Smolensk Abstract: The heroic history of the Smolensk region - a school of patriotism and courage

Among ancient cities Russia Smolensk occupies a special place. No wonder foreigners called him "sacred city" And "the key to Moscow" . For them he was the first Russian city , the embodiment of the Russian spirit and faith.

The first dated mention of Smolensk in Ustyug Chronicle Code dates back to 863: according to the chronicler, Smolensk was then "The city is great and there are many people" . An outstanding monument of national history and culture of that era is located near Smolensk Gnezdovo burial mound - the largest archaeological site of this kind in Russia.

Originating on an ancient trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" (from the Baltic to the Black Sea), in the upper reaches Dnieper , Smolensk, along with Novgorod and Kyiv, was the third capital of the Old Russian state.

Smolensk had great value for everyone Kievan Rus: he was a major point of trade and handicraft production, a military fortress. The Smolensk princes became great several times Kyiv princes. Smolensk also controlled power in Veliky Novgorod.

Since 1136 Prince Rostislav of Smolensk established an independent Smolensk bishopric. According to various sources, during this period in Smolensk there were from 5 to 8 monasteries. They housed large collections of books, and chronicle . The spread of education among the population is evidenced by birch bark letters found in Smolensk and graffiti on the walls. ancient Russian churches.

The close economic and cultural ties of Smolensk with the West are evidenced by trade agreements of the first half XIII century between Smolensk, Riga and about. Gotland.

XII century - early XIII century - heyday Smolensk Principality. By quantity monuments of pre-Mongol architecture the city was in third place after Kyiv and Novgorod. During the same period, Smolensk became one of outstanding centers of Orthodoxy Ancient Rus' . The most important Orthodox shrine became Smolensk Assumption Cathedral , laid in stone Prince Vladimir Monomakh in 1101. One of the most revered icons in Rus' was the one kept in the Assumption Cathedral Icon of the Smolensk Mother of God Hodegetria - a copy of the ancient Byzantine image of Hodegetria, which was the main shrine of Constantinople. Name of this miraculous icon Smolenskaya in Rus' testifies to the ancient greatness of Smolensk - capital of the Grand Duchy of Smolensk.

Since the 13th century, The Principality of Smolensk was under attack their powerful neighbors: at first The Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and then the Grand Duchy of Moscow. A series of aggressive campaigns devastated Smolensk, the cities and villages of the Smolensk land, causing serious damage cultural development edges. Only from the middle of the 16th century did the geopolitical position of the Smolensk region become relatively stabilized: it was included in the dynamically growing Moscow state. Smolensk became the western gate on the way to the capital of Muscovite Rus'. To strengthen Russian borders in early XVII century in Smolensk is being built the largest stone fortress in the state , symbolizing the greatness and strength of Russia. "The stone necklace of all Rus'" her contemporaries called her.

But not only military confrontation with the presenters European countries determined the development of Smolensk. The spiritual confrontation between Orthodoxy and Catholicism was also important. At the beginning of the 17th century Smolensk is a powerful stronghold Orthodox faith on the western borders of Russia. In the city there was at least 13 large monasteries.

Age of Troubles became the hardest test for Russian state. Only the unity of the people and civic patriotism, first realized by Russian society, saved Russian statehood and the independence of the country. It is no coincidence that in modern Russia established new holiday - Day national unity, celebrated annually November 4 as a symbol of the unity of the state and civil principles in the life of our Fatherland. Smolensk played a key role during the most difficult years of the Troubles. The legendary, heroic 20-month defense of the city 1609 - 1611 under the leadership of the governor Mikhail Shein from the army Polish king Sigismund III , destroyed the plans of this ambitious monarch to occupy the Russian throne, and gave time to unite the forces of Russian society. The Smolensk nobles refused to swear allegiance to the Polish king and became a stronghold of the 1st and 2nd zemstvo militias. Exactly Smolensk, Vyazma and Dorogobuzh nobles were the first to join the army Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, liberated Moscow from the Poles. The outstanding patriotism of the Smolensk people saved Russia and Russian statehood, but the price of this feat was extremely high. The city lay in ruins, a significant part of the inhabitants died. Smolensk and the Smolensk people sacrificed themselves in the name of saving Russia. The importance of Smolensk as the most important cultural and economic center of the country on its western borders has sharply declined.

