Caring for different types of ficus at home. Choosing the right pot for ficus Which pot to plant ficus benjamina in

Perhaps, today it is unlikely that a more popular plant will be found than the ficus. These flowers are often planted both at home on the windowsill and in office spaces. There are different types of ficus everywhere: Ficus Benjamin and even Ficus Rubber. They look pretty nice and are also very easy to care for. But in order for them to please you, you need to adhere to some rules. One of them is a suitable pot for ficus. In this article we will tell you what kind of pot is needed for a ficus, and how to choose it correctly.

If you plan to plant a small plant, then select a standard pot for it. You need to more carefully select a pot for a ficus that has already been growing for some time (or if you purchased an adult specimen at a flower shop).

In fact, pots standard sizes, whose diameter is equal to the height, are perfect for planting ficuses there. For example, such a pot is ideal for ficus benjamina (one of the most popular varieties of this houseplant) - you can safely place it in such a container. For Ficus Rubber, also choose a standard-shaped pot.
If you plan to plant and grow a tree using the technique, it’s worth changing your approach a little. In this case, when selecting pots, make sure that they are flatter. For example, from “Benjamins” a beautiful tree using the “bonsai” technique will be quite simple, and such ficus trees will perfectly decorate your home. For them, it is recommended to choose beautiful pots in the form of a bowl or a small container that will fit perfectly into any interior. Plants planted without the use of such equipment thrive in standard pots.

In addition, you can choose not only a pot, but also build a tall plant pot for your ficus yourself. Fortunately, today the Internet contains enough information on how this can be done.

How to choose the size for a plant

What size should ficus pots be? We choose the size, paying attention to the degree of development of the root system of your pets. Again, while a small standard size pot will do for newly planted babies, with older specimens you have to consider how long their roots are.

Also remember that these plants need timely care. For example, rubber-bearing ficus trees are replanted once a year, since they root system grows very quickly (like their “relatives”). When the roots completely fill the entire space and entwine the earthen ball, choose a pot whose size will be several times larger than the previous one. If appropriate measures are not taken at the right time, the flower may gradually wither.
In general, any ficus - Benjamin or Rubber - will require more and more space as it grows. Therefore, when choosing a small container for them before planting, think about the fact that in a couple of years they will grow quite well and will need larger “houses”. But don't overdo it! The situation will not change in better side, if you select a container that is too loose. You should select a pot that is only slightly larger than the previous one, so that after some time the roots completely fill the free space.

But in case at the moment If you are just starting to plant this plant, you can limit yourself to a standard pot size. We calmly place the baby in a small pot - the planted ficus will feel great in the new place.

Material suitable for the pot

In principle, this plant cannot be called too picky about the materials from which its “house” will be made. However, in order to know exactly which pot to plant this lovely flower in, you need to take several aspects into account.

The first of these is the toxicity of materials. It's no secret that among today's manufacturers there are many who want to save on materials. Therefore, they can make flower pots from materials that will not have a very favorable effect on the health of the flowers. So pay attention to the quality of the materials that were used in the manufacture of the container.

Next, it should be said that for such flowers you can select clay and plastic pots, as well as ceramic ones. It is even possible to plant flowers in wooden tubs - among other things, they have an excellent appearance and will decorate any room.

Naturally, preference should be given to containers made of natural materials. If you are planning to master the bonsai technique, then in this case you should approach the task more responsibly, choosing bowls or containers made of clay. In addition, it is better to choose containers without a characteristic glossy sheen.

Be sure to ensure that there are drainage holes, otherwise the root system can easily rot, which in turn will lead to the death of your pet.

In general, as you can see, this flower is very unpretentious in choosing its “house”. The requirements for choosing a container are minimal, and meeting them in practice will not be difficult at all. Since manufacturers can always please us with a huge variety of containers for flowers, you can easily choose a suitable pot for your pets. In addition, you should not have any problems with the flower not fitting into the interior. And this is undoubtedly another plus in favor of this pretty green plant.

Video “Care and transplantation of ficus”

From this video you will learn how to care for and replant ficus.

Probably no one will argue that ficus is one of the most popular plants that gardeners grow at home. This flower is represented by both low-growing representatives (bonsai) and whole bushes reaching a height of 2-3 meters. will allow everyone to choose what they like best.

An important point to pay attention to when growing a plant is choosing the size of the ficus pot. Many do not pay due attention to such a moment, but in vain, since a lot depends on it.

How to choose the right container shape

The ficus pot should be selected depending on the size of the flower itself. If the plant has just been purchased and is still quite small, then it is recommended to take a closer look at a small flowerpot.

You need to be much more careful when choosing a pot for a ficus that has been growing at home for a long time.

Experienced gardeners advise paying attention to containers of standard sizes, in which the diameter is equal to the height of the flowerpot. If there is or at home, then such a pot will be an ideal option.

When planting a tree from which, you need to understand that choosing a flowerpot will be a little more difficult. Many novice gardeners buy what they like best based on appearance, and this is completely wrong.

Important! A bonsai pot should be flatter, resembling a plate in appearance, rather than a flowerpot.

A container or thicket is something that is in great demand. In addition to the fact that such containers are very convenient, they will fit perfectly into any interior of an apartment or office.

When thinking about which pot to plant a flower in, you need to understand that any shape can be changed artificially. Of course, no one will deliberately remake the container, but there is an opportunity to cheat by weaving a flowerpot in which a vase can be placed. Tall products look beautiful and original, ideal for bonsai and other forms.

Pot size - how to choose it

Some believe that the pot for Ficus Benjamin can be anything. Even one left over from some other flower, for example, will do. If you act according to this principle, you may encounter the fact that the plant stops growing, begins to wither, and then dies altogether.

Experienced flower growers say that “We choose the size depending on the development of the flower roots.” There is no point in planting young plants that have small roots in large flowerpots, since the ficus will stop growing due to the fact that the root system begins to actively develop. And until it entwines the entire earthen lump, the situation will not change.

However, this does not mean that you should wait until the roots appear from the drainage holes.

If the flower has not been replanted for more than a year, you need to take out the earthen ball along with the flower and carefully examine it. Having noticed a developed root system, it is necessary to transplant the ficus into a pot that will be several centimeters larger than the previous one.

Important! Rubber-bearing ficuses grow very quickly, so you will have to buy a new pot for them every year.

The mistake many gardeners make is that when planning to plant a tree, they transplant an already quite large flower into a container that is slightly larger than the previous one. This rule must be followed for those flowers that grow on the windowsill. For floor ficuses, you should buy fairly spacious flowerpots. Considering that adult and large plants are not replanted, their top layer of substrate is simply changed annually, it will be very difficult to transplant a flower into a larger pot. The plant may simply not take root in the new place and die.

Material – what is better to pay attention to

Despite the fact that ficus plants are quite unpretentious plants and can “live” in almost any pot, it is still recommended to pay attention to the material from which it is made.

You need to understand that not all containers are safe; we are talking about toxic materials, from which flowerpots can also be made. Some manufacturers, in order to save a little on production, use poor quality plastic, which begins to release toxins when it comes into contact with soil, water or fertilizers. It is the latter that adversely affects the plant.

There have been cases when a flower began to gradually fade, but the reason could not be found. And only an accidental transplant into a new container saved the situation.

Therefore, when thinking about what kind of pot is needed for a ficus, it is best to choose proven materials.

These include:

  • ceramics;
  • clay;
  • glass;
  • tree.

The latter material is relevant for the manufacture of large tubs that can decorate any room.

As for clay containers, they are usually used for planting bonsai.

Ceramics is an expensive material, but it is beautiful, durable and, of course, natural, so if possible, it is worth paying attention to it.

If the florist is well acquainted with the manufacturer and has repeatedly purchased pots from the represented company made of plastic, then you can purchase them. At the same time, having noticed some negative changes occurring with the flower, and also having ruled out all possible problems, it would not be a bad idea to change the flowerpot by purchasing a pot made of natural material.

Which color do you prefer?

Perhaps this is the simplest thing that can be. Today there are so many color options on the market that choosing the right pot for your ficus is not difficult. Some gardeners advise paying attention to light colors, which harmonize very beautifully with the green shades of the leaf plates. If you purchase a ceramic flowerpot, then you can take a closer look at products that have a whimsical and delicate design.

By choosing the right pot, the flower will grow quickly and develop well.

  • /h2>The assortment list of pots offered by manufacturers for planting home flowers and plants is quite wide, as is the choice from which they are made. Among them are containers made of ceramics, plastic, wood and even alloy. Ficus is a rather picky flower in terms of the container in which it grows. It feels great and develops well in both clay and plastic vessels. If there is a choice, then preference should be given to clay containers that are not coated with a glossy glaze, since clay has a porous structure, allows air to pass through and improves the breathing of roots. It is worth considering that over time a clay pot can become covered with a snow-white coating from the salts contained in the water, or turn green, as it absorbs water well. And also the appearance of clay flower containers may seem unaesthetic. A clay pot covered with glaze has a more attractive appearance than a product with a porous clay surface. But such a container does not conduct light well and has more weight, which can make caring for the plant difficult. If you decide to use glazed ceramics, make sure to find a sunny place for the plant. At the same time, nothing terrible will happen if the ficus is planted in a plastic pot. In terms of cost, it can be anything, the main condition is that the plastic does not emit harmful substances. environment and plant substances. In addition, plastic products are the most colorful and have an excellent design. The weight of a flower together with soil in plastic is much less than in ceramics. Glass pots for plants are quite rare. If you come across a beautiful glass specimen and you decide to plant your own flower there, remember that this is a rather fragile vessel that requires careful handling. At the same time, it is worth giving proper attention to the appearance of a glass container, which can be colored, transparent or matte. Wooden pots for ficus are traditionally chosen in the form of a tub, in which the ficus fits extremely harmoniously into different natural and eco-styles. Wood is perfectly saturated with water, which is why wooden tubs are often used as flowerpots in which they are installed clay pots with ficus trees. Along with clay, wood is a natural material that eliminates environmental pollution. It should be noted that when choosing and purchasing a pot for ficus, the presence of a drainage system to drain away excess water, which is detrimental to the root system of the plant, is of great importance. The design of such pots often includes a spout for draining water. If there is no drainage in the pot, the risk of losing the plant is greatest, especially if it is made of materials that do not allow or absorb water, such as glazed clay, plastic and glass. Form for ordinary ficuses
  • Ficus rubbery

    Many of the cultivated plants are divided into species. Other flowers can only be kept at home without an unfavorable environment.

    Some can only be grown in the garden. There are some that will bloom wonderfully in brutal conditions - even in the warmth or outside. Knowing what type of plant it is, you can simply organize the appropriate climate. The main principles of feeding consist of controlling air humidity, timing of water delivery to the soil and ensuring the correct temperature. The sun is one of the main components.

    Ficus elastica - an attribute of comfort and prosperity

    In natural conditions, ficus trees reach a height of meters, forming aerial roots-supports that descend to the ground and take root.

    Indoors they grow to approximately 10 m if not trimmed. You can purchase a small plant about 46 cm in height from the formed leaves, or the most mature plant up to 1 m in height.

    Ficus elastica is considered almost the most useful in terms of air health. Air passes through its leaves like through a pipe and is enriched with oxygen. This is a completely unpretentious plant with large glossy leaves! Beautiful appearance and low requirements make this plant extremely attractive for lovers of indoor floriculture.

    The leaves of the ficus are alternate, oval with a sharp end, leathery, shiny, up to cm in length and width.

