Tiger man - rooster woman. Tiger and Rooster: the compatibility horoscope does not promise a simple relationship

Nata Karlin July 25, 2018, 19:55

The relationship of this tandem is not very simple; there is practically no understanding in the pair, because partners with different worldviews, temperaments and energy levels in extremely rare cases they can find a common language. If the zodiac Tiger and Rooster nevertheless decide to go through life hand in hand, both will have to try hard to improve their lives and move towards the same goal. It is difficult to find more dissimilar and unsuitable partners.

The self-centered and harsh Tiger always stands up for independence and, in an effort to be free, does not notice the surrounding trifles

He bright, active, aggressive and purposeful person, in which there is no rational principle.

The Rooster, with all its temperament and belligerence, tries to streamline life, expenses and income. At the same time, he will not tolerate a person next to him who thinks differently. Cocky and restless, he is constantly on the move, trying to work more and earn more. He is always tense, in a state of readiness for battle.

Tiger and Rooster in extremely rare cases can find a common language

In contrast to the Rooster, you can put the Tiger. The latter will never get involved in a war without carefully considering the route of retreat. He will not waste his time on wrong or too simple moves, committing illogical actions. If the eccentric Rooster begins to urge the measured “cat” on, he will definitely drive her out of patience. A happy relationship in a couple is possible only with effort on both sides.

Compatibility horoscope for Tiger and Rooster in love according to the eastern horoscope

Love relationships between people of these zodiac constellations cannot be called cloudless, The compatibility of this couple seems simply impossible to many. People who are completely different and dissimilar from each other will have to make a lot of effort to build relationships and find mutual understanding.

It is surprising that the main points of contact between the two zodiac signs are based on contradictions. Both active and active signs do not tolerate routine and a calm flow of life. The Rooster rarely doubts the correctness of his actions, often without even thinking about the moral aspects of a particular case. According to the representative of this sign, everything he does is correct and simply cannot be any other way.

The tiger never pays attention to the opinions of others, he has his own, which he does not even advertise, doing as he sees fit. Others rarely understand the actions and direction of this person’s thoughts.

At first, the union of the Tiger and the Rooster is filled with vivid emotions and delights the people around them.

The Rooster flaunts the Tiger’s virtues in every possible way, trying to focus attention on them at every opportunity. At first The tiger is flattered by such admiration, but very soon it starts to get boring. You won’t have to wait long for results – the conflict can flare up at lightning speed.

Those born in the year of the Tiger and Rooster do not tolerate routine and a calm flow of life.

Marital compatibility of couples born in the years of the Tiger and the Rooster

Husband and wife(Rooster-Tiger) no matter what they will prove they are right. This is not just stubbornness, they see the meaning of their life in this. Both representatives of these signs are arrogant, proud and consider themselves chosen, unlike other people. Proving their uniqueness, each partner flatly refuses to accept the other’s arguments, so conflict is inevitable. The struggle for ambition will not stop until both understand that they are not acting quite like family.

If at first everything is new and interesting for each of the partners, then soon the routine will drag them both down and then it will become clear that these two egoists do not want to give in to each other. The marriage of this couple is doomed to constant confrontation.

Despite the fact that the Tiger and the Rooster will face a lot of unpleasant moments in marriage, there is no need to despair. Sooner or later, having adapted and accepted your partner’s shortcomings, loving people will definitely find mutual understanding. The main thing is a common desire.

Rooster and Tiger are two egoists who do not want to give in to each other

Friendship between Tiger and Rooster according to the Chinese calendar

Tiger and Rooster can be friends. This union will be quite successful if each of them moderates their ambitions. The Rooster will help the irrational Tiger learn to plan events and act strictly according to established rules. The tiger will always stand up for the interests of his friend. For a relationship to be strong, they need:

  • establish absolute equality in tandem;
  • be able to listen to your partner’s opinion;
  • completely exclude a dismissive tone or mockery from communication;
  • Do not gossip with strangers about each other.

