Dream black candle. The magic of numbers. Why do you dream about a Candle in a dream?

A candle in a dream is a sign of hope, sorrow, love, success and friendship. To understand why such a vision occurs in a dream, you should recall in detail what you saw, paying special attention own feelings and sensations, group everything into one meaningful image, compare with events in real life and look at the meaning in the dream book.

According to Miller’s dream book, a burning candle indicates a meeting with old friends or new useful acquaintances. This vision also speaks of good opportunities that appear on the dreamer's path. A clean, even flame prophesies family happiness and mutual understanding between household members. If a candle goes out under a gust of wind or draft, it means that absurd and untrue rumors will circulate about the person, which will cause minor troubles to the sleeping person.

Seeing candles in a dream, according to Loff’s dream book, is interpreted as a symbol of providence, security or awareness of a person, due to the ability to shed light on what is happening and illuminate everything around.

Esoteric dream book, the meaning of the dream is a candle, interpreted as an unfavorable sign, warning of failures and troubles in life. If it is lit, it means that the dreamer will be helped by people who are not at all the people on whom the person hopes.

Seeing lit candles in a dream, French dream book, means the imminent birth of a child, and for women, for a long time those who cannot get pregnant - a long-awaited interesting situation. Extinguished ones promise great troubles, unexpected obstacles falling on the dreamer’s head.

Type and condition of the candle

The interpretation of a dream - a candle largely depends on the type, color and other qualities of the candle, so in order to find out why such a dream occurs, you should remember the listed details.

If a candle goes out in front of a sleeping person for no reason, it is interpreted as imminent disappointment in real life, as well as missed opportunities that will greatly sadden the dreamer and delay the execution of plans. Also, this image can be a sign that a person has a lot of energy and physical strength spends on work, which can greatly affect the health of the sleeping person.

For a woman, an extinguished candle in a dream, according to the dream book, predicts the emergence of a wall of cold and misunderstanding between the dreamer and her lover. Only the wisdom and tact of a young lady will help avoid serious consequences and preserve love and relationships.

Why dream of decorative candles? Decorative candles whimsical and unusual shape in a dream, according to the dream book, they talk about the dreamer’s innate abilities to learn occult sciences and practice magic. However, such a gift should be handled carefully, since a word spoken inadvertently can change not only the lives of the sleeping person, but also other people.

A red candle in a dream symbolizes love and romantic feelings. For a married man, this dream may foretell a small affair on the side, about which the wife will become aware. The dream book advises to refrain from rash actions and depraved thoughts, since relationships on the side will not bring a person peace and satisfaction.

A white candle in a dream represents purity and is interpreted by the dream book as the subconscious desire of a sleeping person for spiritual growth and development, a rethinking of life, which will lead to global changes in the dreamer’s fate.

Why do you dream wax candles? The dream book identifies them with sadness, internal struggle, sad thoughts and memories that darken the dreamer’s life. Yellow wax indicates possible deception or intrigues of enemies, which can “unsettle” the dreamer and delay the implementation of long-conceived plans.

Unlit new candles in a dream foreshadow great prospects in real life, gaining experience, new achievements and undertakings that promise profit and prosperity to the dreamer.

If a candle goes out in a person’s hands, it means you should think about your relationships with others. If it goes out in a woman’s hand, then, according to the dream book, the young lady should think about her behavior with her lover, which may be the reason for the future separation of the couple.

It is useful for men to know what a broken candle means in dreams. Freud interprets such a dream as problems with the genitals and potency. For a woman, this image foreshadows problems in bed with her chosen one. If a person breaks a candle himself, then in real life the person will have to justify his actions and behavior to others.

It’s useful to know why you dream about a lot of candles. Burning ones predict joyful, happy and cheerful times, fulfillment cherished desires. Extinguished or unlit - speak of complications that could overshadow the planned event.

A confrontation with evil, deceit and injustice, this is what black candles mean in dreams. Also, such an image is interpreted as the imminent death of a familiar person and is a symbol of the action of dark forces.

The dream of a church and candles symbolizes in the dream book the dreamer’s craving for spiritual growth, rebirth and renewal. Conversion to faith and confession, trust in the Lord.

The dream is a candle for the repose, interpreted by the dream book as a person’s subconscious fear for the life of someone close to him, a desire to help and prevent the inevitable.

If a young girl dreams of two candles that burn with a bright and pure flame, it means that soon the young lady will have to experience a bright feeling called love. A meeting with a young man can turn a woman’s consciousness upside down, make her think about the family hearth, and completely turn the dreamer’s consciousness upside down.