    Young leaves are pinkish-brownish in color, while older leaves are dark green. The fruits are small, yellow-green, oval in shape, reaching 1 cm in diameter. Large specimens form aerial support roots. The huge leaves of these species need to be kept clean.

    In indoor culture, the indoor rubber plant does not actually bloom, but is generally unpretentious and adapts well to environmental conditions. Variegated forms do not withstand direct sunlight, drying out of the soil clod, require frequent spraying and bathing of leaves, and grow more slowly than ficuses with monochromatic greenish leaves.

    For good growth you need not bad solar lighting with shading from the powerful rays of the sun, moderate watering, extremely careful with drying out the soil ball between waterings, spraying is useful in the summer.

    Water with warm water. In winter, watering should be rare.

    If a leaf or short cutting on which it sits is damaged, ficus elastica secretes snow-white poisonous juice. To prevent it from causing poisoning, you should thoroughly wash your hands after working with the plant.

    What to do if leaves fall suddenly

    Many people believe that the falling of the lower leaves in tree-like forms of ficus is a natural phenomenon (very typical for ficus in room conditions), but this is not entirely true.

    The lower leaves, naturally, fall off from time to time as they age, but the trunk, however, with good care should not become completely bare.

    From spring to autumn, Ficus elastica produces 1 fresh leaf in 1 week, while old leaves should not turn yellow or fall off. If the leaves fall at one moment, then various types the prerequisites may be different: waterlogging of the soil, low winter temperatures, lack of light, excess of mineral fertilizers, drafts, changes in the usual maintenance criteria.

    Most of all, the ficus rubber plant does not like changes - rearrangements, configurations in temperature conditions, humidity. Direct sunlight causes leaf burns and leaf fall.

    If there is excess water in the soil during a relative period of rest, the indoor ficus may shed its leaves. The same thing happens in very dry soil. Although the rubber ficus is unpretentious to air humidity, it can withstand extremely dry air and high temperatures, and is not demanding of the brightest lighting.

    Spots appear on the leaves of rubber ficus from time to time. To prevent their occurrence, after purchasing and transferring the plant, you can stick two cloves of garlic into the soil.

    After two weeks, replace them and do this for 2 months. Garlic greens that grow must be cut off. Garlic has powerful fungicidal properties and destroys pathogens of fungal infections.

    In general, rubber ficus trees are quite resistant to diseases and pests. If you follow the basic rules of care and water correctly, then diseases will bypass it.

    Feeding: To prevent the leaves from turning yellow at the edges, constant feeding is needed in the summer. During the period from spring to autumn, fertilizing is done once every 2 weeks with a special fertilizer “for ficuses” or a complex fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants. Fertilizer is applied with water for irrigation and spilled over an already watered, wet clod of earth.

    continuation:Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off? Reasons for the appearance of spots on leaves

    Replanting ficus rubber

    You should not immediately plant a small plant in a large pot, as this will lead to rapid growth of the root system to the detriment of the above-ground part of the plant. The pot is chosen to be cm larger in diameter and cm deeper than the one in which the ficus is currently growing. At the bottom of the pot you need to pour a layer of drainage cm wide

    The soil for planting should consist of peat and turf soil, leaf humus and river sand in the ratio You can use purchased special soil for ficuses or all-purpose soil, to which it is better to add a little sand.

    Propagation by cuttings and air layering

    The apical or stem cutting is cut obliquely with a sharp knife.

    Then it should be held under running water until the milky juice stops oozing from the cut. Then the cuttings take root in water or in the soil under the bag. Cuttings with greenish leaves take root easily. When propagating variegated species, you should use a rooting agent - “Kornevin” or “Heterouaxin”, dipping the tip of the cutting in powder before planting it in the ground, and provide bottom heating of the greenhouse;

    Varieties with powerful variegation take root poorly, which is why they are traditionally propagated air layering. To do this, cut the trunk by 1/3, insert a piece of a match into it and wrap it in wet sphagnum and polyethylene.

    When the emerging roots are visible through the cellophane, the cuttings can be cut below the roots and planted in the ground.

    See continuation: How to properly propagate ficus?

    Ficus pruning and crown formation

    Young specimens of rubber ficus are traditionally planted with several plants in 1 pot. With good care, the plant will live a long time and grow until it reaches the ceiling! If you have a single plant growing with one trunk, you need to take measures to form an excellent crown using pruning.

    "Formation of ficus."

    The most famous ornamental varieties

    Ficus elastica has several varieties, differing in the shape and color of the leaves. Particularly impressive are varieties with yellowish spots and stripes on the leaves.


    Ficus rubbery

    rubber-bearing in rubber-bearing ficus. In nature, these plants can have a height of more than 10 meters, therefore, when grown indoors, the growth of ficuses of this species is often limited. Another highlight of these decorative foliage plants is that they can bloom only with age.

    Caring for rubber ficus at home

    Air temperature: this type of ficus grows well at 0 C in the summer; the recommended winter air temperature is 0 C.

    Rubber-bearing ficuses are quite hardy in this regard and grow well at ordinary room humidity.

    About once a week, the plant can be sprayed with water, or its smooth leaves can be wiped with a soft, damp cloth. Rubber-bearing ficus will grow fully in bright indirect sunlight. If you want to slow down the growth of the plant, put it in a slightly less lit place. Rubber-bearing ficuses adhere to moistened, but not waterlogged soil. In the summer, plants are watered no more than twice a week, in the winter half as often and not as abundantly as in the summer, while making sure that the soil does not dry out.

    For rubber-bearing ficuses, convenient growth conditions use a consistency consisting of turf soil, sand and peat.

    Fertilizers: it is useful to feed the flower a couple of times a month. warm time year. This is especially true when the plant, being in a well-lit place, slows down its own growth.

    Rubber-bearing ficuses are pruned during reproduction and in order to limit their growth.

    Flowering: typical only for mature plants.

    Repotting: traditionally done when the current pot becomes too small for the plant. In this case, it is useful to replace the soil. And don't forget about drainage layer in a new pot.

    Where to grow: Apartment, house, winter garden, greenhouse.

    Reproduction of rubber ficus

    rubber-bearing ficus will be in a moist environment under a plastic film.

    During the root formation process, depending on what was chosen - moss, or peat and sand, must be kept wet. As soon as the roots of the ficus begin to break through them, its trunk is cut below the cellophane and the plant is planted in its own pot.

    Photo of rubber ficus

    Types and varieties of rubber ficus

    Ficus rubber (Ficus elastica Robusta, Ficus elastica Decora) - varieties of ficus rubber with greenish leathery leaves emerging from a reddish rosette at the top of the plant.

    Ficus benghalensis - These rubber-bearing ficus trees have large, hairy leaves.

    Ficus lyrata - so named for the shape of its leaves, reminiscent of the musical instrument lyra.

    Ficus rubber: care at home

    Ficus rubber (elastic), belonging to the genus Ficus and the mulberry family, originally grew on the Indonesian islands of Java, Sumatra and in the Indian state of Assam. Wild plants can reach 30 meters in height.

    Young shoots of ficus are equipped with aerial roots, which, upon reaching the ground, germinate and provide additional nutrition to the mother plant.

    This is perhaps the most popular indoor plant, which was an indispensable attribute of every home at the beginning of the last century.

    Photo of an old-time indoor plant, ficus rubbery plant

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main representatives of this delightful plant, which are presented in the photo gallery

    Ficus rubbery (elastica)

    Ficus rubber, which has another name among gardeners - ficus elastica, is very popular among lovers of house plants.

    When visiting your friends or acquaintances, note that it is growing in almost all of them. Why is he so adored? Firstly, the ideal appearance: fleshy leaves that shine perfectly in the sun. They are pure green or framed with a yellowish border. There are several of the most popular types of this indoor plant:

    It can be said that the rubber ficus is particularly unpretentious in caring for itself, which is probably why it is received with great pleasure by those people who are just starting to landscape their own home or by those who do not want to put a lot of effort in caring for their home flowers.

    How to take good care of Ficus elastica (rubber)?

    There are several fundamental rules in caring for all indoor plants that are important to know and follow:

    Ficus rubber reproduces using 2 methods.

    Firstly, if you want to get a second plant that is the same as your first ficus, you can do this using layering. If you want to grow a plant using cuttings, then you can do this with ficus elastica. In order for the cuttings of this type of ficus to produce roots, immerse them in warm water, otherwise its trunk may rot.

    How to replant rubber ficus correctly. There is no need to be particularly clever here. Everything is done according to a fairly common scheme for gardeners: adult plants are replanted every year, and young ones - once a year.

    When replanting them, be careful not to destroy the roots of the plant. For young plants, it is recommended to use a consistency of certain substances in the following proportions: sand - ½ part, peat - 1 part, coniferous soil - 1 part. For the most mature plants, the consistency looks like this: humus - 1 part, coniferous soil - 1 part, leaf soil - 1 part, turf soil - 1 part, peat - 1 part.

    How to correctly determine the size of the rubbery ficus (elastica). This type of indoor plant can achieve quite large sizes. Therefore, you can cut it to the height that suits you.

    This can be done by trimming the top leaves of the ficus. But remember that juice may be released on the cut, so it must be treated with charcoal or, as a last option, activated.

    How to properly water rubber ficus. In principle, as for other indoor plants, it is important for this species to observe the watering regime and its balance. Those. This plant cannot be over-watered or over-dried. It is necessary to water the rubber ficus only after the soil has completely dried. In this case, the water for irrigation must be warm and it is better not straight from the tap, as it must infuse.

    If your air is not very wet, then you need to water it every day.

    At what temperature should rubber ficus be kept? The main thing is to avoid drafts when caring for ficus elastica. IN summer period the most best temperature C. In principle, in winter the same temperature is applicable for the ficus, but you need to watch the air humidity, if it is very dry, the ficus will wither and deteriorate. Therefore, the temperature during this period must be lowered to degrees.

    Rubber ficus is wary of very cool air, as black spots may appear on its leaves. It is also necessary to insulate the soil in which your ficus grows. This can be achieved by using foam that can be placed under the bottom of the pot.

    What water procedures should be carried out when caring for rubber ficus. This type of plant responds extremely positively to water treatments. You can spray the leaves once a day or wipe with warm water. But at the same time, make sure that the soil in the ficus pot is covered, for example, with polyethylene, since it can absorb excess moisture.

    If you want to polish the already shiny leaves of the rubber ficus, then try not to resort to chemicals.

    And so, people recommend using non-alcoholic beer as a polishing agent.

    Before you have this type of plant in your home or office, think about whether it will be comfortable to grow. Ficus rubber does not like heat and extremely bright light. Therefore, gardeners recommend placing these plants in winter gardens, office premises or on window sills on western or eastern windows. If we are talking about varieties with a yellowish border around the edges, then they need more light.

    Traditionally, the rubber ficus is dormant in the winter, but if the conditions in which it grows are constant, then it can do without it.

    The main thing is to remember that you need to care for indoor plants, adore them, talk to them, then they will amuse you with their beauty all year round!

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    Ficus belongs to those types of plants for which it is actually unimportant what the pot will be made from.

    The main thing is that it does not have a chemical effect on the substrate it contains and the ficus pot looks aesthetically pleasing in accordance with the interior of the room.

    Traditionally, vessels made of clay, plastic and wood are used, and the choice depends on the preferences, tastes and abilities of the gardener. But at the initial stage, to feed an individual that has just begun to develop, it is better to use clay containers that are not covered with glaze, since they allow water and air to pass through perfectly. At the same time, you should not place ficus plants in clay pots on sunny windowsills, since clay tends to get extremely hot, which leads to a general increase in temperature in the pot, which contributes not only to the drying out of the substrate, but also to the withering of the plant.

