What to wrap on the thread. Features and rules for using sanitary flax. How to seal a new thread

That's how much there is modern materials to seal the joint, and good old flax does not give up its position.
What is his task? Plumbing flax allows you to fill as tightly as possible all the free space inside the thread. To withstand mechanical loads and temperature deformations during operation.
What is needed for this? Master skill. High quality material and quality carving.

Thread. Or rather, its preparation. You can be a good master, but get a leak on an unprepared thread. The thread must be serrated. The flax must cling to something when screwing the thread into the coupling. On a smooth thread, there is a high chance that the flax will slip into the end of the thread.
Therefore, on a smooth thread you will have to apply the notches yourself.
You can scratch the thread for this. Use pieces for this hacksaw blade, broken drills, files, etc. But be careful, you can easily get hurt.

I bite the threads with plumbing pliers. It turns out quickly and accurately. Someone might argue that this could squeeze the thin-walled fitting and ruin it.
Very good. I’d rather crush it than for it to crumple inside the coupling later.

More. Before winding flax, it is necessary to assemble the connection dry, without flax. First, you will see how the thread is screwed in. It may be tight or skewed. Secondly, count the number of revolutions. This helps a lot when screwing on angles, tees, taps, eccentrics and other oriented fittings.
Screwed in? Have you checked? Have you counted the revolutions? Great. Let's take flax.
Flax comes in braids, in balls, and on spools. How it is rolled up and sold makes no difference. Main. Linen must be clean. That is, there should be no debris or tangled lumps in it.
Separate a strand of flax. It is difficult to say what the thickness of the strand should be. It all depends on the diameter of the thread and the length of the flax. The guideline is something like this - after winding, the thread should not be visible.

There is a lot of debate about where to start winding - from the beginning of the thread or from the end. It doesn't matter at all. Wherever your hands are sharpened from, move from there. Whichever is convenient for you. I wind from the beginning, along the thread.

Now apply sealing paste. For example, I take Unipak paste. Not because it is the best, but because it is sold everywhere here. Previously, about 20 years ago, I used paint. Then, succumbing to fashion, he smeared silicone sealant. As soon as sealing pastes went on sale, I immediately switched to them.

Tow for pipes is one of the most popular sealants on the Russian market. Linen winding has been popular for many decades due to its low price, availability and relatively good sealing of joints under special conditions. Winding flax onto threads is relevant for temporary threaded connections and those located in the public domain, i.e. are always in sight, leaks are easy to detect and fix immediately. Flax compounds work up to a maximum temperature of 120-140 °C, but sometimes this figure is reduced to 70 °C. It all depends on the quality of the material and an additional sealing agent - plumbing paste.

Let's talk about the technology and rules of flax winding. How to properly wrap tow on a thread so that the sealing is sufficient for the entire shelf life of the joint? What are the tricks and professional secrets for high-quality thread sealing?

This question is asked not only by the owner of an apartment where a faucet has suddenly leaked or the faucet needs to be replaced, but also by a plumber who has recently started his career.

Linen is indeed not the simplest and comfortable material. Linen does not look aesthetically pleasing, it fluffs up and tears easily, and flax fibers constantly cling to threads or clothing. Almost weightless, they scatter around the room and, having finished the work, the plumber has to spend time finding and collecting all the threads.

IN various videos from the series on how to wind tow on a thread, there are categorical tips on preparing the thread. They touch the notches. The notches prevent flax from slipping when winding, twisting and further exploitation. However, not in all cases.

Firstly, notches are completely unnecessary when the diameter of the pipe is larger than the thread. The protruding part of the pipe will hold back the tow.

Secondly, it makes no sense to make notches if the master is a master at handling tow and has extensive practical experience.

Thirdly, the manufacturer makes the notches on special threads in advance. If you want, this is a kind of hint to the master.

How to wind flax and how much to measure? Also a controversial and frequently asked question. And here, too, there is no universal answer. Some people advise unwinding a strand equal to the thickness of two matches. Others call the figure 5 mm. In fact, only practice will show what length and width of the strand is suitable for a thread of a particular diameter. Before you finally wind the tow on the thread, practice.

Plumbing flax (tow). How to wind flax on a thread?

Unwind several different strands, try them on and find the best option.

