequent washing; once or twice every three months is enough. It is also a good idea to periodically dry clean.

Walking the dog

All four-legged pets love to walk. They are attracted by new aromas, the opportunity to communicate with others like themselves, and a diverse environment.

But it is always worth remembering that a dog’s behavior changes in new conditions. If at home the dog is the kindest, most flexible creature, then on the street he is often infused with the “spirit of freedom.” Therefore, it is recommended to be on a leash, especially for large representatives, and for fighting dogs - with a muzzle. In addition, the leash will protect the dog from dangers - moving cars, open wells, dog weddings.

It is enough to take the dog out twice a day - morning and evening. The exception is puppies and older pets; here you need to look at the situation. You can also take out pets of small breeds three times a day.

In the warm season, a walk should last at least 20 minutes to half an hour, but longer walks are also welcome. During the cold season, a dog’s stay outside (especially a smooth-haired one) can be reduced to 15 minutes. You should not take out a pet that has just eaten; you should wait a few hours. It is not recommended to walk your dog on playgrounds or the territory of child care institutions.

Useful articles:

Veterinarian examinations

Once the puppy has received all the necessary vaccines, visits to the veterinary clinic become annual and as needed. Prevention can also be timed to coincide with the period of revaccinations.

An older animal requires more careful care and attention, and examinations should be carried out more often - once every 3 - 6 months.

Of course, many may think that such events are a waste of money, however, early detection of pathologies not only helps to avoid long, expensive treatment, but also often saves the pet’s life.

Proper nutrition

Its health depends on what you feed your dog. If the owner opts for ready-made food (dry or wet), then it is important to select high-quality products, preferably Holistic class. These feeds contain all useful micro- and macroelements, the daily requirement, in sufficient quantities of meat products, vegetables, and herbs. Each package contains detailed instructions for use and composition.

But what if we are talking about ordinary food? Studies have shown that a healthy animal should receive 2/3 meat products and 1/3 plant products. But you can give not only meat, but also all kinds of offal:

  • heart;
  • kidneys;
  • lung, etc.

Among the types of meat, everything is suitable except pork - beef, lamb, poultry, game, etc. Dogs can be given various trimmings, but without fat. Fish can also be included in the diet, but only sea fish and without bones.

Among herbal ingredients, preference should be given to the following products:

  • oats, millet, buckwheat, bran, barley;
  • all vegetables except legumes and potatoes;
  • fruits other than grapes.

Bones can be included in the diet, but only large boiled ones and in small quantities.

When preparing, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Meat and offal require mandatory heat treatment.
  • You need to cut them into small pieces, or grind them in a meat grinder.
  • The broth obtained during cooking is also given to the pet.
  • Cereals - oats, barley, etc. must be soaked in cold water before cooking.
  • It is better to give vegetables raw, grated or finely chopped.

What is contraindicated for a dog:

  • Do not give cabbage or vegetable tops;
  • food should be warm and have a mushy consistency;
  • You should not give bones to puppies under one year old;
  • the fish should be completely cleaned, removing not only the bones, but also all fins.

Thus, a balanced diet will help strengthen, maintain and maintain the health of your beloved animal. By following all the simple rules and recommendations of the veterinarian, the dog will grow up active, mobile and healthy.

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