Use of pyrotechnic signaling devices for distress signals, maritime international distress signals, smoke and color distress signals. Use of pyrotechnic signaling means Maritime international distress signals

Pyrotechnics are widely used to send distress signals at sea.

Pyrotechnics are used to attract attention; Any of the following signals indicates that a vessel or person is in distress and requires immediate assistance.

The parachute flare produces a bright red light, visible both at night and during the day. When launched in a vertical direction, the rocket soars to a height of at least 300 m, and in clear weather its fire is visible at a distance of up to 20-30 miles. The rocket descends on its parachute at a speed of no more than 5 m/s, and the burning duration of the pyrotechnic composition is 40 s.

A flare is a pyrotechnic cartridge that produces a bright red fire. In clear weather, the fire is visible from a distance of about 6 miles. While burning, the flare is held in the hand. Do not look into the fire, as this can cause severe eye injury.

The flare burns for 60 seconds. The flare continues to burn after being immersed in water to a depth of 10 cm for 10 s.

A smoke bomb is used to give a signal during the daytime. It creates a cloud of thick orange smoke. Smoke formation continues for at least 3 minutes and is not interrupted when the checker is immersed in water for 10 s to a depth of 10 cm.

The body of the saber quickly heats up to a high temperature, therefore, in order not to burn your hands, the saber must be thrown into the water as soon as the smoke generator begins to operate. The saber must be thrown into the wind relative to the rescue device, so that the wind blows the smoke to the side and there is no danger of suffocating from the smoke.

All pyrotechnics require maximum caution when using. Each such device is supplied with instructions containing instructions on the procedure for giving the corresponding signal and precautions. The instructions are printed on the body (sleeve) of the signaling device. The procedure is illustrated with pictograms, which allows this tool to be used by a person who does not speak the language in which the instructions are written. Under no circumstances should you use pyrotechnics against the wind.


Parachute rocket

Parachute rocket- This is a signaling device designed for the possible detection of a rescue vehicle at a long distance.

STORAGE: Location:

Navigation bridge - 12 pcs.

Lifeboat - 4 pcs.




    open the top cover

The parachute rocket should be used in the most suitable conditions for detection by a ship on the horizon.

The rocket rises to a height of more than 300 meters. In the upper trajectory, burning red, the missile releases a parachute, allowing it to be at a sufficient altitude to be detected within 40 seconds.

STORAGE: Location:

Navigation bridge - 12 pcs.

Life raft - 2 or 4 pcs.

Lifeboat - 4 pcs.


The service life and instructions for use are marked on the rocket.



    open the top cover

    open the bottom cover and pull the safety pin to release the trigger

    hold the rocket tightly and be ready to launch

    aiming downwind, vertically up, pull the trigger up

    see explanatory drawings on the rocket

The parachute distress signal flare is red, the take-off altitude is not less than 300 m, the burning duration is 40 s and the descent speed is not more than 5 m/s.

The rocket grenade is sound and sends a distress signal with an audibility range of at least 5 miles.

Single-star rocket - red, take-off height of at least 8 m, burn duration of at least 6 seconds; used in rescue operations.

A flare is a cardboard or plastic sleeve. filled with pyrotechnic composition; activated by an incendiary device; while burning it is held in the hands. The white flare burns for 20s and serves to attract attention, the red flare burns for 60s and is a distress signal.


    open the lid

    pull out the starting line with the ring

    pull the ring at arm's length away from you

A smoke bomb is included in the lifeboat signaling kit. Once activated, it is thrown overboard, where it creates an orange smoke cloud within 3 minutes, visible at a distance of 3 miles.


    open the lid

    pull the loop

    throw the checker into the water

Buoys glowing and light-smoking attached to lifebuoys placed on the wings of the navigation bridge. When the buoy hits the water, a light signal lasting at least 45 minutes or an Orange light-smoke signal lasting at least 15 minutes automatically turns on. The design of the buoys ensures their reliable operation when dropped from a height of 25 m or more.

