Buryatia. National wealth of Buryatia

Republic of Buryatia It is distinguished by both large reserves of minerals and natural resources, as well as their diversity and uniqueness. Mountain ranges, dense forests, valleys with an abundance of grasses, wide steppes, a large number of bushes in which berries and nuts grow - all this creates the maximum favorable conditions home to many species of animals and birds. On the territory of Buryatia you can find a lot rare species, many of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Known all over the world brown bear, Barguzin sable, reindeer, mountain goat are found precisely in the territory of Buryatia. In addition, elk, wapiti, roe deer, squirrel, wolverine, wild boar, Baikal seal and many other species of animals also live here. Today, the territory of the republic is inhabited by 446 registered species of terrestrial vertebrates. All amphibians in this region are divided into 2 species and represented by six orders. Also, 7 species of reptiles live on the territory of the republic, which are part of one order and make up only 0.1% of all reptiles in the world. Such figures can be explained by the small number of suitable habitats and certain climatic conditions. It should also be noted that the distribution of reptiles across the territory of the republic is rather uneven. Most often they live in isolated spaces, so they are susceptible to the enormous influence of surrounding factors. Some species are on the verge of extinction or are considered rare. The most extensive class of terrestrial vertebrates in Buryatia is represented by birds. In total there are about 348 species, which are united into 18 squads. This number of birds represents approximately 4% of the world's avifauna. Of all this diversity, about 260 species regularly nest on the territory of the republic, 7 species winter here, 34 species migrate and 46 migrate periodically. These indicators are quite unstable and depend on location and some other factors.

About 85 species of mammals live in Buryatia, which are divided into 7 orders, accounting for 21-23% of the entire world's theriofauna. However, the species composition of animals in Buryatia is not so stable. Both qualitative and quantitative changes are constantly taking place here. From time to time some species appear, some others disappear. Endangered species require special attention and are therefore under constant protection.

Unfortunately, there are not so many such endangered species in Buryatia; these include 4 species of reptiles, 2 species of amphibians, 25 species of mammals and about 63 species of birds. Of all vertebrates, 40 species are listed in the Russian Red Book and 7 species in the International Red Book.

Plays great importance in the life of the republic Lake Baikal, which is a reservoir with a fifth of the world's fresh water. The lake is about 20 million years old, its length is 636 kilometers, and its width is 80 kilometers. The maximum depth of the lake is 1637 meters. About 2,500 species of fish and animals live here, of which 250 are considered endemic.

Also Buryatia is rich in mineral resources. Over the past 50 years, more than 700 deposits of various minerals have been discovered on the territory of the republic, most of which are on the state balance sheet. Of these, 247 deposits are gold-bearing, 16 are ore deposits, 228 are placer deposits and 3 are complex deposits.

Strategic types of mineral raw materials include 13 deposits of uranium, 7 tungsten, 4 polymetals, 2 beryllium deposits and the same number of molybdenum. Also, on the territory of the republic there is one deposit of aluminum and one tin. In addition, there is a fairly large raw material base of uranium. Metallurgical enterprises Far East and Siberia are provided necessary materials thanks to the state's 8 fluorescent deposits. The fuel and energy complex of Buryatia is provided required quantity coal thanks to 10 deposits of brown coal and 4 deposits of hard coal. Also, on the territory of the republic there are several jade deposits, 2 asbestos deposits, several apatite, graphite, phosphorite, zeolite and construction raw materials. In total, the subsoil of these lands contains more than 48% of the zinc reserve in Russia, 27% of tungsten, 37% of molybdenum, 24% of lead, 15% of chrysotile - asbestos and 16% of fluorspar. Most of the mineral deposits are located at a distance of about 200 kilometers from the BAM and VSZD railway lines. Based on the degree of geological exploration of the subsoil, we can conclude that this area is quite promising and contains a large number of undiscovered mineral deposits. These include some new genetic types.

Development of mineral resources in the depths of the republic is a promising direction and plays a significant role in the economic and geopolitical space of the entire country. The simultaneous continuous development of the industrial and mining complexes provides obvious advantages and ensures a continuous production chain from raw materials to the finished product.

It should be noted that the development of deposits in Buryatia can be divided into three levels. First level– federal, which includes the Ozernoye, Orekitkanskoye and Kholodinskoye fields. This also includes the re-opening of the Inkursky and Kholtosonsky mines and the restoration of a factory for processing fluorite ores in the Kyakhtinsky district.
Second level– federal-republican. This includes the development of the Khiagdinskoye, Molodezhnoe, Mokhovoy and some other fields.

Third level- Republican. This level includes the development of deposits of coal, gold, granulated quartz, graphite, and jade zeolite. In addition, this also includes deposits of mineral waters, building materials and some non-traditional varieties of mining raw materials.

