The head of the school for mothers, Yulia Degtyareva, talks about sports after childbirth. Modern fitness mother: exercises with a child in her arms

According to the findings of the new scientific research, new mothers regain their self-esteem after childbirth within three years. Do you really have to wait until your baby crosses the threshold? kindergarten? Let's talk about how to speed up the recovery process.

Forewarned is forearmed

The findings of scientists from the Netherlands shocked the female half of the public. It turns out that expectant mothers are subject to a significant decrease in self-esteem already during pregnancy. Childbirth does not relieve problems, but, on the contrary, entails an inferiority complex. According to Dutch scientists, the self-esteem of young mothers continues to fall until the baby is three years old. The study from which the shocking conclusions were drawn involved 84 thousand women over 10 years of their lives. The main conclusion is that young mothers are sorely lacking in resources that could return their well-being to normal.

Take time to look at your appearance

Considered to be beautiful appearance adds positive emotions. And vice versa, women who stop taking care of themselves, citing lack of time and money, feel even worse. Unfortunately, many young mothers lose the desire to look at their reflection in the mirror; they are embarrassed by their shapeless body and hide behind loose, dark clothes. Few people would have the desire to go out for a walk with their baby in full dress: in high-heeled shoes, a beautiful dress and hairstyle.

Moms prefer to wear jeans with sneakers, hide their eyes under sunglasses and quickly throw their hair into a bun. Daily washing and cleaning actually put an end to manicure. But if you want to feel better, you need to do the same procedures that you did before the baby arrived. It may seem a little selfish, but why not take some time for yourself when your baby is sleeping?

Do what you love

Before you had new status, you were passionate about things that brought you joy. It could be an inspiring passion for painting, food blogging, or crafting. Psychologists say that the opportunity to do what they love gives women satisfaction and increases self-esteem. Find a way to be proud of your achievements, it's not difficult at all, thanks to access to media platforms.

Rely on the right people

When women's lifestyle changes dramatically, it is difficult for them to navigate their emotions. Experienced mothers who have gone through postpartum depression advise their “colleagues” to be honest with themselves. You should not deny the presence of a problem or avoid visiting a psychotherapist. Do everything that the experts recommend to you, not your friend who gave birth to a child the year before. This will help you overcome bouts of despair, exhaustion, panic and feelings of complete isolation. A therapist will help you navigate the emotional whirlwind and remind you that this condition is not a mental disorder.

Chat with friends

There is no denying that people are social creatures. Like everyone else in your circle, you need friendly support and relaxed communication that will take your mind off your daily routine. Mothers who do not want to get rid of society find time to meet pleasant people approximately once a week. Please note that the topics of your conversations should not revolve around caring for babies. This is something you can talk about while walking in the park with other moms. This time should be your own and include sitting in a cafe over a cup of tea, casual conversations with friends, listening to music or visiting the library. Allow yourself to take regular breaks from the daily routine of caring for your baby. Don't take this as an escape.

Don't give up on training

There is no doubt that after giving birth you find it difficult to perform a set of exercises that you did a few months ago. Previously, you could run 10 kilometers or masterfully combine strength training and cardio training. If you don’t want to once again beg your parents to spend a little time with the baby, know that some fitness centers provide nanny services for young mothers. Don't forget that training will keep not only your muscles, but also your mind in good shape.

Date with husband

Even though you may be too tired, don't let your daily routine ruin your romantic relationship. Why not give your husband a date and move away from home? Get a hotel room, wear your best clothes beautiful dress and buy a bottle of wine (provided that the lactation period is behind you). At least once a month, have a romantic date, during which you give up the idea of ​​keeping track of time.

Activity at home

Mothers who don't have the opportunity to go to the gym can get their bodies in shape with video tutorials of varying degrees of difficulty. Exercise when your baby is sleeping and even when he is awake. Don't say you can't squeeze in 20 minutes of exercise three days a week.

Don't go outside in sportswear

Give up the idea of ​​combining a walk with your baby in the park and a workout. Remember that before you couldn’t afford to go to the bakery in a T-shirt and bicycle breeches. After the birth of the child, nothing changed. Try not to change the rules when it comes to your wardrobe.

Find like-minded people

Women who are raising two or three small children find it incredibly difficult to return to their previous lives. But even in the status of mothers of many children, they find ways that give them the opportunity to feel better. It's about finding like-minded people and networking. Today this can be done through specialized websites and blogs.


