How to take revenge on the enemy, what to do. How to take revenge on the person who offended you, ruin the life of your enemy

You can take revenge on a person in different ways, but how to do this, knowing only his phone number, is an almost insoluble question for some. However, although small, the offended party has the opportunity to cause some trouble. You just have to act carefully, because there is always the possibility that the avenger will be identified by IP or his number.

How to take revenge on a male offender if you know his phone number?

The psychology of men has a certain peculiarity - they hate giving up, and will look for an avenger to punish them until the last moment. That is why you can take revenge on a male offender persistently, but carefully, so as not to get caught.

The Achilles heel of almost any man is his car. Therefore, the first thing you can do is to place advertisements on various resources about its sale for almost nothing. Not only will the phone be “cut off,” but also the car owner’s self-esteem will suffer enormous damage. If you don’t have a car, you can “sell” anything through advertisements.

Suspicion of a non-traditional sexual orientation will infuriate any normal man. To make sure this happens, you can place advertisements about finding a friend on the appropriate resources.

Many sites selling various potency products or sex toys ask buyers for a phone number to confirm the purchase. After ordering many similar products to the offender’s phone, he will simply be bombarded with a barrage of calls.

A rather cruel way to take revenge is to play the role of a troll on some resource, and then give angry opponents the phone number of the offender.

Here are some more ways to make your bully angry:

  • You can torture a person with endless calls through the auto-dial service;
  • through the alarm clock service, the victim can be woken up every day before dawn;
  • through the free messaging service you can overwhelm the offender with an avalanche of SMS messages;
  • You will receive a lot of different spam on your phone if you connect mailing lists on sites offering promotions, discounts, loans, etc.

How to take revenge on a woman's phone number?

Some methods intended for men, after making some adjustments, are quite capable of unbalancing a woman. For example, you can post a lady’s number on a resource where “priestesses of love” offer their services. However, with a barrage of incomprehensible or scary calls and SMS spam, a woman will most likely quickly change her phone number.

If you know how to endure and wait, you can take revenge on a woman in a more sophisticated way. For example, portray a secret admirer. Few women can resist the onslaught of a romantic and persistent gentleman who, by hook or by crook, got hold of his beloved’s number and bombards her with lyrical and frank messages. And the correspondence that has become intimate can be shown to the lady’s husband, friend or acquaintances.

How to punish a person knowing his phone number without getting into trouble?

When planning revenge, you should keep in mind that some methods are far from harmless. By law you can't disturb night sleep people, disband defaming, damaging property, insulting. Legal revenge may involve collecting evidence of the offender’s illegal actions and filing a complaint with law enforcement agencies. You can report to the police for vandalism, theft, threats, stalking, etc.

And if the offender did not do anything that can be presented at the court hearing, it is best to abandon revenge altogether. Treat this person’s dirty tricks as the actions of a narrow-minded individual. And revenge, most likely, will be carried out by life itself. After all, a person always receives with a boomerang what he himself sends.

You can take revenge on a person in different ways, but how to do this, knowing only his phone number, is an almost insoluble question for some. However, although small, the offended party has the opportunity to cause some trouble. You just have to act carefully, because there is always the possibility that the avenger will be identified by IP or his phone number.

How to take revenge on a male offender if you know his phone number?

The psychology of men has a certain peculiarity - they hate giving up, and will look for an avenger to punish them until the last moment. That is why you can take revenge on a male offender persistently, but carefully, so as not to get caught.

The Achilles heel of almost any man is his car. Therefore, the first thing you can do is to place advertisements on various resources about its sale for almost nothing. Not only will the phone be “cut off,” but also the car owner’s self-esteem will suffer enormous damage. If you don’t have a car, you can “sell” anything through advertisements.

Suspicion of a non-traditional sexual orientation will infuriate any normal man. To make sure this happens, you can place advertisements about finding a friend on the appropriate resources.

