What to do if there is not enough water in the well. What to do if there is little water in the well? Measures to eliminate the problem Old well not enough water what to do

Having our own well on the property is always a joy, because it provides us with clean and tasty water, free of rust and chlorine. However, it often happens that the bottom of the well suddenly begins to decline, or even becomes completely exposed.

A dry well is not a reason to dig a new one, since it can be “brought back to life” with a few in simple ways

Reasons for falling water levels

There are several reasons why the water level drops:

1. If a well is built on high water, then the replenishment of moisture reserves in it completely depends on the amount of precipitation. Consequently, during dry weather, the problem of water shortage arises.

2. A well dug during a flood or after it can also sooner or later surprise you with a barely covered bottom. When the soil dries out, the water in the well disappears.

3. The water level in the well may also drop due to the fact that it is built on quicksand, and the water is being pumped out very actively.

4. The last reason for this phenomenon may be the absence of a casing ring in the well, since in this case the water upper levels may go into lower layers of the earth.

What to do if water leaves the well?

Today there are few methods for restoring the water level in a well, but they give good results and have been successfully used for decades.

First of all, we are talking about cleaning wells. If this is not done, the water not only deteriorates, but may also decrease.

If the water level has dropped after cleaning, the well must be dug further, which involves deepening it with the help of additional rings. If the rings in the well have a diameter of 1 meter, then they are supplemented with products with a diameter of 0.8 m. In cases where the well is built on sandy soil, its deepening can be done using standard KS-10-9 rings.

The well is often the only source drinking water in gardening societies or small towns. And often their residents are faced with the fact that water has left the well.
Sometimes for a while, sometimes forever. Why does this happen and what to do in such a situation?

Reasons for wells drying up

A dry spring is not just a nuisance. If there isn't another one nearby, it's a real disaster. Because, as a rule, not one, but all or most wells in the area dry up. What could this be connected with?

Most often - with a decrease in level groundwater, which may be caused by:

  • Carrying out reclamation work;
  • Artificial modification of the landscape;
  • Changing the bed of an underground stream;
  • Aquifer depletion due to dry weather.

The last circumstance is the most common reason why water leaves the well. Moreover, drying out or a significant decrease may be temporary, seasonal.

During the year, periods of maximum and minimum water levels can be distinguished:

  • The maximums correspond to seasonal floods and are observed twice - in mid-spring and mid-autumn, when active snow melting or frequent and heavy rains occur. As a result, the groundwater level rises, and wells fill well and are quickly restored after pumping.
  • Minima occur in the absence of external recharge to aquifers and correspond to the end of summer and the end of winter. In the first case, this occurs due to hot weather and lack of rain, in the second, due to freezing of the soil and the formation of a waterproof layer on the surface of the earth that does not allow surface water to pass through.

Seasonal drying out or a decrease in level are temporary phenomena. With the arrival of the rainy season, the filling of the well (see) is restored, but this is not a consolation for those who need water here and now, so they have to think about how to correct the situation.

For reference. After a long summer drought in 2010, groundwater levels dropped sharply over vast areas. The result was widespread drying out; water returned only after a year, and some remained dry.

Other reasons include silting at the bottom of the well or improper placement of water-lifting equipment (sump pump). In the first case, cleaning and flushing can help, in the second, reinstalling the pump. The instructions recommend placing it or check valve water-lifting station at a distance of 30-50 cm from the bottom.

Where do water problems occur?

The video in this article shows that, in general, water is usually low in certain places:

  • In hilly and mountainous areas.
  • The side of the steeper bank near the rivers.
  • A well next to springs, ponds, artesian springs.
  • Areas of quarries and large water intakes.
  • Places where acacias and beech accumulate.
  • Low quality water is found in drained swamps and swampy areas.
  • The side of the lower bank of the river, where there is a high concentration of manganese and iron in the water, even in a remote place that is even a few hundred meters from the shore.

What to do

Even during construction, it must be taken into account that its filling depends on the rate of water inflow and the volume of the well itself. In turn, the filling rate is directly related to the thickness of the aquifer.

It is not for nothing that in the old days, before digging wells, they explored the most favorable places.
It is still produced today, but more modern methods and with more accurate results.

There are several options for solving the problem, but first you should make sure that it makes sense to use them, since in most cases it is much easier to dig a new well than to try to revive the old one.


The first step is to determine why it is leaving or why you no longer have enough volume. If the cause is contamination, incorrect operation or incorrect position of the pump, it will be easy to eliminate.

If a similar situation has developed among neighbors, it means that as a result of drought or other circumstances described above, the aquifer has gone deeper, and the well will have to be deepened.