INTRODUCTION........................................................ ........................................................ .. 3

1. Description of the region and its natural resources.................................................... 4

2. Modern economy of Buryatia.................................................... ............... 6

3. Food potential of the region.................................................... ....... 8

4. Industry of Buryatia.................................................... ........................... 9

5. Unconventional mineral fertilizers.............................................. 10

6. Water resources of the Republic.................................................... ....................... 11

7. Agro-industrial and forest resources of Buryatia.................................................... 12

CONCLUSION................................................. ........................................... 15

REFERENCES................................................................... ........................... 17


For economic development Russian Federation it is necessary to implement an extensive set of measures to further strengthen the material and technical base of industry and agriculture.

Successful solution of the assigned tasks can only be achieved through further study of natural conditions and resources.

The purpose of the work is a comprehensive study of the natural resources of the Republic of Buryatia, as a subject of the Russian Federation.

Dividing Russia into subjects is necessary in order to have a clear understanding of the problems, disadvantages and advantages of each region. Such a division will help to obtain in the future a clear and clear picture of the state of natural resources throughout the Russian Federation, to reveal areas of the country that are promising for further development and have already exhausted themselves.

As a method for comprehensive study of natural resources of this region It is advisable and necessary to use statistical data, on the basis of which an in-depth understanding of the patterns of distribution of minerals, the hydrosphere, biosphere, vegetation and soil cover, climate change, and meteorological phenomena is formed.

Resolving issues of economic organization is impossible without comprehensive consideration and long-term assessment of natural resources, studying the impact of human activity on environment. An integrated study of natural resources (CINR) is designed to help identify hidden and little-studied natural resources, their quantitative and qualitative assessment for the purposes of rational use, conservation and reproduction.

1. Description of the region and its natural resources

The Republic of Buryatia was founded in 1923, its area was 397.5 thousand square meters. kilometers, population - 435.5 thousand people, including Buryats - 55.5%, Russians - 44.2%.

The republic is located between 49 55 and 57 15 northern latitude and 98 40 and 116 55 east longitude, in the southern part of Eastern Siberia, south and east of Lake Baikal. The territory of the republic is 351.3 thousand square meters. km and in size is approximately equal to the area of ​​10-12 regions of the Central European part of the Russian Federation. Population 1059.4 thousand people. In the south, Buryatia borders on the Mongolian People's Republic, in the southwest - on the Republic of Tuva, in the northwest - on the Irkutsk region, in the east - on the Chita region. The republic is 5 time zones away from Moscow.

Buryatia occupies a profitable geographical location. Two railways pass through its territory - the Trans-Siberian and the Baikal-Amur, connecting the central parts of Russia with the regions of the Far East and the countries of Southeast Asia - China, North Korea, Mongolia, Japan and others. Administratively, the republic is divided into 21 districts, has 6 cities, 29 urban-type settlements. The capital of Buryatia is the city of Ulan-Ude. The city's territory covers an area of ​​346.5 sq. km. More than 390.0 thousand residents currently live in the city

The republic is located in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, at the pole of the moderately cold climate of Siberia, in the transition zone between the taiga spaces of Eastern Siberia and the vast steppe regions of Mongolia.

Natural conditions Buryatia differs sharply from other regions of the country located within the same latitudes. Its remoteness from the seas and oceans affects it. Of no small importance is the “cold breath” of the Arctic Ocean and the “barrier” of the Himalayas and Tibet, which prevents the penetration of warm air masses from equatorial latitudes deep into Central Asia. The location of Buryatia almost in the center of the Asian continent, at a great distance from the softening influence of the seas, determines a number of features of the region. IN winter period Quiet and clear weather with frosts up to 50°C prevails throughout the republic. In the summer, the territory of Buryatia warms up greatly and at the same time the formation of the region occurs low pressure, reaching 750-755mm in July, which is 5-10mm below normal. At this time, the air temperature sometimes rises to 38-40°C. The climate of Buryatia is sharply continental. Winter is the longest season of the year; in the southern regions of the republic, it also has little snow.

According to the relief features, Buryatia is divided into 4 large regions: the Eastern Sayan Mountains, the Baikal mountain region, the Selenga Dauria and the Vitim Plateau. The predominance of the mountainous terrain of the republic places it among the most active seismic regions of the planet. Large and small earthquakes are quite frequent on the territory of Buryatia.

In terms of wealth, reserves and diversity of mineral resources, Buryatia occupies one of the leading places in Russia. However, mineral wealth is still far from being fully exploited. About 30 coal-bearing areas are known. There are coal-bearing depressions - Udinskaya, Dzhidinskaya, Pribaikalskaya. Gusinoozerskaya and others. Of the 11 coal deposits, Gusinoozerskoye, Tugnuiskoye, Sanginskoye, Daban-Gorkhonskoye, and Okino-Klyuchevskoye are most intensively developed.