Many sites selling various potency products or sex toys ask buyers for a phone number to confirm the purchase. After ordering many similar products to the offender’s phone, he will simply be bombarded with a barrage of calls.

A rather cruel way to take revenge is to play the role of a troll on some resource, and then give angry opponents the phone number of the offender.

Here are some more ways to make your bully angry:

  1. You can torture a person with endless calls through an auto-dialer service.
  2. Through the alarm clock service, the victim can be woken up every day before dawn.
  3. Through the free messaging service, you can overwhelm the offender with an avalanche of SMS messages.
  4. You will receive a lot of different spam on your phone if you connect mailing lists on websites.
  5. Offering promotions, discounts, loans, etc.

How to take revenge on a woman's phone number?

Some methods intended for men, after making some adjustments, are quite capable of unbalancing a woman. For example, you can post a lady’s number on a resource where “priestesses of love” offer their services. However, with a barrage of incomprehensible or scary calls and SMS spam, a woman will most likely quickly change her phone number.

If you know how to endure and wait, you can take revenge on a woman in a more sophisticated way. For example, portray a secret admirer. Few women can resist the onslaught of a romantic and persistent gentleman who, by hook or by crook, got hold of his beloved’s number and bombards her with lyrical and frank messages. And the correspondence that has become intimate can be shown to the lady’s husband, friend or acquaintances.

How to properly take revenge on a person knowing his phone number?

Events that appeal to your sense of justice may be associated with fraud, a conflict with neighbors, or the betrayal of a friend or girlfriend. Let's say you were deceived or became a victim of a scammer. How can you take revenge on a person, knowing his phone number, without causing suspicion on yourself?

Revenge by phone number involves the use of various services and programs:

  1. Use a spammer auto-dialer. On the Internet, if you wish, you can find sites that offer programs for auto-dialing a phone number. When using such a service, the offender’s phone will receive calls endlessly hundreds of times a day from different installation– playing a specific audio recording, voice message, disconnecting or holding a call on the line. This type of revenge is called “spoofing” or, more simply, a flood attack on a phone number. This type of revenge will not cause much trouble, but it will significantly ruin the life and nerves of the offender. This service can be ordered either as a mobile or landline phone number, or via a Skype nickname.
  2. Order SMS flood to a phone number. A type of dirty trick that is similar to an auto-dialer, but instead of calls, the phone number will constantly receive messages of various contents. The text and frequency of SMS attacks are regulated personally using the program or by agreement with the company providing the services.
  3. Posting advertisements on various platforms for selling goods from hand to hand. Another way to take revenge on a person for an insult is to place an advertisement for the sale of, for example, a super-cheap car and indicate his phone number. Site visitors, greedy for cheap purchases, will be tormented with calls, at any time of the day or night.

The above types of revenge without personal confession cannot lead to you. Naturally, when establishing contact with site managers and when launching flood programs, it is better to access the Internet not from your computer, not from your home or work network. It is better to use a one-time email address and carry out all actions locally public use wireless internet.

How to punish a person knowing his phone number without getting into trouble?

When planning revenge, you should keep in mind that some methods are far from harmless. According to the law, it is forbidden to disturb people’s sleep at night, spread defamatory gossip via phone numbers, damage property, or insult people. Legal revenge may involve collecting evidence of the offender’s illegal actions and filing a complaint with law enforcement agencies. You can report to the police for vandalism, theft, threats, stalking, etc.

And if the offender did not do anything that can be presented at the court hearing, it is best to abandon revenge altogether. Treat this person’s dirty tricks as the actions of a narrow-minded individual. And revenge, most likely, will be carried out by life itself. After all, a person always receives with a boomerang what he himself sends.

How to take revenge on a scammer if you know his phone number?

Perhaps one of the most cruel and dirty methods of revenge, which already borders on meanness, is the use of various dating sites. Perhaps, for minor offenders, minor nasty things will be enough, but if you have been seriously scammed, then you can go beyond the bounds of decency.

