Why does a woman dream about a dragon in a dream? Dream Interpretation: Why do we dream about dragons? What does it mean to see a dragon in a dream? Children's dream book What does Dragon mean according to the dream book

Since ancient times, the dragon has symbolized power, wealth and strength. In many countries, the mythological winged lizard is still worshiped, considered almost a deity. If you dream of a dragon, the dream book will tell you what it means, you just have to remember all the details.

There are a great many dream interpreters! Previously, almost every noble person had her own dream book, but today there are several options for popular dream interpreters. We'll take a look at them.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book:

  1. A winged lizard, according to the interpretations of the famous esotericist, may be a harbinger of the acquisition of great wealth or power in the near future. Perhaps the dreamer will head an important post, win the lottery, receive an inheritance, or his business will take off sharply.
  2. Such a dream symbolizes advancement up the career ladder, but the dreamer needs to understand that what one has acquired can be easily lost, like in a flame, if not taken care of. Along with wealth or power will come difficult chores, you will have to work hard
  3. If a dragon attacks you in a dream, then this is very good sign. The attacking dragon symbolizes a patron who will help you advance in your career, protect you and recommend you to the top.
  4. In the case when the dreamer in reality is not in the most enviable position, the dragon in the dream foretells that the dark streak in life will soon end. A winged lizard is a sign of power and money. If you dreamed about it, it means that you will soon become stronger and begin to increase your capital.

The dream book of Zhou Gong says that if a man sees a dragon in a dream, then this marks the imminent birth of a child who will be the noblest of people.

This is the basic interpretation of Zhou Gong, but the dream can have a completely different meaning if you consider the little things:

  1. If a dragon sleeps in water, then the dreamer will soon achieve what he wants for a long time strived. When a dragon enters the water, the dreamer is promised immediate wealth, attainment of a high position, and obtaining status. All the same things are foreshadowed by dreams in which a dragon stands at a gate, climbs a mountain, or dies.
  2. If a dragon decides to climb into a well and does not want the dreamer to fly on it, this is a sign that soon a more senior person may humiliate and offend you. Such a dream suggests that everything that you have been striving for for a long time is useless. The goal cannot be achieved.

According to Miller:

  1. The psychologist claims that if you dream of a fire-breathing dragon, it’s time to reconsider your behavior in society and your attitude towards other people. This dream signifies that the dreamer may speak too harshly, which offends loved ones. This behavior can lead to the loss of all friends and the respect of loved ones.
  2. If you are sure that you do not allow the behavior described, you have good relationships with colleagues, friends and relatives, then Miller’s dream book offers a different interpretation. It says that a high-ranking person has undertaken to take care of you, thanks to him you will soon receive a profit, a lucrative offer or a good position.

Family dream book:

  1. If a woman dreams of a winged lizard, then this is a sign that she does not like someone, can insult this person to his face and behind his back, and spread gossip. The dream warns of possible adverse consequences of such behavior; it will turn against you. Learn to control your feelings and restrain impulses!
  2. Any person dreams of a dragon with three heads - they have to choose between reason and feelings. Don't strive to get both, otherwise you will be left with nothing. You need to make a choice.
  3. A dragon with many heads - enemies spread gossip.
  4. Killing a mythological creature means you will soon commit a rash act that you will regret for a long time later. Be careful what you do!

There is a lot more various dream books, and they all interpret the dream with the dragon like this: money, strength, power.

Hunt a dragon in a dream

If in a dream you armed yourself and went to hunt a dragon, then this speaks of internal conflict. You need to find a place for secluded relaxation, otherwise dark energy can completely take over you. This will not end well: conflicts will begin at work, discord in the family. And it's all your fault! I urgently need to rest and put my thoughts in order.

In the case when in a dream you and several other people you know are hunting a dragon, everything is not the same as in the previous interpretation. In a team or company there is a person who turns everyone against each other for his own benefit. Be careful, listen to your inner voice, it will tell you who the enemy is.