The work compatibility between Tiger and Rooster is quite good. Both exude energy, are hardworking and enterprising.

They are always full of ideas and plans, have a rich imagination and know how to improvise.

Money flows into their hands on their own, all they have to do is make a little effort. To strengthen business relationships, both partners need to adhere to some rules:

  • establish strict boundaries of areas of action;
  • stop the struggle for leadership;
  • listen to your partner’s recommendations and advice, taking into account his arguments.

The work compatibility of the Tiger and the Rooster is quite good

Compatibility of Tiger Man and Rooster Woman

So, he is a Tiger, she is a Rooster. What awaits this union? This tandem should initially be based on mutual understanding and mutual respect. People with completely different characters and habits must have a sense of proportion in everything. A Tiger guy will never be able to subjugate his wife. And the Rooster girl will not tolerate constant unreasonable jealousy of her partner.

In order for a strong connection to be established between partners, both of them will have to make a lot of effort. A woman in this tandem must be patient and gradually build a family nest, involving your partner in this process as much as possible. At the same time, you need to be prepared that the bulk of the responsibilities around the house will fall on the shoulders of your spouse.

The Tiger guy will never be able to subjugate his Rooster wife

Compatibility of Tiger woman and Rooster man

In the event that she is a Tiger, he is a Rooster, the warmest and most prosperous relationship can be established in a couple. A wife can make an eccentric and hyperactive Rooster more sedate. A Husband’s energy is enough for all household members.

Compatibility in a couple directly depends on how much a woman is ready to devote herself to the family

However, a strict and sedate Tiger girl must remember that under no circumstances should she show negative moods. The Rooster guy is too positive and bright personality.

If the couple has a good relationship the sexual life of partners is harmonious and varied. The Rooster has excellent intuition and knows how to recognize the mood of his other half, so without words he fulfills his every desire. Both partners are rich in emotions and capable of making sex unforgettable.

There are people who at first glance seem made for each other. However, these do not include the Rooster and Tiger. The compatibility of these two seems incredible. They are completely different and at first glance have nothing in common. The Rooster loves order in everything. For him, it is very important to follow all the rules, even in small things. The tiger, on the contrary, has a huge amount of selfishness and is not used to worrying about unimportant things. Tiger and Rooster can like each other and can even fall in love deeply. However, this relationship will not be simple. These two will have to work hard to stay together.

The compatibility of Tiger and Rooster in almost everything is determined by the difference in their characters. The rooster needs constant movement. He is used to being active and does not like to sit still. At the same time, he always has a plan and acts strictly according to it. The tiger is somewhat similar to him. He is also proactive, but any boundaries and rules are alien and unpleasant to him. He acts only as he wants at this moment. The tiger rarely doubts the correctness of his actions. Sometimes he doesn't even think about morality. This behavior is one of the most basic causes of all conflicts and disagreements. These two are unlikely to avoid scandals. The Rooster is wayward and incredibly proud. In his opinion, everything he does is right, and there can be no other options. The tiger, in turn, acts in its own way. He does not like to listen to other people's opinions; he has his own, which is sometimes incomprehensible to others.


This wonderful feeling can hit anyone's heart. The Rooster and Tiger, whose compatibility few people think is likely, can also succumb to emotions. These two are confident within themselves. They can create a memory and are popular with others. This very trait attracts them to each other. The union of these people will be bright and impressive at first. The Rooster will admire the Tiger and praise him at every opportunity. Tiger will like it at first. However, such attention will very quickly become annoying. As a result, conflicts and disagreements will begin.


The compatibility of the Tiger and the Rooster will be at risk if they cannot be more tolerant and attentive. The tiger is not used to holding back his emotions. He will not mince words and, if necessary, will criticize aggressively. Initially, passions will boil over. These two will be carried away in love. They will be able to devote all their time to the relationship. However, very soon everything will become familiar, and everyday life will burst into their lives. When this happens, it will become clear that neither the Tiger nor the Rooster are ready to give in. They are both selfish and will stand their ground until the end. In this case, the Tiger will begin to behave calmer. He may be detached and even indifferent. The tiger loves to watch his partner's reaction. The Rooster, on the contrary, does not like to wait. He will constantly speak out and comment on any situation. The Rooster and Tiger, whose compatibility may be at risk, are passionate natures. However, they are both willing to take rather than give.

