Cedar on a summer cottage is a sign. Why conifers are not planted near the house - popular beliefs. Types of cedar trees

Why can't you plant coniferous trees on the site Coniferous trees Coniferous trees are not recommended to be grown on your summer cottage, especially if a residential building is built there. Of course, this does not apply to decorative, dwarf species, bred specifically to create original landscape design. It's about only about wild representatives of coniferous trees brought from the forest or already growing on the acquired site. Fire hazard Almost all coniferous trees grow to quite impressive sizes, outgrow a residential building and, of course, become an excellent target for lightning strikes. In addition, coniferous wood is simply oversaturated with resin and, when ignited (from lightning or sparks), ignites instantly and throughout its entire height. Planting such a neighbor next to the house is too improvident and dangerous. Not everyone really pays attention to this. Powerful root system Coniferous trees have a superficial and very powerful root system. As it grows, it can not only damage the paths near the house, but also cause serious damage to the foundation of the building. And when a hurricane occurs, for example, coniferous trees are easily torn out along with their roots and can destroy any building when they fall. It is unlikely that anyone will be satisfied with this arrangement. Increased moisture absorption and soil oxidation. A coniferous tree dries out the soil within a radius of five to six meters from itself. The increased absorption of moisture by this tree will not allow other plants to fully grow and develop. In addition, needles falling from a tree strongly oxidize fertile layer soil, which is not suitable for all country houses and garden plants. Every gardener is interested in the harvest. Effect on health Essential oils contained in the bark, wood, resin and needles of coniferous trees, of course, have positive influence on the state of human health. The only contraindication is hypertension. Increased pressure is a common occurrence with the constant presence of a coniferous tree next to residential building. But everyone should take care of their health. Folk signs All folk signs, which do not recommend growing coniferous trees next to residential buildings, are based on centuries-old observations of residents of villages and villages, and not only in our country. According to the eastern teachings of Feng Shui, spruce and pine trees growing in front of a house divide it in half and rob its inhabitants of happiness and prosperity. According to popular beliefs, spruce trees growing higher than a residential building bring sadness, illness and even death to the owners. The sharp needles of such trees growing near the house destroy peace and tranquility in the family. Since spruce and pine trees are female trees, then they take or drive the men out of this house. For the same reason, you should not wait for a boy to appear in a newlywed family. Newlyweds are generally not recommended to live in a house next to which there is a coniferous tree - there may be no heirs at all and there is a threat of divorce. If a lonely person plants such a tree next to his home, then there is a possibility of remaining alone for the rest of his life. Folk wisdom and advice experienced gardeners can be taken into account, but can also be ignored. It all depends on your own perception and attitude towards the opinions and experiences of other people. The main thing is to act according to your own desires to achieve harmony and get pleasure from contemplating the landscape you have personally arranged and living on a summer cottage or in a country house.

Variety of cedars:

  • Atlas cedar;
  • Deodar or you can also call it Himalayan;
  • Atlantic;
  • In Lebanon, cedars can grow up to 35 meters in length.

Planting a plant and its choice depends entirely on you. If you want to grow tall cedar and the area of ​​your site allows it, then pay attention to varieties such as Himalayan or Atlas. Among dwarf breeds, you can opt for the stocky Nana. By choosing Golden Horizon, you can get pine needles that spread along the ground. The only drawback that it has of this plant, is the date of fruit appearance. As a rule, a tree can bear fruit after 50-60 years. It’s unlikely that anyone is ready to wait for this. Therefore, choosing a cedar and planting it on your fruit plot will depend solely on the owner of the garden.

In order for the plant to grow correctly, it is necessary to approach the preparation and planting of seeds with great responsibility.

How to properly prepare seeds and plant them

First, you need to remove the seeds from the cone. After this, be sure to inspect them for damage. The freshness of seeds can only be checked by smell. If the seeds emit a pleasant smell, then the seed can be planted. Before planting the seeds in the ground, it is necessary to place them in advance in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours. This must be done at least 3 months before planting.

Afterwards, the finished seeds must be mixed with peat. There should be three times more peat than the seed itself. Seeds should not be planted immediately in the ground; they need to get used to the fact that they will grow in the ground. First, plant them in a small box, and then you can move them ready seedlings into the ground.

When planting seedlings, there are certain features that must be observed, otherwise the plant will not take root.

  • Planting a cedar is a long and fruitful job. You can plant a seedling in the ground only if it is more than three years old. If you bought a plant from a nursery, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the roots. They will be twisted, they must be unfolded, and then planted;
  • The planting hole must be prepared in advance. The soil that will be dug out of the hole must be mixed with peat and sand. It is not worth adding additives, as they may contain a large number of pests that will not allow the plant to grow properly;
  • When planting, it is important to pay attention to the distance between plants. It must be at least 4 meters.