    Suitable for young individuals ordinary products, and adults (more than years old) will need huge ones, with a volume of several 10 liters.

    containers such as a wooden tub, a huge plastic container or a large flowerpot. It is necessary to select a pot for ficus taking into account the shape, size and type of plant.

    Pot shape For the vast majority of species and types of ficus, they are completely suitable for the usual shape, with a height close in value to the diameter. But there are also cases when preference is given to vessels of a different shape. An example of this are flat pots, bowls and plastic containers with a side height of at least 10 cm, used for feeding trees using parts of the now popular bonsai method, for which almost all types and varieties of ficus are excellent.

    Ficus pot sizes

    It is selected based on the size and degree of development of the root system of the plant that is supposed to be planted.

    A ficus pot should not be very loose. It is recommended to choose a vessel, certainly with a lower drainage hole, in which the roots of the plant are approximately 1 cm short of the walls of the vessel. It is also necessary to take into account that at the bottom of the vessel you need to arrange small pebbles made of expanded clay or brick chips. When transplanting young or developing ficus specimens, the pot should be one cm larger in diameter than the previous container.

    During the process of plant formation, you can reduce the size of the vessel; in this case, careful pruning of the roots is necessary, accompanied by pruning and shaping of the crown.

    You cannot plant a ficus in a pot that is too spacious for it.

    As a rule, this leads to unnecessary consequences, such as souring of the soil in the vessel that is not inhabited by the root system and, as a consequence, rotting of the roots, often leading to the death of the plant. Also, there are types of ficus for which a spacious container is simply contraindicated.

    Since ficus is a huge plant, and in natural conditions some of its species grow up to m in height, the size of the container can serve as a tool for adjusting growth limits. an individual in a vessel that is too small for its root system will stop the growth of the above-ground part of the plant.

    Ficus rubber plant care at home

    The unpretentious tree has long settled in the homes of Russian gardeners.

    You can often see a gorgeous evergreen plant in the walls of offices. Little care is sufficient for the green giant, and it enjoys constant popularity. In addition, ficus unsurpassedly purifies the air from various kinds harmful impurities. Among them are formaldehyde, benzene, phenol, trichlorethylene. The useful plant is also a real green healer. It is used in the preparation of pharmaceutical drugs for various diseases. Ficus rubber care at home is the topic of this article for everyone who wants to enjoy the good health of this handsome indoor plant.

    Ficus rubbery description, photo

    This perennial belongs to the Mulberry family.

    Its thick juice has been used for a long time to produce natural rubber. There are several types of ficus in nature. The rubber variety is an evergreen tree. The rough gray-green bark is dotted with small transverse depressions. The oval oblong leaves have a pretty appearance. They are glossy and hard. Young foliage is curled. It is covered with pink stipules.

    The formation of the crown can be created using 2 methods - according to the principle of a bush or a tree. The rapid growth of this handsome man allows you to achieve the desired result relatively quickly.

    Attention! This type of plant releases rubber into the air.

    This may be a prerequisite for an allergic reaction in household members or an attack in those suffering from bronchial asthma.


    The homeland of the rubber plant is southeast Asia. Or more precisely, the expanses of India, China, Sumatra and Java. Subtropical regions of these states and islands in the best possible way suitable for plant growth in natural conditions. This tree has been in cultivation since the beginning of the 20th century. Traditionally, it is grown in specially selected huge flowerpots. The growth of the giant is limited specifically by the dimensions of the container.

    In the natural environment, its height can reach 50 meters. With appropriate environmental humidity, the rubber plant is capable of developing aerial roots.

    They spread in all directions.

    Ficus rubber at home

    Traditionally, from October until the end of winter, the green pet rests - a period of rest begins. But by maintaining the required temperature, additional illumination with phytolamps and maintaining the required air humidity, the handsome indoor bird continues to grow and develop. This happens more slowly than in the summer months.


    A guest from the subtropics prefers to occupy a permanent place in the house. Does not tolerate frequent movements. It’s better to immediately find a green favorite for the final position.

    He feels best by the window. But under no circumstances should drafts be allowed - this will have a detrimental effect on the tree.


    Sunlight is needed in sufficient quantities. But it is better if he is absent-minded. Plants with variegated leaves are the most picky about the level of illumination. Species with uniform coloration tolerate light shade more easily.

    Attention! If the indoor beauty begins to lengthen the internodes, the growth of the stem slows down, or the leaves begin to fall off, these may be signs of a lack of sunlight.


    The rubber plant does not tolerate high substrate humidity. In the summer, irrigation should be extremely abundant, but only after the top layer of the earth has dried out. In winter, watering should be limited. Be sure to pre-settle the water. She must be warm room temperature.

    Top dressing

    During the active growing season, the indoor pet is fed twice a month.

    For this purpose, we use a special complex fertilizer for plants with decorative qualities foliage. If rubber plants are grown hydroponically, fertilizing is carried out constantly throughout the year. A particularly important component is nitrogen.


    Carrying out this event allows you to adjust the height of the green pet and give its crown the desired shape. The procedure also allows you to provoke the growth of foliage in the area of ​​the lower part of the trunk.

    If you trim the top in order to stimulate the development of side shoots, then this measure will not give the desired result.

    The handsome green tree will not branch in different directions. Traditionally, several internodes are pruned. When the maximum threshold of the desired height is reached, the shoots are shortened again.

    Know! If, out of ignorance, the top of a rubber plant was cut off, it can be rooted and planted in a pot with an adult specimen to achieve the visual effect of the splendor of the bush.


    Since the homeland of this handsome indoor plant is the subtropics, it is extremely thermophilic.

    In summer, the temperature range convenient for its growth ranges from 25 to 30 degrees. In winter, the desired characteristics drop to 16–20⁰C. Do not overheat by placing the tub near the radiator of the central heating system. But overcooling on the windowsill is also not permissible. A sudden drop of leaves can be a reaction to cold weather.


    It is preferable to maintain the highest water level in the surrounding area. To do this, the tree is sprayed every day. From time to time you need to “bathe” your green pet under the “shower”. Once a week, wipe the foliage with a soft, damp cloth to remove dust.

    From time to time, you can specially polish the leaves using various wax-based products. Non-alcoholic beer, which is completely safe for your pet, is also suitable for these purposes.


    It is important that the soil has a slightly acidic or neutral pH reaction. Young growth prefers light soil. A suitable consistency can be made without the help of others. To do this, it is enough to take peat, sand and leaf soil in equal proportions. Adult specimens require a higher substrate density. The following options for homemade soils have proven themselves to be excellent:

    • one part each of turf and leaf soil, sand, and peat;
    • sand and both types of earth in ratio;
    • two bits of leaf soil and one each of peat and humus.

    Ready-made, purchased mixtures from bags intended for feeding ficus or palm trees are also suitable.

    Do not forget about the formation of a drainage layer. Timely drainage of water is extremely important. If desired, the flower can be grown hydroponically.

    Ficus rubber propagation methods

    There are several methods for breeding guests from the subtropics. To obtain “babies” you can use different parts of the plant:

    • cuttings;
    • layering;
    • leaves.


    It is a more popular propagation method. It's all about the reliability of the method.

    The workpiece from the shoot or the top is cut at an angle of 45 degrees. The length of the cutting can vary from 10 to 15 cm. The leaves are removed, with the exception of only the top two.

    The workpiece must be rinsed with running water until the release of juice stops. Then the shoot can be placed in a container of water and roots will appear. The leaves on the cuttings are twisted and secured with an elastic band. This allows you to reduce the area of ​​moisture evaporation.

    If you have to deal with a variety whose leaves have non-uniform “spots” in color, it is recommended to treat the cuttings with a rooting catalyst before planting.

    These can be different drugs - “Kornevin”, “Heteroauxin” or any other suitable remedy. In this case, it is better to provide the pot with bottom heating. This does not guarantee quick rooting, but it does promote root growth.

    Know! Another rooting option is to plant the workpiece directly into the nutrient substrate. In this case, you need to cover the shoot with a plastic bag on top. The film must transmit light.

    By layering

    Plants with spotted, variegated leaves are preferably propagated using this particular method.

    An incision is made on the trunk of the handsome green tree. Its depth should be one third of the diameter of the stem. To avoid the edges coming together, put a match into the cut. This section of the trunk is wrapped in moistened sphagnum moss and secured with film on top to ensure the appropriate level of density. You can secure the structure with tape.

    When aerial roots appear, the shoot is cut off below the level of the layer with the root system and transplanted into the ground.


    Often, beginning amateur gardeners try to root leaves on their own, without a bud.

    At the same time, the roots do not hesitate to appear, but the seedling acquired using a similar method does not take root. This happens due to the lack of a “growth point”. That is why for rooting you need to choose a leaf with a piece of internode. This bud will be responsible for the growth of the bush in the future.

    To carry out the rooting procedure, no matter what kind of plastic container is suitable. It is necessary to make drainage holes in the bottom and lay a layer of expanded clay or any other suitable as drainage. Water does not have to stagnate in the pot.

    Important! To speed up the process of root formation, the workpiece must be washed to get rid of the milky juice.

    Its release slows down rooting.

    The substrate should be airy and loose. You can mix commercial soil for indoor flowers with vermiculite. When planting, it is important to correctly observe the depth of immersion of the workpiece into the ground. The kidney must be above the surface of the earth. You can strengthen the sprout by propping it up with a toothpick or a small stick.

    After planting in a pot, the seedling needs to be watered abundantly. To create a greenhouse effect, the top of the “baby” is covered with polyethylene. You can simply put on a transparent bag. After a few weeks, the seedling should have roots.

    Ficus rubber transplant

    Young animals need to be moved to a different container every year.

    The most suitable period for holding this event is the spring months and the beginning of summer. Adult trees are replanted as soon as the entire volume of the pot is filled with roots. Traditionally, this happens every two or three years.

    If, when watering, the water quickly leaves the flowerpot, it’s time to transplant your green pet. Any subsequent container must be larger than the previous one by 5 cm in diameter and the same amount deeper than the predecessor.

    Important! If the ficus is already old and it is unsafe to replant it, it is quite simple to replace the top three-centimeter layer of substrate in the tub with fresh one once a year.

    To move it to another container, the bush is taken out along with a clod of soil and transferred to a fresh container, where a thick drainage layer has already been poured.

    Empty spaces are carefully filled with the freshest substrate.

    And so on to the very top of the flowerpot.

    What kind of pot does a rubber ficus need?

    Young animals will feel comfortable in large pots. They can be made of plastic or ceramic. Adult specimens require spacious tubs.

    Their volume should exceed 10 liters. Following the advice of experienced gardeners will help you choose better capacity for feeding a green pet:

    1. In terms of shape, a model with equal height and diameter measurements is considered suitable.
    2. The size of the flowerpot is directly proportional to the dimensions of the root system. There must be at least two centimeters of free space between it and the walls of the pot. If the container is chosen incorrectly and significantly exceeds the required dimensions, the plant may simply rot and die.
    3. Young animals up to one year old will be comfortable in a flowerpot made of clay without any decorative covering. Older bushes are equally suited to tubs made of wood, plastic or ceramics.


    from which the pot is made must be inert and not enter into a chemical reaction with the soil.

    Ficus rubber diseases and pests (treatment)

    The tree is relatively stable to various diseases and is occasionally attacked by pests. But from time to time scale insects and spider mites cause harm to the handsome green one. To combat them, tobacco infusion is suitable. Four huge spoons of powder are stirred in a liter of water and a little grated is added. laundry soap. The consistency is applied to the leaves. After two hours, the solution is washed off.

