What do you dream about when your name is called? Why do you dream about the Name in a night dream? What does the Name predict in a dream?

It means a change in life, a change in occupation or business. Sometimes indicates changes, troubles, visits or problems that are worth paying attention to.

If you want to understand what a dream means in which someone calls you by name in a dream, look at the circumstances of the dream, whether the voice of the caller is familiar to the dreamer or not, and what happened next.

This is how the dream book writes what a dream about a name most often means.

Yours or someone else's

Hearing your name in a dream means that you will have to take an active part in some business. Modern dream book says that you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Hearing someone affectionately calling the dreamer - to a new romance, a chosen one, or an improvement in relations with a loved one.

If you dreamed that the dreamer was named in a rough voice, sounds unpleasant, unkind, then the dream means that soon some kind of scandal or trial will happen in your life.

The dream book indicates that you will be very worried about some kind of trouble, since someone will make you answer for past actions.

Much depends on who exactly called the dreamer and how - diminutive, affectionate or official.

Usually children are rarely called full name, for example, Elizabeth or Alexandra. Most often, adults give them affectionate and abbreviated names such as Lisa, Alya, Sasha, Lexa.

Hearing an offensive nickname or the name you were called at school is a sign of trouble. The dream book indicates that enemies and unpleasant people will remind you of themselves.

Why do you dream if a child or teenager was called by their official full name? Such a dream predicts changes in life, changes related to work, official authorities, and sometimes such a dream predicts legal proceedings. Look who is applying and how.

If this is a father who is currently alive and well, the dream book warns that the dreamer will have a serious conversation with him. Female voice calling male name, dreams of meeting a lady, mother.

Sometimes predicts troubles and misunderstandings with mistresses, ex-girlfriends and their relatives. If the dreamer is called by his mother, then in life he does not give her love and attention.

Hearing the name of relatives or friends is a sign of gossip. Listen to the intonation with which it is pronounced. If the dreamer began to be called and talked about him with a call for help, then such a dream predicts troubles for you or that a certain person will need help or support.

Why does a girl dream about a man's name? Most often, this is a sign that he will take part in her life. Pay attention to this person's voice and intonation. Sometimes a dream predicts meeting a future chosen one, a husband, or a very dangerous and criminal person.

Hearing that someone, addressing the dreamer, pronounces someone else’s name - to scandalous story. The modern dream book prophesies that after such a dream your life will change dramatically.

If the dreamer does not like the real name, you can change it and, most likely, you will do so. Sometimes such a dream means a fundamental change in the dreamer’s life.

For example, he can change his occupation, place of activity, take up a completely new business, join a sect or religious teaching, or leave for permanent place residence abroad.

But for some people, such a dream predicts changes in life, various troubles, scandals and quarrels. Sometimes if the dreamer is called by a strange and ugly nickname, this means that there is a person who wishes evil.

Hearing a deceased person call your name is an alarming sign. The dream foretells troubles, danger to life or illness. If you didn’t answer the call, the difficult period will end happily.

If the deceased person did not give your name, then your relative or friend is in mortal danger. Foreign names dream of major changes.

If a mother hears that the child now calls himself differently, she will no longer understand her teenage son or daughter and may lose them.

Signs of changes in your personal life

If a guy calls a girl’s name in a dream, but she doesn’t see his face and can’t remember his appearance, the dream book predicts that she will soon meet a nice guy.

If, after fortune-telling for Christmas, you made a wish for your betrothed, and in a dream someone said male names, then the guy with him will become your future spouse or introduce you to your chosen one.

If your betrothed's initials were written in the snow or sand, expect a romantic acquaintance and a pleasant pastime, which will later develop into a serious romance.

If you dreamed that a stranger said the name of your friend or acquaintance, the relationship will deteriorate or your loved one will pay attention to another girl.

Bad and... if the young man did not give your initials in front of the priest or at the registry office during registration, he called another girl after him. This dream means that the relationship will go wrong, and he will marry someone else.

If a stranger says the dreamer’s name, you will meet someone. For the bride, the dream predicts a disruption of the wedding and a change in plans for the future, a new acquaintance.