There are several ways. Here's the fastest one:
1. Hold the tail of the thread at the end of the thread
2. Fasten crosswise
3. Move to the beginning of the thread and lay a strand in each turn
4. Then we return to the end of the thread, making another layer
5. Fasten the tail of the thread at the beginning of the thread
6. Apply plumbing paste

For those who know well how to wind tow, the number of layers is determined by eye. In most cases, 2-3 layers are enough. The main thing is that the thread is not visible under the linen, so that it completely covers the entire surface.

Before applying the paste, check the winding density. To do this, they try to scroll the flax. It should fit snugly against the thread and not move.

Twist the connection by hand with great force and tighten it with a wrench.

In theory - nothing complicated. In practice, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a high-quality connection the first time. We advise you to make several trial options. This way you will understand how to properly wind flax on the thread, and whether it is worth using this sealant at all.

What instead of flax?

Plumbing linen, in addition to being inconvenient to apply, has a number of disadvantages:
Short shelf life of the compound - 3-5 years
Instability to aggressive environments
Work with pressure up to 6-8 atmospheres
Risk of corrosion on threads

An alternative to tow is polymer threads and anaerobic gels. Anaerobic sealants are designed for sealing threaded and flanged metal connections, and threads (winding) are allowed to be used on plastic.

If you compare the price of flax and paste with an easy-to-use and effective modern sealant, the difference is almost unnoticeable. Just a few tens of rubles. And the connection quality, assembly speed and service life cannot even be compared.

Polymer plumbing thread and anaerobic sealants:
Approved to work in aggressive environments and systems drinking water
Withstand pressure of 40 atmospheres and above, as well as vibrations and changes
Protects threads from corrosion and leaks for 20 years
Does not require training and is accompanied detailed instructions
They do not dry out and retain their properties for several years after opening the package.
Forms a connection stronger than the pipes themselves

Don't know how to wind flax onto a thread? Choose sealants with which such problems will not arise.

Flax plus paste: thread sealing in plumbing and heating

Linen and paste are such an easy-to-use thing that even a beginner will not leak the first thread. So I used flax and paste when I sculpted my heating system for the first time, and not a single connection leaked. Why flax and pasta? Before that I used fulenta. And I must admit, it wasn’t always possible to get it right the first time without modifications.

What is plumbing paste

Paste is something like graphite lubricant. A bit like car lubricant The CV joint, but the car type is oilier, gets your hands dirty.

How to properly wind flax on a thread

And the paste also gets dirty, of course, but can be washed off with soap without any problems. Linen + pasta sets are often sold in stores as a set in one package. Well, you can also buy them separately.

So let's get started. To begin with, I rolled out this flagellum from flax:

Then I coated the carving with a thin layer of paste. I smeared it directly with my finger (this is a combination coupling onto which control valves for connecting radiators were screwed):

After this, he began to wind a flax flagellum onto the thread, recessing it into the turns of the thread, trying to get the flax fibers smeared in the paste. When the second turn began, it was additionally coated with paste on top as it was wound.

In the end, this is what happened:

Only Unipak used the paste. There was another one in the store, I don’t remember what brand, half the price, but for some reason I didn’t dare buy it. The entire heating system took less than two small 65 gram tubes! And I didn’t save it, I spent as much as needed.

Each radiator has 3 1/2 inch threaded connections. There are 8 radiators in total, for a total of 24 connections.

2 plugs and 2 American plugs for a gas boiler with a 1 1/2 (one and a half) inch thread. Total 4 connections

Electric boiler: 2 adapters with threads 1 1/2 inches to 1 1/4 inches + two American ones to 1 1/4. Total 4 connections.

Two connections per dirt filter - 1 inch

Two connections per circulation pump— 1 inch.

And a little detail - a pressure gauge, safety valve, expansion tank, what else is there. That seems to be all.

For small threads (1/2 inch) very little paste is used, literally a few drops. The main expense was for boilers, filters, pumps, where there are threads of an inch or more.

The summary is this: working with flax and pasta is easy and convenient.

And the fact that your hands get dirty, and if you grab the white polypropylene pipe, then the pipe is nonsense. Hands are washed with soap, the pipe is simply wiped with a cloth.

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How to wind flax on a thread?

Hello dear homemade people.

Until now, the best winding for thread is linen. First, I will justify this statement, and then we will analyze the execution process piece by piece.

The first alternative to flax is fum tape. There are at least three reasons why it should be abandoned.

1. It is unknown who made it, despite what is indicated on the label, which means there are no guarantees of quality.

2. It takes a long time to wind it.

3. When tightening the thread, especially when installing valves, it is impossible to correct its position, that is, you can only tighten it forward. If you push it back a little, the connection on the gun will leak.

