Air compressor schematic drawing. Useful homemade products: making an air compressor with your own hands. Supercharger, pressure gauge and other parts

A compressor can bring a lot of benefits in various areas of life. Perhaps you need a device for quickly inflating car tires, or you have decided to take up airbrushing, but you don’t have the appropriate equipment, and you don’t want to buy it. You can solve this problem by making a compressor yourself. We will talk about how to do this and what is needed for this.

Make or buy

Before you learn how to make a compressor with your own hands, you need to understand how and what problems it can solve homemade version, and how to deal with them with a store-bought unit. In this regard, everything depends more on the direction for which you need a compressor. If you need it for simple tire inflation, then you can use a homemade one.

It’s another matter if you are drawn to creativity. It doesn't have to be airbrushing to trip over imperfections. home option. The thing is that painting requires a uniform and uniform air flow. It should be free of debris and other small particles.

If these conditions are not met, grainy paintwork or other types of defects may result. This is what you should think about first when you see photos of homemade compressors.

To all of the above, you can also add heterogeneous stains and drips, which will be a problem even when painting a bicycle frame, let alone car parts.

Despite this, both types of compressors are designed pretty much the same when it comes to the basics. In any case, you need a reservoir in which the air is under high pressure. It can be generated by manual injection, or it can appear from mechanical action.

If the first option is cheaper to implement, then it is worth considering that the work will be much more difficult, because you will constantly need to monitor the pressure level inside the compressor.

If the compressor is equipped with additional automation, all you need to do is add oil or change it from time to time. The result of the operation of such a device will be a constant and uniform supply of air, which can be very important important role for you.


Here we come to step by step instructions for assembling a compressor at home. If we talk about its advantages, then first of all it is worth remembering the volume of operation, because such a unit will work significantly quieter than the factory version. To do this, you will need to tightly connect all the components, but this work is worth the effort.

What can you make your own compressor from?

First, you will need something that can replace the receiver. A simple one works well for this. car camera. Next you will need to find a simple pump with a pressure gauge installed. It is needed to increase the air pressure inside the chamber. To this we add a simple awl, a repair kit for the wheel and a simple nipple for the camera.

First of all, you need to make sure that the chamber is still sealed and does not leak air. If it turns out that she cannot cope with her tasks, in conditions high blood pressure the consequences can be serious.

If during the inspection you find air leaks, then the chamber needs to be sealed, and this is best done using vulcanization.

Since our camera will serve as a receiver, we will need to make another hole in it, for which we will need a simple awl. You will need to glue the nipple into it, which I talked about earlier. It will be used to supply air inside the chamber.

For correct installation The nipple is well suited to the repair kit, which is indicated in the list of necessary parts. Next, unscrew the nipple and check how the air moves.

A DIY mini compressor is made according to the same principle, you will just need to take a smaller chamber, which will require a pump of less power. Such an installation will have lower productivity, but will have a certain compactness.


After everything that was done earlier, you need to install the release valve on the nipple that was originally on the camera. It is necessary to relieve pressure if it rises too high. In order to check the performance of the device not only by direct use, it would not be superfluous to install an additional pressure gauge.

Otherwise, if you are painting, you will need to first do a test run, then look at the uniformity of the enamel or plain paint, and only then start working. This is not very convenient, and can be quite expensive, depending on the price of materials.

It is important to know that when checking the pressure level with a pressure gauge, its needle should not twitch. If this happens, you need to check the entire structure, as this is a sign that the air flow is not uniform.

In fact, the idea of ​​homemade compressors and the manufacture of one does not require any superpowers. Naturally, you will need direct hands, basic skills in working with different instruments, and the main thing is the desire to do all this. If you need a compressor for professional needs, then it is better to turn to ready-made solutions.

There are many reviews that homemade compressors work more reliably and are more durable. It is important to understand that this depends primarily on who made this unit, and the materials that were used to create it are no less important.

If you want to work in your garage or shed as a hobby, and you have enough free time to do it - why not.