As a result of the Deulin Truce of 1618, Smolensk remained with Poland. Only in 1654 was Smolensk returned to Russia, becoming a front-line city for many years in the long wars with Poland.

The devastating destruction of Smolensk and the Smolensk region in a long confrontation with the Catholic West led to the decline of city life. Slowly and gradually the city was revived and rebuilt.

IN early XVIII century Smolensk was one of the headquarters Peter I, from where he supervised the construction of defensive structures on the western and southwestern borders of Russia during Northern War with Sweden. It was this circumstance that predetermined the birth in 1708 Smolensk province - among the first eight Russian provinces.

Over the next century, the main parish churches were built in stone in Smolensk, including the one that was rebuilt and consecrated Holy Assumption Cathedral , many public buildings were built, a gymnasium, a commercial school, a cadet corps were opened, the largest provincial printing house was launched, printed history cities is one of the first such publications in Russia. This significant cultural and economic rise of the city was tragically interrupted by another grandiose invasion - an army invasion Napoleon.

The role of Smolensk in Patriotic War of 1812 cannot be overstated. It was in Smolensk that the war with Napoleon turned into the First Patriotic War for Russia. Smolensk nobles initiated the creation people's militia to repel the enemy, and the Smolensk land - a place of mass partisan movement . The defense of the city by Russian troops is one of the most heroic and tragic pages of Russian history. Burning Smolensk, in fact, was brought to the altar of the future victory of our Fatherland. It is symbolic that it was the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God Hodegetria, taken from Smolensk, that was consecrated by the Russian army before the start of Battle of Borodino , the field marshal prayed before her M.I. Kutuzov on the eve of the battle.

After the end of the Patriotic War of 1812, Smolensk lay in ruins. The restoration dragged on for many decades. In the middle of the 19th century, the first railway, which contributed to the growth industrial production. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Smolensk - famous in the country cultural center, largely thanks to the activities of the philanthropist M.K. Tenisheva. Several were opened in the city museums , charity actively developed.

New cultural and economic rise of Smolensk occurred in the 1930s. Smolensk became the capital of a vast Western region, which united the territories of neighboring provinces. There was a lot of residential and residential construction going on in the city. administrative buildings, industrial enterprises and infrastructure facilities were built.

Another difficult test for our country was Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 AND Smolensk , as in previous eras, demonstrated a feat of self-sacrifice, courage and patriotism. In the battles on Smolensk land, the German armies suffered heavy losses and were stopped, which gave time to prepare for the defense of Moscow. During the years of occupation, Smolensk suffered enormous damage: industrial enterprises and a railway junction were destroyed, architectural monuments were turned into ruins. The restoration of the city again took decades.

On December 3, 1966, for the courage and heroism shown by the people of Smolensk during the war, and the successes achieved in restoring the city, Smolensk was awarded Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. On September 23, 1983, the Order of Lenin was added to this award. And on May 6, 1985, Smolensk was awarded a medal "Golden Star" and awarded the title "Hero City" .

Belyaev, I. N. Golden stars of the Smolensk region. New names. Heroes Russian Federation, Soviet Union, holders of three Orders of Glory / I. N. Belyaev. – Smolensk: Publishing house “Smolensk City Printing House”, 2006. - 232 p.