Facing a dragon in battle means your emotions overwhelm you. Need to get rid of bad energy, otherwise the people closest to you will suffer from you.

If you killed an animal, then the dream is a symbol of overcoming yourself. You often dream about this before an important event that you are very worried about. This could be the first trip somewhere, a parachute jump, and so on.

Why do you dream of a black reptile?

It’s rare to be able to display a color in a dream, much less remember it the next morning! But for some reason colors such as black and red are remembered more sharply.

If the reptile saw a vision of these colors, then you can find out the interpretation more accurately:

  1. A black dragon in a dream is an outside force that threatens to ruin your plans. You will feel a lot of obstacles on the way to your goal, something will get in the way, make you angry. But you can’t pay attention to all those things, fix your gaze forward and confidently go towards your goal! Never pay attention to what others say about you or your goal: they are simply jealous and want to hinder you.
  2. If the reptile is red, then you can be happy. It is this color that the dragon symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and power in Eastern countries. Such a dream means a quick improvement financial condition. Perhaps your salary will be raised, or you will find a more promising and higher-paying job. But such a dream may also mark a change in life priorities, in which a person begins to understand his true wealth: health, a strong family, living parents, and so on. At the same time, you can live without the frills that money buys!

If you don’t remember the color of the dragon, it’s vague, then remember other details, for example, the size of the reptile.

I dreamed about a little dragon

The size of the dreamed lizard also plays an important role in the dream. Remember what the size of the creature in your dream is?

The little dragon indicates that you are completely dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. This may concern work, family relations, financial situation and even little things: where they decided to spend their vacation, what wallpaper they hung in the hallway, and so on. A small winged lizard in a dream reminds you of your desire, which you cannot fulfill in any way; you constantly put it aside for later, going about your daily routine. It's time to think about yourself: the time has come to implement long-conceived plans.

If the dragon is large, this indicates that the dreamer has finally decided to take a serious step, which he has been thinking about for a long time. Perhaps it’s a new relationship, another job, moving, buying an expensive item. In the end, you are satisfied, but you are still worried about your actions. The dream says that you did everything right.

What does it mean for a woman, a man

Interpretation may vary depending on the gender of the dreamer. Let's consider these details.

For a man:

  1. If you dreamed of a dragon, then you will soon take a higher position. A sharp increase in financial situation is possible - they will raise wages, offer another job, receive an inheritance, win.
  2. In a dream, running away from a dragon means work harder to achieve more, don’t be lazy: this is detrimental to your situation, both financially and in society.
  3. Kill a lizard - get a position, power.
  4. To turn into a dragon is to hide your true inclinations towards vice from yourself.

For woman:

  1. Just seeing a dragon - financial well-being, career advancement.
  2. Sitting on a dragon means you take too much on yourself. Most likely, you will not be able to cope with this burden.
  3. The dragon spews flame - the enemy spreads gossip and may reveal a secret that you value.
  4. If you dreamed that a dragon was killing, you are afraid of the consequences of what you recently did.
  5. Killing a dragon means overcoming all your fears.

There are other interpretations! For example, if a woman who recently found out about her pregnancy had a dream with a dragon, then she needs to wait for the birth of a healthy and strong boy.

A dragon in a dream promises success in all endeavors for a young girl. In the near future, it is possible to meet a man who will patronize, care, protect - you will be with him like a dragon!

Fly on a dragon-like lizard

It is not always possible to ride a creature in a dream.

But if it was possible to do this, then the interpretation will be as follows:

  1. The usual dream book says that you can get into difficult situation, when both your position in society and your financial well-being may suffer. It will be difficult to cope without the help of an influential person.
  2. According to Miller’s dream book, flying on a dragon promises to soon experience intense passions and emotions. If you feel fear on the back of a lizard, then you need to be careful not to give in to passions. They can cause harm! Also
  3. Miller would advise you to refrain from harsh statements: they can turn against you.
  4. If you enjoy flying, the dream promises a rather pleasant and memorable event!
  5. Loff's dream book states the same thing as Miller's interpreter. But there is another interpretation: to be captured by a dragon. If the lizard grabbed you and carried you, then because of your talkativeness you will find yourself in an unpleasant and rather delicate situation. If the snake throws you up and catches you again, and you feel fear, then look for a traitor around you.
  6. In a dream you rode a dragon, do you like to fly? Expect success in everything. And the higher the flight, the more luck the dream promises.