Interaction of a sleeping person with a candle

To find out what you dream about and what a candle means in a dream, you should remember your own actions, as well as feelings and emotions in the dream.

According to Freud's dream book, lighting candles in a dream means that the sleeping person will be able to get pleasure from intimacy, which the dreamer has long wanted to receive. Only for this, you need a lot of effort yourself, and not shift all responsibility to your partner.

If you had to light candles in church for someone’s health, then the dream book warns that in a difficult matter you should not count on the help of loved ones and friends, since everyone has their own circumstances, and at that moment they will be busy solving their own issues.

If a person happened to buy candles in a church in a dream, it means that in reality the dreamer is overcome by sad thoughts, which can lead to prolonged depression.

Many dream books ambiguously interpret what it means to dream of blowing out a candle in a dream. On the one hand, this action is deciphered as sad events and obstacles that prevent a person from realizing his plans. On the other hand, extinguishing a candle, according to the dream book, means the dreamer’s victory over circumstances, the opportunity to favorably influence the outcome of events in real life.

Eating in a dream and blowing out candles in a church deciphers a person’s great disappointments, the inability to cope with one’s own emotions and complete the work begun.

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Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    In a dream, they gave me a lot of candles twisted together, but some woman said that they burned black and they were bad and that they should be thrown away. Then I found it under the pillow. What could this mean in a dream on Easter night?

    In a dream, in church I bought 10 ordinary yellow candles, 1 orange and 1 green, which is interesting. I BOUGHT BUT DID NOT LIGHT IT. I also dreamed of a room hung in 2 rows with posters of Jesus Christ.

    Please help with the interpretation! In a dream, I was in an empty city, without people. I entered a rich house, went into the room there and saw open window. A draft blew the tulle almost towards the table on which the fire was burning. white candle high flame. I was afraid that there would be a fire and put it out, and then behind the tulle I saw the silhouette of a girl sitting with her back to me. For some reason it seemed to me that she was dead and it was some kind of ritual. I was afraid to check, I went out, closed the doors and woke up.

Church candles seen in a dream can promise both the warmth and comfort of a family hearth and sorrowful events. The more ancient dream book you choose to interpret your dream, the more depressing the interpretation you will get. But modern interpreters, when explaining why such images appear in dreams, tend to focus on the dreamer’s spiritual quests and experiences rather than on sad events.

Miller's Dream Book

According to psychologist Gustav Miller, church candle- This is a symbol of a fateful meeting. Most likely, you will meet a person with a rich inner world, and this person will become either a reliable friend or mentor to you.

Did you dream that the candles were burning evenly and brightly? A prosperous period is approaching when everything will work out and make you happy. But if you see in a dream that they burn unevenly, smoke or go out, then expect alarming news.

The magic of cathedral silence, or peace will enter the soul

To help you understand the interpretations of why you have a dream in which you light a church candle in a church, take Pastor Loff’s dream book. Pay attention to your own feelings in your sleep.

If you lit a candle in church with a calm heart, this means that peace will come in your soul. You dreamed that you were so sad that you lit an “Orthodox lamp” and cried - a sign of chaotic thoughts.

But admiring burning lamps in a dream means that you will be infinitely happy, promises the Lunar Dream Book.

“Branch of the temple” at home is a sign of worries

Do you dream that you have lit church candles at home? This is a sign of great excitement. Did burning candles calm you down? Don't worry, everything will be fine. But if the flame of a burning candle annoyed or tired you, then do not rush to make any promises.

Why do you dream of a vision in which you smell a burning lamp? It will remind you Eastern dream book: You will receive the news you have been waiting for a long time.

Purchasing “wax splinters”: You will face a difficult choice

The share of your friend will depend on what choice you make, Nostradamus’s dream book predicts for those who bought new church candles in a dream. Buying Orthodox paraphernalia symbolizes the choice - to help a friend or not.

Seeing a lot of candles in a church shop means getting rid of the burden of responsibility. But if you happen to buy a lot of new “wax splinters,” then be prepared to make a mistake, predicts the interpreter of the White Magician. Especially if you had to buy black lights.

Extinguishing or unlit wicks as a symbol of doubt

The interpretation of a dream in which you are holding a candle in your hands that you cannot light means the following: you are in doubt about some proposal. But burning burnt candles again is a sign of hope for a “second chance,” says Longo’s dream book.

Holding a broken church candle in your hands and trying to light it is a symbol of unrealistic hopes and shocks. And if you dreamed that the lighted lamp burning above the monument was extinguished by the wind, then you should not count on anyone’s help.

