Spring mattress pros and cons. Which mattresses are better, spring or springless? Advantages of spring mattresses

For normal life, everyone needs good rest, one type of which is sleep. However, for it to be beneficial and for a person to wake up in the morning cheerful and full of energy, it is necessary to properly arrange the sleeping place. It is very important what we sleep on. A folding sofa or a narrow daybed is clearly not suitable for this. The most suitable option is a bed with a good mattress. But how to determine the degree of its suitability? Convenience is a clear indicator, but not an objective one. In addition, even with apparent comfort, the body can take an incorrect position, which is not in the best possible way affects the condition of the spine and internal organs.

According to official statistics, a correctly chosen mattress is the key to not only excellent sleep, but also good health, and even long life. A person who sleeps in an unsuccessful position is guaranteed to sooner or later develop various diseases, including osteochondrosis, which leads to headaches. Waking up in a depressed, tired state with numb parts of the body becomes a common thing for him. Naturally, many strive to avoid this, so they opt for mattresses with a pronounced orthopedic effect. Sleeping on a bed with this addition can increase your life by at least 10 years. It's worth seriously thinking about these tempting prospects and update your interior.

The most popular today are spring and springless mattresses . Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are worth learning more about.

Advantages of models with springs

Spring mattresses– a classic option, time-tested. Such products have been produced for more than 100 years and are in constant demand due to their affordability. Their design includes many interconnected springs made of metal. Compression of one of them entails deformation of all the others. Therefore, these mattresses are often called dependent spring blocks.

Spring mattresses for beds have the following advantages:

 attractive price– such models are the cheapest;

 ability to withstand significant loads– you can even jump on such a product without the risk of damaging it;

 ease of operation– such blocks do not require any specific care or particularly careful handling.

These models also have their drawbacks. First of all, this is the absence of any orthopedic effect. It’s soft to sleep on such a mattress, but that’s all. In addition, over time, dust accumulates inside the textile cover, and the springs begin to rust, creak and press through.

What is an independent spring mattress?

A modern variation are models with springs, each of which is equipped with an individual fabric cover. When you press on the surface, all elements work independently of each other, thereby ensuring optimal point elasticity. A mattress with an independent spring block is able to adapt to the contours of the human body, due to which the load on the spine and limbs is distributed evenly. This results in an orthopedic effect that carries health benefits.

Such models are becoming increasingly popular today. Sleeping on them is more comfortable and pleasant than on mattresses with conventional springs. Such products last on average 3-5 years longer and can withstand weights of more than 100 kg, and reinforced variations - up to 200 kg.

Advantages of models without springs

Springless mattresses are considered an even more advanced and most innovative option. Their prototype is products stuffed with cotton wool or foam rubber, but today modern materials are used in this capacity - natural and artificial latex, coconut fiber, etc. The high elasticity of such models provides a pronounced orthopedic effect - they easily take the shape of the body, but do not press down or sag. Mattresses with a latex layer are softer, those with coconut fiber filling are firmer and are great for developing correct posture. Products of a combined type are also produced, combining both materials.

The advantages of springless mattresses include:

 reliability– there is nothing to break in their design;

 long service life– 15 years or more;

 high strength– able to withstand a weight of 120-150 kg;

 no creaking;

 dust does not accumulate inside and there are no ticks.

Such products have only one significant drawback: their cost is much higher than that of spring variations, although it is quite commensurate with the advantages.

Which one to choose – spring or springless mattress?

Before giving preference to one model or another, you should read the recommendations of experts. Buy a spring mattress with independent blocks it is possible for those who value comfort above all else and like to sleep on an elastic surface. It is also the best option for people with spinal problems, which prevents them from sleeping on a hard surface. For a baby crib, on the contrary, you should choose a springless type product filled with coconut fiber. The child’s posture is still developing, so sleeping on a very soft surface is not recommended for babies.

Adults with significant excess weight, heart and breathing problems, it is worth purchasing a model without springs with elastic latex or polymer layer. Young and active, leading healthy image life and those who simply care about their body, it is recommended to pay attention to products made from combined materials - they have two different sides: hard from coconut fiber and elastic from latex. You can regularly turn the mattress over to correct the orthopedic effect. If you have serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, before purchasing a particular model, if possible, you should consult with an orthopedic doctor.

The production of mattresses is a developed industry, therefore domestic and foreign companies They put forward many proposals, ranging from the simplest, budget ones to advanced products that can be switched remotely to a sitting position, turn on a massage function, or program it as an alarm clock.

Consumer models are not equipped with such “smart” characteristics, but they differ significantly in orthopedic properties, pricing policy and provide different sleep comfort. A person spends more than 2,300 hours a year in bed, so it is important to choose a mattress that guarantees good vacation. To decide on a model, you first need to study all the properties of existing mattresses.

When selecting, you should consider the following characteristics:

  • The length of the product must exceed the height of the owner by 20 centimeters.
  • No harmful synthetic or allergy-causing materials.
  • Hygiene, ensuring sufficient air circulation.
  • Comfort and convenience are the main signs of the right choice.

Having determined the criteria, you can compare different types and decide which is better - a spring or springless mattress.

Which mattress to choose, spring or springless, is determined by operating conditions, state of health, weight, age of the owner, and doctor’s testimony.

"Bonnel" is an obsolete type. When using it, problems with the back and joints may begin. It's better to buy a modern model.

Overweight people should choose a firm spring mattress. It will not be pressed down and will support the spine.

With a weight of 50 kg, it is better to choose soft springless products made of latex and with shape memory effect, and for other weight categories you can purchase high-quality spring and springless mattresses.

For children under 12 years old, springless mattresses are more suitable. Oscillations of the springs negatively affect the fragile spine. It is recommended to use latex or coconut padding for children. The main thing is to avoid dependent blocks. It is advisable to use hypoallergenic impregnation.

Which orthopedic mattress is better: spring or springless is a question that should be discussed with a specialist. An experienced orthopedist will give advice on choice. It may be a not very hard spring or latex springless.

If you make a choice among springless types, you must remember that polyurethane foam is not harmless and can cause allergies. It is better to choose models with latex or coconut. Springless mattresses with natural filling, in particular coir, are considered the most beneficial for health. But these products have increased rigidity and are less comfortable. The buyer is faced with a choice: softness and comfort or usefulness.

A spring block lasts 10 years, and a springless block lasts one and a half times longer.

