How to remove a plastic baseboard. How to properly dismantle skirting boards and profiles. Tips on how to remove the plinth from the floor with photo instructions, as well as detailed technology for dismantling the ceiling plinth, features of removing the old corner How to dismantle wooden

It is not always necessary to resort to such actions. It is worth noting that dismantling the baseboard in such a way as not to damage the floorboard or plaster on the walls is not always easy, but in general it is possible.

If planned complete replacement floor, then dismantling old skirting boards is not a problem. In this case, you should drive the crowbar with its sharp side under the baseboard on either side and use it like a lever. To carefully dismantle the baseboard you need to put in more effort. It largely depends on what kind of plinth is installed and how it is secured.

If the baseboard is nailed to the floor

In 55% of cases, the nail heads are above the surface of the baseboard, so finding them is not a problem. In other cases, they are recessed into the baseboard, and you can find them by their characteristic pits. In this case, the pointed end of the crowbar is driven under the baseboard. The crowbar should be located near the place where the baseboard is nailed to the floor. They pull her towards themselves.

Pay attention! With such actions, it is enough to simply push a recess into the floorboard, especially in cases where the nails are covered with rust.

The support area of ​​the crowbar increases if you make a backing at the support point under the crowbar, for example, from a piece of thin board, thick plastic or plywood. If the calculation is incorrect, the plinth breaks. What should I do? At the point of support, the crowbar must be placed on the floor wooden block, having a thickness of about 6 cm, but not less than 3 cm.

To avoid damage to the baseboard, it is better to start dismantling it from the edge. First, it is raised 1-3 cm from the floorboard on the first outermost nail, and then on the second and subsequent ones. At this distance, the product should be torn off the floor along the entire wall. The procedure is repeated until the baseboard is removed.

Pay attention! The greater the distance between the crowbar and the nail, the greater the risk that the baseboard will eventually break.

Of course, you can act a little differently. To do this, they undermine the plinth on the first nail from the edge, then on the second, then again on the first, then on the third and on the second, return to the first, etc. However, these are already conventions; it all depends on how convenient it is for the master. If it is not possible to remove the plinth in this way, then using a chisel you can cut out small recesses in the wooden plinth next to the nail. Then the nails are pulled out, clinging them to the heads with a crowbar. In this case, the fulcrum will be more of a thick wooden block.

If nails are not visually visible on a wooden baseboard, this most likely means that the joints were puttied before painting. It is known that they are located at a distance of half a meter from each other, a maximum of 70 cm. The first nail is located 10-20 cm from the edge of the wall. So, the crowbar is driven with its pointed end under the baseboard at a distance of 10-20 cm from the edge. After this, it is smoothly and slowly raised. Then the last nail is seated in place. The fact is that if the holes from the nails are puttied, then this finishing material will definitely bounce due to vibration. The procedure is repeated again and again until the entire baseboard is removed.

If fastened with screws or self-tapping screws

The heads of self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws are most often recessed into the wood, and you can find them by looking at the holes. In addition, the caps may stick out above the surface, making them even easier to find in this situation. In 3% of cases, the caps are closed with plastic plugs. As you understand, they are also noticeable.

To remove the baseboard you just need to unscrew the screws or self-tapping screws with a screwdriver. In some cases, screws are driven into baseboards. What should I do? A crowbar and the methods for dismantling the baseboard described above come to the rescue.

If opened with varnish with choppiks

These types of skirting boards are rare, in no more than 5% of cases. When installing skirting boards made from valuable species wood, fastening is done flush. After screwing or nailing, the nail or screw is closed with a chopper.

Pay attention! Finding chopiks is not difficult, because they have a characteristic dark rim. In extreme cases, chopiks differ in texture, which is why they catch the eye, although not immediately. The surface of the plinth has a longitudinal cut of the wood, while the chops have a transverse cut.