DIY compressor photos

It is not necessary to buy a compressor for painting works or tire inflation - you can make it yourself from used parts and assemblies removed from old equipment.

We will tell you about structures that are assembled from scrap materials.

In order to make a compressor from used parts and assemblies, you need to be well prepared: study the diagram, find it on the farm or buy some additional parts. Let's look at a few possible options for self-design air compressor.

Air compressor made from refrigerator and fire extinguisher parts

This unit operates almost silently. Let's look at the diagram future design and make a list of necessary components and parts.

1 - tube for filling oil; 2 - starting relay; 3 - compressor; 4 - copper tubes; 5 - hoses; 6 - diesel filter; 7 - gasoline filter; 8 - air inlet; 9 - pressure switch; 10 - cross; 11 - safety valve; 12 - tee; 13 - receiver from a fire extinguisher; 14 - pressure reducer with pressure gauge; 15 - moisture-oil trap; 16 - air inlet

Necessary parts, materials and tools

The main elements taken are: a motor-compressor from a refrigerator ( better production USSR) and a fire extinguisher cylinder, which will be used as a receiver. If they are not available, then you can look for a compressor from a non-working refrigerator at repair shops or at metal collection points. A fire extinguisher can be purchased on the secondary market or you can involve friends in the search, who at work may have written off fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher for 10 liters. The fire extinguisher cylinder must be emptied safely.

In addition you will need:

  • pressure gauge (as for a pump, water heater);
  • diesel filter;
  • filter for a gasoline engine;
  • pressure switch;
  • electric toggle switch;
  • pressure regulator (reducer) with pressure gauge;
  • reinforced hose;
  • water pipes, tees, adapters, fittings + clamps, hardware;
  • materials for creating a frame - metal or wood + furniture wheels;
  • safety valve (to relieve excess pressure);
  • self-closing air inlet (for connection, for example, to an airbrush).

Another viable receiver came from a tubeless car wheel. An extremely budget-friendly, although not very productive model.

Wheel receiver

We invite you to watch a video about this experience from the author of the design.

A portable air compressor, low noise, consuming relatively little electricity - this is probably the dream of every owner of a private home, cottage, garage, or small business. Well, mobile installation compressed air it is quite acceptable to do it yourself, for example, by taking part of the old equipment household refrigerator. Each refrigeration unit has a built-in compressor. If you remove this part and add accessories, you will get an air compressor from a refrigerator compressor.

Before deciding to implement an idea, it is advisable to decide exactly: is this idea really worth taking on? Let's consider several important aspects of the topic in order to help future designers make the right decision:

  1. not intended for use with air.
  2. The compressor performance of domestic refrigerators is low.
  3. To lubricate the mechanism refrigeration compressors special oil is required.

The corresponding conclusions follow from this. When working with air, the device will not be able to function long time without good cooling.

When a refrigeration compressor operates with freon, the housing is cooled due to other temperature parameters of the refrigerant.

Compression of the air mixture by a refrigeration compressor occurs under completely different temperature conditions, which will lead to an increase operating temperature by an order of magnitude. Ultimately, without good cooling, the compressor will simply burn out.

A burnt-out refrigerator compressor as a result of a violation of technological operating conditions. The same fate awaits the device that is supposed to be used in the project, if you do not use special means protection

Low productivity of households refrigeration units– this is another factor limiting the use of such equipment for producing compressed air.

For example, to pump a 5-liter receiver to a pressure of 5-7 atm, it will take at least 15-20 minutes of operation of the refrigeration unit.

Meanwhile, this volume of air is not enough even to inflate a car tire or spray paint one wall in one sitting. small room garage.

Poor performance of the refrigerator system is common for such equipment. But for an air compression system, especially with a high flow rate, a high-performance system is required

Finally one more important factor– compressor oil. To lubricate the mechanism of refrigeration compressors, a special freon oil is used, the properties of which change dramatically in contact with air.