Unfortunately, this work requires enormous labor and expense. The cost of a new well is often much lower than rebuilding a dry one, so it makes more economic sense to dig a new water source.

But this is not always possible or may not be desirable for the following reasons:

  • Great depth of the aquifer;
  • There is no space on the site for new construction;
  • The well is in excellent condition and the water in it is good quality(there is no guarantee that it will be the same in another place).

Then an inspection of the structure should be carried out. If the well frame (its underground part) is rotten or lopsided, or if the rings have shifted relative to each other by more than 4-5 cm, there is no other way out - you need to look for a place for another source or drill a well.

Pay attention! When deepening, there is a risk of subsidence of the underground part of the structure, blocking the aquifer and the risk of contact with quicksand, which can damage buildings located nearby.

Preparatory work

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to complete the following preparations:

  • Dismantle the above-ground part of the well;
  • Pump out water if there is any;
  • Carefully disconnect and lift the water-lifting equipment;
  • Strengthen the walls of the well by installing staples at all seams to prevent deformation and rupture of the column.

After which the time will come to decide on the method of deepening and whether you will do this difficult work with your own hands or use the services of specialists. The second option is more expensive, but preferable, since experience in this matter is very important, and the presence of special equipment gives more guarantees of success.

Filter recess

This is the least labor-intensive method, which basically involves drilling a well at the bottom of a well. You will need a pipe with a diameter of 500 mm with a filter at the end. You can make it yourself by drilling holes at one end of the pipe and tightening it with a fine-mesh stainless steel mesh.

The finished pipe is installed at the bottom of the well and, using a bailer, they begin to select soil from it, gradually lowering the filter deeper and deeper until it reaches the aquifer. After which the bottom is filled concrete mortar, and pumping equipment is installed on the resulting site.

As a result, you will achieve two goals at once:

  • Restore the drinking source;
  • Get the caisson– an underground chamber in which the air temperature will not drop below zero degrees even in winter. Of course, subject to the construction of the lid.
    The pump in the caisson will not get wet from precipitation and freeze in winter, providing you with water all year round.

Advice. The caisson can be used as a cellar or storage space garden tools, equipment, gas cylinder, etc.

Deepening by digging

The mine goes deeper in various ways and techniques using plastic pipes, smaller rings, and digging. Deepening takes into account many factors - these are the properties of the soil, the depth of groundwater, and the ability to hold the walls of the mine without the risk of subsidence.


  • The digging method involves a set of activities similar to the process of digging a well.
  • This case involves completely pumping out the water, lowering a specialist to the bottom of the well, who removes the soil so that the column’s own weight settles concrete rings down.
  • New rings are installed on top.
  • It should be noted that the method is labor intensive and there is a high risk of work, because the rings could lose their strength, and the shrinkage process could even destroy them.
  • In addition, the work must be done at a very high pace so that the settling rings do not become distorted or pinched.
  • Otherwise, the column will not be able to lower and you will have to spend a significant amount of additional work to level the verticality of the structure.
  • Something unpleasant happened, and the barrel leaned to the side or went in a screw direction; the indentation is made with smaller rings.
  • Another outcome of the case, when at the base of the well lies sandy soil or quicksand, but the trunk has retained its verticality, then a plastic pipe is used again, again with a smaller diameter of 0.9 m.
  • When the mine is bent, the bottom is lowered plastic pipe with 0.7 m in diameter.
  • As you can see, various techniques Well restorations are not only used individually, but also in combination.

To make sure that the thickness of the reached layer is sufficient, water is pumped out from the well completely or to a certain level and the time required for it to reach the norm is measured.


It is best to deepen the well in winter or late autumn, when groundwater is at its lowest level and in a calm state. This will allow you not to return to such expensive and time-consuming work to restore it. You can get more detailed information by watching the video in this article on this topic.

Hosts summer cottages where the main source of water is a classic well, they are often faced with an unpleasant situation when there is little water in the well - what to do to revive such a water intake? Depending on the reason for the drop in volume and technical condition mines, experts advise to carry out repairs, clean the bottom or deepen the shaft. You cannot do without professional help: there are cases when it is not possible to restore the flow rate, and the only way out is to equip a well or dig a new well.

It is the wells that are most susceptible to changes in the amount of liquid inside the shaft due to design features, shallow water intake depth, where aquifers are unstable.

What determines the amount of water and level stability?

Search for defects, precise definition the reasons why there is little water in the well allow you to plan further restoration work, predict their results. Analyze technical features and soil composition.

