The dream of a pectoral cross is falling apart. Cross made of gold. New family dream book

This sign for Orthodox believers is a symbol of the beginning of something new. Why do you dream about the cross? Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross to give people further life after death. This symbol is an integral part of a believer. Crosses are placed on children after the sacrament of Baptism. This sign acts as a symbol of life and eternity. Each nation has a cross with its own specific shape, but they are still similar to each other.

Why do you dream of an Orthodox cross: dream books say that this is an important sign, such a dream is worth paying attention to.

Each of us knows that pectoral cross worn under clothes, it is hidden from others. You should not demonstrate your faith so as not to cause condemnation. Why do you dream about a cross? Such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. The first thing you need to do after waking up is to remember the dream in detail, not to miss the little things, then you can accurately see the interpretation of the dream. Often seeing a cross in a dream indicates that a person is experiencing anxiety in reality; it may not always be justified.

You dreamed of an Orthodox cross

Why dream of a silver cross on your body - in reality your life begins to improve. You have reconsidered your views on life and those around you, crossed out people who negatively influenced you. A person is not interested in what others think about him. But a pectoral cross in a dream is a warning. The time has come to pay for the actions you have committed thoughtlessly. Step over your pride and ask for forgiveness from the person you carelessly offended. IN given time you need to devote more time to spiritual development.

If you dreamed of a cross on your body that you found on the street, in reality you do not experience problems with your health; your lifestyle is not the best. You were able to give up bad habits and play sports. Now you can take on any business, it will end in success, you just need to put in a little effort.

It happens that in a dream we give someone a cross and help them put it on. As the dream book says, a pectoral cross in this case means that trouble awaits you in reality. Health problems may arise. See a doctor, get tested and undergo a preventive commission. It is worth paying attention to the cardiovascular system, because in lately it is she who makes herself known. Stop drinking alcohol, quit smoking and take up cycling.

What does a grave cross portend in a dream?

In the morning you woke up with a feeling of fear and negative emotions? Calm down. A grave cross does not always dream of something bad and carries negative value. Why do you dream of a grave cross? It’s time to analyze your actions. Look at yourself from the other side, are you doing everything right? You need to learn to control your emotions, be less selfish and ambitious.

Did a person wake up at night with goosebumps? This means he must analyze his actions.

Why dream of grave crosses can mean that others treat you with distrust, once again avoiding communication with you. You are haunted by failures and problems that you cannot always cope with on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your family and friends, they are ready to help you at any time.

Seeing a cross made of wood in a dream means that in reality everything in your life is calm and harmonious. You spend a lot of time with family and friends, value each other, try to avoid conflict situations. A pleasant surprise awaits you in the near future; perhaps you will receive a gift that you have long dreamed of. Why do you dream about a cross made of wood? It contains more positive points, rather than negative.

Other: seeing a tabletop crucifix, a cross in a church

If a person experiences positive emotions in a dream, real life everything is not as bad as it seems. You will be able to cope with life's difficulties on your own, without the help of others. Let it seem to you that a dark streak has come. There are people around you who may act meanly towards you in order to achieve their goal. Be careful, then you can avoid unpleasant moments.

Did you kiss a cross in a dream? This means that in real life you can cope with failures. You will be able to find the right way out from the situation.

Why do we dream about crosses? In reality, you devote a lot of time to self-improvement and spiritual development. If a person was calm in his dream, in reality he is moving in the right direction and will be able to achieve his goal. But if you experienced a feeling of fear and rushed from corner to corner, in real life you should pay attention to your spiritual development. If a person had a dream who has been sick for a long time, it means that the illness will soon begin to recede.

A silver pectoral cross means that a white streak begins in your life.

I dreamed of a precious cross: made of gold, made of silver

Why do you dream of a pectoral cross that belongs to you? Such a dream carries a positive meaning. In the near future, events will happen in your life, after which a person will look at himself from a different perspective.

If a married woman has a dream, an unexpected surprise awaits her. Very soon you will learn that a new life has arisen within you.

If a lonely person saw a dream, there is someone very close to him who can make him happy. It is worth taking a closer look at a person who may not be noticeable to you at first. For a long time he tries to show you signs of attention. You can calmly go through life with him, he will be a true friend for you, who will help you at any time.

According to the dream book, a cross on a chain - good sign for those who spend a lot of time working. The management has seen great potential in you; soon you will have a long business trip, which will help you make new acquaintances. A material increase in the form of a bonus is possible.

If in a dream a person is given a golden cross, it means in reality there are people who can come to the rescue at any moment, you don’t even need to ask them for it. If a gold cross in a dream gives you unpleasant sensations, you need to be careful in real life. Before you do something, you should think several times about what the result might be. This way you can avoid problems and failures.

If in a dream the golden cross becomes dark, you should pay attention to your health. Give up bad habits, start playing sports and visit a specialist.

Why do you dream of a silver cross? This means that in real life a person can achieve success, he just needs to make every effort to achieve this. If you are conscientious about your work, you can achieve appreciation and respect.

But if a person saw a silver cross breaking, a difficult period will soon come, the time has come for a black streak. Don't lose heart and become depressed. Maybe you should ask your family and friends for help? Turn to them for advice, tell them about your problems and troubles in life, go to church, help those who really need it.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man

  • A dream in which a young girl saw a cross means that in real life a test has been prepared for her that will teach her perseverance. In the near future she will start a family with her loved one. Love and mutual respect, support and care will reign there.
  • If a woman dreams of a cross, in reality everything does not work out quite as we would like. Reconsider your views on your own life, learn to control your emotions, spend more time with your family and friends.
  • If a man saw a dream, pay attention to your health, get tested and go for a consultation with a specialist. If you ignore this, you may pay with your men's health.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Remember that it is at night that we are able to experience events that will one way or another have an impact on real life. Pay close attention to your dreams, because they may contain hidden clues that will help you make the right decision and avoid troubles in reality. And various dream books will help you understand the secret meaning of the picture you see.

Miller's Dream Book - work on relationships

Why do you dream of a cross on a chain - not everything is going smoothly in your life. Relationships with others are often tense. You need to be able to control your emotions and not follow the lead of others. If I saw a dream married woman, this means a new stage begins in the relationship with your spouse.

Vanga's dream book - visit the church in reality

Why do you dream of crosses on your body - you need to engage in spiritual development, attend church, take communion. Spend more time with your family and friends, visit your parents more often.

Freud's Dream Book - positive emotions

According to this dream book, crosses in a dream are associated with masculinity. Seen in a dream, it can attract a lot of positive emotions into a person’s life. It's time to propose marriage to your partner. The marriage will be strong and long.

If you dreamed of a cross in a dream, this may be a sign that it is time to visit a church in reality.

Modern dream book - financial problems

- this is not a very good sign. You will have to experience problems and failures, which will primarily affect finances. Learn to control your expenses, don’t spend money left and right. Only then will it be possible to avoid problems.

Intimate dream book - hidden sadness

To wear is a hidden sadness. To see, acquire, hold in your hands - to sacrifice something for the sake of another person. Seeing a cross on someone means you should do charity work or help someone close to you.

French dream book - you need help

You want support and you ask for it. Receiving a beautiful cross as a gift and immediately putting it on is a good sign; in reality, you will receive help that you did not even expect. If you lose your pectoral cross, you should be more careful.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers - Good Health

To tear off your chest - consult with unworthy people, be careful. Lose - you will throw off the entire burden of responsibility to your superiors. Give, consider, wear - your health will not let you down on difficult journeys.

Imperial Dream Book - Spend time with your family

The cross is a sign of grief and loss. Wooden cross - connection with “roots”, family, possibly painful separation from loved ones. A cross somehow connected with a person, for example, on someone’s neck, is an incentive to show mercy and help others.

Russian dream book - you will solve your problems

There is no need to complicate everything you are trying to solve - often the solution is as simple as the very shape of the cross that you see in your dream. Such a dream can not only show you the way to solve problems, but also predict a useful gift for you.