On the territory of Buryatia there are also ores of tungsten, molybdenum, and nickel. The largest deposits of tungsten ores include Kholtosonskoye and Inkurskoye; molybdenum - Orekitkanskoye, Maloyonogorskoye, Zharchikhinskoye; nickel - Chayskoye, Baikalskoye. The republic has also explored reserves of non-ferrous metals - beryllium, lead, zinc and tin. The most promising for industrial development are: for tin - Mokhovoye; for beryllium, tantalum-beryllium ores - Okinsky district; for strontium - Khalyutinskoye.

The largest deposits of lead and zinc are Ozernoye and Kholodninskoye. Since pre-revolutionary times, large reserves of gold (ore and placer) have been explored and developed in the northern regions of Buryatia.

There are also non-metallic minerals: phosphates, apatites, fluorspar. Fluorspar deposits have been identified - Naranskoye and Zgitinskoye; phosphorites - Ukhogolskoe and Kharanurskoe; Apatity - Oshurkovskoe. Reserves of fluxes and refractories have been explored: dolomite limestone, refractory clays, quartz and quartzites, graphite. Large deposits of asbestos have been found - Molodezhnoe, Ilchirskoye, Zelenoe; bauxite - Boksonskoe. Buryatia has unique deposits of potassium-alumina ores - Sannyrskoye; nepheline syenites - Mukhalskoe, Nizhne-Burgultaiskoe.

The Republic has various deposits of building materials - brick and expanded clay, sand and gravel mixture, building stone, carbonate rocks for building limestone, for cement, for perlites and zeolites.

Buryatia is rich in fresh, mineral and thermal waters. Operating resources for water supply and irrigation amount to 21 million cubic meters. m/day. Resorts operate on the basis of mineral and mineral-thermal waters Russian significance- Arshan and Goryachinsk, local significance- Nilova Pustyn, Khakusy, Kuchiger, Hot Key and others.

2. Modern economy of Buryatia

The economy of Buryatia largely depends on Russian transfers, which in 2004 amounted to 865.6 billion rubles. with an annual plan of 13895 billion rubles.

In Buryatia, for 11 months of 2004, the volume of gross regional product (GRP) amounted to 9143 million rubles. Production volumes increased in non-ferrous metallurgy (gold mining), in mechanical engineering (helicopters, electric motors, household appliances), in the forestry, wood processing and pulp and paper industries, flour and cereal and feed milling industries. In the industry of the Republic of Belarus, 15 enterprises are classified as monopolists, their specific gravity in total production amounted to 51% for 9 months of 2004. For 9 types of products, full concentration remains at 1 enterprise (cement, slate, cardboard, particle boards, electric kettles and electric boilers, flour, cereals, alcohol).

Investment activity is carried out mainly at the expense of the own funds of business entities - 75.8%, federal budget funds amounted to 19.8%, funds from the consolidated republican budget - 4.4%. In housing construction, 88.9 thousand square meters were commissioned. meters with a plan of 102 thousand square meters, more than half (57%) was built at the expense of individual developers.

The republic's agricultural products consist mainly of grain, potatoes, vegetables, and meat.

Six enterprises (U-U LVRZ, JSC "TSM", JSC "Buryatenergo", Selenga Central Control and Processing Plant, JSC "Timlyuisky ACI", JSC "Livona") form 37% of the profit in the republic. Four enterprises (Livona OJSC, Baikalfarm OJSC, Emilia JV, Gyan LLC) provide excise tax revenue.

The republic's major exporters are the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, Concern "Arig Us", JSC "Tonkosukonnaya Manufactory", LVRZ, JCCC. Among the major importers are AOZT "Motom", Trading House "Mav", Severobaikalsky AOZT "Gilyuy", Tugnuisky coal mine.

The modern economy of the Republic of Buryatia is an industrial and promising national economic complex. The republic's share in the volume of industrial production in the East Siberian region is 5.4%. The Republic of Buryatia occupies a prominent place in a number of important types of products. It specializes in the production of aircraft, electric motors with power over 100 kW, various devices, bridge structures, agricultural equipment, tungsten concentrate, window glass, cardboard, pulp and lumber, slate and cement, washed wool, knitwear, woolen fabrics, meat products and some other types of products.

The main tasks in the economy of the republic are related to the development of the fuel and energy complex, light and food industries, and the construction complex. In addition, it is planned to deepen the processing of agricultural raw materials, organize the production of wool and half-woolen yarn, leather shoes, and fur products.

3. Food potential of the region

The overall results for the main indicators of livestock farming have a positive trend, although over the past few years there has been a steady decline in production volumes.

One of priority areas development of the agro-industrial complex is food and processing industry, which has a significant impact on the socio-economic standard of living of the population of the republic.

A significant increase in production volumes in comparable prices was provided by OJSC Moloko (156.8%), Kabansky Creamery (2.1 times), INPO Baikalpharm (1.8 times), OJSC Buryakhlebprom (110.8%) , OJSC "Bread Ulan-Ude" (147.7%), OJSC "AMTA" (112.1%).

