Finding something in a dream. What if you dream of finding a lost thing? Big dream book Why do you dream about Losses?

If in a dream you had to look for something or someone, then in reality you are trying to solve a certain problem or understand yourself. In addition, searches in night dreams symbolize disorganization or unfulfilled desires.

Why do you dream of searching in Miller’s dream book?

Did you dream that you were looking for treasures and found them? Good luck will come from the most unexpected side, you will find support and receive financial assistance. If you fail to find the treasure, then you are threatened by the betrayal of friends and great failures.

Search in a dream - the opinion of the sorceress Medea

If you were looking for a certain object, then in reality you are trying to change something. Possible changes can be judged by the search results. If during a night adventure you happen to wander around the room and look for a way out, then changes in fate will occur gradually. In the coming period, you should not do anything drastic or be overly persistent.

Freud's interpretation

Mr. Freud is convinced that searches in dreams convey sexual dissatisfaction. However, even frequent changes of partners will not save you from mental loneliness and self-doubt.

Searches in the modern dream book

Looking for something in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a negative symbol. This is a sign of serious illness, loss and failure. Did you dream that you were looking for someone’s favor or friendship? Soon you will gain self-confidence, and your situation will improve significantly.

Looking for a hotel at night to spend the night is a sign of a surmountable obstacle on the path to success. Searching for a sewing needle means that you are worrying in vain, you are still valued and respected. If you happen to be looking for a grave in a cemetery or a corpse in a morgue, then in reality you will receive news of the death of a friend.

Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Did you dream that you were looking for something without knowing what? You are not confident in your actions, are inconsistent in making decisions and often cannot adequately assess the situation. If you happened to be looking for a certain object or person, then you want to avoid responsibility and do not trust yourself.

I dreamed of looking for something - dream book from A to Z

If in a dream you were looking for a lost child, then in reality you will get involved in a scam that will either bring huge money or imprisonment. Have you ever looked for people in distress at night? In reality, you will suffer losses due to false information. You turned the whole house upside down but still haven't found it the right thing? Fate has prepared tests, but to pass them you will need concentration, organization and fortitude.

Search in a dream using D. Loff's dream book

If you have been looking for a certain object all night, then an annoying surprise awaits you. For an expanded interpretation, the dream book advises finding the link that connects you and the desired object. And also consider whether you were able to find it or not.

Sometimes such a vision indicates incompetence, lack of knowledge or skills. Looking for something together with your friends means that you need to act together, enlist the support of loved ones or at least wise advice.

Why do you dream of searching and finding?

Most important point in the interpretation of sleep is the result of the search. A vision in which they turned out to be fruitful promises improvement in business, well-being and prosperity.

If in a dream you were looking for something and found it, then you will soon discover extraordinary talents in yourself. This is also a sign that you have entered the right path, which will certainly lead you to a better life.

Why do you dream of searching and not finding it?

The worst case scenario is negative search results. If you still cannot find what you are looking for, then a period of disappointment, uncertainty and troubles is coming.

Most often, such visions occur at a time of emotional decline, against the background of stress and depression caused by real losses.

Regularly recurring dreams similar type They hint that your capabilities do not match your desires or that you are doing something that is harmful to you personally and those around you.

Why do you dream of looking for a person, a child?

Did you dream that you were looking for a person in a foreign city? This means that you have to go through a series of not the most pleasant tests sent by fate.

Looking for children in a dream is even worse. This is considered a sign of betrayal, accident, illness and other less significant troubles in life.

If you were able to find the right person, then everything will end well, and finding a child will mean many years of life without any special difficulties.

Why do you dream of looking for a way?

The most symbolic thing in dreams is the search for a road. This dream can be deciphered literally - you are trying to find the meaning of your existence, purpose and direction for further movement.

Did you dream that you were looking for the way to your house in complete darkness? The family is threatened by misunderstandings, minor conflicts and differences of opinion. If in a dream you lose your way, then in real life you risk making a mistake that will be too costly. And both financially and spiritually.

Looking for a way during a blizzard or blizzard, especially out of season, is a sign of unforeseen circumstances. Forces that you cannot control will intervene.

Why do you dream about looking for a job?

Did you find yourself looking for work on your nightly adventure? In reality, you are clearly not satisfied with your situation. Even if you don’t feel a clear need to change jobs, your subconscious mind gives you reason to think about it.

In addition, looking for a job in a dream means that you will soon live better, as you will receive profit from an unexpected source. If you happen to look for a job in your dreams, then in reality you will have a real chance to get rich.

Why do you dream of looking for a way out?

If in reality you are trying to find a solution to a complex problem, then it is not surprising that at night you will be looking for a way out of a certain building. If you can get out of the maze of corridors, then soon the troubles will end.

If you remain calm while wandering around an unfamiliar building, you will receive a profit, reward or bonus. If you panic, run and scream, then you shouldn’t expect anything good.

Why do you dream about looking for a toilet?

By the way, such a dream is not so uncommon. Most often, the search for a toilet is marked by a real need of the body while you are sleeping.

If there are no such inconveniences, then this means that you need to get rid of what oppresses you or interferes with your life. These can be bad habits, thoughts, relationships, responsibilities.

Why do you dream about looking for shoes?

If in a dream you lost your shoes and cannot find them, then great difficulties and stagnation in some business are coming. The vision advises you to postpone the implementation of plans for a while and rest a little.

If one shoe is lost, this may indicate a breakup, divorce and even death. loved one. However, such a tragic interpretation is only appropriate if there are additional signs. Most often, the search for a couple symbolizes quarrels, doubts, and disagreements.

If you were looking for suitable shoes by trying on shoes in a store, then expect a profit or an extremely profitable offer. After such a vision, young girls can count on meeting a pleasant person and a new romance, which will most likely end in marriage.

Searching in a dream interpretation

To better understand what you dreamed about at night, it is worth considering the meaning of more specific images.

