Requirements for Russian passport photos. What size should a photo for a Russian passport be and what is best to take photos in? ID photos: makeup secrets for successful photography

Have you ever asked someone to show their document and received a firm refusal? Most often, the reluctance to show your document is explained by the fact that it contains an unsuccessful photograph. The reason for an unsuccessful image in a passport often lies not in the inability of the photographer, but in the banal lack of his time due to the high flow of clients. If the photo studio is overloaded, then creative process often ends with the appearance of a technically good photograph, but suitable only for decorating the “The police are looking for them” stand.

Probably, quite a few PC users, after receiving an unsuccessful photo, dejectedly asked themselves: “Wouldn’t it be better to take the photo yourself next time?” However, not everyone knows how to take photographs for documents Right. After all, not everyone among PC users is well versed in graphic editors, without which taking a high-quality photo is unthinkable. Also before self-production photographs, you must definitely clarify the requirements for them with a representative of the organization that requested them. And don't forget simple rules moreover. By combining the theoretical knowledge from this article with the technical tips below, you will get not only a correct, but also a beautiful photo for documents.

You don't need a photo studio to take a passport photo. All you need to do is hang a clean pillowcase behind the model’s back!

What about general requirements regarding the question " how to take passport photos", they are as follows: you cannot take pictures wearing a hat or tinted glasses. Retouching is not allowed; the photo must be taken strictly from the front. Since the photograph is needed for comparison with the “original,” excessive facial expressions that distort facial features are also unacceptable. The background for photography should be slightly lighter than the skin.

Photo size for a Russian or Ukrainian passport is 35x45 millimeters. For a Belarusian passport The required photo size is slightly larger - 40x50 millimeters. For receipt by Russians or Ukrainians foreign passport they will need a photo measuring 36x47 millimeters, and no more than six months old. If a photo is required for a military ID, here the required dimensions are 30x40 millimeters.

As for the location of the person being photographed, the distance from the top of the head to the top of the photograph should be 4-6 millimeters, and the thickness of the paper should not exceed 0.3 mm.

It's better to take photos when natural light, and the distance from the photographer to the client should be at least 2 and no more than 5 meters.

If your ID photo is taken at home, then a clean, white pillowcase folded in half will work well to get a nice, even background. When photographing, it is better to place the person close to the background - this will avoid unnecessary shadows.

Let's look at an example of working in a super popular editor

1) First of all, you should put the background in order. To do this, select Image -> Adjustments -> Curves. In the window that appears, take the right eyedropper (Set White Point), click it on the darkest part of the background. Then click OK and continue. For further operations you will need millimeter ruler, which is called by clicking (View -> Rulers), and units of measurement are selected from the context menu by right-clicking on the ruler.

2) Then resize the photo for convenience. Click Image> ImageSize, set the document width to 100 millimeters, and the resolution to 300 dpi. After this procedure, further processing will take place much faster.

3) Now, by pressing the following keys View -> New Guide, you should create two horizontal guides, setting the Position values ​​to 50 and 62 mm. The distance between them will be 12 millimeters - this is exactly the distance between the chin and the eye line. Next, press Ctrl+A and Ctrl+T in succession, which will allow you to select the entire image and enable free transformation mode. While holding down the Shift key to resize proportionally, you should grab the corner of the selected area and carefully reduce the image. This operation should be performed several times until the pupils of the eyes are on the upper guide line, and the chin on the bottom. To accept the changes, press Enter.

4) Then you should raise one guide line to the very top of the head, and the second (using a ruler) 5 millimeters above the first. This will create the top border of the photo. Using the Crop tool (called by pressing the C key), you should create an area measuring 35x45 mm and move it so that the upper part coincides with the upper guide, and also so that the body of the person being portrayed is located in the center. Next, press Enter - and photo required proportions ready.

5) Then you need to do finishing touches. Desaturate the photo (Image -> Mode -> Grayscale), and, if necessary, adjust the contrast and brightness of the image (Image -> Adjustments -> Brightness/Contrast...). In order for the photo to have a frame, you must select (Image -> Canvas Size). In the window that appears, you need to select to display the size in pixels, enter new height and width that are 3 pixels larger than the original ones. Next, you just need to click OK - and the photo with a frame is ready.

