The Hobbit Bilbo's house. Impressive hobbit houses in the design of your dacha. Only the hill remains

We can't deny that Hobbit houses are very attractive - they look comfortable and compact. It has everything that brings a feeling of comfort and warmth. If you want to have something like this that reflects your childhood experiences and dreams of fairy house, but you feel that it is impossible to implement this for a number of reasons, then look at houses that prove the opposite. And if you're ready to take action, then look at what people have done to build their dream home! At the bottom of the article, watch a video about the real embodiment of such a fabulous home with your own hands.

Hobbit houses are environmentally friendly. You may not know, but they are built from sustainable building materials, which makes them exclusive and environmentally friendly. Stone and wood are the main raw materials used to build a strong foundation, to install a green roof, which creates a favorable environment in the house for both you and the ecosystems.

The construction of such a house is profitable

If one of the reasons for not deciding on a Hobbit house is money, then you need to know that its construction is actually much cheaper than you think. This home for enthusiast Simon Dale cost about $5,000 - a very reasonable cost compared to building a regular house.

This allows you to have freedom in the design of each room. Like any other thing you can invent for yourself, your project can be completely realized from your model.

Naturally, you will need to consult a specialist to be sure that the building will be safe for you and your family, but this will be the only thing that can limit you in this way. They will offer you how beautiful interior interior and charming appearance. Unlike most buildings in Russia, the Hobbit House will allow you to make the exterior of your home as pleasing to the eye as the interior.

Those who watched the film "The Lord of the Rings" remember the charming hobbit houses and, probably, everyone had a spontaneous desire to live in such a place. Maybe not all the time, maybe for a short time, for example, during the holidays or vacation. In this article I would like to invite you to take a trip to Wales, to visit a family who, with their own hands, built a dwelling very similar to a hobbit house.

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Wales on Google Maps. I did not find the exact coordinates of the house.

Meet the Simon Dale family.

Simon Dale is not a builder or a carpenter, but he, along with his father, built this house with his own hands. “My father and I built this house. Although it could not have happened without the help of our friends and acquaintances. Its construction took us three months, although we worked tirelessly. It cost us 3,000 pounds (that’s 5,000 $ or 150 thousand rubles), which, you see, is not much at all. But it turned out to be a real hobbit house. And now, having settled here, we are truly happy!” – exclaims the freshly baked “hobbit”.

Only natural materials. And the project was completed, mind you, in just three months. This is much less than the time it takes to complete construction new apartment in our modern multi-storey buildings.

There were no special secrets when building the house: we simply made the most of the available advantages of the landscape. The pit was simply dug in the hill. The soil and stone from the pit were used to build the foundation and supporting walls. The wood needed for construction was taken from the forest growing in the area, and straw was used to insulate the floor, roof and walls. The tools that were used in the construction of the house are also the simplest: a chainsaw - one, a hammer - two and a chisel - three.

Those who are interested in details can familiarize themselves with the sketch of the architectural project:

this is the foundation:

This is the construction of the frame:

Note that the frame of the house is made of oak:

The walls of the house “breathe”, as lime plaster is used.

To heat the house, there is a fireplace, the fire in which is lit, of course, with wood. The chimney is made in such a way that when passing through a large stone, it heats it, and then the stone long time heats the house by releasing heat.

There is also a natural refrigerator in the house. As you probably already guessed, this is always a cold cellar. The temperature here is the same in both winter and summer. Water from a nearby source is used for all needs of the house. For electrical appliances and used for home lighting solar panels. During the daytime, light enters the house through a dome on the roof of the house, made of glass. As alternative lighting in the evening and at night, candles are used. In my opinion, it’s both beautiful and adds romance))).

This is the view from the second floor balcony:

This is what the house looks like from the east:

So, who dreams of getting into a fairy tale: “Welcome...”

It should be noted that Simon’s family uses their “hobbit house” mainly for summer period. This is how we go to our dachas in the summer.

Simon claims that no one specifically tried to make the house resemble the habitat of the fantastic creatures from the film. Moreover, the fact of “similarity” was established after the house had already been “put into operation.”