The second alternative is a Tangit unilock pipe with a lock. I won’t argue about the lock - it’s dead, but as for the key: consider that they screwed it up and threw the key away, so you can’t find it.

You can't unscrew it, you can only cut it.

Linen is a completely different matter.

Here are four reasons why it's worth using:

1. One hundred percent guarantee against leakage.

2. Speed ​​and accuracy of execution.

3. The ability to adjust any connection back and forth, without the risk of leakage.

4. Easy disassembly, regardless of service life.

Now how all this is done.

Everyone knows that flax is not wound dry. Previously, it was impregnated with paint, but now, thanks to technological progress, silicone has appeared.

If the connection with paint looked very untidy, and it had to be disassembled with blowtorch, then with silicone it’s a completely different matter.

The main thing is to use solid silicones. These include: KimTek 101E, Olimp, Macroflex, since they, in addition to cushioning, also have adhesive properties. With other brands, the connection turns out to be too flexible, although it still does not leak.

So, we take a part with a thread, a flax braid, a syringe with silicone, and separate a small part from the braid for winding.

How much to pinch off from a braid? Each case is different. First you need to try wrapping the folder in a case. Sometimes it wraps very easily, sometimes it wraps tightly (just like in life), and depending on this, the amount of winding is chosen.

But in general, after the first time it will become clear. If it squeezes out too much, then take less.

First we apply silicone to the thread, then, leaving a small tail, and pressing it thumb To the part, in the direction of the thread, we tightly wind the flax, trying to cover the entire surface with it, that is, so that it does not go in a strand.

If during the winding process you realize that there is already too much flax, simply tear off the rest. We also run the remaining tail in the direction of the thread.

After that, with your finger, we smooth the entire winding so that the hairs do not stick out on the sides, and most importantly, do not block the passage hole.

Now we wrap it, making sure that part of the winding is squeezed out. It can be easily removed with a rag, and the harder you press the rag against the part, the more accurate the connection will be.

This is how flax winding is done.

I wish you success in your work.

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Some people ask: what is best for sealing threads, fluoroplastic sealing material (FUM tape) or plumbing tow? This dispute is already ongoing for a long time, because an exact answer cannot be given.

For each specific type of procedure, its own material is suitable. And every product can become great alternative option to another. But the goal is the same - to make the connection airtight. Therefore, let's look at plumbing tow, its technical characteristics, as well as the process of winding it.

Linen is a popular material for winding. The outdated name is tow. Linen is environmentally friendly pure material, which does not pose any harm to human health. The product does not require certification, therefore, it is possible to seal drinking water pipes.

The additional material that is also needed for impregnating sanitary tow is environmentally friendly. Thanks to impregnation, this material will last for a fairly long period of time. Linen is a publicly available product. The product is sold in absolutely any plumbing store, so finding it will not be difficult.

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of this material in detail.

Benefits of flax

Pros of this product:

  • Low cost. Tow has the smallest price tag in comparison with other windings. Therefore, when purchasing, it is better to pay attention to the quality of sanitary tow. If flax is sold in the form of a braid, then this quality material. If it is in the form of a tight coil, then this indicates low quality.
  • Versatility in use. Can be used for any type of connection if winding is carried out correctly.
  • During swelling, the volume of the winding becomes greater. This means that if the connection starts to leak, the material will immediately close everything. Leaks small size will be closed.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress. Only flax allows you to orient plumbing fixtures more accurately. You can make one revolution back without losing the seal.

Disadvantages of flax

There are also disadvantages:

  • In addition to tow, it is necessary to use other means, for example, grease, sealing paste, silicone and other products. If flax is an organic material, then it can rot due to the influence of water and air. Air gets in during repairs or maintenance, which must be carried out every year. And the listed products can interfere with this process.
  • It is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation threads. Most manufacturers that produce fittings make already prepared threads for plumbing tow. It has notches. If they are missing, then they must be created. This can be done using pliers, a file or a hacksaw. They are necessary so that the plumbing material cannot slide along the coils.
  • If the connections are made of brass or bronze, then during winding it is necessary to carry out the work carefully and carefully. If you apply thick layer winding on such connections, defects will appear on the threads. It may even happen that the thread breaks.
  • When winding this organic material, it is necessary to observe strict rules. In addition to the threads, you need to first prepare the plumbing material itself. It is necessary to impregnate it with some substance to prevent future rotting. Winding must be carried out observing the direction. Winds against twisting. The ends of the flax must be brought beyond the boundaries of the thread, then they should be tightened. Hold with your finger and twist.
  • It is also worth noting that the additional materials indicated above do not prevent the destruction of the connection. If you use silicone to glue different connection elements, then it will be extremely difficult and even impossible to separate them later. If flax is used without the use of additional materials, then rust appears on the winding, which will transfer to the steel.