If you dreamed that you wrote the name of a stranger or a guy you know in the snow, sand, or on the pages of a personal diary, this is a sign of falling in love. The modern dream book promises that you will be happy and will soon fall in love.

If a girl wishes for a guy at night and dreams that he is writing her initials in the snow, with chalk on the asphalt or in a notebook, this good sign. You will be happy because you will be able to make him fall in love with you, and the feelings will not remain without reciprocity.

If the guy wrote them on the fence or in the toilet, expect trouble. The modern dream book writes that he will laugh at the girl and turn out to be very cruel person. Writing his nickname or initials yourself in the toilet, on a fence or wall is a sign of scandal and an attempt to disgrace this guy.

Dreams of pregnant women

Finding out in a dream what the name of the unborn child will be is often a prophetic sign. But sometimes it indicates the gender of the baby. If he was called in a dream by his first name and patronymic, but it was incorrect, a secret affair may be revealed, and the husband will find out about the betrayal, if there was one.

Sometimes such a dream predicts the betrayal of a spouse, his leaving the family, and the fact that another person will take care of the child. If a pregnant woman dreamed that she had a boy, then she will complete some task.

If the baby calls her, then the pregnant woman will have a son. When a girl says the word “mother” or your name, a daughter will be born.

See other names, write on paper - to difficult choice. This is a good sign for those who want to arrange their own lives, as it predicts rich opportunities.

For a pregnant woman, waking up from the fact that she cannot choose a name for the child means a temporary deterioration in well-being and doubts.

If the name is finally chosen, this means that she will soon find out the gender of the baby. Pay attention to whether it is masculine or feminine.

The average, such as Sasha or Zhenya, does not predict the resolution of doubts, but may hint at what you decide to name the baby.

If a pregnant woman dreamed that someone called her, expect a request for help. Sometimes an official and cold tone predicts troubles, scandals and a subpoena.

If you dream that a name is written on a poster or fence, beware of a scandal. Receive in a dream a memorable gift that you like and in which in beautiful letters your name is written - a favorable sign.

You will be happy and your talents will be appreciated. Hearing someone start screaming and calling for the dreamer is alarming news.

Male and female

For a woman to write a man's name on paper - to fall in love. If she discovered that it was written in a guy’s diary or notebook, expect good news and light flirting.

But if your name is written in a woman's notebook, the wife of a married lover knows about the affair. Man to read given name in the woman's diary - to surprise. Sometimes a dream predicts an unexpected declaration of love.

When the surname and initials appear in a man’s notebook, this is a sign of rivalry. If in a dream a voice also pronounces your last name, beware of trouble and a call to the police or authorities.

Pupils and students dream of such a dream as a sign of trouble at school, a call class teacher parents and other problems.

Sometimes such a dream predicts a wedding. If you dreamed that a teacher at the institute began to pronounce the dreamer’s name, this is a sign of trouble or promotion, a responsible task or participation in a conference.

In dreams, sometimes our secret dreams come true, and sometimes our worst nightmares come true. The main thing is to remember one thing: any image, symbol, person is information that we should take into account, understand why we need it and how it should be applied in life.

A name is what determines a person’s personality, his character, views, worldview, foundations. By pronouncing a person’s name, we become closer to him, we learn more about him. Therefore, the appearance of this word in a vision is always important.

Today we will try to find out what a name means in a dream and how to correctly analyze such a dream. As the dream book says, a name is a symbol of your inner world, it is your connection with the spiritual and higher principles.

Such visions should be analyzed in detail, because for each of us they will be completely different. There are main points that can be repeated in a dream, but you need to especially focus your attention on them:

  • Have you seen or heard?
  • Male or female?
  • Who said it?
  • What voice?

Variety of dreams

So, to find out what a name means in a dream, you need to remember through which channel - visual or auditory - it came to you, as well as whose it was. So, seeing your name in a dream means that your plans, your goals are feasible, you just have to believe in it. All you need is a fighting spirit and activity that will help you achieve what you want.

If you dreamed of someone else’s name, then you should remember whether you know this person. If it was a man's name, then most likely you will meet your betrothed in the near future. If the name was feminine, it means you will find a good and faithful friend.