Common interests

These two strive to make their point no matter what. In this they see the meaning of their existence. Tiger and Rooster are arrogant. At first, this brings them closer together. Any of them will be proud of their other half. At the same time, they will begin to consider themselves unique and inimitable. This situation will not last long. Very soon they will begin to fight for the place of leader in the pair. The Rooster and Tiger (their compatibility often seems incredible) can become good friends, business partners, and lovers. However, the struggle for power and ambition will sooner or later stand in their way.

Tiger man, Rooster lady: compatibility

These people are completely different. Those around you will probably wonder: how did they manage to like each other? Building a lasting relationship will be difficult. He is an egoist, strives for freedom and will not tolerate any framework or rules. This man is a revolutionary. Lady Rooster is used to living according to a predetermined plan. It is important for her to know everything in advance. Otherwise, she will feel insecure and will try to avoid such a union. This lady doesn't like to sit idle. She is restless and always strives forward. The Tiger man is completely different. He doesn't fuss and thinks a lot before doing anything. He doesn't like to be rushed. The Tiger always has plans for the distant future in his head. He has his own schedule, known only to him. This man lives by the will of intuition. Both partners are used to living in their own way. If they want to maintain the relationship, they will have to change and negotiate. However, it will be difficult for them to do this, since neither the Rooster nor the Tiger likes to be second.

Rooster man and Tiger lady: compatibility

This couple, like the previous one, will have serious passions raging. They perceive the world and people differently. The tiger is a man of mood. This lady often succumbs to inspiration and fleeting desire, while a man cannot live without order and strict regulations. Lady Tiger is capable of a lot. She easily solves any problems and always fulfills her obligations. She is a wonderful wife and mother. However, she needs some freedom. She just needs communication with friends. The Rooster, on the contrary, strives to streamline everything and subordinate it to its laws. He is proactive, always in business and work. He does not like and does not know how to rest. The Rooster man and the Tiger lady can be together. However, their union will not be calm and happy if the couple does not make great efforts to this.

How to strengthen relationships

The compatibility horoscope (Rooster and Tiger) does not bode well for the couple. However, if you try, the union can be made strong and lasting. The tiger should be more attentive and tolerant. The Rooster needs the highest appreciation. And if he doesn’t find this house, he’ll go find it somewhere else. At the same time, he should be on his guard. The tiger will never tolerate betrayal in any form. Such experiments will end fatally for these relationships. The best solution would be to first agree on what they want - a long-term relationship or self-affirmation. It is necessary to work on relationships together. The Tiger should pay more attention to his partner, and a little less to himself. He must remember that order in everything and recognition of his achievements are extremely important for the Rooster. The Rooster will have to be calmer about the Tiger's frivolity and not take some of his actions to heart.

How will the relationship develop?

Despite the fact that the horoscope does not bode well for the couple, they should still be together. Their relationship will be bright and unforgettable. Despite all the problems and difficulties that they will certainly encounter, they should not despair. It will be difficult for them to achieve understanding. However, once they do this, they will not regret it. In addition, after such a vibrant relationship, any others will seem dull and deathly. It’s worth working hard for your soul mate, and you won’t have to wait long for the results. The main thing is that these efforts are mutual. Nothing will work out differently. If the relationship has reached a dead end, and there is no way to improve it, then you should not endure it. It will be difficult for this couple to get along. They can love each other, be friends, work together and make excellent plans. However, quarrels and conflicts between them are inevitable. If they can overcome them, they will remain together forever, and if not, they will say goodbye very quickly.

