Automotive lubrication: ball joint lubrication. How to lubricate a ball joint yourself? How to lubricate a ball joint

A ball joint is a car suspension part that serves to connect the lever and the hub. All motorists know very well that it is necessary to monitor ball joints and lubricate them regularly. If the ball joint is worn out, it must be immediately replaced with a new one. Some car enthusiasts believe that regular lubrication of bearings is much cheaper than replacing a worn-out unit. That's why they drill a hole in the center of the hinge for lubrication and put a plug there. We will explain to anyone who wants to know how to lubricate a ball joint. For lubrication, you need to use a special syringe with lithol, which is screwed into the hole through which the lubricant enters the hinge. You can also use a regular medical syringe for this. To do this, you need to pierce the ball joint boot with a needle and introduce TAD-17 lubricant inside. Annual lubrication in this way will allow you to do without replacing ball joints for more than 100 thousand km.

It is impossible to say exactly how the ball joint knocks. One can only assume that the knock that occurs when driving on uneven roads is the knock of the ball joint. In order to check this, you need to lift the car on a lift. First of all, check the condition of the anthers, since if the anther is damaged, dust and dirt immediately gets there, and this instantly shortens the service life. After which you need to check the play of the ball joint and if there is play, it means that it is time to change the ball joints.

For those who do not know what a ball joint looks like, let us explain. That this is part of the pendant, which looks like a fixed ball with a finger. Now that you know what it looks like, let's choose a good spare part for your car. When inspecting the ball joint, you should pay attention to the forged pin, the threads of which should be rolled. The finger should turn easily without jamming. The boot must fit snugly against the body of the finger, and there must be a certification mark on the box. Now you know how to choose a ball joint.

The ball joint is one of the most important suspension parts. Since it is she who keeps the wheel in a vertical position and prevents it from turning out. The safety of your ride directly depends on its quality and wear resistance. After all, if the ball joint pin flies out of the base, then this can end disastrously not only for the car. Therefore, we strongly recommend using tips on how to check the condition of the ball joint to avoid sad consequences. Choice quality parts Not only will it allow you to travel more, but it will also save you from possible troubles. Good luck on your journey.

Various extraneous noises that irritate the driver when driving often have the same cause - insufficient lubrication ball joints(SHO). Should we treat this as an unfortunate inevitability, or is it better to lubricate the supports? Each driver decides for himself, but there are proven recommendations based on practical experience. It is preferable to follow them if you do not want to spend extra money due to problems with such important detail car, like ball joints.

To lubricate or not?

Do ball joints need to be lubricated before installation and during operation? To give the correct answer, it is worth understanding the principle of construction of any of these supports. It can be designed in different ways, but it must have a ball joint, as well as a pin. The base serves to support the hinge; the boot covers the support on top.

During operation, the hinge constantly shifts, which contributes to its rapid wear. In addition, dirt often accumulates in the empty space between the base and the boot, which interferes with the operation of the part. An alarming sign in this case is the appearance of knocks and creaks. To prevent this from happening, the space under the boot must be completely filled with auto-lubricant. It is very important to know what is the best way to lubricate ball joints for the most durable operation.

How to lubricate ball joints

How to lubricate the ball joint before installation? The most common options are:

  • lithium based;
  • calcium based.

Among lithium auto lubricants, Litol-24 and CIATIM-201 are popular. They contain oil and lithium soap in different proportions, and they also differ in the composition of additional additives.

The stabilizing substances present in Litol-24 ensure good preservation of the hinge and low lubricant consumption during its operation. However, this auto lubricant does not tolerate low temperatures well. CIATIM-201 stabilizes SHO to a lesser extent, but it better protects them from frost, and is cheaper.

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Expensive lithium-calcium and calcium greases ( various types Shell Gadus, Grease Calcium, etc.) are recommended for increased loads on parts, as well as when they operate under extreme temperature conditions.

So what kind of lubricant should you use to lubricate ball joints? This depends on the following factors:

  • degree of load intensity;
  • temperature;
  • prices.

Based on these factors, for an ordinary driver operating his car on asphalt roads in conditions middle zone, lithium auto lubricants are best suited as an acceptable compromise of price and quality. While in extreme conditions Calcium and plastic lithium-calcium greases are more suitable.

When to lubricate ball joints

The SHO must be lubricated before installation at the factory. However, in some cases, especially when it comes to “domestic-assembled” machines, this requirement may not be met. In addition, displacement of the hinge during vehicle operation leads to lubricant consumption. The amount of lubricant decreases and during downtime, it dries out. That is why it is recommended to add lubricant not only during installation, but also periodically, after a certain period of operation. But how do you determine when a part needs to be re-lubricated?

All malfunctions of the SB can be easily determined by ear in the early stages, although modern diagnostics may be needed in the future. The first warning sign for the driver is knocking and squeaking while driving. If they are heard precisely in those places where the SHO is located, then this particular node must be checked first of all. If there is no noticeable play, timely updating of the auto-lubrication will be a sufficient measure.

