What flowers begin with the letter E? Flowers starting with the letter "e" Flowers starting with the letter e have simple names

Family Myrtaceae

Young eucalyptus plants have beautiful gray-green leaves with a characteristic scent. Grow successfully in ordinary room conditions, if you provide them with coolness and good lighting. For the summer, the pots can be placed on open air. Pinching shoots inhibits their growth and stimulates the appearance of young leaves - old leaves are much less beautiful. Usually the plant is kept for two years and then thrown away.

  • Temperature: Moderate or slightly below moderate, 7-12°C in winter.
  • Lighting:Bright light, responds well to some direct sunlight.
  • Watering:
  • Humidity: Does not require spraying.
  • Transfer: Every year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Seeds in spring, germinate at a temperature of 18°C.

Exacum flower

Family Gentianaceae

Exakum is a small, neat plant that goes on sale for very small children. The pale lilac flowers with a yellow center are also medium-sized. However, this plant has several attractive properties: it blooms profusely with fragrant flowers from mid-summer to late autumn. Doesn't like high temperature, demanding on illumination. To make the plant bloom longer, when purchasing, choose a specimen with unopened buds.

Types of indoor plants

E. affine can be grown from seeds or purchased from a store. An easy plant to care for, but it does not like drafts. To extend flowering time, regularly remove faded flowers.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate or slightly below moderate - approximately 15-20°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light, from the heat summer sun should be shaded.
  • Watering: Plentiful all the time.
  • Humidity: Requires frequent spraying of leaves.
  • Care after flowering: The plant is thrown away.
  • Reproduction: Seeds at the end of summer.

Aeonium arboreum flower

Family Crassulaceae

Aeoniums have a lot garden forms: yellow-leaved, with regular green foliage, bronze, purple and almost black. Tree-like aeonium has stems that become bare over time, and the rosette of leaves remains only in the upper part. IN good conditions this shrub reaches 1 m in height. To preserve the decorative appearance characteristic of young plants, Aeonium arborescens is regularly taken from cuttings. Aeonium stratum does not have time to grow any extended stem - in the second year of cultivation it blooms, after which the plant dies completely. The only way to support this species is by sowing seeds. Your task is to collect and sow the seeds in time. On the surface of a mixture of sheet and turf land with sand (1:1:1) scatter small seeds, spray from a spray bottle and cover with glass. At a temperature of about 12°C, the seeds germinate easily. The aeonium is also quite original, twisting with rounded, velvety-pubescent leaves. This species forms abundantly branched, squat bushes. Aeonium sinuous has a cushion shape. The “pillow” grows rather slowly, and it will not need rejuvenation soon. The ease of taking cuttings makes this aeonium a very popular houseplant.
In winter, all aeoniums prefer a bright and cool place (6-8°C). In summer they should be placed in a sunny and warm place, protected from drafts. Watering is moderate; in winter, watering should be almost stopped. Every 14 days it is useful to feed aeoniums with fertilizers for cacti.
Pests on the plant can be found mealybug and spider mites. In a dark place, aeonium rosettes turn green.


Episcia Mart. flower

Family Gesneriaceae

Episcia is a beautiful hanging plant that has never been as widespread as its famous relative, the Usambara violet. It is difficult to grow in isolation or in a hanging basket because it requires high humidity. However, in wetter microclimates among tall plants it grows well as a ground cover. There are two species in culture - episcia copper and episcia carnation. Episcia copperata has more spectacular leaves - large, crenate, with silver or pale green veins, creeping shoots reach a length of 50 cm. Episcia carnation flower has rosettes of smaller leaves on thread-like tendrils. Both species bloom throughout the summer; the tendrils take root in the soil, forming daughter rosettes. After flowering, the shoots should be shortened.
Episcia - ampelous evergreen perennial small plant, rather capricious, constantly in need of high humidity air and high (in winter not lower than 18 ° C) air and soil temperatures. Two species are common in indoor culture: Episcia carnation and Episcia copper, which served as the basis for the development of various forms and hybrids, differing in size and color of the leaves.
Episcia dianthus has two types of shoots: some are shortened, others are longer, with thin tendrils, on which daughter rosettes grow over time. The leaves are medium-sized (3 cm long and 2 cm wide), velvety-pubescent, elliptical or ovoid in shape, crenate along the edge, dark green in color. A purple line runs down the middle of the leaf blade. The flowers are white, rather large (up to 4 cm in diameter), tubular, fringed along the edge.
Episcia copper is a larger plant compared to the previous species. The leaves are elliptical, crenate along the edge, wrinkled, with dense brownish-red pubescence, usually reaching a length of 8-10 cm, a width of 6-7 cm. The leaf blade has a brownish-dark green color with silvery stripes. The flowers are fiery red with a yellow throat, about 3-4 cm in diameter.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate, in winter not lower than 12°C.
  • Lighting: Bright diffuse light.
  • Watering: Abundant during the growing season, moderate in winter.
  • Humidity: Requires frequent spraying of leaves; The pot is placed in damp peat.
  • Transfer: Every year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Rooting shoots in spring or summer.


