Compensation pipe pp 110. What is a sewer compensator? How to install an expansion pipe

Often during the process of laying or repairing the internal sewer network, problems arise. problematic situation. It consists in the fact that the pipeline linearly expands and contracts with temperature changes. What to do in this case? Then you can use sewer compensator 110 mm. This material will tell you what it is.

Essentially, the compensator is a fitting. Namely, an element that serves to level out linear extensions of the sewer network during its operation.

Manufacturing materials

For the production of sewerage pipes, manufacturers traditionally use:

  • metal: steel and cast iron;
  • molded reinforced concrete;
  • asbestos cement;
  • ceramics.

Just a few years ago, plumbers preferred to work with metal pipes. However, this material has several disadvantages:

  • he is very heavy;
  • installation of a metal pipeline is complex and time-consuming;
  • Steel sewers rust, and cast iron sewers quickly become overgrown with sediment.

Therefore, with the beginning of the production of polymer pipes, builders are increasingly giving preference to them. There are three types of plastic products, including sewer expansion joints:

  • polypropylene products;
  • polyethylene analogues;
  • polyvinyl chloride expansion joints.

Important! The most popular are polypropylene products. They make it possible to solve pressing engineering problems related to the installation and use of sewer networks.

Scope of application, cross-section and design features

All materials used for sewerage installations have their own linear deformation parameters. That's why plastic compensator Not suitable for all pipelines. The effectiveness and demand for this fitting increases if the drainage network is walled up in floors or walls.

The compensator is mounted on a sewer pipe at the bottom of the risers, located in technical, utility, basements. It gives the desired slope to horizontal sections when unifying drainage branches made of different materials.

The fitting allows you to compensate for deformations and failure of the network due to its linear temperature contraction/expansion.

Compensators are often used to repair internal sewer systems. They make it possible to replace failed sections of the pipeline without completely dismantling it.

Often, installing a fitting is necessary when renovating a bathroom or restroom. In this case, it is used if height differences in the floor require raising or lowering the riser cross to create optimal angle dumping sewage into it.

The expansion pipe made of polyethylene and polypropylene is a straight section of pipe. On one side it is equipped with a 110 mm connecting socket. It contains an o-ring seal made of rubber.

Polyvinyl chloride products can be corrugated, which improves their compensation characteristics. There are also products with a curved configuration; they are designed for installation or repair of rotating sections of sewer networks.

Advantages and technical characteristics of plastic expansion joints

Polypropylene expansion joints for sewer pipes are used most often. Their popularity is explained by a number of advantages.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes

Features of polypropylene adapters:

  • long term operation: average term product service life is 30–40 years;
  • low weight: due to this, labor costs when installing the compensator are low;
  • easy installation, similar to constructor assembly;
  • resistance to aggressive chemicals and temperature changes;
  • the material is not subject to corrosion;
  • thanks to the smoothness internal walls, deposits accumulate on them very slowly;
  • the material is environmentally friendly, which is confirmed by hygiene certificates;
  • Such compensators are inexpensive.

Important! Manufacturers produce a wide range of expansion pipes with different sections and shape. This makes it possible to install sewer networks of any design and complexity.

Technical characteristics of polypropylene products:

  • total length - 28 cm;
  • outer diameter of the bell - 11.5 cm;
  • internal section of the bell - 11 cm;
  • wall thickness - 3.2 mm;
  • continuous operating temperature limit - +95 degrees;
  • pressure in the network in which the compensator is operated is without pressure;
  • color - pale gray;
  • transported medium - sewage;
  • warranty period - 24 months;
  • The declared service life is 50 years.

How to install an expansion pipe?

To ensure that the insertion of the compensator is correct and of high quality, you should:

  • take into account the thickness of the pipe walls;
  • determine the length of the sewer network in order to calculate the level of pressure on the connected joints.

Important! The best option increase tightness pipe connections with thick walls - use silicone sealant. This material is elastic and therefore will not interfere with compensatory movements. Sealing network elements is also effective when the sewer system is planned to be used with increased exposure to extreme temperatures.

Algorithm for inserting polyethylene and polypropylene expansion joints into the riser:

  • first, a section of the pipeline to which the compensator will be connected is cut out with a metal hacksaw;
  • the edges of the cut are processed with a file or coarse emery cloth to remove burrs;
  • then silicone sealant is applied to the upper end of the riser (it is better if it is a special plumbing compound);
  • after that, the compensation bend is pulled onto the treated side until it stops;
  • then the underside of the riser is covered with sealant;
  • then the corresponding end of the compensator is fixed in its socket;
  • then the riser is fixed;
  • After the silicone has dried, the system can be used.

A 110 mm compensator for sewerage made of polyvinyl chloride can be mounted using the same method as polyethylene and polypropylene analogues, that is, by pairing elements in a socket.

