The structure of the iris flower diagram. Irises - flower structure. Structure of the bearded iris flower

They use formulas and diagrams that give a visual representation of its structure.

Flower formula- this is a symbol for the structure of a flower using letters, numbers and signs.

When drawing up the formula, use the following notation:

Ca- calyx ( Calyx);

Co- corolla ( Corolla);

R- simple perianth ( Perigonium);

A- androecium, a collection of stamens ( Androeceum);

G- gynoecium, a collection of pistils ( Gynoeceum);

* - actinomorphic flower;

Zygomorphic flower;

? - bisexual flower (usually it is omitted in the formula);

? - female (pistillate) flower;

? - male (staminate) flower;

() - brackets mean the fusion of flower parts;

Plus indicates the arrangement of flower parts in two or more circles (for example, R 3+3 - simple perianth, of 6 leaflets arranged in two circles) or the fact that the parts separated by this sign differ from each other ( A 1+(9) - androecium consists of one free and nine fused stamens);

Ca 5- the number next to the symbol indicates the number of members of this part of the flower ( Ca 5 - calyx of 5 free sepals);

∞ - if the number of members of a given part of the flower is more than 12, then their number is indicated by an infinity sign (for example, A ∞- the number of stamens is more than 12).

The formulas also note ovary type by location on the receptacle (upper, lower, middle):

G 1- a line above the number means that the ovary is inferior;

G 1- line under the number - superior ovary;

G 1--- a line from the number - the ovary is semi-inferior.

Examples of flower formulas are given below.

* ? Ca 4 Co 4 A 2+4 G(2) - formula of the cabbage flower: actinomorphic, bisexual; double perianth, in which the calyx consists of 4 free sepals, the corolla - of 4 free petals; androecium has 4 long and 2 short stamens (quadruple androecium); The gynoecium is simple, coenocarpous, formed by 2 carpels (1 pistil - from 2 carpels), the ovary is superior.

? Ca (5) Co (2+3) A 2+2 G(2) - formula of the white claret flower: zygomorphic, bisexual; double perianth, in which the calyx consists of 5 fused sepals, and the corolla - of 5 fused petals (2 petals form the upper lip, and the other 3 petals form the lower lip); the androecium is formed by 4 free stamens, of which 2 are long and 2 are short (double androecium); The gynoecium is simple, coenocarpous, formed by 2 carpels (1 pistil - from 2 carpels), the ovary is superior.

* ? R 3+3 A 3+3 G(3) - lily flower formula: actinomorphic, bisexual; a simple perianth consists of 6 leaflets, which are arranged 3 in 2 circles (simple corolla-shaped perianth); androecium consists of 6 free stamens, arranged 3 in 2 circles; The gynoecium is simple, coenocarpous, formed by 3 carpels (1 pistil - from 3 carpels), the ovary is superior.

? Ca (5) Co 1+2+(2) A (9)+1 G 1 - pea flower formula: zygomorphic, bisexual; double perianth, in which the calyx consists of 5 fused sepals, the petals have different shape and size: one large petal - a sail, two free side ones - oars (wings) and two fused ones - a boat (moth-type corolla); the androecium consists of 10 stamens, of which 9 are fused into a tube and 1 is free - bifraternal androecium; The gynoecium is simple, monocarpous (1 pistil is formed by 1 carpel), the ovary is superior.

Flower diagram more clear than the formula. It represents a conventional schematic projection of the parts of a flower onto a plane and reflects their number, relative sizes and relative position, as well as the presence of accretion (Fig. 16, 17).

The diagram indicates the location of the covering (bract) leaf, bracts and the axis of the inflorescence or shoot bearing the flower. The bract, bracts and sepals are represented by brackets with a keel (curly brackets) various sizes, petals - in round brackets, stamens - in the form of a section through the anther or in the form of a shaded ellipse, gynoecium - also in the form of a section through the ovary with a drawing of the placentation site and ovules through which the section passed.

The diagram is designed so that the covering leaf is at the bottom, the axis of the inflorescence is at the top, and between them the parts of the flower are located in circles with conventional signs. When parts of a flower grow together in the diagram conventional signs connected to each other by a line.

Rice. 16. Constructing a flower diagram:

1 - inflorescence axis;

2 - bract;

3 - sepal;

4 - petal;

5 - stamen;

6 - gynoecium;

7 - covering sheet.

Rice. 17. Flower diagrams:

A- magnolia (acyclic flower); B- red currant; IN- black mustard; G- white jasmine; D- common bean; E- a typical flower of cereals; 1 , 5 - calyx; 2 - whisk; 3 , 8 - stamens; 4 , 9 - gynoecium; 6 - lower lip of 3 petals; 7 - upper lip of 2 petals; 10 - sail; 11 - oars; 12 - boat; 13 - difraternal androecium; 14 - lower flower scales; 15 - upper flower scales; 16 - lodicules

Family Irisaceae, genus Iris.

In the domestic garden classification of irises there is a clear division into two large groups:

  • Bearded irises
  • Non-bearded irises

Both are rhizomatous plants!

