The art of artistic welding. Metal welding as an art: amazing works of steel Metal crafts: Fish panel

Usually the word “welding” is in no way associated with beauty, romance and high art. But welding is not only iron frames, bridges and pipelines... In in capable hands metal melting under a welding arc can take on any shape and turn into flowers, animals, elegant statues and decorative elements.

Appreciate the works of Kiev resident Dmitry Kushniruk, performed using an innovative method artistic welding titanium. They captivated not only visitors to the exhibition in Kyiv, but also became a sensation at shows in Helsinki, St. Petersburg and a number of US cities.

No less amazing are the creations of Russian Yuri Shurupov, who, using plasma cutting and welding, creates fantasy sculptures that have already decorated more than one private collection.

The work of Grigory Dochkin, the head of the welding school at the Institute named after. Paton. He creates elegant flowers, vases and boxes from cold metal.

The artist became interested in artistic welding in his youth when working on the design of the Lunokhod. Different temperature conditions allow you to get interesting results on metal color shades, which prompted the idea of ​​​​the possibility of creating unusual sculptural works. The idea was brought to life. Look what happened.

Welder is different from welder, and if for some it is hard work by which they earn a living, then for David Madero welding is an endless field of creativity. However, in order not to die of hunger, creativity must also be able to sell, so David tries his best not to repeat himself, maintain his originality and work without sparing himself.

It's hard to describe how impressive David Madero's work truly is - no photograph can capture the grandeur or grace of his statues. But, talking about himself, David says that he does not consider himself someone outstanding. "I don't consider myself a good welder, technically. I never actually learned the trade, I just grew up surrounded by all these tools - my dad was a welder. So it just came naturally, intuitively. But I I'm trying to fill in my gaps."

"Until today, I have never met a more talented metal sculptor than my father. He started working in this field back in the 1950s, he was a real talent."

On his website, David often posts the process of creating his sculptures. “I do this on purpose. Clients rarely think about how much effort and labor is put into creating a sculpture. They don’t see all this noise, scraps of metal, heat from a welding machine, burns, it’s difficult for them to imagine this whole atmosphere in which the work is created. Clients feel that the sculptures are immediately created shining, with ideal forms and on a pedestal. That's why I add a video about the creation process to the site."

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Welder is different from welder, and if for some it is hard work by which they earn a living, then for David Madero welding is an endless field of creativity. However, in order not to die of hunger, creativity must also be able to sell, so David tries his best not to repeat himself, maintain his originality and work without sparing himself.

It's hard to describe how impressive the works really are David Madero(David Madero) - not a single photograph can convey the grandeur or elegance of his statues. But, talking about himself, David says that he does not consider himself someone outstanding. "I don't consider myself a good welder, technically. I never actually learned the trade, I just grew up surrounded by all these tools - my dad was a welder. So it just came naturally, intuitively. But I I'm trying to fill in my gaps."

"Until today, I have never met a more talented metal sculptor than my father. He started working in this field back in the 1950s, he was a real talent." On his website, David often posts the process of creating his sculptures. “I do this on purpose. Clients rarely think about how much effort and labor is put into creating a sculpture. They don’t see all this noise, scraps of metal, heat from the welding machine, burns, it’s difficult for them to imagine this whole atmosphere in which the work is created. Clients feel that the sculptures are immediately created shining, with ideal shapes and on a pedestal. That's why I add a video about the creation process to the site."

"" - information portal Volgograd

[December 15, 2019]

Quite unexpectedly, I came across the page of the Japanese artist-sculptor Noriyuki Saitoh on Facebook. Link to his profile - Looking at this page, I realized that Noriyuki is engaged in sculpture and in 2018-2019 he created miniature sculptures of insects from bamboo. He also passes on his skills to his students.

[December 11, 2019]

The working title of this sculptural composition is “Chukotka”. I received an urgent order from Chukotka friends in October 2019. The composition was supposed to represent Chukotka at the Days Far East in Moscow already at the beginning of December. I had to speed up the work process and make a fairly large (height - 3 meters) sculpture of a walrus and a couple of seagulls in a short time.

[December 10, 2019]

Fair on Novy Arbat: 12/04/2019 - 12/08/2019.

Festival at the Expocentre: 12/10/2019 - 12/14/2019.

“Days of the Far East in Moscow” is a large-scale event in which all 11 Far Eastern regions are represented. In 2019, this event is taking place for the third time and this time shopping pavilions Far Eastern fairs are located in the very center of the capital - on the territory of New Arbat. I brought there the sculptural composition “Walrus and Seagulls” created especially for this event and one of the Chukchi dogs.

