What to sow at the end of June. What to plant in June: useful tips. Protection of other nightshade crops

In June, many crops are planted directly from seeds in open ground. Perennial and biennial flowers, early ripening root vegetables and greens are suitable. You can find a place for June sowings even in small garden. Choose vacant beds, trunk circles under young seedlings, and then you will thoroughly enjoy the fall and lush flowering and fresh healthy vegetables.

What flowers to plant in June

Among the flowers to sow in June, choose biennials and perennials:

  • lupine,
  • Clematis Manchurian,
  • cloves,
  • Lychnis crown,
  • mallow,
  • foxglove,
  • medium bell,
  • alpine aster,
  • pansies,
  • daisies,
  • forget-me-nots,
  • Eschscholzia, etc.

They have a long growing season. Many of them will bloom in the fall, others - next year.

Biennial and perennial plants in June can be sown not in separate flower beds, but, for example, in tree trunk circles fruit trees, especially young ones that have not yet had time to enter into active fruiting, have a weakly leafy crown. You can plant flowers in the beds that are freed from dill, parsley and other early ripening crops.


A perennial plant, it does not lose its decorative effect for 4-5 years, then it begins to age. It is better to renew from seeds. Does not require fertilizing.
Lupine comes in various colors, the cultivars are interesting in white, lilac, blue, light blue, yellow flowers. Flowering lupine bushes in the garden look very elegant and can become the center of a flower arrangement.

Seed producers offer both individual varieties one shade, as well as interesting mixtures of flowers of different colors.

Lupine seeds are quite large - sowing them is not difficult:

  1. We deepen it by 0.5-1 cm and water the soil well.
  2. The distance between the holes is 10-15 cm, it can be staggered.

Shoots appear very quickly: the first sprouts can be seen after a few days. In a maximum of 2 weeks, all the seeds will germinate and show green leaves.

Plantings should not be thickened; if necessary, lupine can be replanted - the plant can easily tolerate transplantation. However, it is better to provide shade from the sun and provide proper care. To protect from scorching rays, you can cover the plant with a plastic container or pot.

Clematis Manchurian

This is not the climbing clematis that everyone is used to. Manchurian has small white flowers, erect shoots, up to 1.5 - 2 m per fertile soil and proper care. On poorer soils, they do not exceed 1-1.2 m in height - it all depends on agricultural technology.

Starting to grow great early spring, blooms for a very long time in summer. At the height of the season, the entire plant is covered with white petals, and the bush resembles a blooming cloud.


It is better to sow pansies and viola in cool weather - these conditions are more favorable for germination. Choose days for sowing when the rains begin and there is a slight cooling. It is better to shade the seedlings so that they do not fade in the sun.

They usually bloom in the fall of the year of planting. They remain for the winter and in the spring they delight with early flowering.

Clove Grenadine, Turkish clove

Carnation grenadine has fragrant needle-shaped flowers of various colors, incl. two-color: white, fiery red, rich crimson, soft pink, deep lilac tones. In many regions, carnation grenadine does not overwinter, so it is grown as an annual through seedlings.

If you sow Turkish carnation in June, it will bloom in the fall, overwinter and delight you the next year.


Beautiful perennial. Seeds can be chosen different colors from pompom, pink, white, crimson.

It reproduces by self-sowing, forms clumps, and may even pop up on the lawn, but this is unlikely to spoil it.

Medium bell

Biennial plant, very beautiful. Peduncles are stately, tall, large flowers various bright colors: snow-white, pastel pink, dramatic purple. It will bloom next year.

Lychnis crown

Biennial. It self-sows, is easy to plant, and takes root well in the right place. Spectacularly flaunts all summer with white and bright crimson, fiery flowers - a very long flowering period.


Tall peduncles, on which long bell-shaped flowers are arranged in a dense pyramidal crown of crimson and pink colors. It is very common in yards, blooms late, and is easy to care for.