To avoid confusion, it is necessary to clarify that currently there is no unified classification genus Iris.

You may have probably heard concepts like

  • Rhizomatous irises
  • Bulbous irises
  • Dutch irises

The Russian Iris Society (ROI) classifies only rhizomatous irises as true irises. The world community believes differently: for example, if you refer to the well-known publication thePlantList, bulbous irises also belong to the genus Iris, for example, Iris xiphium Iris Xifium and Iris junonia Iris Juno.

Russian scientists believe that the attribution of Juno and Xyphium to Irises is erroneous; these are completely different plants, as evidenced by the differences in ontogenesis (age phases) of plants.

In the genus Xyphium, 6 species have been identified, which have been widely used in interspecific hybridization. The results of such selection in different countries led to the appearance on the market of so-called Dutch, Spanish or English bulbous irises.

They are also found in our gardens, although due to climate differences, mainly English hybrids are popular, less often Dutch ones (they are characterized by weak frost resistance), Spanish bulbous irises are practically not found - they are not winter-hardy at all.

Time will tell who is right – the world community or Russian scientists. But for now, planting material from bulbous plants continues to arrive on Russian shelves under the name Hybrid Iris.

Iris setosa

Bulbous irises

The difference between bulbous irises in the root system, storage nutrient organ - bulb, which is also the reproductive organ, consists of 3-7 fleshy scales, not fused with edges, covered with membranous protective scales. The leaves of bulbous irises are lanceolate, grooved, tetrahedral (square when cut), sometimes almost cylindrical. Peduncles are long and thin.

Dutch Iris Iris hollandica

English hybrids of bulbous irises originated from Xiphium latifolium, so many bulbs have numerous, thread-like roots that die off over time summer period peace.

Besides external difference Bulbous irises differ from rhizomatous irises in their cultivation characteristics. If the rhizomatous ones do not tolerate air humidity and dampness, love the sun, and do not require digging after flowering, then the bulbous ones, for the most part, grow well under light shade, after flowering they require drying the bulbs and storing them in a cool, dry place (care is almost the same as caring for lilies).

Bearded iris

Bearded iris is not separate species, and the most large group genus Iris, uniting various species and varieties of irises, which have an anatomical feature of the structure of the flower: on the lower petals there is a strip of villi of a contrasting color, similar to a wedge-shaped French beard. The beard of hairs is clearly visible on the central vein of the lower petals, but in some species it is also present on the upper petals. Most bearded irises are native to Southern or Eastern Europe and are classified into sections.

Classification of bearded irises

In addition to specific irises (about 50 species), bearded irises include several thousand decorative hybrids, which in turn are divided into Bearded Irises and Aril + Arilbreds.

The Bearded Irises themselves are divided by height into categories:

  • MDB - miniature dwarf bearded, peduncle up to 20 cm, flower diameter 6-10 cm.
  • SDB - standard dwarf bearded, peduncle 20-40 cm, flower diameter 8-10 cm.
  • IB - intermediate bearded, peduncle 40-70 cm, flower diameter 7-12 cm.
  • BB - border bearded, peduncle 40-70 cm, flower diameter 6-12 cm.
  • MTB - miniature tall bearded, peduncle 40-70 cm, flower diameter 5-8 cm.
  • TB - tall bearded peduncles, 70-110 cm, flower diameter 12-20 cm.

A mark indicating membership in the category may be indicated on planting material(branded packaging with bulbs).

In addition to those mentioned above, Irises are accepted in Russian society, although they are very rare:

  • Non-Aril-like Arilbreds (AB)
  • Arils and Aril-like Arilbreds

Also in catalogs of bearded irises you can see an abbreviation indicating the flowering time:

  • E (Early Season) – early date flowering
  • M (Mid Season) – average term flowering
  • L (Late Season) – late date flowering
  • VE (very early) - very early
  • VL (very late) - very late
  • EML – long flowering

All bearded irises are perennial plants with a strong rhizome, on average about 1.5-2 cm thick, it is juicy, fleshy, located horizontally underground, and has clearly defined annual thickenings. In some species, the rhizome has a distinct odor (violet aroma). The leaves are usually gray-green, sword-shaped, two-rowed, flat. Peduncle erect, tall, branched. The flower consists of six petals in two tiers: three rise to the top - they are called standards, and three are arched to the bottom - they are called fouls. The shades and colors are very diverse.

Bearded iris - flower structure

The agricultural technology features of rhizomatous irises are simple: they love a lot of sunny color (varietal irises are especially light-loving), timely watering, but do not tolerate frequent rains, dampness and high humidity. Soils: well-drained, fertile, with an acidity pH of 6.5-7.5 (neutral or slightly alkaline).

In Russia, hybrids of German Iris, pale Iris, variegated Iris and other species are usually common. And they are usually referred to as hybrid iris Iris hybrida; in total, more than 30 thousand varieties are registered. Flowering periods vary, most bloom in May-June.

It should also be noted that irises have remontant varieties - capable of blooming two or more times during one summer season.