Experience shows that if one ball starts knocking, it is better to lubricate them all, since they have the same service life.

How to lubricate ball joints

How to lubricate ball joints yourself? On most modern models In cars, SHO lubricant is produced using a special syringe. The price of this tool is low and quickly pays for itself when you consider the cost of the parts that its use protects. In this case, the lubrication procedure is extremely simple and does not require not only special skills, but even basic drill skills. However, this process is not so easy in all cases.

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On a wide range of vehicles inner part SHO is not available with just a syringe. This means that you will have to cut the missing threaded fragments into parts. Here you can’t do without a drill and an appropriate attachment for carving metal. Another necessary tool for this is a regular bench vise to fix the removed part. However, there is nothing here that the car owner could not do on his own, at home.

Even if it is possible to lubricate ball joints directly on the car body, it is usually not recommended to do so due to the fact that it is a dirty job and can stain the body. On each specific car model, removing ball joints has its own characteristics, but general principle is the same everywhere. It is quite possible to remove the SHO without the appropriate tools, resting it with a crowbar while an assistant knocks it out with a sledgehammer. However, it is better to use a special puller, as it is much more convenient and does not threaten physical injury due to negligence.

What happens next depends on the design of the support. If the joint is equipped with a nipple into which lubricant can be added, then with a syringe there are no problems. You just need to do the following:

  • clamp the part using a vice;
  • unscrew the nipple using a key or pliers;
  • Inject lubricant into the opened hole with a syringe;
  • close the nipple by tightening the protective plug.

Video instructions (the case when there is a technological hole)

On those cars where adding lubricant is not provided, you have to use a drill and a thread cutting device. In this case it is necessary:

  • clamp the part in a vice;
  • using a thin drill, drill a hole in it;
  • cut a thread in it;
  • pour lubricant into the hole with a syringe;
  • close the hole with a suitable bolt for threading.

Sometimes, if you don't have it at hand suitable tools, you still need to find a way to lubricate the ball joint without removing it. The sequence of actions is the same:

  • the anther is pryed off with a sharp object;
  • the edge of the resulting gap is moved back using available means;
  • Lubricant is poured into the gap using a syringe.

The ball joint is important node suspension, providing the ability to rotate the wheel hub while maintaining its horizontal position. Structurally, the ball joint consists of two main elements: a cone-shaped pin with a spherical tip and a housing in which there are the necessary working holes. The finger is installed in such a way that it can rotate and swing at small angles. The assembly body is bolted to the suspension arm or pressed into it. To ensure rotation, plastic inserts are placed in the body, which occupy the free space up to the finger. Lubricant for ball joints (if provided) is placed both directly into the housing cavity and onto the spherical tip of the pin.

Causes of ball joint failures

During the operation of the car, the ball joints are subject to serious loads, which, depending on the design of the suspension, can take on a significant part of the car’s weight, as well as impacts when driving on uneven surfaces. road surface. The main reason for replacing the ball joint and disrupting its normal functioning is wear of the contacting parts. metal surfaces in the process of friction, which leads to the appearance of noticeable play: the finger begins not only to rotate, but also to move; in the worst case, it breaks out of the body. The causes of wear can be associated both with natural processes (aging of metal and other materials), and with an increase in specific loads on the mechanism, rupture of the boot or lack of lubrication in the hinge. The ball joint must be lubricated whenever the unit is repaired or replaced. Manufacturers often indicate their recommendations for lubrication of the mechanism, which allows you to maximize the service life of the part and avoid violations of installation and operation rules.

Ball joint lubricant

Ball joint lubrication is typically done with lithium soap thickened lubricants. Lithium greases were developed back in the 1940s, produced since the 1970s and are still widely used today due to their versatility, optimal average performance and low price. The most famous greases from this family are Litol-24, CV joints-4 and ShRB-4. However, lubricant production technology does not stand still, and modern manufacturers are bringing to the market improved lubricants, developed taking into account new research and technology, while keeping the price at an affordable level. NPP Mapsol LLC offers several similar products designed for use in a wide range of components of both automotive and other equipment. Our lubricants are produced on the basis of Litol-24 with the addition of an additive package that significantly improves the properties of the base lubricant. MAPSOL-100 lubricant can be used in automotive components operating at temperatures up to +200°C, has good anti-friction and anti-wear properties, and is resistant to washing off with water. Lubricant for ball joints "MAPSOL-200" withstands more than high temperatures and is intended for industrial heavy-duty sliding and rolling friction units of vehicles.

Before installing the ball joint, lubricant is placed under the protective cover in a layer of 1:25 mm. To prevent the ring from turning, the threaded part is lubricated with a layer 0.5 mm thick.

Sometimes drivers may have a question about how to lubricate a ball joint. This topic usually arises when there is knocking in the suspension caused by the depletion of standard lubrication. As a rule, it is the lack of a lubricant that leads to the need to replace this suspension element. The use of additional greases extends the service life of the support by 2 times. Moreover, if there is special tool, as well as minimal skills in car repair, every car enthusiast can cope with restoring the performance of the ball joint. The main thing is to choose the right type of lubricant to solve this problem.