Submitting an ad on a dating site indicating intimate details or needs on behalf of your abuser and with his phone number will arouse great interest among a number of inadequate users who are active participants in such resources. Probably, after such interest, your abuser will have to change his phone number.

It happens in life that some people offend others. This is not affected by status, gender, age - it all depends on the situation.

There are different situations, motives that result in an unpleasant situation. Resentments can be divided into categories that are responsible for the degree and type of insult inflicted.

Pay attention! Spiritually strong man, decides to take revenge in such a way as to morally punish the offender by teaching the scoundrel a lesson.

Some people forgive an offense or simply do not pay attention to what happened. Others want to take revenge on the offender by defending themselves.

How to take revenge bad person without breaking the law and remaining within the bounds of morality. If the victim was seriously offended, then the method of revenge must be sophisticated and complex.

How to take revenge on the person who offended you:

What did the offender do? Ways of revenge
Humiliated In this situation, a more effective option would be to ignore this person. This tactic can be used at school, at work, among friends. Such an environment will lead to discomfort for the offender, and the self-esteem of such a person will significantly decrease
Betrayed It is easiest to take revenge on a loved one, and most importantly, more pleasant. In case of betrayal, you can do the same. Demonstrate in front of everyone that the new partner is in every sense much better than the traitor.
A more terrible revenge is to start dating best friend traitor
Beaten up Remove the beatings and write a statement to the relevant authorities.
Post notices around the area where the hooligan lives, indicating the act - let everyone know
Deceived The deceived person needs to make negative publicity as widely as possible among those around him. You can pay back with the same coin, but do the deception in a more jewelry way
Didn't repay the debt Launch news about a person’s optionality among your friends. If you have a receipt, contact law enforcement for help. Start a scandal over debt in the presence of friends
Committed something mean A vile person needs to ruin his reputation in every possible way by exposing a negative act. Tell all your acquaintances, friends and relatives about the meanness of the object

Ways to know his phone number

Revenge is a cold dish. Many, holding a grudge, wait for the right moment. Others take revenge immediately, but hidden. IN modern world It is easy to make revenge hidden - many sources favor this.

The easiest way to take revenge is from a distance. It is almost impossible to prove a person’s involvement in negative actions.

In this case, the offender receives a crushing blow to his personal life, nervous system, career and peace of mind.

Methods of marking with the help of modern technological achievements:

  1. How to take revenge on a person knowing his phone number? Install a program that automatically dials numbers.

    Calls will arrive at different frequencies, depending on different times days.

    Submit an application to a website providing intimate services and indicate the phone number of the abuser. A mixed method of revenge with the help of modern technological advances.

    There are a huge number of various programs that connect notifications to a phone number.

  2. It's even easier to take revenge on the Internet than by phone. If a person has set him up, in social networks You can post a photo where the offender is compromised.

    All acquaintances and strangers will know about negative side user.

    You can expose the villain's page to hacking. Manage a person’s page on social networks independently, but discreetly.

    For offense, eliminate a person on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, by compromising in communities.

  3. Scoundrel's address who basely used you will provide endless opportunities for revenge. You can send letters with unpleasant content to this address.

    Redirect mail from dubious organizations. Unpleasant notes are left on the fence, door, and asphalt near the house.

    The offender can pour valerian on the door, pour protein into the upholstery of the same door, or spill a stinking liquid on the threshold.

If a person cheated on money, he made it worse financial situation, then more are used here radical methods revenge.

For greater efficiency, you can use the services of special agencies that specialize in revenge issues.

Knowing personal data, it is very easy to annoy the scoundrel for the grievances caused. It is important not to become a scoundrel by justifying yourself.

Magic and conspiracies

To take cruel revenge on a person, many resort to magic. This method often has dire consequences for the offended and the offender. Magic provides many opportunities and ways to harm the offender.