All that remains is to place the photographs on a sheet of paper, which will then be printed. To do this, a document is created with dimensions of 100x150 millimeters and a resolution of 300 dpi, and then the previously created photograph is copied and pasted into the created document as many times as it will fit. Done - you can print.

For OVIR passport You need a black and white photograph measuring 35x45 mm, also printed on matte paper. And in this case, the image should be in an oval with shading. This is quite easy to do. You need to select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and set the Feather parameter to, for example, 10 pixels. Now you need to select the entire image, invert the selection (Select Inverse in the context menu) and press Del (you need white background).

For a Foreign Ministry passport You need a color photograph, so you should shoot in good lighting to achieve more natural color rendition. A light background is required (but not white), preferably a blue shade. The photograph is prepared in such a way that its size becomes 36x47 millimeters, and the distance from the chin to the top of the head is 25–35 mm.

It’s better to print on your own photo printer, using trial and error to find the optimal brightness/contrast combination. If you don’t have a printer at home, you’ll have to go to the photo lab.

The photo in the passport often leaves much to be desired; all the shortcomings are revealed and revealed on it, even if there are none. To take a beautiful passport photo, you should choose a beautiful top that highlights all facial features, giving them clear outlines, apply light invisible makeup, as well as a hairstyle that best suits your face type.

Makeup in passport photo

Before taking a set of photographs for documents, prepare your face: make a mask, soothing or moisturizing, depending on your skin type. Also pluck your eyebrows, trim them and line them up for the photo. It is better not to take photos the day before a peeling or cosmetic procedure that makes the skin red. After two or three days you can go take your passport photo.

You need to highlight your eyes beautifully, line them with a black pencil or eyeliner, and straighten your eyelashes. Also highlight your eyebrows and apply the right tone to your face. And this is perhaps the main thing that will make you look great in the photo. You should not apply foundation thickly; you want your complexion to be even, but as natural as possible. Photoshop, of course, will remove all redness and dark circles under the eyes, but it’s still better to get a good night’s sleep and apply makeup as carefully as possible. Highlighter, concealer, bronzer and foundation with natural blush will help you. A light shade of gloss on the lips, or better yet, hygienic lipstick to emphasize the plumpness of the lips.

Hairstyle in passport photo

You don’t need a special hairstyle, depending on the length of your hair. If you let your hair down, it will frame your face, which will highlight it favorably. The main thing is clean hair, well combed. Before taking photos, wash your hair and apply a mask to give it shine. During the photo, spread your hair over your shoulders so that there is no hair on your face. Avoid a ponytail, bun, or updo; it will distract from the face and create a casual look that is not suitable for an official document. .

Clothes in the passport photo

For clothing, do not choose sweaters or T-shirts. Let it be a blouse or shirt, as well as any blouse that does not fit the neck. Better with a V-neck or boat neckline. No need for bows, a jabot under the throat. Neat and tasteful, even if it’s a plaid shirt, but a shirt that suits you, gives freshness to your face, and emphasizes the color of your eyes.

The need to be photographed with a new internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as a rule, arises when the age of replacement of the document is reached - that is, 21 and 45 years. But you can also replace the photo in case of dramatic changes in appearance.

Each document has a number of requirements for a citizen’s photograph. For example, photos for internal and foreign passports have excellent card sizes. To take a photo for an internal passport, you need to take into account the requirements of the law and take into account other important factors, which will be discussed below.

Basic instructions

A photograph of a citizen is part of an identity document. The image should display the most reliable information about a person’s external data.