Bearded iris variety ‘Victor Hugo’

Another classification accepted throughout the world according to the color scheme of iris flowers:

  • Iris self Iris is one color - standards and fouls are the same color, the beard may have a different shade
  • Iris complete self The iris is completely monochromatic - all parts of the flower, including the beards, are the same color and shade
  • Iris bicolor – standards and fouls of different colors
  • Iris amoena is a specific two-color iris, the standards of which are white or have a very light shade, the fouls are colored.
  • Iris reverse amoena (or darktop) is a two-color iris that has colored standards and white fouls.
  • Iris variegata Iris variegata - yellow standards, fouls - red-burgundy or brown.
  • Iris bitone Iris is two-tone - the standards are a lighter shade and the fouls are a darker shade of the same color.
  • Iris reverse bitone - reverse two-tone - the standards have a darker shade, and the fouls are lighter, all of the same color.
  • Iris neglecta Iris neglecta is a variation of the two-tone iris: the standards are a lighter shade of blue or purple, and the fouls are a darker shade of the same color (blue or purple).
  • Iris reverse neglecta is another variation of the two-tone iris: the standards are a darker shade of blue or purple, and the fouls are darker. light shade the same color (blue or purple).
  • Iris luminata Iris luminata - standards are lighter than the fouls (several tones), the fouls around the beards have a lighter, almost white stripe or a colored stripe (yellow, orange or pink), all petals have light marbled veins, the fouls are red, burgundy, purple or blue.
  • Iris plicata Iris plicata (folded) - on a lighter background, a pattern of small dots or strokes of a different color, often turning into a solid border along the edge of the petal.
  • Iris glaciata Iris glaciata - there is no anthocyanin pigment in the color of the petals (red, purple or blue), so they are pure white or carotenoid in color (yellow, orange, pink).
  • Iris broken color Irises with “broken color” are varieties with genetically fixed mottling, marbling - white strokes and spots, the color of standards and fouls is very different.
  • Iris blend - mixed irises - which have two or more colors in the color of the petals, usually a smooth transition from one color to another (iridescent color).

And a little more terminology that may be useful in growing irises. There are such concepts as:

  • Space irises (Iris Space Agers or SA) - these irises are distinguished by the spatial design of flowers, 3B - flowers - when the beards have a continuation of various shapes in the form of a horn, spoon, arrow, or petaloid (petal-shaped formation).
  • Corrugated irises - having a pronounced waviness on the outer part of the petals.
  • Lacy irises - the lush corrugation along the edge of the petals turns into lace.

Non-bearded irises

These irises differ in that the outer perianth lobes (foli) are hairless, all petals are smooth.

Non-bearded irises are divided into classes:

  • SIB - Siberian
  • CHR - Chrysographs
  • JA - Japanese
  • SPU – Spuria
  • LA - Louisiana
  • CA - Californian
  • OT - Others (pseuudacoruses, versicolors, laevigates, setoses and other small varieties not classified into separate classes).

In Russia you can find representatives of not all classes of beardless people. For example, for obvious reasons (climate imbalance), you are unlikely to see California or Louisiana irises in person. But Japanese ones are easy, there are even varieties domestic selection, for example, ‘Altai Snow Maiden’ or ‘Lilac Haze’. Siberian varieties are popular, mainly in the blue range of flower colors: ‘Ordinary Miracle’, ‘Blue Lagoon’, there is the snow-white ‘Snegurochka’.

Japanese iris (non-bearded)

Non-bearded irises have different flower shapes; some varieties (almost all Japanese) have standards - the upper three petals are not located vertically, but, like the fouls, are bent far down. In some varieties, the standards (upper petals) are very small and slightly raised, while in others, all six petals are completely identical in appearance.

Uses of irises

Bearded irises are used in garden design in group or single plantings (solitaires), in mixborders, they grow well on rocky slopes, and look impressive in orderly rows along paths. Miniature varieties of irises are suitable for gardens and mixborders foreground, in the design alpine slides, they can be grown in a container (pots).

Most varieties of bearded irises are suitable for cutting and forcing.

When choosing irises for your garden, it is very important to take into account the climatic needs of a particular variety. Iris is a capricious flower that does not tolerate dampness and cold; choose varieties based on frost resistance, locally bred, which are more resistant to cold winters and, most likely, will be less susceptible to various diseases.

Important: In bearded (hybrid) irises, like many other irises, almost all parts of the plant are poisonous (rhizome and leaves), if you eat them by mistake, you can get poisoned - abdominal pain and vomiting. Sometimes there is information about the edibility of rhizomes, for example, Iris Florentine - this is an erroneous opinion; under no circumstances should you eat them. Even the juice of rhizomes and leaves, when handled with bare hands, can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction!

Indeed, the rhizome of the orris root - Iris Florentine - has found application in industry: it is crushed into powder, which is added to laundry detergents, as a flavoring agent in cosmetics (shampoos, perfumes, soaps) for hair care, and was previously often used in tooth powders, sometimes in folk medicine as an expectorant and decongestant. But no one ever uses it as a food product.