Revenge with magic:

  • Conspiracy on the water. Used to bring adversity and problems into the home of the offender. During the conspiracy process, the address of the villain must be indicated.

    Conspiracies similar type there are a huge variety. Basically, they are simple and do not require a special set of herbs or occult objects.

  • Rituals for deprivation of health. A voodoo doll is used. This method is relevant in cases where a beating has occurred or serious damage has been caused.

    If you perform the ritual incorrectly, you can harm not only your health, but also take your life.

  • Anti-talisman for a guy, who quit. Throw the charmed thing to the young man.

    As a result, things will worsen in your personal life. Anti-talismans are not very convenient to use: they are lost, given away, or thrown away.

Conspiracies worsen the situation in any area of ​​a person’s life: career, health, love.

It is impossible to figure out the complexities of conspiracies on your own, so they turn to specialists for help.

Important! The magical influence does not pass without a trace for the “customer”. Some of the adversity will affect the Avengers.

Often, with the help of magic, betrayal is punished, beautifully arranging adversity and failure for the offender. The method is effective, but too dangerous for both parties.

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Every person has encountered in his life betrayal, dishonest fulfillment of promises, and other things to which we usually react with resentment. Sometimes we get offended even when the offender had good reasons to let us down. This does not seem significant: the main thing is that our interests are respected at any cost.

We can be offended in almost any situation, unexpectedly, even by the people closest to us:

Experiencing strong resentment, a person begins to think about revenge. There is a widespread belief that revenge must necessarily follow any insult and humiliation. Supposedly this is how you can prove to the whole world that you are a worthy person. Is this belief true?

As a rule, after successful revenge a person does not feel any relief. Maybe the desire to take revenge is just a harmful reflex? Consider this example: a naval battle of sailing warships. There's a hole in the side of your ship, he is drowning. How to improve your position in this situation - should you fire back or close the gap? What if the gap was created not by an enemy ship, but by some cliff?

Revenge in cinema

Films in which main character takes revenge on the villains. We are following the development of these stories with great interest.. But pay attention to how you feel after finishing these films. What remains but the joy of spectacular fight scenes and beautiful explosions?

You may notice that only sadness remains. It’s more interesting when the “villain” in a movie is better revealed, his motivation is shown so that we can see that we would probably be no different from him if we were in his place.

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, speaking on this topic, recommended watching the film “Gran Torino,” characterizing it as “transformative.” Indeed, events there develop in a somewhat non-standard way, and as a result, the viewer can experience real catharsis.


An extreme manifestation of revenge for an insult is vendettas, common on some islands of the Mediterranean Sea until the beginning of the last century. They consisted in the fact that for the death of one’s family member, one of the killer’s family should certainly be killed. As a rule, each subsequent revenge became more and more cruel than the previous one, and often as a result both warring clans were exterminated to the last person. And pay attention: after all, both clans took revenge, and did not just mindlessly kill. Both had reasons to be offended.

There is nothing else, there is no one else... There is no one else except that raven - there is no one to shoot at him... (B. Okudzhava)

Blood feud is a barbaric custom that survives today only in the wildest regions. However, even in civilized societies many still want to take revenge, albeit less so. in radical ways, for your grievances. People don't understand that being offended is an extremely infantile behavior. We learn it in infancy, when we understand that with the help of our grievances we can blackmail our parents and peers, receiving certain benefits: candy, ice cream and affection.

Children's grievances

Having been offended, you can demand more from a kind mother than she would like to give us herself. Perhaps she has a small salary and cannot afford it now new toy or sweets, but when she sees her offended child, she will not be able to resist and will be forced to spend more than she allows family budget. The inability to plan for the future is another infantile trait. It is thanks to her that the child considers it possible to manipulate his parents, who have good reasons not to satisfy all his whims.

