How to improve the camera on a smartphone or tablet? (step by step instructions). Improving camera quality on Android phones and tablets

The cameras of modern smartphones are not yet capable of completely replacing a good point-and-shoot camera, not to mention professional cameras. But nevertheless, you can achieve a passable image even from a budget smartphone with the help of a few secrets, programs and a couple of simple tricks.

Unfortunately, on social networks quite a lot is not easy terrible photos, but those that are generally embarrassing to show. Moreover, the “authors” usually do not stop, but use dozens of all kinds of “popular” filters that they can find, believing that this can really correct a deliberately incorrect composition.

We want to convey that really good pictures can be taken with a not very high-quality camera. Of course, their quality will not be perfect, but it will not be a shame to show the photo on the same social networks.

Part one. Learning to take photographs

To take a really good photo, you need to know and understand the basic photographic techniques that are sure to make your photos incredibly beautiful, no matter how many pixels your camera has.


Of course, when shooting with your phone's built-in camera, there's no question of using professional lighting equipment to sharpen your photos and improve color. But don't despair - you can always use sunlight or artificial light to your advantage. But it’s still better to rely on natural light. It matches much better with almost any camera and provides a natural color palette.

Artificial lighting can often ruin your photography. Incandescent lamps, as you know, will give off a yellowish tint, and they will not be able to sufficiently provide the required level of illumination. Fluorescent lamps, on the other hand, can provide overly bright and harsh light, which is also not a good aid for photography. Natural sources The light will provide you with warm shades that can highlight the subject and not “wash away” the details. This is why, if possible, avoid using camera flash.

So, you've found the perfect light source for your photograph, positioned your subject to make the most of the light, and ensure that the light illuminates the subject of the photograph, but does not hit the camera lens, otherwise you will end up with an overexposed image.

Experiment, don’t be afraid to shoot from different angles, with different lighting brightness - morning, afternoon, evening. Advice is, of course, good, but it will give you absolutely nothing without practice - only for personal experience you can understand how it all really works.


Exposure, in its simplest sense, is the effect of the amount of light entering the camera sensor on the overall brightness of the image. In conventional cameras, you can change this parameter by experimenting with the shutter speed, aperture and ISO value. This combination will determine how much light hits the camera lens and how sensitive it is to light. How better lighting, the lower the sensitivity should be selected. And vice versa - in poor lighting, more light-sensitive settings are needed, although this, of course, can result in a grainy image.

The “native” Android camera is mostly deprived of customization options, and in most cases it only allows you to adjust the exposure with a moving slider. More advanced applications allow you to carry out almost the full range of manual settings - change ISO, aperture, etc.

Sleight of hand and no fraud

Of course, we will talk about focus, because a well-chosen exposure and good lighting are not everything. Before you take a photo, you need to make sure your subject is in focus. Fortunately, almost all modern smartphones can adjust focus and most have quite “smart” autofocus, but even the fastest ones require from one to several seconds to adjust. During this time, it is important to hold your hand as firmly as possible, otherwise you will get a smeared photo.

Also, most cameras offer the ability to randomly focus - focus in an area that you select by tapping on the screen. There are also many different automatic effects that would be quite difficult to achieve manually on such a camera (for example, background blur - “bokeh”).

Image composition

Now that you know some of the intricacies of the photography process, you can apply them all to get a high-quality picture, just remember to practice. But even with all these subtleties, your photo will only be as good as the correct composition. One of the main principles of photography is the “rule of thirds”. It divides the image area into nine equal parts using horizontal and vertical lines. The main concept of this rule is that the subjects (or object) should be located along the lines or at their intersection.

Unfortunately, in reality natural light will not always be perfect, the moment may be fleeting, the object itself may be constantly moving, etc. All these nuances make you rely more on memory than photography. Luckily, there are many software options for enhancing a photo you've already taken.