    If affected by scale insects, manually remove all insects from the foliage. To do this, use a cloth soaked in a solution of laundry soap.

    It is important not to spill it on the ground, so as not to kill the flower. The wood is left to dry in a warm place. Then the foliage is sprinkled with tobacco dust. The main signs of a pest are: sticky coating and a distinct smell of rot.

    If the leaves are covered with a specific silvery coating on top, and corresponding red bumps appear on the back side, this is a thrips attack. In this case, painstaking treatment of the bush with Aktara will be necessary. For 5 l. take 4 grams of the product and spray the plant. The soil is then watered with the same substance once every 5 days.

    Fungal diseases can cause leaves to turn yellow.

    The Cercospora fungus appears in the form of black spots, then yellowing of the leaf occurs, accompanied by the effects of wilting and falling. Various fungicides are used as treatment. They treat the bush and inspect adjacent specimens. They are also at risk.

    Attention! Keeping the leaves clean is the key to your pet’s health.

    Yellow spots mixed with a hint of rust indicate the presence of another fungal disease - botrytis. The spots grow and the ficus dies. Remove the affected shoots and treat the green pet with a fungicide substance.

    Why do ficus leaves fall off?

    If the plant gets rid of only the lower leaves, this is a natural biological process.

    Otherwise, you should correctly find the cause of this problem. There may be several options:

    1. Excess water in the soil or extremely dry substrate. If the reason lies in improper watering of the pet, irrigation should be carried out evenly. The bush is covered with film to create the effect of a mini-greenhouse. If the soil in the pot remains waterlogged despite all efforts, the tree is replanted.
    2. Lack of sun rays. In the absence of natural light, the plant can be provided with artificial lighting.
    3. The presence of a draft in the room, especially a cool one.

      The green beauty cannot stand sudden changes in temperature. If not properly cared for, rot may develop. Not only does the foliage get rid of, but there is also a clear softening of the stem, and liquid continuously flows out of it. It does not seem likely to save such a plant. It needs to be thrown away urgently and the area where the pot was located must be carefully disinfected.

    4. Incorrectly performed transplantation.
    5. The air is too dry. This may be one of the circumstances of sudden removal of foliage. Since similar things often happen after turning on the central heating system in the autumn, it is best to spray the leaves or install a humidifier as a preventive measure.

    To speed up the process of development and growth of fresh leaves, your green pet can be treated with the substance “Epina” (2 drops per liter of water).

    Spraying is carried out once a week and certainly at night. After all, under the influence of sunlight, the product rapidly loses its characteristics. The treatment is done for a week, followed by a break of the same duration. Then the course can be repeated.

    If no measures have had the desired effect and the ficus is in a deplorable state, it is worth digging it up and checking the condition of the root system. Putrid, wrinkled or dry branches are removed to a healthy area. The sections are dusted with charcoal powder. You can also use activated. The pet is moved to a flowerpot of the smallest volume. The substrate is completely replaced with fresh one.

    Even if the indoor beauty is left completely without foliage, it will be able to recover. Proper care will save the situation.

    Possible growing tasks

    Often, improper care becomes a prerequisite for the disgusting health of the tree. Based on your pet’s appearance, you can find the cause of his illness and correct the mistake in time:


    Wanting to get a beautiful and healthy plant, every amateur gardener, when purchasing a rubber ficus, must keep in mind how to care for it at home.

    How to choose a pot for ficus?

    Ficus is one of the most popular home and office plants.

    Its decorative shape fits into any interior and adds elegance to any style. These indoor plants are quite finicky to care for, and their growth rate and appearance directly depend on the pot in which they grow.

    Thus, a pot for a ficus is not only a place where it lives, but also an instrument for shaping its appearance.


    The assortment of pots offered by manufacturers for planting home flowers and plants is quite wide, as is the choice of the types from which they are made. Among them are containers made of ceramics, plastic, wood and even alloy.

    Ficus is a rather picky flower in terms of the container in which it grows. It feels great and develops well in both clay and plastic vessels.

    If there is a choice, then preference should be given to clay containers, not covered with a glossy glaze, since the clay has a porous structure, allows air to pass through and improves the breathing of roots. It is worth considering that over time a clay pot can become covered with a snow-white coating from the salts contained in the water, or turn green, as it absorbs water well. And also the appearance of clay flower containers may seem unaesthetic.

    A clay pot covered with glaze has a more attractive appearance than a product with a porous clay surface.

    But such a container does not conduct light well and has more weight, which can make caring for the plant difficult. If you decide to use glazed ceramics, make sure to find a sunny place for the plant. At the same time, nothing terrible will happen if the ficus is planted in a plastic pot. The cost can be anything, the main condition is that the plastic does not emit substances harmful to the environment and plants. In addition, plastic products are the most colorful and have an excellent design. The weight of the flower together with the soil in plastic is much less than in ceramics.

    Glass pots for plants are quite rare. If you come across a beautiful glass specimen and you decide to plant your own flower there, remember that this is a rather fragile vessel that requires careful handling.

    At the same time, it is worth giving proper attention to the appearance of a glass container, which can be colored, transparent or matte. Wooden pots for ficus are traditionally chosen in the form of a tub, in which the ficus fits extremely harmoniously into different natural and eco-styles. Wood is extremely saturated with water, which is why wooden tubs are often used as flowerpots in which clay pots with ficus plants are installed. Along with clay, wood is a natural material that eliminates environmental pollution.

    It should be noted that when choosing and purchasing a pot for ficus, the presence of a drainage system to drain away excess water, which is detrimental to the root system of the plant, is of great importance.

    The design of such pots often includes a spout for draining water. If there is no drainage in the pot, the risk of losing the plant is greatest, especially if it is made of materials that do not allow or absorb water, such as glazed clay, plastic and glass.

    Form for ordinary ficus

    The pot for the ficus should be chosen as ordinary as possible, without any special design frills. It will be perfect to plant it in a container of the correct shape, which is created by the approximate equality of the characteristics of height and width.

    This rule applies to virtually all types of ficus, such as ficus "Benjamina" and rubber ficus. At the same time, pots should be avoided round shape, since during replanting the roots of the ficus can be destroyed. When they are injured, the plants become extremely sick.

    A very elongated pot will not be suitable for ficus, since the size of the soil in it will be much larger than required.

    If you love this shape, and you need it to create an elegant interior, then an elongated flowerpot with a linden bottom at the highest level can be a way out.


    After purchasing a ficus, you need to evaluate its original pot and the availability of free space in it. If the roots of the plant are already becoming crowded, then within a month it is imperative to replant it and not wait until the roots grow out through the drainage hole. In addition, the ficus itself increases in size, and the possibility of the pot overturning arises, since the upper part of this plant can grow quite strong. When choosing a pot for a ficus, you need to be guided by the 2 centimeter rule, that is, there should be 2 cm of free space for roots to grow.

    Otherwise, there is a risk of inhibiting the growth of the plant, since the ficus will devote all its efforts to growing the root system, and only after filling the pot with roots will it begin to grow above the ground. And also a very large pot increases the possibility of root rotting, since in this case the possibility of overflow increases.

    Ficus transplantation should be done at the moment when the root system has filled the pot one hundred percent and met its walls. In the case of ficuses, the following rule or pattern can be derived: each subsequent pot should be 2 cm larger than the previous one. It is worth considering that some types of these plants grow incredibly quickly.

    For example, the rubber-bearing ficus requires replanting once a year, other species are replanted once every 1 to 3 years. Observations also demonstrate that the older the plant, the less frequently it requires replanting. If you think that the ficus has grown to required sizes crown and root system, then you can carefully remove it from the pot, cut the roots and crown and return it back to the same pot, leaving it the same 2 cm for growth and development of the root system.

    For bonsai

    Bonsai is the ancient Chinese art of growing small copies of huge trees.

    Ficus "Benjamina" is unrivaled for creating bonsai at home. To do this, you need to choose the right pot, taking into account the aesthetics of the plant’s appearance and the individuality of its growth.

    A bonsai pot should be flat and more like a tray. The height of such a bonsai tray is traditionally 10 cm and is good for forming needed by the plant root system. As the ficus grows using the technique given to us, its trunk thickens and above-ground roots grow.

    The width of the container often depends on the size of the plant’s crown: the larger and wider it is, the greater the width of the bonsai tray should be.

    In the case of feeding ficus bonsai, it should be noted that the surface of the root system is extremely small in relation to the above-ground part, and in this case, a container made of breathable materials, such as wood or unglazed clay, is best suited. Most often, bonsai are grown in clay trays. Aesthetically it looks extremely harmonious.

    Why replant ficus trees?

    Replanting house plants is necessary for several reasons.

    Firstly, over time, the flower becomes a little cramped in the ancient pot. The root system grows immediately with the growth of the plant itself. A signal for the need to transplant a ficus can be the emergence of roots from the drainage hole.

    It is also necessary to replant the plant due to the fact that over time the soil is depleted, there are absolutely no nutrients left in it and the flower stops its own growth. The water with which we water our ficus plants contains various impurities and salts, which after a certain time spoil the substrate and begin to harm the roots.

    The transplant may be forced.

    The plant urgently needs to be freed from old soil if:

    • the pot broke unexpectedly;
    • the earth acquired a nasty musty smell;
    • there is a suspicion of rotten roots or the appearance of pests.

    Important! If urgent measures are not taken, the ficus may die.

    When is the best time to replant a flower?

    The best time to transplant ficus trees is early spring. Even if the plant does not require a period of rest in winter, all its vital processes slow down, it does not receive enough light and therefore practically does not vegetate. In spring, the phase of active growth begins and you need to transplant the ficus even before these actions begin, then the transplant will be less traumatic.

    You can replant the flower in the autumn, while there are warm sunny days.

    Then the injured roots will be able to recover before the difficult winter period begins. Autumn replanting is most often resorted to because of a pressing need. The plant may grow very large over the summer, or the soil in the pot may become compacted and compacted and requires immediate replacement.

    How often should ficus trees be replanted?

    • Young specimens of large species grow quickly and therefore require annual replanting.
    • Adult plants are replanted less frequently - once a year or even less often.

    Gloxinia: home care

    Preparation for flower transplantation: pot, soil

    Ficus is a tropical plant, therefore it is important for it that the root system does not become overcooled.

    Taking this into account, it is better to choose a plastic pot for your greenish pet. Containers made of glass and ceramics do not fit; in winter, their walls on the windowsill become very cool and the roots will freeze.

    If you are confused by the unpresentable appearance of a plastic pot, you can choose a beautiful glass pot to match it - then the flower will also serve as an interior decoration. The advantage of this approach is that a boring pot can be replaced with another at any time.

    Automatic watering pots have become an innovation in home gardening.

    They are quite expensive, but they allow you to forget about watering for weeks. A special indicator indicates the water level at the bottom. All that is required from the owner of the plants is to add a glass of water to the tank in time.

    This is extremely convenient for those who have a lot of plants in the house or when the owner of the apartment often goes on vacation and business trips.

    The size of a ficus pot depends on the size of its root system. The new container should be 3 cm wider and 3 cm higher than the previous one. Ficus plants definitely need a drainage layer, so the pot must be high enough.

    The soil must be nutritious and loose at once. In terms of composition for ficuses, the following mixture is recommended:

    • 2 parts leaf soil;
    • 2 parts of turf land;
    • 1 part peat;
    • 1 part large sand.

    Expanded clay or brick chips are used as drainage.