Surface water intake – main reason flow rate instability

Tube and shaft wells are conventionally classified according to the source of water filling:

  1. Cumulative. They are characterized by slow filling - after complete drainage, restoration of the level is observed within 10 days. Standard thickness The water column varies from 3 to 8 rings (with a ring height of 90 - 100 cm). The influx of liquid occurs through the walls of the shaft and seepage from the bottom. The low inflow rate is explained by the lack strong pressure fluids within an aquifer.
  2. Key. The water intake, located directly above the springs gushing through the sand layer, is characterized by a higher rate of water inflow when favorable conditions and absence of pollution, but low flow rate. After complete pumping, level recovery is observed after several hours, maximum 2-3 days. If there is little water in such a well, there may be dirt or foreign objects at the bottom that are blocking the access of liquid inside the barrel.
  3. River. Wells that draw water from underground rivers are distinguished by their great depth and stable flow rate. The height of the water column usually does not exceed 150 cm, but the restoration of the level after pumping occurs almost instantly. The reason that there is little water in a river well is a change in the course of the underground stream. The situation can only be corrected by digging a new trunk.

Diagram: how and where liquid enters the mine

Why is there little water in the well?

The reasons why the level in an old source drops, or there is little water in a new, just dug well, are varied. Conventionally, all negative factors that affect the volume of liquid and filling speed are shared by:

  • Natural seasonal factors.

Natural reduction in volume occurs during the dry season

  • Natural composition, soil moisture saturation.
  • The occurrence of technical defects in the shaft of the structure.
  • Errors on different stages arrangement.

Natural factors for reducing flow rate: temporary difficulties

If there is little water in a constantly used well, perhaps the reason is a seasonal drop in flow rate. Since all shallow springs penetrated only to the first sandy horizon are considered groundwater, the amount of water in the mine directly depends on the amount of water in the aquifer. A natural decrease in fluid volume is observed several times throughout the year:

  • Late summer (August, early September). During the period when precipitation is minimal, there is a sharp drop in the volume of water in wells.
  • End of winter. In the process of freezing and the absence of liquid entering the soil from the high water, similarly summer period, flow rate decreases.

If a well with little water was dug during a drought, then there is no need to correct the situation and deepen the mine. The flow rate will recover on its own after the soil is saturated with liquid. In new sources, a gradual increase in inflow is observed: the stabilization process takes about 30–45 days.

A decrease in water volume can occur regardless of the time of year if the amount of average annual precipitation over the last 12 months is less than 65–60% of the norm for a particular area.

Experts always dig wells during periods of minimum groundwater levels

To minimize seasonal fluctuations in water levels, experts recommend digging wells during the driest period: if there is water at a certain depth in August-September, then its amount will only increase throughout the year.

What to do if the wells were dug not during a drought, but there is still not enough water? If after a stabilization period and buildup the level has not increased, you will have to contact the specialists who carried out the slaughter: such a source will have to be deepened.

Technical reasons: design defects and improper operation

A sharp drop in the liquid level in a previously working well makes one suspect serious structural defects. To establish why there was little water in the well in the middle of the season, when the decrease in inflow cannot be associated with the amount of precipitation, it is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the shaft and the bottom.

Structural defects:

  • Loss of tightness of seams between reinforced concrete rings in the shaft. Clay and sand are washed through the cracks, which settle at the bottom and block the flow of water from low-pressure rocks. Often, when quicksand enters, it becomes impossible to clean the shaft completely and repair the well.

  • Separation of the lower ring with a displacement to the side. In this case, the situation is aggravated not only by horizontal, but also by vertical displacement. Violation of integrity leads to complete drying of the well.

Separation of the lower ring with slight displacement

  • Siltation due to use vibration pump. Constant vibration lifts clay from the bottom and contributes to the formation of a mud plug at the bottom.

If water penetrates into the well not from the bottom, but through the walls, then the reason for the drop in volume may be clogging of the inflow cracks with sediments and clay. In this case, cleaning gives good results.

If, on the contrary, after cleaning there is little water in the well, you should analyze the composition of the bottom filter: wrong selection minerals, layers that are too thick may block liquid penetration.

Construction errors: why there is no water in the new well

The most accessible and easiest to install well requires careful professional analysis at the stage of planning and site selection. Incorrectly calculated depth is the main mistake that leads to a situation where there is little water in the new well. The decision on the depth of the pit should not be made based solely on the economic component and the depth of neighboring sources. In two adjacent areas, the depth of one water carrier may differ by 5–10 m.