Having understood all the variety of products on the market, you can choose the most suitable look taking into account climate, living conditions and personal characteristics buyer. The choice of products is very large, the types are varied, it is difficult to determine which is better. A mattress, spring or springless, should serve the main purpose, providing complete relief from fatigue, restful sleep and protection of the spine and joints.

Before purchasing a mattress for your family, you need to consider certain requirements. They come from the characteristics of each individual person. So, you need to take into account the following:

  1. Age . From birth to 3 years of age, children are strongly recommended to sleep on a hard surface. Therefore, a mattress should be purchased with this indicator. Before the age of 25, it is better to buy medium hardness, since until these years the skeleton, in particular the spine, still continues to form. The older generation of people find it more convenient to sleep on soft surfaces in order to feel good every day.
  2. Human body weight also plays an important role in choosing a comfortable sleeping place. Not all mattresses are the same. Among the assortment presented in stores you can find models that are designed for overweight people and, conversely, thin and light people. And you can choose with different sides if there is a couple with a big difference in kilograms sleeping on the bed.
  3. Man's height . You should add 15 centimeters to your indicator. It is not recommended to buy a mattress shorter than the resulting length. There should always be a reserve.
  4. Health problems influence final choice. In order to understand exactly what product is needed, for example, for varying degrees of scoliosis or a type of osteochondrosis, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  5. For allergy sufferers people should buy mattresses made from hypoallergenic materials. Information about them is contained in the product descriptions. It can also be clarified with sales consultants.
  6. Not all mattresses have the same lifespan. It all depends on the manufacturer, as well as the materials from which the product is constructed. The naturalness of the components also has an effect. They serve their owners longer than synthetic components.
  7. Methods of care. main feature– these are removable and non-removable covers. In the first case, the outer shell can be easily removed, washed, and refreshed. But non-removable covers are more difficult to keep clean. You need special brushes and cleaning agents. However, “solid” covers better support the shape of the mattress.
  8. Price . The more expensive the better. Such a thought is firmly held in a person’s head. In part, this is true. Here you can see a trend: natural materials last longer, are hypoallergenic and safe, and therefore are more expensive. Accordingly, a natural and expensive mattress lasts longer.

There are two main types found in specialized stores:

  • spring (see the link for the full rating of spring mattresses);
  • springless (see the link for the full rating of springless mattresses).
  1. If you want to choose a specific model, then you need to compare the properties of the mattress with physical characteristics and personal preferences.
  2. Middle-aged and elderly people should not sleep on too hard surfaces, only on medium-hard models.
  3. It is more preferable for fat people to sleep on a hard one.
  4. Suitable for thin people: springless, latex; spring, only without coir.
  5. With an average build, models with independent springs are suitable; a mixture of latex and coir is a good option.
  6. If you have spinal diseases, look for rigid models.
  7. In case of spinal hernia, you can use only mattresses of increased softness.
  1. Ascona Balance Forma.
  2. Ascona Victory.
  3. Ormatek Orma Dream.
  1. DreamLine DreamRoll Eco.
  2. DreamLine Classic Roll Slim.
  3. Ascona Compact New.

What do consumers like?

  1. Comfort and pain prevention. When a mattress consists of latex alone, most consumers claim that the pressure on painful areas is significantly reduced. This is especially true for the back.
  2. Natural products have no odor. Or it is very minor and goes away completely over time. If they are made from mixed raw materials, the smell will remain in 11% of cases. If the mattress is new and made of latex, it will still have a rubber smell, but this smell is not toxic.
  3. Latex has similar characteristics to polyurethane. But more than 15% of users noticed differences and not in favor of the latter.
  4. More than 10% of latex mattress buyers were satisfied with their choice. It does not convey the movements of the person lying next to you and does not interfere with sleep.

Here are some tips for choosing a suitable mattress:

  1. For people with spinal problems, it is necessary to consult an orthopedist. Perhaps a mattress with increased hardness or too soft will be harmful to health.
  2. A healthy adult should listen to his own feelings. Whichever mattress will be more comfortable is the one you should purchase. Well, focus on the cost of the product, since very expensive options may simply turn out to be unaffordable financially.
  3. For a child, it makes sense to buy a springless mattress with coconut coir. As an option, purchase a spring mattress with separate springs, which has a latex or coconut layer. And you definitely shouldn’t buy a dependent spring block. It can ruin the posture of a growing child.
  4. If you have the opportunity to choose a product, give preference to natural fillers. They are not able to emit harmful fumes, therefore they are safe for humans.

When choosing a suitable mattress, be guided by its orthopedic properties, the level of rigidity you need, the quality of the filling, your preferences regarding comfort, as well as your personal financial capabilities.

Before choosing a mattress, you need to decide on its hardness, the size of the bed (children's, double, single), and find out reviews about the manufacturer.

It is important to take into account other selection criteria: filler, type of construction, health status of the buyer.

A high-quality comfortable mattress will ensure the comfort of your sleep, excellent well-being and high spirits for the whole next day.

Many stores have an abundance of quality mattresses. Knowing the differences between such products will help you not to get confused and buy the right product. All types of bed mattresses differ according to the following classification criteria:

  • spring and springless;
  • by filling material: latex, coconut, wool, horsehair;
  • bilateral, unilateral;
  • orthopedic, anatomical.

You can find out how to choose the right mattress for a double bed by focusing on the height of the tallest spouse, leaving up to 15 cm of margin.

The maximum length of a double bed is 190-200 cm, width 160-200 cm, and thickness depends on the filling.

Modern double products come with blocks of springs that are dependent and independent of each other; they must be selected taking into account the body weight of the spouses. There are mattresses without springs, filled with horsehair, latex or coir.

Great option– combined models, with coconut fiber inside and a latex layer on top. There are three types of mattresses based on their hardness: soft, medium, and hard. The latter are useful for children and people with pain in the spine.

Soft types of mattresses for beds are suitable for older people, medium-hard ones are a universal option.

The upholstery should ventilate the air well, absorb and evaporate moisture. For this purpose, jacquard is often used, which has a beautiful appearance and provides excellent ventilation due to perforation. Models with double-sided upholstery are in great demand; it provides warmth while sleeping in winter time year and a comfortable stay during the summer heat.

All types of orthopedic mattresses are divided into spring and springless.

The best are considered to be models with a block of springs that are independent of each other, where each of them is placed in an individual case and is compressed separately from the others, which provides the product with exceptional orthopedic properties.