If the cedar grown for planting originally grew in a greenhouse, it must be initially hardened off, and only after that it should be planted in its usual soil. Regardless of whether you grow cedar on your site or not, it will look great in any garden that you have created with your own hands. After all, besides you, your children and grandchildren will see the garden.

Cedar is a unique tree that occupies an honorable place among conifers. With its grandeur, beauty and durability, it arouses people's admiration. Cedars are widely used for landscaping parks, because they are decorative at any time of the year, even in winter, towering with a bright fluffy crown above the snow-white snowdrifts. However, there is a superstition that it is undesirable to plant a coniferous tree in the garden.

Is it worth planting cedar in the garden according to signs?

Since ancient times, cedar was called the king of forests and was treated with honor and respect. It was believed that a person who planted a cedar gained longevity. The first information about it is lost in the depths of centuries. Already in the Bible this plant is mentioned as healing and cleansing.

Cedar is a tall tree: its powerful trunk can reach a height of 45 m

Among the peoples of the Middle East, the giant evergreen tree symbolized immortality. The cedar is the emblem of Lebanon; its silhouette adorns the coat of arms, flag, currency and orders. The country is home to the famous Divine Cedar Forest, protected by the state.

In the protected Divine Cedar Forest you can enjoy fabulously clean air filled with a bitter-resinous aroma

The ancient Assyrians considered cedar to be a source of pure charms that drive away evil spirits. They believed that the cedar crown could heal the sick.

In Mesopotamia, cedar cones rich in resin were used in ritual ceremonies to attract wealth and protect against dangerous diseases; doors and roofs of temples were made from the wood of the sacred tree.

Pine cones were collected for the preparation of medicinal balms back in Ancient Mesopotamia

The Egyptians used cedar oil for embalming, and the Indians made reliable frames from cedar for light pirogue boats. The ancient Celtic priests - Druids were sure that cedar was created by God and considered it a magical tree.

For many centuries, the life of the Slavs was connected with cedar, personifying wealth, strength and prosperity. He was called the Siberian giant, the king of the taiga, and the breadfruit tree. Residents of Siberia always planted a small cedar tree near the hut under construction, believing that it protects its owners and gives health. After all, the miracle tree has the same biological rhythms as humans. And in our time, Siberians take care of the cedar forests adjacent to the villages and turn them into forest gardens.

Siberian cedar is valued for decorative look and delicious nuts

It is believed that cedar planted away from buildings will bring abundance to the house and protect against evil spirits. And double cones on the branches of a tree are a sure sign that twins will soon be born.

However, there are other beliefs according to which cedar on the site can cause misfortunes.

Is it possible to grow cedar on the site, according to experts?

The slender, fluffy, handsome cedar will become the main decoration of the garden for many years. After all, it lives for more than 400 years and can reach a height of 40 m. But in order for the tree to take root in your yard and delight you with its majestic beauty, it is worth listening to the opinions of experts.

It is not difficult to grow a cedar seedling strong and beautiful if you know its characteristics.

  • Plant growers advise first of all to decide on the place to plant the cedar and not to place it too close to the house. Powerful roots, growing over time, can damage the foundation of structures, and a dense crown will create strong shading.

    By planting cedars at the border of the site, you can create a dense green scenery

  • Coniferous wood, saturated with resin, quickly ignites from a spark or when struck by lightning, which can cause fires in yard buildings.
  • To provide a powerful plant with full nutrition and moisture, the root system requires an area of ​​at least 5–6 m2. The soil should be rich in potassium, and excess amounts of nitrogenous substances that have a depressing effect on the roots should be avoided.

    For cedar it is necessary to allocate a spacious area with fertile soil

  • In its young years, cedar is very demanding on lighting, so it should not be planted next to tall plants.

    Young cedar needs good lighting

Video: cedar - the pride of your garden

According to landscape designers, cedar can become a real pearl of a private estate. This unique tree not only decorates the landscape, but also purifies the air by releasing phytoncides, withstands the vagaries of the weather and rarely gets sick. However, tall plants with impressive sizes need space. Therefore, they should be planted at a distance of 5 m, compact forms - 3 m.

It is necessary to leave enough space between cedar trees so that, as they grow, they do not interfere with each other

On large areas Large-sized plants look impressive in single and group plantings, along an alley or as a hedge. For small ones garden plots Small-growing forms up to 3 m high or creeping varieties are suitable.