As a rule, choppiks are drilled out or made using a narrow chisel. Such plinths are most often attached to the wall using screws or self-tapping screws; to dismantle the plinth you just need to unscrew them with a screwdriver. If, after all, the plinth was nailed, then the crowbar - perfect solution for its careful removal.

Removing a plinth made of MDF and its plastic counterpart

MDF skirting boards are attached using mounting fasteners, sometimes with special latches. The plinth on the mounting brackets is mounted on top, the latches are first screwed to the wall, and then the plinth itself is installed on them. To dismantle it, use a wide spatula. It is driven under the baseboard from below and carefully lifted. Or the spatula is driven between the baseboard and the wall and pulled towards itself. The purpose of the action is to remove the baseboard from the latch.

Plastic skirting boards hidden fastening They are screwed to the wall with screws, after which the fastening area is covered with a special insert. In order to get to the fasteners, you should also use a spatula. When the latch comes away, you need to unscrew the screws or self-tapping screws.

If you have any questions about removing skirting boards from the floor, you can ask questions to the experts working on the site. Write down which dismantling method you used.


Watch how it is dismantled plastic skirting board with cable channel:

Almost every renovation of an apartment or private house begins with dismantling works. When it comes to flooring, to dismantle it, you first need to remove the baseboards. They can be torn out so that there is nothing left to do but throw them in the trash. However, if you plan to use them, then it is important to know how to remove the baseboard from the floor carefully. In this article we will look at the intricacies of dismantling wooden and plastic baseboards.

Old plinth made of wood can be dismantled using several methods. The choice will largely depend on how it was installed. For example, if it is painted and nailed to the floor, then the heads of the nails can be identified by the holes present. Also, nail heads may peek out above the baseboard. In the latter case, it is easiest to find nails.

The work will be very simple. Take a crowbar and drive the side with the pointed blade under the baseboard, preferably in the place where the nail is driven. Then all that remains is to pull the crowbar towards you.

Considering the force with which you will press on the crowbar, you can very easily push a hole in the floor. For this reason, be sure to place a thin piece of plywood under its base.

Especially great efforts will be required in cases where the nail is too rusty. In this case, you will not spoil the floor and carefully dismantle the plinth, see the diagram for more details:

You should not drive the crowbar under the baseboard where there is no nail and pull it towards you. This may cause the baseboard to break.

If the crowbar lever is not enough to remove the nail, then place a wooden block up to 60 mm thick under the crowbar:

You should not immediately try to rip off the entire baseboard in one go. Start dismantling it from the corner. Tear the plinth 10–30 mm from the floor. Make such a tear on each nail from start to finish. When you have removed all the nails, repeat the process again until the baseboard is completely removed.

If wooden baseboard must be disposed of, you can use another method. To do this, cut out a recess near the nail with a chisel and remove it with a nail puller. What to do if the nail head comes off? Then use the method described above: hammer a crowbar under the baseboard and tear it off. When it is completely dismantled, the nails without heads can be pulled out of the board with pliers.

What if the nails are not visible at all? In such a situation, drive a crowbar under the baseboard and lift it slightly. Then hammer the baseboard back in, after which the nail heads should appear. If the caps were puttied, the putty will come off. If you pull in a place where there is no nail, then the baseboard in this place simply rises. You can move the crowbar to the side and continue

But not in all cases the baseboard is secured with nails. Often it is fixed with self-tapping screws to the wall or floor. Therefore, it is extremely important to find all the screw heads. They can be closed with plugs or recessed into the baseboard. After finding them, take a screwdriver or screwdriver with reverse and unscrew them. The work will not take you much time.

There are often cases when neither nails nor screws are visible on the surface of the baseboard. The only thing that is visible are small round knots, located at an equal distance from each other.

This may mean that wooden choppers, which are these round pieces, were used to fix the baseboards. Dismantling such a plinth will also not be particularly difficult. These chops can be drilled or gouged out with a narrow chisel. In almost all cases, this method of fastening is performed to the wall.

