Feast of the Quick Hearing Icon. What does the miraculous face look like? History of the Icon of the Mother of God

One of the oldest icons on which the face is depicted Holy Mother of God, is an image known as “Quick to Hear.” The period of existence of the icon goes back more than a thousand years. The wonderful prototype is located in the Dohiarsky monastery of Holy Mount Athos. For ten centuries, the flow of believers to this place has not stopped. Only representatives of the male half of humanity can visit the monastery, since access to the Holy Mountain has always been and remains closed to women.

Description of the icon

Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” written according to the type of the well-known icon “Hodegetria” (“Guide”). The Most Pure Virgin Mary is depicted together with the Infant Christ. With her left hand She gently holds the Son, with her right hand she calmly and confidently points to Him. The seated Savior bestows His blessing on everyone, tightly clutching the scroll in his left hand. The right foot of the Divine Infant is facing those praying.

The look of the Blessed Virgin Mary radiates maternal love and compassion. Gesture right hand expresses deep reverence for the Son and boundless faith in Him. The Most Pure Virgin points to the Infant Christ as a guiding star, which every person coming into this world should follow.

Currently, there are many lists of icons. Some of them are characterized by certain differences. For example, on later copies, the image of the Most Holy Lady Theotokos is decorated with a crown, and the Neva “Quick to Hear” represents the Mother of God without the Child, with an emphatically enlarged right hand.

The story of a wonderful image

The time of creation of the icon dates back to the 10th century. It was written with the blessing of St. Neophytos, the founder of the Athos monastery of Dokhiar. It is likely that new image was a copy of the widely revered icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located in Alexandria. It did not receive its name immediately, but only several centuries later.

According to legend, in mid-17th century century, an amazing event occurred in the Dohiarsky monastery, which influenced the further fate of the described icon. Within the walls of the holy monastery lived and labored an ordinary monk named Neil. For some time he bore obedience, performing the duties of a table eater. At the entrance to the monastery refectory there was a holy image of the Mother of God. Each time, entering the arch, Nile came almost close to the icon, and his burning torch inevitably left a dark mark on the holy Face.

One day, once again approaching the image, the monk heard a voice, who turned to him with a request not to henceforth approach the icon with a blazing fire and not to smoke the holy image. At first Neil was confused, but, thinking that the words he heard could belong to one of the brethren, he quickly came to his senses and did not attach any significance to what was said. He continued to walk past the icon just as casually, leaving traces of soot on its surface.

Some time later, entering the refectory in the middle of the night, the monk heard a voice coming from the icon for the second time. This time he sounded more menacing, and the words addressed to Neil accused him of carelessness and unworthiness to be called a monk. Overnight, as proof of his grave guilt, the monk was struck by blindness. Then Neil immediately realized his bitter mistake, realized how frivolously and unworthily he treated the holy image, without due reverence and reverence. His heart was filled with a feeling of deep repentance, and his conscience told him that the terrible punishment was received justly.

The monk, overwhelmed with grief, firmly decided to remain near the icon until the Queen of Heaven accepted his repentance and forgives his grave sin, granting healing from blindness. When morning came, the monks who approached the refectory found Nile quietly lying in front of the image of the Mother of God. The blind monk told them in detail about everything that had happened to him. In response to this, the sympathetic brothers decided to immediately install an unquenchable lamp in front of the icon and pray together for the unfortunate man. Neil himself still did not leave the icon, day and night with tears offering prayers of repentance before the holy image.

Finally his sincere repentance was accepted. The monk heard the same voice coming from the icon, only now it sounded softer and more condescending. The Most Holy Lady announced to the monk that his fervent prayer had been heard and he was forgiven. After this, the Mother of God gave instructions for Nile to notify all the brethren that She is the cover and protection of their monastery, and for all incoming Orthodox Christians she will always be a helper and intercessor before Her Son. In conclusion, the Queen of Heaven expressed Her will that the icon, which had manifested itself miraculously, be called “Quick to Hear,” since all those praying in front of it would receive quick help and healing. To prove these words, Neil was again given sight.