    Note: instead of sand, you can add agroperlite to the soil, it absorbs excess water, and then slowly gives it to the roots of the plant.

    Agroperlite also increases the air permeability of the soil. It is inexpensive and sold in any flower shop.

    You can also purchase ready-made soil for ficus plants. It takes into account all the needs of this particular type of plant.

    Ficus benjamina - home care, varieties

    How to correctly replant a ficus (step by step)

    1. It is better not to water the plant before replanting, as it will be easier to remove it from an old pot. The walls of the plastic or shipping container should be slightly kneaded so that the soil can move away from them more easily.
    2. It is better to cover the work area with old newspapers or film - this will make the next cleaning easier.
    3. The next step is to prepare the soil, a fresh pot, a watering can with water, a small spatula or scoop.
    4. A layer of drainage cm wide is poured onto the bottom of the container, depending on the size of the pot.
    5. Approximately 1/3 of the soil is poured onto the drainage layer and leveled with a spatula.
    6. The ficus is carefully removed from the pot, preserving the soil ball, and placed in a fresh pot.
    7. The voids around the edges of the pot are filled with fresh soil, after which the soil is lightly compacted.
    8. The newly planted ficus is watered abundantly with settled warm water.

      After the first watering, be sure to do some light drying.

    Note! If the root system has been damaged as a result of improper care, it is thoroughly cleaned of soil, all damaged areas are inspected and removed. After this, the cuts are powdered with charcoal.

    How to transplant a ficus shoot

    Propagation of ficus by shoots can be combined with spring pruning. This procedure will help you perform two tasks at once: give the desired shape to the crown of the mother plant and get a planting one. A spring cutting has a better chance of taking root well before the coming of autumn.

    Only mature, semi-lignified shoots are suitable for propagation by shoots.

    The shoot taken from the crown of the ficus will be the most powerful and viable, since in the upper part of the crown all metabolic processes are more active. It is also necessary to pay attention to the presence of a healthy leaf bud at the top of the shoot.

    For self-planting, take shoots cm long with two or three internodes. Cut the stalk only with sharp tools, so as not to crush the wood tissue (cambium). The cut is made 5 mm below the internode at an angle of 45°, and the wound on the tree is sprinkled with crushed coal.

    If this is not done, a film may form on the cut, which will prevent the growth of roots. The leaves are treated differently, depending on the type of ficus.

    In varieties with small leaves, the lower part of the cutting is exposed, leaving only a few upper leaves. If the shoot is large-leaved, part of the leaf is cut off, and the remaining portion of the leaf blade is rolled into a tube and secured with an elastic band to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

    To stimulate root growth, you can treat the cuttings with special products for root formation and make cross-shaped notches on the cut. Rooting is carried out in 2 ways: in water and substrate. Everyone chooses the most successful method for themselves.

    Ficus rubber (elastica) - home care

    Rooting in water

    When the cutting is placed in a glass of water for rooting, you need to make sure that the leaves are left in the air, otherwise they will quickly rot.

    You can cover the cuttings with a bag on top to reduce water evaporation. When the water level decreases, add it little by little.

    After about a week, you can observe the appearance of callus on the cut. It looks like the appearance of a light growth at the end of the cutting. Soon the roots will grow. When their size reaches cm, the shoot is planted in its own pot. At first, you can keep it in a greenhouse to facilitate the rooting process.

    Rooting in the substrate

    A small plastic cup or small pot is suitable for rooting a ficus shoot in the substrate. It is better to disinfect the substrate. By calcining it in the oven or spilling it with potassium permanganate.

    For rooting, a consistency of 2 parts peat, 2 parts washed sand and 1 part vermiculite is more suitable. It is better to mix the ingredients in advance so that the soil can acquire the desired structure within a day.

    The milky juice is washed off the cuttings and the cut is powdered with “Kornevin” or crushed coal. The cuttings are planted in the ground so that the lower node remains above the surface. Rooting can only take place at high humidity and temperature °C, so a greenhouse needs to be constructed for the ficus.

    The shelter is raised twice a day for ventilation.

    The required temperature conditions can be provided by a special heated mat designed for plants or a nearby radiator. On average, it will take a month for roots to appear.

    Please note that the rooted shoot is not planted in very large size land. The size of the pot at each growth step should correspond to the size of the ficus root system.

    Care after transplant

    No matter how carefully you carry out the transplant, it is still a traumatic operation for the plant. The growth of the ficus may stop, and some of the leaves will fly off.

    This is a common occurrence and there is no need to panic. It is better to reduce watering in the first days after transplantation, but spray the crown more often. After light drying, the plant begins to be watered again.

    Feeding is temporarily suspended for two reasons. Firstly, fresh soil has plenty of nutrients. The supply of microelements in the soil will last the plant for 1 month. Secondly, it is necessary for the wounds on the roots to completely heal before fertilizers begin to flow to the root system.

    After 2 months, you can return to the usual feeding regime - once every two weeks.

    Ficus: varieties with photos and names

    Can be planted with seeds. As a rule, seeds are purchased at a specialized store. Before planting, you need to prepare the soil, which consists of equal parts of turf soil, humus and coarse sand. You can add a little bone meal. Seed treatment, soaking or immersion in phytosolution is not required for this plant. Seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of approximately 5 mm. The container with the planted seeds should be in a bright place at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. To maintain a constant level of humidity, place the container in a plastic bag and keep it out of direct sunlight. After planting, you need to be patient, as the seeds of the ficus benjamina germinate after three months. After several leaves appear on the young shoots, the plants are picked into separate pots.

    Location and lighting

    Ficus benjamina is a light-loving plant, which must be taken into account when choosing its location. If the plant is located on a south-facing window sill, then in this case the window must be slightly shaded from the sun, which can cause burns to the foliage. It’s even better to place the plant in the back of the room. Windows on the east and west sides are optimal for ficus. On the north side, especially in winter, when daylight is short, Benjamin's ficus needs additional lighting. Conventional light bulbs are not suitable for this, as they get very hot and dry out the air. You must use fluorescent lamps. When choosing a place of “registration” for ficus Benjamin, you must remember that he is sensitive to a change in place of “residence”. In summer, if there is a place protected from drafts and precipitation, the plant can be placed on a balcony or terrace.

    Pot size

    The pot for Ficus Benjamin must be changed during annual replanting, when the plant is actively growing and its root system is developing. This period lasts about four years, after which the pot remains the same size. The change in the size of the pot during transplantation in quantitative terms increases by 2 - 3 cm without fail. Pots should have drainage holes. There are no special requirements for the material of the pot; it can be ceramic or plastic, the main thing is that it matches the size of the plant and fits harmoniously into the interior.


    Soil for Ficus Benjamin is sold in specialized stores. You can prepare the soil for planting the plant yourself. The acidity of the soil for ficuses is neutral or slightly acidic. Depending on the age of the plant, the mixture will vary slightly. For young plants, the soil is made up of equal parts of peat, leaf soil and sand. For adult plants, the soil is more dense and consists of leaf and turf soil, with the addition of sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5.


    Ficus Benjamin is transplanted in several cases:

    • when replanting young plants annually, when the pot needs to be replaced;
    • in case of reproduction;
    • when soil is depleted and drainage is replaced.

    Usually transplantation is carried out in the spring. In order for the ficus to undergo transplantation painlessly, without damaging the root system, the plant transshipment method is used. In this case, the old earthen lump is not destroyed, the roots remain intact, and the gaps formed in the pot are filled with fresh soil. After transplantation, the first watering of the plants is carried out only on the third day. If the room is very hot, dry and there is no way to ventilate without harming the plant, you can spray the plant. If the ficus was purchased in a store, then the best time for replanting will be three to four weeks after purchase.

    Fertilizers and fertilizing

    When growing ficus benjamina, you cannot do without feeding and fertilizers. Fertilizer is produced from April to September, usually twice a week, alternating complex mineral and organic fertilizers. During the period when the plant's foliage is actively growing, fertilizers with increased content nitrogen. Fertilizer dissolves in water and is applied along with irrigation. As an organic fertilizer, use a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:10. In winter, Ficus Benjamin enters a dormant period, during which the plant does not need fertilizer.


    There are no special regulations for watering Ficus Benjamin. It is produced as the soil dries, which can be determined simply by feeling it with your hand. Ficus tolerates overwatering quite hard, so it is better to underwater the plant, since the plant tolerates drying out more easily than overwatering. But it’s still better not to bring the plant to extreme states. To prevent the plant from overwatering, it is usually watered in several approaches, especially if the root ball is too dense and does not absorb moisture well. Excess water, if any, must be poured out of the pan. In winter, the plant is watered less frequently. Water for irrigation should sit for several days or it should be boiled, cooled and only then watered the plant.


    Ficus benjamina is a rather unpretentious plant in terms of temperature maintenance. In the spring and summer months, the temperature for normal growth and development of the plant should be between 20 and 25 degrees. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the plant does not tolerate drafts and associated temperature changes. In winter, when the plant has a dormant period, temperatures within 16-18 degrees are enough for it. If the plant is cold, you will notice this by yellowing leaves, which will begin to fall off over time. You should not be alarmed when, with the onset of the dormant period, the plant begins to shed its leaves. It is normal for ficus to lose 10-15% of its foliage in winter.


    Ficus benjamina is a moisture-loving plant. The comfortable level of air humidity for it is 70%. In the summer months, ficus requires regular spraying of the leaves, and the plant should be sprayed with boiled water at room temperature. Once every two weeks, the plant can be given a warm shower, also with boiled water, by installing the ficus in the bathroom. In winter, when they work heating devices, the humidity level is maintained using humidifiers or using a container of water in the immediate vicinity of the ficus.


    Ficus benjamina is pruned in late spring or early summer, when the plant has its fastest growth rate. The attractiveness of this flower is that with the help of pruning it can be given different shapes. The most popular are the crowns of the plant in the form of a ball, a neat bush, in the Japanese bonsai style and in the form of various sculptures. There are a number of rules that should be followed when pruning Ficus Benjamin: the cut is made only with a sterilized tool at an angle to the top edge, you must not damage the bark, twist or tear off the leaves, and you must also try to maintain the natural appearance of the plant and do not rush to cut branches that can be saved. Ficus benjamina with intertwined trunks looks very attractive. This can be achieved by planting two or more young plants of equal height in one pot. It is easy to braid young ficus trees, after first removing branches and foliage at the places where they are intertwined. The coils of the plexuses are fixed with electrical tape.

    Pests and diseases

    Common diseases of Ficus Benjamin are: botrytis - plaque white on the foliage due to overwatering of the plant, cercospora - black spots on the underside of the leaf and anthracnose - drying of the edges of the leaf and appearance on them brown spots. To treat the plant, severely affected parts are removed, the plant itself is transferred to another place and proper care is provided, namely, proper watering and lighting, compliance with humidity and temperature conditions.

    Of the pests, Ficus Benjamina is most often affected by spider mites, aphids, scale insects and mealybugs.

    A plant infected with a spider mite will die if immediate treatment is not taken. The fact is that this insect, sucking juice from leaves and other soft tissues, lays eggs within one to two weeks and reproduces in geometric progression. A preventive measure against the appearance of spider mites is steaming the drainage and soil, as well as regular spraying of the plant. If the spider mite has already appeared, then they fight it both with traditional methods and with the help of chemicals.

    TO traditional methods include washing the entire plant and pot with a soapy solution, which leads to a decrease in the mite population, and then water the plant generously, spray the leaves and cover it with a plastic bag. The fact is that this creates increased humidity, from which the spider mite dies.