If such a child grows up without getting rid of infantile character traits, he tends to use black magic and conspiracies to take revenge on the enemy, to humiliate him, so that he suffers. He knows no other joy than to brutally take revenge on the enemy and ruin a person’s life. The problem is that this joy is not too great . The desire for revenge is one of those that is more pleasant to imagine than to implement, and inside after revenge there remains only emptiness, the realization that nothing has changed for the better.

How to act more wisely?

If the offense inflicted on you is reversible - they damaged some of your things and did not return them monetary debt, then you should just start restoring the damage. Rest assured: karma will take care of the offender. Remember what happens to those leading a vendetta? A person who allows himself to treat others unfairly is digging a hole for himself into which he will one day have to fall. You don't even have to push it. So forgive him and forget him, you have more important things to do now: repair the damage done. You must respond as if the damage was caused by a natural disaster or bad weather. You don’t get offended by bad weather - you just take an umbrella.

If you have been offended and you are seething strong feelings, such as anger, rage, indignation - you become an easy object for manipulation. You can easily become a victim of a scammer, for example, who will sell you a pseudo-magical “spell”. How to punish a person for meanness, he won’t tell you, but he will replenish the fake sorcerer’s wallet (and significantly lighten yours).

In any situation, you should take care of your well-being. Harming someone is not in your best interests. Moreover, this creates the risk that they will want to harm you in return, and this will last indefinitely. Don't you have something more interesting to do?

Plato, in his dialogue “The State,” cited Socrates’ reasoning about justice. It is difficult to imagine a reader who has read it and then wants to take revenge on someone. This dialogue explains very simply that a person who commits a bad act is bad. And justice is doing good deeds. If you harm a bad person, it will make him even worse. Which means you will be unfair. Therefore, it would be fair not to do evil even to bad people, so that they do not become even worse from it.

Two frogs

You are so eager to judge the sins of others. Start with your own people, and you won’t reach others. (W. Shakespeare)

This quote says the same thing that Jesus says in the New Testament: you see the speck in someone else’s eye, but you don’t notice the log in your own. The point here is to focus on your development. In any situation, you should make efforts to become stronger yourself. Remember the parable about two frogs drowning in sour cream? One of them was offended by the whole world and drowned. The second one began to quickly move its paws, the sour cream turned into butter, and the frog was able to get free. If she had started making plans for revenge on the man who left the pot of sour cream open, nothing good would have come of it.

It's time to stop looking for someone to blame. It's time to become an adult. It's time for us all to grow up. It's time for us all to stop looking for someone to blame. This is the first sign of growing up - to stop looking for who is to blame. (I. Vyrypaev)

Transferring responsibility to another person is very easy, pleasant and convenient. But not everyone thinks about the consequences of this. The baby has no choice: he has no means of his own and is completely dependent on his parents; only they can buy him a toy or candy.

But as a person grows up, he must realize that more and more actions become available to him. Already, having discovered that there is no candy in your pocket, there is no need to angrily kick your mother’s shoe, as some children do. You can go to the store and buy yourself some candy with your salary.

When does a person, being already an adult, retains this childish mental mechanism that in case of trouble he must certainly be offended by someone, he may face a number of unpleasant consequences.

Hatred is the acquisitiveness of love. (E. Brodetsky)

According to this psychologist, even hatred is just our attempt to receive love. What can we say about resentment? Being offended, we try to demand some dividends from the offender.

A mother, reluctantly, can close her eyes to the whims of her child and still give him the desired treat. If, as an adult, he behaves this way at work, his boss may simply fire him. His colleagues won't understand him either.

If you're feeling left out, it's greener to simply speak up about how you feel. And if you were not heard, then quit and find a job with a more suitable psychological climate for you.

A lit candle will shine until it burns out and goes out. Our life is just as short, and it’s stupid to waste it on petty grievances . You yourself will suffer from them first of all.. If you come up with a way to annoy someone who, in your opinion, is to blame, to frame him, the suffering will only become more, not less. Now, besides you, one more person will suffer. It makes more sense to think about how to make sure there is less suffering in the world.

