Making your own mouse traps. Humane mousetrap made from a plastic bottle. How to catch a mouse? Methods and secrets Little mousetraps

A person's home has everything necessary for mice to live favorable conditions: warm, lots of hidden places and always some food. And it doesn’t matter where you live - in the private sector or on the eighth floor high-rise building. This rodent can get anywhere. People have been concerned about protecting their home for a long time, and during this time many ingenious traps have been invented. One of the most effective and simplest is a trap.

There are many of them on sale today, differing in design and fishing method. But why spend money on them when you can make a rat trap with your own hands in literally a matter of minutes and using ordinary improvised means. In addition to saving money, you will have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your craftsmanship skills to your loved ones, but only if you know how to make a mouse trap yourself.

When small children live in the house or there are pets, the use of toxic substances to kill rodents is not advisable. Buying factory traps in a store can be quite expensive, but to get good results, you need to install several of them at once. And in this case, knowledge of how to make a mousetrap with your own hands at home will come in handy.

We make different options ourselves

To create traps, you can use materials that you always have in the house - paper, plastic bottles, other containers, a ruler, wire, etc. The main thing is that such homemade mousetraps are reusable, and some options are self-charging. You don’t have to constantly monitor them and you can catch several rodents with one device.

Sunflower seeds, toasted sunflower oil or a piece of bread dipped in it will be more effective.

However, it is not enough to know how to make a mousetrap at home, you also need to make pests interested in it, you need to be aware of what to put inside. To do this you need an attractive bait.

Everyone knows that mice love cheese, but this is more of a stereotype. No less effective are:

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Slices of bread fried in sunflower oil
  • Small pieces of lard.

Sesame oil is also a good bait for rats and mice, and is considered a win-win option; its aroma does not leave rodents indifferent.

A simple version of a bucket and ruler

This is not only a simple solution to the problem, but also quite easy to implement. In addition, such a DIY mousetrap has a great advantage - all its elements are interchangeable. The bucket can be replaced with an old saucepan or other container, and instead of a ruler, use thick cardboard or a thin strip.

The design of such a mousetrap is simple; to create it you will also need a knitting needle or a metal round and rigid wire. The knitting needle rests its ends on the edge of the bucket. A ruler attached to it rests on the edge with one end, and the other should hang over the container. The bait is placed on it, closer to the end.

Such homemade traps for mice and rats will be effective provided that rodents have free access to the ruler located on top of the bucket. It is advisable to fill the container one third with water. The mouse, passing along the rail, crossing the place where it intersects with the knitting needle, shifts the center of gravity of the structure you created.

The free end of the ruler drops sharply down and the animal falls into a homemade mousetrap. If the bait is securely fastened and does not fall off when tipped over, then this design can work many times.

From a jar with cut paper on the neck

This model is similar to the previous one. Only the bait should be placed in a mousetrap, and a path should be made for rodents to the neck of the jar. The top is covered with paper cut crosswise with a razor. Stepping on the paper petals, the animal falls inside the trap.

Such a mousetrap from a jar is not always effective, since animals are sometimes afraid of thin paper vibrating under their paws. In this design, the bait can be placed not inside the container, but suspended on a rope above it.

We make it from a glass jar and a coin

Such homemade mousetraps can also be made from a small saucepan, and instead of a coin, a large button will do. It will serve as support for the raised edge of the container. A rope or strong thread is glued to it, with a hook attached to the end. Inside the jar there is a wooden or metal rod. A cord with a hook is thrown through it, onto which the bait is placed.

IN simple version The bait can be glued to the wall of the jar.

When the mouse pulls the food, the thread stretches and pulls the support out from under the can. The trap slams shut, and the caught rodent is trapped. The disadvantage of the trap is that it requires reloading.

Plastic bottle traps

There are many options for making models of this type. Do-it-yourself mousetrap from an ordinary one plastic bottle It's very easy to do:

The container is cut into two uneven parts, the bottom should be in the longer one. The part with the neck without a stopper is installed in the other in an inverted position. For structural strength, the bottle mousetrap is glued together.