    An alternative treatment method is to spray the plant with chemicals such as Aktara. If the leaves of a plant are severely deformed, begin to curl and dry out, then this indicates that the plant is affected by a pest such as aphids, which reproduce no less rapidly than spider mites. It is necessary to fight aphids by spraying plants with tobacco, onion or garlic tincture, as well as tinctures of pepper, celandine and others. The plant can also be treated with insecticides and other chemicals.

    If you find brown plaques on the stems of a plant, which are nothing more than scale insects, the plant must be urgently isolated from other indoor plants. You can fight scale insects quite effectively by wiping the affected areas of the plant with a soap-alcohol solution after you have removed all the insects from the plant with a damp cloth or toothbrush. Alcohol can be replaced with machine oil. This procedure is recommended to be carried out weekly until complete destruction pests. Another method of combating scale insects is to wipe the affected areas with tinctures based on garlic, celandine or hot pepper. From chemicals the most effective drugs are Fitoverm or Akarin.

    To combat mealybugs, you should prepare a soap-alcohol solution and spray the plant with it. The next day, the ficus is washed with warm water, and after another 3 days the procedure is repeated again. Rub the affected leaves with garlic tincture. Chemicals such as phosphamide, actellik and others, they treat the leaves of the plant, absorbing the juice of which, the insects are poisoned and die. At chemical methods When processing plants, you should never forget about personal safety when using protective equipment.


    At home, unlike wildlife, ficus benjamina practically does not bloom. And there are no flowers as such, but there are inflorescences in the form of peas or berries with small holes for pollination by insects that live in a tropical climate.


    Ficus benjamina can be propagated in two ways: cuttings and leaf propagation. The most common method is the cutting method. For cuttings, cut off a strong and healthy shoot. Make the cut with a sharp sterilized scalpel or blade. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings. You can root the cuttings both in water and in soil. To root a cutting in water, place the cutting in about 1 cm of water and regularly, adding water to replace the evaporated water, wait for the roots to sprout. When the cutting takes root, it is clearly visible through the glass; it is planted in a separate pot in the soil for young ficuses. When rooting cuttings in the ground, a cut of the cutting is washed in warm water and planted in the ground. The container with the planted cuttings is placed in a plastic bag or covered with glass. This is how the greenhouse conditions necessary for rooting the cuttings in the ground are organized. After new leaves appear, indicating successful rooting, the plants are planted in separate pots.

    To propagate by leaf, cut off the bottom leaf of the plant and place it in a container of water. The leaf should be cut with a small part of the stem. After new roots appear, the leaf is planted in the ground. You can immediately plant the cut leaf in the ground, but to root it you will have to create greenhouse conditions by placing the container in a bag or under a glass flask.

    Plant toxicity/beneficial properties

    The beneficial properties of ficus benjamina include its ability to purify the air, but the milky juice of this ficus can cause allergies.

    Ficus pot sizes

    It is selected based on the size and degree of development of the root system of the plant that is supposed to be planted. The ficus pot should not be too loose. It is recommended to choose a vessel, always with a bottom drainage hole, in which the roots of the plant do not reach the walls of the vessel by about 1.5-2 cm. You also need to take into account that at the bottom of the vessel it is necessary to arrange drainage from expanded clay or brick chips. When transplanting young or developing ficus specimens, the pot should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous container.

    During the process of plant formation, the volume of the vessel can be reduced; in this case, careful pruning of the roots is necessary, accompanied by pruning and shaping of the crown.

    You cannot plant a ficus in a pot that is too spacious for it. As a rule, this leads to undesirable consequences, such as souring of the soil in the vessel that is not inhabited by the root system and, as a consequence, rotting of the roots, often leading to the death of the plant. Also, there are types of ficus for which a spacious container is simply contraindicated.

    Since ficus - big plant, and in natural conditions some of its species grow up to 10-15 m in height; the size of the container can serve as a tool for adjusting growth limits. Keeping an individual in a container that is too tight for its root system will stop the growth of the above-ground part of the plant.

    Nuances and rules for transplanting ficus

    Even a novice amateur gardener can cope with replanting a ficus at home. To do this, it is enough to remember the characteristics of the chosen plant and the main nuances of its life in the apartment.

    Ficus is considered a capricious plant, as it begins to rapidly shed its leaves due to unsuitable conditions. This often happens during the period of soil replacement, as the flower is under severe stress.

    To prevent the ficus from dying, you need to carry out the transplant according to all the rules.

    When does a plant need replanting?

    It is recommended to replant annually if the plant is under four years of age. Older crops are disturbed much less frequently - once every 2-3 years. The green flower likes to grow in close quarters, but periodically the soil in the pot will still need to be updated.

    When should you transplant a ficus:

    • roots begin to emerge from the lower holes of the pot, filling its entire space;
    • the soil dries out quickly after watering;
    • the root system can also be seen at the top of the container.

    Such signals indicate that the plant’s roots no longer have enough space and need a larger pot. Due to the tightness, the ficus will not receive enough nutrients, and this will certainly affect its appearance.

    How to choose a pot and soil

    To transplant a ficus into another pot, you must initially select a container and suitable soil. It is recommended to purchase the substrate ready-made in the store, as it is formulated in suitable proportions and sterilized. If this is not possible, you can prepare the soil yourself.

    To transplant a young plant you will need 1 part of sand, as well as 2 parts coniferous land and the same amount of peat.

    An adult ficus requires the following components in the soil substrate:

    • leaf humus;
    • coniferous land;
    • peat soil;
    • turf;
    • humus.

    The selected pot should not be very large. It is enough if its diameter exceeds the dimensions of the previous container by 3-4 cm. Good drainage is needed at the bottom of the container, which consists of several holes for excess water to escape.

    What the material of the pot is does not play a special role. The main thing is that the container does not release chemical elements into the root system of the plant. Dishes can be made of clay, glass, ceramic, wood or plastic.

    Step-by-step instructions for replanting a ficus

    Preparatory activities and transplantation:

    1. The air temperature during the transplantation period should not exceed 23 degrees. That is, you can replant ficus not only in spring, but also in cool summers.
    2. It is recommended to water the soil a day in advance so that the roots can be easily removed from the pot. It is also necessary to immediately prepare a new container and soil.
    3. Carefully take the ficus by the trunk and, holding the container, pull out the plant. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system.
    4. Shake off excess soil from the rhizome.
    5. Place the flower in a new pot with a drainage layer prepared in advance.
    6. Fill the empty spaces with soil and press down thoroughly. The soil should not reach the top by about 1-2 cm.
    7. Next, the ficus needs to be watered.

    If the plant is very large and heavy, there is no need to replant it. It will be enough to replace the top layer of soil.

    Care after replanting a plant

    Transplanting a ficus is stressful for it, so in order for the green resident to quickly adapt, the gardener must carefully care for it. Watering will need to be temporarily limited; it will be enough to spray the plant and soil with a spray bottle.

    It is recommended to install the pot in a well-ventilated place without drafts, avoiding scorching rays. The optimal air temperature is no more than 23-26 degrees. Fertilizing should be introduced no earlier than a month after transplantation.

    Common Mistakes

    Sometimes an amateur gardener makes mistakes when transplanting a ficus that lead to the death of the plant in a short time. If all the leaves from a flower begin to fall off en masse, you need to look for the reason in incorrect actions during the replanting period and further care.

    What are the most common mistakes:

    • changing the location of the pot indoors;
    • capacity too large;
    • excessive watering or lack of moisture;
    • lack of drainage in the pot;
    • root damage;
    • unsuitable soil composition;
    • transplantation in winter or hot summer.

    Ficus is a very beautiful but delicate plant. If you follow all the rules for replanting and further caring for it, taking into account all the nuances, the green resident will decorate the home and lift the mood of its owner.

    Which pot to plant ficus in: secrets of the right choice

    It doesn’t really matter what material the plant pot is made of. It is important to pay more attention to the sizes. Do not forget about the correct placement of the ficus pot. Caring for it and timely replanting will help keep the plant in proper condition.

    What pot to plant ficus in

    Household ficus trees come in a wide variety of types and sizes. Therefore, the question often arises of which ficus pot to choose. To do this correctly, you need to:

    • Calculate size
    • Select form
    • Select material

    Plastic pot for ficus

    The size of the pot directly depends on the state of development of the plant roots. The optimal size will be in which they will not reach the walls of the selected container by about two centimeters. You need to purchase a vessel that is not too large, with a good drainage system.

    There is no ideal form of container for growing ficus plants. In most cases, ordinary classic-shaped products sold in stores are suitable. However, for those who like to grow plants using bonsai technology, flat models with sides of 10 cm or more are needed.

    What the dishes in which the “tree” will grow are made of doesn’t really matter. It can be plastic, clay or ceramics, and for particularly large specimens, wooden tubs are suitable. The main thing when choosing a material is the absence of a chemical effect on the flower.

    From the above we can conclude that when choosing a pot, you need to remember the condition of the roots, the size of the ficus and the method of growing it. The vessel must not be processed chemical compounds and fit into the interior.

    How to replant a ficus

    If the plant grows well and does not get sick, there is still a need to replant the ficus. Typically, the following terms of “moving” can be determined for a ficus:

    • 3 year olds – once a year
    • five years - no more than once every three years
    • More adults - once every six years

    The new “apartment” is selected to be approximately a couple of centimeters in volume, larger than the previous one.

    To ensure a successful transplant, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

    Your flower will not experience much stress if everything is done carefully and competently.


    Although it is not a very picky plant, caring for ficus requires certain knowledge:

    • It should be located in a well-lit room without direct light.
    • The temperature should not exceed 30º in summer and not fall below 16º in winter.
    • The room should be well ventilated.

    Ficus does not require frequent watering. In summer it will be sufficient to water as the soil dries out. However, this must be done generously. In winter, do not allow excess moisture, as this has a bad effect on the root system.

    The soil for adult plants should have a fairly dense consistency. Organic fertilizers and mineral mixtures are used for bait.

    The settling dust is washed away warm shower a couple of times a month, and you can wipe the leaves with a wet sponge every day.

    Timely care of the plant will give it the opportunity to develop harmoniously.

    Ficus propagation

    Ficus, like all plants in nature, reproduces using seeds. But at home, this process is easier and more effective to carry out vegetatively. There are three main possibilities for propagating ficus at home:

    Ficus cuttings ready for planting

    Using cuttings. The shoot (14-17 cm) is cut off and the leaves are removed. The cut area should be washed and dried. The prepared cuttings are placed in the ground or in an aqueous solution. At the initial stage, the shoot must be kept in the dark and under a film, creating a greenhouse effect.

    Using a cutting with a leaf. The shoot with the leaf is cut off. The main thing is that the cut is made at an angle along the barrel assembly. After the shoot is installed in the pot, the leaf is twisted and fixed. Then it is also covered with film.

    By creating air layering. An incision is made around the shoot and the crust is removed. Moss is attached to the damaged area and wrapped in film. The top and bottom parts are tied. Moss must be kept constantly moist. Soon roots will appear in this place. Next comes the transplantation of the shoot with layering into the ground.

    Young shoots need to be transplanted into pots without covering with glaze, as it allows air to pass through less easily. the desired flower moisture.

    You need to grow plants at home in the spring, having good soil for landing.

    Conditions for the plant

    When creating conditions for ficus, you need to remember that the plant loves warmth. Therefore, you should monitor the room temperature. Especially in winter. Ventilate the room in a timely manner without creating strong drafts. The location of the flower should not be exposed to direct sunlight, but should be well lit. There should not be too dry or waterlogged soil in the pot. The container itself should be convenient and suitable in size to the size of the plant.

