How to make a pottery wheel from a washing machine. How to make a pottery wheel with your own hands Pottery wheel from a washing machine baby

IN lately pottery is becoming popular again as it once was, but there is basically nowhere to try what it is, since there are not many workshops.

So you have to learn on your own, fortunately there is the Internet, where you can watch videos and read about this topic.

But to try it you need a potter’s wheel, preferably a kiln, hands and desire.

Buying a pottery wheel may not be affordable for everyone. In fact, even budget circles have a cost of 20-30 thousand rubles. Based on this, the decision was made to build a pottery wheel on our own.
This is where it turned out to be a surprise that there is nothing special on this topic on the Internet, mostly scattered information and nothing concrete (here I mean electric pottery wheels, since there is enough information on foot wheels).

So let's get started.

It took a week to sketch out the shape of the circle in SketchUp (a week because we thought through all the elements as much as possible, thinking about maximum unification, which didn’t quite work out, of course). I've had to redo it a couple of times already ready-made option circle.

The frame is made of 80x40 profile pipe, since this size fits quite well with the idea of ​​​​the rigidity of the structure. (welded structure)

The engine is suspended on a plate that moves along the slide; this implementation serves to tension the belt that transmits rotation from the engine shaft pulley to the faceplate pulley. The engine pulley is machined.

Faceplate shaft bearing from VAZ-2109 (rear hub). The choice fell on it because it is most suitable for our purposes. Its design is such that when the clip is pressed, it self-centers. A glass was carved for him and welded into cross beam. Factory driven shaft pulley, from washing machine. The shaft and nuts that tighten the bearing and fix the pulley were also machined. The poly V-belt was also from a washing machine. There were fears that the belt would fall off the driven pulley (its surface is flat), but they were not confirmed.

The faceplate is also machined from sheet stainless steel.

The table is made of chipboard and coated with paint.

Engine power 370W 1500 rpm.

It is powered through a Vesper - 8100k frequency converter. The speed can be adjusted over a wide range - from zero to 110, and more is possible - everything changes in the settings of the converter.

The control is derived from the converter and consists of a speed controller in the form of a variable resistor and a simple switch.

The design of the circle turned out to be as simple and convenient as possible. If you wish, you can switch the speed control to the foot pedal - but here it’s up to you to please.

Are you a pottery enthusiast? Do you want to create masterpieces with clay at home? Then you will probably be interested to know how you can make a pottery wheel from a washing machine. The cost of a new machine is often beyond the budget. And why spend money if you can make a device from improvised materials. The secrets of making a pottery wheel yourself are revealed in our article.

Types of pottery machine

The first pottery mechanisms were used in Ancient Egypt 2 thousand years BC. Modern type The device has remained virtually unchanged since those times. The only thing that makes the machines different is the drive.


  1. Foot. The rotation of the shaft is ensured by a person who presses the pedal and rotates the circle clockwise. The device was popular due to its simple design. But its operation is inconvenient: you have to simultaneously concentrate on the pedals and on working with the product.

  1. Mechanical. The principle of operation is similar to the first option. The difference is that the shaft is driven by the return rotation of the pedal.
  2. Electrical. Such models are common in modern times. The mechanism is driven by an electric drive. So the user can adjust the desired speed and dive into work.

How does a pottery wheel from a washing machine work?

The “Malyutka” activator type machine is suitable for us. . Even if you don’t have it in your bins, you can buy used equipment. This will cost several times less than buying a new machine.

What parts does the machine include? washing machine(CM):

  • Switch and speed controller;
  • Impeller.

What is needed to make a device from SM “Malyutka” :

  • A piece of plywood;
  • Plastic bottle (you can take it from a medicine bottle);
  • White spirit and waterproof varnish;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Hacksaw, bolts, nuts, knife, screwdrivers and keys, pliers;
  • Soldering iron.

It is also possible to make a machine based on a welded frame and an engine from an automatic washing machine (AWM).

What it will include:

  • The bed is a stable welded structure that will serve as the basis;
  • Motor for rotating the shaft;
  • Two pulleys that, using a belt, transmit rotation from the motor to the circle;
  • Switch, speed controller;
  • Drive shaft with bearings;
  • A bowl that will hold the circle. Its walls will protect the room from clay splashes.