The bait is inside the container. It is also good to grease the neck with oil. The little animal slips into the bottle and can no longer get out.

Humane mousetrap made with your own hands can be even simpler. The neck of a plastic bottle is cut off and bait is placed inside. The container is installed so that most of it hangs over the edge of the table or shelf.

A do-it-yourself mousetrap made from a plastic bottle is tied with string to something above the table. The animal, getting inside, shifts the center of gravity, and the trap falls, sagging above the floor. With a little ingenuity, you can come up with other models of mousetraps made from plastic bottles.

Interesting video:Mousetrap made from improvised means

Since owners often have to deal with mice in their home, they therefore have to take care of their prompt removal. Some people purchase special poisons and mousetraps in specialized stores, while others are ready to make them themselves. In this article you can learn how to make a mousetrap with your own hands and some of its advantages.

Many people prefer to use factory devices that they buy in stores (glue traps, electrical, mechanical). But in general, the mechanism of operation is very simple, so making a mousetrap with your own hands is very simple. Enough to have suitable materials to make a quality mousetrap. Some devices can be made using improvised means or material that the owners are already planning to throw in the trash.

The advantages of this approach include the fact that production generally does not take much time, and you can save money if a large number of devices are required. You can also choose the size of the trap, operating principle and other features yourself.

Another advantage is that if the trap breaks after several uses, the owner can always repair it himself or replace it with a new one. For this reason, the question of how to make a mousetrap yourself remains relevant.

Unlike factory-made mousetraps, homemade ones usually pose no danger to small children or pets. No tight descent. Also, its operation does not lead to the appearance of blood, which will scare away other rodents.

Video “How to build a mousetrap from a plastic bottle”

Video instructions for making a simple and effective mousetrap from a plastic bottle.

Types of mousetraps and their manufacturing technology

If you are interested in learning how to make your own mousetrap, this information will cover some aspects of making one.

Mousetraps are either disposable or reusable.

Typically, plastic bottles are used to make reusable traps. It is advisable that the neck be wide, since through it the mouse falls into the container itself. The plastic bottle will be placed vertically or at a slight angle. Then bait is placed in it, which emits a strong odor. This could be fresh cheese, smoked sausage, lard, a piece of meat or peanut butter.

The bottle can also be placed in a horizontal position, securing it on a flat surface. Then a small hole is cut in the base, and the bait is again placed inside. The peculiarity of the design lies in its simplicity, but if a mouse gets into it, it will no longer be possible to get out. Smooth surface The plastic will not allow the rodent to cling to it, and it will constantly slide off, remaining inside.

If you check it every day, you can catch pests more often. Usually no more than 2 mice can fit into a bottle. Others will not climb if they understand the danger of this place. Therefore, the mousetrap needs to be checked periodically.

Disposable traps are made from glass bottles. If the mouse gets into the neck, then they will not get back out. But getting them is not easy. Therefore, the bottles are broken or thrown away along with the victim.

Such traps are good because they do not kill rodents, but trap them in a small space. This is suitable for people who do not want to hurt these animals. Having caught them, you can release them into the field or somewhere far away from home. But you should definitely inspect the house or apartment for any openings through which they could enter the room again.

You can use a glass jar to make a mousetrap. If not empty cans, open the sealer, eat the contents, and then wash it thoroughly.

Take one liter jar, then roll it up with a lid. If you don't want to roll it up, then use adhesive backing to secure the lid in place. Then you will need to carefully cut the lid from the center to the circumference (like a cake), and bend the corners inward a little to make way for the mouse.

Inside you need to place a piece of some product - lard, meat or cheese. It is important that it smells good, and thereby attracts rodents to it. If a mouse gets into a jar, then it will not be able to get out of there - the sharp teeth and the slippery glass surface of the jar will interfere with it.

A homemade trap can be made from an ordinary bucket. A bucket mousetrap is easy to make and has a simple principle. Take an ordinary bucket, make a hole in two places so that a thin steel rod or rod (for example, 4-5 mm in cross-section) can be threaded through them. Then you will need to string a soda can or something similar onto this rod.

