Read the Old Russian Slavic dream book and the meaning of dreams. Old Russian dream book interpretation of dreams. Common beliefs and superstitions

The most complete collection of dream books. Includes: Standard Dream Book, Doff's Dream Book, Freud's Dream Book, Miller's Dream Book, Nostradamus' Dream Book, Assyrian Dream Book, Hasse's Dream Book, Vanga's Dream Book, Azar's Dream Book, Zhou-Gong's Dream Book, Tsvetkov's Dream Book, Old Russian Dream Book, English dream book, Esoteric dream book, French dream book, Indian dream book, Kopalinsky's dream book, Culinary dream book, Slavic dream book, Dream book of Meneghetti, Muslim dream book, Persian dream book, Correct dream book, Small dream book, Dream book of Solomon, Dream book of Krada Veles, Family dream book, Intimate dream book, Children's dream book, Modern dream book, Love dream book, Lunar dream book, Electronic dream book, Dream book of food, Dream book of flowers, Wedding dream book, Dream book of numbers, Dream book for women, Dream book for men, Ancient dream book, Sonic Kananita, Dream book Longo, Ukrainian dream book.

This is the number of determination and strength aimed at realizing ideas and fantasies. The unit carries ambition and ambition, aggression and the desire for unknown distances. One is the number of the leader and the egoist. This number encourages a person to pay increased attention to his life path, reconsider the goals that stand before him, perhaps radically change his settings and abandon outdated plans. The number “1” is a symbol of the future, the embryo of which can and should be seen in today’s day, new idea, capable of filling a person’s life with meaning and the desire to move forward. Persistence, inflexibility, strength of will and faith in the best - this is what is inherent in this number.
The number “2” contains two opposites, which attract and repel at the same time, these are two halves of one whole, the eternal and continuous struggle of black and white. Without the opposition and interaction of two principles, internal harmony is impossible; there is no day without night and no good without evil. This number does not allow a person to calm down, filling him with unconscious desires and doubts, forcing him to look for new ways, ideas and answers to eternal questions, not allowing him to become rigid in his beliefs. Self-improvement, depth, contrast and the desire for balance are what is hidden in this number.
This number brings love and suffering into a person’s life; it is extremely unstable, just like human emotions. The number “3” is filled with feeling, but devoid of rationality: it forces a person to pay attention to the heart’s desires and forget about logic, stop controlling himself in everything and surrender to the will of the emotional wave. There is a hidden contradiction in this number, because it is both joy and sorrow; both love and hate; both pleasure and pain. Only after experiencing the whole gamut of feelings can a person appreciate the richness of life. The number “3” is a person’s desire to understand the world inside and around him and to understand with his heart what the mind cannot explain.
The number “4” is a symbol of stability and strength, material wealth and satisfied pride; these are four vectors directed in different directions and four points of support. There are four natural elements: water and fire, air and earth, four cardinal directions and four seasons. This number brings confidence to a person’s life, allows him to soberly assess today and not be afraid of tomorrow, gives him peace and strength, makes him work hard and achieve financial well-being, do not retreat from failures and do not be afraid of mistakes. Any mistake is a small step towards the goal. Balance, perseverance, hard work, the desire for wealth and the ability to achieve it - all this is contained in the number “4”.
This number carries a lot of surprises, surprises and pitfalls; it knocks a person out of his usual rut and forces him to look at what is happening around him in a new way, from a different point of view. The number “5” is the whim of Fortune, this number is the enemy of habits and dogmas, it is capable of turning everything upside down at one moment and freeing a person from routine, allowing him to step on a new unknown path, abandoning the usual style of existence. It doesn’t matter whether a pleasant or unpleasant event serves as an impetus, the main thing is that a person discards everything that prevents him from breathing and thinking freely. Happy occasion and bright sunlight– all this is the number “5”.
The number “6” gives a person a chance to lift the veil of secrecy and find out what is hidden from his eyes, it carries within itself magical power fantasies and metaphorical thoughts. This number reveals a person’s secret capabilities, teaches him to be himself and not be afraid to go beyond generally accepted rules and guidelines. A person receives a powerful charge of optimism from this number, his mind becomes more flexible and swift, his eyes become more alert and his gaze becomes attentive and thoughtful. A person develops intuition, and everything that his mind cannot understand is comprehended by his subconscious. The sixth sense, which allows you to avoid danger and choose the right path, is what the number “6” gives a person.
This number carries a powerful spiritual principle, it awakens the creator in a person, gives him the right and opportunity to create his own world, to do what his soul strives for. The number “7” reveals the talents and abilities inherent in a person, gives him the joys and pains of creativity, and fills his life with new meaning. This number is a synthesis of all that is most beautiful and most terrible; both Galatea and Frankenstein can emerge from the hands of the creator; a person can be both the creator of an idea and its prisoner. Contemplation, a gift from God, a powerful intellect and subtle emotional experiences - all this contains the number “7”; it gives a person the right to live in creativity.
This number contains the world mind, the ability of humanity to generate ideas and create brilliant things, the talent of invention and the willingness to bring ideas to life. The number “8” allows a person to feel part of a single whole, work harmoniously in a team and put the common good above the personal. This number is a symbol of stability and reliability, systematic work and brilliant results, hopes and achievements. Research work, synthesis of intelligence, hard work and perseverance, small and large conquests, pioneering and conquering peaks, loyalty to the chosen course - this is the number “8”.
This number is filled with mystical meaning; it symbolizes success and fullness of being, but it does not give peace and does not allow a person to rest on his laurels. The number “9” reveals transcendental distances to a person, sharpens his mind and rewards him with a magical gift.

