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There are enough superstitions and signs around a wedding dress. Even if the bride is not superstitious, after the wedding she is haunted by thoughts about where to store her dress and the need for this storage. What to do with the dress after the wedding and how not to harm yourself?

According to ancient superstitions, the dress must be stored so that the marriage does not break up. Previously, they were so careful, because when transferred to another person to the spouse, someone else’s fate could be “transferred” along with the dress, or it could be damaged. There was also a fear that the dress would not be put on a deceased unmarried girl, so that the dress would not go with her to the grave and bring trouble to the young wife. Modern girls are not so superstitious and prefer to use their wedding attire rationally. Today's ladies are not impressed by a dress collecting dust in the closet and occupying a significant part of it.

So, what can you do with a wedding dress:

  • Save to wear for a significant anniversary. Usually this is 10 or 20 years of marriage. The dress is used for family photo session or for a copy of the ceremony when you need to repeat your marriage vows. If a married couple has children, let them take part in the photo shoot, dress the boys in a mini groom's outfit, and buy the girls white dress.
  • Change it into something else. Perfect for transforming into a formal outfit for a daughter, an envelope for a newborn, an attribute for sleep and role-playing games.
  • Give or pass on by inheritance. You need to store your dress correctly (tips below). Keep in mind that your daughter may give up the old-fashioned dress in the future. So is it worth storing?
  • Rent out. It will be necessary to draw up a rental agreement and ensure that the dress is returned intact. The rental price must include the cost of dry cleaning services + 20% of the original cost of the dress.
  • Sell. If the dress is not from a famous designer and is not created in a single copy, its cost will be equal to 50% of the original price.

If you decide to store the dress, then you need to do it correctly:

  1. The dress must be cleaned after the wedding. It is advisable to take it to the dry cleaner or clean it yourself using gentle products. You shouldn’t delay cleaning; try to do it within a month.
  2. Select packaging for storage. Do not store on a hanger. This may cause the dress to become deformed. At the dry cleaner, the dress is returned in polyethylene packaging. You should get rid of it at home. A polyethylene cover attracts dust, emits harmful fumes and can become a favorable environment for mold. A paper cover will cause the fabric to turn yellow.
  3. Ideal storage option: box or cotton case. The box-shaped option is more preferable, since the dress stored horizontally will be preserved better.
  4. If there is no other option other than storing the dress on a hanger, then put a cotton cover on the hanger.
  5. The right place for storage is a closet, where the wedding dress will not get damaged.
  6. Store the dress in a dry and ventilated area, always in a dark place.
  7. Just in case, place moth repellent on your dress, but avoid direct contact with the fabric. Every three months, change products and inspect the dress.

Is it possible to sell a wedding dress after the wedding?

According to superstitions, if a wedding dress is sold, the family's protection will be destroyed and divorce will be around the corner. You especially shouldn’t sell the dress you wore when you got married. If the dress is not a wedding dress, and the situation in the family is difficult and you need cash, the dress can be sold after undergoing certain cleansing procedures.

How to sell a dress correctly:

  1. Cleaning. Your energy needs to be removed from the dress, so it needs to be dry cleaned. You can wash your dress at home, just place it on a hanger and hang it over the bathtub. The dress should be washed in the shower using gentle but effective detergents.
  2. Hang the outfit near the window so that the rays of the sun fall on it and sprinkle it with holy water.
  3. After the sale, cross the back of the girl who bought the dress three times. Then you need to cross yourself the same number of times.
  4. For 7 days you cannot give or borrow anything from your home to anyone.

With the dress you can sell all the additional components of the image: cape, gloves, clutch, shoes. It is strictly forbidden to sell the veil. It can be used later as mosquito net which will protect your baby from insects.

Where can I return my wedding dress after the wedding?

Commission shop. The price of the dress should be no more than 50% of the original cost. The item is delivered to the store clean and undamaged. At the consignment store, you will sign an agreement where you will indicate information about the product and your contact information. The product will be in the store for a certain time, and you must pay the storage amount. If the dress does not sell within the storage time, you will be contacted and asked to pick up the item.


  • No need to personally meet customers and bring them to your home
  • No need to advertise


  • Possibility of clothing damage due to numerous fittings
  • You need to pay money for storage
  • Paperwork

Wedding salon. If the wedding salon offers a wedding dress rental service, you can take your dress there for rental or further sale.


  • Fitting takes place without your presence
  • The dress can be sold profitably
  • After the sale you are guaranteed to receive your funds


  • Not all salons accept used dresses
  • Before handing over your outfit, you need to spend money on dry cleaning
  • If there are a lot of dresses in the salon, then there is decent competition.

Post it on the website. There the dress can be put up for sale or rented out.