Comparison with FUM tape

Sealing involves sealing the water pipe. If it is necessary to seal pipes for cold water, then in this case linen and tape are equally suitable. You just need to wind it correctly. But if it is necessary to seal pipes made of plastic or metal-plastic, then it is better to choose FUM tape.

The main advantage is that using tape the work will pass much faster, since installation is quite easy. Also, the threads of the fittings are smooth, so the use of plumbing tape will be much more effective.

However, fum tape loses its effectiveness if it is necessary to seal a pipe whose diameter is more than 20 millimeters. For pipes with this diameter, flax should be used.

Pipeline for hot water sets his own conditions. The product must not only seal perfectly, but also have good resistance to high temperatures. PTFE sealing material (fum tape) in this situation is not the best option.

During winding, the FUM tape splits into fibers, which fill all the voids, thereby preventing the penetration of water. High water temperatures can affect the fibers so that they begin to shrink, eventually leading to leaks. Tow has high level resistance to hot water.

Also, do not forget about the low price of tow even with the use of additional materials. Plumbing tape is an expensive rewind. If you need to carry out large volumes of work, then you will feel a significant difference in cost. But installation is much easier and faster using fum tape.

It may be that a combination of the two is needed plumbing materials. The turns of the FUM tape can be laid using tow fibers. Or in a completely different way, that is, two turns of plumbing tape can be wound from the top of the tow. This procedure is rarely practiced due to distinctive features mounting

Mounting a linen product requires certain skills from a person. Even a beginner can install fluoroplastic sealing material.

The procedure for winding plumbing tow

How to wind tow on a thread? Before winding tow, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation of the thread. Since the surface of the thread is most often flat, the winding will begin to slip and bunch up. And it is not possible to seal it. The thread must have grooves so that the fibers can catch on threaded surface. The winding will not slip and will provide high-quality sealing.

You can make such notches or notches using a file or needle file. If you don't have these tools, you can use pliers. Using them you need to squeeze the thread in a circle. But it is better to purchase threads on which the manufacturers have already made notches.

Then you need to separate a strand of fiber from the braid. Choose a strand that will suit the thickness. The material should not be too thick, but not too thin. The fiber strand should not have any lumps. If there are lumps, they must be eliminated. The winding process can occur in different ways.

Many specialists twist the product before winding, others braid thin braids, and some wind it loose. It depends on the person himself. The overall result will be the same.

You can first apply to the thread additional material, then wind the dry fibers of the strand and then apply one layer of the product. You can immediately wind it using the impregnated product. The result will also be the same. It depends on convenience.

How to wind tow correctly? In any chosen option, the winding of turns is carried out in the direction of the thread. Beyond the thread boundaries, the end of the fiber strand must be clamped with a finger. The first turn is applied in the form of a “lock”. Be sure to twist the strands tightly, leaving no gaps. Once the winding is completed, a strand of fibers must be glued to the accompanying product closer to the outermost part of the thread. Winding of tow on the thread is done crosswise.

These are the most common and popular methods for sealing threaded connections. All of them are great, but you need to follow certain rules and nuances.

Bottom line

Linen is a popular material in plumbing, intended for threaded connections. The wound tow will ensure high-quality tightness of the connection. Plumbing tow is cheap even with additional use related materials. Correctly carried out winding eliminates the possibility of leaks due to the swelling of the product itself.

Most people will choose linen as it is environmentally friendly. However, before winding it is necessary to carry out additional work related to thread preparation. It is necessary to make notches to wind the strands of fibers. When sealing connections made from bronze and brass, care must be taken not to damage them.

Anyone can carry out installation, but you must strictly adhere to the rules and then you will not have problems.

The debate about what is better to use as a sealant for threaded connections (windings) - flax or fum tape - has not subsided for years. This situation is explained by the fact that it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. For each type of work, either flax or fum tape is preferable. And often the recommendation of one does not exclude the use of an alternative sealant. If plumbers cannot come to a common opinion among themselves, what can we say about non-professionals? But even mere mortals sometimes need to connect something together. And it’s hermetically sealed. Let’s try to break down the recommendations “on the shelves”. About the properties of fum tape and its winding technology. And today our review is dedicated to flax, or tow, for plumbing work.