A miniature variety of cedar with needles of a rich blue-green color fits perfectly into the rocky landscape of the rockery

Video: dwarf cedar

Cedar with thick needles and beautiful cones is not only decorative. This tree has healing properties, and all its parts are useful. And esotericists claim that communication with a coniferous giant will help its owner gain peace of mind, put your thoughts in order, recharge with vigor and energy.

Private houses are always surrounded by many trees. Most often they are fruit-bearing, but many gardeners strive to plant others. In this case, it is worth studying folk signs that will tell you which trees should not be planted on the site. They can be believed or considered outdated superstitions, but it makes sense to take into account the experience accumulated over hundreds of years.

Tree energy

Our ancestors believed that any plant has a certain energy that affects a person. Trees with negative energy, such as oak or willow, bring bad luck and poor health. They are called vampires because they draw positive energy from environment. As you might guess, they have no place on the site, even if they look beautiful.

Another category of plants are donors. They on external world have the opposite effect, it is not for nothing that they are considered natural healers. They attract good luck, disperse sadness and provide good mood, improve health and even reduce pain. Of course, it is better to plant them near the house. It could be any fruit trees, acacia, larch and many others. There are even such flowers.

Which trees are best to avoid?

Signs will give a hint which plants can be grown in the yard and which cannot. It is not necessary to follow them, but it is worth remembering that they are based on certain experience. Energy is difficult to test, but many of the trees that are best avoided have branched root system. It is often so powerful that it can destroy the foundation of a house. Signs are also called poisonous shrubs and flowers.

If a gardener has wondered what plants should not be placed on the site, then the folk wisdom accumulated over centuries will help him figure it out. One of the most unwanted trees in the yard is the oak. It is believed that it has strong energy; it is not for nothing that it is a symbol of longevity. But for those who cannot boast of strong health, the oak weakens them even more. He pulls out vitality and people who are not strong enough.

There is another belief according to which it is not recommended to plant an oak tree in front of the house: it will bring quick death to the head of the family. It is believed that he perceives warriors well. But the oak tree is dangerous for them too.

Is it possible to plant a birch tree in the yard? Surely many people are asking this question, because the Russian beauty looks very elegant thanks to her white trunk. But still you shouldn’t do this. According to signs, spirits live in its crown. They can be kind, then problems are unlikely to arise. But it is likely that they will turn out to be evil. There is a belief that a woman who has a birch tree growing near her house will suffer from diseases female organs and even infertility.

If you really want to plant an elegant white-trunked tree in front of the house, then it is better to do it behind the fence, near the gate. The plant has protective properties and will protect the home from evil forces.

It can be assumed that such recommendations are related to the characteristics of birch: a strong root system and drawing moisture from the soil, which is why other plants do not take root near it.

A sane owner will refuse the idea of ​​planting a poplar tree near the house. And it's not even about his energy. From this point of view, it brings rather benefits, since it is believed that it draws negative energy. But it refers specifically to trees with a strong root system, which has a destructive effect on the foundation of the house. So if you don’t want to risk being homeless in a few years, then it’s better to abandon this plant. Another feature of poplar is its hollow trunk. Because of this, it is less resistant to strong winds and can easily break, causing an accident. It is also worth remembering about poplar fluff, which during the flowering period spreads throughout the surrounding area, causing irritation of the mucous membrane and causing allergies.

Trees that do not belong near the house include: Walnut. This does not mean that you cannot grow it, depriving yourself of the chance to enjoy the delicious fruits. It just needs to be placed away from outbuildings, which its root system can harm.

Folk signs are also associated with coniferous trees. According to legends, spruce and pine trees bring bad luck, destroy the harvest and can even bring death to the owners of the house. However, such a negative attitude towards these plants occurs mainly in areas where they are not common. And there is an explanation for this: in Rus', the dead were covered with spruce branches, it is not surprising that the tree caused fear. In addition, spruce easily catches fire, which poses a danger to wooden houses.

If the oak tree is said to pose a danger primarily to the head of the family, then the thuja will bring misfortune to the girls. They will remain single forever as they will not be able to get married. There is an opinion that in a family with a thuja growing in front of their house, only girls will be born. Thuja also has a positive property - it repels evil forces. Therefore, it makes sense to plant it behind a fence.

Willow is another tree that, according to legend, is not recommended to be planted near the house. She will bring grief to the house. It’s not for nothing that they call her a weeping one. It’s not just about the sadly drooping branches, but also about the belief that those who planted it in their plot will cry a lot.

TO useful plants refers to fern. He gets rid of negative emotions and helps maintain peace in the family. But it quite often causes allergies.