The Christmas extravaganza is a sign of joy and peace

Vanga’s dream book will tell you why you dream of the light of a Christmas church candle in the window of your house. If a candle burned in a lit room, then expect joy from meeting dear people. But if she illuminated dark room- happiness will settle in the house.

Looking for a place on the tree for a Christmas candle in a dream is a sign that you will enjoy communicating with your household. And if in a dream you are given a torch in a church during the Christmas liturgy, then this means that you will “shed light” on something secret.

Wax color

Be sure to check whether the church candles were unusually colored, as for temple paraphernalia, dream books recommend. If you dreamed of colored “sprays”, find out why they are in your dreams.

A candle is a fairly bright symbol to interpret. Most often, seeing a lit candle in a dream is considered a good sign, but do not forget about the nuances.

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The main thing is to know what candela is dreaming about, then you can prepare for the future and take the necessary measures. And the dream book will help you with this.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, a burning candle means a quick and unexpectedly pleasant meeting with old friends. You may also find new opportunities and useful contacts that will have a beneficial effect on your business.

A few lit candles “illuminate” a happy future full of love and mutual understanding. If a candle is blown out by a draft, perhaps a wave of ridiculous gossip about you is coming. And blowing out the candle yourself means prepare for sad events.

A candle is an ancient symbol, a frequent attribute of religious and magical actions. She personifies mystery and everything invisible, and also symbolizes light and soul.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book gives a detailed interpretation of the dream. A burning candle is a harbinger of happiness, a peaceful and calm future on the planet. Prosperity will reign everywhere, the concept of poverty and wealth will disappear. People will live in harmony, no despots, no evil people.

  • A brightly shining candle in a window, seen in the darkness of the night, means that you are favored and patronized higher powers . With their help, you can cope with any tasks and difficulties. In real life, they are personified by an influential person who quietly watches you. You probably don't even know about its existence.
  • If you dream that you can’t light a candle, then in reality a person will die through your fault. It may also mean that you will not be able to prevent a crime that results in someone's death.
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  • The plot where you extinguish the candle has a sad omen. Soon you will be informed about the death of a loved one or loved one. This will stir up a wave of regret that you were not with him in the last moments of his life.

If a candle goes out before your eyes in a dream, you will be tested by illness. It is possible that if you take care of your health, this disease can still be prevented.

  • A dream in which many candles are scattered in disarray means that terrible times are coming. People will become bitter and turn away from God. A new faith of violence and death will triumph, which will anger the Lord, and he will send down a devastating fire on the Earth.
  • Seeing in a dream many people carrying candles in their hands foretells the return of problems and tasks that you forgot or abandoned in the hope that it is not necessary to solve them. This dream shows how important it is to finish what you start.

Islamic Dream Book

By Muslim dream book seeing a candle means gaining power, as well as the imminent birth of a son who will be able to achieve a respectable position and will be a worthy and generous person.

Around the wick, the wax melts and resembles honey, and the resulting depression symbolizes wealth, deserved and obtained legally through overcoming difficulties.

Who lit candles in a dream?

The above interpretation options may be more accurate if you know who lights the candle in the dream.

Depending on the gender and status of the dreamer, the meaning can vary from clarifying to completely opposite.

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To an unmarried girl

If a young girl dreams that she lights a candle, it means that she will soon begin to secretly meet with her beloved, whom her parents and friends do not favor.

If the candle is already burning in a dream, you can hope for a quick marriage proposal. But the burning flame of a candle signals that the girl is behaving too frivolously, and it’s time to come to her senses.

To a woman

A woman who lights a candle in a dream will experience the happiness of having children in the very near future. Also, such a dream can foreshadow a pleasant trip or a successful business trip.


A candle lit by a pregnant woman promises the expectant mother family happiness and love.

To a man

A candle in a man’s hands indicates an imminent marriage, and for someone already married, the birth of a child. In addition, a lonely candle suggests a quick meeting of old friends, which will be remembered for a lifetime.

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Interpretation of sleep in detail

Certain details can also change the interpretation: where the dream actions take place, what feelings accompany the events, what objects surround them. All the little details play important role. It depends on them what exact meaning the image of the candle has.

Light a candle in church

If you dreamed about lighting a candle in a church, then in the near future you will be informed about the illness of one of your relatives or friends, and if the candle goes out, there will be trouble.

A candle lit in front of the images indicates that it is time to make an important confession.

Your emotions are especially important. If in a dream you felt serene and joyful while lighting a candle in a church, it means that peace and tranquility will soon come to your soul. But if your actions were accompanied by tears and sadness, your thoughts are a mess, and something needs to be done about the chaos in your head.