  • The dress will be noticed faster on the Internet
  • You can personally communicate with potential buyers
  • You set the price yourself


  • You need to meet with the buyer yourself
  • Finding fitting rooms or trying on at home
  • Time to put together a creative ad to stand out from the crowd of other ads.

Is it possible to wear a wedding dress after the wedding?

After the wedding, the dress can be worn if:

  • you will have your wedding ceremony in it
  • going to celebrate a family anniversary

In case of divorce and consolidation of a new marriage, the dress should not be used a second time. Keep in mind that the wedding dress is not for sale, but is stored along with the baptismal attire and veil.

Wedding dress after the wedding: signs and superstitions

  1. A wedding dress cannot be sold or rented, so that your energy does not end up on a negatively charged person.
  2. If after the wedding the dress is torn, then your mother-in-law will be an evil person.
  3. It’s bad if the dress has buttons and one of them comes off. It urgently needs to be sewn on so that there are no quarrels with my husband.
  4. Even your relatives and friends should not give the outfit to try on. Again, it is connected with energy and future fate.
  5. You can pass on a dress to the next generation only if your marriage is perfect. Otherwise, your children may live an unhappy life.
  6. You cannot throw away the dress and burn it - you will bring trouble to your family. But it can be altered for your daughter for a holiday, turned into a baby envelope for discharge, or cut and used in the interior.

How to beautifully destroy a wedding dress video and photo

There is a new direction in photography - “Destroy the Wedding Dress”.

  • Brides in beautiful dresses are in places where the dress should not be (water, puddles, dirty floors).
  • Dresses are doused with paint, slop, etc.

Whether to keep the dress or sell it is up to each woman to decide individually. If you believe in omens and have good place for storage - leave the wedding dress. This way your soul will be calmer. When you need to get rid of a dress, but you are in doubt, remember the happy married couples who violated the signs. Surely everything is fine with them now, because family happiness is not made by signs, but by the efforts and mutual understanding of a young family.

Liana Raimanova

A beautiful wedding dress costs almost a fortune, but is used for its intended purpose only for a few days, or even less than a day. But you can find one for him useful application and after the wedding, for example, sell it or make amulets out of it.

When deciding the future fate of the wedding dress, you should remember that there are many superstitions on this score

Is it possible to sell your wedding dress after the wedding?

It is strictly forbidden to sell a wedding dress even to close friends. According to one of the superstitions, along with the wedding dress, the love of the spouse, as well as his fidelity, goes away. Another reason why you shouldn't sell wedding dress, is to preserve the energy of the first bride on it. When the energy of the next bride is applied to her, both marriages may suffer.

Is it worth selling a veil from a wedding dress? No, because it also carries a strong energy charge. Other accessories and decorations are not so significant, so they often become a means of replenishing the budget of a young family. However, modern brides are not particularly superstitious; many do not miss the opportunity to sell a new dress at nice price with four or even five zeros.

How to sell a used wedding dress?

Before you ask yourself where you can sell a used dress, you need to put it in perfect condition: wash, iron, manufacture minor repairs if necessary. The more attractive appearance goods, the more money you can get for it.

One of the profitable ways to get rid of your wedding dress is to take it to a specialized store or boutique. In this case, you will have to pay about 30% of the cost of the goods for intermediary services. Not all salons accept wedding dresses, some prefer renting to buying.

The chances of selling a wedding dress will increase if contact commission shop . But there are no guarantees here either - the outfit can remain on display for several months, after which it will be returned to the bride. There is a monthly storage fee, usually 10%.

Thrift stores are designed for buyers with a modest budget, so you shouldn't put luxury designer clothes up for sale there

But you can hand over a custom-made old wedding dress to a second-hand store.

Another way to get money for a wedding dress is sell it from hand to hand. Surely one of the newlyweds they know is going to follow their example. If there are no such people nearby, you can place an advertisement for the sale of a wedding dress on the Internet. The chances of selling quickly increase if the dress is in good condition and beautifully photographed, the ad is written correctly, and the price is relevant.

Example of a description of a used wedding dress for sale:

Example description of a used wedding dress for sale

Finding where to go to sell a new dress is not a problem. What to do with the old, lost presentation?

What to do with your wedding dress after a divorce?

Signs prohibit the bride from selling her wedding dress, so as not to spoil the relationship in the young family. If she has already fallen apart, then nothing is holding back the owner of the outfit. But over the years of an unsuccessful marriage, the dress could lose its presentation: turn yellow, acquire rust stains or other defects. In this case, you can, again, take it to a consignment store at an extremely affordable price. You can slightly redraw it by cutting off areas with defects. In this case, instead of a defective wedding dress, you will get a good ordinary one. For those for whom the issue of material gain is not fundamental, it is best to donate all the attributes of the wedding ceremony to the church.