The book by I. N. Belyaev, historian, writer-local historian, honorary citizen of the hero city of Smolensk, war and labor veteran, honored cultural worker of Russia, tells about fellow countrymen who were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, the Soviet Union, holders of three Orders of Glory, whose names became famous in lately. In the book, the reader will find materials about military leaders who were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for military exploits in Smolensk land in 1941-1942

The book is intended for those who are interested in the heroic past of the Smolensk region, who are professionally involved in the patriotic education of youth, and the formation of Russian national consciousness.

Belyaev, I. N. Memory fiery years. Experience an encyclopedic guide to military history Smolensk region / I. N. Belyaev. – Smolensk: SGPU, 2000. - 464 p.

The famous Smolensk local historian, participant in the Great Patriotic War, retired colonel, honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia I. N. Belyaev offers readers a book about the military past of the Smolensk region. The book is intended for teachers of universities, colleges, technical schools, schools, gymnasiums, students and students, museum workers, employees of city and district administrations, and anyone interested in the heroic past of the Smolensk region.

Voronovsky, V. M. Patriotic War within the Smolensk Province: repr. playback Text ed. 1912 / V. M. Voronovsky. – Smolensk: “Smolensk Regional Printing House named after. V. I. Smirnova”, 2006. - 96 p. : ill.

In 1912, on August 31, old style, V. M. Voronovsky, on behalf of the Smolensk zemstvo, presented the latter to the Russian Emperor Nicholas II received the book “Patriotic War within the Smolensk Province”, and Tsarevich Alexei received an abridged version of the anniversary edition under the same title. The brochure was originally intended for the mass reader and was defined by the author as a “people's book.”

The reprint edition of the “people's book” reproduces without changes the author's narrative about the events of 1812, preserving all the illustrations: reproductions of paintings and maps of troop movements.

Glushkova, V. G. Smolensk land. Nature. Story. Economy. Culture Sights. Religious centers / V. G. Glushkova. - M.: Veche, 2011. - 400 p. : ill. - (Historical guide).

This book tells in a lively and fascinating way about the natural, spiritual and man-made riches of the Smolensk region, its history, culture, people and main religious centers. The reader will be able to get acquainted with the main attractions of Smolensk, small towns in the region and a number of villages. The book provides detailed information about former noble estates and their inhabitants, architectural, artistic and cultural values, natural monuments and Orthodox shrines and relics.

The author talks about more than 90 personalities whose lives were in one way or another connected with the Smolensk region. Among them are Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko, Vladimir Monomakh, Prince G. A. Potemkin, the great Russian composer M. I. Glinka, Admiral P. S. Nakhimov, Field Marshal M. I. Kutuzov, partisan and poet D.V. Davydov, Marshals of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov and M.N. Tukhachevsky, poet M.V. Isakovsky, travelers N.M. Przhevalsky and P.K. Kozlov, and such famous natives of Smolensk land as the first cosmonaut YuA. Gagarin and everyone's favorite actors Yuri Nikulin and Anatoly Papanov.

City of Smolensk. Return to life. 1813-1828. Documents of the State Archive of the Smolensk Region. – Smolensk: “Smolensk Regional Printing House named after. V. I. Smirnova”, 2012. - 288 p. : ill.

The collection presents documents relating to a short period of Smolensk history after the Napoleonic invasion. In 1813, residents of the provincial center had to rebuild their lives in a city that had been burned and lay in ruins. The documents were saved for us amazing story revival of the city of Smolensk in 1813-1828. In the book, the reader will find information about how the city authorities and services interacted, what the “city inhabitants” did, how the construction and repair of buildings and structures were carried out (some have survived and still decorate the city).

The publication is addressed to everyone who is interested in history.

Ivanov, Yu. G. Hero City Smolensk. 500 questions and answers about your favorite city / Yu. G. Ivanov. – Smolensk: Rusich, 2011. - 384 p. : ill.

The book popularly tells about the rich history of one of the oldest Russian cities, its streets, squares, monuments and attractions, about famous natives and great people associated with the city. Built on the form of a question and answer, the publication reveals the most important points his history and life. Illustrative material makes the book more meaningful and informative.

