Quotes winter new year. Beautiful statuses about winter

In winter, the line between night and day is blurred. What does winter smell like?... Miracle!.. After all, everything about it is fabulous! February is the shortest month, but due to the terrible cold it seems the longest. Winter is the time when fur coats take their owners for walks. Fear in the soul, eyes on the forehead. I'm walking on ice in heels! Winter is the time of nature's lethargic sleep.

Winter strikes at the heart of all life, animate and inanimate. If not artificial lights fun, if not for the bustle created by the thirst for life, and the mad pursuit of merchants' profits... from him.

A wonderful time - winter. Frosty, cruel, but magical. Winter was created in white colors for this reason, so that you could start your life with white sheet. Winter turns water falling from the sky and people's hearts into stone.

Winter is loved by those who have warm, stylish clothes for it!

I hate winter. It starts too early and ends too late.

The closer winter gets, the more we look like our passport photo.

Since childhood, I have experienced a kind of excitement in front of a fresh cover of snow... It’s like you’re entering some kind of new world, and the joy of discovery, the first contact with something pure, untouched, undefiled, permeates you all.

I love winter because in winter you can stay at home without feeling guilty.

Winter is the time when fur coats take their owners for walks.

Fear is autumn. Despair is winter. Longing - New Year.

Winter! My knees and teeth were chattering joyfully!

Winter is nature's fast.

If you spread condensed milk on the roof in the fall, then in the spring there will be delicious icicles.

Winter is an honest time of year.

Listen to the music of the snow, throw your soul up and freeze.

We only have two seasons in England - winter and winter.

Winter is the time when you wait for summer, but at the same time you are incredibly happy about the snowfall.

You raise your head to the sky, and the clouds sprinkle the world with sweet vanilla sugar.

Winter turns water falling from the sky and people's hearts into stone.

Look for your loved ones - the winter is too cold ahead.

And how little children rejoice at snowflakes, run after them, catch them.

The city lies in darkness... It's winter again...

What does winter smell like?... Miracle. After all, everything about it is fabulous.

Oh, how frosty it is in January, When there are amenities in the yard!

Russian winter is when it is warmer in the refrigerator than outside.

If troubles are not perceived as troubles, then there are no troubles. And winter is not a problem.

Winter has come, winter has gone, and summer is summer!

Winter is created in white colors for this reason, to start your life from scratch.

Snow... it manages to fly even into dreams... even into summer, because for some reason I never dream of winter.

Winter has come! Pedestrians wear warm underpants, while others wear studded tires.

And I hid, almost not breathing... Ah, winter's tale how good you are!

I will sing you songs about people without a bottom, About those in whom spring lives in the cold winter.

And if you look up at the falling snowflakes, it seems as if you are flying somewhere far, far away...

I told this hunter: buy yourself felt boots! And what did he do: he went and bought sneakers - they say they are more beautiful. - He did this without thinking. Even our students don’t wear sneakers in winter. and I walk and I walk...

Hello winter! A sparkling miracle! The flight of weightless snowflakes is like the feathers of an angel’s wing...

Mentally change winter to spring and fall in love.

No matter how much you sit under an apple tree in winter, you will not discover the law of gravity.

The winter snow has melted. Even the faces of the stars lit up with joy.

And the snowflakes come to kiss...

The issue includes statements about the cold and quotes about winter that are beautiful and meaningful:
  • I love winter because in winter you can stay at home without feeling guilty. Skelton Teresa
  • In essence, winter has just begun, the snow will remain for another four months, and Moscow is already tired of winter. novel Shirt. Evgeniy Valerievich Grishkovets
  • The closer winter gets, the more we look like our passport photo. Wanda Blonska
  • Following cold winter sunny spring always comes; Only this law should be remembered in life, and the opposite one should be forgotten. Leonid Soloviev
  • Tryn grass grows even in winter. Don Aminado
  • They say that it gets so cold here in winter that laughter freezes in the throat and chokes a person to death. movie "Game of Thrones"
  • Fear is autumn. Despair is winter. Longing - New Year. Martha Ketro
  • The city lies in darkness... It's winter again... Spleen
  • It manages to fly into snow even in dreams even in summer, because for some reason I never dream about winter. Olga Gromyko