Types of spring mattresses

Mattresses based on springs are divided into two groups - with dependent or independent spring blocks:

  • In products where the block is dependent, such as “Bonnell”, all springs are tightly attached to each other, due to which the product is equally rigid over the entire area. In the line of mattresses, this type has long been considered obsolete, due to its fragility - the springs quickly become unsteady, even with careful handling, and begin to deform and creak. The model is still in demand due to its budget price.
  • Inside the mattress, where the block has an independent pattern of springs, they are not fastened together, but are placed, each in its own case. Such mattresses are produced in different levels of hardness and even combine several in one product. The number of rigid zones of one mattress can reach 9. The design is made in such a way that it effectively supports the spine, literally envelops the body, which creates comfort during sleep. When one person makes a movement, the vibrations are not transmitted to the person sleeping nearby. Quality, price and comfort during sleep depend on the number of springs placed on one square meter. The mark starts at 256, a good mattress already contains 512 springs, and expensive, elite models consist of 1000-2000 separate springs.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Models of sleeping accessories with a block of independent springs have orthopedic properties, supporting the spinal column in the required position. The next morning a person feels cheerful and rested.
  • Such mattresses are absolutely silent thanks to the fabric upholstery of each individual spring, which, when in contact with each other, do not create a creak.
  • High-quality mattresses are sold at a high price, which is not affordable for everyone, but they are quite durable if handled carefully.


A mattress for one bed, consisting of independent spring blocks, will cost the buyer 10-20 thousand rubles, based on the number of springs. You need to save 20-50 thousand in national currency for a double model.

Springless mattresses, types and features

There are two types of spring products: with dependent and independent springs. Let's take a closer look at each of the above types.


These mattresses are also called “Bonnel”. Large cross-section springs are interconnected into a single structure. Spring blocks are usually supplemented with polyurethane foam inserts.

The weight of the human body is perceived by the entire surface, and the product deflects over the entire area. In addition, “bonnels” are not durable. After 5-6 years, the springs begin to sag and creak. As you can see, if you have to choose which mattress is better - a spring mattress of this particular type or a springless one, the preference will definitely be in favor of the second one.


Compared to “bonnels,” independent springs have a smaller diameter but a larger number of turns. Each of the springs is separated from the others by a textile cover with holes, and works autonomously.

The products are high-quality, durable, environmentally friendly. If desired, you can choose a mattress according to the degree of hardness.

Which option should I choose? Naturally, a mattress with independent springs is more preferable. For a double bed, this option is also desirable. When the person sleeping next to you tosses and turns in his sleep, you will not feel discomfort.

Among those who value quality sleep, there are many lovers of spring mattresses. They have their positive and negative traits. Let's consider them in the context of dependent and independent spring block

The advantages of "Bonnel" include:

  • low cost, accessible to people with average and low incomes;
  • if it goes bad, don’t mind replacing it with a new, more advanced version;
  • suitable for wholesale purchases for children's camps, sanatoriums, hospitals and other government institutions that do not want to purchase cotton mattresses, but want people to have a comfortable sleep.

Disadvantages of a spring mattress with a dependent block:

  • are an outdated model;
  • short product life;
  • do not have a clear orthopedic effect;
  • with a strong load, all connected springs are activated by a chain reaction, so it is difficult for people with a large difference in body weight to sleep on such a surface.

The cost of a “bonnel” ranges from 2,000 rubles to 10,000 rubles. The price is affected by the size of the product, as well as the interlayer material - natural or synthetic.

Reviews about this mattress boil down to the fact that they have an attractive price. If you choose a “bonnel” with different load zones (neck, back, legs), then it can become an excellent assistant for healthy and sound sleep.

Independent spring blocks are an order of magnitude higher than the “bonnell” and have their clear advantages:

  • each spring is in its own case, which, when loaded on the mattress, evenly distributes the weight and supports the spine in the correct position;
  • the service life of such a mechanism reaches 20 years;
  • you can choose the best option for interlayers (coconut coir, horsehair, sisal or polyurethane foam);
  • You can choose any rigidity to suit your own parameters.

Disadvantages of mattresses with independent springs:

  • high cost of the product;
  • ultra-strong sensitivity to rapid load changes.

The price of such products is higher than that of mattresses with dependent springs. A single bed can be bought from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. But double models will cost from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Reviews about orthopedic mattresses with separate spring blocks are more positive. Many people are satisfied with this purchase and do not want to sleep on other types anymore.

The second type is springless models. The name already suggests that such products lack spring mechanism. There are several varieties:

  • monolithic mattresses that contain one material as a filler, for example, natural or synthetic latex;
  • with several layers of different materials that can be combined in different ways to achieve the desired functionality. All layers are approximately the same thickness. More often they use latex, polyurethane foam, coconut coir;
  • mixed fillers, when the mattress is designed in such a way that there is a main material, and with the help of others the required rigidity of the product is achieved. Most often, this technology is used in the manufacture of double-sided mattresses.

Advantages of springless models:

  • ability to withstand heavy loads (more than 100 kg per bed);
  • moderately elastic, you can choose the rigidity you need;
  • easy to transport, can be rolled;
  • useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • does not creak, does not make other sounds distracting from sleep;
  • Dust does not collect inside, since there are no voids in the mattress, so springless sleeping places are considered hypoallergenic.
  • poor thermal conductivity, so in the hot season it is not very comfortable to sleep on them;
  • budget options quickly become deformed;
  • low-quality mattresses can emit an unpleasant odor.

Depending on the material used, the cost of a springless mattress also changes. Horsehair and sisal are more valuable. Natural latex is also not cheap. Budget materials include: polyurethane foam, artificial latex.

Low-quality springless mattresses collect a lot of negative reviews, darkening the reputation of the entire type as a whole. Therefore, when studying the opinions of citizens, you should immediately look at the name of the model. If we take into account high-quality mattresses, then the reviews are often only positive.

There are 2 types of spring mattresses, which differ in many respects. These are mattresses with a dependent spring block, and with independent springs. Let's look at each of these types.

This spring block is called "bonnel". The springs of the mattress have a large cross-section and are interconnected into a single structure. The spring block is often supplemented with polyurethane inserts. This mattress is not orthopedic. A person’s weight is absorbed by the entire surface, so the mattress sag over the entire area.

In an independent block called Pocket Spring, the springs are smaller, but have a larger number of turns. Each spring is separated from the rest by a separate fabric cover with holes. That's why each spring works autonomously. The weight of a lying person is evenly distributed over the surface of the mattress.