Iris received its generic name during the time of the ancient Greek scientist and naturalist Theophrastus. Due to the rich colors of the flowers, this plant was named after the goddess of the rainbow - Iris. The variety of colors of irises is amazing, which fully justifies its name (Iris translated from ancient Greek means “rainbow”).

In terms of the variety of shades, sophistication of color and structure, the iris flower is comparable to an orchid, which is why in the middle zone the iris is called “ garden orchid».

On chilly winter days, every gardener is transported in his imagination to the enchanting world of colors and the magic of blooming flowers. And when the long-awaited warmth arrives, our favorite irises give us their delightful rainbow flowers.

I live in St. Petersburg, located about 60 degrees north latitude, in the so-called risky farming zone. According to the prevailing opinion, this region is poorly suited for highly ornamental crops, including modern varieties bearded irises. However, based on my many years of experience in growing these wonderful plants, I can confidently say that you can enjoy the flowering of irises here too. northern latitudes, - not to mention middle lane Russia.

Irises in nature and garden

The Iris family, or Iridaceae, is numerous. It includes about 100 genera and 1800 species. In nature, these related plants are found on all continents, and therefore sometimes differ sharply from each other in their requirements for light, heat, and moisture.

Garden irises are divided into several classes. There is still no generally accepted classification of irises in the world.
Americans are the leaders of modern iris growing. The American Iris Society (AIS) has existed since 1928; here its own classification of irises has been developed.
The Russian Iris Society (ROI), of which I am a member, has existed for 15 years. And it also introduced its own classification of irises.

The only class that does not cause controversy among experts is the class of Standard Tall Bearded Irises. This is the largest and most popular group of garden irises.

Classification and flowering dates of bearded irises

Bearded irises are divided into several classes:
- Tall bearded irises (TB) – tall plants with large flowers; peduncle at least 70 cm, up to 120 cm. This class is sometimes called German iris.
- Curb beardedirises(BB) - plants with a peduncle height in the range from 41 to 70 cm. They bloom simultaneously with the previous class.
- Miniature tall beardedirises (MTB) have a stem height of 41 to 70 cm and bloom at the same time, but differ from the previous class in more miniature flowers and thin stems.
- Sideshow irises (I.B.) - plants of the same height (from 41 to 70 cm). Bloom after dwarf irises, in front of tall bearded irises.
- Standard dwarf bearded irises (S.D.B.) – peduncle height from 21 to 40 cm; bloom after Miniature Dwarf irises.
- Miniature dwarf bearded irises (MDB) - the earliest flowering and smallest bearded irises, peduncle height up to 20 cm.

According to their flowering time, iris varieties are divided into:
OR (VE) - Very Early;
P (E) – Early;
S (M) – Average;
SP (ML) – Medium-late;
P (L) – Late;
OP (VL) - Very Late.

Selection of iris varieties with different terms flowering will allow long time admire the blooming irises in the garden.

Structure of the bearded iris flower

Let's look at some terms used in iris growing.

The iris flower consists of 6 perianth lobes:
- fouls- three lower petals (outer perianth lobes);
- standards- upper petals forming a dome (inner perianth lobes).
Goateeiris- thick bristly villi, which are located on the upper part of each of the three lower petals (fouls) starting from their base.
Inside the iris flower, under the double protection of the standards and pistil are located stamens with anthers.
Pistil column iris flower divided into three wide blades, each of which ends supraglottic ridge.
Shoulders- the edges of the lower petals of a flower at their bases.
Lace- blistering along the edges of iris petals.

Coloring of bearded irises

A novice iris grower needs to learn the division of iris varieties by color:
- Single coloririses (self) - their perianth lobes are colored the same. They come in white, blue, blue, purple, lilac, pink, yellow, brown, red and almost black color. For example: red-brown varieties “African Mahogani”, “Vitafire”. Black varieties include “Superstition”, “Black tie Affair”.
- Two-tone irises (bitone) - have different shades in the upper and lower lobes of the perianth. So, the upper petals can be lilac, and the lower petals can be purple. Such varieties are called " neglikta" An example of a two-tone iris: the flower of the Thor Gun variety has pink top and dark pink bottom.
- Bicolor irises (bicolor) - have upper and lower petals different colors. For example, the variety "Havana".

Among the two-color irises, the following stand out:
- Amena (amoena) - varieties with upper white petals in any color combination with the lower ones (for example, the “Margarita” variety);
- Variegata (variegate) – varieties with yellow upper petals and dark red bottom (for example, Creme d, OR);
- iridescent(Blend) - varieties in which the flowers are painted in several colors, gradually turning into each other (for example, varieties “Planned Treasure”, “Celebration song”).
- Plicata (plicata) - on the iris perianth lobes there is a pattern: dark strokes or dots, or a contrasting border on a white, yellow or pink background (for example, varieties “Can Can Red”, “Huckleberry Fudge”).
- Luminata- a pattern of light veins on a dark background of the iris perianth lobes;
- Fancy plicata– a pattern on iris petals, combining plicate and luminata patterns;

Selection and purchase of bearded irises

The variety of shapes and colors of flowers in bearded iris varieties is inexhaustible. This creates rich opportunities for, which is not so complicated.