Along with joint stock companies, small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, primarily in rural areas, have received widespread development in the food industry of Buryatia. Currently, 7 mini-dairies, 105 mini-mills, 140 mini-bakeries, 5 workshops for the production of soft drinks produce food products. They produced products worth 163 million rubles. Increase in the volume of commercial products due to individual entrepreneurs amounted to 15.7%.

4. Industry of Buryatia

The republic's industry is focused mainly on the extraction of raw materials and their primary processing. The leading industries are mining, gold mining, and coal mining. Such industries as forestry, wood processing and electric power industry are developed. Mechanical engineering has developed, mostly its defense industries: aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding and the radio industry. Enterprises are concentrated mainly in Ulan-Ude.

In industry, the sectors of specialization are: electric power - 39%, mechanical engineering and metalworking - 16.7% (electrical, instrument-making enterprises, production of machinery for livestock and feed production, automation equipment and spare parts for them, etc.). Forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries account for 7% of the total (Selenginsky pulp and cardboard mill), production of building materials, light (mainly knitting) and food industry, mining of brown coal, graphite, mining and processing of tungsten-molybdenum ores, apatites, etc. The Gusino-Ozerskaya State District Power Plant operates on the territory of the republic. Main industrial centers: the cities of Ulan-Ude, Gusinoozersk, Zakamensk, urban-type settlements Selenginsk, Kamensk, etc.

Ulan-Ude is the capital of the Republic of Buryatia. A railway line departs from Ulan-Ude to the border with Mongolia, the city is a road junction, and there is an airport. Mechanical engineering and metalworking (locomotive, carriage, aviation, instrument-making, shipbuilding and other plants), food, light (fine cloth plant), woodworking and building materials industries, including a large glass factory, are developed here. The Technological University, the Agricultural Academy and a number of educational institutes (pedagogical, cultural) operate in Ulan-Ude. In addition, the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is located in Ulan-Ude.

5. Non-traditional mineral fertilizers

The territory of Buryatia can be classified as a region where deposits of crystalline graphite have been identified, the ores of which turned out to be easily enriched and therefore are of great industrial value, despite the low content of graphitic carbon (more than 2.5%). Unfortunately, all previously explored graphite deposits ended up in the environmental protection zone of Lake Baikal, which, naturally, is a serious obstacle to the extraction of raw materials. This situation will primarily affect the increase in the cost of mined ore. For comprehensive and full compliance with environmental measures, it is necessary to provide for the expenditure of additional funds, otherwise the objects (Ulurskoye and Boyarskoye fields) located in the zone of influence of Lake Baikal will be practically impossible to develop. In order to avoid environmental pollution of the Baikal waters, all measures for the safe development of deposits must be taken into account. Accordingly, the price of the final product will increase.

Over the last decade, graphite has begun to be used in the production of magnesia-graphite, aluminum-graphite refractories for continuous casting of metals, in replacing asbestos in the manufacture of various gaskets, brake liners, in technological ceramics, it is scarce as crystalline graphite, it is also used in the chemical and electrical industries in the production of synthetic diamonds, semiconductors, parts of nuclear reactors and rocket engines, mineral paints, fillers, etc.

It is therefore obvious that the subsequent need for graphite will force the creation of a large (new) raw material base with high-quality graphite ores. Considering that the main reserve graphite deposits Boyarskoye and Ulurskoye (Buryatia), Bezymyanoye (Irkutsk region) are located in the first water protection zone of Lake Baikal, the question arises of searching and exploring new graphite objects in environmentally safe areas. In this regard, it is necessary to point out that the territory of Buryatia has a fairly high potential for searching and discovering deposits of crystalline graphite, which is based on the existing recommendations of geologists to assess more than a dozen potential manifestations of this scarce type of mineral raw material .

6. Water resources of the Republic

Main and main water resource is the basin of Lake Baikal: the lake itself, into which 336 rivers and streams flow, the largest: Selenga, Barguzin, Verkh. Angara, Turka, Snezhnaya. One river flows out of Baikal. Angara (Lower Angara), flowing into the Yenisei.

The area of ​​the lake is 31.5 thousand km 2, length 636 km, average width 48 km, maximum width 79.4 km. The Baikal drainage basin occupies about 557 thousand km 2. The volume of water mass is 23,000 km 3. The lake contains about 1/5 of the world's surface fresh water and more than 80% of fresh water former USSR. Intermediate level water in the lake is at an absolute height of 456.0 m.

Baikal is the deepest continental body of water on globe. The average depth is 730 m, the maximum depth in the middle part of the basin is 1620 m.

Studies are underway of water blooms, transport and deposition of suspended sediment, coastal erosion, and the impact of large emissions waste water from the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station, Gusinoozerskaya State District Power Plant. Regular photographs of Lake Baikal have revealed alarming changes in the state of the water surface and the detrimental impact of unjustified human intervention on the ecological situation of the region.