Which mattress is better: with dependent or independent springs? The answer to this question is obvious. Of course, with independent springs. On such a mattress, the body position will be as comfortable as possible. If you are buying a mattress for a double bed, then this option will also suit you because the person sleeping next to you will not feel your turns in your sleep.


The latex material, which is the main component of the product, can be either natural or artificial. They are fundamentally different from each other. Natural latex is made from the natural sap of the rubber tree. It has a high degree of elasticity and does not sag over time. Under the weight of the body, such a mattress does not sag, but reproduces the curves of the body. Products made from natural latex are characterized by durability and high cost.

Artificial latex is produced by pressing waste, or by foaming polymers. The pressed material is not particularly elastic in comparison with natural material, and foam latex has reduced strength, slightly superior in its properties to ordinary foam rubber.

Polyurethane foam

Unlike ordinary foam rubber, such mattresses consist of a high-quality polyurethane foam base with a fine-cell structure. They have good breathability and have good orthopedic properties. Polyurethane foam is able to follow all the curves of the body. The disadvantage of polyurethane foam is its ability to absorb moisture well. After saturation with moisture, problems may arise with drying the mattress.

Considering the relatively low cost of a PU foam mattress, we can talk about the advisability of purchasing it in case of a shortage of funds.

It is definitely very difficult to answer the question which mattress is better, polyurethane foam or latex. Both materials under consideration have acceptable orthopedic properties, and their costs vary quite significantly, so the choice depends on the buyer’s available capabilities.

Material such as coconut coir is used in modern mattresses of all types. This is a natural material with increased rigidity and latex impregnation. It is perfect for children's mattresses. However, mattresses made from coconut fiber alone are rarely used, as they need to be at least a little soft.


  • bed of convenient height, configuration, color and material;
  • a mattress that is ideal for a sleeper.

Differences between spring and springless mattresses

  1. The service life of a good spring mattress is 10 years, and a latex mattress will retain its original qualities for up to 15 years.
  2. Lying on a spring mattress is always more comfortable; it is much softer than a springless one.
  3. Static electricity has no positive effect on the body and is present only in spring mattresses that contain metal parts. It also occurs due to mattress covers made from synthetic materials.
  4. In models with dependent and independent springs, dust gradually accumulates in technical voids and leads to the appearance of linen mites, which can subsequently cause serious allergic reactions. Springless mattresses do not have this problem. Microorganisms and insects do not live in natural latex and coir.
  5. Once on the surface of a springless mattress, moisture gradually evaporates without harming it. The same cannot be said about models with springs. Moisture getting inside leads to corrosion of elements, their further deformation and an unpleasant squeak that interferes with sleep.
  6. On a spring mattress, not the entire surface area is used; during sleep, a person, as it were, finds himself in a hole, or a hammock, formed under the weight of the body. On a springless mattress, the entire fabric is fully used.

Let's list them:

  • The springless block system has absolutely no voids where dust will accumulate over time. Role dust filter, took over the heat-regulating filler.
  • In a spring type, the internal void will act as a pump. Which will attract dust through the cover and aerators.
  • The springless mattress has no metal components at all. And the case is made from natural materials. If synthetic fabric is used, then only one that does not accumulate static.
  • In a spring mattress, static stress will accumulate due to metal springs. And this is not harmless, especially for children.

When a person rests, an average of 40 grams is released. moisture. It gets on the cover and inside. The cover evaporates up to 30% moisture. The rest is taken out. And all thanks to the high-quality material and its breathability. With a spring mattress, things are a little different. Some unscrupulous manufacturers save money.

When making springs from ferrous metal, they do not make a stainless coating. And moisture that gets inside will contribute to the formation of rust. This means that over time the springs will begin to creak.

  • On a springless mattress there will be no oscillatory movements due to changes in the partner’s position. When a person sleeps on a spring block, oscillatory movements will be felt throughout the entire area; there is a “wave” effect.
  • A high-quality springless mattress distributes the load evenly to different parts of the body. Creates ideal anatomical support for the body. Weight doesn't play any role here. There is no anatomical support. A person will not be able to fully relax, and will get up in the morning broken.
  • A springless mattress will provide an individual sleeping space, even on a double mattress. If two people lie on a double mattress, the hammock effect will be inevitable. A certain group of springs will work and the mattress in the middle will sag a little.
  • A springless mattress has the “thousand springs” effect. The homogeneity of the material makes it possible to use the entire area at the same time, even the edges.
  • The spring block is either reinforced around the entire perimeter, or a “Euroframe” is used. This means that a metal rod will be laid around the entire perimeter. And this will make the edge of the bed either too soft or very hard. If you sleep or sit on the edge of the bed, you will feel discomfort. The reinforcing material and springs will also gradually deteriorate.

Each mattress has its own specific degree of firmness.

Springless ones will differ:

  • height;
  • number of layers;
  • sizes;
  • filling.

Some will be softer, others harder. If the base is a spring block, then the stiffness should be different in each zone. There are only seven of them. This is achieved by the fact that the performance of independent springs is different.

Types, pros and cons of spring models

Askona Balance Smart (read review) is the most popular model among those purchased. It is based on a block of dependent springs of the Bonnell type. To protect against damage, there is an outer shell made of a material such as snapbond. It perfectly insulates the springs to make the person comfortable. There is a 2 cm layer of anatomical foam. And the cover is made of jacquard quilted together with padding polyester.

Other characteristics:

  • the mattress is big size range: from 80 cm by 186 cm to a square with a side of 2 meters. Thus, you can choose products for any bed;
  • hardness: below average;
  • mattress height 18 centimeters;
  • cost from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles (depending on size).

Ormatek Flex Standard (read review) is a bestseller among springless mattresses. It is sold rolled up. Without harming the product in this form, it can only be stored for six months, so you should check the production time with the seller. The cover is made of jacquard. Has an orthopedic effect. Characteristics:

  • filling: artificial latex High Quality;
  • hardness: above average on both sides;
  • sizes: from 80 cmX190 cm to 200 by 220 cm;
  • depending on the size, the price varies from 6 to 17 thousand rubles.

The mattress does not have a “winter-summer” function. It does not have handles for turning. However, such minor disadvantages do not affect the demand for this model.

Spring mattresses have been known for a long time. The modern principle of their operation is somewhat different from the original one, so they are in the spotlight and are no less popular than their springless counterparts.