Kononov, V. A. Smolensk governors. 1711-1917 / V. A. Kononov. – Smolensk: Magenta, 2004. – 400 p. - (Documents testify).

Against the backdrop of the all-Russian evolution of the institution of governorship, the book tells about the persons who held the positions of Smolensk governor-general, civil and military governors from the time of the establishment of the governor's post in the province until the events of 1917. Particular attention is paid to the significance of the activities of each of the governors for the development of the Smolensk region and issues of interaction between local and central authorities. The publication is intended for teachers, students and all those interested in history native land.

Lapikova, A.V. Walks around Smolensk / A.V. Lapikova. – Smolensk: Rusich, 2006. - 192 p. : ill.

Where is the street of one house in Smolensk? Which street was called the Great in ancient times and why? The inquisitive reader will find answers to these and other questions in this book, written in a lively and engaging manner. The reader is invited to take a journey through the streets ancient city, feel its originality, plunge into the atmosphere of deep antiquity.

Mitrofanov, A. G. City walks. Smolensk / Alexey Mitrofanov. - M.: Klyuch-S, 2009. - 240 p.

Smolensk is a city in Western Russia. But proximity to “enlightened Europe” did not always benefit Smolensk. In case of war, as a rule, he got it first.

About these and other pages of the history of the long-suffering but unbending city of Smolensk - in this book.

Modestov, F. E. Smolensk Fortress / F. E. Modestov. – Smolensk: Publication of the Center for the Protection and Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Smolensk Region, 2003. – 144 p. : ill.

The book is devoted to the history of the construction of the Smolensk fortress, its architectural fortification significance.

The publication is intended for historians, local historians, teachers of schools and universities, and students.

Moshchansky, I. B. At the walls of Smolensk / I. B. Moshchansky. - M.: Veche, 2011. - 304 p. : ill. - (Forgotten pages of World War II).

For a long time, the city of Smolensk played a special role in the military history of Russia, being the first to take the blow of the aggressors who sought to quickly capture Moscow. From July 10 to September 10, 1941, a Battle of Smolensk, in which for two months the Red Army managed to fight on equal terms with the hitherto invincible German Wehrmacht. Having detained the enemy and disrupted the movement of Army Group Center to the capital, our troops nevertheless left Smolensk, which was liberated only in 1943. From August 7 to October 2, troops of the Kalinin and Western fronts carried out a strategic offensive operation"Suvorov", liberated the Smolensk and part of the Kalinin regions, the cities of Yelnya, Dukhovshchina, Roslavl, Smolensk from the invaders and entered the borders of Belarus. During difficult trials, the residents of the city proved themselves to be true patriots of their Motherland, so now Smolensk honors the high title of hero city.

Perlin, B. N. Smolensk and its streets: historical and geographical essays / B. N. Perlin. - Smolensk: Smyadyn, 2012. - 272 p.

The book summarizes a large amount of factual material about the development of Smolensk from ancient times to the present day, about the formation of the system of its streets and city toponyms. The influence of geopolitical, historical and natural factors on the fate of the city, changes in its economy and demographics. Describes both the current appearance of city streets and old look many of them are based on historical documents and personal impressions of the author. The book is addressed to all those who are interested in the history of one of the oldest cities in Russia and the prospects for its development.

Pronin, G. N. Defensive fortifications of Smolensk at the end of the 15th - 17th centuries. at the Molokhov Gate / G. N. Pronin, V. E. Sobol. – Smolensk: Scroll, 2012. - 120 p.