In rare cases, there may be a nail under the chop. Therefore, you will have to take the crowbar again.

The plinth, made of pressed paper, is secured using special mounting fasteners or latches. If fastenings are used, then the plinth is placed on top of them. As for the latches, then special elements screwed to the wall, and then the plinth is snapped to them.

To dismantle them, you can get by with one wide spatula. You push it under and try to lift it slightly. If the baseboard remains in place, it means that latches were used as fastening. In this case, place the spatula on top of the wall and gently pull it towards you. With such manipulations, the baseboard should move away.

With plastic skirting boards the situation is different. In most cases, they are attached to the wall using a dowel/screw. Some skirting boards have special channels for laying wires. These channels are closed with a special strip. It must be removed and the screws unscrewed. In almost all cases, such skirting boards are attached to the wall.

But their installation is not always done using dowels. In some cases, for example, when there are passages in the wall engineering communications, the baseboards are attached with glue. Here, too, dismantling work will not be difficult. You can use a wide spatula, which you drive in from above. And after that, with a gentle movement toward you, tear the plastic plinth off the wall.

So, we looked at the main methods for dismantling skirting boards. If you know other details of this work, be sure to write about it in the comments to this article.


The provided video material clearly shows how to remove the baseboard from the floor:

In fact, any serious repair begins with some kind of dismantling work. If you need to repair the floor, then first of all you will need to dismantle the floor plinth. Of course, the skirting boards can be torn out “with meat”, that is, so that later they can simply be thrown away. But this is not always reasonable and rational, because very often skirting boards can be reused. In such cases, you need to know how to remove the old baseboard from the floor carefully without damaging it. The difficulty of removing the baseboard depends on the material it is made of and the method of fixing it to the floor (nails, glue, putty).

  • How to remove a plastic baseboard from the floor?
  • Removing a wooden baseboard nailed to the floor
    • Dismantling with a crowbar - option No. 1
    • Dismantling with a crowbar - option No. 2
    • If the nails “do not lend themselves” to the crowbar
    • If you can't see the nail heads
  • Removing a wooden plinth screwed with self-tapping screws
  • Removing MDF skirting boards

How to remove a plastic baseboard from the floor?

Plastic skirting boards have hidden fastening and screwed to the wall with screws, after which a special plug is inserted into the mounting location. When solving the problem of how to remove a plastic baseboard from the floor, you should also get to the fasteners using a spatula. After the latch comes off, all that remains is to unscrew the screws.

Video on how to remove a plastic skirting board:

If the plinth also functions as a cable channel, then one more point appears in the installation sequence - you must first remove the strip that covers the channel and remove the wire from there. Then you can begin to dismantle the baseboard itself by simply unscrewing it from the wall.

Removing wooden skirting boards nailed to the wall is considered the most problematic, since during this work there is a considerable risk of damage to the wallpaper and even plaster. Such skirting boards predominate in old houses, so you should proceed with them as follows:

  1. Insert a spatula between the baseboard and the wall and carefully try to widen the gap with it.
  2. Then insert a wooden wedge into the widened gap and, lightly tapping it with a hammer, drive it even deeper.
    At a distance of 30 cm from the wedge, repeat the procedure with a spatula.
  3. Insert a new wedge into the widened gap and also deepen it.
  4. After this, drive the first wedge even deeper.
  5. Working in this way with a couple of wedges, they need to be driven gradually deeper until the nails come out of the wall.

Removing a wooden baseboard nailed to the floor

Most often, the nail heads protrude above the surface of the wood, so finding them is not so difficult. But even if they are recessed into the baseboard, even then they are easy to find by their characteristic recesses.

Dismantling with a crowbar - option No. 1

  1. In this case, before removing the plinth from the floor, you need to drive the pointed end of the crowbar under it, not far from the location of the nail holding the plinth.
  2. After this, pull the crowbar towards you.