It is very important that the can easily rotates around its axis (along the rod). After this, the rod is threaded through the holes in the bucket and secured. You can put something from food in the jar, preferably something fragrant. The trap is ready. The principle of operation is the following - the mouse wants to eat what is in the jar, and when it climbs inside or onto it, the jar will turn. This way the rodent will fall into the bucket.

A wooden mousetrap can also be made. A block of wood is taken and then holes are drilled through which pests can get through. As a drill, you need to take a special one; it is used to create holes in boards during the installation of wooden floors and other structures.

Absolutely any type of wood that is available to you will do. After this, 4 small holes are drilled from the top - two at the beginning, and 2 in the center. They should reach the main hole, and a thin thread will be pulled through them.

Then you will need 2 pieces of steel wire (the first is 1.5-2 mm in diameter, the second is 0.15-0.2 mm) and a regular spool of thread. The first will become the base, and the second will secure the first on the block.

The wire will be used to make a spring and a bracket. A thick piece on one side is wound around a round base to form a curl, and the tip itself is fixed on a wooden block. The tip is located on the back side of the trap (where there is no hole). A small hook is made at the other end.

The threads are threaded through the holes. The central thread is fixed motionless so that the mouse has to gnaw it to get to the food provided, and the outer thread hangs freely. Then their ends are secured on top of a thick wire - the central thread is a knot, and the outer thread is a loop on a hook. When the mouse comes for food, it will chew through the thread that holds the thick wire spring. Then the loop at the beginning (which is on the hook) of the box will grab the rodent and press it.

Traps with adhesive base made using double-sided tape. Take a box and cover its bottom with tape. This material does not lose its properties over time. And small mice will not be able to get out of the trap easily. Food with a distinct odor is placed in the box and placed in a remote place so as not to frighten away rodents. Every other day you can check, select the caught mice and take them out of the house.

In private homes, mice are a real scourge for owners. A mouse trap will help you get rid of uninvited “guests”. In search of food and warmth, these rodents climb into outbuildings, cellars and, directly, the kitchens of houses. Here they quickly restore “order” by gnawing through bags and containers with food; the rodents do not so much eat as spoil cereals, root vegetables, etc., scattering them and staining them with their excrement. In addition, all nearby products that are not closed in sealed containers, as well as nearby things, become saturated with an ineradicable mouse odor. Therefore, exterminating mice in the house is a vital necessity.

We fight mice at the dacha ourselves

The use of poisoned baits against mice in houses and apartments is undesirable, firstly because children and pets may be harmed, and secondly, a poisoned animal may die in a hole inside a wall or under the floor, after which the room will feel extremely bad for a very long time. bad smell a decaying corpse. Therefore, it is best to fight rodents using traps. Conventionally, they can be divided into two types:

  1. Humane - in which caught animals remain alive;
  2. Destructive action - in which rodents have no chance to survive.

The stores offer various types mousetraps, but they are not always cheap, and the stores themselves are not always nearby. But you can easily make mouse traps with your own hands from scrap materials. This will not require a lot of time and effort.

Pan trap

A long-known and very simple trap can be made from an overturned cup, an old saucepan, a large tin can or other container. A rod (a piece of thick wire, a smooth twig or a wooden stick) is fixed across the saucepan closer to the bottom in diameter. The edge of the saucepan is raised and supported with a washer installed on the edge (a large button or coin), to which a strong thread with a wire hook is tied or glued. First, the thread is thrown through the rod inside the container and the bait is hung on the hook. Experimentally, the length of the thread is selected so that the bait hangs 2-4 cm from the surface. A piece of salted or smoked lard or a crust of bread is used as bait. A mouse that has climbed up to feast on it pulls the bait, the support slips out from under the edge of the container and the animal finds itself in a trap. In order to remove captured mice, a piece of plastic or plywood is placed under the trap, creating a kind of floor, then the mousetrap is taken away from the house, where the rodents are released into the wild. During manufacturing, it should be taken into account that the container for the mousetrap must be heavy enough so that the mouse cannot turn it over and get out.