Eucomis flower

Liliaceae family

The English name of the eucomis “ananas-plant” is due to the fact that the spectacular inflorescence has a great resemblance to a pineapple. A cluster of greenish-cream flowers is crowned with a rosette of leaves (“tuft”). The flowers open at different times, creating a “wave” of flowering that runs through the inflorescence from bottom to top, which allows the plant to remain attractive for a long time. There are species with fragrant flowers, for example Eucomis punctata. But the most beautiful is the bicolor eucomis, which is admired as long as the plant has leaves. The first leaves emerging from the bulb are collected in a rosette. They are very long (up to 60 cm), so during the growth period the eucomis needs to be given a lot of space on the windowsill so that it does not interfere with other plants. Each leaf is surrounded by a purple border, which is especially striking due to the curling of the edges of the leaves.
Purchased bulbs can be stored in household refrigerator at a temperature of about 10°C. Plant them in March - April so that the top of the bulb is at the level of the substrate. Eucomis grow well in a mixture of equal amounts of sand, humus and turf soil (1:1:1).
In nature, eucomis are found in damp places, so during the growth period, watering should be plentiful (but without stagnation in the pan). From the beginning of the unfolding of leaves until flowering, give 2-3 fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers.
Eucomis are especially responsive to summer transplantation in open ground. Provide them with a sunny place protected from northern winds. In this case, they form a large bulb, which is dug up in the fall for winter storage.
If you do not have a plot of land, then take the eucomis to the balcony in the summer. This is especially useful during the flowering period, since many people find that Eucomis bicolor has a too cloying sweetish smell.
After all the flowers have faded, limit watering. When the leaves turn yellow, it is completely stopped. Eucomis are propagated by children or (which is much less common) by seeds.


Eucharis flower

Amaryllidaceae family

This native of the Colombian Andes is a very flexible plant, which over decades of cultivation has fully adapted to indoor growing. English title " Amazon lily"does not correspond to the structure of the flower, which could rightfully be called the "Amazonian daffodil." The name Eucharis itself translated from Greek means “full of charm, grace”, “pleasant”. Judge for yourself: the snow-white flowers reach 12 cm in diameter. Thanks to the long tube, the whisk hangs down gracefully. The stamens form a crown inserted into a frame of six wide tepals. Upon superficial observation, it seems that the flower looks like a large daffodil. Let us add that the flowers have an exquisite and delicate aroma. IN favorable conditions Eucharis can form two peduncles, each of which is crowned with 2-6 flowers.
It seems strange that this bulbous plant is not included in the lists of best-selling houseplants. The fact is that it does not tolerate cold nights and in winter it requires a temperature of at least 15°C. If you are growing eucharis from a bulb yourself rather than buying it at the store, plant the bulb in spring or fall and keep it in a warm place until it germinates. Water moderately during this time.

Secrets of success in flower care

  • Temperature: Moderate. In winter, no higher than 16°C.
  • Lighting: Bright light or partial shade, does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, moderate in winter.
  • Humidity: From time to time the leaves are washed with a sponge.
  • Transfer: Once every 3-4 years in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Daughter bulbs in summer.

Echeveria DC. flower

Family Crassulaceae

IN lately popularity of these mexican plants has increased noticeably. They are supplied in the form of sets in which you can choose any plant you like based on the color and shape of the leaves. And in nature there are more than 150 species.
Echeveria agave has pointed leaves with a brown point at the top, Echeveria Darenberga has broad-scapulate leaves, and Echeveria bristlecone leaves are covered with numerous white bristles. The rosettes of Echeveria humpiflora are green, with a dull reddish tint, which is enhanced to bronze in the metallica form, while in the crispata form of the same species the leaves are slightly wavy along the edges.
When young, all echeveria form a rosette of alternate leaves. But not every plant purchased retains it forever. Over time, the stems lengthen, lie down, and the rosettes end up far from the pot - at the very top of the shoot. Echeverias often bloom in rooms. As a rule, the rosette that produced the peduncle does not survive and dies. Below, shoots with small scale-like leaves and long internodes are formed (this is how Echeveria strives to settle its children away from the mother’s outlet). This is the second reason for loss decorative effect in Echeveria. The third reason may be lack of light.
To restore the attractiveness of your echeveria collection, propagate them often, as the most beautiful are the young specimens. Everything will be used - the tops of overgrown shoots, “dispersal” shoots, and basal rosettes. Best time for breeding March - May. Echeverias are very popular annual plants For alpine slide. But do not forget to leave at least one queen specimen of each species in the room over the winter, which will allow them to be renewed the next year.
Echeverias prefer to overwinter at 6-7°C, but they also tolerate higher temperatures.
Of some interest is a close relative of Echeveria - pachyphytum ovatiformes, which has almost spherical leaves attached to a straight stem. Care is similar to that recommended for echeverias.

