The most unusual houses in the world (17 photos). The most unusual houses in the world that anyone can stay in

Although the main plot assumption of the classic film comedy “The Irony of Fate”, where in different cities there were identical streets with the same names and houses, and the keys went to apartments with the same numbers, somewhat exaggeratedly conveyed trends in urban planning, their very essence was reflected very accurately. Unification and standardization provide a good economic effect, but many people strive for originality. The service offers exactly these dissimilar original houses. On the website it is very convenient to choose your dream home by selecting required quantity rooms, roof type, number of cars in the garage and other parameters. Today I’ll tell you about houses that surprise the thoughts of human imagination.

Tree house.

A very popular solution in children's games, repeatedly played out in various television and films (you can recall, for example, the series " The Lost World"). However, adults often actually set up a tree house, including in order to live there. True, such houses are usually located at a relatively low altitude. And the record for the “highest height” of a tree house belongs to a now defunct dwelling built by a group of conservationists on the island of Tasmania in 2004. They built this house in the branches of a tree at an altitude of about 200 feet (65 - 70 m) from the ground and lived in it for almost six months, hoping in this way to attract public attention to the problems associated with massive deforestation in Australia.

"Dancing" house

One of the very popular attractions of the historical district of Prague has become the recently erected so-called. "Dancing House" This building consists of two towers cylindrical, and one of them is curved in such a way that it seems to an outside observer that the house has started dancing. This structure is recognized as one of the masterpieces and most original solutions architectural movement of “deconstructivism”.

transparent house

A house with transparent walls was built in Japan according to the design of the famous architect Su. Fujimoto. The building is small, its total area is 55 square meters. m. Separate rooms are located on platforms of different heights.

Sutyagin's house

For example, unfortunately, the thirteen-story wooden “Sutyagin House” in Arkhangelsk is unfinished. Only “traditional” technologies were used in the construction of this house. However, the construction remained unfinished because the owner of the house was prosecuted and, after serving his sentence, no longer had sufficient funds to complete the project.

Now this house remains only in memories and photographic documents. First, in 2008, by court decision, all floors above the 4th were dismantled, and the remains of the building were destroyed by fire in 2012.

House - cactus

Autumn is beautiful and original house is a true decoration of the Dutch port city of Rotterdam. This is one of the greenest high-rise buildings on the planet. Abundance open terraces gives it an external resemblance to a cactus, hence the name.

The 19-story “Cactus House” is a completely functional residential building. People live in its 98 apartments. Another feature of the exterior of this house is the semicircular balconies that form, as it were, the steps of a huge spiral staircase.

Complex in the style of "brutalism"

In Montreal, according to the design of M. Safdie, a residential complex was built, consisting of 354 cubic elements made of concrete, piled one on top of the other without any apparent order. However, in this jumbled area there are 146 apartments that are quite suitable for living.

"House of the Flintstones"

The animated series "The Flintstones" takes place in the prehistoric period, when people lived in caves. It was in this style that the American TV presenter D. Clark ordered his house. The structure was erected in Malibu on the Pacific Coast. The architects managed to provide coziness and a sufficient level of comfort for the residents of this house, while strictly maintaining the interior style corresponding to the cave of primitive people. The house is now for sale. The owner intends to receive $3.5 million for it.

We are all accustomed to feeling comfortable and protected at home. It’s hard to say that, being in the rooms presented in this article, you can think that you are completely safe. And in general, I wonder how these architectural “creatures” have not collapsed yet? Their creators are clearly talented people!

If you like to tickle your nerves, then go to any of the buildings in our selection today - you are guaranteed a thrill!

1. Holman House, Australia

Its creator was clearly inspired by the works of Pablo Picasso. Block Jaggers swimming above the sea.

2. Meteora Monasteries, Greece

In Greek, "meteora" means "suspended in the air." It is impossible to think of another name for this breathtaking monastic dwelling!

The monastery was founded in the 11th century and was built on top of a sandstone tower without roads, amenities or any technology. By the way, they still live there to this day.