If you do not change the oil to another type of lubricant that is structurally friendly to air, after a certain time the compressor mechanism will simply “close up” due to rapid wear of parts.

DIY design

So, if, despite all the noted nuances, the decision is made to assemble from the refrigerator, you can proceed directly to action.

Approximately this design should result from the implementation of the conceived idea. By appearance no complaints. The device looks more than flawless and quite impressive

The first step is to collect everything necessary details project equipment:

  1. Air receiver.
  2. Oil separator.
  3. Differential pressure switch.
  4. Copper tube.
  5. Inlet air filter.
  6. Shut-off control and control valves.

A compressed air cylinder from a KAMAZ vehicle is optimally suited for the air receiver. The five-liter capacity is suitable for a domestic environment overall dimensions and meets the requirements for pressure vessels.

It is best to equip a home compressor made from a refrigerator with one of the cylinders that are used on KAMAZ truck tractors. These vessels comply with Rostechnadzor standards
An oil separator design option that is recommended for use as part of the installation. For reliable operation of the system, high-quality separation of oil from air is required.

A differential pressure switch (for example, from the RT series) is used from among those used in industrial refrigeration units.

Copper tube is available in sufficient quantities in the design of the condenser of a domestic refrigerator. Its diameter matches the outlet pipe of the refrigerator compressor.

The air filter at the compressor inlet can be easily made from any suitable plastic container, placing a regular foam sponge inside. Shut-off control and control valves - valves, check valve, pressure gauges - can be bought in the store.

Air unit assembly

An air receiver (for example, an air cylinder from a KAMAZ vehicle) is mounted on a chassis made of metal corner. Additionally, it is recommended to install a pair of wheels on the chassis for ease of movement, a support “leg” and a handle.

A platform for installing a refrigerator compressor and a bracket for mounting a differential pressure switch are fixed above the upper area of ​​the cylinder. An oil separator is attached to the side of the receiver, through a clamp and an outlet fitting.

DIY oil separator. For fastening, one clamp with a bracket is used on the left side of the separator, and the right part is attached to the fitting of the receiver inlet pipe

An air filter must be installed on the inlet pipe of the refrigerator compressor. An air filter is required to reduce the entry of foreign particles present in the air into the system.

Air filter easy to make from any plastic container by attaching it through an angle threaded transition to the inlet pipe.

Air filter on the inlet pipe of the unit. It’s easy to make one with your own hands from suitable plastic containers. There is a foam sponge inside the filter housing

The outlet pipe of the compressor is connected through a compensation copper tube-heat exchanger to the inlet fitting of the separator (oil separator). The outlet pipe of the separator is connected to the receiver through an angle adapter.

A tee and (compressed air outlet) are installed at the outlet of the receiver. Through the tee taps, the receiver output is additionally connected by copper tubes to a differential relay and a pressure gauge. A safety valve is also installed there.

Electrical part and principle of operation

The electrical circuit diagram actually remains untouched, with the exception of minor changes. That is, the compressor from the refrigerator was powered from the mains AC through the start relay, so this option is left unchanged.

Another question is that the circuit can be slightly modernized. For example, supplement it with a switch mounted on the case assembled installation. Still, this option is more convenient than periodically plugging and unplugging the plug from the socket every time you use the device in action.

This design does not provide a separate power switch. The compressor is connected to the network with a two-wire cord with a plug through the contact group of the pressure switch

Also, the voltage supply circuit to the compressor must be configured taking into account the inclusion of the contact group of the differential pressure switch.

Due to this configuration, the device will turn off immediately after reaching the set air pressure limit. That's all. The air compressor from the refrigerator can be considered done.

Some notes on the project

A fire extinguisher for a receiver for a home compressed air unit must be selected taking into account a three-fold pressure reserve. Powder OT canister is not the best choice

Often as a receiver for homemade projects use fire extinguisher cylinders. Meanwhile, the containers of powder fire extinguishers have a low limit of the maximum permissible operating pressure (8-12 atm.).