    Personally, I only know Edelweiss; I still remember this name from school. I think it's high mountain alpine flower from the genus of violets. This name is associated with something from the Second World War, like the Jaeger detachments or mountain riflemen in the Third Reich.

    But I scoured the Internet and it turns out there are a lot of flowers starting with e!

    I know a few colors starting with the letter E, here they are: Episcia ( indoor flower), Echeveria (gray, agave and derenberga), Edelweiss, Eustoma, Eucharis, Eremurus, Erantis, Aeonium, Evening primrose, Echinopsis, Exakum, Edrayanthus. Among the listed flowers there are many indoor ones. Very beautiful names of the listed colors :-) .

    I would say that the letter E is the richest). In fact, many houseplant names begin with this letter. Yes and no indoor flowers a lot for this letter!

    Edelweiss— there are more than thirty species of them, they grow in bushes and serve as decoration for any garden. The most interesting thing is that after drying, edelweiss flowers retain their original shape and color, so they can be stored in this form during the winter.

    And look at this extraordinary flower! This ehmeya, indoor flower. She is whimsical - she loves warmth, sun, humidity. If it is cold, it changes color. Has healing properties.

    Echinacea- this is generally a beautiful plant, which in my imagination is associated with the Indians). She has a rich range of healing qualities. Echinacea is successfully used in the treatment of depression, lupus erythematosus, stomach and intestinal diseases, skin diseases, to improve immunity, etc.

    Escobaria is a genus of cacti. It has white, densely planted needles and cream-colored flowers. The plant looks very attractive!

A list of plants starting with the letter E that are grown at home, in the garden and in the vegetable garden.

Episcia is a member of the Gesneriaceae family of plants. Originally from Central and South America. The plant is fast growing, the flowering period lasts from summer to autumn.

Aechmea is a member of the bromeliad plant family. In nature, these epiphytic (there are also terrestrial) plants can be found in dry season areas of South and Central America. A plant with an average growth rate. The flowering period usually occurs in the winter months.

Eleutherococcus (lat. Eleutherococcus)- a genus of thorny trees and shrubs of the Araliaceae family, which includes about 30 species growing in the territory from southeastern Siberia to Japan, and further south to the Philippine Islands. The greatest diversity of species is observed in the central and western regions China. The most popular medicinal and decorative garden shrubs is Eleutherococcus senticosus.

Oslinnik, or onager, or evening primrose (lat. Oenothera)– a large genus of plants of the fireweed family, represented by different sources 80-150 species, including herbaceous plants and shrubs of various shapes. Oslinniki are common mostly in Europe and America. Scientific name The genus “evening primrose” consists of two Greek roots, which are translated as “wine” and “wild beast”: in ancient times it was believed that a predator that sniffed a plant treated with aspen wine could be quickly tamed. The evening primrose flower has another name: “night candle.” In culture, evening primrose is grown as an ornamental and medicinal plant.

Aeonium (lat. Aeonium)- a genus of plants of the Crassulaceae family, native to the Canary Islands and northern Africa. Aeoniums are also naturalized in South Western Australia. According to The Plant List, there are 36 primary and 39 hybrid species in the genus. Some members of the genus are popular indoor plants.

Epipremnum (lat. Epipremnum)- a genus of herbaceous perennial vines of the Araceae family, which, according to various sources, has from 8 to 30 species. The scientific name “epipremnum” translated means “on the trunks” and explains the mode of existence of representatives of the genus, whose range covers tropical forests from Northern Australia to India. Most species can be found in Southeast Asia, however, epipremnums have now become naturalized in other places, such as Hawaii. One of the most popular plants of this genus in indoor culture is Epipremnum aureus, which is better known as “scindapsus”. In fact, epipremnum and scindapsus- two different, albeit related plants, however, since their growing conditions and care requirements are almost the same, we can consider that this article equally describes the cultivation of both indoor epipremnum and scindapsus.