Azar's dream book - it's time to change jobs

At the cemetery - solve all problems in personal finances. Giving as a gift on a string or on a chain means that some matter pressing on you will be resolved unexpectedly well. Burning out means feeling like you are not working towards your dream.

Children's dream book - they will entrust you with a secret

If you wear a small pectoral cross in a dream, it means hidden sadness. They give you a cross - someone will share their secret with you. Someone you know is wearing a cross - he needs your help. - we should start helping those in need.

Culinary dream book - take yourself in hand

Searching for support and fortunate circumstances that will help you solve the unpleasant problems that have accumulated. Losing a cross means you will need to cope with negative moods, pull yourself together and not pay attention to bad omens.

David Loff's dream book - good news

On your chest - dissatisfaction with care and affection. Give it to your godson or goddaughter - you can build a large and spacious house. To lose means good news, a big event in the family, prayers and requests for your health and well-being.


Often in a dream we are given hints on a particular issue. If you dreamed of a grave cross or a pectoral cross, you should not rush to conclusions; a dream does not always bring only bad things. A person who treats his dreams with trepidation will be able to avoid problem situations in your life. And we wish you only good dreams!

Video “Why do you dream about the Cross”

The article on the topic: “dream book of crosses on body parts” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

There are symbols that have a special meaning both in dreams and in real life. These include religious paraphernalia. For example, why do you dream of a cross? Have you tried to figure it out? What does the symbol of faith promise to those who meet it on the roads of the country of Morpheus? Does the material from which an item is made matter? Is there a difference when you dream about gold or silver crosses? Let's find out how famous interpreters cover this topic.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A person is entering not the easiest period of life, this wise author believes. You will have to choose between easy, but illegal, enrichment and conscience. The symbol of faith appears as a hint: do not give in to base desires, try to follow the commandments. Someone will seduce you, trying to push you away from the true path of the soul. One must consult one's sense of decency and duty before making a decision. This is what the cross means in dreams. Wearing it around your neck means you will have to help your neighbor. But think many times about what and how to do. A person who asks for support will plunge the dreamer into serious trouble and cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Understanding why the golden cross is dreamed of, Mr. Nostradamus draws attention to the meaning of the image for the girl. If she holds this symbol of faith in her hands in the land of Morpheus, she will choose a life path that is not easy, but worthy of a noble lady. This is a good sign for someone who understands the truth of happiness. She will be able to intuitively separate deception from righteous love when she has to choose between contenders for her heart. If the cross was carried in the paws of an eagle, it means that the country may suffer from aggression from a stronger state.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer wasn't very good simple relationships with the priests. Nevertheless, she explained what the cross meant in dreams. She considered the symbol of faith to be a sign of the special favor of the Angels. If you just saw him, it means you know how to forgive people, love them with all your heart. You shouldn't give up such a rare talent. This is of no use! If you dream of a golden cross, you will have to show your wisdom and kindness in real life. You have a very broad soul, try to share this wealth with loved ones and complete strangers. Don't shut down, even if they try to hurt or offend you. This behavior will lead to nothing. If you dream of a cross that the priest put on you, it means that the angels will protect you from any trouble. The seer considered only a grave on which a crucifix stood as a relatively bad symbol. This is a reminder of duty to a person who forgets about his duties to the Lord. If you see this, try to live in harmony with your conscience, otherwise you will be punished.

Miller's Dream Book

This wise source of interpretation refers to the creed in two ways. Analyzing what the cross means in dreams, he relies on its meaning for a true believer. Just his appearance in a nightly story predicts serious troubles. We should remember the teachings of Jesus and follow His commandments. During life's troubles, rely on the promptings of your conscience, do not use the dirty methods of insidious enemies. In the end, the truth always wins, there is no need to doubt.

A young lady dreams of a cross on her body, which means that her modesty, coupled with goodwill, will help her gain an excellent reputation and respect from society. This will be noticed by the one who will protect her until the end of her days. It is necessary to consider this good sign and not deviate from the principles of virtue.

Silver crosses in the hands of other people encourage the dreamer to give to charity. Lend a helping hand to those in need. This behavior will pay off handsomely in the future. The world will also turn to you with its kind side, Mr. Miller suggests.

Esoteric dream book

Hard times are coming, says this wise source, but there is no need to feel fear. If you dream of a cross on a chain, serious trials lie ahead. Chances are you're about to make a big mistake. The Creed encourages us to reconsider what we are already ready to undertake. Sometimes it is better to wait, monitor the development of the situation, and only then intervene in events. This behavior leads to circumstances being revealed more widely and in more detail. And having more reliable information, it is easier to make the right decision. That is, a hint from the dream - don’t rush, don’t rush. While the time for activity has not yet come, you need to wait. In addition, a pectoral cross indicates that a person is already ready to sin. It is worth knowing that retribution will definitely come for such an act. Think again before you offend your neighbor.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The author considers the parsed symbol to be negative. It foretells pain. Most likely, you will have to suffer because of your own incorrect settings. Something that was done earlier will now be revealed, plunging the dreamer into the abyss of shame. He will be ashamed of the mistakes of his youth. A cross in a dream calls for repentance. This does not mean that any wrongdoing should be made public. It is enough that you apologize to offended person, realizing the full depth of the mistake. Then you will be able to change the destinies of both yours and the one to whom you have offended.

For patients, the cross foreshadows the return of the disease. It is necessary to consult a doctor and together with him try to stop the negative processes in the body.

A young lady, having seen a symbol of faith in a dream, should behave more carefully and circumspectly. A treacherous man makes an attempt on her honor. A relationship with him will destroy her heart and soul.

Village dream book

This source is confident that our image is a harbinger of fate. If you see a cross on your neck, it means important events lie ahead. Your future life will depend on how you perceive, understand, and react. A person will no longer be able to turn away from the path he is about to take. But whether the direction has been chosen correctly, you will have to decide for yourself. For some, from the bitter experience of subsequent years. The dream is significant. It is recommended to look at life events from the outside in order to once again analyze whether the choice corresponds to your true attitudes. If in doubt, seek advice from a person whose opinion is valuable and trustworthy.

Everyday dream book

This source proclaims a cross in night vision to be a wonderful sign. It portends positive changes in life. A period of great achievements lies ahead. The symbol of faith in a dream encourages you to believe in your strength and not give up on your plans. Their implementation will allow you to feel real happiness. You will be able to understand that it was not in vain that you came into this world, you know how to change it in better side, which evokes grateful admiration from others. For a girl to see a cross in a dream, it means that the opinions of those around her will change for the better. She will win people's favor with her kind and humble deeds, sincere intentions and reasonable behavior. A good sign.

Universal dream book

A symbol of faith in night visions appears on the eve of making serious commitments. It seems to suggest to a person that it is necessary to weigh again own strength. Will he be able to honorably fulfill additional obligations to another person? You need to decide this yourself. In addition, the cross is a sign of sacrifice. You will probably have to give up something valuable in the near future. This, of course, is unpleasant and even difficult. But when the time comes, try to take into account the interests of all participants in the events. Then you will see that what you have to give up is being claimed by a more worthy person. Be wise and get out of this person's way. Fate will repay kindness for nobility; this is the meaning of the appearance of a cross in a dream.

In general, it pushes for a deeper analysis of events, insight into the essence of the interaction of personalities. If you see him, don’t rush quickly towards your goal, look around. Suddenly there are those nearby who need your attention. Do not deny them this little bit, so as not to be left completely alone at the end of the journey. Good luck!

Why do you dream of a pectoral cross according to dream books?

The pectoral cross is a symbol of faith in Jesus Christ, the savior of people. The mystical meaning of the cross carries a symbol of suffering and miraculous salvation, death and resurrection. According to popular belief, finding a cross is not good. And what does a dream about a pectoral cross mean according to dream books? Let's look at it in detail.

Symbolism of the cross

What does it mean find a cross in a dream? If this sign is considered bad in real life, then in a dream such a find will bring happiness. However, to see in a dream someone else's cross– voluntarily shoulder the problems of another person, carry his burden.