Part two. Programs for processing and shooting

No, not here we'll talk about Instagram filters and other “popular” things on the Internet. We want to get the most out of the resulting photo, so we will try to do everything manually, because this is the only way we can get a result that will suit us.

This application is installed by default on most Android smartphones. It has a simple user interface and minimal settings, but it has several unique photo modes, as well as several effects.

With Google Camera, you can overlay a grid on the camera interface, adjust exposure, and it can also provide you with an HDR mode that allows you to "stretch" nice picture even in not the most better conditions. You can also create 360-degree panoramas with this camera.

This application provides you with a number of settings that not every professional camera can boast of. With it, you can manually adjust exposure, ISO, focus mode, white balance, etc.

This camera also has several night shot modes, HDR time-lapse photography, and a self-timer. Using this camera will allow you to experience the power of manual photo adjustments, allow you to practice with different shooting modes, and with this application you will be able to take really high-quality photos.

Of course, you can’t do without Photoshop even on Android. This application will allow you to customize and improve the photos you take right on the screen of your phone without the help of a computer.

Of course, this application does not have even a tenth of the settings of its “big brother”, but this is quite enough for you to eliminate red-eye, adjust contrast, exposure, adjust color, brightness, shadow and much more. And of course, everyone’s favorite filters are available here.

Your bluish face on the monitor of your video chat interlocutor is unlikely to please her eyes. However, according to Hal Wilder, a video conferencing specialist and organizer of the website, when the right approach, even the cheapest webcam can show you in all its glory.

That color
Problem. The light emanating from the computer monitor you are sitting behind, although weak, is sufficient to distort the broadcast picture. Whichever color predominates on your desktop, your face will be painted exactly the same. However, if you are a Chinese person sitting in front of a yellow desktop, then everything is fine.

Solution. “Turn on the desk lamp. Its more powerful light will overpower the monitor's lighting,” suggests Hall.

That's how absent-minded
Problem. Yours desk lamp turned out to be so strong that its light literally whitened your face. The black eye is no longer visible, but you look like a Kabuki actor.

Solution. If your lamp does not have a function to reduce the light power, you can diffuse it in another way. Tape a piece of tracing paper onto the lamp. This will soften the relentless rays of electric lighting. If your desk is located next to a light wall, Hall has an even easier way to dim the light bulb. Turn it away from your face and point it at the wall. The reflected light will still be strong enough to eliminate the monitor effect.

How's the glass?
Problem. Its roots lie in distant childhood, when you ate little markings and read while lying down. As a result, you ruined your eyes and now wear glasses. And everything would be fine, but now the monitor is reflected in their glass. Because of what your interlocutor cannot see what color your eyes are (the horoscope promised her a meeting with a man with eyes the color of wet asphalt.)

Solution. In your monitor settings, reduce its brightness. “Usually the reflection disappears after the brightness is reduced by 25-30 percent. In five minutes you will already get used to the slightly darkened desktop,” promises Hall.

All in white
Problem. You did everything right, but for some reason your complexion turned crimson.

Solution. “The camera’s automatic exposure adjustment selects the brightest spot, which is defined as “white,” and adjusts all other colors based on this,” explains Hall. If the present white was not in front of the camera, then other colors will be distorted. To prevent this from happening, simply wear a white T-shirt, giving the camera a sample of snow-whiteness. But you don't have to wear pants at all. Your lower limbs are hidden by the table anyway.

08/28/2017 Vladislav Samoshkin

Read our article detailed instructions about how to set up a camera on an Android phone or tablet. Simple explanations for unclear settings.

Are you disappointed in your smartphone because of low-quality photos? Have you tried setting up the pre-installed Camera application? If you do not know the meaning of some points, then read our article. We will try to help you achieve the best quality photos.

Nowadays you won’t find smartphones on sale without a built-in camera. The operation of this module is ensured by a pre-installed application. This could be Google Camera, or something from the smartphone manufacturer. In any case, the program will be tailored for automatic shooting. However, there are also some manual settings in the “Camera”. And you need to use them - otherwise you won’t always get good shots.