The disadvantage of the models is the stretchability of the steel elements. Such structures are sensitive to instantaneous loads. You cannot ride on them, stretching the springs, because this will affect the service life of the block.

Advice from experts will help you make the right choice:

  • If you have problems with the spine, you should consult with an orthopedic specialist before purchasing. It is possible that a product that is too hard or soft can harm you.
  • A healthy person can only be guided by considerations of convenience. Whichever mattress seems more comfortable is the one to buy. And, of course, do not forget about the financial component. It's up to you to decide which mattresses are better - spring or polyurethane foam.
  • Springless mattresses on coconut coir are suitable for children. An option with a mattress with independent springs is also possible. “Bonnels” are definitely not suitable for a child!
  • If financial capabilities allow, then a mattress made from natural materials - best option. This model is not only functional, but also environmentally friendly.

Each line of mattresses has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, choosing the desired model, it is worth taking into account weight, height, condition of the vertebral bones:

  • For overweight people weighing more than 100 kg, it is preferable to choose hard fillers; they will not sag much and will more effectively support posture.
  • For adults under 50 kg, soft mattresses are suitable, regardless of type.
  • Children are recommended to purchase hard models for two reasons. The formation of the baby's bones is not yet complete, so proper placement during rest is required, which can be provided by a hard mattress. Children are active, love to play and jump, but a mattress of medium or soft hardness may simply not withstand the load.
  • For older people, mattresses with springs in independent blocks of medium hardness are suitable.
  • It is even more difficult for young and healthy people to make a choice - for them any average type of mattress will be equally good.

Before such an expensive purchase, it is better to consult and get recommendations from an orthopedic doctor. Based on a specific case, he will point out the most suitable model and the money will not be thrown away. This is especially true for those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system or the cardiovascular system.

According to user reviews and opinions of orthopedic doctors, springless mattresses consisting of combined layers have the best characteristics. Alternating different fillers helps achieve optimal rigidity. Universal types combine several zones of rigidity, for example, they are hard in the middle and soft at the edges, which makes the product as effective as possible and ensures complete comfort of sleep and rest.

Summing up

There is an opinion that a properly selected mattress is already 70% of a good sleep. If you buy a product from trusted manufacturers with a good reputation, in stores that have inspection models and specialists who are competent in selecting the best option, healthy and complete rest will be ensured.

Let's consider this issue in the following context:

  1. For children from birth to 12 years old, it is better not to buy spring mattresses. They are better suited with coconut coir or natural latex filling. It is better to talk to an orthopedist first to take into account all the nuances and subtleties.
  2. Healthy people can afford to choose a spring or springless mattress according to their own feelings of comfort.
  3. For those diagnosed with heart and respiratory diseases, mattresses without springs are recommended. They are better suited for overweight people over 100 kg.
  4. Those who like to sleep on a soft bed should take a closer look at spring mattresses with independent blocks.
  5. If you are on a limited budget, you should not try to choose mattresses without springs and with artificial filling. For example, foam rubber can cause allergic reactions. It is better to give preference to latex materials or coconut coir.

The main differences between mattresses: comparison of qualities and indicators

Spring Springless
Price With dependent springs it is cheaper than Multipocket. The cost depends on the type of filler: natural or synthetic material.
Convenience Independent springs are softer than Bonnell springs. Dependent springs are not so comfortable for sleeping. Rigidity depends on the material, so you can choose a product for any person.
Benefit for health For those with spinal problems, dependent springs are not suitable. Reduced hardness is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. After consultation with an orthopedist, you can buy a suitable sleeping place.
More than 90 kg is not recommended. More than 110 kg possible
Ease of transportation It is difficult to transport from place to place, as it requires a lot of space in transport. Some models are easy to roll up and transport compactly.
Service life From 10 to 12 years. From 7 to 8 years.
Noise Sometimes you can hear a creaking sound, especially if it is a Bonnel from the budget series. Silent.

Choosing a mattress for a bed requires a particularly careful approach. This determines how proper and comfortable not only rest, but also sleep will be. When choosing from two types of blocks, it is difficult to get confused, not knowing which mattress is better: spring or springless, because each type is divided into separate categories with its own characteristics and advantages.

Springless mattresses: types, pros and cons

Modern mattresses without springs are worthy competitors of spring mats. They are developed using computer technologies that help maintain the correct position of the spine with different levels of body load.


According to their type of structure, mattresses come in three types:

  • monolithic– representing a cast block of one filler, which does not have additional padding on either side (can be dense without holes or with them);
  • combined– mattresses, which are based on a block of solid padding, which is supplemented with one or more layers of padding from another material to provide the required degree of rigidity;
  • puff– mattresses that resemble a layer cake in cross section, since they are made of several layers different materials of the same thickness (about 3 - 4 cm each).

Among the wide range of padding raw materials, the most popular components of mattresses among furniture companies are:

  • natural latex– a filler with a porous structure in the form of cells of different depths and diameters, produced from the sap of tropical Hevea, characterized by excellent performance characteristics, long service life and high cost;
  • artificial latex– an analogue of latex filler, which is a budget type of block of this type with good indicators of reliability, rigidity and density, designed for daily moderate weight load;
  • polyurethane foam– furniture foam rubber type HR, which is somewhat inferior to the characteristics of latex mats and, unlike them, does not have a porous structure and does not distribute the mattress into different weight zones, however, it has good density and elasticity;
  • coconut fiber (coir)- a fibrous substance compressed into a narrow, solid layer of brownish color, produced from the pericarp (husk) of the coconut. Hard filler with an orthopedic effect and prevention of joint diseases;
  • Memory Foam– a material with a memory effect, characterized by remembering the contours of the body when heated, which is originally a modified polyurethane foam with a reduced degree of elasticity, developed by NASA engineers;
  • struttofiber– stuffing with a vertical arrangement of fibers, not subject to rotting and having excellent performance properties, changing the degree of temperature depending on the additional layer (a layer of flax gives a feeling of coolness, goat down gives warmth);
  • padding polyester– an additional component of a springless block, necessary to soften the hard surface of the block, which is an elastic fibrous substance;
  • felt– a thin layer, more often used in the combined block principle, necessary for varying softness and warmth (a component of double-sided blocks of the “winter-summer” models, in which a thin cotton filler is added on one side, and felt on the other side, so that sleeping is not only softer , but also warmer).