Remember what material the cross was made from:

  • golden - according to dream books, such a cross on the body means joy and happiness;
  • silver - friends will help you solve problems;
  • iron - be patient, problems will not go away for a long time;
  • wooden - a symbol of health and well-being;
  • copper - soon all problems will be resolved;
  • with diamond inlay - you are tempted by wealth;
  • tied on a rope - to life’s difficulties;
  • baptismal - to heavenly protection;
  • blackened metal (or rusty) - for future trials;
  • plastic - to insurmountable obstacles.

Dreaming of a gold chain with a gold cross- to wealth through hard work, predicts a wedding for single people.

If the cross is broken, it means that you have taken on a burden beyond your strength. Shift some of your responsibilities onto other shoulders and continue to carry your cross further.

Actions with a cross in a dream

Remember what events happened in the dream, what did you do with the cross?

  • Throwing out a cross means bad news.
  • Accept as a gift - to a reputable patron.
  • Looking for a cross is advice to quickly complete the work you started.
  • Buying a cross means a successful start and completion of your plan.
  • Losing a cross means beware of sins for which inevitable retribution is coming.
  • Taking off your cross means repentance for your actions.
  • Wearing it around the neck means favorable changes.
  • Giving to someone means hoping for help from others in solving your problems.
  • A stolen cross means you have many ill-wishers and envious people.
  • If you stole a cross, look for easy ways and profit.
  • The cross fell - to get rid of a heavy burden in life.
  • Kissing a cross in a dream means virtue and spiritual purity.

The meaning of the pectoral cross according to dream books

  • The Italian dream book considers the cross a symbol of sadness and difficulties in life. life path.
  • The Russian dream book considers the cross to be an image of humility and patience.
  • The modern dream book prophesies misfortune.
  • Azar's dream book sees the image of a cross as an expression of sadness.
  • Vanga considers the cross as a protective symbol of protection from evil.
  • The Dream Book of Winter considers the pectoral cross a symbol of preservation from temptations and seductions.

Dream book of the 21st century believes that the pectoral cross is a harbinger of good events. A gold pectoral cross is a sign of joy, a silver cross is a sign of hope, and an iron cross is a sign of trials. Finding a cross in a dream means success; wearing it as a decoration means you will charm people.

Dream Interpretation From A to Z sees in the image of a pectoral cross protection in difficult times, he prophesies mutual understanding for lovers, and speedy healing for the sick.

Modern dream book warns: a pectoral cross promises trials, anxiety and anxiety. Putting a cross on someone in a dream means trouble awaits that person. A lost cross foreshadows a series of troubles in the near future, which you will survive with the help of faith in a higher power. Buying a cross means prosperity.

Esoteric dream book considers the image of the cross to be a symbol of trials. Difficult times are coming for the dreamer, however, with faith in your heart you can survive everything. A cross on a gold chain warns: you will make a big mistake if you act rashly. The dream tells you - don’t rush into making decisions, don’t rush into things. A cross appears in a dream when a person is planning an unseemly act.

If you quarreled with someone the day before, the image of a pectoral cross advises you to reconcile and find common language with this person. The cross is the main symbol of faith in Christ, so those who wear it must fulfill God’s commandment - to love their neighbor.

What happens if you don’t listen to the hint of the subconscious in a dream? You risk losing support higher powers, which you will need soon. The subconscious is trying to prevent future misfortunes, so it sends the image of the cross as a reminder of faith in God.

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Why do you dream of a pectoral cross?

What if you dream of a pectoral cross?

The cross is called a pectoral cross because it is worn under a shirt, on the body, hidden from prying eyes. Therefore, suddenly seeing him, even in a dream, fills the soul with anxiety. Why do you dream of a pectoral cross?

If a person dreams of a cross hanging on his neck, this can mean one thing: the person is ready to forget grievances, forgive offenders and live in love and harmony with people. Many dream interpreters believe that a cross in a dream is still an alarming dream and brings anxiety to a person.

Pectoral crosses come in different types: gold, silver or wooden. The cross can also be made from plain metal. Each of them can appear in a dream, and the interpretation of the dream will depend on this. But they have one thing in common: they bring protection to a person.

A man dreamed of a cross on his body: not a simple one, but a gold one. Why do you dream of a pectoral cross made of gold metal? This dream portends great joy for a person and a positive attitude towards life. Only such sensations can come from a defender.

A silver pectoral cross seen in a dream is a source of hope that a person receives. Hope, as they say, dies last. A person who can hope for the best never becomes depressed. Anyone who dreams of a wooden pectoral cross will experience success in life.

This person will be successful in all his affairs and in his personal life. Therefore, he is a cheerful person, confident in the success of all his endeavors. And the reason for everything is a wooden pectoral cross.

What does it portend?

But in a dream you can see everything differently: for example, how a person puts a cross on someone’s pectoral cross. In this case, why do you dream of a pectoral cross and what does it portend? In this case, we can already talk about danger, but for the person who is wearing this cross. The dream warns that misfortune may happen to this person.

You may dream in a dream that your pectoral cross is lost: in this case, a threat hangs over the person who lost it. The feeling in a dream is so real that upon waking up, a person continues to look for it and is relieved to see that the pectoral cross is in place. But the threat of some kind of loss in life remained. You must be very careful in your affairs and be attentive to your loved ones.

The main thing is not to lose your pectoral cross, not in a dream, but in reality. The loss of a cross is equivalent to the loss of a protector in life. It should be worn constantly, but not ostentatiously, as many do. This will all help in life and give a person confidence!

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House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

Why do you dream about crosses on your body a lot?

Why do you dream of a pectoral cross?

Almost every night a person sees dreams that can tell something about the future. The most important thing is to correctly interpret what you see. To do this, try to remember the main plot details and emotional load. All this will allow you to obtain the most accurate and detailed information.

Why do you dream of a pectoral cross?

Seeing a cross on your neck means it’s time to forget all grievances and start relationships with loved ones from scratch. If the amulet was made of silver, it is a symbol of hope, which gives you the strength not to fall into depression. A dream where a gold cross was featured is a positive sign that promises great joy and happiness. Such a dream may also be a harbinger of improvement financial situation, perhaps in the near future you will receive a promotion or an increase in wages. Seeing a cross made of wood means you can count on success in all areas of life. A dream in which you saw an iron amulet indicates that you should be patient and believe in the best, since existing problems will end sooner or later. If the cross is made of an alloy, it is a symbol of fun, most likely you will receive an invitation to some kind of holiday. Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream and putting it on another person means that problems and misfortunes await him in the future.

One of the dream books contains information according to which a dream about a pectoral cross promises anxiety and worry. This could also be a harbinger of receiving news. A dream in which a pectoral cross breaks is a warning that you should not take risks. It could also be a harbinger of upcoming trials. If you put on a cross in a dream, it means that you will soon receive good news.

What does it mean to lose a pectoral cross in a dream?

Such night vision is considered an unfavorable symbol. The dream book recommends being on alert in the near future, as various troubles and problems may arise. Seeing a cross on a chain means you can count on many victories and good luck in the future.

What does it mean to find a pectoral cross in a dream?

If you have found your amulet, it means that positive changes will soon occur. The main thing is not to take risks on your own. A night vision where you found a gold cross is a harbinger of a wedding.

What does it mean to be given a pectoral cross in a dream?

In this case, the dream foreshadows the appearance in life of a person whose help you can count on in solving complex problems.

Cross according to the dream book

The cross is an ancient symbol that people have used since ancient times. It represents the connection between two entities: heavenly and earthly, good and evil. Many religions interpret it as a ladder to God. In Christianity, it acquired a special meaning, symbolizing patience and eternal love. If you saw this sign in one form or another in a dream, it will be difficult to figure out for yourself what the cross means in a dream. It is better to turn to the dream book for a decoding.

Crossed lines in a dream can have many interpretations - it is both sacrifice and the end of a great deal, perhaps even esoteric meaning. Why you dreamed of a cross in each specific case depends on the circumstances of the dream.