7. Agro-industrial and forest resources of Buryatia

The land area of ​​the Republic of Buryatia is 35.1 million hectares. The largest amount of land - 66.7% is covered with forests and shrubs, 7.7% of the territory is occupied by reservoirs, 1.3% - by swamps. Agricultural land accounts for 8.8% of all land. In the northern regions - Bauntovsky, Muysky, Severo-Baikalsky and in the high-mountainous Okinsky region there is little land favorable for the development of agriculture, in which 17.2 million hectares are concentrated or 49% of the total land area Buryatia. Of these, only 2.3% is agricultural land, while in areas with developed agriculture this figure ranges from 40-50% (Khorinsky, Mukhorshibirsky districts). The most common soils are podzolic type. In the forest-steppe and steppe regions of central and southern Buryatia in the Barguzin valley and in the Tunka depression there are dark gray forest, as well as varieties of chestnut and chernozem soils. 80% of arable soils in Buryatia are characterized by low humus content. To ensure a deficit-free, and on weakly humus-rich soils a positive balance of humus, it is necessary to add about 9 - 10 tons annually organic fertilizers per 1 hectare of crop rotation area. Organic fertilizers were applied at 0.8 - 0.5 t/ha of arable land.

Land resources are subject to erosion processes, including 33.7% of farmland, 63.8% of arable land, 38.4% of fallow lands, 17.5% of pastures. More than 5% of arable land is located on slopes of varying steepness and is subject to washout. The total length of the ravines is 9.5 thousand km. The degradation of pastures, most of which is trampled and subject to erosion processes, is becoming a threatening situation.

The leading branch of agriculture is livestock farming (large cattle, sheep farming, pig farming, poultry farming), grain and fodder crops.

The results of a survey of farmland revealed contamination of both arable and fodder lands with arsenic, lead, zinc, nickel, and chromium. Soil contamination with pesticide residues is local in nature.

Forests on the territory of the republic are distributed unevenly. Forest cover varies from 10% in the forest-steppe to 95% in the mountain taiga, amounting to 62% in the republic as a whole. All forests belong to the mountain category, with a predominance coniferous species.

The share of burned areas from the total forest area is 1.755%, the share of clearings from the total forest area is 0.63%.

Northern and western areas The republics are covered mainly with taiga vegetation, and the southern and central parts are covered with steppe and forest-steppe vegetation. On the northern slopes of the Transbaikalia ridges there are predominantly larch, and in some places cedar and fir-cedar forests. On the southern slopes there are pine trees and thickets of dry-loving bushes. Steppes (mainly feather grass and chamomile) often rise to a height of 900-1000 m. Deciduous forests (birch, aspen, poplar, alder, etc.) are represented by small groves on floodplain terraces of rivers and in clearings or burnt areas.

The total timber reserve in the republic as a whole is 1918.8 million m 3

Rapid scientific and technological progress in the development of productive forces and the increasing use by society of the geographical environment are increasingly posing the task of increasing the level of environmental management, which is associated with the need to obtain and process vast amounts of information, and not just processing, but at the same time forming objective recommendations on rational decision emerging situations.

With the growing shortage of labor resources, especially those of a highly intellectual level, only one way can be recognized as effective - automation of data processing processes. In this regard, there is a need to create automated system environmental management.


22% of the total forest area of ​​the planet is concentrated on the territory of our country, which allows us to consider Russia the largest forest power.

At the same time, despite the significant forest resource potential of Russia, domestic forest management is experiencing significant problems, among which the main ones are the following:

The discrepancy between the significant value of Russia's forest resource potential and its secondary role in the economy;

An unacceptably low level of use of the estimated cutting area, with average values ​​of about 20–25% in Russia, and even 15–20% in Siberia;

The anomaly of the age structure of forests, where mature and overmature plantations predominate, the share of which exceeds 50% of the total standing timber reserves;

Underdeveloped infrastructure of the timber industry and lack of a sufficient network of modern roads.

To overcome these problems, the Russian state forest management system needs to solve a number of complex problems:

Take effective measures state support domestic timber merchants in the form effective system user access to forest resources, in the form of optimal prices and taxes;

Increase the profitability of forests through the formation of an effective market mechanism of economic relations;

Carry out accelerated development of the infrastructure of the timber industry complex by attracting funds from forest users;

Carry out accelerated development of deep processing of all types of wood and, first of all, the development of the pulp and paper industry.

And in conclusion, I would like to emphasize that, being one of the most powerful in the world, the domestic natural resource potential, if used rationally and effectively, has every reason to become a reliable foundation for the establishment and acceleration of the development of the Russian economy.

A comprehensive solution to the issues of economic organization is impossible without comprehensive accounting and long-term assessment of natural resources and studying the impact of human activity on the environment. An integrated study of natural resources (CINR) is designed to help identify hidden and little-studied natural resources, their quantitative and qualitative assessment for the purposes of rational use, conservation and reproduction. During the course of the CIPR should be studied various components natural environment, regional patterns of their distribution have been established, reserves of land, water, plant and mineral resources have been discovered, and the main directions for their rational use in the future have been outlined. CIPR is carried out on the basis of remote sensing materials and is carried out by creating a series of thematic maps of topographic-geodetic, geological, geobotanical, hydrological and environmental content.