This couple is not the simplest. Whatever the combination, partners will still have problems with mutual understanding. These signs are very different in energy, so sometimes they cannot get along even in friendship, let alone love or family.

A man and a woman thirst for love, so the stars try to make sure that their life is happy, long and carefree, so that there are no squabbles and conflicts in it. This is not easy for this couple to cope with, because they practically do not understand each other at all.

However, these people also deserve happiness to the fullest, so they must make every effort to achieve the desired goal, that is, the absence of conflicts. Astrology will tell you how to do this, and only one thing everyone knows for sure - you need to be able to enjoy each other’s company.

General information about the compatibility of these two eastern horoscope signs

It is difficult to imagine a union of two people even more dissimilar than these. The selfish Tiger, who always strives for freedom and does not pay attention to trifles, is a strategically thinking person, he is a fighter and an intellectual.

The Rooster, who lives as if using a guide to action, tries to streamline everything possible, while he has a militant attitude against all people who deviate from his way of thinking, as well as his life style.

The cocky and restless Rooster believes that there is absolutely no time for rest.– he must constantly be in action and movement, work and earn money. His life passes in an eternally tense state, in readiness to attack - this is the way of existence of a person born under the sign of the Rooster.

Tiger is a completely different person. He will not rush into battle without thinking through everything, even the most absurd options and ways to solve the problem. Yes, he is active, but at the same time he will never waste his time on trifles, fussing aimlessly. The Tiger's plans are usually grandiose - after all, he thinks through everything carefully and knows exactly what to do.

If a partner rushes him, forcing him to do something he doesn’t need, the Tiger will start a conflict. This is a person who thinks one hundred percent strategically and creates a schedule for his own life. In addition, he is a creative person, therefore he exists by intuition, and not just by strict organization.

The Rooster thinks that creativity in a person’s life should stand alone and be in the distance, and one should only do what is important here and now. Therefore, he begins to plan and draw up action plans, that is, to adjust his existence to one specific pattern.

It is very difficult to achieve mutual understanding, and even more so to stay together for a long time, for the Tiger and the Rooster, who absolutely do not want to work on themselves and their life together. It is always possible to find a compromise, the main thing is that there is a clear desire for this. Here comes the moment when partners do not want to restrain themselves and eliminate rough edges.

Happy relationships always require effort - without this, the partners’ life together will never improve.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Tiger Man and Rooster Woman

In such a marriage, there should definitely be moderation in everything, because these people have completely different characters and habits. The Tiger man, no matter how hard he tries, will not be able to subjugate his wife to his will. He should not be unreasonably and constantly jealous of her.

In order for a strong connection to be established between a Tiger man and a Rooster woman, the partners will have to make efforts. The wife must become wiser, only in this way can she transform the family nest, making it a center of comfort, warmth and harmony. Constant noisy companies and guests in the house are unlikely to please the Tiger man, although all household responsibilities will still fall on the shoulders of the wife.

Rooster Man and Tiger Woman

If a family is created by a Rooster man and a Tiger woman, it is most likely that it will turn out to be strong and prosperous, even despite the difference in the characters of the spouses. The wife will make her husband more sedate, pacifying his eccentric temperament, and the husband’s fountain-like energy will be enough for the whole family.

The compatibility of these people also depends on how much the woman is ready to devote herself to her husband. Even if they work and build their own life together, she should not show negative emotions in front of him, because the Rooster man has only one attitude in life - positive.

These horoscope signs also have something mystical, so secrets are revealed to them that everyone else is not privy to.

Disadvantages of the union

  • The Tiger's reluctance to spend energy on something not global.
  • Excessive fussiness of the Rooster.
  • The Rooster's love of boasting.
  • Some selfishness in relationships coming from the Tiger.

Sexual compatibility

With a good emotional mood, partners will be able to truly relax and satisfy each other in bed. The Rooster is very sensual and perspicacious, so he can and is ready to fulfill his partner’s deepest desires, making the pleasure the brightest.