3. The HemLoft, Canada

Looking almost like a dew drop, this secret hideout hangs (somewhat illegally) on steep slope in a tall stand of hemlocks in Whistler.

4. Castellfollit de la Roca, Catalonia

The building is located on a narrow basalt rock between the Fluvià and Toronell rivers. The emergence of the village is dated closer to the Middle Ages. Approximately 1,000 residents still live there, occupying an area of ​​less than a square kilometer.

5. Cliff House, Calpe, Spain

The residence project belongs to the architect Fran Silvestre. This private lodge overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. It was built in a year using reinforced concrete slabs.

6. The Hanging Houses, Spain

Cuenca's Hanging Houses (Casas Colgadas) were built on a cliff overlooking the Huécar River over 500 years ago.

As you can see, standing on the railings of some of these wooden balconies, you can literally feel in the air.

7. Sky High Treehouse, France

The structure is delicately balanced on a forty-meter pine tree. Your heart will race as you climb the stairs, but the scenery of nearby Lake Geneva is worth the thrill.

8. River House, Serbia

This small house on a rocky island in the middle of the Drina River, a group of boys built it in 1968 as their own club.

The structure is currently owned and used by the Bajina Basta Kayak Club.

9. Fallingwater, Pennsylvania

10. Stahl House, Hollywood Hills

In 1959, Buck Stahl bought a property on a mountain overlooking Los Angeles for less than $14,000. He built his home out of glass so he could look out onto the panoramic views of the city below.

It took a while to find a smart enough architect. As a result, the house created by Pierre Koenig became a real miracle of design!

11. Villa Amanzi, Phuket, Thailand

This impressive house located in a narrow gorge overlooking the azure sea. There, in the open pavilion, you can get an amazing massage.

12. Monte Rosa Hut, Swiss Alps, Switzerland

This building, which looks like a ship, was designed specifically for climbers going to the top of the glacier.

Resembling a shimmering ice crystal, the hut generates 90% of its energy from photovoltaics. solar panels and solar thermal systems.

13. Socotra Island, Indian Ocean

This place resembles another planet. The city is simply dizzying because it is built on top of a coastal cliff.

The houses seem to be part of the rock, and are compressed so that there is no road between them.

14. Takasugi-an Teahouse, Japan

There is nothing fictitious here. This is a modern design by the architect Terunobu Fujimori.

This structure was erected on the tops of two chestnut trees carved from a nearby mountain. It is called "Takasugi", which means "tea house built too high". Perfection!

15. Fallen Star, San Diego

Yes, you are not mistaken, it really hangs from the side of the University in San Diego. This is a technical sculpture built as an addition to the Stuart Collection school.

Fallen Star is fully furnished.

16. Upside Down House, Poland

If the hanging building isn't enough for you, there's another one that's completely upside down. The hut was built by Polish businessman Daniel Czapiewski in the village of Szymbark. It is intended to show the communist era and the chaotic structure of the world.

17. Mirrorcube, Sweden

Honestly, you wouldn't even be able to tell this cube apart from the surrounding foliage.

It can only be reached by a 12-meter bridge. Those brave souls who travel to the Mirrorcube are rewarded with a double bed, bath and rooftop terrace.

18. “Just Enough Room” Island, Canada

It is located in an archipelago of islands on the border with the United States. Now you understand why it is called “enough space”.

19. Xuankong Temple, China

Presumably, one person built this temple one and a half thousand years ago. It still hangs above the river bed at an altitude of about 90 meters.

20. Balancing Barn, Suffolk

This is a very clever English creation, created using optical illusion.

21. UFO, Sweden

This fantasy hanging in the trees comes from the same group of minds that created Mirrorcube. Visitors must be prepared to enter unknown worlds... at least in their dreams!

22. HP Tree House, Australia

This magnificent structure rises above the forest with a galvanized steel frame.

23. Nut House, Dusseldorf

This nut-shaped house is supported by stilts. It is used as a playroom for the owner's three children and an occasional guest room.