Lighting church candles

A dream in which you have to light candles will mark the Changes that bring happiness and new perspectives.

If the church is dark and you are trying to light candles, soon the secret will become apparent, and a long-standing secret will be revealed to you.

Lighting church candles at home means your soul is not at peace. But if the burning flame helps you to be comforted, then everything will be fine.

Burning church candle

An evenly and beautifully burning church candle symbolizes a future full of bright hopes. Dim light indicates missed opportunities and regrets, and that relationships are in jeopardy.

A church, brightly lit by a whole sea of ​​candles, will mark the end of a protracted period of bad luck, grief and illness. Things will go uphill again, harmony will come in your soul, and most importantly, the troubles you have endured will temper you and make you stronger.

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Extinguished burnt out candle

If you dreamed of an extinguished candle, loved ones will become stingy with charity and gifts.

As the proverb says, “a gift from a candle is a cinder.”

When a candle slowly burns out and goes out on its own, someone will soon die, and the cinder means the collapse of a cherished dream.

A candle burning without a trace predicts long-awaited freedom from debts, as well as success and even big money. If the candle floats, creditors will strangle you.

A dream in which many candles go out simultaneously due to a gust of wind is a warning. Probably, the forces of evil are trying to hinder your spiritual growth through temptations, nasty gossip and intrigues behind your back.

Decorative candles

Unusual decorative candles can dramatically change the interpretation of a dream.

Thus, candles cast in the shape of animals and objects or twisted into a spiral indicate that you have hidden magical abilities.

The gift of witchcraft can be developed, but you need to understand that this imposes a certain responsibility. The main thing is not to harm yourself and other people.

Outside of a magical context, decorative candles speak of the dreamer's rich imagination. It is possible that you are not using your abilities to the maximum.

Blowing out candles at a holiday

If you're blowing out the candles on your birthday cake, it's time to return to a calmer, slower life.

A dream where you easily blow out all the candles expresses confidence that it is just as easy you will cope with all future troubles. If at least one of them does not go out, the problems must be taken seriously.

Red candles

The color red symbolizes passion and love. Light red candles - get ready for unexpectedly flared up feelings. In addition, they can mean a romantic date, a quick acquaintance with your future spouse, or a new round of passion in an established relationship.

If a married man dreams of scarlet candles, you should be careful: his adultery will soon be revealed.

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One unlit candle

A new candle that has not yet burned predicts great success in life and broad prospects. This is always a good sign. You can expect a lot of income.

If in reality something seems impossible, don’t give up, everything will work out.


In general, a candle is a favorable symbol, but it is always better to check the dream book so as not to be mistaken in the accuracy of the prediction. If he warns, then you should think about it and prepare for trouble. But if you are destined for happiness and success, do not doubt yourself and move forward.

To determine why you see candles in a dream, you need to remember the details of the dream, pay attention to your own thoughts and feelings in the dream, draw an analogy with current events in life and try to find the answer in the dream book. Candles in a dream can mean absolutely versatile concepts, such as love, luck, improvement in business, sadness, melancholy. Moreover, the appearance of the candle, its condition, your feelings in the dream, and the emotional fallout after sleep matter. In order to figure out what this or that dream means, you need to carefully look through the dream book and find the most suitable option answer.