True, if the nails are rusty and hold tightly, the crowbar will leave a noticeable dent in the floorboard. To avoid this and increase the support area of ​​the tool, you need to put something quite thin but strong (a piece of plywood, a thin board, a metal plate) under the crowbar. But if you apply too much force, the baseboard may break, so you need to act carefully.

For the same purpose - not to damage the border - it is better to start dismantling the baseboard from the edge. First, you need to lift it above the floor in the area of ​​the first nail, then repeat the same at the next, then at the third, and so on, until the entire length of the plinth is at the same distance from the floor. Then continue the operation until the nails finally come out of the floorboards.

The crowbar must be placed as close to the nail as possible, otherwise, the further it is located, the more likely it is that the material will break.

Dismantling with a crowbar - option No. 2

You can do it a little differently: first lift the plinth near the first nail, then near the second, then return to the first, and then move on to the third, then the second, etc.

Video on how to remove an old wooden baseboard from the floor:

If the nails “do not lend themselves” to the crowbar

If the baseboard does not give in anyway, then all that remains is to use a chisel to cut out a small depression near the nail so that the nail can be grabbed by the head with a nail puller. After this, it will be possible to pull the nails out of their homes. Here you can choose a thick wooden block as a support for the crowbar.

If you can't see the nail heads

Sometimes it is not possible to see the location of the nails on a wooden baseboard - in cases where they were puttied before painting.

It can be assumed that the nails are spaced 50-70 cm apart from each other, and the first one is most likely 10-20 cm from the corner of the wall. This is where you should try to find nails when solving the problem of how to remove the baseboard.

  1. First, you need to drive the crowbar under the baseboard 10-20 cm from the corner of the wall and slowly and carefully try to lift it.
  2. There is no point in paying attention to the putty falling off during manipulation - this process is inevitable, and it will need to be renewed later.
  3. A similar procedure continues with the remaining nails until the baseboard is completely removed.

Removing a wooden plinth screwed with self-tapping screws

Typically, the heads of the screws go deep into the wood, so they should be looked for in the holes. But sometimes they can protrude above the surface, then they become even more noticeable.

Occasionally, the caps are masked with plastic plugs, which are also clearly visible. To dismantle the plinth, simply unscrew the screws with a screwdriver or screwdriver. Careless craftsmen sometimes drive screws into wood, then they need to be removed like nails.

Occasionally, there are skirting boards made from valuable types of wood that are fastened “hidden”, that is, a nail or screw is deeply recessed and masked on top with a wooden chip that is varnished. Chopiks can be found by their characteristic dark rim or other wood texture (in plinth material the wood is cut lengthwise, while in chopiks it is cut crosswise). Such expensive skirting boards are usually attached to the wall with screws or self-tapping screws, and to dismantle them you need to use a screwdriver with a suitable blade. But if such a rare product turns out to be nailed, then all that remains is to take up the crowbar again.

Removing MDF skirting boards

To fasten MDF skirting boards, mounting fasteners or special latches are used. If the first option is used, then the plinth is mounted on top, but the latches must first be screwed to the wall and only after that the border itself must be fixed to them. To dismantle it, you need to use a wide spatula, which you need to insert from the bottom of the baseboard and carefully lift it up. In another option, you need to insert the spatula between the wall and the baseboard, and then pull it towards you. In both cases, the goal is to remove the baseboard from the latch.

Which method do you prefer to dismantle the baseboard, and why? Tell us about it in the comments - share your experience.

Before installing a new plinth, of course, you need to dismantle the old one. This applies to both ceiling and floor options. In both cases, removing a decorative element that has served its purpose will not be difficult.

However, it is certainly worth knowing what tools you need to use. Of course, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology for performing such work. We’ll talk about how to remove plinths from the ceiling and floor correctly in this article.

Removing the ceiling molding

Old plastic fillets are removed using a regular long spatula. It is unlikely that you will be able to remove the planks from the ceiling without damaging them. However, you shouldn’t try too hard to do this, since the price for such decor is more than affordable. In order to remove the baguette, you just need to pry it with a spatula from below along its entire length.

