DIY tire flower bed. What flower beds can be made from old tires: photos and videos Do-it-yourself cups from tires

Crafts made from tires can be found today in many household plots, cottages or courtyards. Modern masters They come up with all kinds of products from tires and make real masterpieces from them. You can also try making crafts from tires for your garden by looking at beautiful photos from this article.

When choosing the crafts you want to make, you must clearly define their role on the site. The purpose of such crafts can be different: both decorative and for direct use. We offer you step by step instructions how to make a flowerbed and bowl from tires, as well as many other ideas.

DIY tire flower beds. Photo

If you don’t have time to come up with something unusual, you can use the classic option: put the tire on the ground, then fill it with soil, and then plant flowers in it.

It is best to place the material at hand inside the tire, then you will not have to waste effort securing it on the outside. Make holes in the tire, then hook the flower bed through them. How? It's up to you to decide, a simple durable hook will do just fine.

Cup - a flowerbed made from tires with your own hands. Photo

Making a cup from tires is quite simple. Take 2 tires: one slightly larger size, another slightly smaller. Use the smaller one as a base, and place the larger one on top of it. Cut the top of a large tire so that the top is shaped like a circle rather than a ring. This will make the tire look more like a cup. You can use rubber as the bottom. After all this, paint the cup in the color you like best. You can even draw something unusual, here only your imagination comes into play.

If you want to add a “handle”, you will need a thick piece of tire, cut on both sides. You can secure the “handle” with adhesive or simply punch holes in the tires, insert pins and secure with two small pieces of wood. Don't forget to paint your handle the color of the cup.

You can even add a “saucer”, but for this you will have to use some other materials rather than a tire.

Here are a few more examples of crafts made from tires that will help decorate your dacha.

Any owner of a summer cottage would like his territory to be the most beautiful and unique in comparison with neighboring plots. Although nowadays stores offer large assortment decorations and materials for decorating the site, you can still draw up your plan yourself, saving your money on this. In this article we will look at one of the options for how you can make a unique decoration yourself, namely a flower bed from old tires. This flower bed is shaped like a large cup.
For this work we will need:
Two tires;
Metal profile (50 – 60 cm);
Metal scissors;
Plastic bottles (at least three);
Self-tapping screws;
Shoe knife;
Acrylic paint;

To make this flower bed we will need two tires. One of them must be smaller. You can ask for such old tires for free at any tire shop.

As shown in the illustration, the side of the tire must be cut off. This can be done using a regular shoe knife. As a result, we get three elements.

The next step will be making a handle for the cup. For this we need metal profile, as well as metal scissors. Stepping back every 10 cm, it is necessary to make cuts in the side of the profile. This is necessary so that it can be bent comfortably. The edges of the profile must also be cut and bent so that it is convenient to screw it to the tires.

Next, using metal screws and a screwdriver, you need to screw the handle to the bottom and top of the cup (to the top and bottom tires). These two tires also need to be fastened together. This is done using self-tapping screws in the inside, as shown in the illustration.

The end result is a cup like this. Please note that the third element, which was cut from the side of the large tire, is the base of the flower bed, and plays the role of a saucer or stand.

After the cup is ready, we begin to decorate it. For this we need 3 or more plastic bottles, namely their lower part. You can cut the base of the bottles using construction knife and scissors. Thus, we will get flowers that can be painted in any color you like. Using one self-tapping screw, you need to screw the flowers onto top part cups.

The next stage is painting the flowerbed itself. Acrylic paint is most suitable for these purposes. Its advantage is that it retains its brightness perfectly and does not fade over the years. Here you have the opportunity to show your imagination and use the tones that you like. The final stage The work will be filling the bowl with earth. Then you can plant flowers in it. This flowerbed will be an excellent decoration for your summer cottage. Its production is not difficult, and if available the necessary tool, such a cup can be made in just a few hours. This element can bring creativity to the design of your territory, as well as surprise and amaze those who pass by this flowerbed.

The desire to ennoble summer cottage plot, transforming it into an attractive cozy corner for a comfortable stay, quite naturally. Favorite by many gardeners flower arrangements are an ever-popular item landscape design suburban areas. A worthy setting for such compositions is often flower beds made from tires, which are one of the easiest products to create and practical to use. Of course, you can purchase ready-made flowerpots in specialized stores. But flowerbeds made from tires created with one’s own hands are not only a beautiful and functional design element that gives exclusivity and uniqueness to the design of the site, it is, first of all, the pride of every summer resident.

How to choose the right tire?

It's great when it's possible to have a choice. Choosing between old tires domestic manufacturer and imported products, preference should be given to the latter. Imported waste tires have softer and thinner rubber, which is much easier to work with. If you choose between “summer” and “winter” tires, then the winter version is more suitable for work.

Deciding to create original flowerbeds from tires with your own hands, turning old waste tires into outdoor vases fancy shapes, it is necessary to prepare the source material in advance and think about its design

In order to make a flower bed from old tire, it is advisable to choose wheels with maximum tread wear. The worn-out tread layer makes the product softer and makes it much easier to turn it inside out.