Plants with a negative aura include willow. It is believed that whoever decides to imprison her will soon die. Under no circumstances should you plant it in honor of the birth of a child, as this will bring misfortune to him.

Aspen also has negative energy. If a person is near her for a long time, you will begin to experience fatigue and apathy.

What plants can be grown near your home?

Trees such as oak or poplar should not grow near the house. Many folk signs can be explained from a scientific point of view. Fortunately, there are many more plants that are believed to have good energy. Therefore, if desired, the site will have a beautiful garden.

If the question arises which plants are best to plant, then you should pay attention to the following types.

  • Juniper. Acts as a real amulet. If planted near the house, it will protect against evil forces.
  • Larch. Provides a good mood.
  • Acacia. This tree helps to get rid of infertility.
  • Rowan. Preserves youth, has a positive effect on hormonal levels in men and women, helps to learn self-control, and protects the home from dark entities. There is no doubt that this tree can be planted; it will not only decorate the yard, but will also benefit the owners.
  • Maple. When choosing which tree to grow, you should pay attention to it. Maple will provide material wealth, improve the health of all family members, and help resolve any quarrel.

It is interesting that not only ornamental trees, but also fruit trees and shrubs can have a positive effect on people.

  • Pear helps spouses achieve mutual understanding and enhances maternal feelings.
  • Cherry brings wealth; it is not for nothing that it is considered a symbol of fertility. You can strengthen your material wealth with a fire lit under it during the flowering period.
  • Rose hip. Ensures peace in the family, helps relatives find mutual language, eliminates accumulated negativity.
  • The apple tree brings good luck to young girls, but it should grow in front of the beauty’s window.
  • Kalina.

Positively affects physical and emotional health. You need to carefully choose which trees and flowers to plant in your garden. According to signs that have come down to us since ancient times, some of them negatively affect the world and the human body (for example, oak). Modern science

often able to explain why this happens. But even if there is no obvious reason, you should think carefully before growing an oak or poplar tree in your yard., in which they differ, is capable of drawing strength from a person. Even if there is no complete trust in beliefs, it is hardly worth risking your well-being and the health of your household. This also applies to other trees that have the same properties as oak. It is recommended to choose plants and flowers that can provide benefits.

Every owner personal plot wants to decorate his yard and garden with beautiful and useful trees. And if there are no doubts about fruit plantings, then when choosing other “useless” species, some hesitation arises. You can especially often hear prejudice against conifers, including cedars.

Specialists in landscape design give several practical reasons, according to which it is not recommended to plant cedar pine near the house.

  • These trees are like others conifers, have a strong and branched root system, and therefore very strongly drain the soil nearby.
  • In addition, many trees cannot grow near cedars. cultivated plants in need of large quantities nutrients. After all, the tree takes everything useful from the soil within a radius of several meters around.
  • In addition, conifers burn well due to the high concentration of resinous substances in the wood. Therefore, their close location near the house is truly dangerous during the dry period, especially if the house is made of wood.
  • Esotericists echo the designers, categorically objecting to planting cedar trees in the yard or along the facade of a building. And they have their own reasons for this.

    • Folk omens have long claimed that any coniferous trees located near a house will kill its owner. And it’s also good if he just goes far away and for a long time, and maybe even dies. If the cedar grows higher than the ridge of the roof, then very soon there will be no residents left in the house for various reasons.
    • Cedar in many folk traditions symbolizes sadness and sadness. It was its branches that were placed in the form of a prickly bouquet in the house where one of the family members had recently died. Since then, this tree has been strongly associated with death.
    • Almost all conifers, including cedar, are powerful energy vampires. If you plant such a prickly ghoul next to your house, the household will constantly feel tired and depressed, suffer from dark thoughts and incomprehensible ailments.

    There are also positive signs associated with cedar pine. Indeed, since pre-biblical times, the healing and cleansing abilities of this wonderful tree have been known throughout the world. It was used by the ancient Egyptians, making cedar sarcophagi, chests for storing supplies, amulet and staves.

    • In Siberia, for example, they are sure that a cedar pine planted near a new building will certainly bring wealth and prosperity to all the inhabitants of the house.
    • In addition, the powerful biorhythms of cedar coincide with human ones, which helps the sick to recover faster and the healthy not to get sick.
    • Those who live surrounded by cedar forests know the sign about double cones. If in the next season the trees are replete with such outlandish decorations, then you can be sure that many twins will be born this year.

    The most important thing is not to place the tree in close proximity to your home, and then it will positive properties more than compensate for the negative impact.

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