Each padding material is different from the other, however, it is completely compatible with any of them and often complements the rigid structure of the block in order to achieve the desired rigidity. The best option for springless padding is a latex block. It is often combined with coir, which gives the mat an orthopedic effect and eliminates its sagging.

A polyurethane mattress is considered budget option mat. It is divided into two categories: standard foam type “T” and furniture molded plan. The first subspecies is similar to a sponge-like sheet of foam rubber, which has the lowest performance qualities. The second (polyurethane foam) mattress is quite elastic and dense.

It does not deteriorate over time, although it may change slightly in color and bend slightly in the center if the owner has an overweight body.

Pros of a mattress without springs

Mattress designs that do not have springs have a number of advantages, they are:

  • convenient and comfortable to use;
  • ensure correct body position with different levels of load;
  • do not tear or injure the skin;
  • are made of hypoallergenic material, therefore they eliminate redness and itching of the skin and do not interfere with body rest;
  • have not only a relaxing, but also a massage, anatomical and orthopedic effect, restoring performance, improving well-being and uplifting the mood for the whole day;
  • can be elastic, rollable and light or dense, thick and inflexible (suitable for any customer requirements);
  • They are distinguished by a variety of size groups, thanks to which you can buy a mattress not only for adults and children, but also for non-standard bed sizes;
  • may have not only the main one, but also an additional removable cover, making it easier to care for the mattress;
  • do not rot, do not rot and do not have an environment for the formation of fungus or mold;
  • resistant to moisture: after passing water, they dry naturally optimally quickly;
  • they do not have large voids in which dust can accumulate, therefore they are easy to maintain;
  • do not have springiness, therefore they do not deform;
  • provide for the presence in the line of dual-zone systems, divided into two areas with different degrees of rigidity (for two people of different weights);
  • include a wide range of single- and double-plane designs with different types paddings (hard on one side and soft on the other).


The disadvantages of springless mats include the high price of latex models and some combined mattress options. The cost indicator is related to the type of filler used: the more expensive the components, the higher the price of the mat. Unfortunately, this factor often confuses buyers, forcing them to look for more acceptable options without compromising their preferences and budget.

Not all rigid mattress designs without springs are designed to withstand excessive weight and rough use. For example, you cannot jump on coconut mattresses: they are not elastic and can break. They have a small thickness, so they are not suitable for those who are heavy.

Types, pros and cons of spring models

Spring mattresses have been known for a long time. The modern principle of their operation is somewhat different from the original one, so they are in the spotlight and are no less popular than their springless counterparts.

Unlike three types of springs (snake, bonnel and independent type), a spring mattress has only two:

  • dependent;
  • independent.

Snake is the base of a sofa or bed, but is not a mattress. A separate (independent) block is placed on it, so the snake is a kind of alternative to lattice wood slats, although it is inferior to them in that it is springy and does not reduce the load on the mat.

The first type of spring block design is called "Bonnel" and consists of metal elements of a twisted shape, which are located vertically (perpendicular to the base of the mat), connected not only to the mattress mesh itself, but also to each other (depending on each other under load). Block with independent springs arranged somewhat differently. The base remains a steel mesh and twisted vertical springs. However, they are packaged in individual breathable fabric covers, so they do not fit together.

To ensure that the mesh is solid, it is not the springs that are held together, but the covers. Such a system provides an advantage to the block, expressed in supporting the correct position of the spine in any condition (lying or sitting).

In some types of spring blocks for maximum effect a second one is added to each spring, which begins to compress only under increased load. This adds reliability to the design and extends the life of the mattress.

One of the features of spring blocks is the need to use springless fillers in them. This is necessary for two reasons:

  • without soft filler, the springs will dig into the body;
  • In addition to elasticity, the block must be given the correct rigidity.

The advantages of spring mattresses include:

  • practicality and strength of the metal mattress frame;
  • comfort and convenience in combined block designs;
  • support for the correct position of the spine in independent type mats;
  • long-term operation of the mat due to the combination of springs and springless filler;
  • reduction of pain and anatomical back support during sleep and rest on the bed;
  • a large selection of models of universal and non-standard sizes, designed for a different number of beds;
  • different number of springs depending on the structural features of the block (from 500 to 700 pieces in the mesh);
  • the presence in the line of options with double springs, designed for two seats with different weight categories.

The disadvantage of the models is the stretchability of the steel elements. Such structures are sensitive to instantaneous loads. You cannot ride on them, stretching the springs, because this will affect the service life of the block.

The main differences between mattresses: comparison of qualities and indicators

Each type of mattress has its own advantages and disadvantages. Both one and the second type have very good padding options, thanks to which the mattress will not only be comfortable, but also as correct as possible for the position of the body.

General. Regardless of the type of block, mattresses are designed to provide quality sleep, so necessary in a fast paced life. The hardness of the bed depends on them. According to the degree of hardness, both types of mattresses are:

  • soft;
  • medium hardness;
  • tough.

Each type is designed with a specific weight in mind. For example, soft mats are not intended for people with excess body weight, because in this case they will quickly collapse and force a person to take unnatural positions instead of comfortable sleep. Rigid structures of both types are in equal demand. Depending on the model, they are designed for an average weight of one or two people and imply a load of up to 100 (1 seat) and approximately 200 kg (two seats).

Hard mattresses are not wooden base. In fact, it is an elastic and hard variety, one of the most beneficial for human health. Due to the composition of the filler, in both cases hard mats prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is important to know that they do not treat problems of the back, lower back and neck, but relieve muscle tension by relaxing them, which reduces pain.

Differences. The main thing worth noting is the noiselessness of springless mattresses. Since they do not have metal elements that stretch under load, they cannot creak under pressure. Due to the absence of steel elements, springless mattresses are safe for health. Even with intensive use, the filler does not fall out or stick out, which in spring mats can injure the skin.

Due to their metal components, spring mattresses are capable of accumulating static electricity, causing a magnetic effect on a person. In mats without springs there is no magnetic field. Spring mattresses themselves are not orthopedic and require additional layers to achieve an optimally hard surface. Springless options can be independent, while having not only an orthopedic effect, but also correct multi-level load distribution in some models (in each of the seven sections of the block).

If we compare an independent spring block of the Pocket Spring type and a latex mat, their service life is approximately the same (15 years). At the same time, in terms of performance characteristics, they are approximately equal, provide proper support for the spine and relax muscles while a person sleeps.