Thanks to the media, the fact of “similarity” received wide, I would say, worldwide publicity))). And a constant flow of tourists flocked to Simon’s house. This is what inspired him to put the construction of “hobbit dwellings” on an “industrial basis.” Today more than a dozen houses have already been built various sizes. And there were not so few people willing to buy or live in such exotic houses. Therefore, things went uphill for Saiman. It should be noted that other “enthusiasts” of environmentally friendly living did not fail to take advantage of such popularity of “hobbit dwellings”. Now in Wales there are even original clubs for “builders without cement”. In truth, it should be noted that all subsequent houses do not look like the house from the film, although they have more amenities inside. By the way, you can not only live in the houses, but also take part in their construction. Simon invites everyone to take part.

This is what the entrance to another house built by Simon looks like. On the left is the greenhouse:

And this is the same house from the inside. The windows overlook the greenhouse, which saves energy.

Well, that seems to be all. Let me just note that in our area, if you want to live in an environmentally friendly clean house, it makes no sense to dig a dugout. Unless you are a fan of the digging process itself))). For us, it’s enough just to drive a hundred kilometers from any city - there are a lot of empty houses waiting for us there. village houses. The choice is great, there is no need to strain (((.

By the way, the “hobbit house” has a personal website (in English): (install the Google toolbar to translate the site into Russian)

And finally, you can see what Simon looks like in the video. And if you know English, then listen to an interview with him.

How does a hobbit’s home work, how much does a plot of land in the Shire cost, and what happened to the scenery of the halfling village after filming “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”

Hobbit village scenery (Photo: Hobbiton official website)

September 21 marked the 80th anniversary of Professor Tolkien’s book “The Hobbit, or There and Back Again.” It was this story that laid the foundation for the world of Middle-earth - the most famous fantasy universe in modern literature. This world was later expanded by The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Silmarillion, a collection of drafts and unfinished manuscripts.

The story of the saga and the journey of the main character of the book “The Hobbit” Bilbo Baggins begins in the land of the Shire, where hobbits live - a cheerful and carefree people of halfling farmers. How hobbits' homes are arranged and what is known about them - in the material of RBC Real Estate.

How does the house of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins work?

“Once upon a time there lived a hobbit in a hole underground... The hole was a hobbit’s, which means it was well-equipped. It began with a perfectly round door, like a porthole, painted green, with a shining copper handle exactly in the middle,” - this is how the introduction to Bilbo Baggins’ house begins on the first page of The Hobbit.

Entrance to Bilbo Baggins' house. Photos of the scenery from the set (Photo: Anthony Devlin / PA Archive / Press Association Ima / TASS)

"The door opened inward, long corridor, similar to a railway tunnel, but a tunnel without burning and without smoke and also very well-appointed: the walls there were covered with panels, the floor was tiled and covered with carpet, polished chairs stood along the walls, and hooks for hats and coats were nailed everywhere, just like a hobbit loved guests,” Tolkien described internal structure hobbit hole.

Entrance to Bilbo Baggins' house

Corridor in Bilbo Baggins' house (Photo: still from the film “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”)

The hobbit's house, as follows from Tolkien's book, is a one-story underground dwelling with numerous corridors, branches and rooms. “The hobbit did not recognize climbing stairs: bedrooms, bathrooms, cellars, pantries (a whole bunch of pantries), dressing rooms (the hobbit allocated several rooms for storing clothes), kitchens, dining rooms were located on the same floor and, moreover, in the same corridor ", wrote the professor.

Interiors of Bilbo Baggins's house (Photo: still from the film “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”)

Because hobbit homes are underground and consist of a network of tunnels, they receive quite a bit of natural light: “ Best rooms were on left hand, and only they had windows - deep-set round windows overlooking the garden and the distant meadows that went down to the river.” Therefore, to illuminate their homes, halflings light candles in chandeliers and candelabra, and also light fires in fireplaces.

Windows in Bilbo Baggins' house (Photo: still from the film “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”)

Since hobbits are shorter ordinary person- that's why they are called halflings - the ceilings in their houses are not very high, which is comfortable for hobbits and dwarves, but inconvenient for representatives of other races of Middle-earth. For example, the wizard Gandalf was forced to walk around Bilbo's house bent over. And the actor who played him, Ian McKellen, while inside the scenery of the hobbit’s house, hit his head on the ceiling. Although this was not in the book, the director liked it and the scene remained in the film.