Dream Interpretation Old Russian

A person ceases to be a slave to circumstances and takes power into his own hands, becoming the master of his destiny. The number “9” gives a person an independent mind and an unbending will, an iron character and artistic talent, the ability to transform into people and objects, to feel them inner essence. Mystical insight, magic, gloom and inability to relax, power and once again power - all this is contained in the number “9”.

Catching a taxi in a dream means you are too great value give money. Of course, their presence determines a lot, but still they are not the most important thing in life. In the very near future, something will happen that will make you convinced of this, and the event that occurred will be directly related to your sex life. Riding in a taxi in a dream - you love sex, and you like everything connected with it. But don't overdo it in your love, as you risk becoming too focused on sex and not paying attention to something equally important. Being a taxi driver yourself in a dream means you don’t believe that the key to successful sex is the matching of partners by temperament type. You are sure that success in relationships with the opposite sex can only be achieved with the help of experience: You lack ease in relationships. A dream in which you enjoy comfort hearth and home sitting under a lampshade means that changes await you in your personal life. An early marriage cannot be ruled out. For a young woman, a dream in which she makes a lampshade herself means that she will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house. If in a dream you were given a lampshade, then in reality a person of the opposite sex will show you signs of close attention attention. If you dreamed about how you put a lampshade on a light bulb, this indicates that in your intimate life you are stiff, tight, and therefore often suffer from false shame. For some reason, you are embarrassed to show your sensuality, sexual fervor towards your partner, and he, in turn, regards this as a manifestation of coldness on your part. It is for this reason that disagreements will be possible due to the unsatisfied desires of your partner. If in a dream you wiped a lampshade, it means that in your intimate life you strive for a clear distribution of responsibilities. In your opinion, you are not at all obligated to just give without receiving anything in return. Have you ever thought that your partner may simply not know how to please you, and it is for this reason that all the problems arise in your intimate life? Sometimes a person is embarrassed to actively stimulate another because he is afraid that he will be accused of promiscuity or incontinence. Therefore, in your case, you cannot do without a frank conversation. A broken lampshade signals that in your intimate life not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. And perhaps the reason for this is that you have lost sexual interest in each other, you have entered a period of satiety when you cannot give each other pleasure, as in the old days. You may be advised to try new positions, new methods of stimulation. A dusty lampshade indicates that a temporary discord has occurred in your relationship, caused by a cooling of sex by one of the partners. This means that something needs to be done to restore the lost harmony. trouble, despondency. Loneliness, sad mood. A dream in which you enjoy the comfort of your home, sitting under a lampshade, means that changes await you in your personal life. An early marriage cannot be ruled out. For a young woman, a dream in which she makes a lampshade herself means that she will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house. If in a dream you were given a lampshade, then in reality a person of the opposite sex will show you signs of close attention. The purpose of a lampshade is to protect you from being too bright light. If in a dream you adjust or install a lampshade on a lamp, then real life you will have to take steps to protect yourself. If the lampshade is beautiful and pleasing to the eye, then pleasant news awaits you, a meeting with a friend or a pleasant conversation. If the lampshade is made of paper or fragile glass, then your position is fragile, and fortune may turn away from you. A cracked lampshade in a dream foreshadows and indicates that your relationship with a person dear to you will deteriorate or stop completely. Such a dream speaks of a change in fortune. See interpretation: glass, light, lamp. Seeing a lampshade in a dream means that soon a person will appear in your life, a relationship with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning. If the lampshade is not turned on in a dream, it means that you are disappointed with your intimate life. A dream about a new lampshade promises you a new lover. Lampshaded - you will soon have to hide your joy from others. Dejection. Lampshade - expect mercy - (paper) - unpleasant despondency If you dream of a lampshade, you will feel sad; above your head (above you) - you will have something pleasant; peace; sometimes for young people - for a love date. We have to be careful. Dejection Generally lampshaded - expect mercy. despondency; generally lampshaded - expect mercy. (See interpretation: priest) For a Catholic - success; talking to him is a joy.

Diamond find(1 value)
Fortunately, especially for women. Losing a diamond in a dream means losing something...

Watermelon available(1 value)
To sadness and unfulfilled hopes - for healthy person, to recovery - for..

See butterfly(1 value)
Soon to break a trusted secret.

Dream about the ball(1 meaning)
To joy and good news.

Old Russian dream book - interpretation of dreams

  • Ballet see(1 value)
    To get acquainted.

    Bath(4 meanings)
    A dream in which you wash yourself Turkish bath, portends you an unexpected illness...

    Catch a ram(1 value)
    To overcome obstacles.

    Lamb meat is available(1 value)
    Soon triumph over the enemy.