The Bonel spring block is distinguished by reinforced edges of the mat, which affects the quality of rest and is a disadvantage of such mattresses. One of the characteristics of options with dependent type springs is wave formation, which springless counterparts do not have. Additionally, unlike non-spring packing, spring designs can trap moisture, which can cause rust.

One of the interesting differences is the fact that springless padding materials can have both a core and a block layer, while varying the degree of rigidity (for example, a block with a latex core and a coconut layer will be hard, and a version with coir in the center and latex at the edges – moderately hard). Springs always remain the heart of the block; they can only be located inside.

How to choose the right type?

When choosing the ideal type of mattress, it is important to rely on knowledge of the features and stated requirements. It is necessary to take into account that mattresses for adults and children are different, so they are selected strictly individually. They are selected taking into account weight, height and existing health problems. It is important that the mat is able to relax the muscles in the right areas of the body and provide minimum pressure on the spine without deformation.

For a child

When purchasing a mattress, it is important to know that saving in this case is unacceptable. Thanks to a large selection of design models, you can choose a really good option that prevents the occurrence of back problems and improper development of posture.

When buying a children's mattress for a child, it is important to consider the following recommendations from experts:

  • when choosing a filler, you should give preference to hypoallergenic materials or stuffing of natural origin with antimicrobial impregnation;
  • Spring mattresses are completely contraindicated for young children, as they can harm the correct formation of posture and skeleton as a whole;
  • the mattress for the baby must be selected exactly according to the size of the crib to eliminate the possibility of injury to the limbs;
  • A universal purchase “for growth” is unacceptable, because what is suitable for an adult is not always good for a child;
  • when choosing a children's mattress, you should take into account the age, choosing up to 3 years - a hard block, from three to adolescence - an option of moderate hardness (ideally, this is a solid coconut block or a combined version of latex and coir);
  • the block should not be too thick: a thickness of 8–10 cm is sufficient.

In addition, when buying a children's mattress, you need to take care of an additional removable cover, because such an accessory is a necessity. Thanks to him, the mattress will always look like new.

For an adult

What you need to pay attention to:

  • In order for a mattress to promote a restful and proper sleep, you should not buy soft options. Such a filler will be pressed out faster than others, so type “T” foam rubber can not even be considered. If the mattress requires long-term use, it is worth investing the money correctly by choosing between three designs: a combination of latex and coir, a latex block or an option with independent springs.
  • Don't forget about age. For example, when buying a model for an elderly person, you should give preference to mattresses with a moderate degree of hardness: both types of mattresses that are too soft and too hard are contraindicated. The same rule applies to patients who are sensitive to even a light touch on sore spots of the body.
  • It is important to keep in mind the correct dimensions of the mattress. You cannot make a purchase without taking into account the parameters of the bed: a lack of length or width of the sleeping place will affect the quality of sleep and threaten chronic lack of sleep, because the body must straighten during the night. If the mattress is larger than necessary, it will not fit into the allotted space of the bed and may bend, forming lumps and disturbing the natural position of the spine.
  • You should not buy a spring mat with motion transmission: springiness, transmitted like a wave from every turn on the bed, will deprive sleep of comfort.
  • Standard type foam rubber may not even be considered: this filler is acceptable only as a layer of the side edges of the spring block, although in general it is the cheapest and most low-quality type of filling. As a rule, it is not enough even for 5 years of service: it will quickly lose its properties.
  • If the person’s weight is large enough, you should give preference to springless versions of the block. A heavy body will crush the spring mat too quickly, stretching the twisted elements and deforming the surface.
  • When choosing an option for an adult, you should adhere to the following rules: how less weight, the softer the surface (unlike children who need a hard surface for proper skeletal formation).

For proper sleep and rest, a sense of vigor in the morning, and the absence of muscle pain, you need a good bed equipped with a properly selected mattress. Today there are two main types of mattresses - spring and springless. Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages. A wide range of fillers, types of rigidity and a variety of designs makes the choice difficult and ambiguous. But a thorough study of the properties and characteristics, advice from orthopedic doctors will help to understand this problem and better understand which mattress, spring or springless?

A wide range of fillers, types of rigidity and a variety of designs makes the choice difficult and ambiguous.

Characteristics of spring and springless mattresses

The production of mattresses is a developed industry, so domestic and foreign companies put forward many proposals, from the simplest, budget ones to advanced products that can be remotely switched to a sitting position, turned on a massage function, or programmed as an alarm clock. Consumer models are not equipped with such “smart” characteristics, but they differ significantly in orthopedic properties, pricing policy and provide different sleep comfort. A person spends more than 2,300 hours a year in bed, so it is important to choose a mattress that guarantees good rest. To decide on a model, you first need to study all the properties of existing mattresses.

A person spends more than 2,300 hours a year in bed, so it is important to choose a mattress that guarantees good rest.

Types of spring mattresses

Mattresses based on springs are divided into two groups - with dependent or independent spring blocks:

  • In products where the block is dependent, such as “Bonnell”, all springs are tightly attached to each other, due to which the product is equally rigid over the entire area. In the line of mattresses, this type has long been considered obsolete, due to its fragility - the springs quickly become unsteady, even with careful handling, and begin to deform and creak. The model is still in demand due to its budget price.

All springs are tightly attached to each other, making the product equally rigid over the entire area.
  • Inside the mattress, where the block has an independent pattern of springs, they are not fastened together, but are placed, each in its own case. Such mattresses are produced in different levels of hardness and even combine several in one product. The number of rigid zones of one mattress can reach 9. The design is made in such a way that it effectively supports the spine, literally envelops the body, which creates comfort during sleep. When one person makes a movement, the vibrations are not transmitted to the person sleeping nearby. Quality, price and comfort during sleep depend on the number of springs placed per square meter. The mark starts at 256, a good mattress already contains 512 springs, and expensive, elite models consist of 1000-2000 separate springs.

The design is made in such a way that it effectively supports the spine, literally envelops the body, thereby creating comfort during sleep.

If you turn the mattress over two or three times a year, this will significantly extend its service life and allow the sides that are not in use to gradually recover one by one.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Models of sleeping accessories with a block of independent springs have orthopedic properties, supporting the spinal column in the required position. The next morning a person feels cheerful and rested.
  • Such mattresses are absolutely silent thanks to the fabric upholstery of each individual spring, which, when in contact with each other, do not create a creak.
  • High-quality mattresses are sold at a high price, which is not affordable for everyone, but they are quite durable if handled carefully.

Models of sleeping accessories with a block of independent springs have orthopedic properties, supporting the spinal column in the required position.