Moreover, resentment can even lead to illness. But this is a topic for another article and on another topic.

Below are some practices that can benefit your mental state and spiritual well-being if you have been wronged:


A good way to improve your life is prayer. If you spend at least an hour a day in prayer, gradually the grievances will begin to let go of you. “Thy will be done”, “Lord have mercy” - is it possible after such words to retain the selfish desire to harm someone, to hurt someone?

Runa Evaz

If you have found the courage to forgive your offenders and allow God to give them what they deserve, this rune will help you avoid unpleasant situations in the future. You can draw it somewhere in your home, carry its image with you, or even get a tattoo with it. The less selfishness and resentment you have and the more steadfastness you have in resisting anger and outbursts of anger, the more benefits the Rune of Forgiveness will bring you.

Forgiveness Sunday

In the Christian tradition, there is a special day when forgiveness is given special attention - Forgiveness Sunday. It usually falls in February, the exact date varies from year to year. On this day, Christians not only forgive those with whom they were offended, but also ask for forgiveness from everyone around them. Everyone who has been offended, wittingly or unwittingly. When you ask for forgiveness, you understand that you yourself have offended someone, and this gives you a feeling of harmony in the world. You no longer feel undeservedly offended by someone, it becomes easier to forgive your offenders.


Famous esotericist Joe Vitale talks about the Hawaiian method of changing life for the better, which is called “H'oponopono.” According to him, a person who practiced it cured an entire psychiatric clinic simply by repeating a few words. Namely:

Repeating these words, filling them with sincere repentance and love and addressing them to the patients, doctors and even the walls of the building, Hew Len ensured that the clinic was closed: there was no one to treat, everyone began to recover. Also, with the help of this technique, you can improve your health, and it can be performed completely unnoticed by others, repeating these words to yourself. Distance is not a hindrance for her either.


Touchiness is a harmful and infantile character trait that must be removed from your arsenal in order, no less, to survive in this difficult world. You can be as angry as you want with your boss, but even if the reason for your anger is unfair dismissal, best option- forgive. This same path is the best if the woman you love does not live up to your expectations.

The expressions “smile/travel - it annoys everyone” are absolutely fair. This is exactly the best revenge - just focusing on making your life beautiful and amazing. In the movie "Merlin" with the inimitable Sean Connery, there was an evil witch that nothing could penetrate, except for one thing. She was defeated when everyone forgot about her and stopped paying attention to her. . We wish you to punish your offenders in the same way.

Revenge is in our blood. It is our nature that when someone hurts us, we want that person to feel the same way we do. We crave justice.
However, some people believe that the punishment provided by law is not enough for their offenders. They want those who have wronged them to suffer the severity of their own crimes, so they resort to the most insane methods of revenge...

Revenge for Katie

Katie Callman was ten years old when she disappeared. Five days later, police found her lifeless body in a creek. Katie was kidnapped by a man named Anthony Ray Stockleman, who reportedly raped her before killing her and dumping her body in a creek.

Stockleman was arrested and sent to prison, but the story does not end there. Cousin Katie, Jared Harris, having learned about the death of his little sister, decided to take revenge on Stockleman - he was in the perfect place to make the offender suffer. Jared served time in prison on a theft charge. When Stockleman was transferred to the prison where Jared was sitting, the latter had an excellent opportunity to avenge the death of his cousin. When the guards were distracted, Jared grabbed Stockleman and told him, "Choose: death or a tattoo."

A frightened Stockleman stood motionless as Jared used a homemade tattoo needle to leave a message on his forehead - "Katie's Revenge" - so that everyone would know that he had raped and killed ten year old girl.

Alam Khan's revenge, which had been waiting in the wings for twelve years

Alam Khan's father was killed right before his eyes. He was only twelve years old then. The killer's name was Mohammed Rais. Alam's father considered him a family friend. Khan was heartbroken, but he was just a child, so he could not do anything at that time.