  • looking for a path in a dark forest - to a hopeless situation
  • street - to increase
  • some house/apartment - to resolve the situation
  • your car - hopes will be dashed
  • train – journey is postponed
  • toilet - to financial difficulties
  • shelter/overnight – you’ll have to make excuses
  • new housing - ready to move
  • work - to a lucrative offer that will bring income
  • doors to enter - difficulties at work, in business
  • exit from the labyrinth - to reconciliation
  • from anywhere – you need to stay calm
  • safe descent - avoid danger
  • your grave - for longevity
  • someone else's - to unexpected help
  • something in the cemetery - you need peace, rest, reflection
  • looking for a dead person - to sadness, melancholy
  • treasures - to gain stability
  • mushrooms - a reward for your efforts
  • book - to gain knowledge, reward
  • money (large amount) - to troubles, waste
  • trifle - to minor troubles, tears
  • wallet - be careful, save
  • documents - to a business doomed to failure
  • any shoes - for a long journey
  • men's shoes - to find hope
  • women's shoes - to the envy of friends
  • boots - for great changes
  • indoor slippers - the need for approval, understanding
  • wedding dress - for late marriage
  • ordinary - to relationship problems
  • outerwear - you need protection, support
  • socks - to quarrels out of nowhere
  • shirt - to secret intrigues
  • handkerchief - to unfulfilled dreams
  • engagement ring - to illness, separation, divorce
  • any other ring means an unpleasant incident that can be avoided
  • jewelry - to a thirst for change
  • earrings - for flirting, short-term romance
  • talisman (especially if you don’t have one) - to the need to think about the soul, to protect yourself from magical negativity
  • the keys are to showdowns over trifles
  • a needle - to empty efforts, acquiring skills in a new business
  • child - to loss of inspiration, stagnation in creativity
  • mother - to poor health, problems, worries
  • dad - to the desire to find support
  • daughter - for a love affair
  • son - to prospects
  • a stranger's man - you secretly dream of romance
  • loved one - to deception, separation
  • wife/husband - to disagreement
  • cat - to victory over ill-wishers
  • dog - meet a new friend
  • bedbugs - to betrayal
  • fleas - to deception
  • food - to the desire to improve financial situation

If in a dream you happened to be looking for a solution to a difficult problem, then in your soul, regardless of your desire, certain changes occur. You may not feel it yet, but soon everything will change in the most incredible way.

Sleep is one of the mysterious phenomena of human nature, which the great minds of the planet are working to solve. A person sees the most different dreams, and each of them is interpreted in its own way. But what if you dreamed that you found money? What does this mean and what should you prepare for? Read all the answers to these questions in this topic.

Finding money in a dream can mean success and good luck. But in certain cases, such dreams may not be interpreted. For example, if a dreamer in need of income had such a dream, this may mean that he is fixated on money and sees something that is preoccupied with him and this has nothing to do with any success. Dream books describe many interpretations about finding money in a dream. First of all, you need to pay attention to where they were found, in what bills, and under what circumstances.

Such dreams are interpreted in different ways, but are generalized as news and change. If in a dream you dreamed of a handbag with iron change, then this symbolizes the sadness associated with the loss of a job and permanent income. This may also be a sign that they want to rob you of a lot of money, which has been persistently and for a long time accumulated for more than one year. If you are looking for small bills in your wallet or bag, this is unexpected news. But the significance of the news depends on the color.

It doesn’t matter that the banknotes are of small denomination, the main thing is that there is no doubt about their authenticity. If you found money in a hiding place, but it turned out to be less than there was, this is a sign of squabbles and showdowns in the house, as well as disappointment. Such dreams speak of difficult situation with high costs and difficult refunds.

A large amount of money in a dream

Find money with large denominations

Find a pack paper money large denomination in your personal belongings, for example, in the pockets of trousers or jackets, this is considered favorable sleep, which is interpreted as good news and celebration in the home. It can also mean gratitude from a person who was once provided with free help. In a dream, finding money with a face value of 5,000 rubles is a sign of fun and good news.

Banknotes in denomination of 5000 rubles

More than two bills of the same denomination means a big acquisition and a waste of all the accumulated money. A 1000 ruble banknote is a sign that it will appear free time for vacation and you can relax. It can also be a signal of a long-awaited date with a loved one or a romantic dinner with your husband or wife. Two or three bills can mean the beginning of a romantic relationship. 500 ruble banknote. a harbinger of change, small but pleasant surprises, as well as low costs.

Various dream books such dreams are interpreted in their own way. Some say that this may indicate changes in the relationship between a guy and a girl, but does not concern the relationship between a husband and wife, while others indicate changes in the field of work or a change of job. There are also interpretations about a family quarrel based on lies.

Packs of foreign currency

If you dreamed of a foreign or incomprehensible currency, then this indicates an unexpected change of plans that will lead to adverse consequences.

Find money on the street

Banknote found by a girl

If a girl finds a large bill, this may mean an early meeting of her betrothed and loving person. His profession and wealth will depend on the significance of the money found.

Banknote found by a guy

For guys, this is a sign that life will change in better side. This may affect your career. There will be good job with a decent salary or meeting a girl from a very rich family.

Banknote found by a guy

This interpretation applies to dreams in which the opposite happens, that is, the dreamer is stolen from a beautiful banknote of money or he loses it in a shopping center.

Found a lot of money in a dream

A lot of money in a dream means temptation in life

In any case, such a dream promises great success and big earnings.

If in a dream there is a lot of money on the steps of an airplane or in a train corridor, and the dreamer picks it up and leaves, then this sign is interpreted as an opportunity to demonstrate one’s potential.

Took himself a large amount of money

How long the part-time job will last depends on the number of banknotes. Each of them can mean one day or a whole year. If you find a lot of money in a dream and take it home, then this is good news for a wealthy person, but unpleasant for a poor person. For the rich, this is a sign that in the near future there will be a big deal with great financial reward, but for the poor, these are pipe dreams.

Concluding a major deal in a dream

If you dreamed of a large sum in a wallet that fell out of a passerby’s pocket, and you took this wallet full of money for yourself, then in reality you will be given a successful chance to receive new job or get married successfully. If, after the discovery, the dreamer discovered dirty and damaged paper money, then you should be wary of the fact that a certain person intends to deceive you, after which a black streak in business and temporary setbacks will follow.