You can make the same trap much simpler: simply attach the bait inside to the side wall of the container with tape at a height of 4-5 cm from the edge. A mouse that gets inside will try to get to the bait, shake the container and the support will fall.

Mouse trap from a bottle

In just five minutes you can make a trap from an empty plastic bottle. A hole 2-3 cm in size is cut in the bottle next to the neck. A strong cord is tied to the neck, the other end of which is attached to a heavy object on the table so that the bottle, hanging from the table, does not reach the floor. Bait is placed in the bottle closer to the bottom (roasted seeds, cake, bread crusts, millet, lard and any other bait that attracts mice). All that remains is to place the bottle on the edge so that the upper part with the slot lies on the surface of the table, and the lower part extends beyond its edge. When the mouse, coveted by the bait, climbs into the bottle closer to the bottom, it will knock the trap off the table and the bottle will hang on the string. The animal will remain inside and will not be able to get out.

Trap "abyss"

Using a similar principle, a trap is assembled from any container (jar, tall saucepan, plastic bucket), on the edge of which you need to make a kind of ramp from a board or cardboard. All that remains is to lay a piece of cardboard, plywood or a regular ruler so that the edge hangs over the container. The bait is placed on this edge. The mouse, approaching the bait, falls into the container below.

Unlike the previous ones, glue traps do not require much space. They can be placed in secluded places, crevices, and inside cabinets. You can purchase a ready-made glue trap, or you can buy special glue against rodents and make mousetraps yourself in convenient sizes and in required quantities. To make traps, glue is poured in a thin layer into shallow trays, low jars or flat boards and pieces of plastic. For better effect Bait can be placed in the center of the traps. Attracted by the smell, the mice step on the glue and stick. To free the animals, pour a little glue onto the surface sunflower oil and after a while they themselves get out of the trap.

Spring mousetraps are available in sufficient quantities in stores. The manufacture of such structures requires availability special materials(springs, steel wire), tools, certain skills and a lot of time. Most of these traps are designed to kill mice. The exception is cage traps.

Mice can not only gnaw through food packaging, spoil things and scare households with their appearance; gray rodents are carriers of the most dangerous infectious diseases.

The fight against tailed invaders should begin immediately , often homemade trap- the only way to cope with the situation.

Making a trap from a plastic bottle - the simplest option. In every apartment you can find a couple of empty drink containers.

To make a simple mousetrap, you need to take:

  • 2 liter bottle;
  • string or fishing line;
  • a small piece of food with a strong aroma for bait.

The manufacturing method is simple:

  1. Cut off the neck with the lid.
  2. Pierce the lower part with an awl or nail heated over a fire.
  3. Pass a rope (fishing line) of the required length into the hole, fix the end on the underside so that it does not jump out. Reliably hang the structure, the handle of the hinged kitchen cabinet or a powerful hook. The length of the rope should be sufficient.
  4. Place the treat at the bottom of the container.
  5. Place the mousetrap on the edge of a horizontal surface (table, stool) so that the bottom with a piece of food hangs over the floor.

As soon as the animal climbs into the trap and begins to try the treat, the device will fall off the horizontal surface under the weight of the tailed pest and remain hanging.

Bottle trap: 4 types

There are several other ways to catch a harmful animal.

How to do:

  1. Cut off the bottom of a container with a capacity of one and a half liters. Cut the edge into triangles with scissors (length 6-8 cm).
  2. Place bait with a pungent odor (cheese, lard) inside.
  3. Carefully bend the triangles with their sharp ends inside the trap.
  4. Lay the structure sideways on horizontal surface. The mouse will sneak behind the bait, but the curved teeth will not allow it to get out of the trap.


  1. Take a 0.7 liter glass container with a wide opening; a champagne bottle is ideal.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of warm oil inside. Oil should be chosen with a strong aroma (unrefined sunflower, olive).
  3. Shake the structure to coat it from the inside, coat the neck.
  4. Set the trap obliquely on the floor with the neck up. The mouse will climb inside, but will not be able to get out due to the slippery surface.