What vegetables to plant in June

Some crops are sown in June, others - repeatedly. For example, green crops can be planted all summer, constantly renewing the supply of fresh herbs to the table.

Green crops

  • Dill,
  • cilantro,
  • parsley,
  • coriander, etc.

Choose early ripening varieties that sprout quickly and produce greenery.

Green beans

Suitable for June sowings early varieties vegetable, asparagus, and climbing beans. The period from germination to harvest should be 45-60 days. The bushes will have time to grow to a height of 45-50 cm and will be all hung with delicious bean pods. The crop grows quickly, requires minimal care, and loves mulching.

  1. Sweet sash,
  2. Golden saxa,
  3. golden arrow,
  4. Octave,
  5. Golden nectar,
  6. Bona et al.


  • Daikon,
  • Turnip,
  • Margelan radish,
  • Chinese radish,
  • Winter white radish And black etc.

Turnips love watering and potassium fertilizing, then the taste is rich - just what you need. This culture can be considered forgotten and completely in vain. It contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients. And by inventing new recipes with turnips, you will enrich your daily menu with a healthy and budget-friendly product. Varieties with a ripening period of 65-70, 70-80 days are suitable.

Radish It is not difficult to grow, it ripens in 60-70 days. At the same time, the root vegetable is not only tasty and full of vitamins, but also has medicinal properties. Sometimes it’s better to eat radish with honey than to unnecessarily stuff yourself with medicine. Radish is perfectly stored in the cellar in the sand, in the refrigerator.

Daikon– a very early ripening crop, the earliest varieties produce root crops in 35-45 days. Prefers loose soil, abundant watering, fertile soil. Daikon happens different varieties: Round to elongated, with white and bright crimson flesh. In salads it is not only beautiful, but also healthy.

In June there will be a lot of work in the garden and garden. For the most part, all work is related to planting. Many novice summer residents ask: “ What to plant in June in the garden?. In this article we will try to answer this question in great detail and draw up a kind of calendar for gardeners and gardeners. It should be noted that the tips below are relevant for vegetable growers who live in middle lane: Moscow and Moscow region, the entire Central part of Russia, the Volga region and regions with similar climatic conditions.

In June, as in May, everyone strives to get out to the dacha to plant vegetables. In June, stable warm weather has already established itself, so all plantings can be actively carried out in open ground.

What to plant vegetables in open ground in June?

At the beginning of the month, seedlings can be planted in open ground. You can sow beets, sorrel, parsley,...

Particular attention should be paid to transporting seedlings. If you are transporting seedlings over a long distance, you should tie the bunches of plants with a wet cloth. In June the weather is already hot and during transportation the seedlings may simply dry out. It is recommended to plant seedlings in the evening to avoid strong sun. Overnight, the seedlings will have time to take root in the new place, and the shock during transplantation will not be so great for it.

After planting, the seedlings must be well watered and mulched. For these purposes, you can use peat, sawdust or straw. This will help retain moisture longer.

You can also do this throughout the month. This crop is grown several times in one season. If the variety is early ripening, then you can plant it at the beginning of the month and get the first harvest at the end.

June is the best month for planting seedlings of warm-season crops, such as watermelons and melons.

In June, it is very important to prevent active weed growth. They should be removed periodically using .

What to plant in June from flowers?

You can plant a lot in June various colors. chrysanthemums, asters, dahlias, marigolds. This season they will still have time to please you with their beautiful color. They need to be planted at the beginning of the month or at least in the first half.

The same can be done in the first half of the month.

Not every gardener or gardener can boast of a large plot of land on which he carefully grows edible and inedible plants. Available small space you have to use it rationally, thinking in advance about what you can plant in your garden in June to get a rich harvest.

Start summer season ideal for growing tasty, aromatic and healthy greens in the garden. If you comply with all agrotechnical requirements, then after 1-2 months you will be able to eat your own grown herbs: , mustard, cilantro, basil, onion, celery, lettuce. It is also allowed to plant fennel or garlic in June.