The Holy Mother of God came in a dream

If you had a dream Holy Mother of God, in which the dreamer, reading words from a dream, asks for material benefits and success, this indicates that he is helpless and depressed, unable to solve problems.

If women have dreams about finding money

If a woman saw in her dreams that she had found money, then this is a harbinger of new acquaintances. If the denomination of the found banknote is dominated by the number five, for example, 500 rubles. or 5 thousand rubles, then such a dream is interpreted as luck, luck and chance. This could be anything, for example, finding money in reality, winning the lottery, or meeting a sponsor.

In numerology, the number 5 is change. For a girl, seeing the number five, expressed in money or five objects, can mean meeting a future husband who will provide for her and love her.

If the girl found banknote 5000, and began to exchange it for small things, then this may mean a quarrel with a loved one because of gossip that is not supported by facts.

The girl received a large amount of money from an ATM

However, when she gives money to her lover or any other nice guy, it is a sign that her husband is honest and in love. Dreaming of small money found on the floor of a cafe or shopping center is a good sign, since in the near future you may need friendly help or advice that will be given on time. This is also a sign that a girl can meet a good, but poor man. The same interpretation is suitable if you dream of a wallet with fakes.

If you dreamed of foreign currency in the form of euros and US dollars, then you will meet a person from another country or go on vacation abroad. And when you dream of small change, regardless of whether it is iron money or paper money, it is almost always unfavorable news, small scandals and unfulfilled dreams.

Foreign currency in a dream

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Finding in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Find - A dream in which you manage to find something warns of future events. Finding gloves means getting married soon. Finding a needle means new interesting acquaintances. Finding a hidden thing is a sign of unexpected joyful events. Finding a horseshoe is a sign of great luck. A woman’s last dream promises a faithful, caring husband. Find the keys to family happiness and success in business

Finding a bracelet means a successful acquisition of property

Nakhodka - Dreams of good luck. The rest depends on what you find

Search - Looking for a job? Be careful and don't miss the chance to get rich. If you are looking for a hotel to stay overnight, it means that many obstacles await you on the path to wealth and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Finding in a dream?

Seeing Find in a dream means - Finding (finding something) - fulfillment of hopes, desires, success, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Finding in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Finding money or valuables is an incentive or reward for attempts aimed at spiritual improvement. It can be an indication or a hint on how to find money (it all depends on the surrounding symbols).

Summer dream book

Why see Find in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Search - Searching for something in a dream for a very long time and finally finding it means the manifestation of your hidden talents until that time.

Find - Find in a dream a long time ago lost item- in reality, losing something and never finding it again.

Hide - Hiding something in a dream means hiding cash from the tax office..

Autumn dream book

Why see Find in a dream?

Why dream about Searching - Looking for something in a dream and not finding it means frustration, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Find - Find in a dream something that was lost long ago - the loss will be found, but it will not make you happy.

Spring dream book

Why see Find in a dream?

According to the dream book Find what it means in a dream - Find - find something in a dream. What have you actually lost? To be happy about it means you will never find what you lost.

Searching - looking for something in a dream - means disorganization.

Hide (hide). - hiding something in a dream means distrust of your partner.

Dream Interpretation Lose, why dream about Losing in a dream

Autumn dream book Why dream about Losing according to the dream book:

Lose - To lose something in a dream and never find it means to lose something or someone very dear in life.

Summer dream book Why dream about Losing according to the dream book:

Lose – Losing something in a dream means financial ruin.

Lost - Looking for something lost in a dream means confusion.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Losing:

Interpretation of the dream book: Lose - Something portends death for the sick, and some unpleasant adventure for others.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of Losing, what is it for?

Interpretation of the dream book: Lose – Real loss of something in everyday life may be associated with an unconscious desire to get rid of a given object, which, for example, was presented by a person who seems negative to the individual. Lose something or try to lose something. To be distraught. Err. Find the object again, discover the path. The difficult period is behind us. Losing an object that looks like a phallus. Fear of castration.

Spring dream book Why dream about Losing according to the dream book:

Lose – Losing something in a dream means a gift.

Looking for something lost - Looking for a lost thing in a dream means separation from a person you value very much.

Lost thing - Looking for any lost small thing in a dream means concern for your children.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of Losing in a dream:

Lose (drop) something - An unexpected find // you will cry, failure, death (to the patient), troubles, separation, losses; lose and find - you will see the person you are thinking about again; to lose and not be found - the person you are thinking about will not return, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream about Losing:

Solves the dream book: Losing any - Any item - a profitable find

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Lose in a dream

Lose something - You take on wasted work.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing in a dream Losing

In a dream, what does it mean to dream about losing something - taking on wasted labor; - see - help in need - take part - meet a friend

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Losing:

Loss - If you dream: you have lost something - separation, losses.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why do you dream about Losing:

Losing something - To a loss.

Why do you dream about losing something - losing a part of the body. Often dreams of loss.

Dream book of healer Akulina What does it mean to lose in a dream:

Losing something is a reverse dream. Indicates a good find. Imagine that you are very sad about a loss. So that you cry burning tears.

Home dream book Why do you dream about Losing in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Getting lost means doubts.

Dream Interpretation of Losses, why you dream about Losses in a dream

Jewish dream book What do Losses in a dream mean:

Losses - Losses mean trouble.

Star dream book Dream of Loss, why do you dream?

Dream interpretation of dreams: Loss - to find. Uranus.

Big dream book Why do you dream about Losses:

Loss - A dream in which you lost your luggage in the chaos of the station foreshadows failure in business.

If you lost your companion in the crowd, a family quarrel awaits you in reality, and for unmarried people this means parting with a boyfriend who has found someone else.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will deal with flatterers who will fool you to the point that you simply send them away.