Connection with the cemetery

A tombstone cross in a dream is not like that bad sign, as it may seem. A cemetery is a place where afterlife meets the souls of living people. Dreams associated with it predict fate and warn of trials.

To see a cemetery with crosses in a dream means that a person is burdened by many grievances and troubles. You need to learn not to stir up the past, forget about these little things and move on. It’s worth turning to the dream book to find out why you dream of a cemetery cross. This is a sign that it's time to reevaluate your behavior and do more. good deeds. If someone is now suffering due to your fault, it’s time to resolve the situation, otherwise a bad deed may have a bad impact on the future.

A cross on a grave in a dream symbolizes death and rebirth. We must remember that something new can only appear when the old gives way to it. Dream books give several explanations of what a grave cross dreams about. If it has just been clearly established, someone is planning a dishonest act against the dreamer, and if it is old, covered with ivy, the sadness will pass thanks to the kindness and to a wise man, with whom there will be a meeting soon.

Seeing a stone cross on a grave in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a sign reliable protection from upcoming misfortunes, the secret protection of a strong person.

Features of the cross

To give exact interpretation dream with a cross, dream books recommend paying attention to the material from which the cross is made.

Dream books ambiguously interpret what the golden cross means in dreams. This may be a sign that you will soon be faced with a choice: help your loved ones by sacrificing your own interests, or turn away and pass by. If in a dream there is a cross on a gold chain, this is a particularly favorable sign. You should expect material and spiritual benefits. It is possible to receive an inheritance or meet a very interesting person.

The dream book will explain why you dream of a wooden cross. It means that great success, a promotion, or even a new romance awaits you. But gold chain with a wooden cross in a dream foreshadows some kind of injustice. Perhaps colleagues will envy the promotion, and the new lover will be guided by selfish goals.

The dream book considers hope to be the main interpretation of a silver cross in a dream. Such a dream warns that if you are on the verge of despair, you no longer believe in the success of your business, now is not the time to lose hope. There is a chance for a good resolution of all issues, but it is very important that you do not give up and continue to take steps to achieve your goals.

To figure out what a cross means in a dream, in addition to the material, dream books advise paying attention to other features.

Dream books unanimously agree on what a burning cross means in a dream. This sign in a dream means danger. Don't treat him carelessly. Pay attention to your health. If you have been planning a trip to the doctor for a long time, don’t put it off any longer. Ignoring the warning may lead to serious consequences. Early detection of a problem is an easy way to solve it.

It doesn’t matter whether a person believes in God or not, religious symbols in a dream are a common personification of faith and love, the temple of the soul. So, why do you dream of a church cross? Dream books say: this is a good sign. In reality, people will forgive you for actions that previously offended them. It will bring everyone peace of mind. Take a step forward to restore your relationship faster.

The pectoral cross symbolizes upcoming worries and anxiety. He is a person’s talisman, his personal guardian. Therefore, seeing a cross in a dream is a warning from higher powers. You will need to gather yourself to prepare for troubles, then they will not be able to take you by surprise.

Think about which area of ​​life is currently experiencing the most instability. Most likely, trouble is to be expected from there. But why the Orthodox cross is dreamed of, the dream books decipher it very positively. This promises relief from anxiety and a happy resolution of all problems.

Crucifixion in a dream symbolizes a free gift or sacrifice. If in real life you are happy to help someone, it will bring joy and prosperity. And in the case when this help is a burden, it’s worth thinking about, perhaps you are simply being manipulated for profit, or these efforts are not needed by the person.

The dream book will tell you why you dream of a black cross. Don’t be afraid, dreams are a kind of inverted reality. The color black in a dream promises joy and peace. There is nothing to worry about, the next life will be calm, you can’t expect any unpleasant surprises.

The inverted cross resembles a sword. This dream foreshadows a successful struggle for one’s own interests. Don't listen to other people's opinions. Now more than ever, it is important to show your individuality and stand up for what is right.

Actions with a cross

For a clear understanding of what it means to see a cross in a dream, the details of what happened to it are important. They can determine a lot about the meaning of this ambiguous symbol.

To understand why you dream that the chain with the cross breaks, you should look into the dream book. He will tell you that you should expect health problems in reality. Consider changing your lifestyle. Perhaps right now best time in order to break bad habits. The dream book reassures you - you should not be afraid of a broken cross in a dream - it does not bode well. A broken amulet indicates that serious trouble was approaching, but now you are safe. He takes all the negative energy upon himself.

A positive sign, according to dream books, is to find a cross. It foretells the acquisition of a powerful patron. There may be a change in management at work. Your work will be appreciated. Help from a secret well-wisher is likely. For young women, finding a golden cross in a dream foretells a successful marriage. Perhaps the chosen one will be much older. But there is no reason to doubt his honest intentions; this will be a strong marriage of great love.

The dream book explains why you dream of kissing a cross in a dream - this is a sign of approaching difficulties. Possible loss of major sum of money. But a person can overcome everything with dignity. The dream book warns: if during troubles you do not stain yourself with unworthy behavior, then you will probably have a profit that will cover all losses.

If things are not going smoothly in life right now, and you dreamed that you had to give the cross to another person in a dream, it means you have a real friend. Look around, despite the feeling of complete loneliness, there are people around who wish you well. Don't be afraid to trust your problems to a loved one. He will probably be the one to come up with a solution that has never occurred to you before. It could be one of your parents.

Carrying a cross in a dream, according to dream books, means that in real life you have taken too much on your shoulders. Some people take advantage of your kindness. Solving the problems of other people can lead to exhaustion and health problems. The subconscious is trying to reach a person - it’s time to give yourself a rest. To do this, first of all, you need to learn to refuse all applicants.

Dream books explain why you dream of a big cross. The dreamer is on the verge of a great accomplishment. A turning point is coming, and now every step is especially important. A serious problem that has been haunting me lately will soon be resolved. For this to finally happen, you just need to make a final effort.

The dream book deciphers: drawing a cross in a dream means creating problems for yourself in your personal life. If lately there have been a lot of quarrels with your loved one, you should try to make concessions first. For single people, this is a sign that it’s time to take action. You just have to take a few steps towards it, and fate itself will begin to offer interesting options and introduce you to suitable people.

Dream books interpret a cross in the sky in a dream as a very good sign. It symbolizes open possibilities, making it clear that certain success awaits you.

According to Miller's dream book, a cross in a dream is a harbinger of approaching troubles, the fault of which will be the people around you. You should not take part in enterprises that will be offered in the near future. Seeing a cross on another person means someone is in trouble and is waiting for help from you.

Dream Interpretation find a cross

Why do you dream about finding a cross in a dream?

The pectoral cross is a symbol of protection, the highest patronage, which is why it is so important to always wear it. Losing a cross is a very big nuisance both in reality and in a dream. Such a plot may mean that clouds are gathering over you and you will have to make considerable efforts to avoid trouble. But finding a cross is a good sign. It can symbolize that danger was close, but you eventually managed to avoid it.

The material from which the found cross is made should also be assessed. So, gold can mean quick joy, iron calls for patience, and silver says that you should never give up and lose hope.

Dream Interpretation Cross, cross

Why do you dream about the Cross, a cross in a dream according to the dream book?

According to the Felomena dream book, dreaming of a cross as a decoration means that you will be able to make an unforgettable impression on someone. Success is guaranteed to a person who independently carried a cross in a dream. If another person is carrying the cross, try in reality to become more understanding towards others.

What kind of cross did you dream about? What happened in the dream about the cross? What was the cross on? Where was the cross?

What kind of cross did you dream about?

Why do you dream about a wooden cross?

Why do you dream of a wooden cross? Prepare for difficulties and anxieties in life. If you yourself wore a cross, then soon all your affairs will become more successful.

If you dream of a broken cross

According to the dream book, a broken cross means that you can lose everything you have today. If you are not a religious person and do not wear a cross, such a dream may indicate your protest against the imposition of the opinions of the masses.