1. Ivanov O.P. Public administration natural resources: Textbook. allowance. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – Novosibirsk: SibAGS, 2004. – 444 p.

2. Tatsyun M.V. Forest Code of the Russian Federation. Problems and prospects // Timber industry. – 2003, No. 3. – P. 2 – 5.

3. Strakhov V.V., Pisarenko A.I. Forests of Russia in modern world. // Forestry, 2003, No. 4, p. 5 – 7.

4. Burdin N.A., Sakhanov V.V. Timber industry complex of the Russian Federation in 2002: main results and problems // Forest Economic Bulletin. – 2003. No. 1. P.3 – 11.

5. Ivanov O.P. Nature management: Course of lectures. – Novosibirsk: SibAGS, 2003. – 436 p.

6. Ivanov O.P. State management of natural resources: Course of lectures. – Novosibirsk: SibAGS, 2002. – 340 p.

7. Belyakov A.N. Mineral resource base of the Republic of Buryatia, Moscow 1999

8. Baryshev N.V. “Prospecting and exploration of mineral resources”, M.-L., 2000.

9. Potapov N.A. “Research of natural resources (on the example of the Republic of Buryatia)” abstract, Moscow 2000.

10. Rodionov D.A. “Statistical solutions in geology” M.: Nedra, 2001.

The Republic of Buryatia is a subject of the Russian Federation. The capital of Buryatia is Ulan-Ude. This land is rich in its culture and history. Two traditions are intertwined here - European and Eastern, each of which is amazing and unique. The land of Buryatia remembers the times of the great nomads of the Xiongnu, the warriors of Genghis Khan, and the Cossacks who defended the borders of Transbaikalia. Buryatia was once part of Mongolia, so the culture of this country has become an integral part of the Buryat people. The past is remembered here; it has not disappeared without a trace, but has become part of the present.


Buryatia is located on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal, in the very heart of Asia. The republic's southern neighbor is Mongolia. From the north, Buryatia borders on Tyva, to the western part, and Trans-Baikal Territory to the eastern part. The area of ​​the republic is about 351 thousand square kilometers. The geography of Buryatia is unique. All zones of Eurasia meet here: taiga, mountains, tundra, steppes, plains, desert. There are a lot of healing springs with mineral water in Buryatia. Local residents call them Ashans and consider them sacred places.


The climate of Buryatia is influenced by many factors. The republic is remote from the oceans and located in the center of the Eurasian continent; moreover, Buryatia is surrounded by mountains. Therefore, the weather here is unique and peculiar, and it is characterized by frequent and sharp variability. It is typical for the territory of the republic. It is very cold winter and hot (albeit short-lived) summers. Buryatia is a very sunny republic. In terms of the number of clear days, it can be compared with the Caucasus, Crimea or Central Asia.


Buryatia is the richest territory of our country in terms of mineral reserves. More than 700 deposits have been explored here. Gold, tungsten, uranium, molybdenum, beryllium, tin, aluminum are only a small part of all minerals. And the reserves of hard and brown coal will be enough for the needs of the republic for hundreds of years. It should be noted that the subsoil of this region contains about 48 percent of Russia's balance zinc reserves. The capital of Buryatia is the center of industrial enterprises for the processing of natural resources.

Nature of Buryatia

The nature of the republic is diverse and rich: dense forests, high mountains, valleys and rivers. There are a lot of plants and animals listed in the Red Book: brown bear, Barguzin sable, wapiti, reindeer and many others (about 40 species).

Travelers will love this amazing region. There's a lot to see here. Next will be a list of 7 natural wonders of Buryatia, a must-see for every self-respecting traveler.

Seventh place - Yukhta area (Zakamensky district). Here you will see an amazing mountain ensemble. This place is located at the confluence of the Dzhida and Yukhta rivers. The rocks resemble a fortress. They acquired such a bizarre shape under the pressure of rain and winds. From the tops of the mountains you can see a beautiful panorama - a valley with steep cliffs. You can admire the views not only from the top of the rocks, but also while crossing the river.

The sixth place is the Alla River gorge (Kurumkansky district). The valley of this river is cut by ancient glaciers. It flows through narrow canyon-like gorges. According to tourists, this is the most beautiful place on the planet. Everyone, without exception, is breathtaking from the incredibly beautiful and majestic panorama and the fast-moving mountain river.

Fifth place - a waterfall in the valley of the Shumilikha River (Severobaikalsky district). It is located 10 kilometers from Lake Baikal. In order to see it, you need to walk along the southern border at an altitude of one kilometer above sea level. The waterfall rushes down the bizarre rocks with a powerful roar.