Shire and Hobbiton

The Halfling Village is one of the few places in the history of Middle-earth that was actually built for filming. In 1998, in New Zealand, where the vast majority of filming of the entire film universe took place, the scenery of a hobbit settlement was created near the city of Matamata. True, only the Baggins house was completely built, while almost all the other doors were just dummies. Only behind some of them was an empty space where actors or crew members could hide.

After filming, the scenery was not dismantled. In their place, a tourist attraction called Hobbiton was formed, and the farmer on whose land the village was built made dummy houses. For true fans, the Green Dragon bar opened near Hobbiton in 2012, modeled after the tavern of the same name where Bilbo and his friends celebrated the start of their journey.

How much does a hobbit house cost?

The average hobbit house, together with the cultivated plot, costs about 50 hobbit ducats, the entertaining popular science publication N+1 recently calculated. Translated into real medieval money, similar to the currency of the Shire, this would amount to 14 thousand ounces (396.9 kg) of silver. In monetary terms, with an average cost of precious metal of 32 rubles. for 1 g, the average hobbit house with house plot costs about 12.7 million rubles.

Hobbit House in Turkey (Photo: Depo Photos / Zuma / TASS)

Many Hobbit fans who want to live like their favorite characters are now building themselves Hobbit-style houses, sometimes also underground. Such dwellings exist in Australia, the USA, England, and Russia. Some entrepreneurs are creating hotels for fans in the style of the Baggins house.

"Buried House" by Green Magic Houses (Photo: Green Magic Houses)

Wealthier fans of The Hobbit can buy themselves an almost real halfling hole: many construction companies, catching the popularity of Tolkien's universe, have begun building hobbit houses for sale. The size of the dwelling in the ground varies from several tens to a couple of hundred square meters, and the cost - from €13 thousand to €72 thousand (approximately from 1 million rubles to 5 million rubles).

The Hobbit House of Bilbo Begins

The Hobbit's home can always be recognized from afar due to the large round door. By the way, you can buy a metal door like this with installation. This strange and very cute structure is more reminiscent of a beaver den than a human house.
But not the hole where there is an abundance of worms and the roots of neighboring trees stick out, but a completely comfortable, cozy hole with all the amenities.

The Hobbit House: From fairy tale to reality

Almost 80 years have passed since the first memories of the home of “Bilbo Begins” appeared in the manuscripts of the English inventor J. R. R. Tolkien.
Contrary to the nihilism of architects and art historians, the professor’s bizarre buildings not only took root in world literature, but several decades later began to appear in our environment.
Attractiveness is the first thing that catches the eye of people tired of city bustle and exhaust fumes.
Reminding us of caring for nature, modern houses Hobbits are environmentally friendly and very cozy. They have everything - heating, electricity, communications, bathrooms and even a security system, and their construction requires very little investment.
Tolkien fans have done everything to turn fairy-tale “holes” into luxurious apartments.

How is the Hobbit House different?

Over the past 10 years, most Englishmen and Americans have begun to build such structures for their children as playgrounds.
Indeed, what could be better than a fairy tale in reality?

One of the first people who came up with the idea to build a Hobbit house was (designer) Ashley Yates from the UK in 2003.

According to Ashley, after the project was completed and newspapers began writing about it, in just one week more than 30 tourists called the editor, willing to pay hundreds of dollars to spend the night in the green “Nora.”

A few years later, Hobbit houses for children actively spread throughout the world.
We will now tell you how to quickly bring to life one of the most fabulous projects of our time.

Do-it-yourself Hobbit house (in the country)

Due to the fact that DIY Hobbit house should have worked round shape, it is best to take a metal or concrete pipe as a basis; the cost of the latter is much more expensive, so the conclusions are obvious.
It's good when metal pipe will be corrugated.
The predominant length is 2 – 3 m.
Diameter 4.5 – 5 m.

To install the pipe, you need to clear the potential area for the house and dig a small pit up to 0.5 - 1 m deep. Install the pipe using a crane. Thus, the main part of the construction of the house can be said to be completed.

Next step - embankment

Hobbit House (in the country)

The issue needs to be resolved by using the earth dug for the foundation pit.
A rented mini-excavator will easily and quickly complete the task in 30–60 minutes.
The surface of the pipe will eventually be completely dug into the ground, and the slide will have a rounded shape.
By the way, during the embankment (on both sides of the “entrance”), you need to install temporary walls made of OSB so that the earth does not get inside the pipe.