However, he hatched a plan for revenge for twelve years before embarking on its implementation. When he was twenty-four years old, he lured Rais to his house by pretending that he needed a repairman. Alam then got his father's killer so drunk that he could barely stand on his feet. He then turned on the music loudly because he didn't want anyone to hear Rais' screams. Alam stabbed his father's killer several times. Then he finished him off with a hammer. After that, Alam cut Rais's body into twelve pieces (for so many years he had been waiting for the moment when he could take revenge on Mohammed) using a hacksaw.

“I waited twelve whole years to carry out my plan,” he later told police. According to him, he felt absolutely no remorse and was happy that it was all over.

Eye for an eye

An eye for an eye is one of the early concepts of justice. The idea is simple: if a person, for example, committed a murder, then he must also be deprived of his life. But what if he raped someone?

The man from Azerbaijan, who will be discussed later, took this concept literally. His eight-year-old son experienced unimaginable horrors. A stranger lured him into a truck and brutally abused him. A passerby who witnessed this terrible scene began to threaten the criminal that he would tell everyone about what happened. For a moment, the boy thought that he had been saved - but the second man had no intention of protecting him. When the first man had done his job, the second also began to rape the boy.

When the poor man's father found out what had happened, he vowed to take revenge on the offenders. He didn't call the police. Instead, he organized a gang, tracked down the man who abused his son, and did the same to him. The whole process was filmed on mobile phone. The video was subsequently posted on the Internet and instantly spread throughout the country.

Bonita Lynn Vela's Revenge

Bonita Lynn Vela had suspicions that new guy daughter molested her two-year-old son, but she had no evidence. She didn’t know what to do until she took a dose of drugs, under the influence of which she became completely inadequate. Vela and her friends, being in a state of drug intoxication, seized young man and locked him in a trailer. Vela demanded that he confess to molesting her son. The guy insisted that he didn't do anything, but that didn't help. Vela did not believe his words. She grabbed a utility knife and ordered him to take off his pants. The woman said that if he did not do this, she would “shoot him and leave him to be eaten by animals.”

The young man, fearing for his life, listened to Velu. After that, she cut off his penis. No evidence of the guy’s guilt was found; no charges of sexual assault were brought against him.

Sheriff Buford Pusser's War

In 1966, Sheriff Pusser killed a female burglar during a shootout. She turned out to be the wife of Carl Douglas White, the boss of a local gang. A hunt was announced for Pusser.

White was given the opportunity to avenge his wife's death a year later. He called the police and said that two drunk men were fighting in the street. Pusser went to the call. Thinking that the problem was not serious, he took his wife Paulina with him - a decision that cost her her life.

When Pusser arrived at the call site, White's men suddenly appeared and opened fire on his car. The sheriff was riddled with bullets, but managed to survive. However, Paulina was unlucky - she died in hospital on the very night of the attack. This time the sheriff was not going to let things get away with it. He told his friends that he had prepared a special plan for revenge.

The events that happened next are shrouded in a huge number of secrets and legends, so it is impossible to determine which of them are true and which are fiction. Over the next five years, Pusser brutally killed, one by one, all those involved in the death of his wife. White became one of the sheriff's first victims. He was found in a motel with a bullet in his forehead.

Mistress Hunter

Zhang Yufeng runs a rather unusual business. Her clients are women whose husbands cheat on them. They turn to Yufeng for only one reason. Zhang makes a living by stalking his mistresses and beating them mercilessly.

Before becoming a Mistress Hunter, Zhang Yufeng was married to a high-ranking official in Xi'an, China. When her husband received a very influential position, serious problems began in their family. He stayed late, often did not come home to spend the night, constantly had fun with prostitutes and had affairs on the side. One day, Yufen’s husband came home and said that everything was over between them. He met another woman and filed for divorce.