Contents of the article:

Plumbing flax: cheap and cheerful

Linen is a classic winding. Sometimes it is called tow in the old fashioned way.

Advantages of flax for plumbing work:

  • Low price. Cheaper than any other winding. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to quality. Good flax is sold in a braid or loose coil, has no lumps, and is clean (light in appearance).
  • Versatility. Suitable for any type of connection. Of course, with proper winding.
  • The ability to increase volume during swelling. That is, if immediately after the connection there is a small leak, it very soon “closes” itself. Flax fibers get wet and, swelling, cover small leaks.
  • Mechanical resistance. The only material that allows you to more accurately orient plumbing fixtures. You can, if necessary, make a half-turn back without losing the tightness.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • It is mandatory to use accompanying materials with it (lithol, grease, fum-let, sealing paste, silicone, oil paint). Linen is of organic origin. And like any organic matter, it has a tendency to rot, especially under the combined influence of water and air. And air enters the water supply or heating systems during repairs or preventive inspections, which must be carried out annually. The accompanying material is designed to prevent rotting.
  • Requires special thread preparation. Many manufacturers of fittings make their threads already prepared for winding with flax. The threads have notches. If they are not there, then they need to be applied to plumbers (with a file, pliers, or less often with a hacksaw). They are needed so that the flax, during the joining process, does not slip along the turns of the thread and does not come together in a bundle.
  • Requires caution in brass and bronze connections. A layer that is too thick can break the thread and cracks will appear.
  • Plumbing linen is the only material that is very demanding in terms of compliance with winding rules. In addition to the already mentioned preparation of the thread, you need to prepare the flax itself: soak it with the accompanying material to prevent rotting. Then wind, observing the direction of the thread turns, that is, against the winding. Bring the ends of the fibers outside the thread area, pull them and, holding them with your finger, screw the connection onto the threads and tighten.
  • Disadvantages include the fact that the accompanying materials (not all) prevent the dismantling of connections (for example, to replace part of the system, connect new elements, or in the event of a leak). Silicone and paint glue the parts of the connection to each other in such a way that the process of separation can be quite difficult, sometimes simply impossible. The same problems arise when separating steel elements, when incorrectly wound flax (or without accompanying material) as a result of rotting allows rust to occur in the threaded connection.

Which is better: linen or fum tape?

When it comes to sealing threaded connections, the first thought that comes to mind is plumbing. When installing a cold water pipeline from steel pipes Neither flax nor fum tape have obvious advantages. The main thing is to wind the seal correctly. But when this water supply is installed from or, fum tape is preferable. Its advantage in this case is explained by speed. Non-metallic water pipes are installed faster than steel ones. And reducing the installation speed just because of winding (and winding flax is more difficult and takes longer) is not effective. In addition, the threads of the fittings are smooth and neat, and in such conditions fum tape is more effective. But it should be remembered that when connecting fittings with a diameter greater than 20 mm, fum tape is inferior in sealing quality. In such connections sanitary linen turns out to be more effective.

Installation of plumbing for hot water and heating dictates its own requirements. Including in terms of winding. In addition to the presence of water in the pipes, you need to consider that it is hot. That is, the winding must not only be airtight, but also resist the effects of temperature. Fum tape has not proven itself in this regard. in the best possible way. At the moment of connection, the fum tape splits into fibers and they clog the voids of the connection, blocking the passages for water. Under the influence high temperatures, which must be present in the heating system and are possible in the hot water supply system, these fibers are compressed. Often this is enough to cause a leak. Linen is temperature resistant.

If we take into account the other properties of these materials, it is worth noting the low cost of flax, even taking into account the accompanying material. Fum tape is more expensive. Not by much, but when carrying out large-scale work this difference can be significant. But the use of fum tape, as already noted, increases the installation speed.

There are also cases when the most effective is a combination of flax and fum tape. The turns of the fum tape are laid with flax fibers. Or vice versa, one or two turns of fum tape are wound over the flax winding. This decision is not often made by plumbers, due to the peculiarities of the installation or operation conditions of the pipeline.

And lastly, winding flax requires a certain skill from the plumber. Fum tape is not so demanding on this process.

Photo: depositphotos.com

How to wind flax on a thread?

