How to find something that is lost and impossible to find. Effective conspiracy: find a lost item quickly

You can lose not only a small item in the house, but also something that, it seems, cannot go unnoticed. Even in ancient times, such situations were associated with Domovs and they believed that by committing special ones, this character could be appeased and he would stop playing pranks. There are a huge number of ways to quickly find a missing item. These include prayers, conspiracies, and numerological calculations.


Numerology offers a special option for searching for missing things. Numbers can tell you where to look. When thinking about a lost item, you need to write any nine numbers on a piece of paper and add them together. In the resulting number, the numbers are also added to each other until the final result is a multiple of or less than 84. Next, the answer must be sought in the interpretation.

Calculation example: 8, 6, 10, 55, 46, 88, 95, 4, 9, after adding the numbers it turned out to be 321, 3+2+1=6.


  1. Help should be asked at(the item may be in the living room near the white curtain).
  2. The thing is in kitchen utensils.
  3. Searches must be done in the corridor, among the newspapers or papers.
  4. You have moved the item and forgot about it.
  5. The thing that you lost must be looked for in the wardrobe.
  6. The item may have gotten lost in shoes.
  7. The item has been shifted woman during daily cleaning.
  8. Item need to look on the shelves.
  9. The thing is in children's clothes.
  10. Carefully recommended inspect workplace or office.
  11. You need to look for the loss near the water(not in the house).
  12. When searching for lost items, be sure to inspect the workplace.
  13. You need to look for an item in the wardrobe.
  14. Loss may be in the corridor.
  15. Lost could have gotten lost thanks to animals.
  16. About things spouse may know.
  17. The thing got lost among the papers on the shelves.
  18. The item is located among the clothes.
  19. Explore the area near the entrance or around the house.
  20. Recommended inspect the carpets(especially near water sources).
  21. You need to look for an item in boxes, suitcases.
  22. Item on the shelves.
  23. You need to look for the loss in the closet or among the laundry.
  24. Item will find it on your own.
  25. Search must be carried out among new things.
  26. Ask about the item with older family members.
  27. You have to search in the garage.
  28. Item lost forever.
  29. Item they gave it away, but they will return it.
  30. Thing lost by children or in their possession.
  31. You need to look for what’s missing in the bathroom.
  32. Recommended inspect the boxes, especially those in the corridor.
  33. Item in clothes.
  34. He next to the stove or fireplace.
  35. You need to look for a thing in the bathroom.
  36. Thing will find it on your own.
  37. Item lying on the floor of the room.
  38. Lost could get lost in some tools.
  39. Item on the shelf.
  40. By chance it wrapped in your clothes.
  41. You need to look for a thing near the shoes.
  42. The search must be carried out next to the water.
  43. Look for what's missing next to the garage.
  44. Lost near the gas tank.
  45. If you forgot where you put the item, look for it on a sideboard or shelf.
  46. About the location of the item your significant other might know.
  47. One one of my acquaintances committed theft.
  48. You need to look for a thing near drinking water.
  49. Item lost forever.
  50. He in a box, suitcase or chest.
  51. You have to search near the bathroom.
  52. Ask from the owner of the house or her relatives.
  53. Item some person will return.
  54. Especially carefully look around where children play.
  55. Inspect carefully area near water sources.
  56. Thing where you are last time stopped.
  57. Inspect own personal belongings.
  58. Two people took possession of a thing(it will be extremely difficult to return it).
  59. You need to look for a thing in flour.
  60. Lost not found.
  61. Item got lost near the wall.
  62. The probability of finding is minimal.
  63. You have to search in the pantry.
  64. Inspect dark corners in the apartment.
  65. It will be difficult to return the item.
  66. Item was stolen by two friends.
  67. Help you need to ask the boy who is a member of your family.
  68. The loss may be located on the roof.
  69. He maybe in front of the entrance to your relative's house, or in a place you recently visited.
  70. He next to the water.
  71. Attentively inspect the floor.
  72. Near with water tank.
  73. Can help you only police.
  74. Thing a diligent friend will find.
  75. Item will be returned to you in damaged condition.
  76. The thing is next to food.
  77. Help the guest can find the item.
  78. Finding the item will be very difficult.
  79. Search next to the closet for ironed linen.
  80. The search location should be a chest, box or any box.
  81. The subject could get lost in clothes.
  82. Search for an item must be done in the kitchen.
  83. Help A little girl can find what's missing, which will pull him out of the water.
  84. Thing can found in a box or drawer.