Choose the option whose components are easier for you to assemble. If you decide to assemble a machine from a “Malyutka” type machine, then you will not need drawings. Its design is most suitable for work.

Instructions for making a pottery wheel

Let's start with a simpler option.

How to assemble a mechanism from an activator machine

There is already a horizontally placed circle at the bottom of the case. You need to disassemble the case:

  • Turn the CM upside down;
  • Unscrew the screws securing the upper part;
  • At the bottom you will find a motor and a pulley that are connected by a belt. There is also a timer set there. It will not be useful for work, so remove it by disconnecting the wires;
  • Now remove the pulley. To do this, release it from the belt, twist the fastening nut;

  • Behind the pulley there is a ribbed impeller. A wheel with a flat surface is suitable for the job, so you can make it yourself, or contact a turner;
  • Measure the dimensions of the axle and sketch out a diagram of the components. The holder is made of steel, and upper part from moisture resistant plywood;

  • After manufacturing, wipe the plywood disc with white spirit and coat it with moisture-resistant varnish. The holder must be primed and painted;

  • It's time to build the impeller. Secure the holder to the plywood using bolts.

Take the prepared medicine bottle. Trim the top and bottom and place in the center as shown in the photo.

It will serve as protection against moisture. Then mount the prepared wheel. Secure the product with a plastic bolt.

Let's move on to the body. Make a mark along the cut line with a marker. It should be at least 1 cm away from the disc. Trim the top with a hacksaw. The base is ready, all that remains is to connect the engine.

How to connect the motor

You need to determine where the wire is located that goes to the motor windings, stator and brushes. To do this, it is better to use a multimeter. In one of the articles we wrote “ How to connect a motor from an old washing machine", the stages of work are described in detail there.

A switch must be connected to the power wire. On the body, select a place where it will be convenient to place the switch.

After installation, secure all wires with clamps and insulate them from moisture.

If you want to install a speed controller (500 W), the connection will be similar to the method with a switch, or the latter can be completely eliminated in this case.

Homemade pottery machine

Here you will need a drawing with exact calculations, as shown below.

Prepare components and tools:

  • Suitable for frame profile pipe size 80x40 mm;
  • The motor is from a machine with a speed of no more than 1500 per minute;
  • The drive and driven pulleys are also taken from the CM housing;
  • The circle/faceplate is ordered in advance or made from steel 10 mm thick. Please note that the diameter internal hole must match the shaft size;
  • Bearings and shaft;
  • Welding apparatus;
  • Grinder with different attachments;
  • Drill.

Work progress:

  • Make a frame using welding. You should get a rectangular frame with legs. Fasten the profile at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Attach a crossbar from the same profile to the middle, closer to the edge. It will serve as the basis for the shaft.
  • Now you need to make a base for the motor. To do this, a transverse pipe is welded to opposite profiles. Two longitudinal pipes are fixed perpendicular to the transverse one.
  • Attach the runners and guide to the longitudinal bases.
  • Attach the motor stand.
  • Install the engine. Use bolts as fastenings.
  • Attach the bearing cup.
  • Install the shaft with the pulley and center it.
  • Put protection on top. This could be a plastic container.
  • Mount the faceplate.
  • Connect electrical part: motor, switch.

The video shows the stages of making a pottery machine.

It cannot be said that pottery has become very popular, but many of our compatriots have begun to regain interest in it. Making clay crafts with your own hands is interesting for all ages and genders: children and the elderly, boys and girls, men and women.

For successful training, three conditions must be met.

  1. Have clay. Even for city residents, this task is doable; you can always find tips on finding clay on the Internet. And in the villages there is clay underfoot in almost every farmstead.
  2. Have a potter's wheel. This is where complications can arise. For the more prosperous part of our society, it is not a problem to buy such a device, although it is not cheap. As for the rest, they can make the circle on their own; below in this article we will give detailed recommendations.
  3. Have a desire. This is where unexpected troubles can arise. Unfortunately, for many, the desire to do something with their own hands quickly passes. The reasons are various, from physical and moral fatigue, to ordinary laziness and reluctance to show strength of character.