How to set up a camera on your phone

But first, you should understand that the quality of photos depends not only on the settings. No matter how trivial it may sound, before pressing the shutter button you need to do a little preparation:

  • Wipe the lens lens - this element is prone to fogging and becoming covered with all sorts of dirt. It’s not for nothing that professional photographers constantly carry a clean cloth with them to wipe their optics.
  • Try to find the right angle - don't shoot into the sun, as the tiny smartphone sensor won't have enough dynamic range. And try to ensure that the viewer's gaze follows from the upper right to the lower left corner of the final photo (unless you are shooting a portrait).
  • Turn on the self-timer or voice control - this rule must be followed in low light. The fact is that touching the shutter button will slightly shake the smartphone, and with a long exposure this will lead to blurring of the image.
  • Try to shoot with the rear (main) camera - in most cases it has a larger matrix, higher resolution, and better sensitivity. A monopod with a mirror allows you to take selfies with the rear camera.
  • Forget about digital zoom - get those thoughts out of your head! If you need to zoom in on the picture, just walk up to the object. Some modern smartphones have optical zoom (dual cameras have lenses with different focal lengths) - you can use it.

But stop thinking about preparation! It's time to talk about how to set up the camera on your phone.

How to set up a camera on your phone: Global settings

The existing Camera settings can be divided into two categories. The first includes parameters that globally influence the final result. They are located in a special section, access to which is provided after clicking on the “Settings” icon (in the application itself, of course). The second category includes the parameters of the shooting itself - shutter speed, ISO, white balance, etc. First, let's look at what awaits you in the menu called “Settings”:

  • Image size - this parameter determines how many pixels the photo will consist of. This item may also be called “photo resolution”. Feel free to choose the most affordable option.
  • Video size - or its resolution. Likewise, choose the most high parameter(4K, Full HD or, as a last resort, HD). Please note that at the highest resolution, some shooting modes may not be available - for example, high-speed video.
  • Video frequency determines the speed at which it will be recorded. The higher the parameter, the smoother the picture will be. Optimal choice- 50 or 60 fps. But cheap smartphones do not have enough processor power for such high-speed shooting, in which case you will have to make do with a smaller parameter.
  • Image Review - If you enable this switch, you will see the final image after you press the shutter button. They will appear for a few seconds. If the switch is not active, then you can instantly take the next frame, and the photo will immediately go to the “Gallery”.
  • Timer - or self-timer. After pressing the shutter button, the number of seconds you select passes, after which the frame is taken.
  • Grid - its display allows you to align the horizon line. Of course, there will be no grid in the final photo.
  • Photo quality - this parameter determines how much the image will be compressed. Select "Maximum quality" - then you will get the best result. Other parameters may lead to some blurring of the image.
  • Geotags - this switch determines whether photos will be included in tags geographical coordinates shooting locations.
  • Storage location - select “SD card” if your device has one.
  • Flicker reduction – fluorescent lamps in different countries flicker at different frequencies. This setting allows you to suppress the flicker effect, but you need to select a specific frequency - 50 or 60 Hz.
  • Voice control - this item is not available on every smartphone. This feature involves shooting using a voice command.
  • Volume key - determines what actions are assigned to the corresponding button during shooting. For example, it can become an additional shutter button. Or pressing it will start video recording.
  • Gesture control is another shooting method implemented in some smartphones. For example, a raised hand or a smile can start the self-timer.
  • Optical stabilization - enabled on some devices. It allows you to make the shutter speed longer without increasing the risk of blurring the frame. But the effect of the stabilizer is best seen when shooting video.

These are the main parameters contained in the corresponding section of the standard Camera application. Understanding and correct application These or other settings will help you resolve the issue of how to set up the camera on your phone. But some smartphones have additional settings - it all depends on the imagination of the manufacturer and his skills.