There will be several sexual stages in this couple - from violent passion to the desire to make everything perfectly beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but this requires mutual trust and respect.

Both partners are great lovers, capable of making sex unforgettable and full of thrills. They love to be together and express their feelings in an extremely interesting and unusual way.

Compatibility in friendship

Friendly compatibility between these two people will be quite harmonious, perhaps even more harmonious than it could be in a family or just a love relationship. The Tiger and the Rooster are able to help each other and help each other out in difficult situations.

The Tiger will give his friend open-mindedness and some open-mindedness, and the Rooster, in turn, will teach his friend to plan his life more competently and act according to the rules. These people are devoted friends who will not leave their friends in trouble.

To strengthen friendship and avoid conflicts you need:

  • do not try to gain the position of leader in a relationship;
  • listen to each other and learn to give in;
  • do not be disdainful towards each other;
  • do not discuss your friend behind his back.

Business compatibility

The business partnership between the Tiger and the Rooster will be successful. They are both active and love to work. A rich imagination helps them come up with new ideas and large-scale plans. The Rooster knows how to thoroughly think through a plan of action, and the Tiger successfully improvises its implementation. The money itself will flow into the hands of the partners.

The most difficult thing becomes when it comes to money. The tiger is used to living in grand style; he immediately spends everything he has managed to earn. The Rooster saves so that he can later invest in the development of the business and feel even more confident. He is annoyed by his partner's frivolous attitude towards money.

For business prosperity and the absence of conflicts, it is necessary:

  • look for optimal solutions to financial problems;
  • do things exclusively through joint efforts;
  • pay close attention to your partner's advice.

Compatibility percentage

  • Compatibility in love: 80%.
  • Marriage compatibility: 40%.
  • Compatibility in friendship: 80%.
  • Sexual compatibility: 60%.
  • Business compatibility: 70%.

Partners definitely cannot avoid conflicts, but they are always interested in spending time together, so the best option for these people is strong friendship. Love will be full of disagreements.

Everyone must calm down their temper, give up aspirations for leadership and restrain their emotions, and this is difficult. Only mutual respect between partners can contribute to the preservation of the union.

The Rooster and the Tiger are a difficult union. But if people are united by love, then such relationships have a chance. Let's look at the compatibility of the rooster and the tiger, talk about the problems that may arise in this relationship and how to deal with them. But first, let's briefly talk about the general characteristics of people born in the year of the Rooster and Tiger.

General characteristics of the Tiger

There is no more mysterious sign in the eastern horoscope than the Tiger. This cat, walking on its own, cannot be subdued, which becomes the cause of discord in relationships with many zodiac signs. It is impossible to understand the tiger because he rarely understands himself. You just have to love him. And there is a reason to love people born in the year of the striped predator. They are endowed with a sense of humor, kind and love with all their hearts. The tiger always takes into account the opinion of his chosen one and does not make important decisions alone.

The jealousy inherent in Tigers complicates love relationships. This beast should not be angered, because if he is disappointed in his partner, he will leave. And no matter how sincere his feelings for you may be, he will not forgive betrayal and betrayal.

To build a strong marriage with a Tiger, you cannot limit his freedom. At its core, the striped predator is the most freedom-loving animal in the entire eastern horoscope. And he will not exchange freedom, which is his essence, for love or friendship. But he needs freedom not in order to cheat on his partner, but in order to implement ideas, of which the Tiger has a huge number in his head, and to grow up the career ladder.

General characteristics of the Rooster

The Rooster is a difficult sign. He is not inclined to trust people, is capricious and straightforward. At heart, people born in the year of the Rooster are dreamers. But they rarely take any action to achieve their goals. It is difficult for them to leave their comfort zone, and all their lives they will mark time, afraid to disrupt their usual way of life.

People born in the year of the Rooster do not strive to take on serious responsibilities. This is due to the fact that they experience failures painfully. It is easier for them to blame someone for what happened than to admit that they failed in their responsibilities.