Before you start winding flax, you need to prepare the thread. The fact is that on a clean and even thread, the flax during the joining process may not hold on, slip, or get bunched up. Of course, in this case there can be no question of any sealing. The threads should have serrations that will catch the flax fibers. This will allow the winding to stay in place and provide a seal. These notches are made with a needle file, a file, and, if possible, with a hacksaw. In extreme cases, you can use pliers to strongly squeeze the thread in a circle; the ribbed jaws will leave nicks on the thread turns. Fitting manufacturers often produce threads already prepared for plumbing linen.

Then a strand of fibers is separated from the flax braid. It is important to choose a strand of suitable thickness so that the winding is neither thin nor too thick. There should be no lumps in the strand: if there are any, they need to be removed. Some plumbers twist a strand of flax fibers before winding, some braid thin braids, and some wind the strand as is, loose. It doesn't matter what suits you. This does not affect the final result.

Then there are two options for subsequent actions. You can apply the accompanying material to the thread, wind dry flax fibers and then apply another layer of material. Or you can rewind flax strands already soaked in the accompanying substance. In terms of efficiency, there is no difference between these methods. The result will be the same.

In any case, you need to wind the flax turns in the direction of the thread. The end of the strand is clamped with a finger outside the thread, the first turn is made as a “lock”. That is, it is applied with a cross to clamp the end. Then the strand is wound as tightly as possible, turn to turn, without gaps. After winding is completed, the end of the strand is glued to the accompanying material closer to the edge of the thread.

Sections of the article:

Today, for packing metal threads, the following are used: sanitary flax, fum tape, anaerobic sealants. Each of the above materials for packaging threaded connections has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, anaerobic thread sealants have high adhesion. However, using this thread sealant will ultimately make it almost impossible to unscrew threaded connection in the future.

Fum tape is most often used with fittings made of non-ferrous metal: copper, brass and bronze. As for such a material as sanitary linen, it has rightfully won a leading position thanks to its considerable advantages.

Among the main advantages of flax for thread packaging are low cost, excellent performance properties, and durability. Having wound flax on the thread once, you can forget about leaks for a long time. Read about it on the website.

Why exactly tow - flax?

Surely many modern plumbers Those who are accustomed to working with Jacuzzis are perplexed that flax is still used by many craftsmen to seal threaded connections.

Such popularity of sanitary flax is explained by its following advantages:

  • ✅ Tow - aka plumbing flax, has a very long service life. If you use special lubricants for tow, it will not rot or deteriorate for a long time.
  • ✅ Linen is relatively cheap, so it is used where there are a lot of threads to pack. First of all, these are boiler houses, for the piping of which tow is used.
  • ✅ When wet, flax can swell, so leaks during the operation of threaded connections will be excluded.
  • ✅ Tow is an environmentally friendly, absolutely harmless material for human health. Therefore, it can be used to seal threads in cold water supply and hot water supply systems.
  • ✅ This material is universal in use.

There are probably enough advantages to start using tow, and not fum tape or anaerobic sealant. At the same time, as with any other material, you also need to know how to work with tow.

This is especially true for threads made of non-ferrous metals, from which it peels off so well.

What is needed for packing pipe threads with flax?

To properly wind flax onto the thread, you will need very few tools:

The materials you will need are a “braid” of plumbing flax and a special lubricant. By the way, Unipack, graphite lubricant and the like are quite popular.

You can use machine oil and even oil paint- enamel. However, it is worth understanding that flax on paint will seriously complicate the unscrewing of the threaded connection in the future.

How to properly wind flax on a thread

Before you start packing the threads with tow, notches should be made using pliers on fittings made of non-ferrous metals: copper, brass and bronze. Many modern products already have notches on the threads, however, it will never be superfluous to go through it again, additionally.

For packaging colored threads, a smaller amount of tow is always used than for packaging ferrous metal products. Especially when it comes to winding flax on cast iron fittings. In this case, it is better not to save tow, since it can simply come off the thread.

So, in order to properly wind flax onto the thread, you should take a small amount of it, and then twist it into a long, not too thick braid. It is important that there are no lumps on it, which will only prevent the tow from fitting properly into the thread.

Then, starting from the beginning of the thread, you should carefully lay the flax in each turn, clockwise. In other words, the fitting that will be screwed onto the packed thread must tightly press the flax.

After winding the tow, it should be lubricated on all sides with Unipak or graphite lubricant. When screwing on a fitting, it is important to ensure that the flax does not come off the thread, otherwise the threaded connection will have to be sealed again.

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