Manual settings
how to set up a camera on your phone: manual settings

If you want to get great shots, then you must wean yourself from constantly using automatic mode. We can spend hours telling you how to set up the camera on your phone, but if you only use presets, this will not help you much in difficult cases. In difficult shooting conditions, try to adjust certain settings, which are often available right during framing.

  • Flash - can be disabled, forced on, or run in automatic mode. In the third case, the system itself will decide whether to activate the flash now. The result of its work depends on the specific implementation and shooting conditions. Sometime it can really save a picture, but in other cases its use only spoils the frame.
  • ISO is the so-called light sensitivity. As the frame increases, more energy is supplied to the matrix, as a result of which data is read from it a little better. But in return, the image may receive a certain amount of digital noise - random flickering dots. The noise is most noticeable when viewing a photo at 100 percent zoom. You should only think about ISO in low light conditions; you definitely shouldn’t increase this parameter too much, otherwise the result will unpleasantly surprise you.
  • Shutter speed is adjustable only on some smartphones. This parameter refers to how long the aperture will be open. The longer, the more light the matrix will receive. But if you overdo it, overexposure will occur.
  • Exposure - marked with an icon in the form of a square with a plus and a minus. This is the easiest way to make a shot lighter or darker.
  • Aperture - the degree of its opening is adjustable only on some devices. Again, the diameter of the hole determines how much light will enter the frame.
  • Exposure metering - this determines how exactly the system will determine how light the frame is.
  • White balance - makes the image warmer or cooler. Usually, automation copes with its task without human intervention. But if you are shooting in unusual lighting conditions, then it is better to select one or another white balance manually.
  • HDR - when this function is enabled, the camera will create several frames at once with different exposures. Then all this is combined into one image, from which areas that are too dark and overexposed are excluded. But it takes time to take multiple frames, so you don't need to photograph moving objects in HDR mode.

These are a few settings that can usually be selected while shooting. But almost any Camera application also provides different operating modes. We should talk about this too.

Camera shooting modes on phones

By default, the application activates regular photography. In it you can switch to the front camera. Or go to video shooting. In addition, the application provides several other shooting modes:

  • Panorama - this mode is ideal for shooting natural and city landscapes. It automatically creates several pictures, after which they are stitched into one frame. The result is a very wide photograph that allows you to see the area around you in detail.
  • Beauty shooting - when this mode is activated, the application will try to smooth out the skin and make other improvements to the image. The mode is primarily designed for shooting with the front camera.
  • Background blur - shooting in this mode can be realized in different ways. Smartphones with a dual camera are best able to blur the background. If the device has only one lens, then the background is blurred either by software or after a certain movement of the device from top to bottom.
  • GIF animation - in fact, video is shot in this mode, but with a frequency of only about one frame per second. The resulting images are combined into one GIF animation, which you can then post on a social network.
  • Serial shooting - in this mode, you can take several frames at once in a second (their exact number is affected by processor power). You can then select the best shot, or keep them all in memory. A good mode for shooting children, cars, sports and other active scenes.
  • Night is a special mode for shooting in low light conditions. It automatically increases light sensitivity and makes the shutter speed longer.
  • High-speed shooting (slow-mo) - smartphones with a very powerful processor have this mode. The mode is used when shooting video. The camera in it takes a very large number of frames per second. The video can then be slowed down, allowing the subject's movements to be seen in great detail.

These are the most popular modes found in standard Camera applications. There are also some specific modes, but there is little point in talking about them in a short article.


Now you know what certain camera settings are responsible for. Act wisely - this way you will get the most out of even the simplest smartphone or tablet! And don’t forget that you can always download more functional camera apps on Google Play.

What to do if the camera on Android stops working

It is difficult to imagine the owner of a modern gadget who would use it only for making calls and sending messages. Smartphones and tablets combine almost everything - a telephone, an alarm clock, audio and video players and much more. And suddenly it happens that the camera does not work on Android. How to fix this problem?