There is an interpretation for those who have not flown on a dragon themselves, but have clearly observed its flight:

  • A lizard hovers over the dreamer - to real news.
  • If you didn’t manage to grab the dragon or saddle it, don’t rush to act for fear that you’ll miss the chance! Wait for the right moment.

This is the interpretation of dreams with mythological dragons! If you want the dream to come true (that is, everything it promises), then do not rush to share the emotions experienced in the kingdom of Morpheus even with the closest people. Pleasant dreams, more dragons in them, bringing prosperity and success!

If you dreamed of a dragon, then you will acquire wealth in the future. Moreover, this can be not only material values, but also some kind of knowledge. At the same time, the mythical character calls on you to control yourself in order to avoid noisy showdowns with irreparable consequences.

Why do you dream about a dragon according to Miller’s dream book?

In his dream book, Miller claims that the dragon-like lizard symbolizes one’s own passions, selfish disposition and ill will towards others. The image warns that a series of conflicts and unpleasant moments in relationships is coming.

Vanga's dream book - dragon

If you dreamed of a fire-breathing lizard, then you have to fight an unprecedented enemy, who will soon move on to open confrontation.

According to tradition, Vanga’s dream book makes global predictions that concern not only the individual, but also all of humanity. So the giant snake marks an incredible tragedy. Troubles will befall the Earth in the form of famine, wars, human suffering and other nightmares.

But kill a dragon in a dream or huge snake Very good. This event means that faith will help you overcome all difficulties and earn a bright future. People will become kind, merciful and free from base vices.

Dragon in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

Mr. Freud is sure that if a woman dreamed that her partner was a monster, then dramatic changes were coming in the relationship. However, not necessarily for the worse.

If a snake-like lizard appears to a man, then in his soul he hides his vicious inclinations, but in reality he can become a victim of someone else’s game.

Hunting a dragon, engaging in battle with it, and exhibiting other active actions means that you are leading or could lead an extremely sex-filled lifestyle. Running away from him means, on the contrary, having problems of a sexual nature.

Why do you dream about a dragon according to the family dream book?

If you happened to see a baby dragon in a dream, then family dream book believes that you are accustomed to indulging your momentary desires. In a dream, a monster with three or more heads represents any contradictions. These could be opinions different people or your own thoughts. In addition, this is a clear indication of the rumors that are being spread behind one’s back.

If the creature is aggressive, then the enemies have begun to take active action. If you are calm and even kind, then you will make smart and cheerful friends. Killing such a dragon in a dream is an act that you will endlessly regret.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a dragon - Medea’s dream book

The sorceress Medea draws attention to the fact that a monster in a dream is the personification of a subconscious, sometimes inexplicable fear. Some unearthly force that has a huge impact on life. If the dragon had wings, then you will find a powerful patron, or you will be subject to someone’s will.

The mythical beast is also considered a reflection of magic, enormous witchcraft potential and enormous power. This is an indication that it is necessary to actively develop extraordinary talents. But first you have to get rid of prejudices, personal fears and other intangible obstacles.

Dragon - dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Did you dream of a terribly scary dragon? Most often this is a reflection of problems, personal fears and experiences. The vision once again confirms that all this is far-fetched. Moreover, the more unusual and fabulous the character looks, the more reasons to dismiss negative thoughts.

If, when you saw a dragon, you experienced melancholy, sadness and mental anguish, then in reality there really is a situation that weighs on you. Probably, an inexorable retribution for a certain act is coming.