Hearing your name in a dream means that the voice of your soul, your intuition, is speaking within you. You need to pay attention to your inner world, what you think about, what you dream about, what you want to achieve. You also need to find harmony, the unity of your body and your soul.

There are several here important points, namely:

  • Hearing your name in a dream, as someone pronounced it in a whisper, means that you should spend time alone with yourself and think about the future and present.
  • Hearing someone call you loud in a dream means that you are overworked, you are bogged down in everyday life and the bustle of everyday life. You need a long rest as soon as possible in order to restore your internal balance.

Hearing not your own, but someone’s male name means that your life will soon change, so try to remember it, since, most likely, something will connect you with this person in the near future. He will become a reliable support and support for you, and perhaps you should learn something from him.

If you heard someone calling a woman, it means that soon this woman will also affect your life. In reality, treat any representatives of the fair sex who are called that way with understanding and respect - perhaps they will help you get to know yourself better.

Voice in the Dark

Next, remember who exactly called you in the dream. If the person who called you was female, then you lack feminine energy, softness, smoothness, kindness and care. As he says Noble dream book, a name pronounced in a female voice symbolizes feminine energy, which you need to balance within yourself.

A dream in which the name was uttered by a man’s voice suggests that you need to be a more persistent, strong and self-confident person. It is these qualities of a real man that will help you achieve what you want. Remember that if you don’t feel strong enough to cope with a problem, don’t be afraid to ask for help, because the world is always open to you.

To speak yourself, to pronounce the word with which you have been named, means that you will soon have the opportunity to be a leader. You will be able to manage, but not necessarily your work colleagues - perhaps you will learn to manage your thoughts or your body.

Calling someone yourself means that you need help, support, an additional resource. Calling a man means that you need “hands”, an active and active person. Calling a woman means that you need someone who can share your emotions and help you get through difficult or easy events in your life.

  • Hearing a pleasant and light, melodious voice means that your soul is singing, but at the same time requires attention.
  • If the voice was unpleasant, creaky, then this indicates that you are not used to listening to your inner world.
  • Hearing a child's voice is a sign that your inner world is still very young, and you need to grow up. To do this, you need to pay attention to developing your own responsibility and independence.
  • A strong, bold, cheerful voice indicates that serious changes await you both physically and spiritually. You are embarking on the path of development, the path of finding your destiny.

If the voice was frightening, alarming, if it sent chills down your spine, then such a vision is a warning. Analyze what decision you want to make, what you are thinking about lately, - perhaps you are trying to take the wrong step.

Each vision is a special world and a special state in which many, many secrets are revealed to us. A dream like this is one of the most sacred, so when you wake up, be sure to write it down so as not to forget and not miss anything. And if difficulties arise during the analysis, then seek help from books, knowledgeable people and your own intuition.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Change - never get married for a girl. Hearing your own, but not the call, is good news. Written - litigation or service matters related to petitions, permits, etc. Saying your name out loud is a big change, a long journey. Danger. ...

Dreaming about “Name” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing your own is news, someone else’s will be played by a person with that name important role in your destiny. How to improve the meaning of sleep? If you heard someone else's name in a dream, write it down and carry a piece of paper with the name with you.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Name?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing your name is dangerous. Yes! When you don’t know the lesson, and they call you to the blackboard.

I have a dream about the name

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing your name spoken in a dream means death or displeasure.

Why does the Name appear in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing your name pronounced by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be at risk, but complete strangers will provide you with the necessary material support. If your mother calls you by name, this is a sign that, having chosen the wrong path, you have pushed away...

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Hearing

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hear cries for help - expect news soon. Your intervention in the situation may be required. Hearing a threat addressed to you means reconsider your actions of the last period: somewhere you made a wrong decision. Hearing your name pronounced by the deceased is a sign of a threat to you...

Name - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An instruction to pay attention to the meaning of the name, to the human qualities attributed to it. Hear your own - watch the Voice. Remembering your own is a reminder of an unresolved karmic task. Remembering something else is a reflection of the desire to remember something.