It is worth taking a closer look at the rules for caring for the most popular representatives of the Apiaceae and Lamiaceae families among gardeners.

  • Dill.

The second half of June is more suitable for planting it. It is recommended to place the spice in beds next to earlier vegetable crops, such as radishes or cucumbers. Direct sun rays should get to this area only before lunch.

Pre-soaking the seeds immediately before planting in warm water will speed up the ripening process.

It is important to prepare the soil moist and fertilized. Bushes need to be thinned regularly. Harvesting of finished greens begins after 35 days.

  • Basil.

Planting it does not require a lot of space, but the area must still be sufficiently illuminated and fertilized with humus. To reduce the likelihood of frost, it is better to plant basil after June 15th.

Apply mineral fertilizers 2 times a month is possible, but during the flowering period it is worth reducing watering. By the way, it is on these days that the crop gives the greatest aroma and is suitable for cutting.

  • Fennel.

This plant is usually sown after June 20th. For its proper growth, it is better to choose a site that is not too sunny or even slightly shaded. Fennel loves regular watering and loose soil. Literally after 2 weeks the first shoots become noticeable.

The plants mentioned above cannot be called demanding. Even if several summer days are cold and rainy, they will bravely endure all adversity. The main thing after this is to organize them careful care and replenishment with vitamins.


Inexperienced summer residents think that it is too late to garden in June and that all sowing work should be done in the spring - this is a misconception. It is in early summer that you need to start planting vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, beets, and eggplants. For their normal growth, the necessary conditions must be maintained.

  1. Regular nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus fertilizing helps combat dry weather.
  2. It will be very useful to add peat, sawdust or humus to the soil.
  3. It is advisable to protect the roots from the scorching sun.
  4. A few deep waterings per week is sufficient.

Carrots can be placed in the beds both in the first and last ten days of June. Experienced summer residents prefer areas where potatoes, dill or parsley previously grew. You need to choose a place for planting that is illuminated, but not under the scorching sun. The varieties “Flakke” and “Chantane” are popular.

It is important to keep the material for sowing for 6-7 days. hot water and then harden it in refrigeration chamber. After this procedure, the first shoots will appear within 4-5 days.

Do not forget about regular loosening of the soil. As a rule, carrots begin to be harvested in September, before the onset of the first frost.

Tomatoes are a favorite crop of gardeners. First of all, you need to prepare for seedlings small size holes where to carefully place superphosphate. It is recommended to leave a row spacing of at least 80 cm, and place the tops of the crop in a southerly direction. Sluggish material needs to be pinched before planting. It is better to plant after June 12th.

Tomatoes love sun, loamy or sandy loam soils and abundant watering twice a week. Only red fruits need to be collected. Artificial ripening spoils the taste.

Heat-loving plants

On open area land, you can begin to plant heat-loving plant varieties in mid-June. Additionally, it is worth hardening the seedlings to increase their endurance before planting. This will reduce the likelihood that the plant will die from unexpected frosts. Of course, a lot depends on the region you live in and the prevailing weather there, but sometimes it’s better to play it safe.

Craftsmen know that the opening of the summer season should begin with growing cucumbers, cabbage, and peppers in the garden. It is recommended to buy cold-resistant varieties. At night, seedlings often have to be covered with film to keep warm, and at the very beginning (the first 2-3 weeks), young bushes need to be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. A paper cap is also suitable for these purposes.

If we talk about cucumbers, then it is better to prepare high beds for them. Fresh manure should be poured into small holes dug (up to 25 cm), and after 3-4 days, cucumber seedlings should be planted. During this time, the earth will have time to warm up and become saturated with minerals (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus). The readiness of the seedlings for the procedure is indicated by the presence of 5-7 leaves on the stem, the height of which, in turn, should be at least 18 cm. Like any other plant, cucumbers must be periodically hilled and fed, and immediately get rid of emerging pests. Harvesting is usually done as the fruits ripen.