Why do you dream about a dragon in a dream according to Denise Lynn's dream book

Denise Lin argues the lizard symbolizes vitality and invisible potential. The time has come when you can gain incredible power. But this will happen only after you defeat the “personal” dragon, that is, those fears that live in the soul.

Killing an animal in a dream means accumulating energy. If he is guarding any treasure, then there is some kind of barrier between the desired goal and you. The winged character signifies the desire and, more importantly, the opportunity to gain spiritual or mystical knowledge.

Why does a woman dream about a dragon?

If a woman dreams of a huge lizard, then in the future she will give birth to a worthy son. If in a dream a girl was hypnotized by a dragon-like creature, then she is in danger, which only a person who loves her will help to cope with.

Dragon in a dream - dream options

In Eastern traditions, the dragon represents a powerful force, wisdom, and hidden knowledge. Sometimes it is a symbol of an insurmountable obstacle, some kind of evil that has both otherworldly and completely earthly origins. More specific decodings will help you understand the image.

  • fire-breathing dragon – demonic energy, witchcraft attack
  • snake-like - a sign that an entity has attached itself to a person, which causes addiction (alcoholism, drug addiction, lust, gluttony, etc.)
  • sea ​​- damage from afar
  • black dragon - a symbol of personal spiritual development, health
  • red dragon – heredity, number of grandchildren (by number of heads)
  • gold – acquisition of secret knowledge
  • green – financial success
  • white dragons - unexpected luck, crazy luck, money from the sky
  • many dragons - matters that are connected with the otherworldly
  • little dragon - petty dirty tricks, quarrels
  • three-headed - contradictions, the need for choice
  • dragon with many heads - gossip, gossip
  • how many heads does he have, so many obstacles on the way
  • aggressive - to fight with ill-wishers
  • kind, funny - to fun, good friends
  • affectionate - to harmful flattery
  • stroking him - to dangerous whims
  • kill a dragon - to triumphant success
  • to see a dying person - you will get a new position
  • a lizard burning in fire - to get rid of addictions
  • sitting on a dragon - to a high noble position, glory
  • ride it - to universal respect, envy
  • dragon in the water - to the realization of plans
  • in front of the house - to prosperity, happiness
  • goes uphill - to fulfillment of desires
  • falls down - to humiliation, deception
  • flies - to promotion
  • flying high - get rid of prejudices
  • low - to amazing, incredible news
  • dragon in the house - to untold wealth
  • in the cave - gather your strength, there is one last chance left
  • on fire - to the fear of losing what you have acquired
  • protects something - to improve health, obstacle
  • lies on the top of a mountain - an important event is coming, a denouement, the highest point of something
  • eats something - makes you feel worse
  • offers help - unearthly, otherworldly patronage

If you dreamed of a mythical character on Thursday night, then the dream promises trouble; on Friday, other forces interfere in life. A dream on Wednesday has to do with love, and a dream on Monday has to do with work. The vision for Sunday is considered the most positive. This is a sign that the moment has come for the implementation of the most unrealistic plans and ideas.

If our current life bears little resemblance to a fairy tale, then our dreams make up for this shortcoming with all our might. Whatever our subconscious can throw into a dream!

Incredible magical worlds, fabulous countries and cities, unusual people and creatures - no science fiction film can compare in the richness of the stories seen with human dreams. In a dream, you can fly - not only on an airplane, but also on your own wings, and on... a dragon.

The first impression of the memory of the “dragon” dream will probably be with a minus sign - you won’t expect anything good from such a creepy “hero”. What could such a dream turn out to be?

What color is the monster?


The red dragon is a warning that due to your incontinence, emotions that have escaped out of control can break out in a real fire.

According to Nostradamus’s dream book, in this case the dreamer is threatened in the literal sense.

And if the red dragon is defeated in a dream, then real life everything will end quite happily.

There is also such an interpretation: love passion with a person of higher social status. But do not delude yourself about such a novel - it will not end in anything.

Such a dream warns of caution and the ability to restrain your feelings, because even if your relationship does not become known to others, it can seriously tarnish your reputation.