  • For a fool, old age is a burden, for an ignoramus it is winter, and for a man of science it is a golden harvest. Voltaire
  • While someone is licking his thoroughbred with an abomination and is enraged by own principles And winter wants me for my incorrigible offense.
  • Winter is an honest time of year. Joseph Brodsky
  • Oh, how frosty it is in January, When there are amenities in the yard!... Vladimir Vishnevsky
  • Winter on Berk lasts almost the whole year, she holds on with both hands and does not let go. And the only salvation from the cold are those whom you hold near your heart. movie "How to Train Your Dragon"
  • Enjoy the summer of your life - winter always follows. — Return to Eden. Harry Harrison
  • Winter turns water falling from the sky and people's hearts into stone. Victor Hugo
  • Mentally change winter to spring and fall in love. Elchin Safarli

  • Winter also brings lazy winds that have no idea why they should go around human bodies when they can go right through them. Terry Prattchet
  • When there is severe frost, people become warmer to each other. M. Zhvanetsky
  • Winter! October triumphs... Stas Yankovsky
  • And winter frightens me, because winter is a time of comfort. Arthur Rimbaud
  • Winter is cold for those who do not have warm memories. film "An Unforgettable Romance"
  • Anyone who has spent a winter in Finland will understand the origins of widespread drunkenness. Linus Torvalds
  • Winter kills life on earth, but spring comes and all living things will be born again. But it was difficult to believe, looking at the ashes of the recently living city, that spring would someday come for it. E. Dvoretskaya
  • You can love winter and carry the warmth within you, or you can prefer summer while remaining a shard of ice. S. Lukyanenko ( Smart Quotes about winter and the human soul...)
  • Winter awakens the appetite. While there is snow on the streets, chocolate cake - best medicine. Erich Maria Remarque
  • I hate winter. It starts too early and ends too late. Melinda Sordino
  • Winter is nature's fast. Muravyova Olga
  • Autumn is better than winter, spring is better than autumn, and summer is better than autumn, winter and spring combined. Baurzhan Toyshibekov
  • If troubles are not perceived as troubles, then there are no troubles. And winter is not a problem. Oksana Robski
  • I quite like the coolness and tranquility. It’s just that in winter the coolness turns out to be a bit too much. Watari Wataru
  • A wonderful time is winter. Frosty, cruel, but magical. Winter is created in white colors for this reason, so that you can start your life with a white slate. Winter turns water falling from the sky and people's hearts into stone. Victor Hugo
  • The winter snow has melted. Even the faces of the stars lit up with joy. Kobayashi Issa
  • Bare branches, seemingly dormant in winter, are secretly working, preparing for their spring. Jalaleddin Rumi
  • Warmth is no better than cold, and vice versa. To grow flowers better warmth Cold weather is better for skating! Oleg Roy - quotes about cold and warmth
  • I told this hunter: buy yourself felt boots! And what did he do: he went and bought sneakers - they say they are more beautiful. - He did this without thinking. Even our students don’t wear sneakers in winter. and I walk and I walk... Winter in Prostokvashino

Winter is a charming time of the year, bewitchingly pure nature, shrouded in snow-white clothes. This is the time that children and adults love because it is the embodiment of something new. What can we say about the upcoming holidays, festivities and fun. At this time, quotes about winter are in great demand.

There are many categories of different sayings, after studying which you can identify for yourself those that have sunk into your soul. At this time of year you can enjoy not only the changes in nature, but also the aphorisms beautiful sayings and interesting quotes.

Aphorisms about winter

Winter is the favorite time of year for most poets, who created aphorisms and sayings that are loved by the people and are popular to this day. This is not surprising, because the transformed nature leaves few people indifferent, and what else will help express emotions and feelings if not the aphorisms of great poets.

In addition to sayings, there are beautiful quotes in the form of short poems that will sink into the soul upon first reading and provide a fabulous mood.

Winter Quotes

Very soon, quotes related to winter themes will become relevant, because in a matter of days, we will be able to enjoy a wonderful time. Despite the fact that you now need to dress warmer, and the time spent walking in the park will be reduced, the first snow will smooth it all out.

Many sayings are devoted to this phenomenon. Every person rejoices at the first fluffy snowflakes that fall onto the palm of their hand and immediately melt from its warmth.