This event took place in 1664, November 9, old style. On this significant day, a holiday was established in honor of the “Quick to Hear” icon, which is celebrated by the Orthodox Church annually on November 22 according to the new style.

The original image was painted directly on the wall with outside building in front of the entrance to the refectory and is a fresco. A miraculous copy of it is used to take it out during religious processions or outside the monastery on holidays.

Featured lists

In the 19th century, a large number of copies of the icon began to be brought to Russia, where they found well-deserved love and veneration among believers. Many of them performed various miracles . The most famous images are:

  • Lyutikovsky;
  • Moscow;
  • Kozmodemyansky;
  • Eleonsky;
  • Nevskaya "Quick to Hear".

Lyutikovsky list

Is one of the first lists of the miraculous icon. The image was sent from Athos to the village of Troitskoye by its former resident Alexander Frolov, who left for the Holy Mountain with the intention of becoming a monk. The icon was transferred to the Trinity Lyutikov Monastery, located on the banks of the Oka. From the first day of its appearance in the monastery, numerous healings began to occur from the icon. And in the summer of 1897, an unusual event occurred when a girl who had almost drowned in the Oka was miraculously saved. According to her stories, when she began to drown, she prayed with all her might to the “Quick to Hear” and soon found herself on board a boat that suddenly appeared.

Moscow list

Was transported from Holy Mount Athos in 1887 year and installed in the Athos Chapel of Kitay-Gorod. This image is associated with real facts of healing of patients from epilepsy and demonic possession. In honor of this icon, a temple was consecrated on Khodynka Field in Moscow.

Kozmodemyansky list

The icon was installed in the house church of the Trinity Convent in the city of Kozmodemyansk, Kazan province.

Olivet list

This icon was accepted as a gift by the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem in 1938 from the inhabitants of the Athos monastery of Dokhiar. Now the list is in the Church of the Ascension of the Savior of the Convent in Jerusalem.

Nevskaya "Quick to Hear"

This image is the most revered in Russia. As mentioned earlier, the icon described has significant differences from the prototype itself and the rest of the lists. On it the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted alone, without her Son. Noteworthy is the deliberately enlarged image of Her right hand, outstretched in prayer for the suffering and symbolizing almighty Divine help.

According to legend, the unusual image was painted by a monk of Holy Mount Athos under the influence of a secret vision received in a dream. For some time, the icon was within the walls of the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos, from where it was subsequently transported to St. Petersburg. Soon the image became widely known for its numerous miracles. He was especially revered by members of the royal family. Currently, the Nevskaya “Quick to Hear” decorates the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Unfortunately, only the last two of these lists have survived to this day. Moscow, Lyutikovsky and Kozmodemyansky images, widely famous for their numerous healings, disappeared without a trace after the destructive acts of the atheists.

Other lists that have survived to this day

In addition to those described above, there are currently other miraculous lists on the territory of Russia. Here are some of them, the most famous:

In honor of the famous image, many churches were built in our country. For example, the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” was built in 1902 on Khodynka Field in Moscow. Since 1992, after a many-year break, divine services began to be held there again. Similar churches were installed in Leningradskaya, Novosibirsk regions, in Crimea. On November 22, a large number of believers flock to these churches wanting to attend the patronal feast.

How does “Quick to Hear” help?

The meaning of the icon lies in its very name. The “Quick to Hear” should be contacted primarily in cases where immediate assistance is required. After all, the Lady Herself commanded all those especially suffering to resort to Her miraculous image, for whom She would appear as an ambulance and intercessor.

From the very beginning of its existence, the icon became famous for its numerous miracles. Since ancient times, the Orthodox people prayed to the “Quick to Hear.” The miraculous image helped in hard times wars, epidemics and natural disasters. To this day, clergy use this image when casting out demons from a person.