Dream - Name - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Names of acquaintances - you miss these people. Unfamiliar names sometimes surprisingly turn out to be prophetic. Hearing your name is a warning about something. Hearing someone else's name is an indication of someone who will influence your life. Seeing your name written on...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Name?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Clearly hearing your name in a dream or seeing it written is a reflection of your self-control. Perhaps you made some mistake that could have a bad impact on your reputation, or, on the contrary, you control your behavior too tightly, which creates unnecessary tension and...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Name?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Names of acquaintances - you miss these people. Unfamiliar names - a person with the same name may appear in your life who will mean a lot to you. Hearing your name is a warning about something. Hearing someone else's name is an indication of...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Name?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Change - never get married (for a girl). Hearing your own, but not the call, is good news. Written - litigation or work related matters related to petitions, permits. Saying your name out loud is a big change, a long journey.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Hearing. Scream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hear cries for help. Tip of the day: expect to hear soon. Your intervention in the situation may be required. Hearing a threat addressed to you. Tip of the day: reconsider your actions of the last period: somewhere you made a wrong decision. Hearing your name spoken by the deceased. Tip of the day: this is...

If you had a dream - Name

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Your written name means a change of place. To name it means honors and awards. Hearing - to anxiety and melancholy caused by an internal state. Alien - be attentive to the bearers of this name. They will play a role in your life.

If you dream about the Call, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing your name spoken by unfamiliar voices in a dream means that your affairs will be at risk, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means illness of one of them. Lovers who hear the voice of their beloved should pay attention...

Why does the Voice appear in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing someone's voice is a sign not to lose hope. If the voice is loud - to profit. Nasal - to slander. Pleasant - to the news. Rooster - for gossip. Hoarse - to losses. Whispering - to an obvious enemy. ...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Names?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Familiar names are associated with longing for the people to whom they belong. Strangers sometimes surprisingly turn out to be prophetic. Hearing your name is a warning about something. Hearing someone else's name is an indication of someone who will influence your life.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Black someone?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A large flock of black crows dreams of a funeral. Seeing a black dog barking in a dream means dangers and gossip spread by your ill-wishers. A sudden bite from a black dog indicates that your relationship with one of your ill-wishers will heat up to the limit, and...

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does a Name mean in a dream?

In a dream, someone says your name, if you see who is doing it and it is alive on at the moment a person is a good sign, predicting the imminent receipt of good news. You yourself pronounce your name out loud, the dream warns that big life changes await you. In other cases, get ready to go on a long journey. When the dreamer is a young girl, a woman, and it seems to her that she has changed her name, this is a sad sign, indicating that she will never get married. You dreamed of your name written in some papers, especially official ones, the dream predicts you a lot of hassle associated with litigation, filing petitions, obtaining permits, etc.

The meaning of the dream about the Naming (Gypsy dream book)

When you hear someone pronounce your name in a dream, this is not a very good prediction. In most cases, it warns you that some troubles, misfortunes, problems in business await you, in general, events that will cause your displeasure. When you dream about your name in a dream, it is not good. However, such a dream also has a much sadder meaning. If a person dreams that someone is saying his name in a dream, someone is calling him, but no one knows who, if he hears this, this predicts the death of the dreamer himself.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about a name in a dream?

In a dream, a certain person pronounces your name; hearing your name spoken is a good sign. Expect in reality to soon receive good news about a matter that interests you. To see your name written in some papers or documents in a dream - you have to trial, participation in the trial. If in a dream a person who has already died by that moment calls you by name, this is a very alarming warning about a serious illness, and possibly the death of the dreamer.

Maly Velesov dream book

Name in a dream

The meaning of a dream in which you see or hear your own name can be very diverse. Therefore, to better understand it, you should take into account other details of your dream. If a person you know calls you by name and is currently in good health, this means you will soon receive good, happy news. If you dream that the deceased is calling you by name, especially if you only hear his voice but don’t see it, this is a sad warning about the imminent death of the person who is seeing this dream. Or to a serious and long-term illness. To dream that you suddenly forgot your own name - expect failure in business, or you may become a victim of slander, slander, which will cause you a lot of harm. If you dreamed of your name written somewhere - a warning that you will take part in litigation. When suddenly in a dream someone gives you a different name, calls you a new name, the dream promises you big life changes. Whether they will be for the better or for the worse is difficult to say for sure, but you can try to determine by the name they gave you.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Names, what does it mean?