  • Dream Interpretation: candles – your inner spark, spiritual light, harmony with yourself. Your inner world is filled with light and insight, some events in life make you wiser and understand greater things.
  • Dream Interpretation: church candles - such a dream means your repentance, emotional experiences, troubles, a turning point in life that needs to be experienced.
  • Dream Interpretation: candles are burning - very good news awaits you, happiness that you have been waiting for a long time. You should not be afraid of changes, they will lead to the desired well-being.
  • , candles - if you dreamed of candles in a church, then this means cleansing your soul, reconsidering your principles, actions, priorities.
  • Dream Interpretation: lighting candles - pleasant and unexpected changes await you, good luck in business and endeavors. At first glance, these changes may seem quite insignificant, but the people you meet will influence your future state of affairs.
  • a candle is a good harbinger, in the near future you will solve a pressing problem, find the right way out from difficult situation which for a long time they could not find a correct and reasonable solution.
  • Dream Interpretation: black candles - this symbol represents magic. You should take a closer look at your surroundings, beware of enemies or competitors. Perhaps someone's envy of you is spoiling your plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: a candle goes out - such a dream portends sadness, sorrow, disappointment.
  • Dream Interpretation: an unlit candle portends a good combination of circumstances, good luck that will lead to the desired result. To catch this luck, you need to be more attentive and serious about the signs of fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: extinguishing candles is a risky action for life, for relationships and career growth. Don't rush to make rash decisions.
  • Dream Interpretation: a white candle - such a dream speaks of your spiritual purity, the desire to change and reconsider your own outlook on life, the desire for improvement.
  • Seeing a church and candles in a dream means that you will soon find family happiness and mutual understanding. Church is the path to God and awareness of one’s sinfulness.
  • Decorative candles: the dream book predicts that you will soon receive unexpected news from a person from whom you do not expect it.
  • Dream Interpretation: a huge candle that is not burning - this dream can warn of a serious illness. Do not neglect going to the doctor, especially if you have chronic diseases.
  • “Red candle” - a dream speaks of an approaching romantic relationship, strong feelings. You will meet a person who will really hook you.
  • The dream of “buying church candles” means the imminent appearance of minor troubles and problems around the house and work.
  • The dream “new candles” foretells bright prospects in work, try to work more hard and you will see the result.
  • Dream Interpretation: Holding church candles in your hand means distance from a loved one, coldness in relationships. To avoid separation, it is necessary to discuss all the issues of concern and come to a compromise.
  • and candles: your second “I” is not in harmony with you. You regret past actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: a tombstone and candles - such a sad dream speaks of a tense nervous system, fatigue, desire to change something in life. Take a break from work and immerse yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a church inside with candles - joy, light, kindness on your part towards others, complete harmony with yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a broken candle - such a dream may indicate health problems, you should get examined and listen to your body, adjust your sleep and diet, and avoid stress.
  • Why dream of wax candles - you are haunted by misfortune and envy from your competitors. Be extremely careful and don't trust anyone 100%.
  • Why dream: a candle is burning - it means quick success in your endeavors, recovery for a sick person.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's Dream Book: a candle denotes a meeting and close communication with friends.
  • The dream: “candles are burning” promises a meeting with friends with whom you have not seen or communicated for a long time, as well as with people who will have a beneficial effect on your career.
  • Dream Interpretation: lighting a candle portends increased interest in you from the opposite sex, but you must beware of easy relationships without obligations.
  • The dream “white candles” means that your future is filled with positive events and dreams come true. But this requires your attention and concentration.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of candles - you will become the object of discussion and gossip.
  • If candles are lit in a dream, then in the near future you will meet new acquaintances who will turn out to be true friends. But you shouldn’t trust every person - people proven by time and actions will not stray from your path.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Lighting candles in a dream means expect pleasant changes in various areas of your life.
  • Why do you dream about candle wax: the more wax, the worse your health.
  • The dream “burning candles in the church” foretells improvement of affairs and successful opportunities.
  • Why dream of a cake with candles - such a dream promises great joyful news.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream: “church, candles” - such a dream can promise the death of loved ones, grief, sadness.
  • The dream of “church candles” may mean your desire for spiritual growth, repentance, and peace. The fast pace of life has tired you, it’s time to take care of yourself.
  • Why do you dream of a man from a candle – there is an adviser in your life who is ready to advise you and accompany you in all your endeavors.
  • Lighting a candle in a dream means that you should doubt the sincerity of your friends.
  • Dream: “a burning candle” is a request for help, but it will be provided by someone from whom you do not expect it at all.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Breaking a candle in a dream means poor health. For men - problems with potency.
  • The dream “candles, a lot” - you need to pay attention to their condition - if they are burning, then such a dream means that a white streak has come in your life, an improvement in relationships with family and friends. If the candles are extinguished, then on the contrary, about complications, problems.
  • Lighting church candles in a dream means that you will soon gain peace of mind and satisfaction from life.
  • Lighting candles in a church in a dream means that you mistakenly think that friends should help you in everything.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
Seeing a candle in a dream means feeling homely and romantic.
Seeing icons and candles in a dream means regretting mistakes made earlier, remorse.
Modern dream book

  • The dream “a church candle is burning” speaks of the onset of mutual understanding and support in relationships. If in a dream it burned evenly, then soon you will have a pleasant meeting with friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cake with candles is an imminent significant event that the dreamer will celebrate. It will either be a personal victory or broad good news. You should pay attention to the number of candles in the cake - it can mean how many days or weeks are left before it comes to fruition.
  • Seeing new church candles in a dream is a harbinger of wealth.
  • The dream book interprets the dream of “lighting candles for the repose” as follows: you are afraid of your death and losing loved ones, you have a great desire to avoid death and help a person prevent the inevitable.
  • Seeing candle stubs in a dream means being disappointed in people and their actions. Unjustified expectation of something more.
  • A black candle in a dream brings loss of loved ones and death.
  • candles in church means that you are overcome by sad thoughts and depression.