The publication publishes the results of rescue archaeological work of the Smolensk expedition of the Institute of Archeology Russian Academy Sciences 2010-2011 in the area of ​​the Molokhov Gate of the fortress wall of Smolensk. During the archaeological surveys carried out during the construction of the underground passage to the square. Victory discovered wood-earth fortifications of the second half of the 16th - 17th centuries. - the remains of a wooden tine, an earthen rampart reinforced with timber structures, the flooring of several tiers of pavements of the street leading to the ancient Molokhovo Gate. And also additional defensive structures, erected by the Polish garrison of Smolensk during the siege of the city by the army of Alexei Mikhailovich in 1654. A rich collection of individual finds and mass material of the 16th-17th centuries was obtained.

The book is addressed to specialists and everyone interested in the history of Russia.

Skvabchenkov, N. M. Along the Old Smolensk Road: a guide / N. M. Skvabchenkov. – Smolensk: Scroll, 2015. - 176 p. : ill.

The guide tells about the Old Smolensk Road, which played a big role in the history of Russia.

The author of the book is a historian, member of the Union of Local History of Russia, famous Smolensk tour guide Nikolai Mikhailovich Skvabchenkov. He is the author of a number of publications, such as “Smolensk Merchant”, “Smolensk Fortress”, “Grateful Russia to the Heroes of 1812”, “Cathedral Hill. Guide", as well as many local history publications in periodicals.

The book “On the Old Smolensk Road” is the result of many years of work by N. M. Skvabchenkov on this topic. The author talks about the emergence and development of what was once the most important road in Russian lands, introduces readers to the history of settlements and the monuments located on it.

Of particular interest are the memories different people which are given in the guidebook.

Smolensk, reborn from the ashes. Dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory / main. ed. S. S. Shchemelev. – Smolensk: Forvita, 2016. - 160 p. : ill.

In the book, the reader will see new pages of the glorious history of Smolensk, expressed in the exorbitant work to restore the destroyed city. Hundreds of enterprises, thousands of people mentioned in this book have now become heroes on the labor front. The book also covers the theme of the “Immortal Regiment” - employees of Smolensk enterprises talk about their relatives who fought.

The book's goal is to educate young Smolensk residents, especially those who have not heard the living stories of war participants, a spirit of intransigence towards fascism as a world evil.

Smolensk 1150 years. History and culture: album. – Smolensk: LLC “Cantilena”, 2013. – 216 p. : ill.

A bright, colorful album was released specifically for the anniversary of the city of Smolensk. Contains fascinating information about the city's history, culture, architecture and modern life Smolyan.

Pages of the history of the Smolensk region. Book for additional reading / Yu. G. Ivanov, E. N. Aginskaya, O. Yu. Ivanova, etc. - Smolensk: Rusich, 2007. - 544 p. : ill.

The book “Pages of History of the Smolensk Region” is intended primarily for school students as additional reading on the history of their native land. It will be useful for working on reports and messages, and will help in in-depth study of a number of topics. Its chapters reveal individual historical stages in the development of the Smolensk land from ancient times until the 20th century. A special chapter is devoted outstanding people edges.

The final chapter of the book is built on a territorial principle and contains a lot of informative material on the history of settlements of all 25 administrative districts areas. In the Smolensk region, in cities, towns and villages, a huge number of archaeological monuments, places of worship, architectural ensembles, individual residential buildings and public buildings, engineering and industrial buildings, monuments and memorials. There are many natural monuments in the region.

Smolensk land is the arena of important historical events. Many outstanding and talented personalities who glorified Russia were born here, the fate and activities of a significant number famous people also connected with the Smolensk region. Not being natives of the Smolensk land, they, nevertheless, served here for the good of the Fatherland, and some of them gave their lives for it.

Already many hundreds of years ago, the trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed here - the main artery of the Slavic peoples, which, connecting the north with the south, crossed here with roads leading from west to east. In the 9th century, Smolensk was the center of the region, stretching from Novgorod in the north to Kyiv in the south, from Polotsk in the west and to Suzdal in the east.

The Smolensk region is a unique region in geographical, historical, cultural and economic terms.