Anyone can make such a trap.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Carefully cut the two-liter bottle sharp knife in two. The bottom part should be larger than the neck part.
  2. Place a piece of food at the bottom of the first part, tightly insert the second part with the neck inward.
  3. Secure the edges of the device with tape, wire, or a stapler. Lubricate top part oil The rodent will get into the neck, but will not be able to crawl back out.

A basin, a small bucket and a bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters can also be used as a mousetrap.

To build a trap, you need to prepare:

  • small bucket, basin;
  • soda bottle;
  • stick or thick iron rod;
  • a strip of thick cardboard;
  • bait

How to do:

  1. Pour water into the bucket (a little less than half). Prepare a stick or rod by measuring a length greater than the diameter of the bucket.
  2. Pierce the bottom of the bottle and insert a stick.
  3. Attach a delicious-smelling treat to the side of the bottle with tape (bread dipped in vegetable oil is ideal).
  4. Place the stick on the edge of the bucket.
  5. Cut a strip out of cardboard and make a “bridge” along which the mouse can get to the bait. Having climbed onto the bottle, the animal will turn the structure and end up in the water.

Another way to catch a mouse - make a trap from a bucket, a large pan, a basin and a wooden slat.

To make it you should take:

  • spacious capacity,
  • wooden slats or a ruler,
  • iron wire and glue.

How to make it correctly:

  1. Glue the wire and wooden slats perpendicularly and dry.
  2. Pour water into the container, a little less than half the volume.
  3. Place the rack on top of the vessel so that one side hangs above the water, and place a piece of food with a strong smell on this edge.
  4. Place the mousetrap in such a way that the mouse can get onto the rail. The gray pest will follow the rail towards the bait; when the structure shifts its center of gravity, it will throw the rodent into the water.

Glass jar - the most accessible and uncomplicated way to catch a mouse.

To make it you need to take:

  • liter jar;
  • coin;
  • thick wire;
  • piece of sausage.

Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Measure the wire using a ruler; the length should slightly exceed the diameter of the can opening.
  2. Put on the sausage, fold the edges.
  3. Place the wire in the middle of the jar.
  4. Place the mousetrap with the hole down and lean one side against the wall.
  5. Place the end of a coin under the edge of the jar. The rodent will climb inside, try to pick the sausage, the coin will fall off, and the mouse will be covered with the jar.

It is more difficult to make a mousetrap from a wooden block, but such a product also lasts much longer, and its efficiency is high.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Take a wooden block 10 cm long and 5 cm wide.
  2. Drill a hole in the block at least 2 cm in diameter with a depth of 7-8 cm.
  3. Make a cut along one side of the block (width 3-5 mm).
  4. Drill 3 small holes, placing them perpendicular to the axis of the large hole.
  5. Bend a ring with an “eye” from the wire.
  6. Make a spring of 3 turns from spring wire, leaving 7-9 cm at the ends.
  7. Tie a fishing line or strong thread to the ring.
  8. Thread the fishing line into 2 small holes one by one and secure.
  9. Place the ring into the place where the cut was made so that the entrance to the large hole remains free.
  10. Insert one end of the wire spring into the last small hole, and thread the other through the “ear” of the ring.

The mousetrap is ready, all that remains is to pour nuts or seeds into the large hole and wait for guests. The mousetrap works according to the following principle: the animal follows the smell of the bait, chews off the fishing line that interferes with the passage, the ring falls and pinches the mouse.

It is believed that a mouse will never refuse a piece of cheese, but this statement is fundamentally wrong: the cheese will be eaten if there are no more delicious delicacies in the house.