    An old Russian dream book with the appearance of a red dragon predicts a wedding or the imminent birth of a child.

    The spring dream book foretells a meeting with a person who can greatly influence the dreamer’s future life.


In Eastern mythology, the image of a white dragon symbolizes wisdom and peace of mind. Therefore, dreams involving a lizard white confirm that a person was able to achieve well-being and harmony in his life.

Seeing an albino dragon - to absolutely incredible luck, unexpected luck, including in the financial sector.

A dream with a white dragon at its head can also warn that danger can be feared not so much in real life as in the recesses of the soul. Your “inner white dragon” is all weak character traits such as fear, despondency, lack of self-confidence and self-control.

Aesop's Dream Book claims that a white dragon will help you perk up.


A black monster in a dream foreshadows protection from impending danger - failure can be avoided, according to the Wanderers’ dream book.

In the traditions of eastern peoples, the black dragon symbolizes personal spiritual development and health.

Other colors

A dragon that appeared in a dream with golden scales predicts to the dreamer that he may soon gain some secret knowledge.

Financial success is guaranteed by the classic green reptile.

If people in creative or scientific professions dream of a bright multi-colored dragon, this is a lucky sign for them, indicating the birth and promotion of new ideas, their implementation with great moral satisfaction from one’s work.

From tiny to huge

Little dragon - for a quick meeting with an important person, who will disappoint you, just like he himself important person, or rather, his pettiness and greed. Another dream book interprets a dream with a baby dragon as a possibility of aggravation of relations with superiors.

    The family dream book claims that a small lizard is a sign that you are always following your immediate desires.

    In the Eastern tradition, dragons are the personification of petty dirty tricks and quarrels.

    Small dragon can warn of a state of duality when ambition requires something big, and the soul is tormented by doubts about the ability to achieve it.

    The 21st century dream book suggests the mistrust of others, personified by a small dragon, which prevents the dreamer from moving forward. When the dragon grows up, then it will be possible to voice your plans, without fear of possible ridicule and acting more decisively.

    A toy-sized “lizard” suggests that a person already latently feels his strength, but for the time being is afraid to show it. It is possible that the time to trust your instinct has already come.

    It is logical that a huge dragon is a symbol of the dreamer’s power, but it must be used with caution so as not to harm others, ending up like a bull in a china shop.

    Large-scale affairs await the person who dreamed of a huge monster. But don't be afraid of them - you can do them.

    A dragon with several heads marks an immediate improvement in your financial situation in the form of an unexpected win or an increase in salary.

And from the mouth a flame bursts...

A fire-breathing dragon warns of a major quarrel with some influential person, perhaps with a boss.

Based on such a dream, you should be careful and extremely careful in communicating with such people so as not to cause discontent that threatens unforeseen consequences. This is also fraught with the fact that you may be declared guilty without guilt.

    Loff's dream book warns about conflict situations related to money.

    If a dragon spitting fire looks aggressive in a dream, it could mean that you have positioned yourself incorrectly in relation to others, you need to be more tolerant and polite to everyone, and this will be quickly appreciated.

    According to Vanga’s dream book, there will be a serious struggle with an invisible enemy who will decide on open confrontation. And this same dream book also warns that a new stage is beginning in your life, requiring concentration of forces for hard work so that fate will show its favor.

    A dreamer who has fallen under the dragon's flame can hope for spiritual cleansing and a transition to a new, better level of life.

What did the dragon do, what did you do?

Why do you dream about a dragon if it flies in the sky? Some dream books claim that this means receiving absolutely amazing news.

Others promise the dreamer prosperity with the fulfillment of all desires.

Still others are sure: a flying dragon symbolizes power and wealth due to receiving an inheritance or meeting a wealthy patron.

The fourth suggests that the dreamer has unrealistic goals, the achievement of which would waste time and effort.

Having seen such a dream, a person must draw certain conclusions for himself, in particular regarding the set feasible goals and correctly set priorities.