Already many hundreds of years ago, the trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed here - the main artery of the Slavic peoples, which, connecting the north with the south, crossed here with roads leading from west to east. In the 9th century, Smolensk was the center of the region, stretching from Novgorod in the north to Kyiv in the south, from Polotsk in the west and to Suzdal in the east.

The 12th century marks the heyday of the Smolensk Principality. At this time, monumental construction began, temples were erected, which became the pride of Russian architecture. The Smolensk Principality has 46 cities, 39 of them have fortifications...

For a whole century, the Smolensk land flourished. But in 1230 a terrible pestilence devastated it. This was followed by Batu's invasion of Rus', the aggression of Lithuania... The Mongols, having reached the walls of Smolensk, could not destroy it, but still the city paid them tribute from 1274 to 1339.

In the 16th century, the Smolensk land became part of a strong Russian state, however, its existence could not be called calm. The Lithuanians, united with the Poles, do not stop trying to regain the territories they lost, the protection of which is now becoming an all-Russian task.

It was at this time that Smolensk began to be called the “key” of Moscow.

In the 18th century, Smolensk received the status of a provincial city. Active construction begins and trade turnover increases. But the year 1812 comes, and again Smolensk stands in the way of the enemy - this time Napoleonic hordes.

After the Patriotic War of 1812, Smolensk lay in ruins for a long time. Many public and private buildings that previously adorned the city were never restored...

In the second half of the 19th century, Smolensk became a major railway junction. This contributed to the development of trade and industry.

The city continued to develop vigorously after the October Revolution. At this time, large industrial enterprises were created in Smolensk and the region - a flax mill, a machine-building plant, and many others.

Once again, peaceful development was interrupted by war. In the summer of 1941, a battle broke out on Smolensk soil, as a result of which the Nazis’ advance towards Moscow was delayed for two months...

For more than two years, the Smolensk region was under occupation. The war caused enormous damage to the region. After the Nazi occupation in Smolensk, only 7% of undamaged residential space remained, and more than 100 industrial enterprises were destroyed. Vyazma, Gzhatsk, Yelnya, Dorogobuzh, Velizh, Demidov, Dukhovshchina, Roslavl lay in ruins...

Realizing the enormous importance of the Smolensk region for the country, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in 1945 included Smolensk and Vyazma among the 15 Russian cities subject to priority restoration, for which all conditions were created...

The area was restored as soon as possible. Industrial production soon exceeded pre-war levels and continued to grow every day.

In commemoration of the merits of the city's residents, Smolensk was awarded the title of hero city. He bears this high title with honor.

Russian Civilization

The city of Smolensk is the regional center of the Smolensk region. The population is 356,000 people. The city is located in the western part of Russia. The distance from Moscow to Smolensk is 400 kilometers.

Smolensk is ancient, located on the Dnieper River. Since ancient times, representatives of Slavic tribes - Smolyans - lived here. This Slavic tribe was lucky; the city, which was located on the rivers, was doomed to wealth. Trade here was brisk. Trade ships coming from one river were transported overland to another, thereby connecting a variety of cultures.

So in Byzantium, for example, Smolensk was very famous. The Byzantines considered it a rich and large city. Remember Askold and Dir? Varyagov, who came to Rus', together with Rurik. So, when they sailed along the Dnieper with a squad, they did not dare to take Smolensk, and captured the less protected Kyiv.

In 882, Prince Oleg left Novgorod and sailed along the Dnieper towards Kyiv. Along the way, he subjugated the cities he came across along the way. Smolensk was no exception and in 990 baptized the city's inhabitants.

When Vladimir the Red Sun died, strife began in Rus'. So Svyatopolk killed his brother Boris. Prince Gleb, who ruled after learning of his brother’s death, rushed to Kyiv. On the way, he was overtaken by the killers of Svyatopolk. Gleb could have resisted his brother’s troops, but did not want to. The prince did not want to shed brotherly blood. Gleb’s squad succumbed to his mood and, as a result, became completely timid. Prince Gleb was hacked to death by his own cook, by order of Svyatopolk’s people.