Epission - description

Plants of the genus Episcia (lat. Episcia) belong to the Gesneriaceae family, which is quite widely represented in indoor floriculture. Episcia includes up to forty species, distributed in South America and Central.

Beginning flower growers will find it easy to cope with epission, because... It is relatively easy to care for. Episcia flowers are decorative foliage, but can also please with beautiful flowers.

Episcia has a thick creeping underground shoot and aboveground tendrils are often found. The shoots themselves are pubescent. Flowers blue and white flowers are located both singly and in bunches, have a tubular shape with a five-lobed bend. The leaves are of different colors, oval in shape, arranged oppositely or singly.

Epiphyllum (lat. Epiphyllum) belongs to the genus of epiphytic plants of the Cactus family, numbering about 20 species. The name of the plant indicates the presence of leaves: επι in Greek means “on”, “on top”, and φυλλον - leaf. Sometimes epiphyllum is called phyllocactus or phyllocereus. Mexico, as well as the tropics and subtropics of America, are considered the birthplace of the flower. The epiphyllum plant was first described in 1812 by Adrian Haworth. Epiphyllum cactus is a popular houseplant.

Flower erantis (lat. Eranthis), or vesennik represents the genus perennial plants family Ranunculaceae, numbering seven species. Translated from ancient Greek language the genus name means " spring flower" Representatives of this genus are native to Asia and Southern Europe. Two species are endemic to China, one is endemic to the Siberian mountains, and one is endemic to the Japanese island of Honshu. The type species of the genus was brought from Europe to North America, and now it can be found there even in wildlife. Erantis has been in culture since 1570.

Plant Eremurus (lat. Eremurus), or broaden, or shrysh is a herbaceous perennial of the subfamily Asphodelaceae of the Xanthorrheaceae family, which is currently represented by more than 40 species, varieties and hybrids. The name Eremurus consists of two Greek roots that translate as desert and tail, and when you look at the tall, fluffy flower stalks of the plant, you will understand what the inhabitants meant ancient civilization when the flower was called eremurus. And the words shiryash and shrysh among the peoples of Central Asia mean glue, since in these places technical glue is extracted from the roots of the plant. A plaster is also made from the roots of Eremurus by drying them and grinding them into powder. Boiled roots that taste like asparagus, are eaten, as are the leaves of some (not all!) species. All parts of Eremurus can stain natural fibers yellow.

The first eremurus was described by the Russian geographer, traveler and naturalist Peter Pallas in 1773, and in the 60s of the 19th century, eremurus were already grown in botanical gardens Russia and Western Europe, and a little more than half a century later, the first Eremurus hybrids were bred, and selection work has not stopped since then.

Flower small petal, or erigeron (lat. Erigeron)- genus herbaceous plants family Asteraceae, which includes, according to various sources, from 200 to 400 species, 180 of which are found in the territory North America. Some of the small petal species are grown as ornamental plants. The name of the genus comes from two Greek words, which translated mean “early” and “old”: the quickly ripening seeds of Erigeron are decorated with a grayish tuft.

Kandyk, or erythronium (lat. Erythronium)- a genus of herbaceous perennials of the Liliaceae family, representatives of which grow naturally in the mountain forests of North America, Europe, Southern Siberia, Manchuria and Japan. Mention of this early spring ephemeroid can be found in the writings of Dioscorides. Latin name the family was given by Carl Linnaeus, and it was formed from Greek name one of the types. And the word “kandyk” is of Turkic origin and is translated as “dog tooth.” Some species of erythronium (Caucasian, Japanese and Siberian kandyki) are considered endangered and are listed in the Red Book. In total, there are 29 species in the genus, and some of them are grown as cultivated plants.

Eucomis, or eucomis, or pineapple lily (lat. Eucomis)- genus of flowering monocots bulbous plants family Asparagus. In nature, representatives of the genus are found in South Africa. Translated from Greek, “eukomis” means “beautiful-haired.” Plants of the genus received this name from Charles Louis Lerithiy de Brutel in 1788. Four species are grown in culture, although there are 14 of them in the genus. The advantage of Eucomis is its high decorativeness not only during long flowering, but also after it.