What should the photo look like:

  • White background. Excluded various kinds stripes or spots.
  • Calm facial expression, no smile, lips closed.
  • The eyes should not be half-closed or closed.
  • The color rendition of the photograph can be either b/w or color at the discretion of the person posing.
  • The distance between the pupils in the final image should exceed 7 mm.
  • From the end of the chin to the line of the eyes, drawn conventionally, horizontally, there should be no less than 12 mm.
  • The length of the head should not exceed the range from 32 to 36 mm. For width, parameters from 18 mm to 25 mm are acceptable.
  • The head in the picture should not rest against the edge of the photograph - there should be 5 mm or more above the top end of the head.
  • The citizen's face must occupy at least 80% of the card space.
  • The photo is taken from the front.
  • It is not allowed to be photographed wearing colored lenses.
  • For persons who constantly wear glasses, they should not be removed during photography. Avoid colored glasses - they should be transparent. Tinted glass is prohibited for photography. Avoid glare from glasses on the printed image.
  • It is prohibited to be photographed in uniform or corporate clothing with a company logo.
  • The headdress is removed during filming. The exception is for persons professing the Muslim faith - they are allowed to take photographs in hijabs. But the hijab should not distort the natural oval of the face.
  • Hair should not cover the oval of the face.
  • The entire image must be sharp and in focus - out-of-focus parts of the face, including ears, are prohibited.


For internal passport photographs, the same size is established for all citizens. It should measure 4.5 cm in length and 3.5 cm in width.

Where to take a photo and how much the services cost

Today, photo studios have flooded the market with offers - there are many options where a person can quickly and efficiently obtain passport photos.

Prices for photo studio services may vary according to the following criteria:

  1. Location – many studios, due to the high cost of rent, are forced to choose not very fashionable locations. For example, ground floors shopping centers, small rooms in points remote from the city center.
  2. Speed ​​of service. Previously, photographs were most often completed in 2-3 days. Now many companies are ready to take an “urgent” photo, but the price will be higher.
  3. Retouch. Not widely used yet light retouching pictures, but some photo studios win clients this way.

On average, prices in Moscow and the region range from 250 to 450 rubles for several photographs. In the regions the price is slightly lower. There you can pay from 150 to 300 rubles for the services of a photographer and printing.

Independent work

Technological progress today allows any computer user to take passport photos themselves.

What should you consider to create a good quality photo, no worse than a professional photo in a photo studio?

  1. A camera or phone with a good camera. The photo should be of high quality;
  2. Good lighting. It should be as close to studio light as possible. Do not take photographs in the evening under artificial lighting;
  3. A white wall as a background or a tightly stretched white sheet, whatman paper. Another way is to replace the background in the program when processing the photo;
  4. Take several pictures so that you can select the most successful shot from your computer;
  5. The photo taken can be either printed on a printer or downloaded through government services in electronic format;
  6. Look at the resulting photographs - there should be no shadows, no rays of the sun passing along the oval of the face or neck;
  7. In special programs for creating passport photos, you can adjust right size photos. An alternative to specialized applications is Photoshop. But you should carefully retouch the pictures without going overboard with the changes. Usually it is enough to remove red eyes and pimples. You cannot change facial features - reduce the nose or enlarge the eyes, lips;
  8. The picture should not have any darkened areas or, conversely, overexposed spots. To do this, set your camera to a balanced shutter speed. For studio photos, its value is always constant - 1/160;
  9. Place the camera more than two meters away from the model. But it should not exceed five meters;
  10. Place the camera at the model's eye level. It is best to use a tripod for fixation. This will get rid of possible distortions while shooting or shaking hands.
  11. When working in Photoshop and replacing the background, carefully select the person’s figure and head - if you accidentally cut off a piece of hair or capture a dark area, the photo will not look good. They may refuse to accept it for your documents.

Rules for a good photo

A common situation is dissatisfaction among women with the resulting passport photo. A document often needs to be presented somewhere, and it is very unpleasant when a completely unsightly photograph is displayed there.

To avoid embarrassment when showing a document, you can prepare in advance to take a good photo.

  • Natural and relaxed look. Many people are embarrassed to behave naturally in front of the camera, so they appear tense in the photo. Try to exhale when the shutter clicks, so that your body and facial expressions are not constrained. Don't close your lips. Practice in front of a mirror before shooting. Record and remember the most appropriate facial expression. When shooting, try to repeat it.
  • Full sleep. A lack of sleep will repay the body with swelling on the face, drooping eyelids, and redness of the eyes. Before shooting, sleep at least 8 hours to ensure that your complexion looks as healthy and fresh as possible. Women can cover their face with a thin layer of foundation or makeup base to hide minor imperfections;
  • Avoid flashy makeup. It is advised not to paint your lips at all. The maximum is permissible to apply makeup with a barely noticeable pencil or lipstick in a tone that matches the natural shade;
  • Don't gather all the hair at the back of your head. This will create the effect of a “bald” head. Also avoid overly voluminous hairstyles. They will create the effect of a large head;
  • You shouldn't get your hair cut a couple of days before the shoot. If you get a bad haircut, you won't look your best;
  • For eye makeup, you can use mascara or a soft pencil. Minor facial sculpting is allowed.