Hundreds of new varieties of bearded irises are registered every year, and the largest number of them are tall bearded irises.

Currently, over 60,000 varieties of bearded irises are registered in the world. The first place in breeding work so far belongs to the United States. The largest iris growing companies are also located there: “Schreiner Iris Gardens”, “Mid America Gardens”, etc.

There are also iris growing companies in Australia and France. The Dutch do not know how to grow bearded irises, so we will leave bulbous plants in their competence.

It is very difficult for Russians to order irises abroad - they must have a quarantine permit obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, and also go through a number of bureaucratic obstacles (including our customs). All this requires a lot of time, expense and worry. Therefore, it is easier to find out the address of a reliable iris collector, a member of the ROI, and familiarize yourself with his catalog. Make an order in advance in the spring, which will be confirmed after prepayment.
I do not recommend purchasing irises from random people, or in beautiful factory packaging. Believe my bitter experience - except for disappointment, these dubious acquisitions will not bring anything. It would be good if, instead of the “Idis Wolford” shown on the package, the people’s favorite “Stepping Out” or “Margarita” blossoms. Usually, instead of the mentioned varieties, nondescript gray-brown iris grows.

Tall bearded irises are very popular in the world. At least one or more of these varieties can be found in almost every garden of a Russian flower lover.

Irises interlude - a magnificent middle

Another class of bearded irises that is still little familiar to most gardeners is the medium-sized irises.
In order not to overburden readers with numerous terms on English, I will not describe their features in detail.
Some iris growers call medium-sized irises, according to the generally accepted classification of the American Iris Society, “interlude.”

In the Russian Iris Society, this class is called connecting medium-sized bearded irises. Varieties of this class are united by the height of the peduncle, varying between 41-70 cm. They are located between the most common class - tall bearded irises, the height of the peduncle of which often reaches a meter - and dwarf irises with a height of less than 40 cm. Therefore, in the iris growing literature, medium-sized irises are nicknamed " golden mean."

However, these “average” irises are far ahead of tall bearded irises in terms of vitality. They are more frost-resistant, and are also more resistant to the scourge of irises - bacteriosis, which usually attacks plantings in mid-summer and causes significant harm to the most valuable varieties of tall irises.

In our capricious St. Petersburg climate, at the peak of flowering of tall bearded irises (usually mid-June, at temperatures above +25 degrees), wind and rain often blow. The elements deal a sudden blow and cause irreparable harm to blooming irises - the opened flowers are filled with moisture; The peduncle cannot stand it and falls.
Unfortunately, this often coincides with the annual iris exhibition. Bad weather negatively affects the quality of selected plants for the exhibition, for public viewing and judging.

Medium-sized bearded irises do not face this problem, since they have already bloomed beautifully in the May sun. And for those varieties that are still blooming, gusts of wind are not scary - the “average” varieties have a squat and strong peduncle.

Medium-sized irises are indispensable in mixborders. Their overgrown clumps stand out brightly against the background and.
Sideshows are often used by landscapers in their work, and are also grown by lovers of “lazy” gardens.

A bright white-yellow spot, attracting everyone’s attention from afar, stands out in my garden as a clump of irises of the “Protokol” variety by the American breeder Keppel. The medium-sized border iris “Brown Lasso” looks great - its yellow-lilac petals are framed by a brown border.
The “Vatik” variety looks unusual: on the blue background of its petals, a fancy pattern of white stripes seems to be applied.
Medium-sized irises of the “Country Dance” variety (pink-orange color) and the “Dark Waters” variety (black-violet color) planted nearby create a magnificent contrast and well-combined color scheme.
The variety “Lyrique” (“Lyric”) of Australian selection looks magnificent and mysterious in my garden: a flashy wine-plum spot stands out against the silver-blue background of its petals.

The small number of varieties of medium-sized irises is explained by the complexity of breeding work. The pollen necessary for breeding new varieties is mostly fertile - as a result, seed pods do not set well. However, thanks to the painstaking work of foreign breeders and domestic iris growers, new and increasingly decorative varieties of medium-sized irises are appearing.

Favorite irises

Fertile parts of a flower (stamen, pistil). Sterile parts of the flower (calyx, corolla, perianth). A flower is the organ of seed reproduction of angiosperms. In flowers, the formation of micro- and mega-spores, gametes, pollination, fertilization, development of the embryo and the formation of a fruit with seeds occurs. A flower consists of a peduncle, receptacle, perianth, androecium and gynoecium.