What is best to place in a trap so that the tailed animal is sure to climb into it:

  1. Smoked lard– takes first place in the ranking of mouse delicacies. Not a single rodent can resist its smell.
  2. Fragrant vegetable oil- second place on the list. Mice love both sunflower and olive oils.
  3. Wheat bread– in third place. To enhance the attractiveness of the bait, you can wet a piece white bread aromatic oil.
  4. Roasted seedsall types extremely attractive to animals. For bait you only need to take a few pieces. Pumpkin seeds are preferable.
  5. Nuts– hazelnuts, peanuts or almonds will be an excellent bait.
  6. Raw smoked sausage– its aroma is similar to smoked lard and can successfully replace it as bait.
  7. Piece of smoked fish- another delicious dish for tailed invaders.
  8. Fragrant baked goods with the smell of vanilla– the product will attract animals with its sweet smell.


If you can’t buy a mouse trap in the store, don’t worry. All homemade mousetraps are distinguished by their simplicity of design and extreme efficiency.

The “mice fuss” that the owner hears in his house is unlikely to bring joy to anyone, because with the appearance of these pests one can expect a lot of troubles: spoiled food and packaging, chewed furniture. There is also an increased likelihood of various diseases caused by infections often carried by mice. It is necessary to immediately take measures to exterminate rodents on your own, so the story of how to make a mousetrap with your own hands will be of interest to many homeowners.

Advantages of self-made traps

Devices made from improvised materials have many advantages over ready-made mousetraps or special designs. They are convenient and safe, because it is possible to catch a rodent in a box or bottle at home at any time of the day or night, and residents do not have to leave home at all. Application chemicals with a strong odor always negatively affects small children and animals living in the house.

The main advantages of a do-it-yourself mouse trap are the low cost and availability of all components, because it is very easy to find a plastic bottle or bucket in the house, and they are reusable without unnecessary expenses. In the event of a breakdown or failure, there is always the opportunity to try to make another model yourself.

Secrets of preparing bait

Whatever homemade mousetraps are made, the main thing in them is the optimal one, thanks to which the mouse will want to climb into it. Despite the famous children's fairy tales in which cheese is the main delicacy for mice, this is not entirely true. with the same pleasure as bulk products with a pungent odor:

  • sunflower seeds;
  • bread crusts soaked in vegetable oil;
  • croutons with sesame oil;
  • pieces of fried lard or sausage;
  • buckwheat, rice or wheat;
  • nuts;
  • fresh meat.


When installing traps, it is important to provide optimal ways to approach them so that a mouse in an apartment or house can easily reach and get into the prepared device.

Types of traps

There are many different ideas, how to make mousetrap designs. They can be made from ordinary materials, which can be found in every household (see photo of mousetraps).

From buckets and cans

There are many options for such traps. Below are the most popular traps:

  • The simplest mousetrap is made in a couple of minutes from a 0.5-1 liter glass jar. You need to put a bait on a string inside it or attach it with a twig. The jar is turned upside down, and a coin standing on the edge is placed underneath; it is better to choose a larger size so that the animal can slip inside. Such a structure is very unstable, and at the slightest movement of the rodent in an attempt to take food, the coin falls and the jar covers it.
  • Making a mousetrap from a bucket of water is quite simple. Additionally you will need: a ruler, strong wire and a knitting needle, which is attached across the ruler and used for support; it is placed on top of the bucket. The lying ruler should reach the edge of the bucket with one end, and the other should hang in the air and the bait should be placed on it. The bucket itself is placed so that the animal can climb onto the ruler, and then, reaching for the bait, falls into the bucket, into which you can pour some water. If the bait is firmly attached to the ruler, it will hold, and then the trap will be more effective and it will be possible to catch several mice in a row.
  • To make a mousetrap from a bucket and paper, you will also need a piece of wooden plank, along which the animal will climb up. Thick paper or a sheet of whatman paper is placed on top and cut in the center into several segments in a circle, a piece of bait is placed in the center. The mouse climbs the bar, tries to get food and falls through the slits in the paper downwards, where water is poured to a depth of 5-7 cm. Similarly, you can use a 3-liter glass jar.