Four years passed, and Gleb’s brother was able to find his body. The body turned out to be incorruptible, many miracles and healings took place over it. At the site of Gleb's murder, the Boris and Gleb Monastery was erected.

In 1238, the Tatar-Mongol hordes of Batu organized another campaign against Rus'. Batu's troops were approaching Smolensk. The townspeople were unaware of the danger threatening them. They say that one of the residents of Smolensk, named Mercury, fervently prayed in the Assumption Cathedral in front of the icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria. Suddenly, Mercury heard a voice that reported that there were hordes of enemies not far from Smolensk. Mother of God, promising her help, ordered Mercury to go out at night and attack Batu’s troops. Mercury did not disobey and, going out at night, killed many Tatar-Mongols. Early in the morning, Batu’s army retreated. Mercury, who accepted death, was canonized. Smolensk escaped ruin and submitted to the khan only in 1274.

In 1404, the city of Smolensk was attacked by the Lithuanians. The city was under siege for three months. Prince Yuri of Smolensk decided to go to Moscow for help. Smolensk was surrendered by traitors. For 110 years, the ancient Russian city was under Lithuanian rule. The Smolensk clergy, however, continued to be under the authority of the Moscow Metropolitan. The population felt a spiritual connection with the rest of the Russian people. Soon, the Catholics of Lithuania began to oppress in every possible way Orthodox residents. The oppression of the Orthodox became a reason for Moscow to go to war for Smolensk. So the city again became part of the Russian state. This happened in 1514.

In 1593, construction began on the Smolensk fortress. Until this point, the city was surrounded only by an oak wall. The city was located on the western borders of Rus', and its proximity to Poland and Lithuania simply obliged to turn the city into an impregnable fortress. This was done; construction was completed in 1602. During the years of troubles, Smolensk had to maintain an almost two-year siege by Polish troops. Unfortunately, the traitors who participated in the construction of the fortress surrendered weak points in the wall to the Poles. Polish invaders broke into the city. The streets of Smolensk turned into a battlefield. There were fights on every street. The townspeople, who could not hold weapons in their hands, locked themselves in the Assumption Cathedral, built back in 1103. When the Poles began to storm the cathedral, residents discovered gunpowder in the basements. The cathedral was blown up. The Poles were horrified by what they saw. For 43 years the city was in the power of the Poles. In 1654, Smolensk was returned to the Russian state.

In 1812, the residents had a hard time. Napoleon's troops, entering Russian soil, immediately found themselves near Smolensk. As a result of long battles, the Russian army managed to gain time. This is a considerable merit of the general, Dokhturov, Neversky. Heroic Defense residents did not allow Napoleon to burst into the borders with lightning speed Russian Empire. The route of retreat of Napoleon's troops again lay through Smolensk. The city has had a hard time over the years. After Napoleon's invasion, the city's population was only 6,000 people. The city fell into disrepair. Russian emperors did a lot to restore Smolensk after the war.

The city remembers its heroes. On Dzerzhinskaya Street there is a park in memory of heroes. There are busts of heroes in this park Patriotic War 1812, and a monument with the inscription “Grateful Russia to the heroes of 1812.”

Smolensk today is a developed industrial center. The following factories operate in the city: Izmeritel, Iceberg, Iskra, Kristall, Sharm, and others. The city actively trades its products with the neighboring, friendly state of Belarus.

What can you see in Smolensk? The city itself is a historical and cultural monument of Russian history. How much have these walls seen? Unfortunately, due to frequent attacks by enemies, many sights have not been preserved. While on a tourist trip to Smolensk, be sure to visit the churches of the city: the Church of Peter and Paul, the Church of the Archangel Michael, the Church of St. John the Theologian.