To avoid having to increase the amount of water in the well by deepening it in the future, it is necessary to take into account both the composition and saturation of the soil with water in the vertical where digging is planned. A point puncture is performed to remove the clay. Rock analysis will help you avoid getting into an unfavorable dense formation through which water cannot flow freely, or quicksand that will ruin any well.

One more possible reason the fact that there was suddenly very little water in the well - construction or arrangement of a source on a neighbor’s property. What to do? If there is no severe disruption of the water carrier, then the flow rate can be restored on its own in 1 - 2 months. If the reason for drying up is a neighbor's well, then you will have to dig a new well, which does not guarantee that there will be enough water in it.

Methods for increasing water in a well shaft

How to increase water flow in a home well? The specific method is chosen after determining the cause of the drying. It is necessary to calculate how much repairs and deepening will cost and what is the likelihood of restoring the inflow. If specialists cannot guarantee complete success repair work, it is worth thinking about constructing a well: deep sources are more stable and durable, and the water quality practically does not suffer from the penetration of groundwater.

Cleaning and deepening

The main measures to both increase the flow rate and improve the quality of water in the well are professional cleaning and deepening. The work is always carried out comprehensively: cleaning is needed in order to assess the real condition of the bottom and walls, to predict the feasibility and result of deepening.

Recess with the formation of walls with a plastic pipe

The source is deepened directly in the mine: manually or using drilling equipment. The method is effective if an error is detected in the initial determination of the depth - when digging a well, work was stopped when it reached the ground water carrier, or the shaft was deepened to too hard soil.

The feasibility of the work is also influenced by the composition of the formation in the lower part: if you have to crush boulders and stones and lift them to the surface, it is better to dig a new well.

When there is no point in reviving a well

It is better to order the slaughter of a full-fledged well or dig a new source, instead of looking for a method to increase the volume of water in the old well, if:

  • There is destruction of the trunk: lined metal sheets the walls are rusty, the lower rings are torn off and greatly displaced.
  • The quality of the water does not meet the standards, and the liquid constantly contains foreign impurities that change color and transparency.

Dirty water and misaligned rings: serious repairs needed

  • The well is old and after cleaning the situation worsened.
  • There are violations of the verticality of the trunk.

Barrel tilt and wall depressurization

  • Deepening has already been carried out once - the procedure is carried out only once and to the maximum possible depth.

Deepening technique: solving the issue with the amount of water

Before choosing the best way to increase the volume of water in the well, it is necessary to conduct a complete cleaning and preventive inspection.

Inspection and repair: strengthening and sealing

Before starting work, the well must be completely drained. To do this, pump out the water with a pump, preferably a drainage one, which copes with dirty water. After draining the mine, the master lowers himself into the well.

A pump lowered into the shaft speeds up the process

A superficial inspection is carried out and the water level before and after the drop in flow rate is noted using marks on the walls. A simple manipulation will tell you the exact amount of inflow reduction.

If there is no drainage pump, then the sludge solution is lifted in buckets

Cleaning the walls starts from the top. Scrapers are used to clear the surface of deposits throughout the entire depth of the trunk. Assess the condition of the seams. If the source is made of reinforced concrete rings, it is necessary to strengthen the fasteners between the rings.

Installing brackets is a mandatory step

Even if the rings are equipped with factory locks, the seams are additionally secured with vertical staples made from reinforcement: after deepening, the rings may lose their grip and move. Seams equipped with staples are sealed with special waterproof compounds.

After cleaning and sealing the shafts, they begin to extract bottom sediments. One master works at the bottom, the other lifts containers with sludge to the surface. To increase the water level in a well, sometimes it is enough to remove debris from the bottom.

Manual method of increasing depth

To increase the inflow, the bottom of the well is deepened. A single-stage deepening is carried out at 2.7 - 3 m. In fact, the installation of 2 - 3 new reinforced concrete rings will be required. But the walls of the recess must be inside the existing trunk: rings of a smaller diameter are selected. If the mine is equipped with rings with a diameter of 1 m, then rings with a diameter of 90 cm are placed inside the dug shaft.

Use smaller diameter rings

The digging process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. It may be necessary to repeatedly pump out the incoming fluid. The excavated soil is lifted with a container attached to a cable or with a winch. Work does not stop until the planned depth is reached.

Digging manually: you have to work in the mud

The rings are installed as they pass to a sufficient depth and the elements are fixed with brackets and the joints are sealed.

A bottom filter is formed at the bottom, selecting minerals and the thickness of the filling, guided by the composition of the aquifer. A special block with a shield is installed on the quicksand metal mesh, which will protect the bottom from clogging.