Fourth place - Garginsky thermal spring (Kurumkansky district). This source has been known since the eighteenth century. It is located in the valley of the Gargi River. The source temperature is from 25 to 75 degrees Celsius. The composition of the water is considered low-mineralized, slightly alkaline with increased content radon People with various ailments come here. Water heals diseases of muscles, bones, tendons, gynecological and dermatological diseases.

Third place - Slyudyansky Lakes (Severobaikalsky district). These lakes are located 25 kilometers from Lake Baikal and are residual lakes of the Bay of Baikal. They got their name because of the mica mined in these places since the seventeenth century. They are surrounded by a pine forest, which creates an unusually beautiful view.

Second place - Mount Under Baabay (Zakamensky district). This mountain is a beautiful mountain range. An unusually picturesque view opens from the top.

The first place is Mount Barkhan-Uula (Kurumkansky district). According to Tibetan legends, Mount Barkhan-Uula is one of the five places where the main spirits live. There is a belief that a person who manages to conquer this mountain will become one with God.

What was the name of the capital of Buryatia before 1934?

The city was founded in 1666 on And it was originally called the Udin Cossack winter hut. The location of the winter hut was very successful - at the intersection of trade routes between Russia, China and Mongolia. That is why it developed at a rapid pace. By 1689, the winter quarters began to be called Verkhoudinsky fort. A year later, the fort received city status. By 1905 construction was completed railway. From that moment on, industry began to develop at a rapid pace in the region. By 1913, the population reached 13 thousand people.

Ulan-Ude - the capital of Buryatia

In 1934 the city was renamed Ulan-Ude. And in 1957 it received the status of the capital of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Today the population of Ulan-Ude is oldest city in Siberia is 421,453 people. The capital of Buryatia is an administrative, cultural and economic center. In addition, it is included in the list " Historical cities Russia."

Guests of Ulan-Ude always note how big and beautiful the capital of the Republic of Buryatia is. There are four higher educational institutions and five drama theaters in the city. Much attention is paid to sports. Various sports clubs, sections and schools operate here. The capital of Buryatia has 10 sister cities. Currently, the city is actively developing. There are many enterprises here that ensure the development of the entire region.

2011 The capital of Buryatia celebrates its 345th anniversary. The city authorities decided to celebrate such a milestone date on a grand scale: concerts, folk festivals, fireworks and fireworks.

Is Buryatia a seismically active region?

The republic is located in a seismically active zone. Therefore, the question remains very acute: “How many points will the capital of Buryatia withstand?” Unfortunately, according to experts, buildings, both new and old, will not withstand large earthquake amplitudes. City authorities should pay attention to this and tighten control over the construction of buildings.

Features of the nature of Buryatia

In the south of Eastern Siberia, on an area of ​​351.4 thousand square meters. The land of Buryatia stretches kilometers. The features of its nature are greatly influenced by the distance from the seas and oceans and the mountainous terrain of the territory.

The continuous and focal distribution of permafrost and the predominance of a sharply continental climate are also closely related to high relief.

These factors take an active part in the formation of various natural complexes - taiga, dry steppe, treeless rocky highlands, wetlands.

The territory of Buryatia has a significant elevation above sea level, and its lowest point is the level of Lake Baikal (-456 m). The highest point is the city of Munku-Sardyk (3491m).

The territory is mainly occupied by highly dissected mid-altitude mountains. Plain areas can only be found in tectonic depressions and in the valleys of large rivers.

Depressions can be intramountain - this is the Baikal type and intermountain - the Transbaikal type.

The Baikal depression, the Verkhneangarsk and Barguzin basins belong to the Baikal type.

The Transbaikal type depressions include Gusinoozerskaya, Chikoysko-Khilokskaya, Udinskaya, etc.

Note 1

The Transbaikal type of depressions is distinguished by the fact that they have almost no pronounced asymmetry of mountain slopes and are usually located between mid-mountain ridges.

The Eastern Sayan Mountains of Buryatia are the highest and youngest - this is “Tibet in miniature”.

On south coast Lake Baikal is located on the Khamar-Daban ridge, or as it is also called the “Siberian Jungle”, because its slopes are covered with impenetrable thickets.

From the east, Baikal is adjacent to the Barguzinsky ridge, their figurative name is “The Land of a Thousand Lakes”. Indeed, there are a large number of lakes of glacial origin.

The Baikal ridge, overgrown with forest, is located in the north of the lake.

Note 2

The peculiarity of the Baikal ridges is that most of them have soft outlines and flat tops. They stretch parallel to the Baikal basin and are directed from southwest to northeast. The exception is Khamar-Daban.

The area is seismically active. The strength of earthquakes can reach 8-10 points. In Transbaikalia, permafrost of rocks has become widespread.

A feature of the sharply continental climate of Buryatia is large annual and daily temperature fluctuations and uneven distribution precipitation by season. The harsh and windless winter is replaced by a late, dry spring with strong winds and night frosts.

Summer is short, the first half is dry and the second half is rainy. Early frosts and sharp daily fluctuations are characteristic of cool autumn.