Support structure

How to lubricate the ball joint? Before answering this question, it is advisable for you to familiarize yourself with the structure of this part. Then you will be able to understand more clearly how to properly lubricate the assembly. The main element here is a ball joint with a pin. It rests on the base, and the structure is covered with anther on top. A large amount of grease is packed into the base and under the boot. It is calculated for the entire life of this structural element.

During operation, the hinge constantly moves relative to the base, the lubricant is slowly produced, and during long periods of downtime, it simply dries out. Therefore, knocking noises gradually begin to appear. If you do not pay attention to this sign, then backlash begins, and the part becomes unusable due to high wear.

What do they lubricate with?

As a rule, various lithium-based lubricants are used for ball joints. These compounds work great with high loads that arise during the operation of the ball joint. It is necessary to understand that it is worth choosing the right substances. The composition of lithium greases is derived from petroleum oils.

During the manufacturing process, the oil is thickened by adding lithium soap. This allows you to achieve the best consistency. At the same time, the combination of petroleum oil with fatty acids lithium soap has an additional preservative effect. In practice, there are several varieties similar type lubricants They differ in the ratio of oil and lithium soap in the composition, as well as additional additives. The most common options are:

  • . This is perhaps the most common option among drivers. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, this lubricant has a good temperature range, which allows it to be used almost throughout our entire territory. Thanks to the presence of stabilizing additives, the lubricant lasts quite a long time, providing reliable protection from any negative factors. It should be especially noted that Litol-24 is not afraid of any temperature changes, so you don’t have to worry that when driving through snow or water, the ball will be left without protection;
  • . This lubricant is less commonly used in ball joints. Compared to Litol, it has a lower threshold permissible temperatures. It does not freeze even at minus 60 C. Therefore, it is often used in the regions of the far north. Although CIATIM has lower technical characteristics, in comparison with Litol, resistance to low temperatures is an advantage. This lubricant also has a lower cost.
In addition to classic lithium greases in lately used for work and options based on calcium soap. The main disadvantage of this composition is the fear of low temperatures. At the same time, they last much longer, and according to experts, they have a higher degree of protection against corrosion. In practice, most still prefers people more usual option based on lithium.

If you go to the store to buy ball lubricant, you should not buy expensive compounds from famous manufacturers. Usually, they are practically no different from their cheaper counterparts. Therefore, you can freely take the simplest Litol-24 and not bother. But be sure to look at the composition. Calcium lubricants are always more expensive. Therefore, if you want to opt for calcium lubricants, then be prepared to spend a little more money.

When choosing substances, it is advisable to pay attention to machine operating conditions. If you encounter extreme temperatures, then it is better to take a lubricant that can work in such low temperatures. This will reduce the level of wear of parts when working in winter time. In other cases, there are no special features when choosing.

The work itself

To extend the service life of the suspension, it is recommended to check this unit at the first signs of knocking on the ball joints. If there are no noticeable backlashes, then it is enough to renew the lubricant in the support. To do this you will need a special syringe. It is inexpensive, taking into account the average cost of ball joints, this money is recouped quite quickly. Also, on some machine models you may need a drill and a device for cutting threaded fragments. It would be good if there were a vice available. In some cases, ball lubrication can be done directly on the car, but this is not always justified, because it is very difficult to ensure the cleanliness of the procedure.

To begin, remove the ball joint from the car. Here the instructions for repairing your car will help you. On all models, this work has its own characteristics, so it is better to clarify these nuances so that problems do not arise in the future. After dismantling, inspect the ball joint. We are interested in the base of the part. On many models there is a nipple there to add additional lubrication to the joint. This will allow you to update your workforce without much difficulty.

In this case they do as follows:

  • We clamp the support in a vice, just do it carefully;
  • Unscrew the nipple for lubrication. Depending on the model, you will need a wrench or pliers;
  • Fill the syringe with a sufficient amount of lubricant. After this you can enter required quantity substances inside the part;
  • We tighten the protective plug, it is advisable to move your finger, it should move much tighter than it was before.

It will be a little more difficult in the case of a maintenance-free support. Some foreign cars do not provide the ability to add a new portion of lubricant. In this case, you will need to use a drill:
  • The support is clamped in a vice, after which a hole is made in the base with a thin drill;
  • It is threaded;
  • Next, add lubricant using a syringe;
  • A suitable bolt is screwed into the hole.
After completing all these steps, you can install the ball joint back on the car. You are guaranteed to forget about knocking in the suspension. After repairs, be sure to visit a car service center to set the camber and toe angles. This is guaranteed to save you from problems with elevated levels.

Conclusion. As a rule, many knocks in the suspension can be caused not by wear of parts, but by a lack of lubrication in them. Therefore, the question of how to lubricate a ball joint is not surprising. The lubricant in this hinge unit is produced much earlier than the failure of the entire part occurs. Therefore, most the best option the support will self-lubricate. This will significantly reduce the cost of servicing your car, because you can increase the service life of the ball joint by 2 times.

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