Most decisions about where to put the dress after the ceremony affect happy married couples. But there is also a superstition for divorced ex-brides. It is believed that the proceeds from the sale should be used to buy rags, mops and detergents. After this, thoroughly wash the house with them and throw them away. This The ritual helps to cleanse the girl and her home from the negative energy of a previous marriage, symbolizes her readiness for a new one.

Is it possible to throw away a wedding dress?

Divorced women and widows can do whatever they want with the dress: throw it away, burn it, tear it to shreds, or destroy it in any other acceptable way.

It is believed that this wedding attribute has a special mystical power - it can bring good luck, heal from illnesses, and strengthen family relationships. Ideally you need it sew amulets, adding them to the interior of the house.

Is it possible to burn a wedding dress?

Girls can and should burn their wedding dress, family life which turned out unsuccessfully. Widows and divorced women receive good opportunity cleanse your own energy and start life from scratch. The dress can be safely burned by a bride whose wedding never took place. The wedding dress of a deceased woman can also be burned.

Is it possible to wash a wedding dress after the wedding?

You can wash your dress, and it is advisable to do it immediately after the wedding. The bride may decide to keep it or try to sell it at a profit, in both cases it must be brought to good condition. Expensive wedding dresses with luxurious decor It's better to take it to the dry cleaner so as not to accidentally damage them.

Is it possible to try on a bride's dress after the wedding?

Signs prohibit unmarried girls try on someone else's wedding dress. Even more so for married people. There are two superstitions about this. The first says that by trying on a friend’s wedding dress, a girl steals her family happiness. The second threatens a woman who tries on someone else’s dress with eternal loneliness. The bride herself can wear her formal attire many times; superstitions do not contradict this.

What should a widow do with her wedding dress?

It is advisable for a woman whose marriage ended tragically to get rid of her wedding dress as soon as possible. But it cannot be sold, since the widow’s dress contains a very powerful negative energy. Best option– burn.

What can you make from a wedding dress?

You can make an ordinary wedding dress or turn it into a beautiful one. carnival costume. But more often it is used to sew amulets for newlyweds and their future children. A snow-white outfit becomes a good basis for various accessories: belts, hair ties, handbags, pillowcases, etc. The more such things there are in the house of the new wife, the her family life will be happier, says the belief.

December 8, 2017, 2:01 pm

A wedding is a joyful and beautiful event. After marriage, many girls keep things that remind them of this throughout their lives. happy day. Unfortunately, in our time, divorces are no longer rare. For some reason, the marriage does not work out, the family is not a family at all, and those who swore eternal love to each other put their signatures on divorce documents. The dress and veil, so carefully stored after the wedding, no longer evoke pleasant memories, and the wedding ring is removed out of sight. All these things become unnecessary. They take up space, but no longer carry the positive meaning for which they were kept. Of course, you can just throw everything away, but there are ways to get rid of these things for your own benefit.

Getting rid of it profitably

The easiest and most emotionally detached way to get rid of wedding paraphernalia is to sell. If the veil and dress are in good condition, without damage, you can sell them online on some popular trading platform, for example, on Avito. You can also try taking them to a wedding dress rental salon. They regularly update their assortment, because dresses after several weddings lose their attractive appearance, and it happens that they are simply not returned for rental. With a ring, the situation is even simpler; it can be returned to any nearest one. Without going into beliefs and folk customs, then that's all. Use the proceeds from the sale to throw a party with your girlfriends to say goodbye to your unsuccessful marriage. This will help you get through an unpleasant period in life easier. Or just spend it on your needs, let it benefit you, at least this time.

A ritual for happiness in your personal life

In order to get rid of memories of a past marriage for the benefit of the future, there are many different rituals. One of them is cleaning the house. First, you will need to put your dress and veil in order, wash them and carefully check that there is nothing left of you on them: hair tangled in the veil, brooches or pins from the evil eye. All this needs to be removed. After that, you need to sell everything along with the ring. Use the proceeds to buy everything to clean the house: mops, brushes, rags. You need to buy on the market, overpaying, without taking change. It's like you're paying back with interest for a failed marriage. Then you should arrange general cleaning in your home, clean everything and sweep with these brushes and mops, and then throw them away. In this way, you clear your home of the past to open the doors to the future.


This method is suitable for those who have undergone a wedding ceremony. The wedding dress and ring themselves carry strong energy, but if they are also wedding items, then their energy is a hundred times stronger. Not every couple getting married gets married in a church. If you decide to take such a step and subsequently get divorced, it is unlikely that you will simply sell your wedding dress. The solution in this case is very simple - donate everything that you have left from the wedding to the church. Rings, candles, icons, towels - you can simply take all this to the church, and sell the dress with the veil and donate the money received for them.