    The most complete collection of dream books. Includes: Standard Dream Book, Doff's Dream Book, Freud's Dream Book, Miller's Dream Book, Nostradamus' Dream Book, Assyrian Dream Book, Hasse's Dream Book, Vanga's Dream Book, Hazard's Dream Book, Zhou-Gong's Dream Book, Tsvetkov's Dream Book, Old Russian Dream Book, English Dream Book, Esoteric Dream Book, French Dream Book, Indian dream book, Kopalinsky's Dream Book, Culinary Dream Book, Slavic Dream Book, Meneghetti Dream Book, Muslim Dream Book, Persian Dream Book, Correct Dream Book, Small Dream Book, Solomon's Dream Book, Krada Veles Dream Book, Family Dream Book, Intimate Dream Book, Children's Dream Book, Modern Dream Book, Love Dream Book, Lunar Dream Book , Electronic dream book, Dream book of food, Dream book of flowers, Wedding dream book, Dream book of numbers, Dream book for women, Dream book for men, Ancient dream book, Sonic Kananita, Dream book of Longo, Ukrainian dream book.

    Dream book of numbers
    This is the number of determination and strength aimed at realizing ideas and fantasies. The unit carries ambition and ambition, aggression and the desire for unknown distances. One is the number of the leader and the egoist. This number encourages a person to pay increased attention to his life path, reconsider the goals that stand before him, perhaps radically change his attitudes and abandon outdated plans. The number “1” is a symbol of the future, the embryo of which can and should be seen in today’s day, a new idea that can fill a person’s life with meaning and the desire to move forward. Persistence, inflexibility, strength of will and faith in the best - this is what is inherent in this number.Dream book of numbers
    The number “2” contains two opposites, which attract and repel at the same time, these are two halves of one whole, the eternal and continuous struggle of black and white. Without the opposition and interaction of two principles, internal harmony is impossible; there is no day without night and no good without evil. This number does not allow a person to calm down, filling him with unconscious desires and doubts, forcing him to look for new paths, ideas and answers to eternal questions, not allowing him to ossify in his beliefs. Self-improvement, depth, contrast and the desire for balance are what is hidden in this number.Dream book of numbers
    This number brings love and suffering into a person’s life; it is extremely unstable, just like human emotions. The number “3” is filled with feeling, but devoid of rationality: it forces a person to pay attention to the heart’s desires and forget about logic, stop controlling himself in everything and surrender to the will of the emotional wave. There is a hidden contradiction in this number, because it is both joy and sorrow; both love and hate; both pleasure and pain. Only after experiencing the whole gamut of feelings can a person appreciate the richness of life. The number “3” is a person’s desire to understand the world inside and around him and to understand with his heart what the mind cannot explain.Dream book of numbers
    The number “4” is a symbol of stability and strength, material wealth and satisfied pride; these are four vectors directed in different directions and four points of support. There are four natural elements: water and fire, air and earth, four cardinal directions and four seasons. This number brings confidence to a person’s life, allows him to soberly assess today and not be afraid of tomorrow, gives him peace and strength, makes him work hard and achieve financial well-being, not give up in the face of failures and not be afraid of mistakes. Any mistake is a small step towards the goal. Balance, perseverance, hard work, the desire for wealth and the ability to achieve it - all this is contained in the number “4”.Dream book of numbers
    This number carries a lot of surprises, surprises and pitfalls; it knocks a person out of his usual rut and forces him to look at what is happening around him in a new way, from a different point of view. The number “5” is the whim of Fortune, this number is the enemy of habits and dogmas, it is capable of turning everything upside down at one moment and freeing a person from routine, allowing him to step on a new unknown path, abandoning the usual style of existence. It doesn’t matter whether a pleasant or unpleasant event serves as an impetus, the main thing is that a person discards everything that prevents him from breathing and thinking freely. A happy occasion and bright sunshine are all about the number “5”.Dream book of numbers
    The number “6” gives a person a chance to lift the veil of secrecy and find out what is hidden from his eyes; it carries the magical power of fantasy and metaphorical thought. This number reveals a person’s secret capabilities, teaches him to be himself and not be afraid to go beyond generally accepted rules and guidelines. A person receives a powerful charge of optimism from this number, his mind becomes more flexible and swift, his eyes become more alert and his gaze becomes attentive and thoughtful. A person develops intuition, and everything that his mind cannot understand is comprehended by his subconscious. The sixth sense, which allows you to avoid danger and choose the right path, is what the number “6” gives a person.Dream book of numbers
    This number carries a powerful spiritual principle, it awakens the creator in a person, gives him the right and opportunity to create his own world, to do what his soul strives for. The number “7” reveals the talents and abilities inherent in a person, gives him the joys and pains of creativity, and fills his life with new meaning. This number is a synthesis of all that is most beautiful and most terrible; both Galatea and Frankenstein can emerge from the hands of the creator; a person can be both the creator of an idea and its prisoner. Contemplation, a gift from God, a powerful intellect and subtle emotional experiences - all this contains the number “7”; it gives a person the right to live in creativity.Dream book of numbers