When using pyrotechnics, the following safety rules must be strictly observed:

    only crew members who have undergone special instructions can use pyrotechnics, which is documented in the protocol of the qualification commission;

    there should be no people nearby when launching rockets;

    It is prohibited to direct the flight of missiles towards ships, coastal structures, or people;

    pyrotechnics that did not work when put into operation must be immediately flooded (thrown overboard);

    it is prohibited to disassemble rockets and launch sound rockets from the source;

    Impacts and shocks are not allowed when storing and using rockets and bombs;

    a line-throwing missile must only be launched with a line attached to it.

Pyrotechnics must be stored in special waterproof metal boxes installed outdoors.

bridge, and for lifeboats- in special containers; The rocket launchers are kept by the captain.

Pyrotechnics that have expired must be replaced.

The use of open flames and smoking near the storage of pyrotechnics and during their use is strictly prohibited

Pyrotechnic signaling devices are included in the supply of lifeboats and life rafts and are used to give distress signals and attract attention.

These include:

Parachute rockets;

False flares;

Floating smoke bombs;

All pyrotechnics are contained in waterproof casings on which they are applied brief instructions or drawings clearly illustrating the use of pyrotechnics. Their design must ensure the safety of the people who use them.

The rules for using each pyrotechnic product are indicated on each product.

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Cardinal system
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The structure of the hull of sea vessels, the purpose and main elements of the hull set
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Ship's bulkheads
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Anchor device. Preparation for release and selection of anchor
The anchor device ensures reliable anchorage of the vessel at sea or in a roadstead. When approaching an anchorage, the entire anchor structure and, first of all, the windlass speak. Prepared windlass

Anchor device. Purpose and composition. Safety during release and retrieval of the anchor
Anchor device - ensures reliable anchorage of the vessel in a given area of ​​the sea. The main elements of the anchor device: anchors, anchor chains, anchor mechanisms, fairleads, stoppers. Anchor

Each ship must have the following signaling pyrotechnics: flares, flares, smoke bombs, luminous and light-smoke buoys to indicate the location of the lifebuoy on the water in the dark.

Pyrotechnic products are moisture-resistant, safe to handle and store, operate under any hydrometeorological conditions and retain their properties for at least three years.

Pyrotechnics are stored in waterproof metal cabinets and boxes with compartments on the navigation bridge deck or in cabinets built into the bulkheads of the navigation bridge rooms, with a door to the open deck. Drawers and cabinets are always locked. One key should be kept by the senior (third) mate, the other in the chart room.

Pyrotechnic devices of boats and rafts, placed in containers, must be in their regular places in the boats at sea, and when moored at the port they are recommended to be stored in a secure storage facility under lock and key.

Single star rockets red or green are intended for signaling during a rescue operation.

Red single shot rocket launcher

Distress flare red in color it throws out red stars at an altitude of 300 - 400 meters, which burn for at least 20 seconds.

Parachute rocket designed to provide a distress signal. Take-off altitude is 300 - 400 meters, burn time is 45 seconds.

False flare- this is a sleeve in which the pyrotechnic composition and incendiary device are located. The flare burns bright red for 1 minute and is a distress signal. Flares are used to attract attention white.

Designed to send a distress signal, exploding at a height and simulating a cannon shot. A sound rocket is launched only from launch tubes mounted on the gunwale or railing on both wings of the bridge. If the rocket does not fire, it can be removed from the glass after no less than 2 minutes.

Sending a distress signal using a sound flare

Floating smoke bombs used to send a distress signal during daylight hours. A checker is a tin box containing an igniter and a mixture that produces thick orange smoke. Smoke emission time is 5 minutes, visibility range is up to 5 miles.

Light-smoking buoys attached to lifebuoys, which are located on the wings of the bridge. The main purpose of lifebuoys with light-smoking buoys is to mark the location of a person falling overboard.