Interpretation of a dream about a church cross

You dream of a church cross as a hint that the illness from which you are suffering can go away without the intervention of medicine, through spiritual cleansing, prayer, and visiting church.

Why do you dream about a plastic cross?

A plastic cross, according to the dream book, is a symbol of an impending disaster that cannot be avoided. You will be taken to difficult situation due to the fault of surrounding people.

What happened in the dream about the cross?

Why do you dream of finding a cross?

The dream book says that finding a cross means upcoming victories in reality. For a woman, a dream promises a quick marriage, and her husband will be much older. The life of the family will be as good as possible, and love will forever remain strong.

Meanings of a dream in which you put on a cross

If you dream that you put a cross around your neck, then a person dear to you will need help, but after it is provided, you will have troubles.

The priest put the cross on you after the baptismal ceremony - in reality, you are firmly protected from misfortunes, because your soul is protected by a strong guardian angel.

Why do you dream about being given a cross?

According to the dream book, if you were given a cross along with a chain, then your chosen one has sincere feelings for you. Therefore, try to create fewer scenes of jealousy without reason.

The gift of a cross symbolizes the support of loved ones in difficult times and the value of relationships with loved ones. You can always count on their help.

What was the cross on?

I dreamed that there was a cross on a string

If you dream of a cross on a string, it is a symbol of trouble. There is a possibility that in the near future you will have to hear extremely bad news from your relatives.

Where was the cross?

When you dream that there is a cross on your neck

A dream about a cross hanging on your neck explains that you are kind in life, love people, are ready to forgive any wrongdoing and regret the mistakes you have made.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Why do you dream of a wooden cross?

Those who are accustomed to analyzing their dreams sooner or later become interested in why they dream of a wooden cross, especially if the dream is colorful and eventful. This question cannot be answered in one sentence. Many factors influence the interpretation of this dream. It's time to find out in detail what a wooden cross seen in a dream could mean.

If a sleeping person sees in a dream a person who hands him a wooden cross, it means that in reality this person will convey some of his problems to the sleeping person. The larger the cross, the more serious the problems will be.

Losing a wooden pectoral cross in a dream means that the sleeper will violate some moral prohibition and this will entail a lot of trouble.

Finding a wooden cross in a dream symbolizes repentance and humility in the face of difficulties. Seeing your pectoral cross made of wood is a warning against rash actions.

In most dream books, the cross prohibits any action. At the same time, wood products mean peace, prosperity and harmony. In this regard, psychoanalysts explain such dreams as a warning not to start risky activities in the near future, but to try to be content with the existing state of affairs.

In addition to negative predictions, many interpretations of dreams depicting a wooden cross have positive results. For example, seeing a red cross means being healed from a debilitating illness. Seeing such a cross decorated with flowers means well-being and happiness in the home and family. A huge cross in St. Andrew's style in the middle of the street indicates a forced stop before the completion of some grueling event. A little more - and the sleeper will be on the verge of success and will be able to reap the benefits of his patience and hard work.

A dream with a wooden cross foreshadows imminent changes in life. Seeing such a cross on a grave in a dream foreshadows a quick wake in reality. A pectoral wooden cross warns of possible misdeeds of the sleeper and his moral doubts about the advisability of committing them. Seeing a large silhouette of a wooden crucifix in the distance (or a life-size crucifix) suggests that the sleeping person will face life trials through which he will go and regain peace of mind.

Seeing a cross made of wood on the road in a dream is a symbol of unexpected and pleasant news from people on the road or those who meet the sleeping person on the way. The exception is the inverted cross. The last vision symbolizes impending disaster and dire consequences due to rash decisions.

Even the most bad dream is, first of all, a product of our waking life. That is why a wooden statue seen in a dream should not serve as intimidation in the face of unknown events, but as a warning about possible problems in the life of a sleeper.

Your own cross

Dream Interpretation Your pectoral cross dreamed of why you dream about your pectoral cross? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your pectoral cross in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Dream Interpretation – Cross, cross

Carrying a cross means hard work and danger.

Dream Interpretation – Cross, cross

A cross seen in a dream is an unambiguous symbol of prohibition and a warning of possible danger.

Dream Interpretation – Cross, cross

A sign that suggests that for a successful recovery it is good to meditate and go to the cemetery where your relatives are buried.

Dream Interpretation – Cross, cross

Taking the cross or giving it leads to wealth.

Dream Interpretation – Cross, cross

The cross existed as a mystical symbol long before the time of Christ.

Dream Interpretation - Pectoral cross

This dream is perhaps about letting go of something that is outdated and outdated. The dream may indicate a way of life that previously existed, but which will have to be abandoned. A pectoral cross may indicate this renunciation, letting go. For a blessing before you let go. This is exactly what was expected of you (your beloved “came to life”). It looks like he needs your permission to leave. This will lighten his load. The silver cross can signify his own destiny and purpose in this life. I assume that he is afraid to talk to you about it, so he is “hiding”. Perhaps you should take a step forward. I hope that everything will be fine for you, even if you have to break up, you can maintain a Spiritual connection with each other. Good luck to you! (Additionally, read the interpretation of a dream about a dog).

Dream Interpretation – Broken cross

Ksenia, this image of a dream can be interpreted as your intransigence and intolerance towards other people’s views, intolerance of teachings, narrowness of worldview. There may be complications in your relationship with your parents, there are a lot of household chores, but you cannot give them peace, there is no peace, no trust, no tranquility in the family. During this period, a person can retire, wanting to get away from home problems. And this best option, because there will be an opportunity to process a large amount of information and receive the fruits of knowledge. At the same time, a period of loneliness is fraught with breakdowns, depression, and uneven relationships with relatives. A crisis period of life for the struggle for independence.

There are a lot of crosses

Dream Interpretation Pectoral crosses a lot dreamed of why you dream about a lot of crosses on your body? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of crosses on your body in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Losing means trouble or illness. Wear it hidden - you don’t want to notice the danger, be more careful, if you see it in time, you will be able to cope with it. Buy, receive as a gift, find - help will come from wherever you expect.

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Dream Interpretation - Cross

A sign of cancellation, end, oblivion, or a mark of “special” close attention; break of relationship. See Add. R. Attributes.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

Many snakes - indicates matters related to the afterlife.

Dream Interpretation - A lot

If you dream that you have a lot of something, then do not expect your hopes to come true. This is a dream in reverse. He encourages you to be thrifty and appeals to your common sense. If in a dream you have a lot of food, then you will have to starve; if there is a lot of money, then a long period of need and deprivation awaits you; if there is too much health, then you should save it in life without wasting it.

Dream Interpretation – Many bouquets

Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation - A person who talks a lot

See a lot in a dream talking man– to an event that will literally leave you speechless; to an extraordinary shock.

Dream Interpretation - Many moles on the body

Be happy in life.

Dream Interpretation – A lot of military clothes covered in blood and without people

This dream foreshadows war

Dream Interpretation - Lots of lice

This dream promises wealth and honor

Why do you dream of a pectoral cross?


How exactly did you dream? What emotions were there?

Seeing a cross on your body is an alarming sign. If you dreamed that you lost your cross, be prepared for troubles - they will not be slow to fall on you.

Linaria Ageeva

***You will get out of a difficult situation. and you will be able to control the situation in the future.

Maria Ivanova

You need to come to terms with your fate. Be patient with difficulties

Cross - In a dream, this symbol means forgiveness, protection from evil, renewal. If you dream of a person with a cross in his hands, such a dream encourages you to charity and care for others. For a young woman, a dream in which she holds a cross in her hands foreshadows the love of others and the favor of fate. A cross hanging around your neck in a dream symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for others. A golden, shining cross means your ability to forget and forgive insults.

Almost every night a person sees dreams that can tell something about the future. The most important thing is to correctly interpret what you see. To do this, try to remember the main plot details and emotional load. All this will allow you to obtain the most accurate and detailed information.