    This number contains the world mind, the ability of humanity to generate ideas and create brilliant things, the talent of invention and the willingness to bring ideas to life. The number “8” allows a person to feel part of a single whole, work harmoniously in a team and put the common good above the personal. This number is a symbol of stability and reliability, systematic work and brilliant results, hopes and achievements. Research work, synthesis of intelligence, hard work and perseverance, small and large conquests, pioneering and conquering peaks, loyalty to the chosen course - this is the number “8”.Dream book of numbers
    This number is filled with mystical meaning; it symbolizes success and fullness of being, but it does not give peace and does not allow a person to rest on his laurels. The number “9” reveals transcendental distances to a person, sharpens his mind and rewards him with a magical gift. A person ceases to be a slave to circumstances and takes power into his own hands, becoming the master of his destiny. The number “9” gives a person an independent mind and an unbending will, an iron character and artistic talent, the ability to transform into people and objects, to feel their inner essence. Mystical insight, magic, gloom and inability to relax, power and once again power - all this is contained in the number “9”.Freud's Dream Book
    Catching a taxi in a dream means you attach too much importance to money. Of course, their presence determines a lot, but still they are not the most important thing in life. In the very near future, something will happen that will make you convinced of this, and the event that occurred will be directly related to your sex life. Riding in a taxi in a dream - you love sex, and you like everything connected with it. But don't overdo it in your love, as you risk becoming too focused on sex and not paying attention to something equally important. To be a taxi driver yourself in a dream - you do not believe that the key to successful sex is the matching of partners by temperament type. You are sure that success in relationships with the opposite sex can only be achieved with the help of experience: You lack ease in relationships.Standard
    A dream in which you enjoy the comfort of your home, sitting under a lampshade, means that changes await you in your personal life. An early marriage cannot be ruled out. For a young woman, a dream in which she makes a lampshade herself means that she will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house. If in a dream you were given a lampshade, then in reality a person of the opposite sex will show you signs of close attention attention.Freud's Dream Book
    If you dreamed about how you put a lampshade on a light bulb, this indicates that in your intimate life you are stiff, tight, and therefore often suffer from false shame. For some reason, you are embarrassed to show your sensuality, sexual fervor towards your partner, and he, in turn, regards this as a manifestation of coldness on your part. It is for this reason that disagreements will be possible due to the unsatisfied desires of your partner. If in a dream you wiped a lampshade, it means that in your intimate life you strive for a clear distribution of responsibilities. In your opinion, you are not at all obligated to just give without receiving anything in return. Have you ever thought that your partner may simply not know how to please you, and it is for this reason that all the problems arise in your intimate life? Sometimes a person is embarrassed to actively stimulate another because he is afraid that he will be accused of promiscuity or incontinence. Therefore, in your case, you cannot do without a frank conversation. A broken lampshade signals that in your intimate life not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. And perhaps the reason for this is that you have lost sexual interest in each other, you have entered a period of satiety when you cannot give each other pleasure, as in the old days. You may be advised to try new positions, new methods of stimulation. A dusty lampshade indicates that a temporary discord has occurred in your relationship, caused by a cooling of sex by one of the partners. This means that something needs to be done to restore the lost harmony.Old Russian dream book
    trouble, despondency.Esoteric dream book
    Loneliness, sad mood.Small dream book
    A dream in which you enjoy the comfort of your home, sitting under a lampshade, means that changes await you in your personal life. An early marriage cannot be ruled out. For a young woman, a dream in which she makes a lampshade herself means that she will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house. If in a dream you were given a lampshade, then in reality a person of the opposite sex will show you signs of close attention.Family dream book
    The purpose of a lampshade is to protect you from too much light. If in a dream you adjust or install a lampshade on a lamp, then in real life you will have to take steps to protect yourself. If the lampshade is beautiful and pleasing to the eye, then pleasant news awaits you, a meeting with a friend or a pleasant conversation. If the lampshade is made of paper or fragile glass, then your position is fragile, and fortune may turn away from you. A cracked lampshade in a dream foreshadows and indicates that your relationship with a person dear to you will deteriorate or stop completely. Such a dream speaks of a change in fortune. See interpretation: glass, light, lamp.Intimate dream book
    Seeing a lampshade in a dream means that soon a person will appear in your life, a relationship with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning. If the lampshade is not turned on in a dream, it means that you are disappointed with your intimate life. A dream about a new lampshade promises you a new lover.Children's dream book
    Lampshaded - you will soon have to hide your joy from others.Slavic dream book
    Dejection.Sonic Kananita
    Lampshaded - expect mercy - (paper) - unpleasant despondencyUkrainian dream book
    If you dream of a lampshade, you will feel sad; above your head (above you) - you will have something pleasant; peace; sometimes for young people - for a love date. We have to be careful.Standard
    Dejection Generally lampshaded - expect mercy.Dream Interpretation of Hasse
    despondency; generally lampshaded - expect mercy.Family dream book
    (See interpretation: priest)Slavic dream book
    For a Catholic - success; talking to him is a joy.
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    People all over the world have shown interest in dream interpretation.