The “Quick to Hear” icon is most often addressed in the following cases:

In such cases, it is good to order a prayer service in front of the icon, read an akathist or prayers written addressing directly this image. And, of course, finding ourselves in a difficult life situation, an Orthodox Christian must first of all cleanse his soul in the sacrament of confession and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Each time, turning to a wonderful image, we should not forget that an icon is a window to the spiritual world, through which the Most Holy Theotokos Herself looks at the person praying. It is through the prayers of His Mother that the Lord Jesus Christ helps people in need of Heavenly care. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the shrine with a reverent feeling and fear of God, so as not to become like the foolish Nile. Then, no matter what request a person turns to the Most Pure Virgin in a sincere impulse, he will soon receive what he asks for, if it is truly useful for him. After all, the Queen of Heaven will always hear a prayer that comes from a pure heart.

Icon "Quick to Hear"

Traditionally, you can turn to the Mother of God, through the icon of the Quick to Hear, in absolutely any questions; sincere prayers will help you achieve a solution to even the most difficult issues.

But it was noticed that prayers to the image of the Mother of God through the icon of the Quick to Hear, help in incomprehensible cases, in confusion or bewilderment.
A quick-to-hear, which means an ambulance, will help you quickly manage all your affairs if you need to resolve some issues quickly.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


The icon of the Mother of God Quick to Hear comes from the Dokhiar Monastery, located in Athos. Most likely it was written in the tenth century.

In the middle of the seventeenth century icon hung near the entrance to the refectory and the refector Nil passed near it, more often than all the monks. One evening, walking past this icon with a burning torch, Neil heard a voice:

“For the future, do not approach here with a lighted torch and do not smoke My image.”

The monk was frightened, but then, having calmed down, he decided that someone had decided to play a trick on him, and continued to walk past the icon with fire. Soon everything happened again, and the voice of the invisible interlocutor said:

“A monk unworthy of this name! How long have you been so carelessly and so shamelessly smoldering My image?”

After this, Nile lost his sight (kontakion 3).
The monk immediately fell to the ground in repentance and spent the whole night in prayer to the Mother of God. In the morning, all the monks learned about this event and fell with reverence to the miraculous image. They lit a lamp near the icon, made sure that it did not go out, and a new refector burned incense in front of the icon every day. But blind Nile did not leave the icon, and all the time he prayed to the Holy Virgin for insight. The Mother of God heard his requests and he soon heard a voice:

"Nile! Your prayer is heard, you are forgiven, and sight is restored to your eyes. When you receive this mercy from Me, proclaim to the brethren that I am their cover, providence and protection of their monastery, dedicated to the Archangels. Let them and all Orthodox Christians turn to Me in need, and I will not leave anyone: I will be an intercessor for all who come running to Me with reverence, and the prayers of all will be fulfilled by the Son and My God, for the sake of intercession before Him, so that from now on it will be called Mine The icon is Quick to Hear, because I will quickly show mercy and fulfillment of petitions to all who come to her.” (icos 2).

This story quickly spread throughout the Athonite monasteries and pilgrims from other monasteries flocked to the miraculous icon. The monks came to glorify the Mother of God for protecting Holy Athos and showing this with her miracles (ikos 5). The place around the new celebrity was ennobled, the passage from the refectory was closed, and with right side built a temple in honor of the icon of the Quick Hearer (kontakion 5). A special permanent honoring of the icon was also established. A hieromonk began to be constantly near her, watching over the lamp and singing prayers in the mornings and evenings.

The Most Holy Theotokos helped many through this icon: the blind received their sight, the weak were healed. There have been cases of people being delivered from epilepsy and even demons. Through prayers to this icon, people were saved from shipwrecks, and the Mother of God also helped rescue them from slavery or captivity.

And to this day, every Tuesday and Thursday, all the monks, after the evening service, perform the canon of the Mother of God in front of Her miraculous icon.

No one knows the exact date when this miracle happened to the monk Neil. therefore, the holiday in honor of the icon “Quick to Hear” is set on November 9/22. The day after the patronal feast of the Dochiar monastery - to the disembodied forces and the Archangel of God Michael.

To this day, the Most Holy Mother of God fulfills Her promise - through Her image of the Quick to Hear, she helps and comforts all who pray to Her and the Lord God.


We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.


The Orthodox Church annually celebrates on November 22 (November 9, old style) the feast of the icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear.”

History and meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”

The Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” is one of the ancient images of the Mother of God, which is considered miraculous. It is located on Holy Mount Athos, in the Dochiar monastery.