The Rooster is straightforward, which is not always good in marriage. He is not afraid to hurt his partner's feelings with harsh statements, and sincerely believes that he is always right. Inconsistency is another character trait that complicates love relationships. In addition, the Rooster is essentially a poser. And after some time the partner realizes that he has fallen in love with a completely different person. Therefore, the rooster has to re-conquer his chosen one, which does not always work out. Moreover, he does not put love in first place in life.

Compatibility of Tiger Man and Rooster Woman

A tiger and a rooster in this combination are not particularly compatible. They have different goals and outlooks on life. A love story always starts beautifully. It is impossible not to notice a Tiger man in society. He attracts with his masculinity and wisdom. The Rooster woman is charming. And it is difficult for the Tiger to resist the temptation.

But problems in relationships start from the very beginning. Neither party compromises in conflict situations, of which there are many in marriage. For a man, little things are not important; he thinks globally. It’s the little things that matter to his chosen one. Both partners have character traits such as selfishness. They are not ready to give their partner more than they receive in return. Self-interest, which is inherent in both zodiac signs, also prevents you from building a strong marriage. To save the marriage, each partner will have to change, learn to put the interests of the chosen one above their own.

The Rooster woman is not the most suitable sign for the Tiger man due to the fact that she does not skimp on caustic remarks towards her chosen one. A man is susceptible to such behavior of his chosen one, which plunges him into an unpleasant shock. A man’s dissatisfaction with his chosen one’s behavior will not affect her behavior in any way. To maintain a relationship, a woman will have to work on herself and learn to behave diplomatically.

The weather in the house with this combination of signs depends on the woman. Tiger and Rooster will get along only if the woman learns to respect her chosen one and stops criticizing his every move. A strong predator needs a life partner with a gentle character, who will become his support and support even if he is wrong. A woman should take into account the fact that a strong predator, with the support of his wife, will achieve any goal.

A man should also take a closer look at his chosen one. In addition to those character traits that irritate him, she is endowed with a lot of advantages. The wife will gladly take on the routine work that burdens the king of beasts. Its practicality will help preserve and increase accumulated material wealth. In addition, the spouse can always rely on the chosen one.

Shared goals and dreams can strengthen a marriage. But opening a joint business for people with such different personalities is not worth it. Therefore, limit yourself to family relationships only.

Compatibility of Rooster Man and Tiger Woman

The Rooster man and the Tiger woman can build a strong marriage if they put maximum effort into it. Both partners in this union strive for something new, which unites them. But representatives of both signs are eccentric. Even if they have common goals, they achieve them in different ways, which brings disagreement into family life. The husband in this union will try to take the reins of power into his own hands and subjugate his partner. But the Tiger woman will not submit to the Rooster man. She is too freedom-loving and will not listen to criticism from her chosen one. Both partners will first have to learn to have a constructive dialogue and treat each other with respect.

At the beginning of a relationship, partners are attracted to each other’s strong character and ability to be leaders in any company. But in a family, both spouses’ desire for leadership will provoke conflicts. The husband in this union will try to manipulate the chosen one. And if at first she may not notice this, then over time the insightful partner will understand what’s going on. A representative of the fair half, who was born in the year of the striped predator, will not like this model of behavior.

Astrologers say that the compatibility of this union is incredible due to the very different characters and temperaments of the partners. But opposites often attract each other, and there are many examples of this in life. The main thing is to learn to see not the shortcomings, but the strengths of your partner.

The spouse in this relationship is tied to the home. A comfortable life is extremely important to him. The partner is not ready to devote her whole life to solving everyday issues; she needs to realize herself at work. This creates more and more conflicts in the family every year. To avoid a quarrel, you should immediately decide who in the house is responsible for what. The wife will not shirk her responsibilities.

Ways to solve problems arising in this union

Building a strong marriage will not be easy. Spouses first of all need to want to preserve the relationship and back up this desire with actions. Each partner has something to learn from the chosen one. Once spouses reveal their best qualities to each other, conflicts and misunderstandings will disappear on their own.