Whatever method of getting rid of your wedding items you choose, believe that it’s all for the best and look confidently into the future.

A wedding is the most long-awaited and grandiose event in the life of every girl, so brides do not spare money for it, because they want to wear the dress of their dreams for at least one day. Most women, after their wedding, keep things that remind them of this joyful day for the rest of their lives. But family relationships things don’t always work out, which is why divorces have become commonplace these days.

After the divorce, when negative emotions All worries have been poured out and all the worries are behind us, and the formalities have been settled, things come to light that there was no time to think about before. After a breakup, your always-favorite wedding dress begins to irritate you, as it reminds you of an unsuccessful marriage. After a while, the question arises: what to do with a wedding dress after a divorce? It has begun to take up space and no longer brings the joy for which it was kept. for a long time. Naturally, you can simply throw it away, or you can get rid of it with some benefit for yourself. The tips below will help you get rid of unnecessary things and also find pleasure and peace.

Selling a wedding dress

The simplest and most emotionally detached way to get rid of a wedding dress is to sell it. If the dress and veil are in good condition, they can be sold through some online marketplace. It also makes sense to try renting it to a wedding salon. They constantly update their assortment, because after several rentals a dress loses its attractiveness, and sometimes it is simply not returned.

Using the proceeds from the sale, it would be a good idea to organize a holiday with your girlfriends in honor of a failed marriage, thereby saying goodbye to an unpleasant situation in your life.

You can also spend them on yourself, this time they will bring more benefits than the costs of an unsuccessful marriage.

What can you do with your engagement ring and dress after a divorce?

Divorce is a strong emotional shock for both spouses, regardless of who filed for divorce. In the whirlpool of your own experiences, it is difficult to think about good things: inside there are grievances and broken hopes. Awareness of the situation of divorce comes later.

When passions have subsided slightly, quite appropriate thoughts may arise: what to do with the wedding ring after a divorce and other wedding attributes left in the hands of the former newlyweds (glasses, icons, towels, veil, dress)? Many people, regardless of gender, do not realize that they continue to wear a ring. Most people easily throw things into the trash bin, forgetting forever the divorce, the wedding, the past moment.

The matter lies in the subconscious. Many people are afraid of change. To remove a wedding ring is to “close” a stage of the past, to cross out joyful moments, to throw out a loved one, familiar people, and events from the memory.

Often the past, along with the bad, contains a lot of good things that you don’t want to let go of.

Many find it difficult not only to wear it, but also to see the ring. What to do in this situation? Finding a definite answer is quite difficult. There are several development scenarios:

  • You can return a symbol of endless love and loyalty to your “severed” soulmate. But does your ex-spouse need a ring? Perhaps he is now wondering where to put his own ring;
  • You can continue to wear it by moving the ring to left hand. But psychologists and the wisdom of nations are very skeptical about similar decision. Psychologists say: the ring awakens unpleasant, painful memories. Folk signs they say that the negative energy of a broken marriage prevents the creation of new feelings and strong connections;
  • You can take the ring to a pawnshop, sell it, melt it down, make earrings or a chain.
  • Getting rid of wedding paraphernalia?

    Things associated with the happiest moment are dear to former newlyweds and keep fond memories. Perhaps it got worse later, but on the special day everything looked fabulous with the dress, veil, candles and glasses! Love, hopes, happy smiles, wedding glasses filled with champagne...

    What to do with wedding attributes? Just throw it away? Many people “don’t raise their hands.” Of course, the dress and veil can be sold. But according to popular wisdom, things absorbed the energy of a failed marriage. Accordingly, I don’t want to condemn strangers to unsuccessful marriages at all.

    You can destroy things by throwing out your own negative emotions. Psychologists say that this is enough effective method let go of the past, look towards a bright future. For a greater psychological effect, it is advised to throw a party as a sign of the beginning of personal freedom. Solemnly break the glasses, tear (burn) the dress and veil.

    It is worth thinking before destroying wedding attributes. Folk signs say that dresses, glasses, and rings have powerful energy. It's better to sell to those who don't believe in bad omens. The proceeds will be donated to the needs of the temple.

    It is highly not recommended to store and wear wedding items - it is a bad omen. When caught, they invariably cause mental suffering. On a psychological level, this is a negative pastime.

    Signs regarding getting rid of wedding paraphernalia ( wedding rings, dress, glasses) appeared as a result of negative feelings and memories. Negative feelings appear when you see wedding things. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to their storage. This is a purely personal matter.

    • For former brides and grooms, items that are dear to them are an important component of memory; getting rid of wedding things will not make you feel any relief.
    • Wedding paraphernalia causes moral suffering - it cannot be stored. Sell, donate, give away.

    It should be remembered: life closes one door, but always opens another! The next stage of life will become bright, memorable, fateful! It's worth believing in the best. Dwelling on the past is a bad sign.