Now Foundation

On both sides of the pipe, dig small recesses up to 0.5 - 0.6 m to install a strong concrete foundation.

To form the future entrance to a fairytale house, cut out the entrance shape from the OSB board and install it close to the pipe.

The porch is best made from cinder blocks; beams for the entrance itself are securely installed in them.

The seams between the OSB and the pipe are sealed mortar, as a result we will get a strong and stable structure.

And then the floor

Main installation work finished, so the next stage of work is finishing the floors, walls, windows and doors. (fascinating, right?)
To secure the base of the floor to the pipe, use cement and a pair of cinder blocks (see photo).
Next, fix the beams and slopes (the slopes are attached diagonally, so as to prepare a flat and stable surface for the floor).
It is best to use OSB boards as the floor. (You need to fix the plates using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver).

Lighting "Nora"

Candles and others autonomous systems lighting is pointless and safe. Therefore, for maximum comfort for children, it is best to install electricity in the Hobbit’s house.

By the way, electricity can be supplied from the house using cable channel installed and buried in the ground.

The roof remains

Be sure to install a small decorated canopy over the porch to drain moisture during rains. It will help waterproof the entrance to the “Nora” and eliminate problems associated with dampness.

The most important thing is the door

Door to DIY Hobbit house, should be round.
The material is necessarily wood.
The color is predominantly green.
We recommend using water-repellent paint to paint the door.
The door must be secured to long forged curtains. Be sure to install a beautiful round handle. The door may also have a small diamond-shaped window.

Decorating the house inside

Divide the “Nora” space into 2 parts, maybe even 3 if you don’t mind the work, and you would like to make a corridor and a cozy kitchenette near the door.
Cover the walls and ceiling with flexible wood panels, you can still hang wallpaper.
On the back wall (on the other side of the pipe), pour the foundation, install cinder blocks and secure OSB board. Here you need to install beautiful window. Just like the door, it is best to order it from an experienced craftsman.
Once the window is installed, seal all seams securely.

Only the hill remains

If you decide to tackle this project, be sure to decorate the artificial hill outside. Otherwise, a better rank than a dugout, DIY Hobbit house will not be worn.
In order for the lawn to take root, open up the entire mound with good fertile soil and sow the grass.
If this seems too labor-intensive and time-consuming, we recommend using dug-out turf instead of grass. (At first, be sure to water it with water, so it will quickly take root, and the natural bright result will come much faster).

By the way, inside DIY Hobbit house it is always warm and cozy (you can spend the night even in the cold autumn and spring), and in winter the slope can serve as an ideal sledding hill.

Yes, yes, then furniture

Wicker chairs, a table, a sofa, anything you like are perfect. The child can use a laptop for communication (electricity is still present).
DIY Hobbit House and will live up to any expectations and will last a long time.
As a child, a child will be able to play in it, as a teenager, go about his business, invite friends to visit and relax, and as an adult, he will have something to remember and something to praise his parents for.

How much will the Hobbit house cost?

Let's calculate how much it will cost DIY Hobbit house, in Russia.
After all, if you have suburban area, this idea will be very difficult to refuse, just let the children find out.

And so, a corrugated pipe, the average cost of 1 m, in Russia is 1,500 rubles. That is, if a luxurious fabulous room can occupy (3 - 4 m2), the price will cost 45,000 - 60,000 rubles.
Truck crane services (up to 14 tons) cost about 1000 rubles per hour.
Soil with delivery (needed for embankment), 1 tone – 150 RUR.
10 OSB sheets, 1 sheet – 500 rubles, respectively 5000 rubles.
1 kb/m of concrete will cost 3,000 rubles.
Window and door to order (approximately), from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Furniture, beams, boards and artificial turf, in fact, things are interchangeable, not expensive and can be found in everyone who has a summer house. That is, the final cost of a good-quality house will cost approximately 80,000 Russian rubles ($900). Plus or minus, own or hired labor.
That is, compared to modern prices for simple plastic houses, this is quite adequate money for a high-quality, reliable, and most importantly, cozy room.

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