Names – Familiar names are associated with longing for the people to whom they belong. Strangers sometimes surprisingly turn out to be prophetic. Hearing your name is a warning about something. Dream interpretation of names - Hearing someone else's name is an indication of someone who will influence your life.

Seeing Names – Familiar names are associated with longing for the people to whom they belong. Strangers sometimes surprisingly turn out to be prophetic. Hearing your name is a warning about something. Hearing someone else's name is an indication of someone who will influence your life.

Esoteric dream book

Name in night dreams

You hear or see some other person’s name - it means that in reality you need to be especially attentive to all its bearers who meet on your way. Some of them may play a significant role in your life. Seeing your name written somewhere means a change of residence or a long journey awaits you. Dreaming that you tell a person your name or simply say it out loud is a positive dream that predicts that you will receive fame, honors, and awards. But hearing someone call your name is not a good sign. In most cases, it means that anxiety and melancholy, some problems, troubles, and often illness await you.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about a name in a dream?

In a dream, a certain person pronounces your name; hearing your name spoken is a good sign. Expect in reality to soon receive good news about a matter that interests you. Seeing your name written on some papers or documents means you are about to go to trial, participate in a trial. If you heard a person who had already died by that moment calling by name, this is a very alarming warning about a serious illness, and possibly the death of the dreamer.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Names from your dream

In a dream, you pronounce your own name, for example, calling it to a person, of course - this can only symbolize the process of getting to know each other and not carry any additional semantic load. You say your name out loud without any need - this is already a very serious sign warning that major life changes await you. Hearing your name being pronounced by someone else means expecting to receive good news about a matter that interests you.

The meaning of a dream about Name Day (from the book by Nina Grishina)

Your name - Hearing your name is dangerous. Read it and you will be publicly named. Writing it is a warning against hasty agreement to someone else’s terms. Dream Interpretation Seeing or hearing someone else’s name is some indication of who bears it. A historical name is an indication of the symbolic connection between it and the upcoming event. Monogram – great interest in the person whose monogram you see. Monogram is a deception.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Name mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, why dream of hearing someone calling you by name - you need to remember the dead or light a candle in the church.

In the summer, why did you dream of hearing your name in a dream means that someone is secretly dreaming about you.

In the fall, dreaming of hearing your name repeated means that you will be compromised.

In winter, why do you dream of hearing your own name - good news; to see what is written means there will be a trial.

hearing a man's name in a dream

Hearing something in a dream means a more subtle perception of signals from the outside; here we mean “incoming” information in any form of transmission.

Hearing a pleasant voice in a dream means good news, a joyful event. An alarmed or unpleasant voice is bad news, the news will not make you happy. A familiar voice - the news will concern you or your family. An unfamiliar voice is something unexpected for you.

Hearing your name in a dream means someone is looking for you. If the voice is male - a man, female - for some reason the woman needs you. If your voice is pleasant, then finding you will be a good reason to see you. And vice versa. Another sign. Often, when performing magical rituals, the phantom is addressed by pronouncing the name. So, draw conclusions, if the voice is tense or distorted, and they are calling you by name, they are trying to influence you through magical rituals. Set up protection!

Writing it is a warning against hasty agreement to someone else’s terms.

Seeing or hearing someone else’s name is an indication of a symbolic connection between him and the upcoming event.

Monogram – great interest in the person whose monogram you see.

Dream Interpretation Name Names: Familiar names are associated with longing for the people to whom they belong. Unfamiliar names: sometimes surprisingly they turn out to be prophetic. Hearing your name: a warning about something. Hearing someone else's name: an indication of someone who will influence your life. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Name Name. If in a dream you are repeatedly called by name, this means that you are communicating with friendly people on whom you can completely rely. If in a dream other people confuse your name, then in reality you will be tormented by great doubts. You will suffer from gloomy forebodings and not know how to get rid of them. If in a dream your name is different than in life, then you will not be able to protect yourself from troubles. If you dream that you cannot remember your name, it means that you are unable to find your place in life. Everything turns against you. Big dream book

Seeing your name in a dream in the form of letters emitting light, as predicted Gypsy dream book- an omen of loss cash. It is even possible that you will fall below the poverty line and never return to your previous state of prosperity and stability.