If you are sure that you will fulfill all three conditions without any problems, then you can proceed to the main thing - making a pottery wheel.

Types of equipmentnand I

Nothing can be done without preparation; it is recommended that you carefully and slowly think about each new task, draw up a preliminary action plan, evaluate your financial capabilities and practical skills. Before you start making a pottery wheel, you should know its types, technical features, strengths and weaknesses.

As excavations by historians show, the potter's wheel can be called one of the first machines invented by mankind. Moreover, the solution was so successful that today there have been no fundamental changes in the design; it has the same individual elements. Only the drive differs, and professional potters still prefer the foot drive. Such circles have been used for hundreds of years.

Machine components

  1. Flywheel. Made from stone, metal or heavy wood, it can have a diameter of up to one meter. The task of the flywheel is to accumulate kinetic energy and gradually, as needed, release it to form clay products.
  2. Vertical axis. Transfers rotation from the flywheel to the pottery wheel. To reduce friction forces, rolling bearings or special bushings with low coefficient slip.
  3. Potter's wheel. Clay products are made there.
  4. Bench for sitting. It can be made on the same frame with the machine or be separate.

Additionally, sometimes a bowl is installed to collect waste and clay residues.

Regardless of the material of manufacture, drive, dimensions and other factors, the fundamental engineering diagram of the pottery wheel does not change.

What types of drive wheels are currently used?

Drive typeBrief description of features
The traditional potter's wheel has a history of use that goes back many hundreds of years. The master uses one foot to rotate the flywheel, while his hands are free and busy making crafts. The flywheel has various sizes and mass, the values ​​of accumulated energy depend on these parameters. You must understand that a heavy circle is more difficult to rotate with your foot; it has a greater inertial force. Such machines are easiest to make yourself, and easier to learn how to operate. In addition, the leg mechanisms are almost indestructible. The reason is very simple - they have nothing to break. The fewer parts a mechanism has, the higher its reliability; this is an axiom of the designers’ actions.

Appeared in England during the period of industrial development. The design at that time was advanced and successful; mass production even began in the middle of the century before last. The author of the mechanical potter's wheel is known, this is the potter Bernard Leach. The flywheel was driven by a pedal, and it was connected to the axle by a crank mechanism. Disadvantages of the device - it is quite difficult to remove the heavy flywheel from rest.

Such a drive greatly facilitated the work of the craftsmen, all mechanical work performed by an electric motor. The machine worked without a heavy and large flywheel, the dimensions and weight were significantly reduced. Disadvantages of the machine - attachment to electrical networks, mechanical complexity of the design, rather high cost. Pottery production is always associated with water and clay, and these are the main enemies of mechanisms. Electric circles fail much more often and require periodic maintenance. In addition, in wet areas The risk of electric shock to people increases significantly.

In this article we will look at the manufacturing technology of only the simplest and most reliable circles.

Prices for iMold Basic pottery wheel

Compact pottery wheel iMold Basic

Making such a pottery wheel will not be difficult if you know the main principles and requirements. We will focus on them. What components does a pottery wheel consist of and what are the requirements for them?


The supporting frame to which all other parts of the mechanism are attached. The main requirements for the frame are rigidity and stability. It is subject to heavy loads, including dynamic ones. If the machine jerks during the manufacture of clay crafts, this becomes the cause of defects.

To make our frame, we needed two meters of 40x200mm boards and seven meters of 40x50mm bars. The strength of the legs of the machine is increased by jumpers, all connections are made in half wood, screws and bolts are used from hardware. For a flywheel with a diameter of 1 m, the distance between the frame legs must be at least 60 cm, otherwise it will not fit into the free space and adjustments will have to be made to the design.


We make it from a Ø 25mm pipe; the bearings fit perfectly on it. Axle length 83 cm. Upper bearing in closed case and completely sealed, these are used on domestically produced agricultural machinery. Finding them in the village is not a problem. Lower thrust roller bearing. The service life of such bearings is enormous; they will work forever on a pottery machine if you do not intentionally fill them with water or hit them with a sledgehammer.

A Ø 52 mm mounting hole is drilled under the lower bearing and the cage is driven tightly. A through hole is made in the top bar of the frame, and the upper bearing along with the housing is fixed to it.