A mattress for one bed, consisting of independent spring blocks, will cost the buyer 10-20 thousand rubles, based on the number of springs. You need to save 20-50 thousand in national currency for a double model.

A quality and reliable mattress will be worth a good investment.

Springless mattresses

According to their structure, mattresses are divided into 3 types:

  • monolithic - the block consists of one type of filler;
  • combined - the base of which is a solid canvas, supplemented on both sides with several balls of another material to achieve a certain effect;
  • puff - made from alternately laid layers of the same width 3-4 cm.

The density and strength of the product is ensured by overlapping layers of different combinations of fillers. Due to the order of layers, we achieve different levels hardness: soft, medium hard and hard.

Due to the order of layers, different levels of rigidity are achieved: soft, medium-hard and hard.

The most common and popular filler for springless mattresses is latex. If it is obtained from the sap of the Hevea tree, known as the rubber tree, it is considered natural and the safest for human health. Latex filler can also be artificial.

The most common and popular filler for springless mattresses is latex.

Coconut coir mattresses are moisture-resistant and well ventilated, but the material makes them hard. They are usually bought for children whose posture is just developing or for adults with spinal problems, as prescribed by their doctors.

Coconut coir mattresses are moisture-resistant and well ventilated, but the material makes them hard.

Polyurethane foam is a more advanced classic foam rubber. This filling is considered a budget analogue of expensive latex. But such mattresses are not endowed with orthopedic properties. There are two options for this filling: standard and cast furniture. The first one has low operational features, quickly fails and requires replacement. The second, on the contrary, is dense, elastic and does not deteriorate over time, although it may bend slightly in the center if an overweight body sleeps on the bed.

Polyurethane foam is a more advanced classic foam rubber.

Struttofiber is a popular artificial component of the mattress base. This is a packing with vertical fibers, which ensures unobstructed air ventilation. The material does not rot and is characterized long term services. At the same time, various additives provide a comfortable sleep temperature: down and wool give a feeling of warmth, and linen, on the contrary, provides coolness.

Struttofiber is a popular artificial component of the mattress base.

There is also a high-tech filler developed in NASA laboratories more than half a century ago, but only recently coming into widespread use - Memory Foam or a foam-like thermoelastic structure with memory properties. The mattress completely remembers the structure of the body, which makes rest comfortable and easily restores the surface after the sleeper gets out of bed.

It completely remembers the structure of the body, which makes rest comfortable and easily restores the surface after the sleeper gets out of bed.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • There are no parts in such a mattress that can deteriorate or break, so the products are durable.
  • The design eliminates the appearance of any noise.
  • Excellent orthopedic properties help support the health of the spine, cervical spine and lower back.
  • Mattresses are hypoallergenic, do not rot, and prevent the formation of fungi and mold.
  • The high price of products makes them inaccessible to buyers with little income. If funds for purchasing a mattress are strictly limited, you should take a closer look at artificial fillers, thanks to which you can significantly save on your purchase.
  • For such mattresses there are weight recommendations, so the strongest model will not support more than 140 kg. On average, the ceiling weight is limited to 120 kg.

Choose a mattress after weighing all the pros and cons.


The cost of a combined mattress for one bed, filled with latex and coir, starts from 15 thousand rubles, for two beds - from 22 thousand. A filler made of synthetic latex and coconut fiber will be 3-4 thousand rubles cheaper. The most expensive material is memory foam, so the price of such products starts from 24 thousand for one bed and from 60 thousand for a double size.

Just as in the previous case with spring models, a good springless mattress will cost a pretty penny.

The difference between spring and springless mattresses

  1. The service life of a good spring mattress is 10 years, and a latex mattress will retain its original qualities for up to 15 years.
  2. Lying on a spring mattress is always more comfortable; it is much softer than a springless one.
  3. Static electricity has no positive effect on the body and is present only in spring mattresses that contain metal parts. It also occurs due to mattress covers made from synthetic materials.
  4. In models with dependent and independent springs, dust gradually accumulates in technical voids and leads to the appearance of linen mites, which can subsequently cause serious allergic reactions. Springless mattresses do not have this problem. Microorganisms and insects do not live in natural latex and coir.
  5. Once on the surface of a springless mattress, moisture gradually evaporates without harming it. The same cannot be said about models with springs. Moisture getting inside leads to corrosion of elements, their further deformation and an unpleasant squeak that interferes with sleep.
  6. On a spring mattress, not the entire surface area is used; during sleep, a person, as it were, finds himself in a hole, or a hammock, formed under the weight of the body. On a springless mattress, the entire fabric is fully used.

What to do right choice you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

How to determine which mattress is suitable, spring or springless, tips and opinions

Each line of mattresses has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing the right model, it is worth taking into account weight, height, and the condition of the vertebral bones:

  • For overweight people weighing more than 100 kg, it is preferable to choose hard fillers; they will not sag much and will more effectively support posture.
  • For adults under 50 kg, soft mattresses are suitable, regardless of type.
  • Children are recommended to purchase hard models for two reasons. The formation of the baby's bones is not yet complete, so proper placement during rest is required, which can be provided by a hard mattress. Children are active, love to play and jump, but a mattress of medium or soft hardness may simply not withstand the load.
  • For older people, mattresses with springs in independent blocks of medium hardness are suitable.
  • It is even more difficult for young and healthy people to make a choice - for them any average type of mattress will be equally good.

When choosing the right model, it is worth taking into account weight, height, and the condition of the vertebral bones.

Before such an expensive purchase, it is better to consult and get recommendations from an orthopedic doctor. Based on a specific case, he will point out the most suitable model and the money will not be thrown away. This is especially true for those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system or the cardiovascular system.

Before such an expensive purchase, it is better to consult and get recommendations from an orthopedic doctor.

According to user reviews and opinions of orthopedic doctors, springless mattresses consisting of combined layers have the best characteristics. Alternating different fillers helps achieve optimal rigidity. Universal types combine several zones of rigidity, for example, they are hard in the middle and soft at the edges, which makes the product as effective as possible and ensures complete comfort of sleep and rest.

Alternating different fillers helps achieve optimal rigidity.

Summing up

There is an opinion that a properly selected mattress is already 70% of a good sleep. If you buy a product from trusted manufacturers with a good reputation, in stores that have inspection models and specialists who are competent in selecting the best option, healthy and complete rest will be ensured.

By choosing the best option for yourself, a healthy and complete rest will be ensured.


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