Loff's Dream Book
What do candles mean in a dream? In the dream book, such a dream is interpreted as wisdom, the ability to reveal a person and his intentions, reason.
Why do you dream of church candles? Expect spiritual experiences, moral tension, depression.
French dream book
The dream of “lighting candles in church” means a new addition to the family. It doesn’t have to be a child, it can be any new family member.
The dream “the candle has gone out” promises trouble, misfortune, big problems. Avoid risky things and events, they can turn out very badly.
New family dream book

  • Seeing a lot of candles in a dream can be a sign of big and significant changes in your life. Don't be afraid of them - they will bring a lot of good news and events.
  • Why do you dream of an extinguished candle - your plans run the risk of being thwarted. Don't talk about your plans.
  • Why do you dream of a church, icons, candles - a dream with these attributes speaks of your errant inner world.
  • Why dream of lighting a candle for repose - an unconscious fear of death that haunts your consciousness.
  • Seeing a black candle in a dream means the death of a loved one or friend.
  • The dream of “many burning candles” means prosperity and success. If on at the moment Everything is getting better for you, then in the future everything will be even better.
  • Seeing candles in a dream - burning church candles signify an imminent meeting with old acquaintances or friends.
  • Why do you dream of a white candle - such a dream suggests that you are changing, growing up and becoming wiser, your life will change a lot in better side, since you have come to the realization that you need to change some principles and character.
  • The dream of “blowing out a candle” warns that you need to prepare for bad and unpleasant events, accept them with courage and not despair.

English dream book

  • “Candle wax” - a dream means that you will be useful to someone with your help, you will dramatically change a person’s life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large candle means inflated self-esteem and demands from other people. You need to reconsider your actions and words from a different perspective.
  • Dream Interpretation: a candle in your hands symbolizes that you are ready to take responsibility for yourself and your actions before others.
  • Dream interpretation: an extinguished candle promises the illness or death of one of the relatives.

Eastern dream book
For a girl to dream of “lighting a candle” means that her romantic relationship will take place in secret from her parents.
General dream book

  • This dream book interpretation of “candle” symbolizes living energy, the desire to live and create.
  • Buying candles in a dream means suffering financial losses.
  • Seeing church candles in a dream means being subjected to melancholy and sadness, nostalgia.
  • A church candle was burning in a dream - a sign that at the moment you are reconsidering your attitude towards life, the predominance of sadness and sadness. Your mood is bad because you are dwelling on the past.
  • The dream of “wax candles” means that you will soon get rid of debts.
  • Why do you dream of a candle going out: you urgently need to change your attitude towards friends and acquaintances.
  • Why dream of blowing out candles - your internal emotional instability, unwillingness and inability to control your emotions.
  • Why dream of decorative candles - a penchant for magic and everything supernatural.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • If candles go out in a dream, then in real life you do not have a clearly defined goal or principle.
  • The dream of “candle stub” means that at the moment you should not expect help from family and friends.
  • “Candle in a dream” which means: spiritual development, secrets of loved ones.

Dream book for the whole family

  • The dream of "burning candles" may indicate that you are exposed to danger that may interfere with your plans, dreams and desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy church candles – in yours family life Pleasant changes are expected that will help strengthen family relationships.
  • Why dream of lighting church candles: you will meet an old acquaintance or friend whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: blowing out candles - expect great disappointments in people or the end of a relationship with someone.
  • The dream of “seeing your mother in a coffin, candles around” foreshadows troubles and failure in business. (cm. )
  • The dream of “lighting church candles” promises a happy future and protection from evil tongues. In terms of marital status, do not talk about it so as not to jinx it.
  • For a young girl, two candles in a dream can mean quick love, which can develop into a family relationship.
  • For a woman, an extinguished candle in a dream promises the risk of separation from her lover. Only a woman can prevent this breakup.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