Sensory therapy can work real miracles. The benefits of a good massage should not be taken for granted. The touches of an experienced massage therapist reduce muscle tension, relieve stress, strengthen the immune system, improve sleep quality and mental activity. You are not able to visit massage room or call a specialist to your home? Enlist the help of relatives who have basic sensory therapy skills. With each session you will feel better and better.

Secret spa in your home

Extend your daily shower by 15 minutes. At this time, you can apply a nourishing mask to your face, exfoliate, or perform a few songs. You can replace the shower with a bath with aromatic additives and sea ​​salt. Water has magical calming properties and can lift your mood, even if you are plagued by financial problems or disagreements with your husband over parenting issues.

Focus on adults

You're spending too much time and energy focusing on that little bundle of joy. However, women who have found balance in their personal lives advise you not to completely lose yourself in motherhood. Devote some energy to other adult family members, friends and acquaintances. This will instantly improve your mood. It’s so wonderful to have someone in touch with whom you can chat about life and drink a cup of coffee.

Hello, dear readers! Who said there is no time to play sports with a baby? You can’t even imagine how much your little one will enjoy joint activities! Below I will show you several physical exercises that will help you get your body in shape after childbirth. You can involve your baby in exercises starting from the moment he learns to hold his head up (maximum 3 months).

Exercise #1: Raise your arms

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Grab your child and raise your hands! The little one will definitely like this attraction, and you will pump up your biceps if you haven’t already 😉

Exercise #2: Raising your legs

In the same position, lying on your back, place your baby on your shins, naturally holding him well. Straighten your legs, but not to the point right angle with the floor, and up to 70-80 degrees, so that your assistant does not fall) You have no idea how effective this exercise is! Your butt, abs and calves will thank you :)

Exercise #3: Push-ups

Are your hands rested? It's time to flex your biceps again! Place the baby on the mat, place your hands 15 centimeters to the left and right of his head and be sure to straighten his body. Gently lower your body, keeping your legs, back and tummy tense and straight - this way in a short time you will get maximum effect. Don't forget to kiss your baby at the end of the journey! An explosion of laughter is guaranteed :))

Exercise #4: Lunges

Do you want a butt like a nut? Lunge the best!

Take the child with his back to you, lean his elbow a little on your thigh and squat on one leg, then on the other. This is the number for the baby :) This exercise is very effective prevention cellulite on the fifth point.

Exercise #5: Stretching

We finish physical exercise with stretching, which will help relax and restore the body after training. Place the baby between your legs, bend one leg, straighten the other and bend towards the straight leg.

Now straighten both legs and place them at an angle of 90 degrees and continue bending in one direction or the other. You can kiss the baby alternately on both cheeks!

Every mother can do these exercises 2-3 times a week, even with a baby in her arms;) Don’t forget to take care of your body, and it will thank you. Many women who look 30 at 40 don't do anything extraordinary - sleep enough, watch their diet and exercise, no matter how many children they have.

All the best to you!

  • How to restore your body after childbirth?...
  1. Communication between mother and baby. The child does not feel “abandoned”, does not think that his mother left him and left. True, this applies to children older than 6-7 months, and is also very noticeable for children at breastfeeding. They are more attached to their mother in the first years of life. Mom herself is calmer: there is no need to ask dad, grandmother or nanny, there is no need to worry about “how is my treasure” and freak out at the first ring of the phone. Elements are often used in training simple games, and it can be interesting for children too. The baby spends a lot of time in close contact with his mother: in her arms, in her arms, next to her, or even “riding” on his mother. Of course all this important points, strengthening family closeness and the baby’s sense of security.
  2. Communication with other families (on group classes). Up to one and a half to two years of age, it is difficult to organize children to play with other children, but in classes the “presence” effect works: the child sees that in the room, in addition to him and his mother, there are also other children with their mothers. As a result, children who are not unnecessarily isolated from strangers and groups grow up to be more sociable, sociable, they adapt more easily to new or unfamiliar companies, and make acquaintances more easily. Yes, and mothers get the opportunity to communicate with each other, make friends with similar interests (and they have them in common!), and switch a little from everyday affairs. This, of course, is not a “going out”, but also a change of scenery.
  3. Physical activity. Let me note right away: in 99% of cases, either only the mother receives the load (stretching, strengthening muscles and joints), or only the baby (passive stretching, massage, balance training). Of course, mothers with babies are not offered such training to work at full strength, much less add good quality cardio. But in the absence of any other alternative, this is enough!
  4. Discipline and habit. Children love a predictable scenario. And the baby feels more confident if a certain algorithm is followed from time to time: he knows, for example, that once every 3-4 days with his mother after a walk they go to the gym, where with other mothers and children they listen to familiar music with bright large balls they play on colored rugs (the children perceive this as a game, and not as a sports club), then they all get dressed together and drink milk/formula/water/juice, and then go home to eat and sleep. It also fosters a desire for a certain discipline and order.