For some, home is comfort, relaxation and peace, for others it is a place where you can sleep and gain strength after working day. Each home has its own individual character, reflecting the personality of the owner, but in essence it is just four walls and a ceiling. And only a few houses in the world are truly unique. But still, there is one important similarity even between all these houses - coziness, comfort, warmth and freshness, and all this is provided by ready-made ventilation systems for houses and apartments. Below we will talk about the most interesting of the unique houses.

Tower house

In Belgium there is a town called Stenokerzel. One of its attractions is a house in an abandoned water tower. Patrick Metsu built it for himself, thus fulfilling his long-time dream. He purchased the tower for more than $40,000 and, keeping the layout, equipped it for housing. The height of the tower is approximately 30 m and consists of six floors.


In 1998, a house resembling a hobbit hole appeared in Wales. Partially – two side walls and roof - the structure is located underground. The house does not stand out from the surrounding landscape at all, and inside it is modern and comfortable. Malator was built on the site of an old army barracks.

narrow house

The capital of Poland has the most narrow house in the world. Its width is only one and a half meters. It is located in the gap between two buildings. Architect Jacob Szczesny built the house for his friend, a writer from Israel, who comes to Warsaw for a few days every year. Two-story house on the side it has the shape of a triangle, inside there is everything you need for a comfortable life.

Round house in the forest

Many children dream of a tree house. Over time, these dreams are forgotten. But not everyone. Tom Chudley from Canada did not just build a house in the middle of the forest, but founded an entire company dedicated to the construction of “Free Spirit Spheres”. Among his projects there is even a spherical hotel located on a tree in the forest. It consists of only four rooms in which you can quite well settle down.

Skateboarder's housing

Frenchman Pierre Andre Senizerg is so passionate about skateboarding that he even made it part of his home in Malibu. Together with an architect and designer, he created a house combined with a training ramp. The project was first presented at an exhibition in Paris and then erected in California.

transparent house

An eccentric couple from Tokyo decided to build themselves a completely transparent house. Inside there are many small platforms connected by stairs. According to the architects, this unusual solution should imitate life on a tree. If desired, transparent walls can be covered with curtains.

Cardboard house

The favorite material of Japanese architect Shigeru Bana is cardboard. When constructing all his projects, he uses cardboard pipes protected from fire and water by a polyurethane layer. Shigeru erected various structures in many countries of the world, including Russia. Among his projects there is even a bridge that can support a weight of more than 1 ton. In 2104, the architect received the prestigious Pritzker Prize.

House made of glass

The outstanding architect Philip Johnson in 1946 built for the first time in the world glass house. This project is also considered great because in the middle of the last century the arsenal building materials and instruments differed significantly from modern ones. Now this house is used as a museum and warm time year is open to everyone.


In 1960, John Launter built a house-alien ship in Los Angeles. The structure, with huge windows on all sides, is octagon-shaped and sits on top of a steep hill. From the inside, the house seems to float above the ground. Outwardly, it very much resembles a UFO. The Chemosphere was abandoned for some time and was in poor condition, but beginning of XXI V. it was restored. Now the building belongs to 10 the best houses cities.


Frank Lloyd Wright built one of the most outstanding houses in the history of architecture in 1937. It fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape. When building the house, all the features of the relief and landscape were taken into account: boulders, trees, waterfall. In just a year, the architect managed to build a house that seems to contradict all the laws of physics, but at the same time is completely reliable.

The most unusual houses the world amazes with its forms, bright design, internal layout and even the material from which they are made. Human imagination, with the help of which unique masterpieces are created, has no boundaries.

The top 10 includes the most unusual houses in the world, photos and descriptions of which are located below.

"Crooked House" - outside view

10."Crooked House"(Sopot, Poland) reveals the 10 most unusual houses in the world. When looking at the building, one gets the impression that the contours of the structure have been melted. The optical illusion of deception was realized by two Polish architects at once - Shotinski and Zalewski.

"Crooked House" - interior interior

Absolutely all the details of the building are asymmetrical, and the walls resemble waves. The Crooked House was built for commercial purposes and is currently used as a shopping center.