Distress signals

The following signals, used or displayed together or separately, indicate that a ship is in distress and requires assistance (Appendix IV COLREG-72):

Distress signals
1. cannon shots or other shots fired
by bursting signals at intervals of about 1
4. a signal transmitted by radiotelephone or
using any other signaling system,
consisting of a combination of sounds ... - - - ... (SOS) in Morse code;
2. continuous sound by any device designed
designed for sending fog signals;
5. signal transmitted via radiotelephone, co-
spoken word
3. rockets or grenades that release red
stars released one by one through short
time intervals;
6. distress signal according to the International Code of Signals
catch - NC;
7. signal consisting of a square flag with
a ball or something located above or below it
or, similar to a ball;
8. flame on the ship
9. red light rocket with parachute or false-
red marshmallow;
12. radiotelegraph alarm;
10. smoke signal - release of orange puffs
13. radiotelegraph alarm;
11. Slow and repeated raising and lowering
arms extended to the sides;
14. signals transmitted by emergency beacons -
we indicate the position;
16. orange cloth with black square
rath or circle or other appropriate
symbol (for identification from the air);
15. established signals transmitted by the system
mothers of radio communications, including radar signals
tion responder beacons for rescue
boats and rafts;
17. colored spot on the water.

Suggested reading.

Ship communications and signaling equipment are classified according to two main criteria: the purpose and nature of the signals. According to their purpose, communication means are divided into external and internal communication means.

External communication means serve to ensure the safety of navigation, communication with other ships, coastal posts and stations, designation of the type of activity of the vessel, its condition, etc.

External signaling and communication means are divided into visual, acoustic and radio.

Visual communication is provided by: means of light signaling and communication (knot lights, spotlights, special lights for directional transmission, adapted for transmitting Morse code characters and other signals); means of subject signaling and communication (signal flags, figures and signs); pyrotechnics, usually used to send distress signals.

Sound signaling and communication means include the ship's whistle, ship's bell, gong, and sound pyrotechnics.

The main means of external communication at sea is radio communication. Radio communication is carried out in the modes of telephony, digital selective calling, and letter printing. The INMARSAT satellite communications system provides seafarers with direct dial telephone, telex, fax, email, data transfer mode. Special communication systems ensure the transmission of information to ships to ensure navigation safety (NAVAREA, NAVTEX). Global marine system Distress communications (GMDSS) ensures determination of the coordinates of a ship in distress, communication and transmission of information during search and rescue operations, as well as other radio exchange modes.

Internal communications and alarm systems are designed to ensure alarms and other signals, as well as reliable communication between the bridge and all posts and services. These means include ship automatic telephone exchange(ATS), ship's public address system, engine telegraph, loud chimes, ship's bell, megaphone, portable VHF radios, mouth whistle, sound and light alarm about an increase in temperature, the appearance of smoke, the flow of water into the ship's premises.

The most important part of maritime signaling is the lights, signs, light and sound signals provided for by COLREG-72.

Rescue equipment at sea: ship pyrotechnics and other rescue equipment

Sailing on the open sea, unfortunately, is not always serene. The sea element can show its harsh character at any time and force sailors to fight for their survival. In critical situations, when the ship loses control or sinks, in order to indicate its location and wait for help, the crew has to use special ship pyrotechnics and other rescue equipment.

Let's start with the most joyful type of rescue equipment for a boatmaster, used at the moment when a person in distress on the water has already been found. The Alexandrov rescue line (in common parlance - a rescue line) is intended to provide assistance to a drowning person. This rescue equipment (as well as a life jacket) is included in mandatory list salvage items for small boats, and is also used to equip rescue posts in swimming areas and ROBSVOD.

Aleksandrov's rescue line is a floating line made of polypropylene 30 m long with a loop with a diameter of 40 cm, equipped with two floats. The rescuer throws the specified end to the drowning man, while the loop-ring is kept on the surface of the water and the drowning man takes it or puts it on top so that it is at chest level. Thanks to this, the rescuer can pull the drowning person to the ship.

In cases where it is impractical or difficult to use the Alexandrov rescue line, a line throwing device is used. In particular, a line throwing device (or, in common parlance, a line thrower) is designed to feed emergency ship nylon line, with the help of which the towing rope is wound.

Figure 12. Rescue line

The line-throwing device can be used for emergency rescue operations, both at sea and on land. The line-throwing device ULM-1, familiar to Russian navigators, consists of a K-320 container in which the line is placed, a PU-1 launcher and an RL-1 rocket, thanks to which the shot is fired.