Tires contaminated with soil and sand must be cleaned. And the point is not even that it is more pleasant to work with a clean product. It’s just that when working with dirty tires, the blade of the knife and file becomes dull much faster.

Step-by-step manufacturing example

Before you start making a flower bed from a tire, you need to think about what it will look like. finished product: a bowl with smooth edges, a flowerpot with a wavy cut line or a flowerbed in the form big flower, bordered with petals or fringe.

The drawing, along the contour of which the cut line will be drawn, is applied to the side of the product

When thinking about the shape of the cut, you must be guided by the fact that the result should be a design based on the “pan-lid” principle: a deep lower part and a cut off upper part. The contour can be easily drawn along the entire circumference with a felt-tip pen or chalk.

The edges of the cut, made with wavy lines or shaped like teeth and fringe, look interesting.

Stage #2 – cutting along the contour

When thinking about how to make a flowerbed from an old wheel, designed in the shape of a large flower, you need to cut out petals along the edge of the product. The size of each petal should not exceed 10-12 cm. Otherwise, when turning the tire out in these places, the rubber simply will not bend, and the flowerbed will not take an even round shape.

You can use a shoe knife to cut the wheel. A well-honed tool will significantly speed up your work

You can make the cutting process easier by using liquid soap for lubricating the knife blade.

It's great if you have a jigsaw on hand. Using a jigsaw, it is convenient and quick to perform figured cutting.

Labor mechanization is described in detail in the video:

After cutting the tire along the contour, along the tread grooves it is necessary to make longitudinal cuts at a distance of 5-10 cm.

Stage #3 - turning the tire out

When creating a flower bed on a leg out of wheels with your own hands, the first step is to turn the rubber tire inside out. For many craftsmen, this stage of work becomes a real stumbling block. The process of turning out the rubber itself is quite a labor-intensive process.

In order to cut the metal cord, you need to use a grinder to make several cuts along the outside. Cut through the rubber smoothly. The contact of the disk with the cord can be judged by the plaque formed on the surface of the product and the white smoke emitted. Make the cuts at an equidistant distance of 15-20 cm.

After spending preparatory work, you can start turning the tire out. Before you start turning the tire for your flower bed inside out, we would like to tell you one secret: it is enough to turn at least a small piece of the tire inside out, and work will go"like clockwork."

The turning process is clearly shown in the video:

The flowerbed made from old wheels is ready, you can start decorating it.

Finished product design

Creating and growing flower beds in black forms is not entirely aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, once the flowerbed has been given the desired shape, you can begin to decorate it. Bye outer surface the inverted flowerpot is not covered with a layer of dust, it is advisable to paint it.

Painting is the easiest and affordable way design of a black rubber flower bed

Oil, enamel and nitro paints are excellent for painting rubber products. The paint lays on a clean rubber surface in an even layer and lasts for quite a long time. You can also use leftovers to paint your flowerbeds. car paint. Using an aerosol can, the job can be completed in just a few minutes.

Using light-colored colors to decorate a flower bed will prevent overheating of the soil inside the container.

The combination of colors looks interesting when the base of the flowerbed is decorated in one color, and the cloves or petals are in another.

Most craftsmen paint a rubber flowerbed only with outside. But still, to give the container a more attractive look, it is advisable to slightly grab the top part inner surface products.

When designing a flowerbed, you can give complete freedom to your imagination. Glass aquarium pebbles glued to the petals of a flower bed will create the illusion of dew drops.

If you want to further decorate the flowerbed, you can apply an ornament of a different color over a plain layer of paint. But you shouldn’t be too zealous: if the flowers grow wildly, the flowerbed pattern may be completely covered by hanging or creeping plants.

Minimum costs, a little free time - and a chic decoration for the arrangement suburban area ready

Such a flower bed will be a worthy addition to the interior and an element of the landscape design of the dacha. All that remains is to fill the container with a layer of soil and plant your favorite flowers.

It has long become very popular to use recycled materials to decorate your site: tires, bottles, old dishes or household items. This allows you to save your own money and take care of cleanliness surrounding nature. In this article we will tell you how to make an interesting flower bed from tires with your own hands.

When creating crafts from tires, remember:

  1. Since there is a wire inside the rubber from which the tires are made, in order to cut it you should take metal scissors. You can also use electric jigsaw or Bulgarian. Easiest to deal with various manipulations imported winter tires.
  2. If you cut a tire with a knife, then in order to make it easier to work and the edge does not quickly become dull, you need to constantly moisten the blade in a soap solution or the rubber itself with liquid soap.
  3. Before painting the workpiece obtained from a tire, it must be washed with detergent, then wiped with a solvent, and only then can paint be applied. For these purposes, it is best to use weather-resistant types, and then it is worth securing with a couple of layers of varnish.
  4. If you are making a hanging flower bed from a tire, then in order to avoid waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the roots of the flowers planted in them, you should drill several holes in the bottom of the tire. This will give an opportunity excess water leak after watering.
  5. If you need to turn the tire inside out, you must first bend it in half. After this it will be easier to turn it out.