Aphorisms dedicated to the coldest time of the year are inspiration for something warm and soulful. The reason for this is that winter is a time at home, which can be usefully spent with family and friends.

Friendly meetings become warmer in winter. Therefore, there are many sayings with which you can convey this emotional mood. And very soon these statements will appear on the pages of the majority of active users social networks.

Beautiful aphorisms, reflections on beauty this winter will become more relevant than ever. Wrapping up in a warm blanket, with a cup of aromatic tea, while away the evenings in spiritual company, it is divinely wonderful.

Funny winter sayings

Aphorisms on the theme of winter can be not only beautiful, but also funny, because this is the time for sledding, skiing, and skating. All people, without exception, will be happy with these activities, so the bulk of the statements are devoted to such active pastime.

Beautiful sayings are dedicated to the celebration, which has long become a symbol of new life. People prepare especially carefully for this holiday because they believe in its magic. Many sayings are dedicated to anticipation of something, because every person has certain plans, and certainly believes that they are destined to come true in the coming year.

Holiday festivities, active recreation- this is why it is impossible not to love winter, as well as because it allows you to plunge into the world of magic.

You can talk about this time of year endlessly, just as you can describe it in quotes, revise the statements of great poets about this wonderful time. Among the variety of lines, each person will be able to find exactly those words that are more consistent with his condition and perception of winter.

Very soon you will be able to enjoy not only the first snow, but also winter evenings in the company of family, warmth and crackling coming from the fireplace, but also beautiful winter quotes, which will lift your spirits, make you feel sad for a second, think about the beautiful and smile.

Winter is a wonderful time of year when everyone begins to believe in miracles. The snow queen descends to the ground and everything around resembles a fairy tale. Everything is wonderful this time of year! Even severe frosts, and those are good, because they are the ones who teach you to love and appreciate the warmth and comfort of your home. And what are winter activities worth?! Sledding, skating, skiing, snowball fights...

You don’t need to think long about how to have fun: you can just go out into the yard and build a snowman with your friends or play in the snow. Moreover, not only children, but also adults love such entertainment. You can often see how inspired uncles and aunties roll a block of snow around the entire yard to make a huge snow woman for their children. Winter fun reminds them of pleasant times, and this is what helps them abstract from adult problems and return to distant, carefree childhood.

It's also holiday time. Literally from the first days of December, everyone begins to stock up on gifts and look forward to the New Year's bustle. Holidays are a great occasion to visit family and friends, and visit friends.

Those who met in winter have the longest relationships. If he liked you in a thick sweater, an awkward down jacket, a stupid hat and a red nose - that's love!

Winter is created in white colors for this reason, so that you can start your life with a white sheet of paper.

Dear Grandfather Frost, please put a piece of happiness under my Christmas tree for the New Year, I beg you.

Winter is cold for those who do not have warm memories.

I remember those times when snow in December was the norm, not a miracle.

Winter - best time to return to childhood. When it snows we feel like kids again

Survive three months of winter and receive the fourth as a gift!

Cheer yourself up on a dull, gray winter Friday - write a vacation application with multi-colored felt-tip pens

Winter! My knees and teeth were chattering joyfully!

Winter... even though you are often so cold... but still even those to whom you bring cold and sadness are not offended, because you are so beautiful - all white and snowy...

On a cold winter day, true happiness will knock on your door. And your heart will melt from his love.

Winter without tangerines is like summer without ice cream

Winter smells like tangerines, vanilla and hot chocolate.

What does winter smell like? - Miracle! After all, everything about it is fabulous!

And I hid, almost not breathing... Oh, winter's fairy tale, how good you are!

Funny and cool quotes

There is ice and trenches on the street again... people, take care of your cars and butts...

Soon on all the streets of the country: He fell on his knees in front of me and said: Damn, it’s slippery!!!

New Year's Eve good husband decorates the Christmas tree, and a very good one decorates his wife!

Rumor has it that the Snowman is the illegitimate son of Santa Claus

She quietly took my hand. Loves - I thought... Ice - she thought...

To the request of the traffic police, if possible, not to drive on the roads in the snow, only utility services responded...