If you lost wedding ring- in reality, such a dream can entail shame and need. Losing a pearl necklace means suffering and sadness, gold chain- due to your own short-sightedness, you will miss, perhaps, your only chance to get significantly rich.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses.

Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected misfortune will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

Why do you dream about losses - If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend.

Losing your oars in a dream and being carried away far from the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

Losing a powder compact or lipstick in a dream means good luck in business. Lost keys foretell loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events among true friends.

Losing brand new fur gloves is a sign of unreasonable behavior with people who are well disposed towards you.

Losing a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and idleness.

Lost in the unknown at the moment and in a crowded place, some detail of the toilet foreshadows interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing your wig while drunk and returning to a restaurant table without it foretells that you will be given favors by being mistaken for another person.

Why do you dream about losses - A dream where you lost your coat foreshadows that you will have to re-arrange your destiny and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for your own short-sightedness and indiscretion.

Losing your shoes in a dream while fleeing persecution means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength within yourself to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is obviously doomed to failure.

Why do you dream about losses - If in a dream you lost the right to significant property such as a house or car, this foreshadows the failure of important plans.

A dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time of humiliation and need for you.

Losing your nose in a dream means that in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues.

To lose an arm or a leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

An ancient dream book Why do you dream about Losses according to the dream book:

Loss - Losing in a dream means misfortune, fear, danger to life, especially for ill patients.

Assyrian dream book Why do you dream about Losses according to the dream book:

Loss - Losing an item, such as a set of keys, signifies a feeling of loss of control. Lost time, a position, or a missed plane, bus, or train can symbolize a lost opportunity, as well as frustration caused by being late and disorganized.

Islamic dream book Why do you dream about Losses:

Loss of hope, despair - whoever sees himself in a dream as despairing and having lost all hope, evil will touch him and he will be deprived of mercy and mercy, for the Lord says: “And if We allow a person to know the taste of Our mercy, then we will take it away from him, he truly , comes to despair, becomes ungrateful, loses faith." (Sura - Hud, 9). And he also says: “When evil touches him, in his desperate powerlessness he abandons all hope.” (Sura - Fussilat, 49).

Eastern dream book on Feng Shui What does it mean if you dream about Losses:

Loss of consciousness - Seeing yourself lost consciousness is good news. Seeing your wife lost consciousness means an early birth. Seeing you lose consciousness from severe wounds is a sign of recovery.

Dream Interpretation of Losing a Bag

Why dream of losing a Bag in a dream according to the dream book?

Dreaming about losing your bag has many meanings. For example, it may mean a change in your behavior - it has become less feminine and more brutal. Another meaning is the appearance of obstacles and difficult moments in life.

If you lost your bag, but later found it, it means that, despite the difficulties and problems surrounding you at the moment, a successful outcome awaits you.

What was the bag with when it was lost?

If in a dream you lost a bag with documents

If you dreamed that you lost the bag in which the documents were lying, it means that you have professional field complete chaos reigns. You need to sort out the papers; it is quite possible that you missed important things during the work process.

A dream in which you lost a bag with documents and money

If you had a dream that you lost a bag with documents and money, then there is a high probability of losing them in reality. Put all valuables and money in a secluded place, and the risk of losing them will be significantly reduced.

When you lost a bag with things in a dream

If in a dream you lost a bag with things, it means real life You will face difficulties in material terms. But this dream can also symbolize favorable conditions to make transactions, since your enemies and competitors have temporarily withdrawn and do not pose any danger at the moment.


Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you are holding gold in your hands- you will be extremely successful in all your endeavors.

Coins or jewelry, she will marry a rich but selfish man.

Find gold- means that your merits will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth.

If in a dream you lost gold- then, because of your negligence, you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life.

Find a gold mine in a dream- means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.

If in a dream you intend to work in a gold mine- that means you will try to illegally take over the rights of others. The dream warns you: rumors around your name will lead to your shame.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Gold in a dream- symbolizes not only wealth, but also valuable memories. However, it is more a sign of disappointment than good luck.

Gold in the form of dishes, utensils- a sign of sublime hope.

Gold money, chains- failure, deception.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing objects made of gold in a dream or giving them as a gift- symbolize your desire to change your life with your partner for the better.

Dream book of lovers

If a woman dreams that she was given gold jewelry - earrings, rings, chain- this means she will marry a rich but selfish man.

Losing gold in a dream- means to pass by happy love, which is given once in a lifetime.

Aesop's Dream Book

The appearance of gold in your dream- may be related to famous phrases: “All that glitters is not gold” (external impressions can be deceiving), “Small is the spool, but precious,” “The word is silver, silence is gold.”

There are also quite common words:“Golden Hands”, “Golden Heart”, “Golden Character”, “Golden Hair”.

If you dreamed that you lost gold decoration - then this warns you that an unpleasant event will happen soon.

If you have lost your wedding ring- this is especially unpleasant, because it may portend illness or separation from a loved one.

Seeing gold coins in a dream- such a dream indicates that you will receive a reward for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material.

If you dreamed that you were a gold digger- this means that you are trying to find benefit in some business, but because of your outright selfish desire, you will lose the respect of others, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered.

Find a golden item in a dream- such a dream predicts that you will have false hopes, you are hoping in vain for chance, you need to act actively.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Gold jewelry or items that are beautiful and pleasing to the eye- in a dream they foretell you joy and the wonderful course of your affairs.

At the same time, if the shine of gold is too bright or if there is too much gold- such a dream calls you to be careful; in reality, excessively strong desires and passions can blind you, and then hopes for happiness will turn out to be false.

Find gold grains among the sand in a dream- Very good sign, foretelling success as a reward for your patience.

Solomon's Dream Book

Gold- joy; cast gold dishes- wealth.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Gold- a universal symbol of purity and wealth.

Buy gold- demonstrate your power and wealth. It is important to determine the source of the gold and know whether it was a gift, conquest or discovery. It is very important to understand how significant a gold object is. What is the use of gold in a dream, whose wealth and power does it represent?