The icon, which was painted in the 10th century, is a fresco painted on a wall. There is also a copy of it, which is taken out during procession.

According to legend, in the 17th century the monk Neil lived in this monastery. He did not treat the icon of the Mother of God with due respect and used a torch to smoke her image, which was placed near the entrance.

Once, when Neil was passing by the icon, he heard a voice that asked him to treat it with care. But Neil didn't pay any attention to it. Soon he began to lose his sight.

Neil began to pray in front of the icon for forgiveness and heard a voice: “Tell the brethren that I am their cover and protection of the monastery (..). I will be the Representative of all who call on Me, and through My intercession My Son will fulfill their requests.”

In the 19th century, copies of this icon appeared in Russia. Many legends about the healing of people are associated with them, who also remember the icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” on the holiday. In Orthodox churches, prayers addressed to the Mother of God are offered.

On the icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” she is depicted holding a child in her arms. The Divine Infant blesses people with one hand and clutches a scroll in the other. His left heel is facing the worshippers.

It is believed that the meaning of the “Quick to Hear” icon is a reminder that the holy image must be treated with reverence, since the icon embodies the prototype of the face depicted on it.

How does the icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” help?

People turn to her with requests for spiritual insight. The clergy use it in the ritual of expelling demons that have possessed people. This image also helps to heal from eye diseases and other ailments, and protects people during natural disasters.

What else do they ask for from the “Quick to Hear” icon of the Mother of God? Women offer prayers to her for the gift of children, a successful pregnancy and an easy birth; They also ask about the children's health and well-being.

Hundreds of different faces of the Virgin Mary are known Orthodox Church. But among them there are especially revered ones. For example, the icon of the Quick Hearer, which has wonderful story. And today many people receive help from her - those who suffer from diseases of the eyes and joints turn to her. The Queen of Heaven also heals those whose faith has been shaken, gives them hope, and sends help.


The image was painted in the 10th century, on the holy Mount Athos. Became known as a miracle worker in the second half of the 17th century. The name of the author, as well as the circumstances of his appearance, are unknown to historians. Most likely, it was one of the monks who built the monastery. But the details of the first miracle have been preserved. The holy image was located outside the walls of the Dokhiar monastery. It was supposed to help against sudden enemy invasions, which were not uncommon at that time.

One monk passed by into the refectory to help the brethren. At that time it was already getting dark and he accidentally burned the face of the Most Pure One with a candle. Suddenly Neil heard a voice reproaching him for his carelessness. In the morning he was found in tears - the monk asked for forgiveness from the Mother of God. He suffered a punishment - blindness. After several days of sincere repentance, the Most Pure One forgave him and restored his sight. And a chapel was built around the image, they began to serve it regularly, and perform processions of the cross on holidays.


The icon belongs to the common “Guide Book” type, but has a number of unique features.

Photos of the shrine can be seen on Orthodox websites. It will be interesting to compare the copies with the original. It is almost completely covered with a gold frame, only faces and hands are visible. They have turned black with time. The image contains a large number of offerings from grateful believers whose prayers were answered. There are crosses, rings, and chains. There is always a monk on duty near the icon, who sings psalms and reads. Twice a week in the evening a special canon is read, the monks ask for mercy for the entire human race.

When the holiday arrives, a miraculous copy is taken out of the altar, and with it the inhabitants of the monastery (now there are several dozen of them) conduct a religious procession around the temple with prayerful singing.

Where is

The Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God Quick to Hear was first erected on the holy mountain, not far from the place where the monk heard the voice of the Most Pure Virgin. From that moment on, he never left the icon, watched the lamps and prayed. The original never left the holy mountain, because in fact it is a fresco laid directly in the wall.

In Russia there are many lists that were made from the holy face. There is a miraculous copy in the monastery itself; it is used on the day of the celebration of the image - it is taken out to the religious procession. Where can Orthodox Russians venerate the face of the Most Pure Mother of God and ask for help in their affairs? There are several such places:

But the most famous copy brought from Greece, which is located in the chapel at the Vladimir Gate in China Town (Moscow). In honor of this extermination, the temple on Khodynka Field was consecrated. The icon quickly gained fame when a number of miraculous healings followed from it. Many find confirmation in archival documents.