Find lost item it is possible with the help of . Before pronouncing any of them, it is recommended to read the “Our Father” three times. During the ceremony, it is necessary to exclude extraneous noise. Ideal option- stay in the room alone and light a church candle. You need to read prayers from the heart, believing in help and a positive outcome of the matter.

Examples of prayers for finding a missing item:

Martyr John the Warrior. “O great martyr of Christ John, champion of the Orthodox, chaser of enemies and intercessor of the offended! Hear us, in troubles and sorrows, praying to you, as if grace from God has been given to you quickly to console the sad, to help the weak, to deliver the innocent from vain death, and to pray for all those who suffer evil. Be therefore a strong champion for us against all our visible and invisible enemies, for with your help and fight all those who show us evil will be put to shame. Pray to our Lord to grant us, His sinful and unworthy servants (names), to receive from Him the ineffable good that is prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones, glorifying God, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Symbol of Faith:

“I believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the One Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, born uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were. For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Life-Giving Lord, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, Who spoke the prophets. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.”


To find a lost item, you can read regardless of the time of day, day of the week or lunar calendar. Read them if necessary. If any item cannot be found on our own, then you can ask for help from higher powers. To perform some rituals you will need additional attributes.

Conspiracies for finding a lost item:

“Everything that has gone will return. Everything I need will be found. Christ is with me and higher powers! Amen." (before pronouncing these words, you need to draw a cross on your left palm using coal from a burnt match, and then wash it off with milk, you need to read the plot four times).

“The loss (lost item) is tied up. Answer me (name)!” (The words must be read onto any rope at the moment of tying several knots on it, the ritual must be done at sunset, and at sunrise the knots must be undone with the words “missing (what exactly) untie, show me (name)”, it is better to place the rope at night to the western corner of the apartment, and in the morning move it to the eastern side).

“Devil brothers, come here, help me return (the item)! Arbamas, Avramas, Argamas! In the name of this, in the name of that, in the name of the other! Give the thief thoughts, take away his brains, suppress his will, take his share until he returns what he stole!” (the words must be repeated thirteen times, then take thirteen coins and throw them over your left shoulder at the intersection, saying “paid!”).

“The red candle burns like my pain boils, like my bitter grief, like irrepressible sadness. It burns and jars, smokes and torments, the one who stole the thing will return it, otherwise he will regret it. He can’t sleep at night, he can’t live and he can’t know the world. My thing will return to me, to its owner. Amen."

Ritual using a chair leg

Searching for a lost item using a chair leg is one of the oldest traditions that is passed down from generation to generation. Miraculously, after it is completed, the objects are indeed found. This ritual is associated with Domov, because it is he who will have to ask for help. Moreover, the culprit of the loss may be the same character.

Description of the ritual:

The handkerchief must be tied to the leg of the chair (you can replace the handkerchief with a regular towel, any piece of fabric, or even rope).
Say the words: “Brownie, Brownie! Play and give it back!”.

After performing such a ritual you need to stand in the middle of the room, close your eyes and listen to your inner voice. By walking around the room again, you can find the loss.

For helping Domovoy, you will have to treat him with candy.(you can put the treat on the windowsill, closet, or just forget it on the table on purpose).

With the help of prayers, spells, you can find things that are within the walls of the house. In some cases, rituals help teach a thief a lesson, and he tries to return the taken item.. However, if the fact of theft is obvious, then the attacker will need to be punished in other ways.