If you are given a golden helmet like Don Quixote is an example of the archetypal form of that sacred power that is vested in you to complete a mission or heroic campaign. Have you found, lost, given or received a gold item as a gift from someone? Did this item bring you joy or sadness?

Dream book for a bitch

Gold- success and well-being.

Receive gold jewelry as a gift- a secure life in marriage.

Find gold- the path to wealth and prosperity lies through your merits and desire to follow this path.

Lose gold jewelry- only accuracy and prudence will not allow you to miss a great chance to achieve your dream.

New family dream book

I dreamed that I was holding gold in my hands- you will be extraordinarily successful in all your endeavors.

If a woman in a dream received gold items as a gift- she will marry a rich but selfish man.

If in a dream you found gold- your virtues will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth.

Lost gold- because of your negligence, you will miss the greatest opportunity of your life.

Modern combined dream book

If in a dream you pick up gold- You will be unusually successful in business.

If a woman dreams that she receives gold as a gift in the form of money or jewelry- in reality she will marry a rich but selfish man.

Find gold in a dream- portends that your abilities and virtues will help you get ahead in the race for wealth and fame.

If in a dream you lose gold- in real life, due to negligence, you will miss the most promising chance in your life.

Open a gold mine- means that a heavy burden of fame will suddenly fall on your shoulders.

If you dream that you are working in a gold mine- in real life you will strive to subjugate other people. But you should beware of domestic scandals.

Eastern women's dream book

Gold- a symbol of deception and seduction; pay special attention to offers coming in the near future - they may turn out to be a “set-up”.

Gold rings- for a quick wedding, not necessarily yours. A ring with a stone or ring promises that the Mendelssohn March will be performed in your honor.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing gold in a dream- give in to persuasion.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Buying low-grade gold in a dream- to meeting a person who pretends to be someone other than who he really is.

Seeing gold in a dream in any form: in coins, jewelry, in grains- to wastefulness and unhealthy lifestyle.

Holding a handful of gold in your hands in a dream- to satisfy your base passions.

Pile of gold- may dream of great wealth.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Buy yourself a ring made of low-grade gold in a dream- in reality you will buy yourself a very expensive ring of high standard.

To dream about how you buy yourself a gold ring- for engagement.

Seeing a handful of gold in your hands in a dream- to increase your well-being.

Pile of gold- to the collapse of your business.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Buy low-grade gold or look at gold in a dream- to disappointment in someone you valued.

Seeing gold in a dream- to temptation.

A handful of gold- to temptation.

Pile of gold- to vice, secret desire.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

See gold- falsehood and delusion; buy- you are empty; large number- bad times await you; receive as a gift- beware of fake ones; gold plated items- love false appearance.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing gold in a dream- to falsehood and delusions in any form. Hold gold in your hands- to success and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine- this means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.

Find a gold bar in a dream- achieve complete success in your business in reality. Find golden things- to the fact that your merits will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth. Losing gold in a dream- therefore, in life you risk missing out on perhaps your happiest opportunity.

Seeing golden sand in a dream- means that in reality you will have the idea of ​​​​acting dishonestly towards people you do not know.

Gold in coins or jewelry- portends a young girl’s marriage to a rich but dishonest man.

gold chain- means that you will usefully spend your free time, gold medallion- receive a round sum for your services, gold necklace- you will find happiness with your loved one.

Seeing gold chervonets of royal coinage in a dream- you will gain honor. Receive them as payment for your work- hopes will come true.

Pay in gold chervonets- you will live to a ripe old age. Find a treasure with them- you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them- this leads to a loss of trust among superiors. Hear the sound of falling gold pieces- to wealth.

Golden thread in a dream- means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread- in reality your work will bring great income after some time.

If you see golden spiders in a dream- then in life you will find friends who will help you get a place of money.

Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream- portends that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to stick to your line, this can lead to a bad end.

Seeing gold utensils in a dream and eating from it- portends a promotion at work, exchange it for silverware- to a headache from many troubles and worries.

Swallow gold in a dream- to success in science or art.

Seeing fake gold- succumb to flattery and deception.

Buy gold- you will be left with nothing, sell- big changes await you.

Receive gold as a gift- beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

See gold- falsehood and delusion; buy- that means you are an empty person; large number- bad times await you; receive as a gift- Beware of fake friends.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you see gold in your hands- extraordinary success awaits you in all your endeavors.

Found gold- means that you will easily overcome the path to material well-being and achieve respect from others.

If you lost your gold- in reality, due to your negligence, you may miss the greatest opportunity in your life.

If a woman in a dream received gold jewelry or coins as a gift- she will marry a wealthy but mercantile man.

General dream book

If you dreamed of gold in bullion, scrap or products- in the near future you will learn a secret that is important to you.

Golden crown- dreams of a big change in life.

You dreamed of a golden cross- great grief will fall on your family.

In a dream you were given or you were given a gold ring- you will soon find yourself a new friend.

Eat from gold utensils- your colleagues will surround you with honors.

Lots of gold coins- predicts a significant increase in salary.

You embroidered with gold in a dream- wait for very important good news.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Gold- a symbol of the sun, the spirit of life. In Hindu doctrine, gold is called "mineral light". Latin name gold sounds the same as the Hebrew word for light.

Gold- often associated with golden light and inner peace.

Gold also- can serve as a symbol of the elusive treasure - gold at the end of the rainbow.

When someone is said to have a “heart of gold”- they mean that he personifies goodness itself.

Dream book of the 21st century

A dream in which you see a lot of gold- usually favorable.

Gold in a dream- can promise you wealth, profit, good work.

Find gold- means that you have to meet a reliable friend or meet a person who will be very dear to you.

Losing a gold item or jewelry in a dream- to losses, unrealized opportunities, losses.

Seeing a golden cross in a dream- to joy; crown- to changes in business; chain- to deception or illusions; belt- to wealth.

A dream in which you saw a product with gilding or glitter of gold- may portend deception in reality.

Find gold in a dream- this means you have to learn some secret, but lose peace because of it.