Couldn't do it good photos from the scene, so I suggest you look at photographs of the sculptural composition

One of the most interesting areas of metalworking is artistic welding - a method of producing original steel products, which are distinguished not only by high strength, but also by a unique appearance.

With the help of artistic welding you can create decorative items, and things that perform a practical function. The production process is carried out using an argon torch.

The most popular products that are created using welding are practical household structures, furniture and decorative elements.

Household products include elements of fences, gates, as well as small products such as boxes, containers for food and other things. The artistic welding method allows not only to give the desired shape to the product, but also to create an original pattern or texture on the surface.

Metal specialists can produce decorative and coffee tables, chairs, hangers, shoe racks and other things that serve a practical function and are used indoors or outdoors.

Such artistic furniture has original look, when properly processed, is not afraid of moisture, can withstand heavy mechanical loads, and has a long service life.

The cost of artistic welding cannot be called low due to the material used in the work. These are mainly titanium and stainless steel. Zirconium is used to obtain color shades.

Artistic welding allows you to create a variety of objects used for decoration. These can be animal figures, ornamental details for decorating walls, ceilings, columns or arches, details in the shape of flowers and plants.

The number of options to choose from depends solely on the wishes of the client and his budget, as well as style features interior Most often, decorative items created by welding are ordered by people living in luxury cottages and who want to demonstrate a sense of taste and originality of design. But everyone can afford a small stainless steel craft.

Advantages of welded products

One of the main advantages of things created using artistic welding is considered to be beautiful and original. appearance.

This method allows you to produce hundreds and thousands of options. finished products and parts that can perform a practical function or serve solely as decoration. Welding allows you to create elegant and attractive objects that cannot be replicated exactly.

Although this is relative new look art, unlike forging, it is increasingly attracting attention. One of the centers of artistic welding is the Paton Institute.

Another advantage of iron products made using artistic welding is their high strength and reliability. Such items, be it ornaments for decorating a fence or outdoor furniture, are not afraid of increased mechanical loads, have a long service life, and do not require specific or complex care, maintaining not only physical qualities, but also appearance. For extra protection art products You can use special compounds to repel dust, dirt and moisture.

Metal crafts go well with other items and various materials, including brick, block, stone and wood.

If, for example, welded decorative elements are intended to decorate a fence or gate, they look great in combination with corrugated sheeting, red and facing bricks, concrete and other materials.

Furniture created by artistic welding looks beautiful in classic interior, Baroque, Romanesque, Greek style, and small items can decorate a room decorated in the High-Tech direction.

Tools and drawings

To practice artistic welding using rolled metal, you need the following devices and equipment:

  • a machine for manual argon arc welding (they use it to weld non-ferrous metals and stainless steel), a torch for it, filler wire and an argon cylinder;
  • paper. Without it, it is impossible to draw drawings with determination of dimensions and small nuances that are difficult to take into account when visualizing without a plan. However, in modern world You can also use computer programs;
  • stationery for marking (pencil, ruler, protractor);
  • working surface, which must be made of materials resistant to high temperatures and flames.

Before starting work on artistic welding, you need to make a drawing and think about what size the product will be, what it is intended for, and what style it should be combined with.

The finished image is only part of such a drawing. In addition to the sketch, you need to draw individual parts, indicate connection points and their number, consider the object in several planes.

Main work

At this stage, the master selects the material. Thus, for small and elegant figures or sculptures, titanium can be used in its pure form or with small additions of zirconium, which gives the products a special shine.

When artistic welding is used to create a fence, gate, furniture or other large objects, steel is usually used as the base material. The stainless steel construction is not susceptible to negative influence moisture, resistant to accidental and targeted impacts.

After determining the materials, shape and dimensions, the master, using welding machine, makes the required item.

Depending on the complexity and size, artistic welding can take from 1 day to several weeks.

The surface can be polished or engraved; in some cases, individual fragments are decorated with tarnish colors. This is an effect in which the steel surface becomes iridescent and iridescent, and is achieved through exposure high temperatures. After the product is ready, it must cool.

Safety precautions and processing nuances

Like any others welding work, artistic welding requires strict adherence to safety rules.

If you use the equipment incorrectly, you can get an electric shock, become partially or completely blind when exposed to ultraviolet radiation or scale, get poisoned by fumes arising from metal processing, get burned as a result of the melting of the material or an accidental explosion of the cylinder.

Such consequences are dangerous to health and life, therefore you must use a mask and protective clothing. It is best to choose a product with chameleon glass, which changes the degree of darkness depending on the amount of ultraviolet light hitting the surface

Before you start welding steel, you need to clear the work area of ​​foreign objects. It is better to start experiments in artistic welding with products of simple shape.

It is also necessary to study well welding equipment, in order to firmly connect the structural parts and spend a minimum of time on this.

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