Shell House - outside view

9."Shell House"(Isla Mujeres, Mexico) is a fantastic piece of architecture that was designed by Eduardo Ocampo. Every detail of the interior is made here in nautical style, and the building itself reflects the natural beauty of nature. It took about four thousand shells to decorate the snow-white building. The owner of the shell house is the artist Octavio Ocampo, brother of Eduardo.

Shell house - interior

The work of art is rented out, and anyone can relax here, enjoying not only the interior of the home, but also the picturesque views around.

Hobbit's house - outside view

8."The Hobbit House"(Wales, UK) - a fabulous architectural structure by Simon Dale, which is an environmentally friendly home with low energy consumption.

Hobbit's house - interior

The main materials for construction were stone, oak wood, clay and earth. The house was built over the course of 4 months by Dale and his friends. The author of this creation settled in an earthen house with his family.

Cube houses - outside view

7. Cube houses(Rotterdam, Netherlands) are the most unusual among all the works of architect Piet Blom. According to the idea of ​​the Dutch architect, each of the buildings should look like a tree. There are a total of 38 such trees in the complex, which collectively resembles a small forest of houses.

Interior of Cube House

There are practically no straight walls in the room. It is noteworthy that the residents who originally settled here believe classic houses with straight walls, very strange.

Boot Hotel - outside view

6.Hotel-boot(Mpumalanga, South Africa) - the most unusual house in Africa. Its author and owner was Ron Van Zyl, who rebuilt the magnificent building for his wife.

Hotel-boot - interior

Currently, the remarkable architecture serves as a museum where the works of the author of the shoe house are exhibited. Inside is a seven-room cave, which Ron Van Zyl calls "Alpha Omega". One of the cave rooms is a chapel where weddings are held.

Mushroom house - outside view

5. The list of the most original houses in the world rightfully includes "Mushroom House"(Cincinnati, Ohio, USA), built according to the design of Professor Terry Brown by students of the architectural institute.

Mushroom house - interior

In 1992, the architect purchased an ordinary residential building and decided to remodel it in his own way. Brown wanted to create something unusual, and he succeeded quite well. It took approximately 14 years to rebuild. The material for the reconstruction was wood, and broken ceramics, colored glass and tiles were used as decor. self made.

Flintstones house - outside view

4.Flintstones Mansion(Malibu, USA) takes fourth place in the ranking of the most unusual houses in the world. The unique building inside and outside looks like a cave with elements modern decor.

Flintstones house - interior

In 2013, the house was put up for sale. The announced price for it was $3.5 million.

Stone House - outside view

3. " House-stone"(Fafe, Portugal) is one of the most eccentric buildings. It is located near the city of Fafe, in a mountainous area. Giant stones covered with moss serve as the walls of an unusual dwelling.

House-stone - interior

Due to the fact that the building became the object of attention of numerous tourists, the residents were forced to move from the stone house.

Madhouse - facade

2."Madhouse" or the Hang Nga Hotel (Dalat, Vietnam) - one of the most unusual creations created by man. The author of the construction work was the Vietnamese female architect Dang Viet Nga. The building, made in the expressionist style, is an echo of the creations of the Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi. The design completely lacks any straight lines, and the structure itself resembles a huge tree decorated with multiple decorations. Yours unusual name The house got its name because the first visitors exclaimed: “Crazy house!” Indeed, the building is eccentric to the point of madness.

Crazy House - Interior

Each hotel room is different from the other and has its own theme. The Vietnamese do not really like this building for its non-standard nature, but tourists are happy to visit the hotel-attraction. Dang Viet Nga herself decided to stay and live in her creation, so visitors have a unique opportunity to personally meet the creator of the “Madhouse”.

House Mila - facade

1."House Mila" or “Stone Cave” (Barcelona, ​​Spain) - the most unusual house in the world, owned by the legendary architect, Antoni Gaudi. This is the last completed masterpiece by the brilliant architect. The uniqueness of the building lies in the complete absence of symmetry and load-bearing walls. The house is supported by columns, and many of the walls are movable, allowing for redevelopment at any time.

House Mila - interior

But that’s not all that the building can surprise you with: it is provided natural ventilation, thanks to the unusual layout patios. Even in the hottest weather, the rooms do not need air conditioning.