Scratch disk

It is made from several layers of plywood, the total thickness of the disk is at least five centimeters. If it is thin, then the axis is fixed only from the outside, and the disk wobbles during operation. As practice shows, the axle must enter the disk to a depth of at least three centimeters; this is the only way to ensure a secure fit.

A technological hole for the pipe (not through) is drilled in the center and a metal flange with a stopper is screwed on. Due to this element, the upper disk is rigidly fixed to the end of the pipe and rotates with it.


It can be made solid from boards or empty from sheet plywood. The first option is expensive and time-consuming, the second is much simpler. Subsequently, the empty cavity of the flywheel is filled with sand, it becomes heavy and copes with its tasks perfectly.

From plywood 9 mm thick you need electric jigsaw cut two identical circles and tighten them together using small wooden blocks. The thickness and, accordingly, the weight of the flywheel depend on their size. A strip of plywood 4mm thick is screwed around the perimeter onto self-tapping screws; before screwing, the surfaces must be lubricated with wood glue. The heavier the flywheel, the more kinetic energy it accumulates, which is very important for working on the machine. The element is fixed to the axis with a metal flange installed exactly in the center of the circle.

After all the components and parts are prepared, you can begin assembly.

Step 1. Attach the bottom board of the frame to the legs. It is fixed with bolts, there is no need to tighten it too much, this is done only after assembling and checking all the elements.

Step 2. Install the lower thrust roller bearing race into the hole.

Step 3. Place the axle on the flywheel and place a washer to adjust the height. Place the assembled unit in place.

Step 4. Set the top bar. Place it on the axle and screw it to the legs.

Screw the upper ball bearing to the bar, lock the axle in the flanges.

Step 5. Attach the upper working disk to the axle. Install a stop bar for the legs.

Step 6. Tighten the bottom bolts until they stop. To increase the rigidity of the structure, another stop should be installed diagonally. You can use ordinary wooden stalk from a bayonet shovel.

Step 7 Pour sand into the flywheel and close the hole. You can start working on the machine.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Step-by-step instructions for making a circle with an electric drive

We will consider a simple manufacturing option from scrap materials. You will only have to find an electric motor from a washing machine or other household appliance and a bicycle wheel.

Step 1. Cut two corners approximately 50 cm long with a shelf width of 45 mm. Using a grinder, cut out recesses of 1 cm and 5 cm on the side edges.

Step 2. Weld these corners together, you will get the upper platform of the supporting frame of the machine, and then all other elements will be mounted on it.

Step 3. Insert the axle shaft with the flange into the hole and place the ball bearing on top of it. Adjust the position of the parts, install them in a strictly vertical position and grab the bearing.

Important. During welding, do not overheat the outer casing and do not allow the metal to temper.

Prices for popular models of welding machines

Welding machines

The loads on the potter's wheel assemblies are insignificant; there is no need to completely scald the bearing; it is enough to grab it in several places.

Step 4. Make a hole in the axle shaft and insert a threaded rod. Then it must also be welded, ensuring complete alignment of the parts.

Step 5. Place the bicycle wheel rim on the axle and secure its position with a nut. Both front and rear wheels can be used.

Step 6. From the other end of the welded corners, drill four holes to fix the electric motor. The distance between them and the diameter are selected depending on the parameters of the housing flange; each engine has its own characteristics. In our case, we used a motor from an old washing machine. It comes with a set of high-capacity capacitors, due to which it can operate from a single-phase home network.

Step 7 Cut the metal between the holes with a grinder and remove the strips. Thanks to this modification, it will be possible to regulate the tension force of the drive belt, it will not slip, and the wheel will rotate at the same speed.

Step 8 At the bottom of the frame, fit any stops to secure the bearing race. Weld four vertical racks for the potter's wheel table.

Step 9 Cut a plate from a piece of sheet iron suitable sizes. We use the door of an old refrigerator, cut a hole in it for the machine axle. The hole can be made with a grinder.

  1. Draw a circle in the right place. The diameter should allow the axle to rotate without problems.
  2. Use a grinder to cut several diameters in the circle; the more diameters there are, the better.
  3. Fold all the triangles up and cut off the vertical ends.