    What to do after a divorce: brief instructions for returning to life

    When solving the problem of what to do after a divorce with marriage symbols, you can go in different ways. The main thing is to outline specific steps and strictly follow them.

    Be prepared to be sick for a long time. Family psychologists believe that after a breakup, a person continues to be in the atmosphere of the previous relationship for 2 years, transferring to new acquaintances the negativity that he received from his partner. You will overcome mental anxieties sooner or later, but what to do with the material legacy of a failed marriage? It's better to follow the saying, "Out of sight, out of mind." Removing the memorabilia of your marriage after a divorce will open the door to a new stage in your life.

    Wedding dress – alter, sell, give away

    The question of what to do with a wedding dress after a divorce is asked by many women, especially considering that, according to statistics, the number of divorces increases every year. The simplest advice is to sell. But if you went through a bad breakup, then your dress cannot be called happy, and passing on the opportunity to experience the same misfortune to another bride through her wedding dress is wrong. Therefore, other options should be considered.

    A wedding dress can be either an unnecessary, burdensome memory of the dropped burden of a relationship, especially if you yourself made the decision to break up, or an element that carries a burning resentment when you are faced with betrayal. In both cases best way out– get rid of your wedding dress to block a negative “hook” in your memory that lowers your self-esteem.

    Help yourself. Organize a ceremonial “wedding dress funeral” that will allow you to enter new life, continue to live. Alone, if you have the strength for it, or with the help of your friends, organize a trip out of town or to the country and build a “funeral pyre”: burn your wedding outfit in a cleansing fire. The smoke will clear, and with it a bit of bitterness will disappear from your heart.

    A wedding ring is a talisman of love and a painful reminder

    Of course, what to do with the ring after a divorce must be decided by each person personally. Maybe you want to continue to wear it on your other hand, declaring loudly to the whole world: “Although we are divorced, I will remain his faithful wife and will wait for his return. And I don’t need any new acquaintances or relationships.” This position is also worthy of respect. But perhaps the following options will be acceptable for you:

    • Throw it into a large body of water
    • Take it to church as a donation
    • Melt down and have a jeweler make something that you will not wear, but can pass on to your children as a memory of their father
    • The best way to vent your resentment, pain, or other feelings on this item is to cut it into thin strips, which you can then safely throw in the trash. In the process of destroying this part of the wedding suit, a powerful release occurs negative energy, which will help the veil turn into a pile of meaningless transparent shreds. The process will take a sufficient amount of time, and during the monotonous task you can think about all the pros and cons of the current situation. When the process is completed, you will understand that negative emotions have gone through the tip of the scissors into the mangled fabric. Having vengefully sent the bag of scraps into the garbage chute, take the failed marriage there as well. And then you should look back and see that the world has not stopped, and everything around continues to live. Do the same!

      What to do with your wedding dress after the wedding?

      A beautiful wedding dress costs almost a fortune, but is used for its intended purpose only for a few days, or even less than a day. But you can find useful uses for it after the wedding, for example, sell it or make amulets out of it.

      When deciding the future fate of the wedding dress, you should remember that there are many superstitions on this score

      Is it possible to sell your wedding dress after the wedding?

      Signs strictly prohibit selling a wedding dress even to close friends. According to one of the superstitions, along with the wedding dress, the love of the spouse, as well as his fidelity, goes away. Another reason why a wedding dress should not be sold is to preserve the energy of the first bride. When the energy of the next bride is applied to her, both marriages may suffer.

      Is it worth selling a veil from a wedding dress? No, because it also carries a strong energy charge. Other accessories and decorations are not so significant, so they often become a means of replenishing the budget of a young family. However, modern brides are not particularly superstitious; many do not miss the opportunity to sell a new dress at a reasonable price with four or even five zeros.

      Photos of wedding dresses that can be worn after the wedding

      How to sell a used wedding dress?

      Before you ask yourself where you can sell a used dress, you need to bring it into perfect condition: wash, iron, make minor repairs if necessary. The more attractive the appearance of the product, the more money you can get for it..

      One of the profitable ways to get rid of your wedding dress is to take it to a specialized store or boutique. In this case, you will have to pay about 30% of the cost of the goods for intermediary services. Not all salons accept wedding dresses; some prefer renting to purchasing.

      You can take your wedding dress to a specialized store or boutique

      The chances of selling a wedding dress will increase if go to a thrift store. But there are no guarantees here either - the outfit can remain on display for several months, after which it will be returned to the bride. There is a monthly storage fee, usually 10%.

      Thrift stores are designed for buyers with a modest budget, so you shouldn't put luxury designer clothes up for sale there

      But you can hand over a custom-made old wedding dress to a second-hand store.