House Mila - courtyard

The roof of the “Quarry” is decorated with various sculptures of fairy-tale characters. They serve as camouflage ventilation pipes and chimneys. Anyone who comes to Barcelona can admire the legendary creation, which is more than a hundred years old. Wealthy Catalans live in some apartments in the building. The mezzanine, also known as the exhibition hall, and the roof are used for excursion needs.

At home unusual shape can be safely called real works of art. If you ask people how they imagine an unusual house, you will hear many of the most various options: , wooden hut on the edge of the forest, and metal elements finishing. There are simply countless options, and their image does not always fit the usual concept of a living space.

The Grand Violin House, which is located in the Chinese city of Huainan, is the main city attraction, which has a very impressive size. A giant violin resting on a black piano attracts the attention of all tourists.

The main idea that accompanied the construction of this architectural miracle was the desire to create something truly unusual and amazing. Not only professional developers, but also students from the Hefei University of Technology studying at the architecture department participated in the creation of the project. The result of their collaboration was an amazing project for an unusual house, which quickly gained popularity among tourists.

Sheikh Hamad mobile home

The Arab Sheikh Hamad, a fan of cars and things of gigantic size, managed to combine these two hobbies into one hobby - he is the owner of popular SUVs, specially manufactured for him on a large scale. One of the most famous among them is huge house on wheels, repeating the shape of the globe.

The sheikh uses this house when traveling through the desert. Inside this huge globe there are four residential floors, with six bathrooms and four bedrooms. In 1993, this structure was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most extraordinary building.

"Frozen" house

Rotterdam is famous for its amazing building, which rightfully takes its place on the list of the most unusual houses in the world. Once upon a time, this building was a simple, unremarkable house, which it was time to demolish. However, residents did not want to part with it and turned to architects for help, who turned the building into a local landmark. The building was completely repainted and “frozen”, which saved it from an unenviable fate.


This project of an unusual house in Lithuania was developed by the young architect Rimas Adomaitis. According to the creator, the project is in no way a symbol of the power of money; rather, it is a desire to create an original and prestigious building in which an office center will be located. In addition, the banknote house is considered to be a kind of personification of Lithuania’s accession to the European Union, since this unusual structure was erected in 2008, precisely at the time when three small republics, which were once part of the USSR, joined the EU.

Read also

Projects and construction of houses made of stone and brick

More than 450 thousand glass pieces were used to decorate the façade of this building. various colors which were collected by hand. Due to the fact that the wall is made entirely of glass, the need for windows was completely eliminated. Each piece of glass, made in Europe according to modern standards, coated with special compounds, which ensures it reliable protection from adverse weather conditions.

Home of the Free Spirits

The layout of the “House of Free Spirits” consists of incredibly beautiful wooden balls suspended from trees. They were made by Tom Chudley, who lives in Canada, and are made entirely by hand.

To create the sphere we used wooden frame, covered with fiberglass. Epoxy resin, which is used to coat the frame, gives an unusual shine to the structure. The house has electricity, a sound system and telephone connection. You can enter the house using a suspended bridge and a spiral staircase. Instead of a foundation, a system of ropes was used to hold the structure in the same position.

Hundertwasser House in Vienna

The Hundertwasser House, located in Vienna, was built with the participation of the architect and artist Friedensreich Hundentwasser, who developed this unusual house project. Today this building is one of the main attractions of Vienna. It has 52 apartments, 4 offices and 16 private terraces. The construction of this housing was completed in 1986, and currently the cost of residential premises in it is quite high.

The difference between this house and all the others is the complete absence of smooth surfaces - the artist believed that smooth surfaces simply do not exist in nature. The roof of this structure, planted with trees and shrubs, resembles a snail-shaped rise in its shape. Another name for this house is “Forest Spiral”, which appeared due to the amazing similarity of the design with this form.

The appearance of the house is simply amazing with the abundance of bright, saturated colors, since each of the apartments has its own color. No less impressive are the windows of the house, which the artist gave different shapes and sizes. Apartment residents can easily experiment with appearance your haven, repainting its walls with your own hands in any original colors.

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