Figure 13. Line throwing device

Pyrotechnic signaling equipment and devices are included in the mandatory rescue kit of every sea vessel. Depending on the situation and weather conditions, flares are used to attract the attention of rescuers. signal cartridges, grenades, floating smoke bombs and flares that, when burned, cause light, smoke or sound effects. Currently, the main list of Russian rescue equipment meets the requirements of MK SOLAS-74/96 and the LSA Code.

Figure 14. Pyrotechnic signaling devices

The simplest representative of pyrotechnic ship equipment is the single-star rocket ROK-30 (ROZ-30). Single-star rockets are designed to provide distress or attention signals from seagoing ships, lifeboats, rafts and are suitable for use on ships with an unlimited navigation area. The distress flare is a ready-made shot fired hand-held without special devices. This flare consists of a plastic housing in which a grinding ignition device is located, jet engine and the rocket itself with the signal stars located in it.

To identify the disaster area, victims can use orange signal smoke bombs, which are highly buoyant and produce heavy, colored smoke. Orange color. Thus, the floating smoke bomb PDSh-3 consists of a metal body with positive margin buoyancy, which houses a bomb of orange smoke and a grating-type ignition device. It is activated by pulling a cord placed under the cover of the smoke bomb.

Another variety smoke signal A light-smoke buoy is used for rescue purposes at sea. The light-smoking emergency buoy is designed to indicate the location of a lifebuoy on the water at night using the light of two electric lamps; in the daytime using a torch of orange smoke. The buoy is used complete with a lifebuoy and consists of a fiberglass body with a float and a compartment in which a water-filled galvanic element is located. The body of the light-smoking buoy contains a pyrotechnic smoke bomb, two light bulbs are mounted on the buoy float. The luminous lifebuoy buoy is activated automatically when it gets into the water due to the activation of a water-filled galvanic cell.

The airspace can be illuminated by a bright red signal from a special parachute flare; it is very clearly visible from a very long distance, as it is dropped by a special parachute from a height of three hundred meters. For example, the PRB-40 red-light parachute distress rocket, well known to Russian navigators, is designed to send a distress signal from sea vessels with an unlimited navigation area. Typically, a parachute distress flare consists of a plastic case that houses a grating igniter, a jet engine, and the distress flare itself with a signal unit and a parachute. The red fire flare is also manually activated by pulling a cord.

The use of special sound grenades and rockets makes it possible to detect people in conditions of very poor visibility, when the use of other special equipment is limited. A distress signal sound flare is a ready-made shot fired from a metal launch cup, which is mounted on the upper deck of the ship. Rescue device Russian production The ZRB-40 sonic distress missile consists of a plastic case in which an ignition device, a jet engine and a signal flare itself with a sound bomb placed in it are located.

However, the most common means of providing rescue signals at present are flares. Falschfeuer (false fire) comes in white and red. Their use is strictly regulated by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (Maritime Convention). The white light of a flare is intended to give a signal that attracts attention. The red flare is prescribed solely to indicate a distress signal (as is the parachute flare signal). The use of flares for other purposes or the substitution, unless absolutely necessary, of a white signal with a red one is strictly prohibited. That is why it is not so easy to buy a flare on the open market. In many countries, the sale of flares is strictly limited, and flares can usually only be purchased by those who really need them as emergency equipment, and not for mindless and unsafe entertainment.

From an engineering point of view, a flare is a cardboard sleeve in a waterproof casing, which allows the device to burn in aquatic environment. A special flammable composition burns for about five minutes, producing a flame of the appropriate color. Combustion is accompanied by a specific hissing sound and smoke effect. For ease of use, the flare can be equipped with a special handle.

Self-test questions:

1. In what cases are visual signaling devices used?

2. What types of visual signaling devices do you know?

3. What does a distress flare represent?

4. What are the actions of a ship in distress and receiving a distress signal?

Classification of signaling devices. On naval vessels, the signal service is carried out by the watch mate and the watch sailor.

All sea vessels are equipped with internal and external signaling equipment in strict accordance with the USSR Register Rules and the Supply Sheet for Marine Vessels. Good condition, constant readiness of ship's signaling equipment and proper organization signal service - necessary conditions for successful and accident-free navigation.