Requirements for Russian passport photos on the State Services portal

With the creation of a government services website, many citizens can not only take a photograph in person at home, but also submit documents without leaving their apartment. To do this, you just need to comply with the requirements for uploading an electronic image.

The image format must be strictly JPEG. In addition to the required aspect ratio corresponding to the parameters 3.5 * 4.5 cm, the file must be at least 200 kilobytes, but not exceed 500 kilobytes.

For color rendering, you can optionally use a black and white – monochrome or color photograph.

The permit also has its own requirements. The uploaded file must be at least 450 dpi.

An unregistered user cannot upload a photo and apply for an internal Russian passport. The site provides a strict system of authorization and identification of citizens - as in government institutions. Therefore, if a person has not used the site’s services before, he should study the functionality in advance and create a personal account on the site.

In the case when a Russian citizen submits an application not directly to the Federal Migration Service or a multifunctional center, but resorts to the government services portal, the photograph must be submitted in electronic format and meet certain requirements.

Otherwise, the system will not accept the image, the user will not be able to upload the photo, or if the photo standards established by law are not met, the citizen will be denied a passport at the stage of checking the photo’s compliance with the established standards.

The requirements are enshrined at the legislative level and reflected in paragraph 25 of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, which certifies the identity of a Russian citizen. The regulations were approved on November 30, 2012 by order of the FMS Russian Federation, regulation number 391.

Failure to comply with the requirements of at least one established point entails refusal to accept or replace officials document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

How to dress?

Few people think about how important it is to choose the right clothes for your ID photo.

Despite the fact that it will only be visible top part clothes, for a successful photo it should be selected in accordance with the following tips:

  • girls and women should avoid excessive amounts of jewelry and jewelry,
  • clothes should be without pilling - studio lighting can highlight this defect unfavorably;
  • Don’t forget to check the condition of your clothes before you start shooting: stains and wrinkled fabric will ruin the photo;
  • It is best to dress in a strict office style, avoid sporty style and ultra-fashionable things, in a few years they will go out of fashion, but the photo in the passport will remain;
  • pastel colors are also suitable for passport photos; light shirts and dark jackets are recommended for men;
  • choose clothes in accordance with your color type; they should not distract attention from the face, be provocative or pretentious;
  • do not wear a sweater or blouse with a deep neckline, low horizontal style, such things will not fit into the frame, only bare shoulders will remain in the picture, which will create the effect of a naked body in the frame.

Thus, having carefully prepared and fulfilled all the necessary requirements for creating an image, a citizen can end up with the desired successful image, which he will not be ashamed to show to loved ones and service personnel in institutions.

You will need

  • Women: comfortable, soft clothes of any color except white, a scarf, makeup.
  • Men: comfortable clothes or a classic suit of any color except white.


Official requirements there are no documents for clothes, unless you are being photographed for interior design at your work - for such a case, of course, it is better to prefer the style of the internal dress code. Clothing for document photography should be comfortable so that you don’t feel constrained and it doesn’t show on your face. It is not recommended to come to the photographer in white, because it is usually installed in the studio white background- in the final image it will merge with your clothes.

It is better for overweight girls and women not to wear contrasting clothes to the shoot - for example, an orange sweater and blue jeans. This combination visually emphasizes figure flaws, especially in harsh lighting. It’s better to choose something plain and loose; you can also use fabrics with small patterns. If you're worried about a double chin, use a lightweight silk scarf to match the rest of your outfit, just make sure it doesn't cover your face when you're shooting. The minimum length of the skirt is just above the knee, but not shorter.