At first, the relationship between representatives of these signs is filled with many positive emotions. The couple's problem is that every year the partners plunge into a routine that kills romance. Partners should strive to get away from routine. Since they are both attracted to everything new, they need to travel a lot and discover new hobbies.

The spouse will have to give a certain amount of freedom to the chosen one, which she urgently needs. A woman born in the year of the striped predator needs a social life. Since the tigress woman attracts the attention of others in society, the chosen one should attend parties together with his wife. Otherwise, jealousy, which is inherent in men born in the year of the Rooster, will ruin the relationship over time.

The compatibility of the Rooster and the Tiger in love and marriage is not the best; creating a strong family union will be very difficult for these people. Such people are united by energy, activity, a penchant for change and a love for new things. Both partners are bright personalities with strong character and leadership qualities. However, their innate egocentrism and different views on ways to achieve their goals in life prevent them from achieving mutual understanding.

Men born in the year of the Rooster are used to commanding and controlling everything. They will “peck” anyone who contradicts them, especially within their “chicken coop”. Tiger women value personal freedom. Such people do not accept reproaches and criticism addressed to them; they perceive it as an encroachment on their independence. Tigers and Roosters have a hard time accepting other people's opinions and do not like to give in. As a result, their relationship is filled with conflicts and disagreements. Only real feelings, constant work on oneself and the ability to find compromises will help such a couple avoid a breakup. Both need to take into account the characteristics of their partner’s character and remember that people born in the year of the Rooster and Tiger do not accept pressure and coercion.

Rooster man and Tiger woman: general compatibility

The Rooster man goes through life with a clearly defined plan

A man born in the year of the Rooster has strategic thinking. He thinks through all his plans down to the smallest detail. His house should be in complete order. The Rooster man does not tolerate anarchy, he acts according to a strict schedule himself and demands that those around him follow his rules. He must control everything and does not allow disobedience.

The Rooster man usually has a high level of intelligence. Such people are very active and restless, constantly on the move, looking for new sensations and ways of development. They are stubborn and arrogant; they consider their opinion to be the only correct one. The meaning of existence in the understanding of the Roosters is to prove to everyone that you are right, to subjugate other people and control their actions.

For the Rooster man, family is one of the main meanings in his life. It is important for him to have relatives whom he will always take care of and give all his strength for their well-being. The Rooster loves home coziness and comfort; he will provide his family with the necessary material wealth. However, he must feel like the head of the family. At the same time, he requires not only complete submission, but also constant admiration from his wife and children.

The Rooster man is a bright, sometimes excessively proud personality. He needs to always be the center of attention in the family and society. The Rooster must be respected and worshiped. However, such a man himself knows how to appreciate and admire the abilities of other people, if in his opinion they are worth it. He can be passionate, romantic and truly love.

Women born in the year of the Tiger are characterized by the character traits and habits of this majestic representative of the cat family. They are beautiful, graceful, elegant and aristocratic. They have high self-esteem, such women know how to behave appropriately and shine in high society. To attract attention, Tiger women successfully use both their bright appearance and eccentric behavior. They are sociable and know how to present themselves in a favorable light. These women have a wide circle of friends, many admirers and admirers.

Those born in the year of the Tiger are emotional and impulsive natures. They rarely act according to predetermined plans and rules. In their actions, they mainly rely on intuition, feelings and inspiration. Tigers love change and changes in life, they need to regularly go out into the world, look for new acquaintances and experiences.

The character of Tiger women has a pronounced masculine principle - they are leaders and warriors. These are strong, independent individuals, ready to take on many responsibilities, finish what they start and solve any problems. Family is important for Tigers, but a woman born under this sign needs a partner of equal strength who will surround her with affection and attention. Having become a mother, she will take proper care of her children and home, but at the same time she will not abandon her career and friends.