In addition, such vessels are subject to mandatory inspection after a certain period of time by the relevant authorities. If you still take a fire extinguisher vessel under the receiver, then vessels from carbon dioxide systems can be considered an acceptable option.

Finally, the most important point. Similar designs, in fact, should be registered with the Rostekhnadzor authorities, since the assembly contains a vessel operating under a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa ( working pressure installations 10 atm.).

Owners of unregistered homemade air compressors may well be held accountable (administrative and even criminal), as soon as something extraordinary happens during the operation of the equipment that threatens the life and health of people.

So you should think a thousand times before trying to assemble an air compressor from a refrigerator compressor with your own hands.

Practice assembling a compressed air installation


It is not necessary to buy a compressor for painting work or inflating wheels - you can make it yourself from used parts and assemblies removed from old equipment. We will tell you about structures that are assembled from scrap materials.

In order to make a compressor from used parts and assemblies, you need to be well prepared: study the diagram, find it on the farm or buy some additional parts. Let's consider several possible options for independently designing an air compressor.

Air compressor made from refrigerator and fire extinguisher parts

This unit operates almost silently. Let's look at the diagram of the future design and make a list of the necessary components and parts.

1 — tube for filling oil; 2 - starting relay; 3 - compressor; 4 - copper tubes; 5 — hoses; 6 — diesel filter; 7 — gasoline filter; 8 — air inlet; 9 — pressure switch; 10 — cross; 11 - safety valve; 12 - tee; 13 — receiver from a fire extinguisher; 14 — pressure reducer with pressure gauge; 15 — moisture-oil trap; 16 — pneumatic socket

Necessary parts, materials and tools

The main elements taken are: a motor-compressor from a refrigerator (preferably made in the USSR) and a fire extinguisher cylinder, which will be used as a receiver. If they are not available, then you can look for a compressor from a non-working refrigerator at repair shops or at metal collection points. A fire extinguisher can be purchased on the secondary market or you can involve friends in the search, who at work may have written off fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher for 10 liters. The fire extinguisher cylinder must be emptied safely.

In addition you will need:

  • pressure gauge (as for a pump, water heater);
  • diesel filter;
  • filter for a gasoline engine;
  • pressure switch;
  • electric toggle switch;
  • pressure regulator (reducer) with pressure gauge;
  • reinforced hose;
  • water pipes, tees, adapters, fittings + clamps, hardware;
  • materials for creating a frame - metal or wood + furniture wheels;
  • safety valve (to relieve excess pressure);
  • self-closing air inlet (for connection, for example, to an airbrush).

Another viable receiver came from a tubeless car wheel. An extremely budget-friendly, although not very productive model.

Wheel receiver

We invite you to watch a video about this experience from the author of the design.

Using a 12-volt compressor, you can pump up tires, remove debris and dust, blow out (clean) grill elements, inflate balls, supply compressed air to a spray gun, etc.
If the compressor is equipped with a receiver, its operating mode will be easier. After all, such a container creates a supply of compressed air, which allows you to take breaks in the operation of the compressor.

At the same time, the quality of the supplied air will increase, since the receiver equalizes the pressure, smoothes out pulsations, cools the compressed air supplied from the compressor, and collects condensate.

Required accessories

Our installation will consist of two main parts: a compressor and a receiver - the fire extinguisher body. For safe and reliable operation of the device, it is important that the pressure created by the compressor (140 psi ≈ 10 bar ≈ 10 kg/ does not exceed the pressure for which the fire extinguisher body is designed (20 bar ≈ 20 kg/

To create an installation that operates in automatic mode, we will need the following accessories:
  • a shut-off unit on the receiver with a system of threaded channels;
  • safety valve;
  • pressure gauge with scale in bars;
  • switch pressure switch;
  • valve in the form of a ball valve;
  • spiral and linear hoses;
  • air gun;
  • 12 Volt battery;
  • fittings, unions and adapters.
To assemble individual units into a single whole, we will need:
  • keys and pliers;
  • drill and crimper (means for crimping wire lugs);
  • hacksaw and scissors;
  • O-rings and FUM tape;
  • knitting wire and double-sided tape;
  • piece plastic pipe.