As in any old Russian city, there are many monasteries here, be sure to visit Spaso-Preobrazhensky Avraamiev Monastery. You should not ignore the Assumption Cathedral, the same one that was blown up by the townspeople during the Polish intervention. Today it has been restored. It is also worth visiting the Talashkino Museum; it houses various paintings and antiques. There is also an Art Gallery in Smolensk, where a collection of paintings by Russian and foreign artists is presented. You can just walk around the city and enjoy it. Walk along the central streets, they have preserved ancient buildings, there are shops and food outlets. In the Smolensk region there is the Smolensk Poozerye park. Here are the cleanest lakes and beautiful nature. There is also an estate in the park.

monument to the heroes of the war of 1812 photo

The city of Smolensk is very hospitable. The people here are kind and intelligent. It feels like the border is close, there are many citizens of Belarus in Smolensk.

Hotels in Smolensk: “Patriot” (on Kirova Street), “Usadba” (Bakunina Street), “Smolensk” (Glinka Street), “New Hotel” (Gubenko Street), “Central” (Lenin Street), “ Medlen" (Rumyantseva St.), "Russia" (Dzerzhinsky St.).

In the 17th century in Smolensk there was a school for children of clergy. In 1716, here, as in many other cities of Russia, a digital school was created for the children of nobles and merchants; At the same time, a school for soldiers' children was opened. In 1728, a theological seminary was established in Smolensk. It was located next to the Avraamievsky Monastery, in one of the churches of which there was a “substantial” library that served students of the seminary.

The construction of St. Petersburg and the rapid growth of its population required the delivery of large quantities of food and various materials, which came from different parts of Russia. The poor condition of dirt roads at that time confronted the Russian government with the need to use river routes. In the period between 1717 and 1719, two surveyors were sent to the Smolensk province from St. Petersburg, who were tasked with surveying the bed of the Gzhati River and carrying out work on “digging up steep bows” in order to improve navigation. The nature of these works can be judged from a handwritten map kept in the library of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow. The map shows the designed locks, with the help of which it was planned to raise the water level in the rivers Gzhati, Vora and their tributaries, as well as the canal between Gzhati and Vora, through which it was supposed to connect the rivers of the Volga and Don river basins. This project could not be implemented under those conditions. A Gzhat pier was nevertheless created on Gzhat, which sent bread and other products and agricultural raw materials to St. Petersburg.


The 17th and first half of the 18th centuries were marked by construction in Smolensk, Vyazma and other cities stone buildings, in large estates, palaces and churches. Some of them have survived to this day.

In 1677, construction of the Assumption Cathedral began in Smolensk as a monument to the heroic defense of the city in 1609-1611. Moscow “stone mason apprentice” Alexei Korolkov conceived it in terms of Moscow cathedral churches. The cathedral was finally rebuilt only in 1732-140 according to the design of the architect A.I. Shedel.

The carved iconostasis of the cathedral and carved frames are of great value support pillars, made by folk craftsmen.

At the end of the 17th century, the architect Gur Vakhromeyev built the Smolensk Ascension Church according to the drawings of Peter 1 (it now houses the exhibition hall of the regional museum of fine and applied arts).

Back in the 70s of the 17th century, according to the project of I. Kalinkin, construction began on the Cathedral of the Trinity Monastery - a pillarless temple with a refectory and folding porches. Construction was completed in the 40s of the 18th century. At the same time, the Nizhny Nikolskaya Church was built in Smolensk.

Among the outstanding architectural monuments of Vyazma dating back to the 17th - first half of the 18th centuries, one should name the Ascension Church of the Ivano-Predtchensky Monastery, the Rotvinskaya tower of the fortress, Arkadyevskaya, Vvedenskaya. Spasskaya and other churches.

The architectural talent and construction skills of the Russian people were manifested not only in religious buildings, but also to the least extent in civil engineering. However, to this day, as a rule, only church buildings have survived. They are architectural monuments of the past.

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