English dream book

Seeing gold in a dream- a sign of poverty and misfortune. Businessmen, traders and adventurers, be careful when investing your capital and playing on the stock exchange, these operations are fraught with unpredictable consequences. Beware of speculation, all that glitters is not gold!

To dream that your loved one has a lot of gold- means discord if you get married. I'm even afraid that this will be an unhappy marriage.

Also gold- often a sign of illness and sadness, as a result of an unhappy fate.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Deal with gold- to happy times.

See the Golden Mountains- to joy.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Seeing him in a dream- to the good. However, if a man has such a dream, then he is destined for sorrow and sorrow.

If you dreamed that you were trying to melt gold- then know: people scratch their tongues about you, so be careful!

Sell ​​or buy gold, but in a dream- to sadness.

If in a dream you return to your home with handfuls of gold- this is good. Your fortune will soon increase.

There's gold- a sign that you will not leave your friend in trouble, perhaps you will indulge her whims with might and main.

To dream that you are meeting with a goldsmith (this could also include communicating with a dentist if you intend to put gold crowns on yourself) is a harbinger that you will soon encounter scammers who, naturally, will want to cheat around your finger and clean you to the skin. So be careful and take extra care when communicating with strangers.

Islamic dream book

Seeing gold in a dream- means sadness and suffering.

If anyone sees that they spilled gold- this is to disaster and destruction, and if anyone sees that he has given gold to someone for safekeeping, that person will deceive him.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Gold- the same as money, but with more emphasis. The desire to be very rich. If it is a specific subject, then look by subject.

Lunar dream book

See gold- have a complaint; gold utensils and drink from them- a sign of promotion.

Chinese dream book

Gold and silver expensive items, jewelry- portends wealth and nobility.

Gold cups, dishes- the birth of a noble offspring.

Pans and cauldrons made of gold- great happiness.

Do you buy gold or from gemstone rings- a noble son will be born.

Touching gold hairpins, hairpins- There's a long trip ahead.

Shining golden hairpin- foretells the birth of a noble offspring.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Gold- joy; gold rings- marriage; drink from gold utensils- wealth, honor.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Gold- something past that is significant for the individual; emphasis on value.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Seeing gold in a dream- means wasted time; find him- marks profit and benefits; lose gold- loss and death of one of the relatives.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Gold (sand, bars)- spiritual knowledge; success in creativity.

A lot of gold- deception, disappointment.

Gold, gold jewelry- more often, to deception, misfortune, activity of passions and vices.

Swallow gold- success in science and creativity.

Find, excavate ingots- purchase secret knowledge, spiritual wisdom.

Modern universal dream book

If in a dream you own gold- what does it represent that is important to you in life? To answer this question, pay attention to where you are in your dream and what you are doing.

If in a dream your gold was taken away- perhaps you have lost something valuable in real life.

In a dream you were given gold or you gave it to someone- this may mean that the person who gave you the gold values ​​you in real life, or you value the person to whom you gave the gold.

Gold can also- symbolize the reward. If so, what were you awarded for? True kindness and generosity are two qualities we truly admire. In your dream, does the person with a heart of gold own gold?

Dream book of a gypsy

If you dream of gold- you are a greedy person.

you buy it- to losing friends due to greed,

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Fake gold- dangerous business; find- profit, benefit; lose- loss, death of a loved one; carry- warning; steal- lose respect; present- to be at a wedding; have a lot- you have parasites.

Find gold- complete success; exchange silver for gold- rush of blood to the head; have gold utensils- to promotion in position or rank; gold swallow- success in science or art.

Esoteric dream book

See gold- to poverty, ruin.

Receive, take gold- unsuccessful investment, the debt will not be repaid, you will lose your wallet or deposit.

Wear gold jewelry- The robber has already entered the high road.

Ukrainian dream book

Gold- unkind, danger.

Gold- there will soon be separation from family, this is a bad omen.

Gold wedding ring- wedding.

Have gold on you- warning.

Steal gold- you will lose respect.

Give gold- You'll be at the wedding.

Lose gold- loss.

Have a lot of gold and silver- There are a lot of parasites around you.

Fake gold- benefit.

Goldfish see- the expected will not come true.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Gold- false.

Collection of dream books

Gold- a great treasure of the inner world.

Just see gold- to wasted time; find- to profit.

Gold- waste of money.

Pot of gold- completion of an important task.

Seeing gold in a dream- to an extravagant act.

If in a dream you make gold- in reality this foreshadows wasted time.

If you found gold- you will make a profit.

Collect gold or silver in a dream- portends deception or loss.

If you dream of fake gold- the dream foreshadows your acquisition of truth.

Search for a lost item

Dream Interpretation Search for a lost item dreamed of why you dream about looking for a lost thing? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Looking for a lost thing by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Search

A dream in which you are looking for something lost and cannot find it is a bad omen; in reality, losses and illnesses await you.

Looking for someone's favor in a dream means that soon you will stop needing and will begin to pay more attention to yourself.

Looking for a hotel in a dream unfamiliar city- to the obstacles that must be overcome in order to achieve complete happiness. Looking for a needle means that your worries are in vain, your friends still value and respect you.

To dream that you are looking for a map means unexpected dissatisfaction with your surroundings, which will give you new impetus in your work and allow you to rise to a higher level of well-being.

If you dream that you are looking for someone in the morgue, this means that you will be stunned by the news of the death of a relative or friend.

Looking for fleas in a dream is a sign that in real life they want to drag you into a scam that can give you nothing but losses.

Looking for bedbugs means suffering a loss due to the dishonest attitude of people you know.

Dream Interpretation - Search

What - losses are not good; search and find - fulfillment of what you want; if you don’t find it, it’s bad; what you’re thinking about won’t come true; looking for good is bad, you will get lost in the forest.

Dream Interpretation - Things

Dream Interpretation - Look for something

Search and find - to achieve what you want, not to find - to difficulties.

Imagine that in your dream what you were looking for was finally found.

Dream Interpretation - Lawsuit

They file a lawsuit against you - such a dream is reconciliation with enemies and finding a compromise with competitors.