    While watching the video you will learn about growing ficus.

    Ficus is rightfully one of the most beautiful and spectacular types of home flora. Correctly chosen pot and care, timely replanting, competently performed reproduction are the key to a prosperous and long life for your pet.

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    What kind of pot is needed for planting ficus

    Probably no one will argue that ficus is one of the most popular plants that gardeners grow at home. This flower is represented by both low-growing representatives (bonsai) and whole bushes reaching a height of 2-3 meters. A large number of varieties of ficus will allow everyone to choose what they like best.

    An important point to pay attention to when growing a plant is choosing the size of the ficus pot. Many do not pay due attention to such a moment, but in vain, since a lot depends on it.

    How to choose the right container shape

    The ficus pot should be selected depending on the size of the flower itself. If the plant has just been purchased and is still quite small, then it is recommended to take a closer look at a small flowerpot.

    You need to be much more careful when choosing a pot for a ficus that has been growing at home for a long time.

    Experienced gardeners advise paying attention to containers of standard sizes, in which the diameter is equal to the height of the flowerpot. If you have a Rubber-bearing ficus or Benjamin ficus at home, then such a pot will be an ideal option.

    When planting a tree from which you want to create a bonsai, you need to understand that choosing a flowerpot will be a little more difficult. Many novice gardeners buy what they like best based on appearance, and this is completely wrong.

    Important! A bonsai pot should be flatter, resembling a plate in appearance, rather than a flowerpot.

    A container or thicket is something that is in great demand. In addition to the fact that such containers are very convenient, they will fit perfectly into any interior of an apartment or office.

    When thinking about which pot to plant a flower in, you need to understand that any shape can be changed artificially. Of course, no one will deliberately remake the container, but there is an opportunity to cheat by weaving a flowerpot in which a vase can be placed. Tall products look beautiful and original, ideal for bonsai and other forms.

    Pot size - how to choose it

    Some believe that the pot for Ficus Benjamin can be anything. Even one left over from some other flower, for example, will do. If you act according to this principle, you may encounter the fact that the plant stops growing, begins to wither, and then dies altogether.

    Experienced flower growers say that “We choose the size depending on the development of the flower roots.” There is no point in planting young plants that have small roots in large flowerpots, since the ficus will stop growing due to the fact that the root system begins to actively develop. And until it entwines the entire earthen lump, the situation will not change.

    However, this does not mean that you should wait until the roots appear from the drainage holes.

    If the flower has not been replanted for more than a year, you need to take out the earthen ball along with the flower and carefully examine it. Having noticed a developed root system, it is necessary to transplant the ficus into a pot that will be several centimeters larger than the previous one.

    Important! Rubber-bearing ficuses grow very quickly, so you will have to buy a new pot for them every year.

    The mistake many gardeners make is that when planning to plant a tree, they transplant an already quite large flower into a container that is slightly larger than the previous one. This rule must be followed for those flowers that grow on the windowsill. For floor ficuses, you should buy fairly spacious flowerpots. Considering that adult and large plants are not replanted, their top layer of substrate is simply changed annually, it will be very difficult to transplant a flower into a larger pot. The plant may simply not take root in the new place and die.

    Material – what is better to pay attention to

    Despite the fact that ficus plants are quite unpretentious plants and can “live” in almost any pot, it is still recommended to pay attention to the material from which it is made.

    You need to understand that not all containers are safe; we are talking about toxic materials, from which flowerpots can also be made. Some manufacturers, in order to save a little on production, use poor quality plastic, which begins to release toxins when it comes into contact with soil, water or fertilizers. It is the latter that adversely affects the plant.

    There have been cases when a flower began to gradually fade, but the reason could not be found. And only an accidental transplant into a new container saved the situation.

    Therefore, when thinking about what kind of pot is needed for a ficus, it is best to choose proven materials.

    These include:

    • ceramics;
    • clay;
    • glass;
    • tree.

    The latter material is relevant for the manufacture of large tubs that can decorate any room.

    As for clay containers, they are usually used for planting bonsai.

    Ceramics is an expensive material, but it is beautiful, durable and, of course, natural, so if possible, it is worth paying attention to it.

    If the florist is well acquainted with the manufacturer and has repeatedly purchased pots from the represented company made of plastic, then you can purchase them. At the same time, having noticed some negative changes occurring with the flower, and also having ruled out all possible problems, it would not be a bad idea to change the flowerpot by purchasing a pot made of natural material.

    Which color do you prefer?

    Perhaps this is the simplest thing that can be. Today there are so many color options on the market that choosing the right pot for your ficus is not difficult. Some gardeners advise paying attention to light colors, which harmonize very beautifully with the green shades of the leaf plates. If you purchase a ceramic flowerpot, then you can take a closer look at products that have a whimsical and delicate design.

    By choosing the right pot, the flower will grow quickly and develop well.

    Proper care of ficus at home

    Ficus has been neighbors with people since ancient times. This plant enlivens the interior and gives the home a light touch of antiquity. The tree is popular among indoor plant lovers for its unpretentious nature and high decorative properties. In order for the home ficus Benjamin to please its owner with a healthy appearance and lush crown, you need to follow the basic conditions for caring for this plant. What is important here is the ability to properly plant, feed, and prune the plant. Not to mention the formation of the crown or how to water the soil.

    Microclimate basics: when to plant, how to feed and fertilize your plant

    Does it matter what kind of ficus I have: broad-leaved, large-leaved or rubber?

    Soil, earth and fertilizers for home ficus

    Ficuses love light, fertile soil, with a neutral or low level of acidity, and cannot tolerate clay soil in which water stagnates. For young plants, the earthen substrate should be light and loose, for adults it should be denser, with the addition of humus or turf. Given these simple rules, you can prepare the soil yourself.

    Prepare the soil for your ficus correctly!

    Recipes for preparing soil for ficus

    To make the soil more loose, coarse sand, expanded clay or charcoal are added to it. Vermicompost will help improve the survival rate of the plant and speed up its adaptation during replanting. Soil acidity can be reduced using lime and dolomite flour. An auxiliary source of phosphorus, potassium and microelements is wood ash.

    The perfect potty for your Benjamin

    It's important to choose the right pot, in which the plant will be cozy and comfortable. It is better to give preference to clay flowerpots that allow air and moisture to pass through well. You can also use lightweight and economical wooden or plastic pots.

    To determine the appropriate size of the flowerpot, you need to estimate the size of the plant's root system. Ideally, there should be a margin of 2 cm from the walls of the pot to the roots of the ficus. The container must have a drainage hole.

    In nature, ficus trees reach a height of 10-15 m. At home, people deliberately limit the growth of the aboveground part of these trees by planting them in cramped flowerpots. Thus, you can adjust the height of the ficus using a flower pot

    Ficus will not grow in a small flowerpot

    To plant a rubber ficus, you need to prepare a seedling, a flowerpot, soil, drainage, water and a small spatula. You need to act according to the following scheme:

    • take the flowerpot suitable size with drainage hole;
    • pour small stones, pebbles or broken brick;
    • take the substrate self-made or low-fat purchased land, pour it into the pot up to the shoulders;
    • in the center of the pot, use a spatula to make a depression large enough to fit the roots of the plant, plus one centimeter for reserve;
    • moisten the soil in the pot and wait until the water is absorbed;
    • place the cutting in the hole;
    • fill the hole with the cutting with soil;
    • Hill up the plant and lightly press the soil around the trunk.

    Now you need to place a pot with a beautiful seedling in a well-lit place and carefully monitor its condition, waiting for new leaves to appear.

    Ficus transplantation: how to plant the plant correctly

    Ficus transplantation is carried out once every two years. It is best to do this in the spring. First, the plant is well watered, then by transfer method it is transferred to another, larger pot filled with soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:1:1.

    Sequence of actions when transplanting a ficus:

    • water the flower for easy removal from the pot;
    • carefully remove the earthen ball with roots from the flowerpot;
    • remove the layer of soil not occupied by roots;
    • pour pebbles, broken bricks or pebbles into the prepared pot;
    • pour earth on top;
    • transfer the plant to a pot with soil;
    • cover the roots with soil;
    • pour water.

    When choosing a suitable pot for replanting a ficus, remember that the diameter of the new pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the diameter of the previous container. If the pot is too large, the excess soil will begin to turn sour, and the plant will be difficult to germinate!

    A well-lit place on a windowsill or near a window is suitable for planting ficus. In this case, the flower should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In winter, when daylight hours become short, the tree should be moved closer to the light source, and in summer it should be removed from the scorching rays of the sun.

    Ficuses with variegated leaves can stand on a south-facing window all winter. The remaining plants need to be illuminated with fluorescent or LED lamps.

    Blooming ficus will decorate your home

    Ficus does not like to change its usual location and does not tolerate frequent transplants. A flower can react to a change in its location by dropping leaves.

    In order for the ficus to feel normal, the gardener should focus on the following factors: lighting, room temperature, watering, humidity and fertilizing.

    Lighting for the growth of a beautiful tree

    Ficuses love bright, diffused light. They feel best on a south or east window. To protect the flower from direct sunlight, the glass can be covered with a special film or paper. With a lack of light, the leaves of the plant become faded. To prevent this from happening, the tree needs to be illuminated with lamps.

    Lighting is very important for a plant

    Air temperature

    The optimal air temperature for ficus in summer is from 18°C ​​to 25°C, in winter – not lower than 16°C-18°C. If the flower overwinters in a cool room, it needs to be watered less often and less abundantly. Without watering, the plant easily tolerates air temperatures up to 10°C. In a room with hot, dry air, the leaves of the flower hang down.

    How to water a rubber flower in winter: watering secrets

    In the warm season, ficus should be watered 2-3 times a week, in cold months - once a week. Soft, well-settled water at room temperature is suitable for watering it. This flower does not like either an abundance of moisture or drying out of the earthen coma. From excess moisture its roots rot, and from lack they dry out. Before watering, the earthen ball should be dried.

    Water your ficus correctly!

    How to create the right humidity

    Ficus does not tolerate dry, hot air well, so its leaves should be regularly sprayed with clean water from a spray bottle or wiped with a damp sponge. A soft shower will not harm the plant, after which you need to dry the leaves well in the bathroom, and only then return the tree to its original place.

    Soil: how to feed indoor ficus

    From March to August, the flower is fed every two weeks. To fertilize correctly, use natural fertilizers such as nettle infusion or wood ash. In winter, ficus is fed no more than once a month, provided that the plant is additionally illuminated by a lamp.

    To avoid burning the roots of the tree, water it before feeding.

    A ficus that begins to hurt can be recognized almost immediately. If the plant begins to lose leaves, the color of the leaf plates has changed, spots, growths or dry areas have appeared on them, it means that the tree is sick and needs emergency help from a grower. The most common diseases of ficus are presented in the following table.