  1. Insufficient intensity. It is impossible to carry out training with full dedication from a physical point of view. Any mother in class is first and foremost a mother, and then a member of a fitness club, and her attention is not focused on correct execution exercises, but on where her child is and what he is doing. And any instructor will tell you that concentration and effort when performing an exercise are 80% of the result! In addition, the child may become capricious, tired, want to eat, drink, hug his mother, ask to go to the toilet, get carried away by a toy (including someone else’s), etc. - what kind of training is there for mom! And many exercises simply cannot be done with a child in your arms. And not everywhere there are such sterile, clean floors that a mother would agree to place her baby, especially if he is restless, on them with peace of mind (not to cover the entire floor with her diapers).
  2. The need to adapt to the training regime. Group fitness club training sessions usually take place at fixed times. Of course, no one will adapt to your child’s sleep, wakefulness and eating patterns. You will have to adjust with him. And if someone (mother or child) gets sick, the activity will most likely be lost. There are not many children whose daily routine is fine-tuned with an accuracy of at least half an hour; in addition, during the first months the routine is constantly changing.
  3. Unfamiliar surroundings. Especially in the case of rare classes, changing rooms or frequently changing people in the group. For most children, any new place combined with a large number strangers are a huge stress. Mom is the only “anchor” connecting the baby with “his”, “home”, familiar world. For older children, you can take your favorite toys. With very tiny kids, you definitely need to come before the first lesson, look around, meet the trainer, look at the pictures on the walls, listen to the music. This will help identify possible “irritants” and “sedatives”.

As you can see, there are a lot of nuances that a mother who wants to attend “mother and baby” fitness classes should take into account. However, there are others, alternative and no less effective options keep yourself in shape:

  1. Practice while the child is sleeping. Until 9-12 months, most children sleep consistently once at night and twice during the day. Moreover, each sleep is approximately 2 hours (than smaller child, the more he sleeps - both in the number of times and in the duration of one sleep). That is, a mother can calmly do fitness in the next room without waking up her sleeping son or daughter. At the same time, in 20-30 minutes you can do a full workout, work out problem areas, perform a couple of aerobic blocks to burn fat and increase endurance, and at the end stretch. Of course, the child may wake up during class, but in any case, the mother will be much less distracted than while awake and training in the gym! If you can’t do one long workout, you can break it into 2 short ones. Just don’t forget to do at least a short warm-up before each workout and a cool-down at the end. Believe me, your child has enough sleep for both your training and household chores, and even you will have enough time for sleep!
  2. Walking with a stroller is not “foot by foot”, but at a fairly fast pace (not running, but not crawling either) - this is a wonderful cardio session! While the baby is small, walk with him 1-2 times a day for 1.5-2 hours (depending on the weather and health). When children start walking, they want to ride in a stroller less and less. Therefore, you can walk with your legs a little, then put him in the stroller, ride for 30-40 minutes - explore a new park, a more distant playground or an amusement park - then walk with your legs there again, and then ride the stroller back. New impressions for the child, useful load for the mother!
  3. The children's playground is a real simulator! Mom can play hide and seek with her child, catch, climbers (on ladders, crossbars, ropes, nets), hopscotch, rubber bands, other mobile and interesting games on fresh air. Set an example for your son or daughter! Where else would a healthy sports generation come from if a “party” of mothers sits on a bench, smokes and drinks beer, while the children are left to their own devices on the playground next to this bench?!?!?!
  4. If you can leave your baby and work out alone at the fitness club, make your absence as gentle and quick as possible. Find a studio close to home, leave your child with someone close to him. You don’t have to sit at home with the baby; let dad or grandma take him for a walk while mom is in the hall. Try not to leave a sick child, as when unwell, children perceive separation from their mother more acutely. If you are breastfeeding (even when you are sure that the baby is full for another three hours), leave a bottle of expressed milk. It won’t leave you (on the contrary, it will come!), but everyone will feel calmer. And always stay in touch. Anytime difficult situation quit training and run to the baby!

This program is wonderful for several reasons. Firstly, all exercises can be done literally without letting go of the child. This means you don’t have to wonder who will look after him while you do crunches.