The peduncle is the internode under the flower that connects it to the stem. Flowers without pedicels are called sessile. The peduncle may contain leaves called bracts. The receptacle is the extended part of the peduncle to which all other parts of the flower are attached. Most plants have flowers with pistils and stamens and are bisexual. Some plants have unisexual flowers. Depending on the symmetry, actinomorphic, zygomorphic and asymmetrical are distinguished. The perianth can be simple or double, the double perianth consists of a calyx and corolla, the calyx mainly performs a protective function; it consists of sepals, often colored green , they can be free and fused (like legumes) and form a fused or bell-shaped calyx. In some groups of plants, the calyx is reduced (umbelliferae) or modified (Asteraceae). The corolla has a variety of colors and, as a rule, is significantly larger in size than the calyx. It consists of petals. The petals of insect-pollinated plants are brightly colored. In wind-pollinated plants they are inconspicuous or absent. A simple perianth consists of identical leaflets and is characteristic of most monocots, as well as some dicots. It is often corolla-shaped (brightly colored) and sometimes cup-shaped (green). The collection of stamens in a flower is called the androecium. The stamen consists of a filament and an anther. The anther is formed from two halves, each of which is represented by two microsporangia (pollen sacs). In the pollen sac, sporogenic tissue is formed, forming microspores (pollen grains), and during their formation the process of meiosis occurs. The pollen grain is haploid, has two shells and is airborne. A male gametophyte develops in it, which is very reduced and consists of 2 cells: vegetative and generative. The generative cell replaces the antheridium and gives rise to two sperm - male gametes, in contrast to sperm, which lack flagella. A pollen tube is subsequently formed from the vegetative cell. The gynoecium is a collection of carpels in a flower that form one or more pistils. The gynoecium may consist of free carpels, each of which forms a pistil. This type of gynoecium is characteristic of primitive flowering plants (ranunculaceae, legumes). During the process of evolution, the carpels fused together and formed a more complex type of gynoecium. The number of carpels that formed such a gynoecium can be determined by the number of styles on one ovary, the number of stigma lobes, and the number of ovary nests. Typically, the pistil differentiates into an ovary, a style, and a stigma. Depending on the type of receptacle, the ovary may occupy different positions in relation to other flower organs. Inside the ovary there are ovules, the number of which can vary from one to several million. Ovule (megasporangium) is a multicellular formation of seed plants, from which the seed subsequently develops. The ovule is surrounded on the outside by integuments, which do not close at the apex, forming a narrow channel - micropyle (pollen passage). The pollen tube penetrates the embryo sac through the micropyle. From one diploid cell of the ovule, 4 haploid megaspores are formed as a result of meiosis. Three of them die off, and one continues to develop. It divides mitotically three times, resulting in the formation of 8 haploid nuclei. Two of them fuse in the center to form a diploid nucleus. This is how the female gametophyte, called the embryo sac, arises. The mature female gametophyte contains an egg cell, a diploid central cell, and a number of accessory cells.

Functions of a flower.

A flower is a modified shortened shoot adapted for the reproduction of angiosperms (flowering) plants.

The exclusive role of the flower is due to the fact that it combines all the processes of asexual and sexual reproduction, while in lower and many higher plants they are separated. In a bisexual flower, micro- and megasporogenesis, micro- and megagametogenesis, pollination, fertilization, and the formation of seeds and fruits take place. The structural features of the flower allow the above functions to be carried out with minimal expenditure of plastic substances and energy.

Flower formula and diagram.

Flower diagram. 1 - inflorescence axis, 2 - bracts, 3 - sepals, 4 - petal, 5 - stamen, 6 - pistil, 7 - covering leaf.

For short and conventional designations of the structure of flowers, formulas are used in which various morphological characteristics are encoded using alphabetic and digital designations: the sex and symmetry of the flower, the number of circles in the flower, as well as the number of members in each circle, the fusion of parts of the flower and the position of the pistils (upper or lower ovary).

The flower formula is brief description, its description using symbols. The flower is studied in acropetal order and the following symbols are written in this sequence: polysymmetrical flower (actinomorphic) - *, zygomorphic - , asymmetrical - │:, - then the symbol of the calyx - K (Ca), corolla - C (Co), androecium - A, gynoecium - G, simple perianth (regionium) - P. The number of elements of each part of the flower is indicated by the corresponding number, but if there are more than twelve of these elements by the symbol - ∞; the fact of fusion of parts of a flower is indicated by brackets; the placement of a given part of a flower in different circles is separated by a + sign. The upper ovary is indicated by a line (-) placed under the Karpel number of the gynoecium, the lower ovary - above the number, and the middle one - along with the Karpel number. For example, the formula for rapeseed flower (Barbarea) looks like this: * K4C4A2 +4 G (2); pears (Pyrus): * K5C5A ∞ G (5); tulip (Tulipa): P3 +3 A3 +3 G (3) -; elderberry (Sambucus): * K5C5A5G (3) -.

The most complete picture of the structure of a flower is given by diagrams that represent a schematic projection of the flower onto a plane perpendicular to the axis of the flower and passing through the covering leaf and the axis of the inflorescence or shoot on which the flower is located.

One of the most stunning spring-blooming herbaceous perennials is the Properly Bearded Iris. Having a rich palette of colors and shades, divided into groups according to flowering time and height, it has become not just a decoration for gardens, but a source of pride for many collectors. Its selection has a rich history and includes tens of thousands of registered varieties and cultivars unknown to a wide range of people. But, despite the diversity, breeding work does not stop, perhaps because crossing iris sometimes gives amazing results and is not considered difficult.