If you file a lawsuit, you will be a source of disagreement and contradiction in resolving serious issues at work or at home.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Look for an object, money.

Tip of the day: if you haven’t found the item, then your hopes for the best in the near future will not come true.

Change your goal.

Look for a way out of the building.

Tip of the day: changes in your life will happen gradually.

You won’t even notice how you find yourself in a new situation.

Don't take drastic steps.

Only perseverance and perseverance will lead you to success

Dream Interpretation - Search

Looking for something in a dream means losing.

And vice versa: to lose something is to seek.

That's why put things in their place!

Dream Interpretation - Look for fleas

deception; bedbugs are a loss, in general it’s always bad to look for them

Dream Interpretation - Search

Look for (something) - Uncertainty, there may be losses.

Dream Interpretation - Search

Search - you will take a responsible position.

Lose things and find them

Dream Interpretation Losing things and finding them dreamed of why in a dream you dream about losing things and finding them? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Losing things and finding them in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Things

Seeing randomly scattered things in a dream means your friends will protect you and help you out of trouble. Government items are payable according to obligations. Receiving expensive things as a gift means that what awaits you is not what you expected. Buying things means obstacles in business. Pawning it at a pawnshop is good news.

If, while digging a hole in a dream, you find some valuable gold things, then this promises a favorable turn of fate. Seeing beautiful things in a dream means well-being, which, thanks to you, will spread to the whole family. Borrowing some things from friends in a dream is a harbinger of a strong friendship with these people.

Dream Interpretation - Things

Buying things means obstacles in business, pawning them means news.

Seeing a bunch of things in a dream is a warning: you will soon have to answer for failure to fulfill your promises or obligations.

A large pile or dump of dirty things is a harbinger of a showdown with your spouse.

Dream Interpretation - Find

Finding something means profit.

Finding a horseshoe or a key means happiness, solving problems.

Dream Interpretation - Travel items (suitcase, bag...)

Burden, baggage, cargo matter. And although “we don’t carry our own burden,” things emphasize our burdens, difficulties, mainly negative accumulations in life, which we are not able to throw away and are forced to carry, drag along the way. Large luggage (suitcase, bag, backpack...) is a symbol of the road, travel (“baggage of new impressions”). This is a burden of negative emotions, experiences in the future, this is also a certain volume of female genital organs (uterus), in which something is being born: plans, ideas, a child. Smaller things (net, shopping bag) for a woman mean household worries and affairs. And such small accessories as a wallet, purse, handbag, comb emphasize the more intimate side of human existence. love relationship, connections, hopes and aspirations.

Dream Interpretation - Things

Buying various things in a dream means obstacles in business.

Pawning things at a pawnshop means getting news.

Dream Interpretation - Thing

Seeing a lot of things means prosperity if they are new and of high quality.

But if they are old, then it means illness, minor failures and problems.

Receive an item - your debt will be returned to you.

Dream Interpretation - Find

Dream Interpretation - Find

Find - Lose. After a long search - to lose due to procrastination and uncertainty. Unexpectedly - to lose as a result of unforeseen circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Find

Acquisition (and not always in positive meaning). It is possible to find care, illness, love... It is interpreted depending on the meaning of the thing found.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

A dream in which you lost your luggage in the chaos of the station foreshadows failure in business. If you lost your companion in the crowd, a family quarrel awaits you in reality, and for unmarried people this means parting with a boyfriend who has found someone else.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will deal with flatterers who will fool you to the point that you simply send them away. If you have lost your wedding ring, in reality such a dream can entail shame and need. Losing a pearl necklace - to suffering and sadness, a gold chain - due to your own shortsightedness, you will miss, perhaps, your only chance to get significantly rich.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses. Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected misfortune will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend. Losing your oars in a dream and being carried away far from the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

Losing a powder compact or lipstick in a dream means good luck in business. Lost keys foretell loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events among true friends.

Losing brand new fur gloves is a sign of unreasonable behavior with people who are well disposed toward you. Losing a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and idleness.

The loss of some part of the toilet at an unexpected moment and in a crowded place foreshadows interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing your wig while drunk and returning to a restaurant table without it foretells that you will be given favors by being mistaken for another person.

A dream where you lost your coat foreshadows that you will have to re-arrange your destiny and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for your own short-sightedness and indiscretion. Losing your shoes in a dream while fleeing persecution means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength within yourself to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is obviously doomed to failure. If in a dream you lost the right to significant property such as a house or car, this foreshadows the failure of important plans.

A dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time of humiliation and need for you. Losing your nose in a dream means that in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues. Losing an arm or leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

When you find in a dream something that is very significant for you (recently lost in reality:(()), why such a dream?


Personal Account Removed

Our dreams speak about our subconscious.


it means you really want to find this thing. Most likely, the dream tells you where this thing might be.

It is believed that searching in a dream is a search for one’s purpose in reality, looking for a sign to the path of one’s happiness. To put it simply, it is a search in reality for a forgotten or lost object or person.

A found item means success in business, good luck and an inner feeling of making the right choice. If you can’t find what you want, there is no inner peace, stress and anxiety in reality.

General meaning

A long search in a dream means searching for yourself. The discovery is characterized by the emergence of talents in reality. This is often the case with a person - he does not suspect that he can draw or play the guitar. The subconscious shows the way to our inner world. You can use a dream book to look for the secret meaning.

Advice! When you wake up, immediately write down your memories. With every minute after waking up, we forget our dreams. You can put a notepad or voice recorder near your bed.

Disappointment sets in if you still can’t find an object in a dream. Pictures can be forgotten. The feeling of not finding the thing you were looking for is transferred to life.

The dream turns into the collapse of plans, desires and hopes. But what is found is joy, good mood and the fulfillment of plans for the person who saw such a dream.

Such dreams help you find your path in life. If you find a forgotten item, you will feel better. Life becomes clearer when you have a find in your hands. This can be a specific thing, and the meaning of the existence of your Self.

Some interpreters regard search as lack of composure. Such dreams haunt a person who is disorganized, confused and uncertain.