Seeing a cross on your neck means it’s time to forget all grievances and start relationships with loved ones from scratch. If the amulet was made of silver, it is a symbol of hope, which gives you the strength not to fall into depression. A dream where a gold cross was featured is a positive sign that promises great joy and happiness. Such a dream may also be a harbinger of an improvement in your financial situation; perhaps in the near future you will receive a promotion or an increase in your salary. Seeing a cross made of wood means you can count on success in all areas of life. A dream in which you saw an iron amulet indicates that you should be patient and believe in the best, since existing problems will end sooner or later. If the cross is made of an alloy, it is a symbol of fun, most likely you will receive an invitation to some kind of holiday. Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream and putting it on another person means that problems and misfortunes await him in the future.

One of the dream books contains information according to which a dream about a pectoral cross promises anxiety and worry. This could also be a harbinger of receiving news. A dream in which a pectoral cross breaks is a warning that you should not take risks. It could also be a harbinger of upcoming trials. If you put on a cross in a dream, it means that you will soon receive good news.

What does it mean to lose a pectoral cross in a dream?

Such night vision is considered an unfavorable symbol. The dream book recommends being on alert in the near future, as various troubles and problems may arise. Seeing a cross on a chain means you can count on many victories and good luck in the future.

What does it mean to find a pectoral cross in a dream?

If you have found your amulet, it means that positive changes will soon occur. The main thing is not to take risks on your own. A night vision where you found a gold cross is a harbinger of a wedding.

What does it mean to be given a pectoral cross in a dream?

In this case, the dream foreshadows the appearance in life of a person whose help you can count on in solving complex problems.

Cross according to the dream book

The cross is an ancient symbol that people have used since ancient times. It represents the connection between two entities: heavenly and earthly, good and evil. Many religions interpret it as a ladder to God. In Christianity, it acquired a special meaning, symbolizing patience and eternal love. If you saw this sign in one form or another in a dream, it will be difficult to figure out for yourself what the cross means in a dream. It is better to turn to the dream book for a decoding.

Crossed lines in a dream can have many interpretations - it is both sacrifice and the end of a great deal, perhaps even esoteric meaning. Why you dreamed of a cross in each specific case depends on the circumstances of the dream.

Connection with the cemetery

A tombstone cross in a dream is not as bad a sign as it might seem. A cemetery is a place where the afterlife meets the souls of living people. Dreams associated with it predict fate and warn of trials.

To see a cemetery with crosses in a dream means that a person is burdened by many grievances and troubles. You need to learn not to stir up the past, forget about these little things and move on. It’s worth turning to the dream book to find out why you dream of a cemetery cross. This is a sign that it is time to reevaluate your behavior and do more good deeds. If someone is now suffering due to your fault, it’s time to resolve the situation, otherwise a bad deed may have a bad impact on the future.

A cross on a grave in a dream symbolizes death and rebirth. We must remember that something new can only appear when the old gives way to it. Dream books give several explanations of what a grave cross dreams about. If it has just been clearly established, someone is planning a dishonest act against the dreamer, and if it is old, covered with ivy, the sadness will pass thanks to a kind and wise person with whom the meeting will soon take place.

The dream book interprets seeing a stone cross on a grave in a dream as a sign of reliable protection from upcoming misfortunes, the secret protection of a strong person.

Features of the cross

To give an accurate interpretation of a dream with a cross, dream books recommend paying attention to the material from which the cross is made.

Dream books ambiguously interpret what the golden cross means in dreams. This may be a sign that you will soon be faced with a choice: help your loved ones by sacrificing your own interests, or turn away and pass by. If in a dream there is a cross on a gold chain, this is a particularly favorable sign. You should expect material and spiritual benefits. It is possible to receive an inheritance or meet a very interesting person.

The dream book will explain why you dream of a wooden cross. It means that great success, a promotion, or even a new romance awaits you. But a golden chain with a wooden cross in a dream foreshadows some kind of injustice. Perhaps colleagues will envy the promotion, and the new lover will be guided by selfish goals.

The dream book considers hope to be the main interpretation of a silver cross in a dream. Such a dream warns that if you are on the verge of despair, you no longer believe in the success of your business, now is not the time to lose hope. There is a chance for a good resolution of all issues, but it is very important that you do not give up and continue to take steps to achieve your goals.

To figure out what a cross means in a dream, in addition to the material, dream books advise paying attention to other features.

Dream books unanimously agree on what a burning cross means in a dream. This sign in a dream means danger. Don't treat him carelessly. Pay attention to your health. If you have been planning a trip to the doctor for a long time, don’t put it off any longer. Ignoring the warning may lead to serious consequences. Early detection of a problem is an easy way to solve it.

It doesn’t matter whether a person believes in God or not, religious symbols in a dream are a common personification of faith and love, the temple of the soul. So, why do you dream of a church cross? Dream books say: this is a good sign. In reality, people will forgive you for actions that previously offended them. This will bring peace of mind to everyone. Take a step forward to restore your relationship faster.

The pectoral cross symbolizes upcoming worries and anxiety. He is a person’s talisman, his personal guardian. Therefore, seeing a cross in a dream is a warning from higher powers. You will need to gather yourself to prepare for troubles, then they will not be able to take you by surprise.

Think about which area of ​​life is currently experiencing the most instability. Most likely, trouble is to be expected from there. But why the Orthodox cross is dreamed of, the dream books decipher it very positively. This promises relief from anxiety and a happy resolution of all problems.

Crucifixion in a dream symbolizes a free gift or sacrifice. If in real life you are happy to help someone, it will bring joy and prosperity. And in the case when this help is a burden, it’s worth thinking about, perhaps you are simply being manipulated for profit, or these efforts are not needed by the person.

The dream book will tell you why you dream of a black cross. Don’t be afraid, dreams are a kind of inverted reality. The color black in a dream promises joy and peace. There is nothing to worry about, the next life will be calm, you can’t expect any unpleasant surprises.

The inverted cross resembles a sword. This dream foreshadows a successful struggle for one’s own interests. Don't listen to other people's opinions. Now more than ever, it is important to show your individuality and stand up for what is right.

Actions with a cross

For a clear understanding of what it means to see a cross in a dream, the details of what happened to it are important. They can determine a lot about the meaning of this ambiguous symbol.

To understand why you dream that the chain with the cross breaks, you should look into the dream book. He will tell you that you should expect health problems in reality. Consider changing your lifestyle. Perhaps now is the best time to break bad habits. The dream book reassures you - you should not be afraid of a broken cross in a dream - it does not bode well. A broken amulet indicates that serious trouble was approaching, but now you are safe. He takes all the negative energy upon himself.

A positive sign, according to dream books, is to find a cross. It foretells the acquisition of a powerful patron. There may be a change in management at work. Your work will be appreciated. Help from a secret well-wisher is likely. For young women, finding a golden cross in a dream foretells a successful marriage. Perhaps the chosen one will be much older. But there is no reason to doubt his honest intentions; this will be a strong marriage of great love.

The dream book explains why you dream of kissing a cross in a dream - this is a sign of approaching difficulties. You may lose a large sum of money. But a person can overcome everything with dignity. The dream book warns: if during troubles you do not stain yourself with unworthy behavior, then you will probably have a profit that will cover all losses.

If things are not going smoothly in life right now, and you dreamed that you had to give the cross to another person in a dream, it means you have a real friend. Look around, despite the feeling of complete loneliness, there are people around who wish you well. Don't be afraid to trust your problems to a loved one. He will probably be the one to come up with a solution that has never occurred to you before. It could be one of your parents.

Carrying a cross in a dream, according to dream books, means that in real life you have taken too much on your shoulders. Some people take advantage of your kindness. Solving the problems of other people can lead to exhaustion and health problems. The subconscious is trying to reach a person - it’s time to give yourself a rest. To do this, first of all, you need to learn to refuse all applicants.

Dream books explain why you dream of a big cross. The dreamer is on the verge of a great accomplishment. A turning point is coming, and now every step is especially important. A serious problem that has been haunting me lately will soon be resolved. For this to finally happen, you just need to make a final effort.