Secondly, you can start exercising (with the consent of the doctor observing you) just a month after giving birth. “I did exactly that myself,” says Svetlana Litvinova. — When my youngest daughter Alenka was only a few weeks old, I began to perform various turns, squats with her, lightly lifted her up, rocked her... All these movements are from everyday life. For a mother, the baby’s weight is a natural load, which, very fortunately, gradually increases as the woman grows. Therefore, even those who have had a caesarean section can join my program.”

Thirdly, such training strengthens the bond between mother and child and instills in him an interest in physical exercise. Each lesson lasts only 13 minutes, so your little one won't get bored. In addition, classes will be useful for muscles that need to be strengthened after childbirth - these are the abdominal muscles, hips and back.

"Fitness mom" video

Each lesson has its own value. This means that you can join the program at any time, and thanks to it you can constantly return to the activities you especially like.

“The result will be in any case,” says Svetlana. — You may not lose much weight, although most exercises are basic and energy-intensive. But you will definitely become more resilient, and your muscles will become toned. And then it will be easier for you to return to your regular workouts. This is exactly what my program, consisting of 15 lessons, is designed to do.”

"Fitness Mom" ​​watch online

In our fitness video library you will find video lessons of the program!


Did you know that your relationship with your parents, and especially with your mother, has a very strong influence on your entire life? And for your daily choice... From the style of clothes to your partner, even if you intentionally don’t want it... Even if you do everything completely differently from what your mother did, but contrary to it.

This is so because my mother and I were very, very close, and for a very, very long time, and were formed next to my mother. And our mothers were not fairies, but were young women who had a lot of things to do and not always a lot of energy to redo them. They were tired, angry, jealous, and dropped the child off at their mother’s to have fun with friends. Or worried strong feelings due to the loss of loved ones. And they didn't always care about us. And sometimes it’s not up to us at all.

Childhood is often a period of acquisition of psychological traumas that affect social adaptation and the formation of relationships with other people. Since the only truly close person for a child is his mother, she is most often the source of trauma.

Therefore, when we become adults and seem to make our own decisions in life, our parents invisibly remain nearby. And if the relationship with our parents is strained or perhaps broken, this does not mean that they have ceased to influence us.

We often hear that as soon as people begin to understand that the problems in relationships that exist in life are the result of “dislike” by their parents - moms or dads, then a wall begins to build in their relationship with them and outwardly this manifests itself in an outburst of aggression and accusations. “This woman has ruined my whole life and I won’t communicate with her” - this is also a way out, if you don’t want to, don’t communicate. And save yourself, and your life will be calm... minus the opportunities that you will not realize, having tried to change something in yourself. Not in mom, but in myself...

Our meeting in the format of system family constellations is aimed at restoring and improving the relationship between you and your parents. We will practice connecting and contacting your moms and dads as members of the same family system. You will be able to feel your place in the “mom-dad-me” system and understand what needs to be done to make your place the right, warmer place where you feel like a loved child.

It is useful to take part in the training-practice “Mom, I am your child!” topics:

  • who does not have good relationships with the opposite sex
  • whose relationship with their parents (or one of them) can be called strained or “difficult”
  • who feels claims and grievances against their parents (or one of them)
  • who already understands that the cause of emerging or existing problems in life is relationships with parents
  • who wants to start a family, but it just doesn’t work out
  • who sees that relationships with children leave much to be desired, but it is “impossible” to influence this
  • who knows what influences us birth programs and wants to take his place in the system in order to eliminate negative impact these programs

What will you get as a result of work?

  • You will be able to see and feel your place in the system.
  • You will be able to see your “real” parents and begin to “move” towards a harmonious relationship with them.
  • You will understand in which direction to develop to build harmonious relationships with partners.

Since the training involves group work, we will not be able to do deep constellation work personally with your problem related to parents - for this you need to come to Arrangements of client requests. But the seminar is an excellent preparation for further deep immersion into the topic and launches internal transformation processes, which in any case you will be able to notice in your real life and you may not need to go any deeper. Although experienced constellations can confirm that relationships with mom or dad are such a deep topic that you can work with it for years. And this doesn’t mean that there is no point in starting. Every psychotherapeutic work with parents produces results, but our “problems” have a layered structure, which means that each work removes only a certain layer. Sometimes this one layer is enough for you, sometimes you need to “eliminate” several layers so that the “problem” stops bothering you.

How does the training practice work?

Start at 11:00 , ending at approximately 20:00 , there is a lunch break. Meals are not included in the entry fee, so please ensure you have cash to order food.

The number of participants is limited, so only prepayment guarantees your place at the practical training.

During the training we will do several practical exercises and diagnostic work using the method system arrangements and metaphorical cards!


All seminar participants receive 15% discount to conduct Client request arrangements associated with mom or dad.

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