Low growing bearded iris 'Enchanted Mocha'. © Eric Hunt

Classification of bearded iris

Bearded iris has a rather complex hybrid origin. Its ancestors are different natural species: German iris, dwarf iris, Trojan iris, Cyprus iris, pale iris, etc. That is why it has so many forms and varieties. And it is for this reason that it still does not have a single classification recognized throughout the world.

The simplest classification of bearded iris is division by height. The low-growing group includes plants with a height of only 40 cm. The medium-growing group includes plants up to 70 cm. All varieties above 70 cm are considered tall.

At the same time, dwarf irises are divided into miniature, with a peduncle height of up to 20 cm and one to three flowers on it, and standard - with a peduncle height of 21 to 40 cm and two to four flowers.

Iris ‘Gypsy Romance’. © NYBG

Medium-sized bearded irises are divided into 4-flowered (IB - intermediate bearded), those that have more than 6 flowers on one peduncle (BB - boarder bearded), and the so-called miniature (MTB - miniature tall bearded).

The tall group is not divided into subgroups.

According to the classification adopted by the Russian Iris Society (ROI), Properly Bearded irises are divided into:

  • Tall Bearded (TV – Tall Bearded);
  • Standard Medium Bearded (SMB – Standard Median Bearder);
  • Small-Flowered Median Bearder (SFMB - Small-Flowered Median Bearder);
  • Binding Medium Bearded (IMB – Intermediate Median Bearder);
  • Standard Dwarf Bearder (SDB – Standard Dwarf Bearder);
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearder (MDB – Miniature dwarf Bearder);
  • Non-Aril-like Arilbreds ((-) AB – Non-Aril – like Arilbreds);
  • Arils and Aril-like Arilbreds (AR& (+)AB (Arils and Aril-like Arilbreds)

According to the flowering periods, bearded irises are:

  • very early (V – very early),
  • early (E - early),
  • mid-early (ME – medium-early),
  • medium-late (ML – medium-late),
  • late (L – late),
  • very late (VL – very late).

There are also varieties with repeated (two or more) flowerings - remontant (Re - Rebloomers), but in the conditions of most of our climatic zones, unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases they do not show remontant, so there is practically no data on them in Russian.

Irises are also divided according to flower size:

  • with small flowers,
  • with average
  • with large
  • with very large ones.

There is a classification based on the color of fouls and standards:

  • single-color irises (self) - distinguished by the same coloring of all perianth lobes;
  • two-tone (bitone) - have two shades of the same color, one of which is painted in the upper lobes, and the other in the lower lobes;
  • two-color (bicolor) - carry two different colors.

Among the latter, the following groups are distinguished:

  • amena (amoena) – with white upper petals;
  • variegate - with yellow upper and dark red lower ones;
  • plicata (plicata) - with anthocyanin (from pink-lilac to dark purple) patterns on the light surface of the perianth lobes;
  • luminata - with an uncolored part around the beard on the anthocyanin background of the lobes;
  • plicata-luminata or fancy-plicata (plicata + luminata) – a combination of plicata and luminata indicators;
  • glaciate – pastel shades with the absence of anthocyanin elements;
  • iridescent (blend) - with smooth transitions from one color to another;
  • reversible – standards darker than foul;
  • with “broken” color (brokencolours) – with splashes of contrasting color on a plain background.

Breeding bearded iris

Thanks to people's love to this wonderful perennial, over a hundred new varieties are born every year. The most intense group, and also the most popular, are the Tall Bearded Irises. The variety of shapes of their flowers and the combination of colors is simply amazing. But, despite this, breeders continue to work, surprising the world with new wonderful achievements.

How to develop a new variety?

Even a novice amateur gardener can develop a new variety of bearded iris. This requires a little patience, some knowledge and determination.

The first place to start your selection work is to study the structure of the flower.

Structure of the bearded iris flower. 1 - inner (upper) petals (perianth lobes), standards; 2 - supra-narcular ridge; 3 - stigma; 4 — boot; 5 - beard; 6 - outer (lower) petals (perianth lobes), fouls; 7 - ovary; 8 - a piece of wrapper. © flowers-earth

Perianth lobes are the name given to the “petals” of the iris flower. Among them, there are external lobes - fouls (lower petals) and internal lobes - standards (upper petals). The beard is a strip of richly colored bristles running along the top of the hair. Pistil - has three lobes and a supra-styllicular ridge. Stamens are hidden under the standards and pistil.


If everything is clear with the structure of the flower, you can start crossing.

Step 1 - preparation

First of all, you need to decide what you will cross. Using a label, mark the mother plant (which will be pollinated) and the father plant (from which pollen will be taken). (It is better to place the label with the marking under the ovary so that it does not get lost after the flower withers.)

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, it is almost impossible to predict the result in advance, but in any case, for crossing it is necessary to take the best specimens with pronounced traits of interest.

In general, the breeder should be interested in the shape of the flower, its color, the number of buds, the timing and duration of flowering, the nature of branching, and the growing power of the variety. An amateur is usually quite interested in the very fact of crossing, and therefore you can start with something simple - try to get a variety of colors of fouls and standards, or mix tall and dwarf hybrids in order to obtain a transitional or connecting medium-sized form.