    Ficus diseases: symptoms, treatment, prevention

    Disease or its symptoms Causes of the disease Treatment and prevention
    Leaves are falling off The flower does not like the conditions in which it grows Observe the flower, optimize lighting, air temperature and watering regime
    The color of the leaf plate has changed The plant lacks nutrients Feed the tree regularly or replant it in fresh soil
    Yellow spots on leaves The flower experiences excess moisture We urgently need to dry out the soil and reconsider the plant’s watering schedule
    Brown spots appeared The room is too hot Move the tree to another place, cooler
    Fungus Small black spots appeared on the leaves
    Gray rot Leaves become moldy Remove moldy areas. Water less often. Ventilate the room regularly
    Sooty mushroom A gray coating is noticeable on the leaves Treat the leaves with a damp sponge soaked in soapy water. Remove severely damaged leaves
    Root rot The plant turns grayish and dies There is no cure for this disease. I'll have to get rid of the flower
    Aphid Leaves turn yellow Wash the leaves with a sponge and soapy water.
    Trips Dark brown spots appeared on the leaves Treat with chemicals
    Shchitovka The leaves are covered with convex growths of a brownish color Treat the flower with soapy water, plus 3-4 times with chemicals
    Mealybug Cotton-like growths appear in the leaf axils Spray the flower with water and chemicals
    Nematodes Growths resembling beads appear on the roots Treat with chemicals
    Spider mite Gray spots appear on the plant Cover the plant with film for several days, then spray with garlic tincture

    The key to successful treatment of most ficus diseases is their timely diagnosis. The sooner the disease is detected, the higher the chances of restoring the health of the plant and its former beauty.

    Forming the correct lush crown of a ficus: trim or pinch?

    Unusually shaped ficus

    Every spring, ficuses (broad-leaved and ordinary) should be pruned in order to rejuvenate them and give the plants the desired shape. This is especially true for small-leaved varieties (not only large-leaved) ficuses, which form a lush bush. In order for pruning to go smoothly, the following rules must be observed:

    1. carry out pruning with sharp tools (knives, pruners);
    2. treat tool blades with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
    3. Start pruning from the central shoots, leaving at least five leaves on each of them;
    4. make cuts above the kidney;
    5. cut powerful shoots at an angle;
    6. Gently sprinkle the cuts with charcoal powder.

    When forming a fluffy crown, both side shoots and shoots inside the crown are cut off. As a result, the crown is better ventilated, internal areas become accessible to sunlight

    To form the crown, rejuvenating and sanitary pruning, pinching and vaccination.

    Anti-aging procedures: how to properly trim and care

    The plant is cut “under the stump” and cared for in the standard manner until the root shoots appear. This type of pruning is used for ficus plants with dried or frostbitten top parts. Subsequently, you can select one or more stems and grow them in the form of a trunk or shrub with several shoots.

    Ordinary sanitary pruning

    Throughout life cycle from ficus, you can remove broken shoots that interfere with the normal development of neighboring branches, as well as diseased shoots that can become a source of infection for the entire tree. This type of pruning is called sanitary pruning.

    How to do crown pinching

    Pinching means pinching the upper shoots to form a lush crown. Pincing is carried out from February to July, during the period of active growth of ficus trees. Regular pinching of the plant leads to a reduction in the size of the leaves on its side shoots.

    Grafting to form a crown

    If the plant lacks one single branch for the ideal crown shape, it can be grafted and thereby obtain an impeccable-looking plant. Traces of such a modification quickly overgrow and become almost invisible.

    This method is used if you need to quickly form a ficus crown.

    What florist does not dream of beautiful ficus? The crown of the rubber ficus can be grown and decorated in one of the following ways:

    The bush is formed by pinching the tops of the main shoots. At the same time, the growth of lateral buds is activated. When new shoots reach a height of 10 cm, they should also be pinched. If the bush turns out to be too thick, remove the shoots that grow inside the crown.

    The sculpture is formed from the crowns of small-leaved ficus trees. By cutting shoots and pinching buds in the right places, you can get a sculpture in the form of a bird, animal, human, or geometric figure.

    Choose how to shape the crown of your flower

    Wickerwork is good when several shoots grow in one pot. As the shoots grow, they are woven into a spiral or braided. Some experts use this method to form entire walls or fences.

    The standard is suitable for young ficus trees with a clearly formed central shoot. The lateral shoots of the 5 upper shoots are removed, after which the apical part is pinched. The result is a straight, bare trunk with a lush crown.

    The ball is formed when the plant reaches two years of age. To prevent upward growth, the tops are pinched monthly, thereby stimulating the growth of side shoots. The main thing is to give the crown the shape of a ball, removing disproportionately protruding shoots. The plant may bush or branch, but everything is in your hands!

    Ficus propagation: how to grow a new flower

    Ficus trees reproduce by shoots, leaves, air layering and cuttings.

    Shoots in water: how a plant can shoot

    A part of the stem with two leaves should be separated from the plant. The top sheet must be removed, the top one cut into thirds and the juice blotted with a napkin. Place the shoot in water with activated carbon so that the leaves do not touch the water. Within 30 days, young roots will appear on the plant. After this, the shoot can be planted in a separate flowerpot.

    What can happen if you propagate ficus leaves?

    If a ficus leaf is planted in the ground, it will take root, but will not become a full-fledged flower. To get a benign plant, the leaf must be cut along with a piece of the stem. The cut should be made below the leaf located on the main or side stem. Then a piece of the stem must be treated with a root formation stimulator and placed in water.

    After 2 weeks, the stem may produce its first shoots. When the shoots reach a length of 2-3 cm, they can be planted in regular soil.

    This method is considered more labor-intensive. It involves the following sequence of actions. 2-3 leaves are removed from the top of the selected shoot. Make a circular cut on the shoot. Insert a sharpened match or stick into the cut so that it does not overgrow. Cover the incision with moss and tie it with cellophane or cling film. The moss is moistened with water, keeping it moist. A month after the roots appear, the cuttings are finally separated from the stem and transplanted into a separate pot.

    Mass breeding of ficus

    Where can I get cuttings?

    The cutting is separated from the main stem using an oblique cut. The cut is treated with charcoal and the shoot is immediately planted in a pot with a loose and light earthen mixture. The top of the pot is covered with a plastic bag, a glass or a transparent glass jar to create a mini-greenhouse. Within 20 days, the cutting takes root and begins to grow.

    After the first leaves appear, the greenhouse is opened more often, gradually accustoming the young plant to normal indoor conditions.

    Ficus trees give peace and tranquility not only at home

    Not only a professional gardener, but also an ordinary indoor plant lover can take care of ficus. This tree is easy to care for, using various methods of crown formation it can be turned into an attractive element of home or office decor.

    Ficus is one of the most popular home and office plants. Its decorative shape fits into any interior and adds drama to any style. These indoor plants are quite finicky to care for, and their growth rate and appearance directly depend on the pot in which they grow.

    Thus, a pot for a ficus is not only a place where it lives, but also a tool for shaping its appearance.


    The range of pots offered by manufacturers for planting home flowers and plants is quite wide, as is the choice of materials from which they are made. Among them are containers made of ceramics, plastic, wood and even metal. Ficus is a rather picky flower in terms of the material of the container in which it grows. It feels great and develops well in both clay and plastic vessels.

    If there is a choice, then preference should be given to clay containers, not covered with a glossy glaze, since the clay has a porous structure, allows air to pass through and improves the breathing of roots. It should be borne in mind that over time, a clay pot may become covered with a white coating from the salts contained in the water, or turn green, since it absorbs moisture well. And also the appearance of clay flower containers may seem unaesthetic.

    A clay pot covered with glaze has a more attractive appearance than a product with porous ceramic surface. However, such a container does not conduct light well and is heavier, which can make caring for the plant difficult. If you decide to use glazed ceramics, make sure to place the plant in a sunny location. At the same time, nothing bad will happen if the ficus is planted in a plastic pot. It can cost anything, the main condition is that the plastic does not emit substances harmful to the environment and plants. In addition, plastic products are brighter and have a beautiful design. The weight of the flower together with the soil in plastic is much less than in ceramics.

    Glass pots for plants are quite rare. If you come across a beautiful glass specimen and decide to plant your flower there, remember that this is a rather fragile vessel that requires careful handling. At the same time, it is worth paying tribute to the spectacular appearance of a glass container, which can be colored, transparent or matte. Wooden pots for ficus are usually chosen in the form of a tub, in which the ficus fits very harmoniously into various natural and eco-styles. Wood is perfectly saturated with water, so wooden tubs are often used as flowerpots into which clay pots with ficus plants are placed. Along with clay, wood is a natural material that does not pollute the environment.

    It should be noted that when choosing and purchasing a pot for ficus, the presence of a drainage system to drain excess liquid, which is detrimental to the root system of the plant, is of great importance. The design of such pots often includes a spout for draining water. If there is no drainage in the pot, the risk of losing the plant is maximum, especially if it is made of materials that do not allow or absorb moisture, such as glazed clay, plastic and glass.

    Form for traditional ficus

    You need to choose the most ordinary pot for ficus, without any special design frills. It would be ideal to plant it in a container of the correct shape, which is created by approximately equal height and width parameters. This rule applies to almost all types of ficus, such as ficus "Benjamina" and rubber ficus. At the same time, round-shaped pots should be avoided, since the roots of the ficus can be damaged during replanting. When they are injured, the plants become very sick.

    A pot that is too elongated is also not suitable for ficus, since the volume of soil in it will be much larger than required. If you love this shape and it is necessary to create stylish interior, then the way out could be an elongated flowerpot with a false bottom at a higher level.


    After purchasing a ficus, you need to evaluate its original pot and the availability of free space in it. If the roots of the plant are already becoming crowded, then within a month it must be replanted and not wait until the roots grow out through the drainage hole. In addition, the ficus itself increases in size, and there is a possibility of the pot overturning, since the upper part of this plant can grow quite powerful. When choosing a pot for a ficus, you must follow the 2 centimeter rule, that is, there should be 2 cm of free space for root growth. Otherwise, there is a risk of inhibiting the growth of the plant, since the ficus will devote all its efforts to growing the root system, and only after filling the pot with roots will it begin to grow above the ground. Also, a pot that is too large increases the likelihood of root rotting, since in this case the likelihood of overwatering increases.

    Ficus transplantation should be done at the moment when the root system has completely filled the pot and met its walls. In the case of ficuses, the following rule or pattern can be derived: each subsequent pot should be 2 cm larger than the previous one. It is worth considering that some types of these plants grow incredibly quickly. For example, rubber-bearing ficus requires replanting once a year, other species are replanted once every 1 to 3 years. Observations also show that the older the plant, the less often it requires replanting. If you think that the ficus has grown to required sizes crown and root system, then you can carefully remove it from the pot, trim the roots and crown and return it back to the same pot, leaving it the same 2 cm for growth and development of the root system.

    For bonsai

    Bonsai is the ancient Chinese art of growing small copies of large trees. Ficus "Benjamina" is great for creating bonsai at home. To do this, you need to choose the right pot, taking into account the aesthetics of the plant’s appearance and the characteristics of its growth. A bonsai pot should be flat and more like a tray. The height of such a bonsai tray is usually 10 cm and is optimal for the formation of the root system necessary for the plant. As the ficus grows using this technique, its trunk thickens and above-ground roots grow.

    The width of the container often depends on the size of the plant’s crown: the larger and wider it is, the larger the width of the bonsai tray should be. In the case of growing ficus bonsai, it should be noted that the surface of the root system is very small in relation to the above-ground part, and in this case, a container made of breathable materials such as wood or unglazed clay is best suited. Most often, bonsai are grown in clay trays. Aesthetically it looks very harmonious.

    How to choose a color

    When choosing the color of a pot, you should take into account the style direction of the interior design and the color scheme of the room in which the pot with the plant will be located. The green leaves of ficus harmonize perfectly with pots of white and light shades of various colors, as well as brown clay containers with unusual patterns. To add brightness to the interior, it is diluted with bright yellow, bright green and pink pots. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, ficus trees fill the atmosphere with tonic energy, which directs the inhabitants of the house in the right direction and forces them to act more actively.

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