The dream warns of the need to make an important decision and a final choice.

Monster in women's dreams

Dream Interpretations note that the fairy-tale monster is not indifferent to the female sex, especially if you remember how in various fairy tales and legends he abducted the most beautiful girls or demanded them as sacrifices.

Dragon seen in a dream may portend an acquaintance and, possibly, an affair with a wealthy man, which, however, does not guarantee serious completion.

The dragon, being a symbol of wealth and justice, nevertheless also symbolizes power, strength, and tough character, which the partner may not like. It's worth keeping your temper in check.

On the other hand, such a dream may indicate the complex character of a new acquaintance, his dictatorial habits.

    If a woman dreams of a three-headed dragon, this means that she will have a difficult choice from several worthy suitors.

    A “dragon” dream foretells significant success for the lady.

    Freud's dream book, as always, gives interpretations with a “sexual slant.” If a woman saw a nightmare in which her partner was a dragon, this is a sign of dramatic changes in her life, and quite possibly for the better.

    A huge dragon predicts the birth of a son, who in the future will become the pride of the mother.

    A dragon-like creature can hypnotize a girl, and this is scary not only in a dream - in reality she faces some kind of danger, from which only a loving young man can save her.

What if a man dreams?

Seeing a dragon in a dream for a man, according to Freud’s dream book, means victory over an opponent who previously had the upper hand in matters of the heart. The famous psychoanalyst also believes that such a dream hero speaks of the dreamer’s hidden vicious inclinations, and also warns about the possibility of being a victim in someone else's game.

The fairy-tale character promises that the long-set goal will finally be achieved, you just need to show patience and willpower.

An important dream for a man is a dream in which he fights a dragon. This means that the dreamer strives to overcome all difficulties on the path to success.

AND if in such a dream he wins, it means he will be able to defeat everyone who prevents you from achieving your goal. If at the same time there is a flame blazing from the dragon’s mouth, the struggle in real life will be serious.

Which way the dream turns out also depends on the day of the week on which it occurred. So, With " positive slope"is considered a "dragon" dream on Sunday night: it means that the most favorable moment has come for the implementation of the most exorbitant plans. Some troubles threaten your sleep on Thursday.

But every time, turning to interpretations, you should remember: every smallest detail is important, which can radically change the interpretation of the dream.

Conflicts in relationships with people.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dragon- symbolizes fear that is beyond understanding. A force to be reckoned with.

Dragon with wings- powerful support.

Dragon- shows that you will be subordinate to an imperious, powerful person.

Dream book of lovers

Dreamed dragon young man - warns him: he must control his emotions, otherwise he risks offending his beloved with an unpleasant statement.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Frightening-looking dragons in a dream- are usually a reflection of your daily fears and concerns. Most often, such dreams indicate that your fears are far-fetched. Moreover, the more exotic the monster looks, the less reason you have to fear in reality.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The fairytale dragon in many cultures is a symbol of wealth and influence. These concepts are often used when interpreting dreams with a fire-breathing character. A powerful mythical creature seen in a dream can be a harbinger of something good. But we should not forget that the dragon is a cold-blooded and insidious killer who spreads fear. Therefore, in order to understand exactly why a dragon is dreaming, you need to take into account all the details of the dream.

How famous dream books interpret vision: Miller, Vanga and others

According to the famous psychologist Gustav Miller, dreams about dragons are a kind of warning. They remind the dreamer of the need to restrain himself. The appearance of a mythical lizard in night dreams is a signal of disdain and arrogance towards others.

Soothsayer Vanga: dreams of an evil snake are a harbinger of some global problems, global disasters and, in general, evil. Thus, a dragon flying high in the sky warns of a possible earthquake. A person who has seen such a dream must be prepared that this terrible thing could happen in his area. natural phenomenon. Those who dreamed that a mythical beast flew right over their heads should be especially worried: as a result of the cataclysm, relatives and friends may suffer. But the vision in which there was a floating dragon reports an imminent drought. Lack of rainfall will lead to crop failure, and people and animals will suffer from thirst. In the end, heavy rains will water the earth and bring relief.