When Napoleon came to Moscow, there was no one in the city. Hah, what did he want - it’s winter, everyone is in Egypt!

This is awesome... When, after twenty degrees of frost, you go out to -10 and think: “Mmm, it’s warm today”!!

If you didn’t try to lick a sled in winter, didn’t eat ice cream made from snow, didn’t walk home from school through snowdrifts, didn’t ride down the hill on a briefcase, didn’t hide your pants with pieces of frozen ice under the bathtub - you didn’t have a childhood!

Students have two signs: the snow has fallen - the session is coming, the snow has melted - the session is coming. Conclusion: the snow is to blame for everything.

On the slippery porch, the number of cultured people decreases sharply.

Winter is when you stop walking like a woman... and start walking like a penguin

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Darling, am I a bunny or a bird?

Winter fitness: by the time I got to the store... 5 longitudinal splits... 10 transverse... side bends... squats... obstacle course... Eh, the body is invigorated!!!

40% of women like winter, and 60% - not so much. The same survey showed that 40% of women have a fur coat, and 60% do not.

Winter has come, it has become cold...

Winter won't end until everyone throws out their Christmas trees!

Beautiful quotes

Winter turns water falling from the sky and people's hearts into stone. (V. Hugo)

Winter is not a symbolic time when the voices fade and the lights that usually show me the way go out. In winter I am confused, I live as if with my face buried in the wall and my fingers plugged into my ears. (M. Tournier)

Winter awakens the appetite. While there is snow on the streets, chocolate cake is the best medicine. (Erich Maria Remarque)

If there are no flowers in the middle of winter, there is no need to be sad about them. (S. Yesenin)

I love winter because in winter you can stay at home without feeling guilty. (Teresa Skelton)

Winter is an honest time of year. (I. Brodsky)

There is something treacherous about winter... (V. Hugo)

Contrary to appearances, winter is the time of hope. ( GilbertSesbron)

And winter frightens me, because winter is a time of comfort. (A. Rimbaud)

You can love winter and carry the warmth within you, or you can prefer summer while remaining a shard of ice. (S. Lukyanenko)

The beauty of spring is experienced only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs. (G. Heine)

The face of winter: poetic quotes

I love... when winter comes
And the white soft snow is spinning.
All worries leave the soul,
I believe... there will be no more troubles
I love... when snowflakes are on your palm,
Delicate... like an angel's feather,
Hope returns to the heart,
My soul becomes light...

Of course, this winter cold will pass,
But time will leave traces...
After all, believe me, the main thing is not the time of year:
And so that winter ends inside...

The sorceress winter is coming.
Came, crumbled, in shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees;
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills.
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter. (A. Pushkin)

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.

Came, crumbled, in shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees;
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills.
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter. (A. Pushkin)

Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.
And he stands, bewitched, -
Not dead and not alive -
Enchanted by a magical dream,
All entangled, all shackled
Light chain down...
Is the winter sun shining
On him your ray with a scythe -
Nothing will tremble in him,
It will all flare up and sparkle
Dazzling beauty. (F. Tyutchev)

Let there be snow, frost and blizzard,
Blizzard, snowdrifts, ice.
Don't forget to keep each other warm
When winter gets warm...
What comes from the soul, from the heart,
Smile, tenderness and kindness.
In winter we need every day,
To keep you warm.

Phrases about snow

Listen to the music of the snow, throw your soul up and freeze.

And if you look up at the falling snowflakes, it seems as if you are flying somewhere far, far away...

Snow doesn’t fall - it soars, rises higher and higher and shines, it shines and sings so beautifully, it’s a pity no one hears...

The first snow in the early morning makes you believe in a fairy tale.

Hooray! Snow has piled up, now every man can fashion the woman he wants... from 90-60-90 to 120-120-120...

Snow is falling, spinning in the sky, in the rhythm of a wonderful waltz, as if it invites everyone to a whirlwind of snow-white dance

Well, there's a lot of snow! This is the fourth time I’ve dug up my car, and it’s still not mine...

Last year there was very little snow. This winter, apparently, decided to correct the omission and produce snow in two years at once.

You raise your head to the sky...the clouds sprinkle the world with vanilla sugar...

The snow falls quietly in the palm of your hand and melts... you are far away now, I miss you... how I would like to turn into this snow and slowly lie down in your arms...