      Another way to get money for a wedding dress is sell it from hand to hand. Surely one of the newlyweds they know is going to follow their example. If there are no such people nearby, you can place an advertisement for the sale of a wedding dress on the Internet. The chances of selling quickly increase if the dress is in good condition and beautifully photographed, the ad is written correctly, and the price is relevant.

      Example of a description of a used wedding dress for sale:

      Example description of a used wedding dress for sale

      Finding where to go to sell a new dress is not a problem. What to do with the old one, which has lost its presentation?

      What to do with your wedding dress after a divorce?

      Signs prohibit the bride from selling her wedding dress, so as not to spoil the relationship in the young family. If she has already fallen apart, then nothing is holding back the owner of the outfit. But over the years of an unsuccessful marriage, the dress could lose its presentation: turn yellow, acquire rust stains or other defects. In this case, you can, again, take it to a consignment store at an extremely affordable price. You can slightly redraw it by cutting off areas with defects. In this case, instead of a defective wedding dress, you will get a good ordinary one. For those for whom the issue of material gain is not fundamental, it is best to donate all the attributes of the wedding ceremony to the church.

      Most decisions about where to put the dress after the ceremony affect happy married couples. But there is also a superstition for divorced ex-brides. It is believed that the proceeds from the sale should be used to buy rags, mops and detergents. After this, thoroughly wash the house with them and throw them away. This The ritual helps to cleanse the girl and her home from the negative energy of a previous marriage, symbolizes her readiness for a new one.

      After the divorce, you need to use the proceeds from the sale of the dress to buy rags, mops and detergents, wash the house with them and throw them away

      Is it possible to throw away a wedding dress?

      Divorced women and widows can do whatever they want with the dress: throw it away, burn it, tear it to shreds, or destroy it in any other acceptable way.

      It is believed that this wedding attribute has a special mystical power - it can bring good luck, heal from illnesses, and strengthen family relationships. Ideally you need it sew amulets, adding them to the interior of the house.

      Is it possible to burn a wedding dress?

      Can you burn a wedding dress?

      The wedding dress can and should be burned for girls whose family life was unsuccessful. Widows and divorced women get a good opportunity to cleanse their own energy and start life from scratch. The dress can be safely burned by a bride whose wedding never took place. The wedding dress of a deceased woman can also be burned.

      Is it possible to wash a wedding dress after the wedding?

      You can wash your dress, and it is advisable to do it immediately after the wedding. The bride may decide to keep it or try to sell it at a profit, in both cases it needs to be brought into good condition. Expensive wedding dresses with luxurious decor It's better to take it to the dry cleaner so as not to accidentally damage them.

      You can wash a wedding dress, but you need to approach the issue wisely!

      Is it possible to try on a bride's dress after the wedding?

      Signs prohibit unmarried girls from trying on someone else's wedding dress. Even more so for married people. There are two superstitions about this. The first says that by trying on a friend’s wedding dress, a girl steals her family happiness. The second threatens a woman who tries on someone else’s dress with eternal loneliness. The bride herself can wear her formal attire many times; superstitions do not contradict this.

      What should a widow do with her wedding dress?

      It is advisable for a woman whose marriage ended tragically to get rid of her wedding dress as soon as possible. But you can’t sell it, because the widow’s dress contains very powerful negative energy. The best option is to burn it.

      What can you make from a wedding dress?

      Charms from a wedding dress after the wedding

      You can sew a regular wedding dress or turn it into a beautiful carnival costume. But more often it is used to sew amulets for newlyweds and their future children. A snow-white outfit becomes a good basis for various accessories: belts, hair ties, handbags, pillowcases, etc. The more such things there are in the house of the new wife, the her family life will be happier, says the belief.

      Throwing away your wedding dress after divorce

      I wander around wedding salons. All at a loss - tacky, piled with tasteless wedding props, brands and prices, the eye doesn’t stop at anything.
      WEAR IT ONCE? And then?
      Did you buy, sew or rent your dress? What’s wrong with it now—gathering dust like a memory, has it been resold? Share your opinions, experienced ones))))

      Woman.ru experts

      Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

      Starostina Lyudmila Vasilievna

      Psychologist, Practical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

      Tankova Oksana Vladimirovna

      Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

      Kurenchanin Alexey Vyacheslavovich

      Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

      Bakai Igor Yurievich

      Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

      Kaminskaya Anna Alexandrovna
      Yulia Orlova

      Psychologist, Kinesiologist Coach RPT-therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

      Shakhova Alisa Anatolyevna
      Garganeev Sergey Valerievich

      Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

      Anastasia Shesterikova
      Fomina Marina Borisovna

      Psychologist, Existential Analyst. Specialist from the site b17.ru

      That's why I left it with me. I’ll definitely wear it for the next anniversary of my life together. 10 years for example.