Each of us loses something in our home, even if it perfect cleanliness. A few minutes ago, we saw a thing, and suddenly it disappeared somewhere. Or we put something down mechanically, and then we can’t find it. There is no need to get upset or angry. It's better to relax and start searching.

How to organize a search for a missing item

More often than not, such losses are found quickly and always end up in the most inappropriate places: a roll toilet paper lies in kitchen table, bread - in the refrigerator and so on. But even if they are not there, you need to apply the methods of searching for missing things that have been tested by many people. Knowing how to find a missing item in the house, much less time will be spent searching for it.

Advanced search

You've lost something you need and are now looking for it in every corner of the house. It can be especially difficult to find a lost small item; searching for it leads to a lot of chaos in the house. More often, men use this method; even if they find the right thing, they lose something else, scattering everything around.

Waiting for the “lost” to be found

If the item is not really needed, you can wait until it is in plain sight. Often the wait is long, but the result is there, the thing is found. Sometimes even faster than with an intensive search.

Choosing search tactics

If you cannot find something, choose the appropriate search tactics for yourself:

  • Remember where you could have put the item you were looking for; to do this, you need to imagine the path you took before losing it. It is better to go through the path again, but do not walk in circles while in a tense state. A lost item cannot be found that way.
  • Check the contents of bags and pockets. Slowly remove all contents from them. Don't panic. Search everywhere. Don't dismiss any absurd ideas.
  • If you do not live alone, ask the people living nearby if they have seen the thing you are looking for. Their hint may be useful.
  • If the missing item is not urgently needed, forget about it, and soon it will definitely catch your eye.
  • A very effective tactic for finding a missing item is general cleaning. By doing this, you can find many items that you thought were missing without a trace.

There are also folk ways to help find a missing item in the house.

Popular folk methods

There are many folk ways, helping to quickly find a lost item.

  • In the old days, it was believed that the brownie hid things in the house. Say while searching: “Grandfather brownie, he played with mine (you must say the name of the thing), and give it back.” Clap your hands, and soon you will see your “lost one.” Psychologists say that this happens due to concentration. And old people are sure that a brownie lives in the house, and he jokes with you like that. Some people turn to the devil: “Damn, the devil played with my keys, now give it back, otherwise I’ll drag your wife by the tail.” It works almost flawlessly.
  • Another popular way to find a missing item. Try tying a handkerchief to a chair leg and you should soon see what you've lost. Psychologists have an explanation for this as well. They believe that by concentrating for just one second on another problem, the solution to the first one will immediately pop up in your head.
  • Try to turn to intuition and imagination. Imagine that in your hand there is a ball of thread, the end of which is tied to the missing item. Mentally wind the thread around the ball and imagine that it will soon appear in your hands.
  • Some women turn to the “lost woman” and persuade her to show up.
  • If you are a believer, you can turn to your heavenly patron with a special prayer.

If simple traditional methods don’t work, you need to turn to more complex ones - magical ones.

Magic methods for finding missing things

  • When you see a house spider, ask it to find the lost item. When asking for a spider, you need to blow softly. Never offend spiders, because they keep the hearth
  • If the item is very necessary, but long time is not located, you can tell fortunes on cards, beans, runes or other objects, they will give a hint where to find it.
  • Use the ancient recipe of magicians. To do this, you need small copper dishes and bunches of dried herbs: motherwort, lavender, wormwood. Place them in a basin, add some alcohol and set them on fire. Walk around the house with the basin, fumigate the room with smoke, at this time you must mentally hold the missing item in your hands.
  • Take any object as a pendulum, mentally ask it a question about the missing item and walk around the house with it. Where the pendulum swings, there you need to look for the missing thing.

If, after applying all the methods, the item is not found, it is better to look for it outside the house. What methods of finding a missing item do you think can be trusted? Do you know any effective ways? Write to us about them.