  • If a candle goes out in a dream, then you will be overcome by memories of the past, the past. Don't get depressed.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a candle - the dream promises the beginning of spiritual enrichment, churching.
  • Why do you dream of a candle in your hand: for a long and pleasant trip to relatives or friends.
  • Why do you dream of red candles: red is a symbol of love and passion, therefore, according to the dream book, red candles signify strong love.
  • Dream Interpretation: a burning candle - such a dream gives hope for the patient’s recovery and overall improvement in health.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Vanga's dream book: candle – calm and peace on earth, mutual understanding, positive dynamics of change.
  • Putting out candles in a dream promises bad news. It is worth spending more time with loved ones.
  • The light of a candle in a dream says that you can cope with any problems and experiences, you have a lot of moral strength.
  • Dream Interpretation: a candle goes out - such a dream may indicate that in the future you can cause the death of another person.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima
The meaning of the dream “candle” is hope for a better and brighter future, dreams, expectations.
Unlit candles in a dream are a good sign.
Women's dream book

  • Holding a candle in a dream predicts a marriage proposal, as well as a long trip for a long time.
  • Why do you dream of a lot of candles? For a woman, such a dream can mean an unexpected prospect in family life, an addition to the family or material well-being.
  • Dream Interpretation: lighting candles in a church can mean a change in self-esteem, a revision of your personality, and the discovery of new character traits in yourself. For people with depression, this means a fresh start in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing church candles symbolizes that they will soon help you solve your problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: red candles mean a sudden love affair.

Medieval dream book of Daniel
The dream of “lighting candles in church” is a risk of losing one of the parents.
Dream Interpretation: Lighting church candles means expect great joy or celebration.
Azar's Dream Book
Burning church candles in a dream means soon falling deeply in love. Be careful, excessive feelings may turn against you in the end.
Candle on the grave: the dream book foretells good deeds both from you and from your environment.
Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • What does a dream with candles mean: a happy, measured and carefree life. Stress will leave you, and you will begin to feel better about everything that happens.
  • Detailed universal dream book
  • The dream of “seeing a red candle in a dream” may indicate a quick and fleeting love interest that will leave a big mark on you and change your view of human relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: a church candle is burning - you should be more patient and polite towards your family, spend more time with them, be polite and tolerant.
  • Why dream of lighting candles in a dream: someone from your environment wants to help you, give advice.
  • Why do you dream of a candle on a grave: such a dream promises you the right actions. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of black candles - the death of a friend or relative. There may be sad news that will negatively affect your life.

Lunar dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing candles means love both in a couple and love for parents, friends, and loved ones.
  • Why do you dream of a church inside and candles: this dream indicates that in the near future a certain stage in your life will end, and a new, but more successful one will begin.
  • Dream Interpretation: candle stub - lack of trust in you from relatives or friends. Avoid unconscious words and actions.

Russian dream book
Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a candle - unexpected news, surprise, secret. You are completely confident in yourself and your future.
Old Russian dream book
Dream interpretation: a burning church candle is a great success in a matter in which you are unsure.
Erotic dream book
Dream interpretation: candle wax - predicts separation from a partner for a long time.
Autumn dream book
Candle – dream book, meaning – road to church, spiritual repentance.
Dream Interpretation of Medea
Seeing a burning candle in a dream means that success and good luck will overtake you in all matters and endeavors.
Dream Book of the Wanderer
This dream book interprets the interpretation of “candle” dreams as follows: if you saw a burning candle, it means that your spiritual state is peaceful, personal development– at a high level.
Dream Interpretation: a lot of candles are burning in the church - such a dream can foretell positive emotions and an increase in productivity.
Maly Velesov dream book
Dream Interpretation: lighting candles in church - expect more family happiness.
Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

  • Dream Interpretation: lit church candles - good luck in a new industry for you.
  • Why dream of lighting candles: illness or a general deterioration in health is possible.
  • Why dream of lighting candles - you are very sincere and trusting of your close friends, your relationships are open and have no secrets.
  • Why do you dream about church and candles: great luck will come to you, restoration of moral strength.

Psychotherapeutic dream book
Why dream of buying candles: such a dream can promise you a rapid improvement in relationships within your family; conflicts, quarrels and misunderstandings will no longer ruin your life.
Dream Interpretation: the candle goes out - soon your friends or relatives may accuse you of something. Be careful what you say.
Summer dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about a candle - pay attention to your health and attitude towards yourself in general, pay more attention to relaxation and entertainment.
  • Why dream of lighting candles in a church: such a dream promises you the fulfillment of your desires and goals.
  • Dream interpretation: drops from a candle - to the death or illness of one of the relatives.