Men find it easier to choose clothes. If you don't want to look fat in the photo, wear a classic three-piece suit - it will hide all the flaws of your figure. It will be better if the suit is dark and the shirt is white or just light; this combination will visually make you look slimmer. Check in advance that the shirt fits you - a collar that is too tight not only interferes with breathing, but also shows off your double chin, even if it is not noticeable in other clothes. If you don’t have any problems with your figure, jeans, a sweater, and any shirts will do, just not too bright and colorful. It is better not to take pictures in shorts and T-shirts.

In a passport photograph, clothing is almost unimportant - only the face and shoulders remain in the frame, so in this case highest value for women they acquire makeup and hairstyle, and for men - posture and head tilt. But in any case, women are not recommended to wear blouses and blouses with shoulder pads - it looks unnatural in the picture, especially if you have large shoulders. If you want to emphasize your neck, use a dress or jacket with a neckline; if, on the contrary, you want to hide its length, use a blouse with a stand-up collar.

Please note

The right, but uncomfortable clothes will not play a role - if you are uncomfortable in a suit, but comfortable in your favorite jumper, take a jumper. A person who is uncomfortable will never look good in a photo.

Useful advice

The most important thing in photography is your face, that’s why everything happens. Try to relax, not frown and follow all the photographer’s recommendations.

Looking back at your photos, do you wish you looked a little better? Happens. In this photo, a nasty pimple ruined everything, and here you look as if you drank a couple of extra cocktails, and in this one you “gained” a couple of extra pounds. Any girl always wants to take flawless pictures and look like a supermodel.


Educate yourself. Look carefully at yourself in the mirror, highlight all your shortcomings and strengths. Now that you know them, spin around in front of the mirror and choose the best angle. Turn a little to the right and left, play with the light. Find out how it falls on your face, how it forms a shadow, tilt your head a little to the side. See what poses you look best in. For curvy women, it's best to be in the background in a group photo. Don't forget about your hands. Sometimes they appear in photographs as if they belonged to someone else.

Choose your makeup, hairstyle and clothes carefully, as they also play an important role in the photo. There should always be a minimum of cosmetics, just to highlight your magnificent eyes and make your lips seductive. In exceptional cases, use a face tint to disguise skin imperfections. There should be no glitter, forget about pearlescent shadows and blush, and even jewelry. Pay attention to your hairstyle: it shouldn’t make you look old.

Choose clothes that are not too bright, because you can get lost in them, they will outshine you. But you shouldn’t wear clothes that are too pale, so as not to blend into the background. It is better to choose a rich color that will focus attention on the eyes and skin tone. The style should emphasize the advantages or disguise the flaws of your figure.

Don't forget that the most important thing in a photograph is the eyes. When taking photographs, think about pleasant moments, remember a funny story. Your eyes will shine, and the image in the photo will turn out bright and vital. If you want to look a little dramatic, look away.

Don't lose your personality, relax during the shoot, even though you're posing. The photo will be unsuccessful if your tense muscles are visible. Your well-being is also reflected on your face, so try not to take photographs in the first hours after waking up and during illness.

Video on the topic

Photography is a whole science. And not only for the photographer, but also for the model. If you are standing in front of a professional lens, then there is nothing to worry about, but more often you have to pose in front of friends. We are often dissatisfied with our photographs, and we do not know that everything can be corrected.

These rules will help you do good photos:

* Try not to tense up.
Naturalness is the key to good photography. Relax your face, otherwise it will look “plaster” in the photo. You're not facing execution, after all, are you? Imagine that this is a very pleasant activity, after which one short moment of your life will be captured. It's interesting, fun and important at the same time, because this moment will never happen again.

* The right angle will help you look better.
Study the proportions of your figure and facial features to hide less than harmonious lines and show off your best. In the end, a photograph will only reflect your outer shell, which changes daily depending on your mood.