Pilgrims can visit any holy place that is more convenient for them to visit. But if there is an urgent request, you can express it in front of an ordinary paper icon - it will definitely be accepted by the Mother of God. After all, it’s not for nothing that the icon bears the name “Quick to Hear.”

Spiritual meaning

Mother of God has always shone as a guiding star for Orthodox peoples. The Holy Fathers consider her to be the image of a perfect person - the way his Creator intended him. Alas, only the Most Pure Virgin during her lifetime was able to correspond to God’s plan. And after moving to heaven, she continues her prayer feat.

The composition of the icon has deep theological significance. Mary tenderly supports her Son, and in his person she embraces all humanity. Right palm she is directed towards herself, as if she is receiving a blessing. Her eyes express boundless patience - she has had to endure a lot, and now she watches how humanity mindlessly destroys itself in the abyss of sins. Despite this, the Mother of God awaits any sincere prayer, sees every tear and is ready to wipe it away.

Jesus Christ holds a scroll in his left hand. This is nothing more than a symbol of divine revelation, Holy Scripture. After all, it is through him that people learn about what the Savior did on earth. In the arms of his mother, the Son of God sits as if on a throne. This is no coincidence - after all, it was thanks to her that the divine plan was able to be realized, according to which one of the faces of the Holy Trinity was incarnated in human form.

The face of Mary is turned towards the Savior. This symbolizes the voluntary desire of people to reunite with the heavenly Father in the heavenly abodes. How to do this? Indicates the position of the hand of the Lady of Heaven. It points directly to Christ. A person must believe in Him, be baptized and lead a Christian life.

What do they pray for?

The image of the Mother of God Quick to Hear is best known for the fact that those who come to him receive quick help. Saint Mary promised her protection to all Orthodox Christians, no matter what misfortune befell them - she can solve any situation for the good. In what cases do people turn to this image?

What does Quick Hearing help with?

Known Facts about the miracles that happened passed on by word of mouth. Many who suffered from possession by evil spirits were delivered from this monstrous scourge. Mentally ill people come to a calm state if they are brought to work. There are known cases of epiphany and healing from muteness.

Prayer services held near the bedside of cancer patients gave an unexpected result - the patients received relief, some were healed. Many churches chronicle the recoveries that have occurred.

It should be remembered that in fact you can turn to the Mother of God with any request. The divisions that exist are only conditional.

How to Pray

A believer must visit the temple to participate in common prayers and help the church community. If a person has not been to church for a long time, he must repent before the Lord and boldly go, overcoming embarrassment. It's never too late to cross the threshold of a holy place.

When is the feast of the icon celebrated? After all, it is on this day that prayers to the Quick to Hear will rise to heaven especially quickly. Services are held in all Orthodox churches on November 9. It was on this day that the Mother of God restored the sight of the careless monk. He also announced that the image should be called Quick to Hear.

To honor the Virgin Mary, you must come to the temple the night before for the all-night vigil (previously the services lasted all night, now they are broken into parts to make it more convenient for people). The next morning, visit where you can receive the sacrament of Communion.

There is also home prayer. The necessary texts are contained in prayer books, but everyone has something different on their soul. You should pray in your own words in silence, so that there is no distraction. One should not try to “figure out” the divine plan according to which help will be provided. Appeal to higher powers should soothe both the soul and the mind. It is not necessary to list all pressing problems—the Lord knows about them. It happens that all troubles have only one root, it is this that must be found and fought with the cause, and not with the effect.

Moving on to new level life, you must be prepared for new responsibilities. Becoming stronger spiritually a person should think more about others, help them, and not hide in your own shell. A Christian cannot set the goal of life only for his own well-being. When problems are not resolved, you need to carefully analyze your life and ask the Most Pure Virgin to correct spiritual problems. Then external circumstances will change.