Eustoma (lat. Eustoma), also called lisianthus (lat. Lisianthus– bitter flower), or “Irish rose”, or “Texas bellflower”, or “Japanese rose”, belongs to the Gentian family. Translated from Latin, “eustoma” literally means “beautiful mouth,” and in a more literary version, “beautifully speaking.” The homeland of eustoma is considered to be the south of North America, Mexico, the north of South America and the Caribbean islands. Legend American Indians says that for the first time eustoma bloomed on the grave of an innocent girl, killed by the spirit of war because she refused to become his wife. Irish doctor and botanist Patrick Brown discovered eustoma for Europeans.

The plant is very popular among flower growers as a cut plant, since freshly cut eustoma can stand in a vase with water for up to three weeks. It has been cultivated as a houseplant since the nineties of the last century.

Lily eucharis (lat. Eucharis) belongs to the genus of bulbous plants of the Amaryllis family. The genus has about 20 species. Translated from Greek, “eucharis” means “graceful,” which, no doubt, characterizes both the flowers and leaves of the plant. In its natural habitat, in Central and South America from Guatemala to Bolivia, the eucharis flower grows in lower tier damp forests, in the shade. Eucharis is also called the “Amazon lily”, since the largest number of species of this plant is found on the eastern slopes of the Andes, in Colombia and western Amazonia. The Eucharis plant was brought to Europe in the first half of the 19th century, and very soon it became a recognized and popular plant in our gardens and window sills.

Echeveria (lat. Echeveria), or echeveria- a genus of succulent herbaceous perennials of the Crassulaceae family. There are about 170 species in the genus, most of which are distributed in Mexico, but some are found in the United States and South America. The name of the genus was given in honor of Atanasio Echeverría y Godoy, a Mexican artist who illustrated books about flora Mexico. The natives call this plant “stone flower” or “stone rose”.

Flower echinacea (lat. Echinacea) belongs to the genus of perennials of the Asteraceae, or Asteraceae, family, which includes 9 species. Echinacea is native to eastern North America. From Greek, the name of the plant is translated as “hedgehog, or prickly, like a hedgehog.” Most known species the genus includes Echinacea purpurea, also known as rudbeckia purpurea, which is widely used in folk and traditional medicine, as well as in ornamental gardening. Echinacea was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753, assigning it to the genus rudbecky, but forty years later Echinacea was separated into a separate genus because there were noticeable differences between the two plants.

Echinopsis (lat. Echinopsis)- a genus of plants in the Cactaceae family, many of which are grown indoors. The genus name comes from the Greek language and means " hedgehog-like", was proposed by Carl Linnaeus in 1737 for the resemblance of representatives of the genus to a thorny animal rolled into a ball. Echinopsis are common in South America and are found in the territory from Southern Argentina to Northern Bolivia, as well as in southern Brazil, Uruguay, in the foothills and valleys of the Andes.

Echinopsis, like no other cacti, are common in indoor floriculture. They have been cultivated in Europe since 1837. Serious breeding work was carried out with these plants, and today the genus is represented in indoor culture not only by many species, of which there are more than 130, but also a large number hybrid varieties different colors.

Echmeya - description

Echmea (lat. Aechmea)- a genus from the family of bromeliad plants that grow mainly in the South and Central America a total of up to 180 species. The aechmea flower got its name due to the shape of the bracts, and “aechme” itself (Greek) means the tip of the peak.

Representatives of the genus, depending on the species, can be either epiphytic or land plants. Among other bromeliad plants, Aechmea is distinguished by the presence of spines on the edges of the leaf blade. The leaves are collected in a rosette, can be either plain or variegated, can be dense and hard or leathery but soft. The fruit of Aechmea is a berry.

Despite the fact that each leaf rosette blooms only once, Aechmea is quite popular in indoor culture. In addition, caring for echmea at home is relatively simple compared to other bromeliads.

Flowers eschscholzia (lat. Eschscholzia), or California poppy- a genus of the Poppy family, which includes about a dozen species native to Western North America. An old legend tells that when Spanish gold miners sailed to the shores of America in the 16th century in search of gold mines, they saw a golden glow 35 miles from the coast and, deciding that this was what they were looking for, rushed to the coast of California. How disappointed they were when it turned out that these were the golden fields of Eschszolzia. Since then, the Spaniards jokingly call this flower Copa de Ora - golden cup.

The plant received the name “Eschscholzia” in honor of the Russian naturalist, zoologist, doctor and botanist Johann Friedrich von Eschscholtz, who brought the flower from California to Russia. This plant is as beautiful and romantic as it is unpretentious, which is why it is gaining more and more popularity among flower growers, especially since eschscholzia blooms very profusely in a flowerbed from the beginning of summer until almost winter, and although one flower only lives for 3-4 days , it is immediately replaced by several more flowers and buds.

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