How to remove fillet from the ceiling. Dismantling process using a spatula

Dismantling ceiling plinth made of polyurethane must be done carefully. You can try using this variety again. The work needs to be done sharp knife. Its blade is inserted between the plank and the wall and carefully drawn along its length to a depth of about 3 cm. The corner is removed in the same way.

Easily bendable polyurethane plinth can be removed from the wall without damaging it

Advice: It is best to start dismantling from a short wall. After the polyurethane or foam baguette is removed, the place where they are attached should be thoroughly cleaned with a spatula.

Now let's see how to remove the plastic ceiling plinth that comes in addition to the stretch ceiling. It is usually fixed to the ceiling using self-tapping screws. To remove the strips, simply unscrew the fasteners with a screwdriver.

Remove the baseboard stretch ceiling usually not too difficult

Removing the plastic floor plinth

The answer to the question of how to remove the baseboard from the floor if it is made of plastic is also no different. All you need to do is:

  • Detach the decorative strip from the mounting strip.
  • Next, use a screwdriver to unscrew the fixing mounting strip screws to the wall.
  • Then the mounting strip should simply be separated from the wall.

In 55% of cases, the nail heads are above the surface of the baseboard, so finding them is not a problem. In other cases, they are recessed into the baseboard, and you can find them by their characteristic pits. In this case, the pointed end of the crowbar is driven under the baseboard. The crowbar should be located near the place where the baseboard is nailed to the floor. They pull her towards themselves.

The support area of ​​the crowbar increases if you make a backing at the support point under the crowbar, for example, from a piece of thin board, thick plastic or plywood. If the calculation is incorrect, the plinth breaks. What should I do? At the support point of the crowbar, it is necessary to place a wooden block on the floor, having a thickness of about 6 cm, but not less than 3 cm.

To avoid damage to the baseboard, it is better to start dismantling it from the edge. First, it is raised 1-3 cm from the floorboard on the first outermost nail, and then on the second and subsequent ones. At this distance, the product should be torn off the floor along the entire wall. The procedure is repeated until the baseboard is removed.

Of course, you can act a little differently. To do this, they undermine the plinth on the first nail from the edge, then on the second, then again on the first, then on the third and on the second, return to the first, etc. However, these are already conventions; it all depends on how convenient it is for the master. If it is not possible to remove the plinth in this way, then using a chisel you can cut out small recesses in the wooden plinth next to the nail. Then the nails are pulled out, clinging them to the heads with a crowbar. In this case, the fulcrum will be more of a thick wooden block.

If nails are not visually visible on a wooden baseboard, this most likely means that the joints were puttied before painting. It is known that they are located at a distance of half a meter from each other, a maximum of 70 cm. The first nail is located 10-20 cm from the edge of the wall. So, the crowbar is driven with its pointed end under the baseboard at a distance of 10-20 cm from the edge.

What tools are needed?

It all depends on the material used to make the products. Materials such as wood, PVC, gypsum, and polystyrene can be used to make skirting boards. The plinth can be with or without corners, with decorative elements or without any.

To dismantle a glued or nailed profile yourself, you will need:

  • Mallet.
  • A flathead screwdriver or chisel.
  • Thin spatula or scraper.
  • Wooden wedges.
  • Nail puller.
  • Stationery or shoe knife.
  • Hammer.

Today there is a huge selection of skirting boards: ceiling and floor, made of wood, pvc, polyurethane, polystyrene, metal, plaster, with corners, moldings and decorative elements. And besides this, modern adhesive mixtures attached to glue, nails, putty, etc. with very reliable fixation. It happens that it is incredibly difficult to remove a profile, and you also want to avoid damaging the walls, floor, ceiling, and also not spoil the fillet, especially if it is expensive and needs to be re-glued.