A floating dragon dreams of drought

A battle with a formidable mythical lizard in a dream, from Vanga’s point of view, foreshadows a serious political conflict. And the outcome of the war in reality will depend on who won this battle. If the dreamer prevails and defeats the monster, then a ruler will appear on the world stage who can reconcile the parties. If the dragon killed the dreamer, then the struggle for world domination will become fiercer, even to the point of using nuclear weapons. winged serpent who is hiding in a shelter, for example, in a cave, means the appearance of a secretive but very influential person. Most likely he was hiding in government agencies one of the leading countries in the world, and when the time comes, he will emerge from the shadows to commit his atrocity. But there is no need to worry: all attempts by this person to carry out his insidious plan will be in vain. But a dragon, from whose mouth tongues of flame fly out, portends a fire of destructive force. All living things will perish in the fire, and environment It will take a long time to recover from this tragedy.

Fighting a dragon in a dream - to world political conflicts

According to Islamic dream book a dragon in a dream is a warning about the presence of hidden enemies. Moreover, the more heads a monster has, the more dangerous they are. A person who dreams that he turns into a flying lizard is destined to live a long time. But if the dreamer is seriously ill in reality, then such a dream foreshadows his imminent death.

Dream interpreter Tsvetkov and medium Hasse agree that dreams about dragons prophesy fabulous wealth. A person who sees a fire-breathing beast will soon receive a large profit. He is likely to receive a big win in the lottery or an unexpected inheritance that will simply fall on his head.

A vision with a dragon promises wealth to the dreamer

If we talk about Freud, his interpretation of dreams about dragons is significantly different from everyone else. The master of psychoanalysis believes that the mighty mythical beast personifies the animal nature of man. Anyone who dreams of this creature is probably too fixated on sex; the intimate side of life has overshadowed the mind. It is better for the dreamer to moderate his ardor so as not to waste his resources. Fight a dragon in a dream and defeat it: the dreamer in reality will take control of his emotions.

A woman who watches a three-headed dragon in a dream will suffer in reality, choosing between worthy young people.

What does vision mean for a man, girl and woman

  1. If a man had a dream involving a dragon, then this only means that he is trying to hide his vicious inclinations; in real life, the dreamer may suffer as a result of someone else's dishonesty.
  2. A girl who encounters a mythical beast in a dream will achieve great success in life. In addition, such a dream may portend a meeting with a man who will try to dominate.
  3. A pregnant woman had a dream about a dragon: soon the dreamer will give birth to a strong and healthy boy.

A girl who sees a dragon in a dream will experience success in reality.

Fire-breathing dragon, black, gold and other colors

  1. To see a fire-breathing dragon in your night dreams - in real life, prepare for impending danger. Perhaps there will be a struggle with enemies or with one’s own “I”.
  2. Golden dragon in a dream: the dreamer may soon comprehend secret knowledge in reality; it will play a key role in his future life.
  3. A black lizard symbolizes health, longevity, and personal development.
  4. But the red dragon warns the dreamer of impending danger, the cause of which will be his own incontinence.
  5. A green monster from night vision promises complete harmony not only in work matters, but also in personal relationships.
  6. Wealth literally pouring from the sky, unprecedented success and luck - all this is prophesied by a white dragon seen in a dream.
  7. Dragon blue indicates that the dreamer is confident in himself in real life.

A red dragon in a dream warns of danger in reality

With and without wings, Chinese and multi-headed dragon

  1. A dragon with large wings in a dream is a symbol that the dreamer has fortitude and his moral principles are unshakable. A dream where the creature looked snake-like and without wings: the dreamer should be wary. Perhaps he suffers from some kind of addiction (alcoholism, drug addiction, gluttony, etc.), which the time has come to fight.
  2. A Chinese dragon is a dream for those who will soon become rich in reality.
  3. A multi-headed monster in a dream communicates an internal struggle: it is important to set priorities, choose something, and refuse something. This is the time to take the plunge.