    Ancient people believed that in a person’s dreams, the veil of the future is lifted and the dreamer can only guess the meaning of the images.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that almost every nation has its own books on the interpretation of dreams - dream books. Folk wisdom is still used by many people to interpret their dreams.

    Old Russian interpretations

    Originally Russian dream interpreters approached the explanation of dreams differently than was done in other countries. Often, many images were explained on the basis of folk observations and superstitions, which were (and in some modern villages are still) an integral part of people's beliefs.

    For example, the dream book on folk signs in its interpretations was based precisely on the beliefs of individual Old Russian tribes, many of which later became part of the folk culture of Russia. These are the following images:

    In addition, special attention was paid to housekeeping and caring for their home. If someone in the household broke a dish or plate (even the most elegant and expensive one), it was mercilessly thrown out into the street, since after the fall it personified insufficiency and division, which means it could lead to family disagreements and quarrels.

    The well-known rule of not whistling in the house also comes from ancient times. The fact is that whistling indoors could, according to beliefs, scare away the brownie, as well as attract evil spirits and evil spirits into the house. Plus, the association of whistling with the howling of the winds, which in themselves meant change and devastation, is quite striking.

    Common beliefs and superstitions

    In addition to signs, the interpretation of dreams was also influenced by the dreamer’s gender, his (her) age, time of year and type of activity. Among other things, a typical ancient dream book of that time included the most widespread beliefs of people, which retained their meaning regardless of whether they were seen in reality or in a dream.

    One of these images is taking out the trash, as well as cleaning the house after visiting guests and relatives. It was believed that this had a detrimental effect on their health, so cleaning began no earlier than an hour after people left. Among other things, from a hospitality point of view, this was considered impolite.

    Sweeping dust and litter out of the house in a dream- a person will face health problems or those will be observed in his relatives.

    Slops and garbage pits personified the haven of restless, wandering and unplaceable souls, so the image of garbage in a dream promised a person anxiety and unrest, possibly associated with some past affairs or with the consequences of them. In Rus', they threw out garbage in the morning or during the day - this could not be done at sunset, since the night, according to legend, was the time when dark entities rule, and on the way to the landfill a restless soul could “catch on” to a person and fly into the house.

    Ancient Slavic ideas surprisingly coexisted with Orthodox faith . Many dream books (Russian folk, as well as noble), along with ideas about brownies and other entities, included interpretations of the image of icons. It was considered the darkest omen to see an icon falling in a dream (however, this was also perceived negatively in real life) - a person was about to see a dead person, or, more simply, this was a sign of a funeral, since someone would die.

    Cracked mirror was considered a devourer of human energy (again, a belief incompatible with Christianity, although the Russian people have a lot of such “combinations of the incongruous”), therefore observing one’s reflection in such a mirror is a sign of all sorts of failures, problems and troubles that for a long time will chase the person.

    As a protection against such images in a dream, it is advised to douse yourself upon waking up. running water, which washes away all negative energy.

    Similarities and differences between folk dream books

    Despite the common traditions and beliefs of people, each village had its own interpreters who were respected by the masses, whose interpretations of dreams were considered the only correct ones. It should also be remembered that such old dream books and interpretations of dreams could be supplemented and changed by contemporaries over time. Therefore, you can be sure that in Russian dream books the true author is the people, and not an individual seer.

    To better understand the old interpretations, it is necessary to consider the explanations of the same image in a dream given by different sources, for example, the Old Russian Dream Book and the Slavic Interpreter of Dreams. Typical examples include the following interpretations:

    What unites all folk dream books is the dream interpretation scheme itself.. First, the dreamed image is examined from the point of view of its purpose and application in life, after which the person’s actions in the dream are interpreted, as well as the main associations that are associated with the image. The result is a completely complete explanation. You should know that the key image is most often the one that the dreamer remembers most clearly.

    For example, a person dreamed of a bed. For adults and accomplished family life A person's bed is primarily associated with the family bed, which he shares with his wife (or husband, if the dreamer is a woman). Consequently, the image symbolizes one or another aspect of family life, including interpersonal relationships.

    Accordingly, if a dirty bed was observed, betrayal, quarrels, swearing and other interpretations are possible at the discretion of the authors of the dream book, and rearranging the furniture means impending changes. Also, this piece of furniture is a place for a person to rest, which means that the image of a bed can promise a long-awaited and well-deserved rest.

    Modern interpretations

    Despite the fact that the 21st century is a time of progress, the nature of sleep is still considered one of unexplained phenomena for scientists. Therefore, it is not surprising that today the interpretation of dreams has received a “second life,” especially considering the unchanged meanings of the overwhelming number of images over 1000 years.

    Today there are many dream books (Russian, folk, as well as from private authors such as Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, Evgeny Tsvetkov and others). Particularly popular are online books that contain interpretations of many dream books, which allows a person to choose the most accurate and correct interpretation for himself.

    The algorithm of actions for someone who wants to find out the meaning of their dream is very simple. There are several steps to follow:

    • Type in any search engine keyword or brief description actions. For example, a man dreamed that he was dragging heavy buckets filled with water somewhere, and kept stopping because the water was trying to overflow. The dream key is “bucket”, and you can also write “why dream of carrying a bucket” or “dream of a bucket of water”.
    • Currently there are more than 70 dream books. Many have interpretations of the image of a bucket. It is necessary to read them all (at least briefly) and highlight common details - in particular, dreams will still be different for everyone, but the same meaning is found in most dream books. The general message of the bucket image is difficulties and hardships, although a filled bucket means prosperity and good luck in money matters. An empty bucket is considered a very bad omen.
    • Much depends on the actions of the dreamer in a dream. So, in the example, the dreamer was carrying buckets of water and constantly stopped so as not to spill the liquid. Consequently, the dream promises a person difficulties that will lead to an improvement in well-being if he exercises the necessary caution (this is indicated by his regular stops).

    It is obvious that, in addition to the Russian dream book, there are other, no less famous interpreters, for example, English and Italian folk dream books. But they all agree that it is better for the dreamer to turn to his native interpreters, since the person himself is part of the nation, which means he will not receive an interpretation more accurate and suitable for him than from the dream books of his people.