Probably everyone is familiar with the situation when, at the most inopportune moment, a very necessary thing. You are late for work, but there are no keys to the house, the sun is shining brightly on the street, and your glasses have disappeared somewhere, and it’s very important documents suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Absolutely anything can get lost. “Like a cow licked it with her tongue,” and it seems that nothing can be done. But conspiracies come to the rescue to find a lost item, capable of returning the lost item back in a short time.

The simplest conspiracies

When puzzling over how to find a lost item at home, it is not at all necessary to immediately resort to strong magical rituals. First, you should start with simple but quite effective conspiracies:

For milk and matches

Must be purchased in store new box matches and a little fresh milk with high fat content. At home, you should sit in the middle of the largest room, light a match and try to fully concentrate on the image of the lost object.

When the match burns out, use its burnt end to draw a cross on your left palm. Next, you need to sit on the floor and sit in complete silence.

During this time, it is necessary to once again list in your head all the places where the loss may be located. After half an hour, take a glass of milk and use it to wash the cross from your palm, saying: “My loss will be found, it will soon return to my hands!” Amen!"

You need to repeat the words 4 times, then wipe your palm with a piece of clean cloth made from natural fibers. After a short period of time, the necessary thing will definitely be found.

On a scarf

Buy a handkerchief at the store. It is necessary that it be large enough and with good, smooth edges. When you arrive home, you should sit down on the sofa or bed, close your eyes and try to mentally imagine the lost item, holding the purchased scarf tightly in your left hand.

When the image becomes especially clear and bright, you need to open your eyes and tie a small knot on any corner of the scarf. In this case, you need to say the name of the loss out loud. When you find the right thing, you should definitely untie the knot on the scarf.

On a thread

It often happens that you lost an important thing quite a long time ago, but you still really want to find it. In such situations, you can perform a fairly simple ritual with threads. You will need a spool of thread, preferably red. Before going to bed, you need to measure a thread, the length of which will completely coincide with the height of the owner of the lost item.

Having cut the thread, you should fold it in three, mentally imagining your loss.

Then you need to fold the thread 7 more times and carefully tie a couple of knots on it. The resulting skein of thread should be hidden under the pillow and go to bed. It is in a dream that you can see the place where the necessary thing lies. If this does not happen, you need to take the thread out from under the pillow and try to untie the knots. And then the loss will definitely be found.

The presented conspiracies describe in detail how to return a stolen item, but you should not rely on their help alone. You must try to look for the loss yourself and thoroughly check all corners of the house. And when the loss is found, it is imperative to say words of gratitude for the help provided.

We ask the brownie for help

If you cannot find an item for a long time, it makes sense to turn to the brownie for help. But when turning to the small owner of the house, it is very important to believe in his existence, otherwise the conspiracy will not be heard, and the request will be useless. You can contact the brownie in different ways.

The ritual with a wool thread is in great demand. You need to purchase a red woolen thread, cut a small piece and tie it to any of the table legs in the house.

Then you need to whisper:

“Grandfather Brownie, don’t joke with me. Return the lost thing (name), and take a treat in return!” You need to repeat the words 4 times, at each corner of the room, turning to face it.

If the item was stolen

    I stayed with a friend at her dacha for 3 days. And on the 4th day I was supposed to go back home to Moscow. When I arrived at her place, I immediately changed my clothes. She put her jeans and raincoat on the sofa. Nobody came into our house. Her neighbors only came into the veranda. I felt comfortable on the veranda. But there was no soul in the house. The house pressed me, I could only sleep, and then I slept with the light on. Thank God there were warm days. On the day of departure we ordered a taxi. And I get dressed, but there are no jeans anywhere. We went through everything, all the closets, behind the sofas. They dug through it several times. And my jeans are nowhere to be found. So she left without finding her. I don't know what to think. The brownie hid this, there is no one else. The village is almost empty, and everyone is old. And now I'm scared. This is probably not good.