Facial features can be hidden as follows:
- a round face looks better if you turn your head slightly in profile;
- you should not choose a “front” angle for a person with protruding ears;
- a profile photo will not look good on a model with a long nose; a model with the same feature should not stand with her chin down;
- V full height the bottom angle will make your legs longer and your hips wider. The photo from above will make your head and shoulders appear more voluminous;
- a double chin will be invisible if you sit half-sided towards the photographer and look into the lens;
- deep nasolabial folds create a shadow, so you need to good lighting on both sides. Women can whiten these folds with a very light toner, and then they will not be visible in the photo;
- do not pull your hair back if you have a wide face - let it lie freely and cover part of your face. Don't part your hair straight down;
- if your face is small, it is better to pull your hair back and comb your bangs to the side;
- for large people it is better to take pictures near large objects, for example, near a tree with a thick trunk, etc.;
- tall and thin looks better in motion, and not “standing in line”, so as not to be compared with Uncle Styopa;
- skinny short people are better off taking pictures near a bush if they want to look bigger.

* Lighting can play a cruel joke on a person.
Too dark shadows on your face will make your face look tired, and you will look much older in the photo. The ideal lighting option is when the light sources are located from different sides, but this is only possible in the studio. In amateur photography, you should try to avoid too harsh lighting from the sides and from above - shadows can simply distort the face. From experience, the most best time for street photography - evening.

* A smile is the most the best way out from all situations.
It will save any not very successful photo, because the photo carries your energy with a positive charge, and this attracts people most of all.

* Photography is the creativity of two people: the person being photographed and the photographer. Try to take the angle that he recommends, even if he is not a professional. It’s just that a person’s dignity is seen better from the outside.

* Learn to pose beautifully. There are tons of photos on the Internet where you can find good poses ordinary people. The poses of the models, by the way, are in regular photos are not entirely appropriate, and often look simply indecent.

* Don't worry if the photo doesn't turn out the way you intended. According to adults, when they look at their worst photos from ten years ago, they really like them. Minor imperfections can be removed with help, which is what almost all photographers do now. And remember that every person is unique, if not entirely photogenic.

* If this doesn’t help, go to a professional photo shoot. Usually, people open up very well and recognize themselves from a different, better side.

Is it time to change your passport photo? Then carefully read what kind of makeup you should do for a passport photo so that the result pleases you. After all, this important document will serve you for decades! And every time they ask you to show your passport, you will be in a great mood!

  • Use only mattifying foundations. Shiny components will be too visible under the influence of a bright flash. The skin will look oily.
  • Forget about bright colored eye shadows. Use neutral shades: beige, milky, gray, black. You can add a little beige and dark brown.

  • Do contouring, taking into account the features of the face. Darken the area of ​​the cheekbones and the sides of the chin. If your nose is naturally too wide, you should correct it with dark powder.
  • Can do more expressive makeup for document photography than you are used to using in everyday life. The spotlight will “eat” part of the makeup!

Correct makeup for a passport photo step by step

  • Apply a good quality foundation. Experts use foundations labeled HD, which are specifically recommended for photography and videography. Don't skip any areas of your face, apply foundation to your neck as well. Blend the product well at the hairline, near the ears, so that the boundaries of the foundation are not visible.

Read also: Professional makeup cosmetics - getting to know the brands

  • Cover dark circles under the eyes, redness, and unevenness with concealer. With a bright flash, all skin imperfections will be much more noticeable, keep this in mind. If you are taking a photo in good salon, then the specialist will remove a pimple that accidentally appears without a reminder. But about perfect color take care of your skin yourself.
  • Apply matte powder to the brush. Treat the entire face without missing a millimeter, including the neck area. This will remove excess oil from the skin, which can unexpectedly “shine” in the photo. Do not apply too much powder so that your face does not turn into a mask.

  • Face contouring will help visually improve your face shape. Professionals do this by darkening the cheekbones and sides of the chin.
  • Draw eyebrows with a pencil or shadows. This step is very important to achieve clarity in the photo. Use a color close to your natural brow shade. Don't overdo it with highlighting, otherwise your face will look unnatural.
  • As a base, apply beige or light milky shadows to the upper eyelid. Then brown highlight the folds of the eyelids. Avoid purple, lilac, green, blue shadows, even if they suit you very well. And no mother of pearl!
  • Draw a thin black line along the edge of the eyelashes. using a pencil. Make the upper eyelid more expressive and highlight the lower one a little. But go beyond outer corner It is not recommended so as not to achieve the effect of narrow eyes.

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