Or a partial attitude towards some object or its actions. To know more precisely what to expect from such a dream, let’s figure out why you dream of looking for certain objects.

People and animals

As the dream book says, looking for loved ones is a bad omen. If, even if you have a soulmate in a dream, you still have to look for him, disagreements are possible.

You may not notice that anything is wrong in the relationship. The dream helps to look for answers and hints that it is time to strengthen relationships.

If you are looking for:

  • Child. This is a need for protection from one's fears, an attempt to find inspiration. Looking for a daughter means wanting to have an affair. Son - new impressions and exploits, the path of courage.
  • Parents - the need for support from loved ones.
  • A stranger - the desire to decide complex problem, cope with impending matters. An unknown person can even help you choose the road.
  • Husband or wife - an attempt to improve relationships.

But the meaning of searching for animals is exactly the opposite. If you dream of a kind dog in a dream, it is an opportunity to find a friend. But an angry barking one means problems and negativity.

At the same time, if you find a nervous dog and calm it down, defeat it, then this is a solution to difficulties in real life.

It’s the same with other “smaller brothers”. According to the dream book, looking for a kitten, a cat or a cat means defeating your enemies. But a snake almost always means trouble.


Looking for your things indicates an attempt to solve a certain problem in real life. An object can mean a decision. That's what I want to get.

1. Bag or wallet - change in monetary terms. Searching and finding jewelry - to wealth and pleasant cash receipts.

2. Looking for shoes in a dream means preparing for a trip, a long journey, or preparing family members for a trip. Losing shoes speaks of thwarted plans and dashed hopes.

3. Losing women's shoes means separation from your loved one. But there is also positive side in the loss of shoes: good changes await.

4. Looking for your dress or suit can tell about the inner need for protection, understanding and support.

Transport and housing

If you need a car, it means you want to turn your life around, to rush away from the present moment. A train, for example, signifies a thirst for travel and adventure.

Finding a broken car means stagnation in your business, a difficult situation. Therefore, in such a situation in a dream, a person may be haunted by an obsessive search for a car, wheels or spare parts to get off the ground.

Search for an apartment or new house- speaks of a desire to move, change jobs, break off a boring relationship with someone. Found room - trying to be alone with yourself.

This includes finding an exit to the road. If you are looking for her, it means you want to finally make a decision. Finding the path will tell you about hesitation in choosing the path. This could be a decision about a place of work or a life partner.
Author: Daria Kurskaya

Looking for a husband in a dream. Find out why you dream about looking for a husband in a dream | Sonnicus

Dream Interpretation "astrocentr"

If you dream that you look for his husband, but he is not there, or you call him, but he turned his back to you and does not respond, or that he left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if things get difficult for you, then your husband will not support you. See husbandindream painfully pale, not like yourself, means that unpleasantness awaits you, because of which you will lose peace and dream.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

I dreamed about it searchhusband, But necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about searchhusbandindream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if indream have you seen this symbol? Try it! I constantly dream that looking for his husbandindream. I don’t answer the call or I can’t get through or I don’t have a phone. In some dream I find it is not present in some. Answer.

Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

Dream interpretation "magicanswer"

When looking for, looking forpersonindream(expensive and close) and not you find?…Angel$. SEARCH. Search An object that constantly changes its place may be annoyed, but the discovery may be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about search something is important whether the plot ends with the finding of the object or not.

Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

Search- Image personseeker something means desire find solution to any problem, or find yourself. that is, to explore everything and find your own life path which can lead to happiness and satisfaction. Autumn dream book. SearchSearchindream something for a very long time and finally find- to the manifestation of your hidden talents until this time. Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov. Dream Interpretation: Search what does it mean.

Dream Interpretation "galya"

As the dream book indicates, searchpersonindream is a subconscious reflection search way out of some difficult situation in reality. If you dream that you look forperson, such dream means your desire find solution to some problem. If you have dreamed many times dream where are you were looking for someone dream says that in real life you strive to discover your real needs and discover your true path in life.

Child Former Dress Snake Wedding Water Ring Fish Free Hand House Miller Childbirth Cat Flowers Blood Guy O dream Man Death Wang Money Hair Darling Girl Rat Deceased Pregnancy Kiss Spider Kittens Teeth Fire Airplane Mice Freud Legs Train Husband Dead.Dream Interpretation search person indream.

Dream interpretation "junona"

Indream see Search. If a person indreamlooking for something - this speaks about his desire and in reality find solution to any problem, explore your real internal needs, find your life path that will lead to satisfaction and well-being. Do this in reality - and dream will stop dreaming.

Dream interpretation "dreams"

What if I dream search person? If indreamlooking for man and still his find, then things will get worse in life. And if in a dream you don’t find person, then something important will be found, things will go uphill. It happens that dream is repeated day after day - this means that in life a person looking for self-realization, trying to solve some important issues. As soon as everything gets better, and dream will stop dreaming.

Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

So, for example, looking in a dream for a person you know (who is alive in real life), your child, your beloved cat, a girlfriend, a loved one, means that you want to see her (him, them) in real life, you are worried whether everything is in order. In such a dream, it does not matter whether you found the one you were looking for or not. If you did not find it, this indicates your extreme tension, nervousness regarding the fate of those whom you were looking for in a dream.

If in a dream you were looking for a person (animal) who had already died in real life, this is your longing for him; you miss him.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about Search:

Search - What - losses are not good; search and find - fulfillment of what you want; if you don’t find it, it’s bad; what you’re thinking about won’t come true; looking for good is bad, you will get lost in the forest.

Spring dream book

If you have had a dream many times where you were looking for someone, the dream says that in real life you are striving to discover your real needs and find out your true path in life. If you engage in this search in reality, the dream will no longer be repeated.

It seems that finding a person promises a bad turn of fate in life. If you don’t find him, then luck has fallen on you. As already mentioned, dreams are not an intelligible science.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses. Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected misfortune will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend. Losing your oars in a dream and being carried away far from the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

As a rule, it speaks of uncertainty in the decisions made.

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