    Please tell me what conspiracy can help. At work, a certain amount of money was missing from the cash register. I can't figure out where I made a mistake. There is a suspicion that she passed it on to the boss, since in the evening he, out of the blue, asked if everything was okay with the cash register. But I was afraid to admit it. Maybe it’s not him after all, so you have to figure it out yourself. What conspiracy will help so that either the director confesses or I understand where I made a mistake?

    I lost my wallet with all the money, bank and discount cards and a gold chain with a cross...Will I find it...maybe some kind of conspiracy will help..?

    People, the match method worked 100%!!!
    I lost a gold set with diamonds, my mother’s gifts and a very expensive one. I was desperate.
    I couldn’t find it for a long time, I searched the whole house. I already thought that it was the housekeeper who stole it... Because for the past 4 years, things and jewelry have been disappearing from my house. I still haven’t found a single one... I didn’t know what to do, whether to tell her or not, my conscience wouldn’t allow it, because if you’re not caught, you’re not a thief...
    And then I read about the match and decided to try it. You won’t believe it, I found it in 5 minutes! And along with it, other jewelry, which I forgot about, that they were put together in one package. Now all that remains is to make a wish for other missing items, which are very dear to me and which I have also been trying to find in vain for several years now.
    Maybe it will work. Hope!!! So, go for it!
    And good luck to you all in your search!

Almost everyone has experienced a situation in their life where one thing or another went missing. Many people are familiar with the feeling when the desired item was just in their hands, and then it disappeared without a trace. And sometimes it seems that a thing should be in its usual place, but it is not there. The easiest way to arrange general cleaning and turn the whole house over, but this doesn’t always help. There are several effective ways quickly remember where the necessary thing went, both psychological and not entirely scientific.

Method 1

Despite how comical this method is, you can try to appease the brownie, because he may be the culprit of the loss. Following the superstition of the brownie, you need to bribe him with something: put a glass of milk or a saucer with jam in the corner, put a sweet bun, cookies or a little honey. It is generally accepted that brownies love sweets, so they will be happy with such a delicacy and stop being naughty.

Method 2

An alternative to bribing a brownie can be a kind of game with him; superstitious people sometimes use this ancient method - turning to the brownie. As a rule, they say directly: “Play and give it away,” and the necessary thing will soon be found.

Method 3

One theory says that missing things may escape your attention in some spatial corner of the apartment or house. If you follow this logic, then the search will require more effort than just calling out to the brownie.

For example, you can buy a candle in a regular store bright color, which you need to put in front of you at home and light it. Looking at the candle flame, try to revive and visualize the lost item in your memory. It is believed that by turning to the depths of memory, one can thus remember where the thing could have gone when needed.

Method 4

If you can’t shake the feeling that the item was just in your hands and suddenly disappeared, you can try to return to its original place. Once there, you need to repeat all the same actions that were done before, go along the same route. Reconstructing your own actions can help you immediately remember where the item you are looking for is.

Method 5

If an item is lost small size, then only logic will help in this situation. You need to start thinking about where it would be logical to put it. For example, it is convenient to put a small item in a desk drawer or a small box. You need to look first of all where it would be most rational to put this very thing.

Method 6

You should imagine that the thing is now in your hands, and then remember exactly how it looked and try to mentally repeat your actions. If you have a scheme of action “pictured” in your head, you need to go and check - what if this is exactly what happened?

Method 7

Try to think about where this item was usually stored and see if there is a pile of newspapers, laundry, children's toys or something else there. Perhaps it will be enough to lift the newspaper, and the “lost thing” covered by it will be found.

Method 8

Psychologists believe that oblivion can help in the search. Sometimes, when trying to search, we get too carried away by the smallest details and unknowingly prevent ourselves from concentrating on the main thing. Thus, we deceive our own brain, which begins to think that the thing has already been found and falsely calms down. At the same time, the thing itself may lie right in front of our eyes, but we do not see it.

In this case, you can try to distract yourself, stop thinking about the loss, and do other things. Most likely, after some time the loss will be discovered.