Yufeng's neighbor, with whom she shared her grief, said that her daughter was experiencing the same thing at that moment. Just recently she found out that her husband had taken a mistress. Zhang Yufeng planned to meet and support her neighbor's daughter, but did not have time: the girl committed suicide.

When the same thing happened to another friend of Yufeng’s, she couldn’t stand it. While relaxing outside the city, she accidentally met the mistress of her friend’s husband. Zhang Yufen, fed up with the antics of the homewreckers, pushed the girl to the ground and began to brutally beat her, showering her with curses. A crowd gathered around them, but no one stopped Yufen. The police officer who was present pretended that he did not see what was happening.

Today Zhang Yufeng does this professionally. For a nominal fee, she tracks down the mistresses of her clients' husbands and turns their lives into hell.

Joel Jones

Joel Jones's fourteen-year-old son was shot in the back. The boy's killer was caught, arrested and sent to prison, but Jones was not satisfied with the punishment he received. He believed that the man who killed his son should suffer.

However, Joel Jones cannot be called good person, otherwise he would not have committed a serious crime for the sake of revenge. What exactly did he do? He committed rape in order to go to prison where his son's killer was imprisoned. Jones lured a cleaning lady into an empty office and abused her under threat of violence. He told her that this was the only way to get the man who killed his son. He then called the police and asked to be taken to prison. At the trial, he admitted everything, but the judge considered his action unreasonable: “The point is not that someone did something bad to your child, the point is how you acted towards someone else’s child.”

Jones was sent to prison, but it is unknown whether he found his son's killer there.

Mailboxes filled with trash

As a child, Shigeta Miura was a member of the Tokyo Boy Scouts. He wasn't particularly popular. The guys from Miura's squad mocked him and teased him in every possible way. He could not fight back, so he silently accumulated grievances and developed a plan for revenge.

When Miura turned forty years old, he began to directly implement it. Miura filled envelopes with rotten tea leaves or dirt (sometimes he used underwear that was not fresh for this purpose) and mailed them to those who bullied him as a child. He did this more than once - over fourteen months he sent out about 500 parcels with all kinds of garbage to his offenders. And he would have continued to do this if he had not ultimately been caught.

When Miura was arrested, he decided to confess everything, hoping that the police would understand. He said the victims of his crimes, if you can call them that, deserved it. After all, thirty years ago they had abused him much worse.

Red-hot tongs

In Indian history, there are many sad cases of persecution of people who have committed sexual crimes. News constantly appears in the country's media saying that rape victims themselves are to blame for what happened, while the police refuse to bring the perpetrators to justice.

This is why one Indian man did not call the police when his fourteen-year-old daughter told him that she had been abused. She was home alone when a family friend came over. Realizing that there was no one else in the house, he raped the girl and threatened her with violence if she told anyone about what had happened.

Having learned about everything, the victim’s father decided not to contact the police and establish justice on his own. He kidnapped the criminal, tied him to a chair and began to torture him with hot tongs. “I put hot tongs to his genitals, he screamed,” the father of the raped girl later said. “But that didn’t stop me.” I did the same thing again. He shuddered."

When the criminal could no longer scream, the angry father strangled him. He then went to the police station and surrendered to authorities.

Surprise attack with a machete

When the mother of a seven-month-old baby saw her child being raped by an Indian, she was indescribably horrified. The crime the man committed was terrible; he deserved the strictest punishment. However, to his surprise, the child's father said that he was not going to take revenge on him.

He forgave the criminal, saying that he would have to live with this for the rest of his days. He made a small agreement that essentially left the rapist unpunished. The father of the raped child even offered the offender a ride home.

However, on the way back to the village, the father suddenly stopped the car in the middle of a desert area. The rapist began to realize that he was unlikely to get away with his crime as he had thought.

The victim's father beat the man until he bled and then tied him to a tree. He left it there and went back to the car to get the machete. He cut off the rapist's hands and left him to die.

However, other village residents helped the criminal escape: they untied him and took him to the nearest hospital, where he received proper medical care.

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