    Adaptation of old images

    If a person dreamed of a car that he was stealing from his neighbor, it would be stupid to look for an interpretation of this image in an old Russian dream book (although what can we say when on some sites you can find an interpretation of the image mobile phones from the biblical (!) dream book of Azara).

    Nevertheless, many images can be “modernized”, which will significantly expand the number of interpretations of the dream, and therefore increase the accuracy of its interpretation. One such example of such adaptation is the already mentioned machine or car.

    In the 21st century it is vehicle replaces a horse, since until relatively recently, for most people, the loss or theft of a horse was approximately comparable to the loss of their car from modern man. When viewing interpretations, you should pay attention to the horse as a method of transportation and set aside the interpretation of its qualities as an animal.

    Thus, a car chase and a horse chase can equally indicate a person’s attempt to run away from his fears or problems. Stealing a horse is interpreted as a search for new sensations, but if the theft was successful, then a person can count on luck in the future. When catching a thief, the dreamer should avoid rash actions in the near future.

    Division for ladies and gentlemen

    Another feature of Russian dream books and their interpretations of dreams is a clear division of interpretation by gender. A man's dream of milk meant successful completion of business, as well as financial well-being. For a woman, milk can symbolize pregnancy, improved health and making new friends.

    The dreamer who cried in his sleep, can expect comfort and joy. The same dream for a woman promises her worries, and if she saw that someone else was crying, then this foreshadows her hardships and difficulties in the near future.

    Using the interpretations of any dream books (including Russian folk ones), one should understand that a dream is an extremely subjective phenomenon, which, in an amicable way, cannot be explained by anyone except the dreamer himself. This is a look into your inner world in the literal sense, a performance that the subconscious shows every night to the dreamer, based on the impressions a person receives while awake.

    Therefore, there is no need to blindly believe in any interpretations and explanations - the main and true interpreter is the one who saw this dream, he is also its author and Creator.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    It is known that on our night sleep influenced by the Moon.
    Therefore, to find out whether it will come true, it is customary to use an ancient table, counting the days from the new moon.

    1st - true and fair.
    2nd - maybe it will come true, maybe not.
    3rd - empty dream, there is nothing to expect from him.
    4th - will be fulfilled.
    5th - will not come true.
    6th - the dream is true, just don’t tell anyone about it.
    7th - not soon, but it will come true.
    8th - will be fulfilled.
    9th - will be fulfilled soon.
    10th - do not expect execution, with rare exceptions.
    11th - turns in three days.
    12th - on the seventh day it will come true if you do not forget about the dream.
    13th - turns in eight days.
    The 14th will come true in a week.
    15th - don’t tell anyone about it, then it will come true.
    16th - will be fulfilled very quickly.
    17th - will be completed on the next day (but sometimes on the nineteenth day).
    The 18th will be completed no earlier than in twenty days.
    The 19th will be completed in eight days if it happens again in three days.
    20th - prosperous sleep; if the weather is bad in the morning, the dream should come true on the same day.
    21st - equal probability of both execution and non-execution.
    The 22nd is an empty dream, and there is no need to solve it.
    23rd - the dream will not come true, but it won’t hurt to remember it.
    24th - such dreams come true on the twelfth day.
    25th - try to interpret it in reverse.
    26th - don’t believe this dream.
    The 27th will come true if you have already dreamed about it before.
    28th - usually - false dreams; and if they come true, then on the twenty-fourth day.

    And now - interpretations of what I saw:

    Finding a diamond is fortunate, especially for a woman. Losing a diamond in a dream means losing something precious.
    Eating watermelon means sadness and unfulfilled hopes for a healthy person, and recovery for a sick person.
    Seeing a butterfly means soon breaking a trusted secret.
    If you dream of a ball, it means joy and good news.
    Seeing ballet is a sign of acquaintance.
    Bath - to joy and fun.
    Catching a ram means overcoming obstacles.
    Eating lamb meat means you will soon triumph over the enemy.
    Seeing shoes is good; losing them means gaining them.
    Running in a dream means prosperity, unexpected benefits, victory.
    Seeing yourself hairless means losing a loved one.
    Wearing white in a dream means getting rid of a false accusation.
    Seeing the shore means peace, healing and a good ending to the work started.
    Birch - to quick punishment; but if you climbed a birch tree in a dream, it means good news.
    If you dream of a pregnant woman, it means wealth and honors.
    Conversation indicates a stomach illness.
    Seeing pancakes means profit; eating them is a loss; buy - to meet someone.
    If you dream of beans, it means a quarrel.
    Illness - to chagrin.
    Seeing a swamp means impending poverty and labor.
    If you dream of wearing a beard, it means success in all your endeavors.
    Seeing yourself barefoot means poverty or illness.
    Scolding in a dream means making peace in reality. Seeing brothers or sisters is a sign of joy.
    If you dream of a razor, it means a quarrel or an insult.
    A bouquet means short-lived, random joy. The bath you are taking is a sign of a quick love affair.