Like all cats, the Tiger woman is independent and independent. At the slightest attempt to limit her freedom on the part of her husband, she will desperately resist and “scratch.” She will give her loyalty, love and tenderness only to those who respect her opinions and actions.

Rooster man and Tiger woman: compatibility in love

The Rooster man is ready for any sexual experiments

Rooster men and Tiger women are attracted to extraordinary, bright personalities. These qualities are inherent in themselves; they can easily get carried away and become close to each other, despite all the differences in character and outlook on life. At the first stage, their relationship will be full of intense passion and romance. This is a real fountain of love emotions and experiences. Both are ready to completely surrender and devote themselves to each other.

Men and women born in the year of the Rooster and Tiger are endowed with powerful sexual energy. The intimate sphere is of great importance to them and is of particular interest. The compatibility of the Rooster and the Tiger in sex is very high, this is one of the few factors that holds their difficult relationship together.

Both partners love to experiment in bed; they are open to new sensations and impressions. In a love relationship, the compatibility of the Rooster man and the Tiger woman is enhanced by the fact that they do not hesitate to express their feelings and innermost desires and are ready to realize all their erotic fantasies with their chosen one. They will enjoy sex and give pleasure to each other. However, over time, passions will subside, disagreements between such a couple will become more and more apparent, and sex alone will not be enough to create strong family relationships.

Rooster Man and Tiger Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Rooster Man is a big homebody

It would seem that the compatibility of the Tiger woman and the Rooster man should be good, because they have a certain similarity of character, especially in their impatience with other people’s opinions and the tendency to dictate their terms. However, it is precisely these properties that are the main obstacle to creating a harmonious marriage between such people. The constant struggle for leadership, the desire to change a partner against his will quickly leads to dissatisfaction and disappointment in the chosen one. Constant conflicts and disputes will inevitably lead to the breakdown of the family, which each spouse must remember.

Family relationships are important for the Rooster and Tiger, but they have different ideas about marriage. The Rooster man prefers to spend leisure time together at home, and the Tiger woman cannot do without going out and frequent communication with friends, colleagues and simply interesting people. For the Rooster, home comfort and coziness are important. At the same time, in his mind, this is complete order in the house and a day scheduled to the minute. To a Tiger woman, this state of affairs seems boring and uninteresting. She loves to make spontaneous decisions and perform impulsive, unexpected actions. Both spouses are energetic, but if the Rooster man realizes his activity within the framework of strictly defined rules, the Tiger woman loves freedom and prefers to act under the influence of emotions and her intuition.

Both spouses do not doubt the correctness of their judgments. It is impossible to impose someone else's opinion on them against their will. At the same time, the Rooster strives more to command and dominate other people, while the Tiger woman does not tolerate dictates over herself.

Only with full mutual respect for each other’s interests will the Rooster and Tiger be able to create a long-term union

To create a strong, long-lasting family, both spouses should calm down their leadership ambitions and jointly look for compromise solutions to problematic situations. The leadership in the family must belong to the Rooster man, otherwise family relationships lose meaning for him.

If the Tiger woman wants to maintain and strengthen her alliance with the Rooster, she needs to maintain constant order in the house. In turn, the man must give his wife freedom of action in running the household. In general, she takes a responsible approach to solving such issues, and minor shortcomings are not so important as to pay attention to them. In addition, the Rooster should not limit his wife’s communication with friends and relatives. He should go out more often with his wife.

Both spouses need mutual admiration and praise. They constantly need to pay attention to each other’s needs and desires, be sincerely interested in their partner’s affairs, and support their chosen one in everything.

The Tiger woman must learn from the Rooster to plan her actions and follow a certain order. This will help her reach new heights in her career and personal development. The Rooster man should trust more his developed intuition and the opinion of his wife, which often help to find the right solution to problems. In addition, she is more balanced and is able to calm the excessive aggressiveness and excitement of the Rooster. The main test for such a couple will be the acceptance of their chosen one with all his inherent qualities, without attempts to remake and change the character of the spouse.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

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  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
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  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

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