If the baseboards are nailed or glued, you will need the following tools to remove them:

  • chisel or screwdriver with a flattened end;
  • mallet;
  • scraper or small thin, flexible spatula;
  • wooden wedges;
  • crowbar, also known as a nail puller;
  • shoemaker or stationery knife;
  • hammer.

If fastened with screws or self-tapping screws

The heads of self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws are most often recessed into the wood, and you can find them by looking at the holes. In addition, the caps may stick out above the surface, making them even easier to find in this situation. In 3% of cases, the caps are closed with plastic plugs. As you understand, they are also noticeable.

To remove the baseboard you just need to unscrew the screws or self-tapping screws with a screwdriver. In some cases, screws are driven into baseboards. What should I do? A crowbar and the methods for dismantling the baseboard described above come to the rescue.

Removing the plastic floor plinth

Dismantling plastic skirting boards does not cause any difficulties. As a rule, they are used to close the gap between floor covering and the wall, screwing it onto dowels. How to remove a plastic baseboard from the floor?

  1. Remove the trim strip.
  2. Pull the wires out of the cable channel and unscrew the screws.
  3. Once the repair is complete, simply reinstall the baseboard.

The answer to the question of how to remove the baseboard from the floor if it is made of plastic is also no different. All you need to do is:

  • Detach the decorative strip from the mounting strip.
  • Next, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws securing the mounting plate to the wall.
  • Then the mounting strip should simply be separated from the wall.

A plastic plinth mounted on clips is even easier to disassemble. The planks just need to be snapped off from the fasteners, carefully prying them up with something. After wallpapering or painting the wall, you can put it back in place.

MDF skirting boards are attached using mounting fasteners, sometimes with special latches. The plinth on the mounting brackets is mounted on top, the latches are first screwed to the wall, and then the plinth itself is installed on them. To dismantle it, use a wide spatula. It is driven under the baseboard from below and carefully lifted. Or the spatula is driven between the baseboard and the wall and pulled towards itself. The purpose of the action is to remove the baseboard from the latch.

Plastic skirting boards with hidden fastenings are screwed to the wall with screws, after which the fastening area is covered with a special insert. In order to get to the fasteners, you should also use a spatula. When the latch comes away, you need to unscrew the screws or self-tapping screws.

If you have any questions about removing skirting boards from the floor, you can ask questions to the experts working on the site. Write down which dismantling method you used.

If opened with varnish with choppiks

These types of skirting boards are rare, in no more than 5% of cases. When installing skirting boards made from valuable wood, the fastening is done flush. After screwing or nailing, the nail or screw is closed with a chopper.

As a rule, choppiks are drilled out or made using a narrow chisel. Such plinths are most often attached to the wall using screws or self-tapping screws; to dismantle the plinth you just need to unscrew them with a screwdriver. If, after all, the baseboard was nailed, then a crowbar is the ideal solution for its careful removal.

Stucco molding

It is almost impossible to remove the molding without damaging it. Filming stucco decor during renovation, when the decoration does not fit into the updated design. In all other cases, it is better not to touch the stucco molding.

You can try to remove it by running a sharp knife along the joints several times, gradually pushing the blade deeper and deeper.

However, more often than not, tear off molded plinth, without damaging it, it does not work, so it is simply beaten off using a chisel and a hammer.

How to remove a plinth from a stretch ceiling (foam, polystyrene)?

Foam and polystyrene strips are usually mounted with glue. To dismantle such products:

  1. Send a stream to them warm air to soften the adhesive.
  2. Run a knife or spatula along the joint and, carefully prying up the profile, remove it.

Difficult case

Here we are talking, first of all, about wooden products, which are secured with nails or strong adhesive compositions. To successfully remove such a profile, you will have to work hard. Start removing the baseboard from the corner or door.