    Eating jam in a dream means love pleasures.
    Dream about a giant - to victory over enemies.
    Seeing a broom most often means a quarrel.
    Fun in a dream is disappointing in reality.
    Quiet wind - to a good end to things; strong - to obstacles.
    Dreaming about grapes means tears; but eating it means profit.
    Drinking wine in a dream means resolving doubts.
    Eating cherries means good news and health.
    If you dream of water, it means prosperity if it is clean, and sadness if it is muddy; drinking water means danger.
    Seeing war in a dream means persecution or insult.
    Wolf - to a quarrel with someone who is stronger than you; fight with wolves - to battle; catching a wolf means reconciliation with the enemy.
    Catching a sparrow in a dream means meeting someone; miss - you will not take advantage of a happy opportunity.
    Crow - unfortunately.
    Dream about a doctor - to joy and profit.
    A shot means news.
    Newspapers are a sign of impending deception.
    Driving nails - to promotion; just finding it means your wishes will soon come true.
    Carnations - for the birth of a child.
    Looking in the mirror means betrayal or false news.
    Being angry in a dream means the destruction of relationships.
    Seeing a bird's nest means good things, good luck.
    Seeing yourself naked means illness or fear.
    Peas - to tears; but eating (eating) peas means honor.
    Receiving guests means someone will hate you.
    Combing your hair with a comb means success in love affairs.
    Picking mushrooms is a reward for your labors.
    If you dream of thunder, it means sadness and obstacles.
    Seeing a pear is a pleasure.
    Dirt means illness.
    Geese dream of prosperity and profit.

    The girl will dream about joy and wealth.
    Counting money in a dream means profit; just seeing them is annoying.
    Trees in bloom - to joy; dried - unfortunately; with fruits - to wealth; sitting on a tree means honor.
    Seeing children in a dream means a strong family life.
    Rain means winning.
    Building a house is a sign of joy; removing it means profit.
    Going along a convenient road means success; difficult - to a loss.
    Chopping wood means victory over enemies.
    To dream of the devil - to despair and misfortune.
    Seeing a hedgehog means meeting a crafty person.
    If you dream of thirst - unfortunately; quenched - to wealth.
    Acorns - to poverty.
    Dreaming of pearls brings grief and tears.
    A woman dreams about illness.
    The crane dreams of a good road, but if it flies, it means trouble.
    Getting lost in the forest means obstacles in business.
    A conspiracy with your participation against someone means unpleasant troubles.
    To dream of a white hare - to friendship; gray - to chagrin, deception.
    Eating hare meat in a dream means health.
    Dreaming about stars means success, but if one of them falls, it means the death of a relative.
    Visiting the menagerie means meeting a hidden enemy.
    Hearing a ringing means news.
    Seeing a mirror means treason; looking at it means illness.
    A snake dreams of a meeting with an enemy or illness.
    Gold: just seeing means wasted time; finding gold means profit.
    Pulling out a tooth (or if it falls out on its own) means the death of a relative.

    Play on musical instrument- to joy, listening to someone else's game - to good news.
    If you dream of a source, it means abundance.
    Eating white cabbage in a dream means unfortunately; colored - to honors.
    Seeing a picturesque picture means deception; Drawing yourself is a sign of success.
    Digging potatoes - to a love story; there is - to disappointment.
    Dream about bricks - to tears and chagrin.
    It is unfortunate to discover a treasure.
    Dreaming of a cemetery means prosperity.
    The keys are to a love adventure.
    Writing a book means wasting time and money; read - to wisdom; just seeing a book means promotion.
    To dream of a goat means a quarrel; goat - for a fight.
    Seeing a bell means power; Hearing a ringing or ringing a bell yourself means a quarrel.
    If you dream of a ring, it signifies acquaintance or marriage.
    You will dream about the room in which you live - to family joy.
    Seeing a ship means joy or good news.
    Corridor - to surprises and danger.
    A cow dreams of profit.
    Trough - for marriage.
    A wallet full means poverty; empty - to wealth.
    A cat in a dream means treason, false friends and cunning enemies.
    Seeing red clothes on yourself means tears.
    Bed: easy to see - towards the road; lying on it means danger.
    Dreaming of blood means fear or a nervous situation.
    Seeing wings on yourself and flying means wealth.
    Cuckoo - to health and fun.

    Hearing a dog bark means empty talk.
    Eating noodles means going to visit soon.
    A swan in a dream means wealth, but if it sings, it means death.
    Taking medicine means a quarrel; giving to another is beneficial.
    Dreaming of a forest means difficult work; walking along it means profit.
    Fly in a dream: low - towards the road; down - up - to well-being.
    Lemon - to an incorrect assessment of your action.
    Falling leaves mean illness.
    A boat on the water and you in it - to well-being.
    Horse - to success and fulfillment of desires.
    There is an onion - to a quarrel and to the disclosure of secrets.
    The moon is dreaming - to happy love and wealth.
    To see a lover (mistress) is a quick shame.
    Poppy - most often dreams of death.
    Eating raspberries means profit or reward.
    Swearing in a dream means a quarrel.
    Seeing your own mother means joy and good news.
    Dreaming about furniture means profit.
    Bear - to a cruel but clumsy enemy.
    Dead - to a long and quiet life.
    You dream about the police - to meet them in reality.
    Seeing a baby is a foolish idea.
    Dreaming of milk means friendship with a woman.
    Dreaming of coins means frustration and poverty.
    The sea is a sign of good progress, but a stormy sea means failures and disappointments.
    Dreaming of garbage means gossip, of which you will be the “hero.”
    Fly - to annoyance and persecution from enemies.
    Seeing and eating meat means profit.