June is excellent for planting seedlings of melons, in particular. However, it is worth considering that such plants are heat-loving, require a lot of space, and are generally capricious to care for.

At the end of June, namely from the 18th to the 28th, representatives of the legume family should be planted, preceded by potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes. The air temperature should reach 22 0 C, and the soil temperature - about 10-16 0 C.

Beans should be planted in a checkerboard pattern; seeding occurs with seeds previously soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. The soil can be pre-mulched to avoid strict watering and loosening regimes. Just regular weeding will be enough. Gardeners reap the first ripe fruits already in August, and this process usually ends in October. Harvest periods vary depending on the variety and weather conditions.

It is important to produce before June 15, and you need to buy varieties that will ripen quickly. The peas are usually placed in furrows carefully fertilized with compost, and the first sunrises are observed after 8-9 days. At making the right choice seed material Summer residents manage to harvest legumes 2-3 times per season. However, if the summer is too hot, the plants will have to be watered abundantly, sometimes several times a day.

If you decide to engage in planting work on your plot of land in June, then a gardener (especially a beginner) should adhere to certain rules and recommendations.

So, what advice do experts give?

  • In hot weather, plant adaptation is slower and much more difficult, so planting is best done in the late afternoon or on a cloudy day.
  • Prepared seedlings must first be kept for fresh air so that she can acclimatize.
  • It is important not only to water the beds, but also to mulch them, especially during drought.
  • If the seedlings of tomatoes or cucumbers have already outgrown, then it is better to place them not in holes, but in furrows.

Interesting fact!

Dill (especially during the flowering period), planted near cabbage, helps reduce the amount harmful insects on this vegetable crop. This little trick will help even an inexperienced gardener get an excellent harvest with minimal costs and effort.

Work on planting vegetables, herbs and legumes in the summer by no means ends, but, on the contrary, is just beginning, so don’t rack your brains and come up with ideas on your own personal plot. Plant whatever your heart desires. With proper planting and proper care, you will be able to please not only yourself, but also your loved ones with delicious vegetable and melon crops, and aromatic herbs.

What can you plant in your garden in June?

If you have lost plants that take a long time to mature and are grown through seedlings, such as tomatoes or peppers, then there are two options: buy ready-made seedlings or sow something else in their place. Well, don’t let the land be empty! And there are several crops that are sown in June.

Cabbage is a cold-resistant plant, so it is usually sown at the end of April. But broccoli can be sown in June - it ripens in only 80 days and manages to produce a harvest by the end of August.

Sowing. Seeds are sown for seedlings in the first half of April to a depth of 1.5 cm. Or directly into open ground in May - early June. Seedlings are planted in beds in the first half of May.

Sowing pattern: 30 - 35 cm in a row, 50 cm between rows.

Mustard leaf
Well, what is a Russian dish without spicy mustard? It is equally good for growing in open ground and under film throughout the season, with sowing every 15 - 20 days. And, by the way, mustard is an excellent green manure. It cleanses the soil of diseases and serves excellent fertilizer- if everything is not eaten, the tops can be dug up along with the soil. And the garden bed will become fertile!

Sowing. Seeds can be sown from mid-April to mid-September at a depth of 1 cm.

Sowing pattern: 6 - 8 cm in a row, 10 - 15 cm between rows.

Chinese cabbage
This variety of cabbage is also early-ripening, ripening in about 70 days, so it can be safely sown in the summer. Only here there is a peculiarity - even now it must be grown through seedlings.

Planting pattern: 40 cm in a row, 40 cm between rows.

Corn salad
Delicate leaves with a taste of France... Yes, yes, that’s exactly how they talk about this wonderful plant. It has an amazing tart aroma and an exquisite spicy sweetish-nutty taste. This is precisely why French chefs favor him. And not only French - corn is used in almost all cuisines of the world. And all because it fits perfectly with most of the widest variety of products. Botanists call this plant Valerianella oleracea - seeds are often sold under the same name in stores. The salad looks very nice - it forms small neat rosettes 10 - 40 cm high with many glossy leaves.