Method 9

According to the old saying, you can take scissors, open them and put them open on the table. According to legend, missing things are found immediately after this. The secret is that at this moment your attention moves to the scissors, and you don’t think about the lost thing and will soon easily remember where it is.

Method 10

Take any chair in the house, tie a scarf or towel to its leg with one knot, and then go about your business. After some time, the lost item will be revealed. Approximately the same effect can be obtained by turning upside down the glass or cup that is most often used in the house.

Method 11

A pendulum helps a lot in finding missing things. It's quite simple to make - just tie a small weight to a long thread and, holding it by the top edge, walk around the apartment or other room. At this moment, mentally talk about the loss, and if in some place the pendulum begins to move, look carefully, this is probably where the missing thing is waiting for its owner.

Method 12

You should stand in the same place where the last time the lost item was in your hands and throw a similar object up with the exclamation: “Brother, find your brother!” Where the object falls is where you should look.

This procedure can be repeated several times, and one of the attempts will probably be successful. This method is effective when searching for round-shaped objects that could easily roll somewhere.

Method 13

You can take a thread as long as your own height, fold it into seven layers and tie it with three knots at an equal distance. Place the thread under your pillow and go to bed. It is likely that in a dream you will see where the necessary thing could have disappeared.

Method 14

Don’t be lazy to look around the places you’ve already looked. It happens that upon repeated inspection the item is found.

Method 15

If no other method helps you remember where you put the thing, then only hypnosis will help. You can go to an appointment with a hypnologist, but here you should think about whether the lost item is really needed. It may turn out that it is better to forget about it, wait a while and not spend money, and the thing will be found on its own, quite soon?

Almost every person has a situation when he put something somewhere and completely forgot where. It seems like my brain was very busy at that moment. important issue, which displaced all the necessary feelings and brought the action to automatism. Then we walk, search, get angry with ourselves and don’t understand how this could happen. When all the favorite places have been explored and it is the turn of corners that we never look into, anger goes away and despair sets in.

Our brain controls everything

In fact, our brain is always on and remembers everything. There are moments when, after a certain gesture or near some place or object, you suddenly remember what you did and said. There are even popular belief, return to the place where you were just. But this only applies to the situation if you cannot find an item that was lost recently.

Is the item you are looking for at home?

Try the following: concentrate and make sure that the item was actually lost at home and not somewhere else. To do this, you need to remember where it could have been for the last time: in the room, in the closet, in the bathroom, on the shelf. Perhaps it was not lost at all, and you mentally wanted to take it for some purpose, but you were distracted by a phone call or a shout from your spouse. Perhaps the item was in your pocket and could have fallen out during the route from the nursery to the kitchen.

Search methods

If you don’t know how to find a lost item at home, you can use some kind of witchcraft. To do this, take:

  • White paper.
  • Pen (pencil).
  • A piece of amber (small).

On the night of the full moon, you need to draw a large circle on paper. Then put it in the area in the apartment or house where you think you last saw your item. Place a piece of amber in the center of the drawn circle. Now there will be no more problems with how to find a lost item at home. It is worth turning the amber strictly clockwise with slow, smooth movements. As you turn it, say certain words to yourself. This is a prayer to find a lost item in the house:

"Spirit of Amber!

Show me the way!

Lost item

Help me get it back!”

If the item you are looking for is in a house or apartment, then when you turn the amber in a certain place, you will feel the stone heat up. This is where you look for the missing item. How can you find a lost item at home if the stone points in several directions? Then don’t be lazy and look in different directions that amber suggests.

If the stone did not heat up at all, it means that your loss is outside the house. Then use this search method:

  • Take a similar item.
  • Throw it up.
  • When throwing, say the following words: “Look for a brother or sister, and a girlfriend in the land.”
  • The "double" should fall in the area where the item was lost.

Seek help from an angel

You can ask your guardian angels for help: “Angels! Help me find (name of loss).” It is not difficult for people who believe in God and angels to understand where to find a lost item. We wish you successful searches!

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