According to the interpretation of the vast majority of dream books, seeing a name written on a blank piece of paper foreshadows a lawsuit. The trial will not necessarily be carried out on the dreamer; it is likely that he will be a witness. But if he holds bad deeds close to his heart, then it is better to be careful and not do anything illegal again in life.

Why do you dream of someone else's name?

Dream book "sonnik.guru"

For a young woman dream, in which she writes Name her lover on glass or on a piece of paper means that she is alarmed by some subtle changes in the relationship. If indream You do you hear someone's Name, then it is possible that in the near future events will occur in your life related to the person whose name is that. If you dreamed that you were being called by name, Means.

Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

You heard someone's Name? In the near future, events will occur related to the person whose name is that. Clearly hearindreamyoursName or seeing it written is a reflection of your self-control. Perhaps you made some mistake that could have a bad impact on your reputation, or, on the contrary, you control your behavior too tightly, which creates unnecessary stress and fatigue.

Dream book "belmagi"

HearyoursNameindream. Registration Login Users. List Search Rules.anechka (User) Date posted: 11/28/2010, 8:07 pm. Up. Dear forum participants and Magi, please tell me what it can mean when indreamcan you hearyoursName. Indream me by name called a male voice, no longer young. The moment they called me by nameindream I clearly saw my room, the whole situation in it, how the light was burning in the corridor.

HearyoursName, pronounced indream in unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be at risk, but complete strangers will provide you with the necessary financial support. If indream is calling you name your mother is a sign that, having chosen the wrong path, you have alienated from yourself exactly those people on whom the success of the whole business depended.

Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

What does it mean indreamName- Yours hear- to the news, someone else's - a person with such name will play an important role in your destiny. Meaning sleepName: What does it mean indreamName. 1. Our Name- the very first thing we realized. If in a dream they call ours Name, then our attention is drawn precisely to what we are. There is an assumption that parents, when naming their child, imply that name the biggest lesson he will have to learn in life.

Dream Interpretation "margoscha"

HearyoursNameindream(but not a call) - to good news. If they call you by name, - be prepared for the fact that in the very near future you will be forced to seek help from strong of the world this. See yoursName written on a piece of paper - to litigation or service matters related to petitions, permits, etc. If you indream you call yoursName, - to big changes, a long journey.

Dream interpretation "dreams"

Voice of God will awaken you to spiritual enrichment and help you achieve respect and recognition from others. Hear a voice from heaven: if you enter into dialogue with it– to decisive success with the opposite sex; hear a monologue - it is necessary to critically reconsider the attitude of your friends and girlfriends towards you; apparently, some of them are acting against you. Someone's warning voice means the approach of a series of failures. Live conversation of many people in a dream means that some joyful event will burst into your life and change a lot for the better. Monogram- you will be deceived. Change your name in a dream- a sign of dissatisfaction with oneself. This feeling gives rise to self-doubt and, as a result, failure in business. Try to be more accepting of your minor shortcomings, and then your business will begin to improve.

Why do you dream about the Name (of the sleeping person) - (Say) you should be careful; to major changes.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why do you dream about Names - Familiar names are associated with longing for the people to whom they belong. Strangers sometimes surprisingly turn out to be prophetic. Hearing your name is a warning about something. Dream interpretation of names - Hearing someone else's name is an indication of someone who will influence your life.

Dream Interpretation Names – Familiar names are associated with longing for the people to whom they belong. Strangers sometimes surprisingly turn out to be prophetic. Hearing your name is a warning about something. Hearing someone else's name is an indication of someone who will influence your life.

What does Name mean in a dream? 1. Our name is the very first thing we realized. If our name is called in a dream, then our attention is drawn to exactly who we are. There is an assumption that parents, when naming their child, include in his name the biggest lesson that he will have to learn in life. For example, Charles means "man" and Bridget means "strength". 2. If in a dream we are aware of the names of other people, then perhaps we are aware of such traits of their characters that are worth looking at. When the name of a certain place appears in a dream, we take into account how we feel about it or what we know about it. 3. From a spiritual perspective, when something is given a name, it then takes on a form and, as a result, a meaning. The name allows us to connect with Nature.

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