The dream book deciphers: drawing a cross in a dream means creating problems for yourself in your personal life. If lately there have been a lot of quarrels with your loved one, you should try to make concessions first. For single people, this is a sign that it’s time to take action. You just have to take a few steps forward, and fate itself will begin to offer interesting options and introduce you to suitable people.

Dream books interpret a cross in the sky in a dream as a very good sign. It symbolizes open possibilities, making it clear that certain success awaits you.

According to Miller's dream book, a cross in a dream is a harbinger of approaching troubles, the fault of which will be the people around you. You should not take part in enterprises that will be offered in the near future. Seeing a cross on another person means someone is in trouble and is waiting for help from you.

Dream Interpretation find a cross

Why do you dream about finding a cross in a dream?

The pectoral cross is a symbol of protection, the highest patronage, which is why it is so important to always wear it. Losing a cross is a very big nuisance both in reality and in a dream. Such a plot may mean that clouds are gathering over you and you will have to make considerable efforts to avoid trouble. But finding a cross is a good sign. It can symbolize that danger was close, but you eventually managed to avoid it.

The material from which the found cross is made should also be assessed. So, gold can mean quick joy, iron calls for patience, and silver says that you should never give up and lose hope.

Dream Interpretation Cross, cross

Why do you dream about the Cross, a cross in a dream according to the dream book?

According to the Felomena dream book, dreaming of a cross as a decoration means that you will be able to make an unforgettable impression on someone. Success is guaranteed to a person who independently carried a cross in a dream. If another person is carrying the cross, try in reality to become more understanding towards others.

What kind of cross did you dream about? What happened in the dream about the cross? What was the cross on? Where was the cross?

What kind of cross did you dream about?

Why do you dream about a wooden cross?

Why do you dream of a wooden cross? Prepare for difficulties and anxieties in life. If you yourself wore a cross, then soon all your affairs will become more successful.

If you dream of a broken cross

According to the dream book, a broken cross means that you can lose everything you have today. If you are not a religious person and do not wear a cross, such a dream may indicate your protest against the imposition of the opinions of the masses.

Interpretation of a dream about a church cross

You dream of a church cross as a hint that the illness from which you are suffering can go away without the intervention of medicine, through spiritual cleansing, prayer, and visiting church.

Why do you dream about a plastic cross?

A plastic cross, according to the dream book, is a symbol of an impending disaster that cannot be avoided. You will find yourself in a difficult situation due to the fault of the people around you.

What happened in the dream about the cross?

Why do you dream of finding a cross?

The dream book says that finding a cross means upcoming victories in reality. For a woman, a dream promises a quick marriage, and her husband will be much older. The life of the family will be as good as possible, and love will forever remain strong.

Meanings of a dream in which you put on a cross

If you dream that you put a cross around your neck, then a person dear to you will need help, but after it is provided, you will have troubles.

The priest put the cross on you after the baptismal ceremony - in reality, you are firmly protected from misfortunes, because your soul is protected by a strong guardian angel.

Why do you dream about being given a cross?

According to the dream book, if you were given a cross along with a chain, then your chosen one has sincere feelings for you. Therefore, try to create fewer scenes of jealousy without reason.

The gift of a cross symbolizes the support of loved ones in difficult times and the value of relationships with loved ones. You can always count on their help.

What was the cross on?

I dreamed that there was a cross on a string

If you dream of a cross on a string, it is a symbol of trouble. There is a possibility that in the near future you will have to hear extremely bad news from your relatives.

Where was the cross?

When you dream that there is a cross on your neck

A dream about a cross hanging on your neck explains that you are kind in life, love people, are ready to forgive any wrongdoing and regret the mistakes you have made.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Why do you dream of a wooden cross?

Those who are accustomed to analyzing their dreams sooner or later become interested in why they dream of a wooden cross, especially if the dream is colorful and eventful. This question cannot be answered in one sentence. Many factors influence the interpretation of this dream. It's time to find out in detail what a wooden cross seen in a dream could mean.

If a sleeping person sees in a dream a person who hands him a wooden cross, it means that in reality this person will convey some of his problems to the sleeping person. The larger the cross, the more serious the problems will be.

Losing a wooden pectoral cross in a dream means that the sleeper will violate some moral prohibition and this will entail a lot of trouble.

Finding a wooden cross in a dream symbolizes repentance and humility in the face of difficulties. Seeing your pectoral cross made of wood is a warning against rash actions.

In most dream books, the cross prohibits any action. At the same time, wood products mean peace, prosperity and harmony. In this regard, psychoanalysts explain such dreams as a warning not to start risky activities in the near future, but to try to be content with the existing state of affairs.

In addition to negative predictions, many interpretations of dreams depicting a wooden cross have positive results. For example, seeing a red cross means being healed from a debilitating illness. Seeing such a cross decorated with flowers means well-being and happiness in the home and family. A huge cross in St. Andrew's style in the middle of the street indicates a forced stop before the completion of some grueling event. A little more - and the sleeper will be on the verge of success and will be able to reap the benefits of his patience and hard work.

A dream with a wooden cross foreshadows imminent changes in life. Seeing such a cross on a grave in a dream foreshadows a quick wake in reality. A pectoral wooden cross warns of possible misdeeds of the sleeper and his moral doubts about the advisability of committing them. Seeing a large silhouette of a wooden crucifix in the distance (or a life-size crucifix) suggests that the sleeping person will face life trials through which he will go and regain peace of mind.

Seeing a cross made of wood on the road in a dream is a symbol of unexpected and pleasant news from people on the road or those who meet the sleeping person on the way. The exception is the inverted cross. The last vision symbolizes impending disaster and dire consequences due to rash decisions.

Even the worst dream is, first of all, a product of our waking life. That is why a wooden statue seen in a dream should not serve as a deterrent to unknown events, but as a warning about possible problems in the life of the sleeper.

Your own cross

Dream Interpretation Your pectoral cross dreamed of why you dream about your pectoral cross? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your pectoral cross in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Dream Interpretation - Cross, cross

Carrying a cross means hard work and danger.

Dream Interpretation - Cross, cross

A cross seen in a dream is an unambiguous symbol of prohibition and a warning of possible danger.

Dream Interpretation - Cross, cross

A sign that suggests that for a successful recovery it is good to meditate and go to the cemetery where your relatives are buried.

Dream Interpretation - Cross, cross

Taking the cross or giving it leads to wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cross, cross

The cross existed as a mystical symbol long before the time of Christ.

Dream Interpretation - Pectoral cross

This dream is perhaps about letting go of something that is outdated and outdated. The dream may indicate a way of life that previously existed, but which will have to be abandoned. A pectoral cross may indicate this renunciation, letting go. For a blessing before you let go. This is exactly what was expected of you (your beloved “came to life”). It looks like he needs your permission to leave. This will lighten his load. The silver cross can signify his own destiny and purpose in this life. I assume that he is afraid to talk to you about it, so he is “hiding”. Perhaps you should take a step forward. I hope that everything will be fine for you, even if you have to break up, you can maintain a Spiritual connection with each other. Good luck to you! (Additionally, read the interpretation of a dream about a dog).

Dream Interpretation - Broken cross

Ksenia, this image of a dream can be interpreted as your intransigence and intolerance towards other people’s views, intolerance of teachings, narrowness of worldview. There may be complications in your relationship with your parents, there are a lot of household chores, but you cannot give them peace, there is no peace, no trust, no tranquility in the family. During this period, a person can retire, wanting to get away from home problems. And this is the best option, because there will be an opportunity to process a large amount of information and receive the fruits of knowledge. At the same time, a period of loneliness is fraught with breakdowns, depression, and uneven relationships with relatives. A crisis period of life for the struggle for independence.

There are a lot of crosses

Dream Interpretation Pectoral crosses a lot dreamed of why you dream about a lot of crosses on your body? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of crosses on your body in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Losing means trouble or illness. Wear it hidden - you don’t want to notice the danger, be more careful, if you see it in time, you will be able to cope with it. Buy, receive as a gift, find - help will come from wherever you expect.