Winter is when you walk down the street and snowflakes come kissing you! I come home all kissed...

About winter and love

The first snow is like first love: it will most likely melt, but a fairy tale begins with it.

Let everyone have a fabulously beautiful winter, in the arms of a loved one!!!

Winter.. It makes meetings shorter, loneliness more noticeable.. But it makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love.. Love does not depend on the season...

Winter is a time of year that physically repels, but mentally attracts. These are the days when the whole world seems to fall asleep.

And at this time, an unknown, attractive and alluring snow life begins to awaken around us. Everything around is reminiscent of an unreal fairy tale that you want to believe.

Quotes about winter from Russian poets

In those days when the world is ruled by the snowy elements, poets take up their work - to create. They breathe in the frosty air, drawing inspiration from everything that surrounds them.

"But winters are sometimes cold
The ride is pleasant and easy.
Like a verse without a thought in a fashionable song,
The winter road is smooth."

A.S. Pushkin

"And to the white dead kingdom,
To the one who mentally made me tremble,
I quietly whisper: “Thank you,
You give more than they ask."


"Snowflakes are the salamanders of the sky."

M.I. Tsvetaeva

"But our northern summer,
Caricature of southern winters."

A.S. Pushkin

"That's how we will bloom too
And let’s make some noise like guests of the garden...
If there are no flowers in the middle of winter,
So there is no need to be sad about them."

S.A. Yesenin

Quotes about winter from Russian writers

In moments when all living things plunged into a winter sleep, writers enjoyed peace and quiet. Winter euphoria is an indescribable feeling. Goosebumps run all over your body, frost pierces you from the inside, and there are no thoughts in your head. There is nothing in my head except the songs of the muse.

"Winter is an honest season."

I.A. Brodsky

“You can love winter and carry the warmth within you, you can prefer summer while remaining a shard of ice.”

S. Lukyanenko

“Winter kills life on earth, but spring comes, and all living things will be born again. But it was difficult to believe, looking at the ashes of a recently living city, that spring would someday come for it.”

E. Dvoretskaya

"When there is severe frost, people become warmer to each other."

M. Zhvanetsky

“If you don’t perceive troubles as troubles, then there are no troubles. And winter is not a problem.”


Quotes about winter from foreign writers

Perhaps not all writers have seen a real winter - Russian. Not everyone was able to experience the Siberian frosts. Therefore, the views of wordsmiths at this time of year often differed. And yet each of them managed to convey their winter mood.

“Winter also brings lazy winds that don’t know why they should go around human bodies when they can go right through them.”

Terry Prattchet

“I quite like the coolness and tranquility. It’s just that in winter the coolness turns out to be a bit too much.”

Watari Wataru

“You see... so many different things happen only in winter, and not in summer, and not in autumn, and not in spring. In winter, all the worst, most amazing things happen...”

Tove Jansson

"There is something treacherous about winter."

V. Hugo

“For a fool, old age is a burden, for an ignoramus it is winter, and for a man of science it is a golden harvest.”


Quotes about winter from movies

We can't always see white snowdrifts outside the window or experience snowfall on New Year's Eve. But films will always help us with this.

“It’s cold in winter for those who don’t have warm memories.”

From the movie "An Unforgettable Romance"

“Winter on Berk lasts almost the whole year, it holds on with both hands and does not let go. And the only salvation from the cold are those whom you hold close to your heart.”

From the movie "How to Train Your Dragon"

“They say that in winter it gets so cold here that laughter freezes in the throat and chokes a person to death.”

From the movie "Game of Thrones"

"Winter is very long, isn't it?
“It seems long, but it won’t last forever.”

From the cartoon "Bambi"

Quotes about winter from contemporaries

Why not write if you want. Especially in a fairytale winter time. Create at any cost.

“Warmth is no better than cold, and vice versa. Warm is better for growing flowers; cold is better for skating!”

Oleg Roy

“Following a cold winter, a sunny spring always comes; only this law should be remembered in life, and it is preferable to forget the opposite.”

Leonid Soloviev

“An accurate forecast promises: perhaps there will be sunshine and even spring.
But for some reason my soul is uneasy - maybe I’m just tired of believing.”

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