Place the sheet in place, drill holes in it and the frame and fasten with bolts. Now we need to make a circle for the master to work with. We also make it from sheet steel, only the thickness of the metal must be at least 2 mm.

Making the top circle

Step 1. Weld the metal to the axle flange; the connection must be strong; the safety of working on a pottery wheel depends on this.

Step 2. Assemble the machine and turn on the engine. Use a grinder to mark a circle on the rotating metal. Stop the machine and cut off the excess metal.

Step 3. Turn on the machine again and remove all rust from the surface of the sheet iron. First, work with a grinder, then with emery cloth, remove burrs and sharp edges.

Prices for angle grinders (grinders)

Angle grinders (grinders)

Practical advice. Adjust the number of revolutions of the working circle by changing the diameter of the drive pulley. It is installed on the rotor shaft of an electric motor.

If desired, the surface of the machine can be cleaned of old paint and rust and paint with durable exterior paints. But it is not necessary to do this; after a few days of work, the pottery wheel will become dirty with clay and the paint will be invisible. This is the working state of the machine, no need to pay attention.

Video - DIY pottery wheel

Pottery is one of the most fascinating and accessible crafts; it is never too late to learn how to make various dishes from clay with your own hands. But for this you need to have a special workshop; working with clay in an apartment is very inconvenient. If you have a workshop, then it is advisable to expand the scope of your activity and start doing equally useful and exciting carpentry. Table for circular saw – the first equipment that should take its place in the workshop. Manufacturing instructions

If you or your child decide to try their hand at pottery, then you will need a pottery wheel. The new apparatus is expensive, and without it it will not be possible to make an even clay jug.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to make a pottery wheel from a washing machine with your own hands. The technology is easy to understand; any type of machine is suitable: activator or drum.

Instructions for making a pottery wheel

We will tell you how to make a pottery machine with your own hands using the example of an activator-type machine. The “Malyutka” washing machine will do.

Since the rotating element in it is located horizontally, you only need to slightly modify the design by installing a disk.

What you need for work

Accessories and parts:

  • washing machine;
  • a piece of plywood;
  • yacht or waterproof varnish, paint, white alcohol;
  • plastic jar (for example, for medicine);
  • switch;
  • impeller;
  • insulating tape;
  • bolts with nuts.


  • self-tapping screws;
  • ruler;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • soldering iron;
  • screwdrivers and keys.

Step-by-step execution of work

How to make a pottery wheel yourself at home? To do this, you need to disassemble the washing machine. Proceed sequentially:

Now you need to make a homemade impeller. Since there is no wheel between the shaft and the pottery wheel, you can do it yourself or order it from a turner - to do this, measure the dimensions of the shaft. You can prepare a drawing of the finished structure in advance:

In the future, the finished wheel must be cleaned of dirt and painted.

Prepare the body

A circle is cut out of a piece of moisture-resistant plywood. It can also be ordered from a turner along with the wheel. If you make the parts yourself, check them in the assembly to ensure accurate alignment.

When the circle is ready, treat it with impregnation by mixing varnish and white alcohol. Then apply a layer of waterproof (yacht) varnish on top.

Assembly and design of the impeller

Screw the impeller to the plywood pottery wheel. Then install the axle, secure it in place with the bolt.

Accurate, level installation is very important. If the wheel rotates unevenly, problems will arise when working with clay.

After you have put the structure on the shaft, you need to make sure that no water enters the drive mechanism. To do this, use a plastic bottle: cut off the bottom of the bottle and place it on the shaft, securing it with a nut.

Working with the body

For ease of operation, the machine body must be cut off. Mark with a felt-tip pen a place 1-2 cm above the impeller and cut with a knife or hacksaw. You should still have a bottom with an activator and small sides.

Motor connection

In one of the articles we described in detail the process of connecting the washing machine motor. To execute correct connection, definitely needed electrical diagram motor. From it you can determine:

  • which wires lead to the tachometer, which regulates engine speed;
  • which lead to the stator and rotor;
  • which lead to electric brushes.

After making the connection, cut a hole in the housing for the switch. It is advisable that it be protected from moisture. After installing the switch, connect the power wire to it. The ends of the wires can be secured with a clamp and insulated with electrical tape.