There are many options for how to make flower beds from tires. The most commonly used are a cascade, a pyramid, a free-standing flowerpot or an animal. The first two types are very simple, you don’t need to cut anything to create them, but the second, on the contrary, are complex; their execution requires a certain skill in making figures from this material.

If you want to decorate your garden with an unusual flower bed, then you can make it in the shape of a tea cup or teapot, and you will now learn how to do this.

Master class on making flower beds from tires in the shape of a cup

You will need:

  1. 3 wheels different sizes: from the truck, from the LAWN and from passenger car(size 13).
  2. Tools: hacksaw, pry bar, sharp knife, screwdriver.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Brushes, foam sponge, stencil and paint: red and white.
  5. Plastic pipe up to 4 cm in diameter.
  6. Soap solution.
  7. Solvent.

Work progress:

As you can see, our workshop for making flower beds from tires in the shape of a cup is not at all complicated, which means that anyone can bring such a project to life.

A lush flower garden always attracts the attention of passers-by with its beauty, and if it is made of unusual materials, then it is even more attractive and original. Tires that no one needs, which simply have nowhere to go, can turn into an original flowerbed and decorate the courtyard of a private house, a summer cottage or a lawn near the entrance. The prospect is tempting, but how can you do it yourself to make it look beautiful?

Which tires to choose for creating flower beds

If you have the opportunity to choose which tires to make a flowerbed from, give preference to used imported products. They are made from softer and thinner rubber, which is easier to process. This is important because the tire will have to be turned outward, which is not easy to do with a rigid material. When choosing between winter and summer tires, choose winter version, and if the tires are very worn, consider it good luck - worn tires make flower beds of the most bizarre shapes.

You don’t need to start making flower beds from car tires right away. If there are several tires and they will all be part of the same flowerbed, inspect them and sort them by size, level of wear, and tread pattern. Clean the tires from sand and dirt - this will make it easier to create flower beds from tires, and cutting tools will not become dull quickly. Now it's time!

Cutting tires to make flower beds

Having mastered the skill of cutting a tire, you can subsequently create flower beds, modeling their shapes yourself, but the very first works are made in the shape of a flower. On the tire, mark a cut line in the form of flower petals with chalk, as shown in the photo below.

Rubber is cut along the applied contour sharp knife with a narrow blade. To facilitate the cutting process, the knife is moistened with soapy water from time to time. The cut part of the tire is separated, and you get something like this for a flower bed.

Now the tire needs to be turned inside out - this is not an easy job, and it will be much easier for a man to cope with it than for a woman. You need to stand with your feet on one edge of the tire, and bend your hands with effort the opposite side outward - the main thing is that you can turn out a small section, and then the process will go easier. When the tire is turned inside out and aligned, the cut out petals will open up like a blooming flower.

Decorating tires for flower beds

Black bowls cut from car tires are unremarkable unless painted in colorful colors. To do this, you can use any paints intended for exterior use.

How to paint tires for flower beds:

  • Oil paint;
  • Enamel;
  • Aerosol car paint;
  • Nitro paint.

It is not necessary to paint the bowls in one tone; you can come up with different patterns that match the environment in which the flower beds made from car tires will be installed. For example, if this is a children's playground, it is appropriate to make them in the form of animals: bunnies, cats, squirrels and other funny animals.

In interior space The tires are filled with fertile soil, and plant seedlings are planted in spring or early summer. Since the purpose of creating a bed of tires is to decorate the area with flowers, it is important to choose the right varieties.

Annuals for a flowerbed made from a tire:

  • Nasturtium;
  • Petunia;
  • Tagetes;
  • Gazania;
  • Mattiola;
  • Calendula;
  • Morning glory.

Most flower beds made from tires are made permanent, and therefore it is appropriate to plant perennial flowers in them that do not need annual renewal.

Perennials for tire beds:

  • Rezuha;
  • Dianthus grass;
  • Aubrietta;
  • Daisies;
  • Viola;

Original ideas for creating flower beds from tires

Free-standing compositions of flower beds in tires on the lawn look beautiful, but due to the low height of the tires, their expressiveness suffers. You can solve the problem by creating a small plot, placing two or more tires on top of each other. For example, a flowerbed in the shape of a mug will look original. A tire of a larger diameter is installed on a tire of a smaller diameter, and the resulting structure is painted in a traditional “cup” pattern.

For this composition, you don’t even need to turn the tires out - just cut off their side parts so that they do not interfere with the growth of flowers in the flowerbed circle. To make the flowerbed more similar to a cup, it can be placed in a “saucer” cut from a tire larger in diameter than the main part of the flowerbed. The handle of the mug is made from leftover rubber and attached to the main part with a wire threaded through the tire.

Volumetric flower beds made of tires

If you have a lot of tires, you can use them to make not just a small flower bed, but even a multi-tiered flower garden. WITH car tires the side parts are cut off on one side only, painted in different colors, and then the tires are first installed on the ground large diameter, and soil is poured into them, and smaller tires are placed on top and are also filled with soil. Each tire contains different flowers: erect, curly, flowing. Thus, you can even create an impromptu flowering hedge, as can be seen in the photo of flower beds made from tires.

Making a flower bed from a tire (video)

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