Use of drilling equipment: how to deepen a hole

To increase the amount of water in a well, at the bottom of which there is difficult-to-pass soil or a rocky layer, a deep drilling technique is used. In this case, instead of forming a full-fledged trunk, drilling is performed with the installation of a casing pipe with a filter.


  • Completely clear the bottom of silt.

Cleaning the bottom from silt

  • A drill (manual) or a drilling rig is used to penetrate to the planned depth. If the soil composition is homogeneous, use spiral drill, on hard rocks or when hitting a stone, use a chisel.
  • After reaching the water carrier, install pipes: use plastic or PVC pipes large diameter. There should be vertical slots at the lower end of the column to allow water to rise smoothly.

Plastic pipe is much easier to install

Video: deepening the shaft with rings

The video shows the process of resuscitation of a well located on quicksand.

It will be possible to assess how much the water inflow has increased only after a few weeks. After completing the work, carry out the standard procedure of pumping and washing. The walls are disinfected with bleach, and the water is completely pumped out several times. Wait for the level to rise and repeat the operation 2 – 3 times. After the end of the stabilization period, they check whether the flow rate has been restored.

It is unacceptable to deepen the well shaft yourself. In addition to the fact that it is difficult even for specialists to predict the effectiveness of the procedure, performing work at depth is dangerous. A well shaft is a technically complex facility and the likelihood of errors is high. The slightest miscalculations can lead to the fact that it will no longer be possible to restore the water level, because the shaft cannot be deepened again.

Tell me what is best to do in this situation.
The well was made in July 2015 in the Tuchkovo area. 11 rings, the entire column is the most severe clay, the last 1.5-2 rings are fine sand-clay in which the water flowed (an aquifer and also false quicksand, as I understood from other branches and descriptions of Ladomir). The entire pillar sank extremely slowly and at that moment the guys could not dig any further (I was present all the way) it was very much washed away from under the rings good arrival there was water and it washed away the fine sand around the lower rings (unfortunately, the pump they brought in did not lift from this depth or broke - woe to the master!). That's it.
Since there is no place to live there yet, the well was pumped as much as possible and the builders used roughly 3 buckets a day. The plots have summer water supply. All summer and autumn the water was 1.8 rings, that is, 1.4 meters. The arrival was amazing, if you pump out until the frog is triggered, there is always ~50 cm of water remaining (the sba pump as recommended by Ladomir on the neighboring branches), and the water from the bottom is bubbling and bubbling. Of course, the turbidity also rises slightly. According to calculations, it turned out to be 800 liters, since this pump fired everything in 12 minutes. Back the level was restored somewhere in half a day, but certainly within a day. In general, this suits me, but taking into account the subsequent silting or raising of the bottom, I sincerely wanted to have 3-4 rings of water in reserve in the new well.
The guys insisted that this is impossible now, you need to wait until the well column is covered with soil and the rings are fixed. They say that after some time it will be possible to deepen the well by a few more rings. (Again, the question is somewhat how much is this?)
How I pumped it in October last time So I drained the system for the winter, only builders use buckets and use them. Here's what happened this week. Since I decided to fill the heating system with a storage buffer of 1000 liters, I turned on the well pump. He shot 160 liters and stopped. Indeed, the water level in the well has dropped. So far, I can only take 130 liters every day (there is a water meter). While I’m slowly filling out the system, I’m happy with it (I’m looking for an answer on what to do and specialists who will do it), but I won’t be able to live like that. I only have a 300 liter bath.
Moreover, there was another important signal a little earlier. A neighbor who has an old well located 30 meters from mine, down a ground slope of ~1-2 meters. Back at the end of January, he complained that the water in the well was 20 cm. I told him everything was fine, but my guys took no more than 5 buckets a day and I didn’t look into the well, I didn’t look closely at the water level. Now, since this is the situation, I think my well is deeper and I will pump out all the water from his level, the well will dry up completely. Now the question is: can I just get by with cleaning the well or does it still need to be deepened? (I sincerely want to deepen it once and for all while the groundwater level is low and there is less dirt in winter when digging)
I can’t allow the entire well column to move when deepening, since it’s already inserted into the well pressure pipeline and buried in a trench and brought into the house! I repeat, the well was dug in July 2015, the soil is hard clay, and the bottom is floating. Should I wait until the soil catches the shaft or should I quickly extend it with repair rings while the groundwater level is low?
Lengthen by how much? How long the soil will allow is clear, but if it allows you to go further, then how many repair rings should you install? taking into account the fact that the neighbor was also planning to go deeper!
Thanks in advance for your answer and recommendations!

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