This image is one of the oldest. According to historical data, it is more than a thousand years old. The prototype of this strong and amazing icon is now located in the center of Orthodoxy, in one of the monasteries of Holy Mount Athos. This image was created with the blessing of St. Neophytos, who became one of the founders of the Dochiar monastery, which is located on steep slope Athos.

The icon depicts the Mother of God with the Child, who sits on her left hand and blesses each parishioner with her right hand. The Holy Face previously had a different name, and began to be called “Quick to Hear” only in the seventeenth century. This story is connected with one monk who lived in the Dohiar monastery and carried out obedience there. We will write about this below in the article, and now we will reveal some facts of the monastery itself and the miracles performed by the “Quick to Hear” icon through the prayers of Christians.

The background to the construction of the monastery itself and the miracles occurring in it

The Dochiar Monastery was founded in the tenth century, in honor of the main angels Archangel Gabriel and the Heavenly Governor Archangel Michael. According to documentary records, it is known that the founder was Euthymius, an associate and student of the famous Christian monk Athanasius of Athos. His duties included the management of food and olive oil reserves (dochiary) in the Lavra. The monastery was named so in honor of the obedience of Euthymius.

To build such a holy monastery was a very expensive and time-consuming undertaking. There was a catastrophic lack of funds to complete the repair and construction of the monastery. But the Mother of God revealed to one boy in a vision, who was in this monastery in obedience, a certain place where treasures were hidden that would help in completing construction work for the monastery. The treasures were hidden on the ground - this is a certain part of the monastery itself, or the land adjacent to it.

Two more monks were sent with the boy, since the metokhi was located at a distance from the monastery and it was necessary to get to it across the river. Tempted by the treasures, the monks thought in their hearts to destroy the guy. They tied him up, hung a heavy stone around his neck and threw him into the river, thinking that the monk had drowned. But at that moment, the heavenly ethereal forces intervened, in whose honor the monastery was consecrated, which, according to the miraculous providence of God, transported the monk safe and sound to the monastery monastery. The plot that was being hatched was discovered at that very moment. The funds that were found by providence were used to complete the monastery and it was successfully completed. After this incident, they decided to dedicate the monastery to all the Ethereal Heavenly Powers.

The “Quick to Hear” icon is one of the main shrines located in the monastery. Not far from it there is also a stone with which the boy was thrown into the water, but he miraculously escaped. Later, he became abbot and was given the name Barnabas. “Quick to Hear” is not a portable image, since it is a fresco that is laid out on the wall in the chapel. For the procession of the cross, which takes place annually, a copy of this icon is brought out. She also heals and helps parishioners through their prayers.

Why did the icon “Quick to Hear” get such a name?

For more than seven centuries, the image of the Most Holy Theotokos had a different name, which is unknown to history. But in the seventeenth century, there lived one monk in the Dochiar monastery, whose name was Nil. He fulfilled the obedience of the table keeper. Every time Neil entered the refectory with a torch, he smoked the holy image of the Mother of God with the smoke that comes from the fire. For all the time, he never once noticed the insult that he committed out of ignorance. But one day, again passing by the image with a torch, a voice was heard near him, telling him not to come again with a lit torch and not to smoke the Holy Image.

Initially, Neil went into a frenzy, but afterward, he thought that these words were uttered by someone from the brethren and did not pay due attention to them. He continued to involuntarily smoke the image. Again, after a while, he heard stern words that told him that he was not worthy of the name of a monk and asked whether he would continue to go and smoke the Holy Image. After Neil heard these words, he immediately lost his sight.

Neil realized all his sinfulness and came into contrition. He firmly decided to pray in front of this icon night and day until he was granted forgiveness. In the morning, other monks found him on the floor in front of the Holy Face of the Mother of God. Neil recounted everything that happened to him. At the same moment, the brethren lit a lamp in front of the icon, which never went out (the unquenchable lamp). Neil himself offered up a fiery prayer in front of the icon day and night and lamented his sins and the insolence that he allowed himself. After a while, after a long prayer, Neil finally received the long-awaited forgiveness and received his sight.