Making a receiver from a fire extinguisher housing for a 12 V compressor

It is better to choose a fire extinguisher with a large volume for the receiver. In this case, its efficiency when working in tandem with a compressor will be higher.
Next, we unscrew the shut-off valve with a hose, shake out its contents from the body (usually this is a substance based on ammonium phosphates, as it is the cheapest, but there may be other compositions).

Then we wash the inside of the fire extinguisher body clean water several times. Wipe the outside of the container with a clean cloth and dry the inside with a hair dryer.

Receiver equipment

Before this stage of work, we once again compare the characteristics of the compressor and the former fire extinguisher housing, and make sure that our receiver will meet the capabilities of the compressor in all respects.

Screw it into the neck metal container locking assembly with a central channel and four lateral threaded holes.

We screw a safety valve into one of the side channels, adjusting it to a lower opening pressure.

Of the two available pressure gauges, select the one that is calibrated in bar pressure units, and also screw it into the other side channel on the locking unit.

In the two remaining channels we screw in an adapter and a pressure switch - the main element of the automation system, which turns on the compressor when the pressure in the receiver becomes less than the operating one.

We screw a ball valve into the shut-off unit from above to supply compressed air from the receiver or its shut-off.

Next, using a set of rubber rings, FUM tape and keys, we seal and strengthen the joints of all elements with the locking unit and the latter with the body of the future receiver.

It remains to screw onto the ball valve, also using an O-ring and FUM tape, an adapter for installing a spiral hose, at the other end of which a tool powered by compressed air (we have a pneumatic gun) will be attached through the same adapter.

Compressor piping

We first check its functionality by connecting it to a 12-volt battery and make sure that everything is in order with it.
We put a hose adapter on the compressor outlet fitting. We seal using FUM tape and firmly tighten the hex connector with keys.

We install the compressor on the receiver in the place where it will later be fixed. We cut off the hose at the outlet with scissors, leaving a small extension onto which we put a plastic rectangular fitting. It is necessary to give the desired direction to the hose that will come out of it and connect to the adapter on the receiver. Between the last two parts, a hexagonal connector is cut into the hose - it is also a check valve.

Installing the compressor on the receiver

We glue strips of double-sided tape onto the supporting surfaces of the compressor base. This will allow you to pre-fix the nodes relative to each other, and further promote the strength of the connection.
Then, using pliers and a binding wire, which we pass through the holes in the base, firmly screw the compressor to the receiver.

Manufacturing of the installation support part

To do this, you will need a piece of plastic pipe comparable in size to the outer diameter of the receiver. Using a hacksaw, cut three rings of equal width from the pipe.

We make a cross-section in two rings so that they can be put on the receiver. Cut the third ring into two equal parts. They, in fact, will be the “legs” of our installation.

In two rings, at points diametrically opposite to the cuts, we drill holes using a drill. We do the same in the half rings in their center.
We connect rings with half rings in pairs using screws and a drill, screwing in the hardware from the side of the split full ring.
On inner part We glue the split rings, covering the heads of the screws, with a strip of double-sided tape to fix the rings on the bottom of the receiver body.

We install the rings on the receiver, spreading them along the cut. To firmly fix the rings on the surface of the receiver, we also glue a strip under each end of the ring, starting from the cut and below.

Selecting pressure in the receiver and setting the relay

After connecting the hoses and turning on the compressor, we check the pressure build-up in the receiver using a pressure gauge and the operation of the installation using a pneumatic gun when the power is turned off. Relieve the pressure in the receiver using safety valve by pulling the ring on the rod.

We cut one strand of the wire from the compressor and connect its ends to the pressure switch using lugs and a crimper. We turn on the compressor again and make sure that the pressure in the receiver increases.

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