Sowing. Seeds are sown immediately in open ground at several times - from mid-April to the end of August to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm.

Sowing pattern: between rows 20 cm, in a row - 10 - 15 cm.

Monarda tubular
If you like to drink tea, then monarda should definitely grow on your site - it is so fragrant! You can dry it in the summer and then in the cold winter evenings brew and remember warm days. In addition, the monarda is very beautiful. The plant forms powerful, dense bushes 65 - 120 cm high. In July - August, charming lilac corollas appear at the ends of the shoots, collected in spectacular inflorescences. Each contains 190 - 240 flowers! And this beauty lasts 50 days. It is best to plant monarda in flower beds - it is perennial. Looks good in combination with phlox, aconite, cosmos, sapling, rudbeckia, goldenrod, heliopsis and perennial grasses. And, of course, with roses. Moreover, this plant will decorate the flower garden not only in summer, but also in winter - its dry inflorescences are also very decorative.

Monarda will also bring benefits to the garden: it fragrant flowers attract pollinating insects and birds, which happily peck the seeds, and at the same time destroy pests.

Sowing. Seeds are sown immediately in open ground in June - July to a depth of 0.5 cm. Or for seedlings in late March - early April. Seedlings are planted in open ground in mid-May.

Sowing pattern: distance between plants - 25 - 30 cm.


Ways to help plants after a cold snap
What to do with the victims?

Shade. Many heat-loving crops, as a rule, are also light-loving - they are planted in the sunniest areas. But the hot sun will harm the affected plants - they will evaporate a lot of water, and it is needed to restore leaves and shoots.

Non-fabric can be used as sun protection - it allows light to pass through, but does not allow the plants to overheat.

Feed. To recover, plants need good food, so they need to be fed.

Potatoes - nitrogen: nitrophoska, urea or ammonium nitrate. In this case, it is better to reduce the dose indicated in the instructions by a third.
Vegetable crops need complex feeding: 10 g of nitrophoska, ammophoska or nitroammophoska per 1 sq. m. Fertilizers should be evenly scattered over the surface of the soil and covered with a rake. And then water it.
Leaves vegetable crops it is necessary to additionally spray with a cocktail of microelements: 2 g of copper, manganese and boron per 10 liters of water.
Strawberries will also need complex fertilizer: 1 tbsp. spoon of nitroammophoska per 10 liters of water. Consumption rate - 0.5 l per bush. Water nutrient solution better in the evening or early in the morning.
Fruit trees and berry bushes It is also useful to pour nitroammophoska: 50 g per 10 liters of water.

Treat. There are two effective biostimulants that help plants survive stress, bad weather, and recover from damage. These are "Epin-extra" and "Zircon".

"Epin-extra" is a phytohormone. It mobilizes internal processes and stimulates its growth. And besides this, it helps to increase immunity - this is very important, because weakened plants are immediately attacked by diseases. The healing solution is prepared as follows: 1 ampoule of the drug is diluted in 5 liters of water. It is better to boil the water first - “Epin-extra” is destroyed in an alkaline environment, and in garden wells and wells the water is usually a large number salts You need to spray the entire plant, trying to treat not only top part leaves, but also the lower one. The procedure is repeated every 7 - 10 days until the plant is completely restored. And one more thing: “Epin-extra” does not tolerate the sun - it evaporates from the solution, so you need to spray it in the evening.
"Zircon" has a similar effect and is used in the same way. To prepare the solution, 1 ml of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

How to replace those who died?

Cucumbers, zucchini, melons, and watermelons in open ground, as a rule, do not survive even mild cold snaps. Therefore, instead of dead plants, new ones can be sown. However, now reconsider your assortment - late varieties there is no point in sowing, they will not have time to ripen. Sow early or mid-early - these are guaranteed to yield a harvest. You can sow them directly in the same holes.