Internal alarms (emergency, fire, bilge, temperature, service) play an important role in ensuring the safety of the ship, cargo and people on board. The emergency alarm notifies about a declared general emergency emergency; fire department - about the location of the fire; bilge and temperature - about changes in temperature or the appearance of water in the holds; service allows you to quickly notify any crew member or call him to a designated place.

External signaling means are divided into visual (optical), sound (acoustic) and radio.

Visual communication are:

Flags - International Code of Signals (ICS);

Semaphore - manual and mechanical (semaphore wings); signal figures - balls, cones, cylinders, T-shaped signs and stripes, etc.;

Lighting - distinctive lights, spotlights, flashing lamps, rockets, flares, etc.

Audio communications are: bells, gongs, whistles, sirens, air typhons.

Radio technical means of communication are ship radiotelegraph and radiotelephone stations.

Flag signaling has 40 flags, of which 26 are alphabetic, quadrangular in shape; 10 - digital, triangular; 3 - triangular, replacing any of the S6 main flags if they are repeated in the same signal. The last (40th) flag - the pennant of the code - serves to notify that negotiations are underway under the International Code of Signals (ICS).

International Code of Signals(1965) is intended to maintain communication in an environment caused by the need to ensure the safety of navigation and the protection of human life at sea, especially in cases where language communication difficulties arise. The code is convenient for signal production by all means of communication, including radiotelephone and radiotelegraph, which makes it possible to eliminate the need for a separate radiotelegraph code. Each MCC signal has a complete semantic meaning, which eliminates the need to compose signals according to words.

The signals used in the International Code of Signals consist of:

Single-letter signals intended for very urgent, important or frequently used messages (Table 11);

Two-letter signals that make up the general section: distress - accident, accidents - damage, aids to navigation - navigation - hydrography, maneuvering, miscellaneous (cargo, ballast, crew, people, fishing, pilot, port, harbour), meteorology - weather, communications, international sanitary rules, addition tables;

Table 11

three-letter signals that make up the medical section and begin with the letter M.

The material in the Code is grouped in accordance with the topic and, for the convenience of analyzing signals, is arranged in alphabetical order of signal combinations, which are placed on the left side of the pages before the meanings of the signals. To facilitate the set of signals, some of them are repeated in different thematic groups. Signals for transmitting messages are observed using qualifier words that reflect the main topic of the message being prepared. Alphabetical index defining words are placed at the end of the Code.

Semaphore signaling (manual, mechanical, semaphore panels) allows you to negotiate via MSS or using a special semaphore alphabet. When negotiating using a special semaphore alphabet, different positions of the hands in relation to the signalman's body or different positions of the wings of a mechanical semaphore in relation to the vertical base correspond to letter values.

Signal figures have their advantages: they are visible at a considerable distance, do not depend on the direction of the wind, and are clearly visible at sunset and sunrise.

In the daytime, signal figures replace signal lights and also serve for negotiations with ships and coastal stations.

On the coasts of the seas and oceans there are numerous coastal signal stations that monitor the movement of ships, transmitted signals, and the weather, warning ships of impending danger. Each signal (a combination of flags, cones, cylinders, balls) is assigned its own number, with the help of which its semantic meaning can be found in the tables of the International System of Signals.

Boatmasters must be well aware of the semantic meaning of shore signals, lights and figures.

Light signaling is carried out using flashing lights, flashing lamps, lanterns, spotlights, heliographs and prisms. Transmission is carried out in short (dot) and long (dash) flashes in Morse code.

Sound communications. For negotiations using sound signals, the same Morse code is adopted as for light. Sound signals can be produced by any sound means, including a ship's horn or siren.

Sound signals may have local or international significance.

Pyrotechnic signaling devices(false flares, rockets, grenades) on sea vessels are used as light, sound or explosive signals. They are used both in the dark and in the daytime, but always with good visibility. During daylight hours, only rockets that produce colored lights or stars are used.

Radio engineering communications. The minimum required radio equipment for each ship, depending on the navigation area and destination, is determined by the USSR Register Rules.

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