You need to install a speed regulator on the motor housing, since a speed of 500-700 revolutions per minute will not allow it to work normally.

Now you know how a pottery wheel from a washing machine works. You can safely get to work and create.

Many people would love to devote themselves to creativity with a material such as clay, but the first thing that stops everyone is the price of a pottery wheel. So, on average, for the specified unit you will have to pay from $500, if we talk about domestically produced models. As for foreign companies, you need to be prepared to pay $1,300 or more for a product. The question arises, what to do in this case, abandon this idea? The answer is simple: you can make a pottery wheel with your own hands.

Naturally, you will need to make an effort. There is no need to expect a high-end model, but for beginners the end result is quite suitable.

First of all, it’s worth understanding what a potter’s wheel is. IN general outline he has next view: A vertical shaft with a round flat disk on top. According to historians, over the past few thousand years this design has not undergone fundamental changes. The only difference is that now the shaft can be driven by a motor, rather than a foot drive. By the way, there are still masters of clay making who prefer to work with a mechanical wheel, claiming that this way you can fully experience the entire process of creating clay products.

Having found out the principle of operation of the unit, let’s figure out what types of potter’s wheels exist.


This design is the most simple and has been used for hundreds of years. This device consists of a shaft on which drive and working circles are mounted on both sides. The master must rotate such a unit clockwise with his foot. This pottery wheel is easy to create, so it was especially popular among craftsmen.


A similar unit was seen by the world thanks to Bernard Leach, a potter who created this type of circle. By the way, the design turned out to be so successful that it was immediately sent to industrial production. The operating principle of the circle is based on the operation of a crank mechanism. This turned out to be convenient in the sense that it became possible to regulate the speed of the circle.


Since the advent of the electric drive, mechanization has, in principle, stepped forward. This also applies to pottery wheels. Thus, the need for physical activity on the part of humans disappeared. In addition, the electric drive allows you to more accurately set the rotation speed. Also, the dimensions of the machine itself have become significantly smaller.

How to make a pottery wheel

Today in any specialized store you can find large assortment various pottery wheels. However, as we found out earlier, the price tag of this product is quite high, especially for those who want to test themselves in new creativity. That is why many, having learned about the cost of a new professional product, immediately begin to wonder how to make a pottery wheel on their own.

It's actually not that difficult. So, first of all, it is necessary to make a frame, which is made of materials such as wooden beam or metal profile. Bearings must be placed in the lower and upper parts of the finished part, which will allow the shaft with the circle attached to it to rotate. As for the circle, it is best to make it from a material that is resistant to moisture. The following materials are suitable for this: plastic, aluminum, bronze, brass or fiberglass. Of course, it would be ideal if the diameter of the circle is from 250 to 300 mm. It is best if this part is made at lathe. The finished circle is fixed directly to the shaft using a flange or using any other available method.

In general, we can safely say that the design of a pottery wheel is quite simple and anyone who has ever dealt with metalworking tools in their life can make the device.

Additional tools

Regardless of what level you decide to master the craft at - amateur or close to professional, you will need additional tools, without which the work cannot be considered complete. Plus, it will make it much easier creative process. So, you should additionally acquire the following tools:

  • Stacks– you can take wooden, metal or plastic spatulas of any shape and size.
  • String(metal), which should have two handles at the ends for convenience. With the specified tool finished work cut from the circle.

For those who are just starting to get acquainted with clay, it is not at all necessary to immediately set as their goal the acquisition of a professional pottery wheel. To learn the basics creative work It will be enough to purchase or make a pottery wheel with your own hands.

Workshop equipment for work

Everyone should understand that any pottery work is a very dirty business and it is possible to do it in your apartment without damaging the interior, only if you allocate a separate room. However, not everyone can afford this. Among other things, the operation of a potter's wheel is not at all silent, which may cause disapproval from neighbors. Therefore, it is ideal to create a workshop in which you can implement any creative ideas outside the city - in the country or in the village.

On warm days, you can freely practice pottery outside, but direct sun rays or the sediment for the material, tools and the pottery wheel itself is not very good, so you should think about setting aside a room for a place to work.