From bottles

Plastic bottle traps Plastic bottles are the most popular material used in making traps. They are usually made from one and a half, two or 5 liter bottles, but you can also use a glass one:

  1. A very simple and easy-to-use mousetrap made from a plastic bottle, the neck of which needs to be cut off in a narrow place. The bottle is placed on the corner of the table so that part hangs over the edge, and the bait inside it lies at the bottom. The trap is attached with a rope, the length of which will allow it to hang above the floor. Having climbed onto the table, the mouse will penetrate the bottle for food, the center of gravity will shift, and the trap will fall with the caught animal, hanging on the rope.
  2. Another mousetrap is made from one and a half rubles - plastic bottle 1.5 liters, the neck of which is cut off a third of the height at the top, and then turned upside down. The parts must be secured to each other with wire or glued together. The bait is placed inside the container, and the throat is lubricated with oil. The mouse will definitely reach for food and fall down, and will not get back out.
  3. Another trap from a plastic bottle is made like this: half of it is cut off, and on its lower part, near the bottom, cuts are made in a circle every 2 cm in the form of pointed petals, which are folded inward. After the mouse climbs inside for food, the sharp teeth of the petals will not allow it to crawl back out.
  4. You can catch a mouse in a bottle not only with a plastic one: for this you can also use a Champagne bottle, into which you need to pour 25-30 ml of sunflower oil and, rotating in a circle, distribute it inside along the walls. The bottle is placed at a slight angle, resting its neck on the brick; it is better to secure it. A mouse, attracted by its favorite smell, climbs into a bottle of oil, from where, sliding along the greasy walls, it is no longer able to get out.

Wooden traps

Mousetraps These traps are easy to make yourself:

  • The most common mouse trap can be made from a plywood board measuring 10x5x.15 cm, with a metal wire frame with a spring attached to it. There must be a hook for the “yummy” and a latch, which after installing the bait must be hooked to the hook. When the mouse tries to steal the food, a spring is activated and pins it to the wooden base.
  • A wooden house mousetrap is made from timber measuring 180x100x60 mm into several cells (up to 5). First, you need to drill holes in the beam for the passage of mice with a diameter of 3 cm and a depth of 6-7 cm. You will also need pieces of wire and thread No. 30. You need to make a loop from strong wire that will attach a noose from a thinner piece of wire to the house. For fastening springs and hinges in wooden block drill holes.

In total, several sets of loops, springs and nooses are made according to the number of holes. A thread is needed to tie a charged spring. The bait is placed inside the holes: when the rodents try to get food, they chew the thread, the spring, together with the noose, is triggered and the automatic trap holds the mouse.

Electronic mousetrap

A do-it-yourself electronic mousetrap can be made by an owner who has knowledge of working with electricity and similar devices. It is made using a soldering iron, an electrical circuit and an electromagnet. Usually they come in two types:

  • , into which a mouse is lured, then the door slams and a signal sounds about its appearance in the cage;
  • a killer mousetrap, which, after an animal gets into it and the motion sensor is triggered, destroys it with a discharge electric current, there is such a diagram on the Internet.

During production electronic devices You should remember the safety rules when working with electricity so as not to get into a life-threatening situation.

Traps with glue

Glue-type mousetraps are made using special glue, which can be purchased at a hardware store. A sheet of cardboard, plywood or hard plastic is taken as a base, it needs to be smeared, and food should be placed in the center. Getting to the “yummy”, the rodent is tightly glued to the base. The disadvantage of the device will not be entirely nice view and the shrill squeak of a dying animal. You can make this glue yourself by mixing Vaseline, bitumen pitch, rosin and pine resin.

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Whatever we see in our dreams, everything, without exception, is symbols. All objects and phenomena in dreams carry symbolic meanings - from simple and familiar to bright and fantastic. But sometimes just ordinary, familiar things have a more important meaning than
How to remove chin irritation in women and men Skin irritation on the chin
Red spots that appear on the chin can occur for various reasons. As a rule, their appearance does not indicate a serious threat to health, and if they disappear over time on their own, then there is no cause for concern. Red spots on the chin appear
Valentina Matvienko: biography, personal life, husband, children (photo)
Term of office*: September 2024 Born in April 1949. In 1972 she graduated from the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute. From 1984 to 1986 worked as first secretary of the Krasnogvardeisky district committee of the CPSU of Leningrad. In 1985