If breeding work is planned to continue, then it is better to immediately start a separate notebook and record in it a list of crosses and seedlings selected for further experiments, assigning them numbers and letter designations, taking into account the year of crossing, pair number, seedling number.

Iris ‘Little Annie’. © C&J Design

Step 2 - pollination

In the morning, when the plants have already dried, or in the evening, in dry, windless weather, you must carefully cut off the anther from the paternal iris with scissors. Using a brush, carefully transfer the pollen to the open stigma of the mother flower.

A few important points:

The mother flower is ready for pollination already at the end of the first day of flowering, when its stigma bends (opens). First, the anthers ripen in the opened flower, and only then, after 16 or even 20 hours, the pollen.

When the day is too hot, the stigma dries out and cannot accept pollen. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out pollination at the beginning or end of the day, but taking into account the fact that there will be no rain in the next two hours.

The most viable pollen is considered to be collected on the first day of flowering.

If the iris perianth lobes are corrugated, standards and fouls can be torn off from them for easy access to the stigma.

The follicles and anthers are also torn off in order to protect the flower from pollination by insects.

To increase the percentage of bolls set, it is better to pollinate three stigmas rather than one.

If pollination has occurred, the box will begin to grow; if not, the flower will fade and fall off.

In the case when the mother plant is for some reason not ready for pollination or is not close to the paternal plant, the anther can be stored until the right moment in a glass container, under conditions room temperature. But it can be stored for no more than eight days.

Marcie Sullivan Dietrich

Step 3 – seed maturation

Next, you need to wait for the pods to ripen (about two months). They should turn yellow-green. But you shouldn’t keep them on the plant for too long, because if the boxes burst, the seeds will scatter. In addition, it was noticed that seeds collected from unripe capsules germinate better.

One box can contain from one to 60 seeds if these are tall bearded irises, and for dwarf varieties - over 100. At first they have smooth surface and honey-brown tint, but when dry, they wrinkle and shrink in size by half

Step 4 - sowing seeds

Seed material can be sown either immediately after harvesting or before winter. It is good to sow according to a 10 X 10 cm pattern, burying the seeds to a depth equal to approximately three of their diameters, but not deeper than 1.5 cm.

If the number of seeds is large, it is more convenient to divide the area into four-row beds with a distance between rows of 30 cm and between seedlings of 20–25 cm. The soil for seedlings should be water- and breathable, not acidic.

In unfavorable weather conditions, irises can also be grown through seedlings. In this case, the dried seeds should be placed in labeled bags and stored until February. In February, sow them in bowls in pre-disinfected soil. To retain moisture, you can place a small amount of hydrogel on the bottom of the pots.

To stimulate the seeds to germinate, you need to keep them in the cold for some time. To do this, cover the container with the seedlings with film and send it to a cool place for one and a half to two months, with a temperature of about +2...5°C, for example, in a refrigerator. Then they place it on a warm, well-lit windowsill, or even better, in a mini-greenhouse and wait for shoots. When it warms up, seedlings are planted outside.

Important rule

In order for the seeds to germinate successfully, the soil in the pots or garden beds must always be moist. Drying out even for one day greatly stops the process of seed germination. But even if all the conditions are met, you will have to wait at least eight weeks for seedlings, with the exception of the seeds of plicata hybrids, which begin to awaken already in the seventh week after sowing. And the germination process itself is extremely uneven, so you need to be patient.


Step 5 - flowering

The last stage is flowering. But it will have to wait. Fully developing plants begin to bloom only in the second or third year.

But even when the plants bloom is not yet an indicator. It is necessary to give irises at least two years of flowering, since only in the second or third year of flowering will it be possible to say whether the result obtained is something interesting or not.

Step 6 - registration

If the resulting cultivar is unique, it can be registered! This must be done through the Russian Iris Society (ROI). But when filling out an application, you will have to fill out a special form in which to note various aspects relating to the new variety, so it is better to print the application form in advance, even before flowering, and fill it out gradually, and not from memory.

Iris ‘Abbey Chant’. © Metcalfe Plants

Festivals, international competitions and exhibitions of bearded iris are held annually in different countries. The oldest of them is the competition held in Florence, called “Concorso Internazionale dell’Iris”, dating back to 1957.

Australia, America and Great Britain each season award the most interesting new variety of bearded iris in its class a special award - Dykes Memorial Medal, which in Russian sounds like “Dykes Medal”. The presentation has continued since 1927.

The largest number of varieties of bearded iris were bred in the United States of America (the USA accounts for over half of the registered cultivars), in second place in terms of activity breeding work Russia comes in, followed by Austria and France.

There are more than 30,000 varieties of bearded iris in the world, but none of them have completely black, bright red or pure green petals.

One of the latest achievements of breeders are bearded irises of the so-called “space” group (SA - Space Agers). Their difference lies in non-standard form beard, expressed by a peculiar outgrowth in the form of a petal - petaloid (flounce), spoon (spoon) or horn (horn).

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