Installing PVC adapters is quite easy and does not require special preparation. Some tips for installing these fittings:

  • It is best to cut pipes with a hacksaw with small teeth, for example, a metal saw, so there will be fewer burrs on the cuts;
  • Dry and clean sides of the elements must be sanded and sealed;
  • All cavities that appear must be filled.

The compensator makes it possible to repair sewer system without dismantling significant sections of it. His plastic varieties Installed simply and quickly. You do not need to be a qualified plumber for this type of work.

PP compensation pipe DN 110 mm sewer PVC inner single socket sliding PP D 110 mm for internal sewerage

Fasonant part for connecting sewer pipes PVC pipes and shaped parts without socket joints. The thrust flange in the coupling design provides correct installation pipes and fittings. PVC fittings provide a tight, hermetically sealed connection of sewer pipes. The bells are of high quality rubber seal resistant to aggressive environments.

Compensation pipe for internal sewerage- gray polypropylene sewer fitting. It is intended for repairing the intra-house sewerage network in both residential and non-residential buildings and premises.

Sewer compensation pipe has a long service life (at least fifty years). The standard diameters of this fitting coincide with standard diameters gray sewer pipes and are 5 and 11 centimeters.

Company " Truba-Plast» offers PP expansion pipes according to favorable prices in Moscow. They are used in non-pressure pipelines of internal sewerage networks of administrative, industrial and residential buildings and structures.

Main characteristics of the pipes:

  • ring stiffness - SN 4;
  • diameter - 50, 110 mm;
  • service life: 50 years;
  • connection type: socket;
  • design features: with O-rings;
  • maximum temperature: 95 °C.

Products comply domestic GOST and international technical standards. Products can be delivered to any region of Russia.

Properties and application of pipes

Expansion pipes made of PP polypropylene are necessary to compensate for construction tolerances and simplify installation and assembly work. Recommended for use at the bottom of risers in technical rooms. The presence of a branch pipe allows you to avoid deformation and destruction of pipelines, and makes it possible to remove damaged network elements without disassembling it.

Thanks to the bell-shaped design, the pipes are easy to install. They are equipped with a rubber sealing ring, which ensures high tightness and reliability of the connection. Additional qualities: resistance to corrosion, aggressive environments. Can function normally at both high and low temperatures.

Vacuum valves
A vacuum valve or sewer aerator is used in internal sewage systems to prevent entry into the room. unpleasant odors, harmful gases and vapors from the system, as well as to relieve pressure in the system. Vacuum valve 110 (aerator 110) is installed on top of vertical risers in the sewerage system in attic spaces, toilets, bathrooms, etc., where uninterrupted flow to the valve will be ensured fresh air.
Also, a vacuum valve is used for local aeration of sinks, bidets, toilets, where a large flow of waste liquid can lead to the creation of air vacuum (suction of water from the siphon water seal), in this case, as a rule, a vacuum valve 50 is used.

Designed to close unused socket connections of sewer pipelines.

The sewer ventilation hood is designed to protect sewer risers leading to the roof of a building.

The single-plane cross is designed for connecting additional branches to the pipeline in one plane. The two-plane crosspiece is designed to connect additional branches to the pipeline in two planes.

Double socket couplings
The double-socket coupling is used for installation of non-pressure sewer pipelines internal systems sewerage of buildings and structures for various purposes. The coupling has a double-socket design and is designed to make pipe connections on both sides, thanks to the jumper on inner surface couplings.

Check valve
A sewer return valve is installed at points of entry into the general sewer system to prevent backflow Wastewater with the possibility of using forced blocking.

Used to change the direction of pipe laying during installation. Thanks to sewer outlets, you can turn the pipe in any direction. This is especially in demand when complex piping systems and it is necessary to go around a corner or architectural protrusion.

Bends 110 with output 50
Used to create bends and bends, as well as connections additional elements and plumbing installations and sewer communications.

Compensation pipes
Used to compensate for construction tolerances.

Transitions to cast iron
Used for transition from bell polypropylene pipe to the smooth end cast iron pipe. For a tight connection, a special rubber cuff is required.

Eccentric transitions
Designed to reduce flow and connect the socket of a sewer pipe/fitting of a larger diameter with the smooth end of a pipe/fitting of a smaller diameter.

Connection to the toilet
Toilet connections are designed to connect the toilet to the sewerage system. Mainly used for horizontal connection method.

Designed for cleaning sewer pipes.

Designed to connect an additional branch to the pipeline D110, D50, D40 and D32 at different angles

Used to fix system elements, the distance between the clamps should be: for horizontal lines - 10 diameters of the pipe being laid, for vertical lines (for risers) - 1000-2000 mm

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