Reasons for camera failure

One of the important modules of current gadgets may stop working for a number of reasons, among which there are several main ones:

  1. System firmware update. Due to an incorrect procedure or some kind of failure during the update process, the settings of various modules are very often lost.
  2. Virus attack. The number and variety of malware is quite large.
  3. Damage to the device. Various mechanical impacts (fall, shock, exposure to water, etc.) can lead to incorrect operation of the camera.
  4. Garbage. The camera has a sensor, which can become dirty or dusty and may interfere with operation.
  5. Module cache. This is purely a software reason.

In any of these cases, various messages may appear on the screen (for example, “Camera failure”), the window may freeze, crash, or present only a black screen. So what should you do if the camera on your phone stops working?

How to solve the problem

Reset to factory settings

This method will allow you to fix problems with system and module settings that have arisen for one reason or another. But you need to do this correctly, for which:

  • first make a backup copy of the necessary files and data, as well as the system itself (this item is optional, but it is better not to neglect it);
  • then go to the device settings, General tab;
  • find the item “Backup and reset” (the name may differ in different versions of Android and models);
  • in a new window, select “Reset settings”;
  • review information about what data will be deleted;
  • make sure that the battery charge level is at least 30%;
  • start reset;
  • After finishing, you can check the operation of the camera and configure the device.

Virus check

If, after returning to factory settings, the gadget still displays an error message, you should check it for viruses. This can be done in two ways:

  • connect your phone or tablet to your PC and scan with a computer program;
  • install the utility directly on the gadget.

In any case, it is necessary to do a deep check.

External and internal cleaning

It will be useful to clean the device from various garbage, both internal and external. In the first case, it is enough to wipe the lens with a special cloth or a clean one, but with special means. You can also disassemble the phone and clean it, but for this it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Internal cleaning involves deleting the module cache, for which:

  • go to settings, General tab;
  • select the “Applications” item;
  • swipe your finger from right to left several times to get to the All tab;
  • we find the camera and go into it;
  • in the window that appears, we need a “Clear cache” button.

Installing special utilities

If none of the methods discussed above solved the problem, there is another option of installing programs on the gadget that will work in the same way as a standard camera. An example of such applications is Camera MX.

This application has its own menu, which contains the main page with the start of shooting, a gallery of files from the device’s memory, as well as a large number of different effects. With this program you can take funny and original selfies, including GIFs that preserve movement.

It can be used when working with such applications as the main one, i.e. both rear and front cameras, which means functionally many of them can be even better than the standard module. If, when using such utilities, you still cannot get an image, then the problem is much more serious.

In this case, all you have to do is contact service center. This will also be advisable in the case when the deadline warranty service on your tablet or phone has not yet expired.

Using the front camera on a Lenovo smartphone

Of course, not all Lenovo smartphones have the ability to shoot with the front (front) and rear (main) cameras, since the first may simply not be there. If you have both of these cameras on your phone, then another problem arises - how to switch the main camera (turned on when you open the Camera application by default) to the front one, for example, to take selfies or communicate via video chats.

  1. Open the Camera application.
  2. An icon in the form of a small camera surrounded by circular arrows will appear in the upper right or left corner (depending on the orientation of the smartphone).
  3. Click on this icon to switch the camera.

*To switch back to the main camera you will also need to click on this icon.

*In front camera mode, depending on the smartphone model, you may not have access to some settings and functions related to shooting quality that are present when using the main camera. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, the additional camera in a smartphone physically has more simple design and lower resolution.

The front or main camera does not turn on on Android - what to do

If the camera does not turn on on Android, then the causes of the problem may lie in software errors or problems at the hardware level. The user can cope with errors in the operation of the system on his own, but replacing a failed component will require the intervention of a specialist.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce Android smartphones: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others.