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Dream Interpretation - Cross

A sign of cancellation, end, oblivion, or a mark of “special” close attention; break of relationship. See Add. R. Attributes.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

Many snakes - indicates matters related to the afterlife.

Dream Interpretation - A lot

If you dream that you have a lot of something, then do not expect your hopes to come true. This is a dream in reverse. He encourages you to be thrifty and appeals to your common sense. If in a dream you have a lot of food, then you will have to starve; if there is a lot of money, then a long period of need and deprivation awaits you; if there is too much health, then you should save it in life without wasting it.

Dream Interpretation - Many bouquets

Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation - A person who talks a lot

Seeing a person talking a lot in a dream means an event that will literally leave you speechless; to an extraordinary shock.

Dream Interpretation - Many moles on the body

Be happy in life.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of military clothes covered in blood and without people

This dream foreshadows war

Dream Interpretation - A lot of lice

This dream promises wealth and honor

Why do you dream of a pectoral cross?


How exactly did you dream? What emotions were there?

Seeing a cross on your body is an alarming sign. If you dreamed that you lost your cross, be prepared for troubles - they will not be slow to fall on you.

Linaria Ageeva

***You will get out of a difficult situation. and you will be able to control the situation in the future.

Maria Ivanova

You need to come to terms with your fate. Be patient with difficulties

Cross - In a dream, this symbol means forgiveness, protection from evil, renewal. If you dream of a person with a cross in his hands, such a dream encourages you to charity and care for others. For a young woman, a dream in which she holds a cross in her hands foreshadows the love of others and the favor of fate. A cross hanging around your neck in a dream symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for others. A golden, shining cross means your ability to forget and forgive insults.

A pectoral cross is a kind of supreme symbol protection that people receive in early childhood or adulthood. It is worn under clothes, on the body - hence its name - and therefore seeing it is often an alarming, warning sign.

Seeing a cross on your neck in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected troubles. It is possible that recently the dreamer or dreamer has been experiencing anxiety or restlessness.

His or her fears, contrary to popular belief, are not unfounded. They have a logical explanation: he or she needs moral and spiritual support, the help of others, family and friends.

Not long ago, the dreamer or dreamer had to go through a difficult stage in life, as a result of which many imaginary friends turned away from him or her. The feeling of loneliness, lack of protection and patron negatively affects him or her peace of mind, which can lead to fatigue, stress or even a nervous breakdown.

Another option for interpreting a dream, in which a pectoral cross appears, is a very real concern. The dreamer or dreamer will face unexpected, difficult and important trials, difficulties and, perhaps, even dangers.

It is necessary to show attentiveness, caution and foresight in order to find out in time where the source of the problems is and eliminate it.

There is also a more positive interpretation, according to which a cross on the neck in a dream is a sign of the kindness and openness of the dreamer. He or she dreams of forgiving all wrongs and living with people in peace and harmony.

However, this interpretation also has reverse side: The dreamer should not put on rose-colored glasses and deceive himself with rosy illusions about “world peace.”

He or she, having played into these illusions, risks experiencing a serious mental shock when faced with an unsightly reality that differs from ideas.

Positive interpretations of sleep

Despite the above, many dream books assign positive interpretations a dream in which the dreamer or dreamer clearly remembers the material from which the allotment cross is made.

  • A wooden pectoral cross in a dream is a harbinger of success accompanying the dreamer or dreamer. All his or her undertakings will turn out to be not only profitable, but also interesting, and will bring moral satisfaction with the work done.
  • A silver pectoral cross in a dream is a sign that the dreamer or dreamer has hope, faith in the best, in a bright, happy future.
His or her financial and love affairs, which until now have not been distinguished by success, and sometimes even amazed by the abundance of setbacks and failures, will soon improve and begin to bring benefit and pleasure. The dreamer will have a reason not only to enjoy life, but also to make promising and inspiring plans.
  • A gold pectoral cross on the neck in a dream is a harbinger of changes for the better. The dreamer or dreamer expects unexpected joy that comes from nowhere: a large monetary win, a promotion, receiving an inheritance, meeting an interesting person or meeting an old friend.
  • An iron pectoral cross in a dream not only warns the dreamer of danger, but also makes it clear: he or she will be able to overcome difficulties only by showing patience and willpower. You should not lose your composure and take rash steps - such an approach may not correct the situation, but only make it worse. Rational actions, calm, cold and calculating analysis and conscious decision-making, on the contrary, will help the dreamer or woman to cope with all difficulties.

The dreamer's actions in a dream

The actions of the dreamer himself are no less important for the interpretation of such a dream.

  • The dreamer or dreamer should be more careful if in a dream they had to lose their pectoral cross. Such a dream suggests that he or she was left without protection or patrons, and from now on will have to cope with all the difficulties and hardships on their own.
  • Putting an allotment cross on someone in a dream is an unfavorable omen. This person will face failures, health problems or failures in financial affairs in the future.

Everyone chooses for themselves what to believe. And it is not at all necessary that the pectoral cross is worn by those who consider themselves to be a true Christian. But what could this symbol of religion mean in a dream? Dream books will give the answer.

Wear around the neck

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a crucifix on your chest means that the time has come to forget the past and forgive your offenders.

Did you see yourself putting a crucifix around someone's neck? In reality, you will help someone you hardly know. Moreover, the decision to help will not be someone else’s request, but your personal initiative.

During sleep, are you overwhelmed by emotions, and unconsciously fiddle with your amulet in your fingers? This vision reflects the real situation - something is very oppressive to you.

Do you have a dream about how you put someone else’s cross around your neck? Soon news will come about the illness that has engulfed loved one, warns Vanga’s dream book.

Crucifix material

  • Was the cross you saw in your dream gold? Great luck and joy await you, Miller’s dream book promises.
  • Did the cross you dreamed about turn out to be silver? In reality you are about to be overcome by depression. Don't try to cope with it alone - turn to friends. They will help you get through a difficult period.
  • If you saw a silver amulet with a golden cross, expect a salary increase, a bonus or a big win, says the Lunar Dream Book.
  • Was the pectoral cross made of iron? You must be patient and also have faith that the difficult times will be behind you. This is the only way to cope with troubles.
  • Did you dream about a wooden symbol of faith? Your health will be excellent, success awaits you in everything you undertake. There is only one condition - you cannot be a stingy and greedy person. This is what the Women's Dream Book says.
  • The copper cross symbolizes hope for change for the better. No matter how difficult your life may be right now, remember that change is just around the corner.

Purchase or find

In a dream, were you lucky enough to find a gold pectoral cross? For unmarried people, such a plot portends an imminent marriage. And one can only envy those who have already managed to start a family - their love will withstand all tests and overcome difficulties with honor.

Did you dream that you were buying a cross? This promises future trials. If the cross was new, all problems will be successfully resolved. Are you buying someone else's? To overcome difficulties, you will have to try hard.

Do you have a dream that a crucifix was presented as a gift? Soon a person will come into your life who will be a good support. Don't avoid meeting and making new acquaintances - it's likely that you don't know this person yet.

Lost and sold

Did you dream that you lost your crucifix and don’t even try to find it? Illness awaits you and hard times, prophesies the Universal Dream Book.

Are you looking for a lost cross in a dream? On the way to achieving your goal you will have to overcome many obstacles. Did you manage to find him? Do it on your own. And if you understand that you won’t be able to find your loss, you will have to seek help to overcome difficulties.

Have you seen a dream in which you are selling a cross along with a chain? Such a plot promises deception and betrayal. Be vigilant and do not allow yourself to be harmed.

Various troubles

Did you dream that you were giving away a cross to be melted down? You are on the verge of a situation in which you may not behave in the best way. in the best possible way. Fear or lack of self-confidence may push you to deceive and betray a friend or employee.

In a dream, do they give you a broken cross? A major quarrel with a friend or close relative is coming, Miss Hasse’s dream book predicts.

Was your crucifix stolen in a dream? Such a dream promises separation from a loved one. Was the cross gold? There is a high probability of divorce, the dream book warns.

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