    Receiving an award means ardent and tender love.
    If you dream about a lot of people, it means anxiety.
    Receiving an inheritance in a dream means poverty in reality.
    Seeing the boss means his dismissal.
    I dreamed about a thread - you will do secret things.
    A knife - to deception, resentment and lies.
    Sniffing something in a dream means profit.
    Eating dinner in a dream: alone - to poverty; with friends - to wealth.
    Seeing a monkey means unreasonable hopes.
    Wallpaper - to change your place of residence; sticking them on means a love story.
    Dreaming of vegetables means tears.
    Seeing a lake and swimming in it means danger awaits you.
    The window leads to complications in the family if it is open, and to an improvement in relationships if it is closed.
    Cucumbers - for unexpected guests.
    Danger in a dream means it in reality.
    Being late means new, unforeseen things to do.
    Dreaming of nuts means tears.
    Eagle - for the fulfillment of desires.
    Seeing weapons in a dream means disappointment.
    Shards - to prosperity in family life.
    Glasses mean a bad mood.

    If you dream of a folder in your hand, it means unpleasant news or a road trip.
    A monument in a dream means success in business.
    The hairdresser you entered is a sign of a casual love encounter or intimate relationship.
    Dreaming of a spider means gossip or litigation.
    There are dumplings - to the erroneously chosen business.
    Eating pepper means complications in your intimate life.
    Rooster - to prosperity.
    Singing in a dream means tears.
    Drinking beer in a dream means illness.
    Losing a handkerchief means being beaten.
    Dreaming about the beach means pleasure.
    Dancing is a sign of success in all endeavors.
    Tolerating beatings in a dream is to your benefit.
    Gifts: to present - to ruin, to receive - to profit.
    The dungeon in which you find yourself is a sign of a difficult upcoming journey fraught with danger.
    Dreaming of a fire means loss or danger.
    To see a train means that your hopes will not come true.
    A field with a harvest means great wealth.
    Help provided to you will lead to offense and trouble.
    Dreaming about dishes means prosperity and joy.
    Dreaming about loss means trouble.
    A stranger's kiss is a godsend.
    Spill something - quarrel with relatives.
    To ask someone means to believe in something that you did not believe in before, considering it an idle fiction.
    Jumping in a dream means empty troubles.
    Catching birds means profit; just seeing birds means empty talk; hearing them sing means profit.
    Desert - to unfulfilled hopes.
    Being drunk in a dream means unexpected wealth.

    I dreamed about work - to trouble.
    Seeing a rainbow means wealth, but if it is right above your head, it means illness.
    Fun in your sleep -. to him in reality.
    Restaurant - to complications in the love sphere.
    A sieve means empty troubles.
    Drawing in a dream means lasting friendship.
    Dreaming about chamomile means frustration and illness.
    Seeing fish is a sign of insult, illness or deception; but eating fish means wealth.
    I dreamed of a garden - to prosperity and joy.
    Eating sugar in a dream means good news.
    A wedding means finding a friend.
    Sex in a dream - also in reality.
    The heart hurts in a dream - this means illness in reality.
    Seeing networks means a change in the weather, and in your personal life it means success.
    A scandal, a quarrel - means trouble.
    Seeing yourself blind in a dream means succumbing to temptation.
    Snow in a dream means quick joy.
    Dreaming of a dog - before meeting a faithful friend; sometimes - to troubles and explanations.
    Eating salt in a dream means illness.
    Seeing neighbors in a dream means illness.
    Glass means deception and danger, but breaking it means getting rid of danger.
    Dreaming of a table means joy and abundance.
    Moaning in a dream means danger (possibly bad for your health).
    Eating cheese means deception.

    TV - for privacy.
    Phone - for an important meeting.
    Dreaming of darkness means doubts and sorrows.
    Tiger - to a clash with a treacherous enemy; defeating a tiger means wealth and success.
    Silence in a dream means imminent events that can change your life.
    Drowning yourself means profit, but if someone drowns you, it means loss.
    Trade means prosperity.
    Killing you in a dream means betrayal, and if someone is in your presence, it means trouble.
    Dinner - to the end of doubts and grief.
    Dreaming of a duck means prosperity, but a wild duck means loss.
    Iron - to success in work, to peace.
    Seeing a fountain means improving health and wealth.
    Eating halva means an intimate date.
    Dreaming of predatory animals means fighting against spiteful critics.
    Dream about trash - for repairs or moving.
    There is bread in a dream: white - to prosperity; hot - to accusations; buy - to profit.
    Feeling cold in a dream means the end of a love affair.
    Crystal - to material wealth and well-being.

    Picking flowers is fortunate, but wild flowers are a sign of loss; wilted flowers - to adversity.
    Brewing tea means unexpected guests.
    Suitcase - for hard work.
    Dreaming of worms means profit.
    Reading in a dream means consolation.
    Drinking champagne means new pleasant company.
    Eating shashlik means temptation and shameful entertainment.
    Dreaming about school means upcoming worries.
    Eating apples: sweet ones - for joy, sour ones - for quarrel and temptation.
    Seeing eggs means profit; eating them means peace.
    Pit - to great danger.
    Dreaming of a fair means receiving a gift.

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