Dream book of lovers
Why do you dream about candles? Such a dream in this dream book is interpreted as complete satisfaction with intimate life with a partner.
Why do you dream of burning church candles - the dream promises marriage or engagement.
Gypsy dream book
Why do you dream of an unlit candle: you will find yourself in the right place in right time. This will give you bright prospects in your work.
Why dream of a candle stub - dissatisfaction in a relationship, insufficient attention from loved ones to you.
Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki
Why do you dream of a burning candle - for marriage.
Why do you dream of a blue candle - you are too dreamy, and this does not lead you to any result. Start taking action, go towards your dreams.
Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea
Why do you dream of extinguished candles: you realize that earlier in your life there were promising opportunities that you missed.
Based on various dream books, a candle is a symbol of spiritual balance, an indicator of the internal state of health, both moral and physical. Can foreshadow important events in life, such as death, birth, marriage. Every detail that describes candles in a dream plays a big role, even the interpretation of the dream depends on the color of the candle. A candle is a symbol of the church and peace, repentance, spiritual wealth. You should pay attention to your own self-esteem, your attitude towards others and regulate your emotional state.

A candle in a dream is considered a sign of hope, loss, passion, luck and friendship. In the hope of understanding what such a vision means, you need to remember the dreamed plot as carefully as possible, focusing on your feelings, combine everything into one semantic picture, compare it with events in reality, and find an interpretation in the dream book.

A burning candle, according to Miller's dream book, prophesies a date with old friends, or meeting useful personalities. In addition, this dream indicates excellent prospects that will arise in the dreamer’s life.

The transparent and even glow of the flame promises happiness in family life and harmony in relationships between family members. When a candle suddenly goes out due to a blow of wind, this means that evil, unreliable gossip will be born behind the dreamer’s back. For this reason, in the life of a sleeping person, everything will not go smoothly at all.

Consider in a dream large number candles, according to Loff’s dream book, is interpreted as a sign of clarification, security or preparedness of a person, due to the skill of assessing surrounding events fully with all their flaws.

As the Esoteric Dream Book says, the essence of a dream about candles is unfavorable. The vision warns the dreamer of possible troubles in the future. When the candle is burning, the sleeping person will be helped by people other than those he could rely on in the past.

Seeing burning candles in a dream, according to the French dream book, means the imminent birth of a baby; for adult women who have been unable to conceive a child for a long period of time -. Fading ones predict major misfortunes, unforeseen difficulties that stun the sleeping person.

Type and condition of the candle

Explanation of the dream - the candle depends on the type, shade and other features of the candle. So, in order to understand what such an image means, you need to remember the above nuances.

When a candle goes out in front of the dreamer without any particular reason, disappointment awaits you in the future, and also lost chances, which will significantly upset you and will relegate the implementation of your plans to the background. In addition, such an image is a signal that the dreamer is wasting a lot of energy on his work, and this can lead to health problems.

For an adult, a candle going out in a dream promises the appearance of an obstacle and misunderstanding between two lovers. Only the reasonableness and delicacy of the sleeping young lady will help prevent dangerous consequences, thereby not destroying the love affair.

Why do you dream of picturesque candles? If they have unusual look in a dream, this means that the dreamer is gifted with magical abilities. But, having such a gift, one should be careful, otherwise a rash word spoken can change the dreamer’s life.

A red candle in night dreams expresses passion and love relationship. For a married man, such a vision can predict a frivolous romantic affair, which the spouse will find out about. The dream book recommends beingware of ill-considered actions and lustful thoughts, since an affair on the side will not give you peace and satisfaction.

A white candle in a dream expresses honesty, and is interpreted by the interpreter as the dreamer’s internal desire for moral elevation and self-development, and a revision of his lifestyle.

Why do you dream about wax candles? The dream book compares them with sadness, mental struggle, sad thoughts about past events that upset the dreamer’s everyday life. Yellowish wax indicates probable hypocrisy or tricks of enemies, due to which your plans will not come true.

Brand new candles not burning in a dream predict significant opportunities in reality, gaining experience, new things that portend great income and prosperity.

When the candle goes out in the dreamer’s hand, think about how you communicate with strangers. If the candle stops burning in the dreamer’s hands, according to the dream book, it means that the person needs to think about her attitude towards her loved one. Otherwise, the relationship may collapse.

Male dreamers will need information about why a broken candle dreams. According to Freud, such an image indicates difficulties with the male genital organ or potency. For representatives of the fair sex, the same image promises difficulties in intimate life with a sexual partner. When a person breaks a candle himself, then in reality he will need to account for his actions and how he behaves among those around him.

You need to know why you dream about a lot of candles. Those that burn promise happiness and fun in life, the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. Extinguished or unlit candles indicate problems that can overshadow the planned event.

An encounter with crime, hypocrisy and bias is what dark candles mean in dreams. At the same time, a similar image is interpreted as the approaching death of a familiar person, and is also considered a sign of the influence of otherworldly forces.

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