Possible reasons why the camera does not turn on

If you are interested, my article is a review of which Bluetooth headphones I bought for my smartphone for $13.

If you haven't dropped or hit your Android device, but at some point you find that the camera doesn't work, then most likely the cause is a software error. It could be:

  • Incorrect camera setting.
  • Application conflict.
  • Lack of memory.
  • Cache overflow.
  • Virus infection.
  • Incorrect firmware.

If everything is fine with the system, pay attention to the physical condition of the module. The camera may not turn on due to mechanical damage after an impact or fall, or contamination of the lens.

If you like to take photographs with the camera of your favorite Samsung Galaxy S5, S6 or other smartphone, then you probably know that it is not always possible to take a photo of normal quality. Unfortunately, the cameras in the top gadgets also do not yet reach full-fledged point-and-shoot cameras.

The tips below are more suitable for beginners and amateurs in photography, but from my own experience I know that 90% of smartphone owners can be classified as such.

1. Don't use ZOOM. In modern smartphones, using even the most minimal zoom leads to a sharp deterioration in picture quality. Noise appears on it and sharpness is lost. If you want to photograph an object closer, approach it. If this is not possible, take photographs without zoom; in the end, the fragment you need can simply be cut out from a large photograph. And remember, the closer the object is, the better and more detailed it will be in the picture.

2. Keep your smartphone lens clean. Try not to scratch the lens of your gadget, and also rub it with a cloth before taking photographs.

3. Take multiple photos. Even professional photographers always take several photos, take them as an example.

Often you can get blurry photos due to poor focusing or the slightest twitch of your hand while shooting. When taking a series of photos, you can always choose the best shot and delete the rest. Especially considering that the Galaxy S3, Note 2 and Galaxy S4 have excellent burst shooting capabilities.

4. Lighting. Normal pictures can only be taken in good lighting. If you decide to have a small photo session with your friends, it is better to do it during the day and on the street. Also remember, if the light source is in front of the lens, turn on HDR mode.

But you should not take pictures in the open sun or in deep shadow, and also try to avoid contrasting light transitions.

5. Set the “resolution” and “image quality” parameters to the highest. Don't skimp on photo size if you want maximum quality.

6. Make the most of your camera. There are quite a lot of options in the camera settings of Samsung Galaxy smartphones. various settings, for all occasions. Feel free to use them.

For example, when shooting close-up, switch to “macro” in the “focus mode” tab. Sometimes it is useful to manually set the white balance.

Also pay attention to the “Story” tab. Depending on the situation, try to choose the item that suits you. For example, "night mode" automatically increases ISO to maximum, and makes for better visibility when shooting at night.

7. Edit photos. In Photoshop and other graphic editors, you can smooth out noise a little, adjust brightness/contrast, and add beautiful effects.

8. Try not to shake your hands when you take pictures. This is very important, especially in the latest Samsung models such as the Galaxy S6, which uses a fairly slow shutter speed by default for better post-processing.

9. Use third party camera apps. Fortunately, this can be done on Android. Typically, third-party cameras, such as Camera 360 for example, have a large number of options that are hidden in the standard application. This is especially true for Nexus smartphones, where camera settings are always very limited.

10. Practice. Read literature on photography, practice it yourself. Understand how optics work, what exposure, ISO, aperture, shutter speed are. After all, even the most expensive DSLR will not turn you into a pro, and on the contrary, a real photographer will get good pictures from a smartphone. An example is the interesting article "

Good afternoon, dear readers!

A year ago, I consulted with my daughter about the advisability of buying a smartphone for me personally - although almost all my friends had already replaced them for several generations, I continued to use the phone. And they decided that, apparently, it was worth it - at least for the sake of the audio player. The fact is that I like to listen to relatively long audio stories, and when listening to them on the phone, one terribly inconvenient incident often happens. If they call me in the middle of a story (and more often this happens towards the end), then at the end of the conversation I will have to manually rewind the entire story to the point of the last pause, periodically checking whether I have already heard this part or not. In a smartphone, it will be possible to use the player of my choice, and not the choice of the phone manufacturer. In my opinion, a smartphone is not suitable for more than that - at least for me. Well, really, shouldn’t you take pictures with your phone?