During the cold period, a powerful northeastern spur of the Siberian anticyclone develops here, so in winter in Transbaikalia low temperature and a large number of sunny days.

In Buryatia, the January air temperature is -24, -25 degrees, on some days it can drop to -45 degrees. Precipitation falls up to 500 mm.

The republic is often called “sunny Buryatia” because the average duration of sunshine is 2200 hours.

Different types of soils have formed on the territory of Buryatia. In Transbaikalia, on the plateaus, podzolic soil type is common under larch, pine, cedar and fir forests.

The area of ​​fertile chernozem soils is much smaller compared to chestnut soils. The transitional soils between them are gray forest soils.

Meadow and swamp soils formed in river valleys, where groundwater lie close to the surface. Meadow-permafrost soils form along river valleys where there is permafrost. In the southern regions of the Republic there are solonetz and solonetzic soils.

Resources of the Republic of Buryatia

The subsoil of the Republic is rich in various mineral resources. According to their reserves, Buryatia is one of the leading places in Russia.

Within the Republic there are about 30 coal-bearing areas, such as the Udinskaya coal-bearing depression, Dzhidinskaya, Pribaikalskaya, Gusinoozerskaya, etc.

In the depths there are tungsten, molybdenum, and nickel ores. Large tungsten deposits are Kholtosonskoye and Inkurskoye. Orekitkanskoye, Maloyonogorskoye, Zharchikhinskoye are large deposits of molybdenum. Large nickel deposits include Chayskoye and Baikalskoye.

Reserves of non-ferrous metals have been explored - beryllium, lead, tin, zinc.

Even before the revolution, large deposits of ore and placer gold were developed in the north of Buryatia.

Non-metallic minerals include phosphates, apatites, and fluorspar. There are proven reserves of fluxes and refractories. Large deposits asbestos is concentrated in the Molodeznoye, Ilchirskoye, and Zelenoe deposits.

Unique deposits of potassium-alumina ores and nepheline syenites include the Sannyrskoye and Mukhalskoye deposits, respectively.

The area of ​​land occupied by forests in 2012 amounted to 84.3% of the area of ​​the Republic. Forest areas increased by 403.1 thousand hectares, and the area of ​​forest fund lands decreased by 88.8 thousand hectares.

The reason is related to their transfer to the lands of specially protected areas.

The forest resources of the Republic are subject to frequent fires, the average area of ​​which is 63.1 hectares.

The great wealth of the Republic is fresh, mineral and thermal waters, on the basis of the latter there are resorts of Russian significance - Arshan, Goryachinsk. Local resorts are Nilova Pustyn, Khakusy, Kuchiger, Goryachy Klyuch, etc.

Water resources are represented by rivers and streams, of which there are more than 9 thousand. The Selenga, originating in Mongolia, is one of the largest rivers of Buryatia. The history of many Asian peoples is connected with this river, which flows into Lake Baikal.

The Barguzin River is no less famous. The famous song “The Glorious Sea – Sacred Baikal” is associated with this river. This unique lake known all over the world, it is ancient and deep. The lake has the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The lake basin contains 20% of the world's surface reserves. fresh water and more than 80% of Russian water reserves.

Figure 1. Typical landscape of Buryatia. Author24 - online exchange of student work

There are many other lakes on this land - Gusinoye, Shchuchye, Sobolinoye, Guitar, Heart, etc.

On the territory of Buryatia there are specially protected natural areas where all resources are protected by law.

These include:

  • Barguzinsky, Baikalsky, Dzherginsky nature reserves;
  • Tunkinsky and Transbaikalsky national parks;
  • twenty reserves;
  • 266 natural monuments.

The total area of ​​these territories is 10% of the area of ​​the Republic itself.

Environmental situation in Buryatia

Compared to other regions of Russia, Buryatia is one of the most environmentally friendly regions.

But, nevertheless, environmental problems are also typical for the Republic.

Problems include:

  • deterioration of condition air basin Selenginsk and Ulan-Ude;
  • condition of some water bodies;
  • growing solid waste and its unauthorized disposal;
  • environmental damage from past years;
  • low ecological culture population.

According to Burstat, emissions of pollutants from stationary sources amounted to 26195.1 thousand. tons for 2011. There was an increase in emissions compared to 2010.

By hazard class:

  • 70.0% increase in first class;
  • reduction by 17% second class;
  • a 42.5% decrease in third grade;
  • a 22.5% decrease in fourth grade;
  • an increase of 58.1% in the fifth hazard class.

The increase in the amount of waste is associated with an increase in the number of overburden rocks that are formed during mining coal deposits, and this is the fifth class of danger.

The increase in waste of the first hazard class occurred as a result of the fact that capacitors at Buryatenergo facilities that had expired were written off.

Due to the fact that the volume of work at the facilities of JSC Russian Railways was reduced, there was a reduction in waste of the third hazard class.

With the transition of the Selenga pulp and cardboard mill to recycled materials, waste of the fourth hazard class was reduced.

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