The nature of the monster from a dream

A mythological lizard that behaves aggressively in a dream and attacks the dreamer warns that the enemies are not asleep - they have taken decisive action and will soon strike. If the dragon in the dream was good-natured and affectionate, you should be wary of flattery from others. Conversely, a funny and playful creature may dream of upcoming fun; The dreamer in reality is surrounded by loyal and devoted friends.

Anyone who dreams of a cheerful dragon is surrounded by loyal friends

I dreamed that a dragon was flying...

  1. Do not be afraid if in a dream a fairy-tale monster circled the dreamer - such a dream comes with news in reality.
  2. A lizard that swam in the water is considered a good sign, because everything planned will soon come true.
  3. The dreamer is very close to realizing his most cherished dream in reality if the dragon in his vision was sitting in a cave. Don't stop there - everything will work out. The dream in which the beast stood in front of the gate has the same meaning.
  4. A creature resting on the top of a mountain or cliff is a rather rare dream and is generally considered a good sign. Anyone who is lucky enough to see such a vision can be sure that great events will soon happen in his real life.

Meanings depending on the actions of the dreamer

It is unlikely that in reality anyone will be “lucky” to meet a fire-breathing monster. But in a dream - it’s quite possible. And, naturally, the dreamer in the night vision has to do something to avoid, at a minimum, being eaten:

  • a dreamer who kills a dragon in his dreams will be able to overcome his own fears and complexes in reality. All this will improve the quality of life, reach new level and discover previously unknown possibilities;
  • The one who fights with a monster in a dream is the one who in reality is fighting with conflicting feelings. This can be a confrontation between fear and love, desire and conscience. And it depends only on the person himself what exactly will prevail;
  • if the dreamer was afraid of a fantastic creature in a dream and ran away from it, then most likely he is experiencing problems of a sexual nature;
  • and the one who was able to ride the beast in a dream can count on incredible luck and success in all matters.

How the dragon behaved - the opinion of dream books

What is unlikely in reality is taken for granted in a dream. The same applies to the dragon seen in a dream:

  • a dragon who somehow helped the dreamer, for example, saved him: a dream testifies to unearthly protection. From now on, all the dreamer’s affairs are doomed to success;
  • The fulfillment of desires is also prophesied by the lizard who in the vision climbed the mountain. And, conversely, a fire-breathing snake falling down means humiliation and lies;
  • if a monster is guarding something or someone in a dream, then this can only mean one thing - you will soon feel such a level of potential in yourself that you will be ready to move mountains;
  • if a dragon crawled into the house in a night vision, you will soon experience all the delights of a rich life.

A dragon guarding someone in a dream means enormous potential, which will soon make itself felt

A dragon eats someone and other unusual situations

A dream in which a dragon devours someone (for example, a snake) warns the dreamer of a possible deterioration in health. If a person himself turns into a mythical beast in a dream, then in reality he will have to long life. Such visions also speak of good health. A dream about how a snake became a fire-breathing monster speaks of some influential patron in reality. The fear of losing something dear will be felt by those who dreamed of a huge lizard engulfed in fire.

Anyone who sees a burning dragon in a dream experiences fear of loss.

A dragon that gives up its ghost right before the dreamer’s eyes is a good sign, foreshadowing the receipt of a new position. If a fantastic creature was a toy in a dream, then in life a person will receive news that will cause him mixed feelings. And about someone who saw a statue of a formidable snake in a dream, we can say that he takes too much responsibility on himself. Such a person needs to realistically assess his capabilities.

The dragon is considered a controversial and complex symbol. On the one hand, it is a proud, wise and powerful beast. On the other hand, its destructive power frightens people. If this fantastic creature appears in a dream, it is important not to rush to conclusions. A person must not only remember what the dragon looked like and what it did, but also analyze his own emotions. Give exact interpretation vision is possible if you compare all the details of the dream.

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