And so the purchase was made, which was facilitated by the successful drowning of my phone in Lake Zyuratkul - I became the owner of a real smartphone. As it unexpectedly turned out, a small computer is capable, to put it mildly, of a little more than just a convenient audio player.

Step one. Acquaintance.

In addition to photography itself, the program allows you to apply various effects even before saving the image to a memory card, use ready-made images to overlay the object you are shooting, share freshly captured images on social networks, there is even a special application that makes photographing with documents very easy.

However, I personally believe that all these manipulations are much more convenient to carry out on a much smarter computer, therefore, with your permission, I will omit the descriptions of the magical manipulations, but I promise that if even one request comes in, I will definitely describe the missed points.

Step two. Setup.

The application greets us with a rather ascetic and at the same time self-sufficient interface.

The top left “button” brings up your account settings menu if you need to publish images online, change cloud albums and other online activities.

The second “button” switches between the rear and front cameras.

  • Auto - the camera itself will decide whether to turn on the flash;
  • Always on—the flash turns on immediately before the shutter opens;
  • Always off - there will be no flash in any case, but the device will still try to take a picture with best quality due to other parameters, most likely sensitivity;
  • Backlight mode - the flash is constantly on and is also used to illuminate the subject being photographed.

The rightmost button is responsible for this (from top to bottom):

  • The shooting will be done by clicking on the place of the screen where we need maximum sharpness. For example, if this is a portrait, then you need to touch the screen in the place where the subject’s face is located;
  • The sound of the shutter clicking and pressing the “buttons” (it depends on everyone, but it annoys me);
  • Timer - shutter delay;
  • Stabilization. Try it, you might like it. The trick is this: in the advanced mode (see below), you need to show the device what peace is, and then turn on the stabilizer. The camera will try to stop the shaking of your hands. Stabilization quite significantly lengthens the shooting process;
  • Switching focus modes: Macro, Infinity and Auto (the lens does not have smooth focusing, but two-stage focusing - far - close);
  • In advanced mode, you can configure more subtle parameters.

Step three. Advanced mode.

  • Login Accounts allows the current user to connect to their online capabilities;
  • Camera settings and photo settings are a little lower;
  • SNS Sites - social media. You can choose from a fairly extensive list, or add your own;
  • Tracking updates - if the “trigger” is cocked, the program will automatically report found updates;
  • Well, “About the program”, I think it’s clear.

Step four. Photo settings.

  • Photo size (in megapixels) (second picture) - you can select a partial size. It is advisable to reduce it if you know for sure that you need a small file and you do not intend to process it, for example, to send by mail; in other cases, I strongly recommend setting the maximum value;
  • Quality (third picture): normal, good and very good. I always recommend choosing the best (you can’t get good from bad), but it’s up to you;
  • Path to save files;
  • You can select an album to block from deletion;
  • Autosave;
  • Saving original photo when applying effects and frames;
  • Determines whether to imprint the date on the photo;
  • GPS data.

Step five. Camera settings.

  • What functions to put on the volume buttons. Options: Volume, Capture and Zoom (digital, so this option is not about us);
  • Enabling effects (I don’t like it, so I didn’t really consider it). If someone asks, I will dedicate a separate article;
  • The inclusion of golden ratio lines in the frame - whoever chooses what for themselves;
  • Front camera mirror;
  • Vibration protection;
  • But this is the very training in stability that I spoke about at the beginning. You need to put the phone on the table and press OK. The phone will begin to “get acquainted with peace.” He remembers how he behaves mechanical system at rest. It’s not clear why not train him in the factory?

So you know the basic camera settings on your smartphone.

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