      My mother has been keeping it somewhere at home for 11 years (we live far from her). I would have thrown it out a long time ago, but if she likes it that way, then I don’t mind.

      I had a fantastic time beautiful dress. Now it hangs in the closet, but every time I see it I remember how beautiful and happy I was that day. I will never give it to anyone.

      I want to sell, but no one calls ((The dress was inexpensive - everyone understood that for 1 day it was stupid to buy a dress even for 15 thousand, if in ordinary life I can’t afford it, I bought it for 8. It’s lying around somewhere now Moms. In general, I wanted to rent them, but there weren’t any that I needed.

      I came up with the style myself and sewed it myself.
      I don’t remember where it went. Yes, they got divorced anyway.

      I don’t remember where I sold the business, it seems. My happiness has not suffered from this, it’s scary to say how many years.

      I don't have any prejudices. After the wedding, I put my dress in the closet, a month later I took it out and washed it, then put it away again. A piece of it was torn out - it got caught on the railing - I'll sew it up, it will be as good as new. I will not sell or throw away anywhere. Doesn't ask for food. If a friend asks to rent it, I’ll give it to her free of charge.

      I was in an evening dress.

      Well, see for yourself: if you want to be a queen, buy the one you like, for as much as you don’t mind. And if you think it’s a waste, then buy more modestly, since you may feel uncomfortable every time, remembering its price for one time.

      10. Dunka Razdolbaeva

      It was lying in the closet for three years after the wedding. Then I lent it to a friend for her wedding. She got married in the 7th month, so they had other expenses besides the dress. Then another 5 years lay around
      in the closet. When we moved three years ago, we threw it out. If anything: we live with the same husbands - both me and my girlfriend.

      I have the same thing with my dress, part of the hem came off during a walk (because I climbed all sorts of places and even climbed onto a tank - for me because the wedding was not supposed to be the most important day in life, but as a big fun party where the bride and groom could That’s it!) In the end, I didn’t regret that I didn’t rent it, but bought it)))) Then, of course, I put it in order)) About 2 months later))

      I was in an evening dress.

      It hangs in my closet, I wore it 2 more times.

      I was in an evening dress. http://s54.radikal.ru/i146/1011/35/47c4edca31e5.jpg It hangs in my closet, I wore it 2 more times.

      Are these used as wedding dresses? If the dress were simply white, but at the same time evening, then yes. And so it’s not wedding at all.

      Did I call it a wedding?? I called him evening.
      Yes, we didn’t even have a wedding.
      Limousine, registry office, photographer, carriage with horses, to the restaurant, table for two, and after 3 days for 2 weeks in the Seychelles.
      Although my friend, AT THE WEDDING, was wearing a blood-red, chic evening dress.

      sewed The dress has colored decorations, so I wore it once to dinner where there were supposed to be evening dresses. No one thought that it was a wedding dress and strangers praised it.

      Do you have to get married in a white dress? I think this is very beautiful and suits the owner.

      Girls, can you advise where in St. Petersburg I can rent an evening dress?

      Hanging in the closet)
      Let it hang.
      1. sign
      2. memory.
      3. measure of Slimness)

      Yes, in many wedding salons.
      And Google some more.

      beautiful, no doubt. It’s just that something white is probably better for a wedding. This is a one-time thing, but you can wear a colored evening mullion once again for all sorts of occasions.

      They say that selling your wedding dress means giving away your happiness to someone else.

      They say that selling your wedding dress means giving away your happiness to someone else.

      This vain faith is called = SIN.

      Don’t cry later because your husband left.
      The sign is correct.

      First, I sewed it myself. It was cheap, modest and tasteful. I bought the second one and chose the cheapest and most modest one. She looked great. If the bride herself is beautiful (and I am, why be modest:), then no expensive dresses are needed. Both times they said about me, “What a beautiful bride, and not what a beautiful dress. Both hang in the closet. Let my daughter have fun with them later, even as a snow queen at a carnival, or even get married, if she turns out to be as practical as I am.

      They say that selling your wedding dress means giving away your happiness to someone else. This vain faith is called = SIN.

      It's also a sin to protect yourself

      Guests say that selling your wedding dress means giving away your happiness to someone else.

      This vain faith is called = SIN. Don’t cry later because your husband left.

      And how long should we wait for it to go away? 25 years have already passed, when will this terrible reckoning come?

      I bought an expensive, beautiful dress. Hanging in the closet. I will never sell it.

      Don't cry later because your husband left. The sign is correct.

      My mother gave me the dress and lived with my father for 35 years.
      According to your faith, so be it to you.
      That is, if you believe in omens, you will receive them.