Equipping a workshop for work does not seem to be a difficult task. So, it will be quite enough to find a table for storing tools and things, as well as shelves where unfinished and finished pottery will be placed. Another important point- must be provided workplace good light.

Foot driven circle

For those who want to make a wheel with a foot drive, it is worth making sure that a strong flywheel is installed on the bottom of the shaft. It can be made from solid boards and it is better if it is shaped like a wheel. A strong one is also great for these purposes. metal disk. For example, a 30-kilogram barbell plate will do just fine.

Electric drive wheel

For those who still want to make a circle with an electric drive, an engine from sewing machine. Its advantage is that it will allow you to adjust the speed of the shaft itself, and this can be done thanks to a special pedal. The engine can be purchased at the appropriate store, but this option will not be cheap. An alternative could be a flea market or flea market.

When working with an electric drive, you don’t have to focus on a special base, replacing it with any table or massive stool. In addition, you need to select a shallow container (it is advisable to choose plastic with a diameter of 40 to 45 cm), which should be firmly fixed to the base so that the circle can rotate inside it without any problems. This manipulation is necessary so that the mixture of clay and water does not scatter on all sides, but is evenly placed in the container.

IN modern world There are a lot of early development schools for children that are designed to provide comprehensive education for children. For example, classes in modeling from various materials– puff pastry, plasticine or clay. Such activities contribute to the development of creative abilities in the child, develop fine motor skills hands, relaxes and even relieves in some cases of certain fears.

At a certain stage, children will no longer be interested in simply doing hand modeling, so here it is worth thinking about purchasing or making a pottery wheel yourself.
You can make a pottery wheel for children using the analogy given above. The main thing is to focus on the type of unit.

Clay for potter's wheel

So, almost all the important technical features have already been considered; now it’s worth understanding what clay is for a potter’s wheel. Now there is a wide variety of types of this material, which differ from each other in origin and composition.

Clay for potter's wheel technical parameter divided into shale, fire-resistant and so-called kaolins. In addition, the material has a certain “fat content”. So, the higher this parameter, the more plastic the clay feels to the touch. If we consider skinny material, it is less amenable to modeling, and finished goods it most often cracks during the firing stage. In turn, fatty clay has proven itself much better. It should be understood that if you need to make a thin product, it is best to choose the thickest material.

Clay also differs in color, varying depending on how much metal oxide it contains. For example, if the material contains up to 1% impurities, any product made from it will be white. If this indicator is exceeded, it will turn red during the firing stage, even if the clay was white before.

For beginners in pottery, it is best to opt for prepared material, which should be purchased in specialized stores. And only when the level of professionalism reaches a certain point will it be possible to find suitable clay in other places without any problems.

Working on a pottery wheel

Working on a potter's wheel has some features that we will consider below. Regardless of what kind of clay you take - store-bought or not, it must be “beaten” before work. This is quite easy to do. To begin with, you need to roll the material into a “sausage” and divide it in half. In this case, the clay must be separated by twisting. Next, the material is thrown onto the surface, folded, rolled out and torn again.

Such manipulations should be done 20 times, but you can’t do without it, because in this way all the air unnecessary for work is removed from the clay and it becomes more homogeneous. For comparison, you can try to start working with unbroken material. As a result, you will see that air bubbles will interfere with the manipulation of clay and this is the best case scenario. In the worst case, only at the last stages, during firing, will the product burst.

The next stage of preparing the material is mixing in a spiral. To do this, take a piece of clay and place it on work surface and then you need to press on it with your palms so as to push it away from you and try to turn it towards you. If such actions are accompanied by popping actions (air bubbles will come out of the clay), then you are doing everything correctly. This kneading should be done up to 35-40 repetitions. After this stage, the material is completely ready for use.

Next, the piece of material is cut required quantity, which is placed in the center of the circle and slightly pressed down. It is necessary to ensure that it is clearly in the middle (otherwise the material will simply fly away), and only after making sure of this can you start the pottery wheel.
When working with clay, it is also important what position your hands are in. So, the elbows must be pressed to the body, the hands must be bent, and the wrists must be as close as possible to the piece of material. And remember - no stress, because you are doing creative work!

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