The Mother of God told him that his sins were forgiven, because his prayer was heard. She also said that from now on this icon should be called “Quick to Hear,” because it will be an ambulance to every Christian who comes to her in prayer. The forgiven monk conveyed these words to all the brethren. This fact was documented on November 9, 1664. It was this day that was chosen to venerate the “Quick to Hear” icon.

Who does the “Quick to Hear” icon help and how?

From the name itself it becomes clear that the prayer offered in front of this icon will soon be heard, and help will come in a very short time. But you need to pray with all your heart, with ardent faith. You should not ask for material benefits or enrichment, because this is all worldly. Those who:

  • Suffering from epilepsy or demonic possession, as well as panic attacks and frequent causeless depression. He describes a large number of cases in which, after the first prayer, a person was healed from demonic possession. But this happens quite scary, because those who are nearby need to treat such cleansing with understanding. Quick Hearing helps restore peace of mind and pacify the rebellious soul;
  • Those who suffer from blindness, muteness and deafness also need to offer prayers to the Mother of God in front of this holy image;
  • Expectant mothers need to pray for a successful outcome during childbirth and the health of their child, relatives and friends;
  • In case of severe cancer and other ailments, it is necessary to order a prayer service in front of this icon and often pray yourself, both in church and at home, for the sick person;
  • Also to those who came down from life path If you have stepped on the road of sin and are crying out for forgiveness, you must often read the akathist while standing in front of the icon and pray daily for the forgiveness of sins.

The holy image “Quick to Hear of Sinners” helps everyone through their prayers. Those who have committed grave sins and sincerely repented and asked for forgiveness before this image will also be forgiven. All Christians turn to this icon with various requests and prayers, and She will hear everyone and help everyone. We just need to remember that when we ask for help, we can often receive it in a completely different form than we expected.

Prayer to the icon “Quick to Hear”

First prayer

O most holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord on High, quick to obey intercessor of all who come running to You with faith! Look down from the height of Thy heavenly majesty upon me, the indecent one, falling before Thy holy icon, quickly hear the humble prayer of me, a sinner, and bring it to Thy Son, beg Him to illuminate my dark soul with the light of the Divine grace of His grace and cleanse my mind from thoughts vain things, may he pacify my suffering heart and heal its wounds, may he enlighten me to good deeds and strengthen me to work for Him with fear, may he forgive all the evil I have done, may he deliver me from eternal torment and not deprive me of His heavenly kingdom. O most blessed Mother of God! You have deigned to be named in Your image, Quick to Hear, commanding everyone to come to You with faith, do not despise me, the sorrowful, and do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins, in You, through God, all my hope and hope of salvation, and Your protection and intercession I entrust it to myself forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

To the Mother of God the father of those in trouble, and to holy icon Let us fall to her now, calling with faith from the depths of our souls: soon our prayers will be heard. Virgin, like the Quick to Hear, was named. Because Your servants have a ready Helper for your needs, the Imam. Amen.

Prayer three

Most blessed Lady, Ever-Virgin Mother of God, who gave birth to God the Word more than any word for our salvation, and who received His grace more abundantly than all others, who appeared as a sea of ​​Divine gifts and miracles, an ever-flowing river, pouring out goodness to all who come running to You with faith! It falls to Your miraculous image, we pray to You, the all-generous Mother of the humane-loving Lord, surprise us with Your rich mercies and our petitions brought to You, Quick to Hear, speed up the fulfillment of everything that is arranged for the benefit of consolation and salvation for everyone. Visit, O Blessing Thy servants, with Thy grace, grant to the sick healing and perfect health, to those overwhelmed by silence, to those captivated by freedom, and to the afflicted by various images of comfort. Deliver, O All-Merciful Lady, every city and country from famine, plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and other temporary and eternal punishments, by Your maternal boldness turning away the wrath of God; and spiritual relaxation, overwhelm by passions and falls, free Thy servant, for so that without stumbling in all piety, having lived in this world, and in the future, eternal blessings, we will be worthy of the grace and love for mankind of Thy Son and God, and to Him befits all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

You can pray both at home and in church in front of the Holy Image. The main thing is that the prayer comes from a pure heart. You can pray both in your own words and with special prayers, and then She will hear everyone and help them through their prayers.

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