      My grandmother told me that you shouldn’t give away your wedding dress, much less sell it, and it’s really a bad omen. you can get it out in a few years, and if you suddenly see a stain on the dress, it’s big, it’s like a trace of a strong quarrel with your husband. I put my dress in a case and never took it out again, it lay on top shelf in the closet and 10 years after the wedding they moved or something and decided to take a look and was stunned - it was huge all over the sleeve brown spot and it couldn’t have come from anywhere on him, and I remember for sure that there couldn’t have been such a stain - it was filled with something, believe it or not, but here it is. Somewhere like that, my mother still has lies on old apartment and my husband and I are married. It’s scary to think that on December 8th it will be 26 years already))

      Jennifer PopesGuestI was in an evening dress. http://s54.radikal.ru/i146/1011/35/47c4edca31e5.jpg It’s hanging in my closet, I’ve worn it twice more. Are these really used as wedding dresses? If the dress were simply white, but at the same time evening, then yes. And so it’s not wedding at all. Did I really call it wedding?? I called it evening. Yes, we didn’t even have a wedding. Limousine, registry office, photographer, carriage with horses, to the restaurant, table for two, and after 3 days for 2 weeks to the Seychelles. Although my friend was in blood red at the WEDDING , chic, evening dress.

      Oh, I remember you on the topic, it seems, about whether it’s worth having a big wedding. Beautiful dress. I also believe that the bride can wear what SHE wants, and not what is supposedly accepted. And celebrate the wedding the same way. Best wishes to you. You are very beautiful)))

      On topic - my beloved friend gave me the dress. I didn’t want to go out at all and thought about buying a white silk dress so that I could wear it later. Well, my friend persuaded me to at least wear a traditional dress in the photos. We have both been in a strong marriage for decades. And we don’t believe in omens.

      I rented mine. 22 YEARS TOGETHER. so what? it's all bullshit))))

      They sewed me a rather modest, delicate white dress. It's at home, I haven't taken it anywhere yet.

      33. Guest with irony

      I bought it and sold it after the wedding, of course. I don't see any point in keeping it. I keep memories, not clothes (The only thing I keep for my daughter is wedding decorations, but these are more exclusive and beautiful things than sentimental ones)

      I keep it because I really like it and I’m just a doll in it) Sometimes I put it on and admire myself. Unfortunately, the wedding is onlyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO briefly I can wear them, I keep them because I really like them and I’m just a doll in them) Sometimes I put them on and admire them. Unfortunately, the wedding is onlyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootables

      Mine is still hanging. I have no idea what to do :) It’s beautiful, it’s infectious... I can’t imagine that anyone else will show off in it

      Initially, I was in the mood for an inexpensive dress, but white without unnecessary bells and whistles, just new. The budget was initially set at 10 thousand, I think it’s not worth paying more.
      And finally I found it, I immediately understood - “mine”! I am well aware that I will only wear it for a few hours. Now it’s in the closet on the top shelf, I didn’t even dry clean it after the wedding.
      I decided for myself that I would neither sell it nor rent it out, I wouldn’t even just give it to anyone and I wouldn’t let my children or girlfriends try it on, I’ll keep it) Maybe in 10-15 years I’ll wear it again for my anniversary.
      You, the author, act as your inner feeling tells you. Someone talks about signs (personally, I think there is something in this), the second question is how you feel about this. Bulgakov also wrote: “everyone will get according to their faith,” so...

      By the way, yes, I would like to be a bride in a dress, and not a dress on the bride))) On the one hand, I want something incredibly beautiful, expensive - but stop! And where will I be visible?)) I’m not complaining about my appearance, but really, probably, the dress should not set off the BRIDE HIMSELF with any props.
      I am very practical and do not suffer from excess financial resources)) I will probably focus on something universal - so that it would be appropriate to wear for other events. For that kind of money, just taking up space in the closet is not rational.
      By the way, if you are getting married, frivolity and experiments with color, length and style are not welcome. Below the knees, always light and the church is more for modest luxury.

      I had a very beautiful dress. This was my first time getting married. My mother kept the dress. Successfully divorced a year later. She got married for the second time, had a daughter and mother New Year I made her a princess dress from my wedding dress. My daughter has a small copy of my dress: the corset is embellished with stones, the hem is fluffy, the corset is adjustable. My daughter was 2 years old. We plan to wear it for another Christmas tree. So it was useful to me, although my first marriage was unsuccessful, but at least something beautiful remained.

      39. Mouse faded

      They sewed a dress for me because it’s dark in our salons. Now it's on the top shelf in the closet. I will keep it, it is dear to me as a memory :)) I will not give it to anyone, I will not sell it, I will not give it as a gift, I will not lend it to anyone.
      By the way, interesting idea wear the dress again for the anniversary :) And we have bride parades in our city, you can take part, we have the dress)

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