Polyurethane and wooden profiles for floors and ceilings are removed with a mallet and a thin spatula:

  1. First, run a putty knife along the joint several times to create a small gap.
  2. Now rest the spatula from below, holding the handle close to the wall.
  3. Gently tap the trowel handle with a mallet until the tip of the trowel fits between the wall and the lath.

The plinth appears to be cut from the wall.


  1. To begin with, before removing the plinth, unstitch the seams where the profile meets the floor and wall. As a rule, they are filled with varnish and paint.
  2. Insert the chisel into the gap formed and hammer it in deeper with a hammer.
  3. Now insert a wooden corner into the widened slot.
  4. Repeat all manipulations after one meter, gradually tearing off the baseboard.

The force with which you will act on the crowbar is quite large. Therefore, in order not to damage the floor covering, use thin plywood as a backing.

If wood profile to be disposed of, you can do it even simpler: using a chisel, make a hole near the nail, and then use a nail puller.

Self-tapping screws

To dismantle skirting boards secured with self-tapping screws, it is important to find all their caps. Found it? This means that everything is simple: unscrew them using a screwdriver with reverse or a screwdriver.

Wooden chopsticks

Is the profile fixed with wooden choppers? This mount looks like rounded wooden caps located at the same distance from each other. Wood chips can be removed with a chisel or drilled out.

Wooden and polyurethane skirting boards Usually they are “set” on nails and adhesives that “you can’t tear off with your teeth,” and you have to work hard to remove such a profile. Dismantling should begin from the door or from the corner.

Ceiling and floor skirting boards made of polyurethane are removed using a thin spatula and a mallet. Run a sharp knife along the joint several times to create a small gap. Press the spatula from below, the handle should be almost close to the wall. Use a mallet to tap the handle so that the metal part of the spatula fits between the plank and the wall, as if cutting it off the wall.


Before you take it off floor plinth made of wood, use a knife to stitch the seams where the baseboard meets the wall and floor; usually they are filled with several layers of paint or varnish. From the wall side, insert a chisel into the gap formed and drive it deeper with a hammer. Insert into the resulting gap wooden corner. Repeat the operation after about a meter, gradually tearing off the die.

Step-by-step photo instructions how to remove baseboard from floor

If the profile does not give in, insert a chisel from below, as shown in the photo, and be sure to place a piece of wood under the lever so as not to spoil the coating. Tap with a hammer so that the blade goes in deeper and carefully remove the baseboard.

How to tear off baseboards

It must be said right away that the only task that does not cause any difficulties is how to remove the plastic baseboard. Typically, it is used to seal the joint between the wall and the floor covering, and screw nails onto the dowel. It is enough to remove the decorative strip, remove the wires from the cable channel, unscrew the screws, and after repair, simply install it in place.

To remove PVC profile just unscrew the screws

Stucco molding

It is better not to touch the plaster baguette. Sadly, it is extremely difficult to carefully remove stucco molding; it is dismantled if it is not suitable for the new interior; in other cases, it is better not to touch it. Try, of course, running a knife along the joints several times, each time trying to push the knife deeper. If the mixture on which the fillet is held crumbles, then there is a chance to slowly remove it. But more often than not, it is impossible to tear off the stucco molding; it gets wet and is simply beaten with a hammer and chisel.

Planks made of polystyrene and foam plastic are usually glued with special glue. Before removing the ceiling plinth made of these materials, direct a stream of warm air at it; after a while, the adhesive composition will soften. All that remains is to run a knife or thin spatula along the joint, pry up the profile, and carefully remove it.

Photo diagram of how to remove ceiling plinth

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Names: yellowthroat, European pine marten. Range: Palaearctic distribution - the geographic range extends from Western Siberia across Russia and Europe to Scotland and Ireland, and from the northern limit of tall coniferous forests (in the north
The effect of physical activity on health The effect of physical activity on the body
A healthy lifestyle is the basis of the quality of our existence. If a person does not adhere to the principles that support his body and soul in harmony, then his own “turns his back on him.” A variety of diseases begin that change