You will have to care for June crops a little differently than May crops. In May there is still a supply of moisture in the soil. And at the beginning of summer it is usually hot and the seedlings suffer from lack of water. For those who live in the country, this is a small problem - you can water the crops at least every day. By the way, it’s better to do just that.

But weekend summer residents will have to do extra work. The seedlings should be watered abundantly so that the soil gets wet to a greater depth, and after watering, the beds should be mulched with grass or hay - they will help retain moisture in the soil longer. If it is not possible to pick herbs, a black non-woven fabric will do.

Greetings to all my readers!

Today we will talk about what can you plant in June, despite the fact that the heat simply drives belated gardeners crazy.Don't lose your spirit! The time has not yet passed for planting seedlings of cabbage, zucchini, pumpkins, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, physalis, and okra. Continue to plant potatoes, sow beets, sorrel, dill, carrots, parsley, onions, turnips, plant asters, dahlias, sow escholzia, . What goes around comes around!

If you are transporting planting material , make special adjustments for the heat. Be sure to wrap, close, and tie the bunches of seedlings with a damp cloth, and at the dacha, do not rush to stick the roots into the garden bed. Place the baskets in a cool basement and replant only in the evening, when the heat has subsided.

Planted - water, sprinkle peat over the hole so that the earth does not turn to stone, cover the stems with paper caps, otherwise it will be too bright summer sun It will burn the sprouts: they will whiten them like paper and dry them out.

A sure sign that the seedlings have taken root and begun to grow is gutation: 2 - 3 days after planting, early in the morning, droplets of juicy dew appear on the edges of the leaves of the established seedlings. So everything is fine.

By the way, about summer potato plantings. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Igor Rybakov, in particular, spoke about the “Belarusian” method - how to get 20 kilograms of ware potatoes from one tuber. Prepare a bed measuring 2 by 2 meters, dig it thoroughly with the addition of rotted manure in the amount of two buckets, two handfuls of ash and matchbox superphosphate. In the center of it, transplant a well-developed potato bush, which has grown 20 centimeters, with a clod of earth. Bend the stems to the ground and cover them so that they are directed in different directions and only the tops stick out. Water it. In 2 weeks they will grow another 20 centimeters. You will put them on the ground again and sprinkle them again and water them with mullein solution (a bucket of manure per 100 liters of water). It will develop in the underground part of the stem root system and stolons with tubers. The tops above the ground will turn green and reach towards the sun. Soon you will bend them down again and cover them with 5 centimeters of earth, then again. The result is a potato bed with green stems along the edges and a mountain of tubers in the center.

Here's a very interesting message about summer carrots: it was sown at the end of June. The bed was well dug up and loosened. Furrows were drawn on it 25 centimeters apart and seeds were sown at the bottom of the furrows (and not on the ridges, as usual). The carrots managed to grow magnificently by the end of September. The point, it seems, is this. During irrigation and rain, all the water rolled off the scallops to the bottom of the grooves where the carrots grew. In addition, by the end of June, they completely stopped their devastating raids on vegetable gardens. So the carrots were a success.

While sowing, let’s not forget to take care of the beds. Don't let the weeds rear their heads. And for this you will have to go through the rows with a flat cutter once or twice a week. If in the beds with your radishes, turnips, cabbage it is already harmful, making holes in the leaves, it is useful to powder the plants with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust. Or use the “rattler” that I wrote about here.

Look if the cabbage in your garden is starting to turn red.- it's out of grief! You know, cabbage fly larvae eat the seedlings. Get down, gardener, on your knees in front of her and rake the earth away from the stems and hill up again, even higher. The poor mounds at the very roots should be sprinkled with mothballs. Flies “respect” such concerns about cabbage.

Well, it's time to finish. Dear friends! I will be glad to see your additions and feedback about the article “” in the garden. See you!

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