Payment is terrible - Zlatoust74 Information and analytical portal. Interview with Alexander Morozov

The leaders of well-known criminal groups in the Gomel region of the 90s have long been convicted. Some of them were shot. Meanwhile, the “Morozovites” and “firemen” who fled abroad continue to be on the international wanted list.

Code of Thieves' Honor

Criminal authorities have their own rules and regulations. According to them, a thief in law should not swear, steal from his own people, pick up a firearm, and should not work under any circumstances. According to criminal concepts, such a person does not commit crimes, but only manages the criminal world of his region and collects money for the common fund.

In Gomel, crime flourished in the 90s of the last century, when racketeers imposed tribute on many entrepreneurs at the Central Collective Farm Market. Monthly taxes were set depending on location point of sale and ranged from 20 to 50 dollars. According to operational information from the police, up to 150 thousand dollars were received into the common fund every month.

Gomel organized crime dates back to 1956. Then the thief in law was crowned Ivan Chernigov nicknamed Ivan-ruka, who managed to live to the age of 66. His fellow countryman and colleague nicknamed Globus ( Valery Dlugach) did not live to see 50. At the end of the Soviet era, he was one of the five most influential crime bosses in Moscow. A native of the Gomel region, who was repeatedly convicted of assault and robbery, died in 1993.

Mammoth, crowned thieves in law in 1996 ( Sergei Kovalenko) and Timokhe ( Alexandru Timoshenko) at the time of his death was just over 40. As noted in the criminal world, Timokha earned the authority of a thief for hooliganism, causing bodily harm and for his extensive overall experience in prison. They say that the same Timokha and the famous Yaponchik stood shoulder to shoulder against the Russian criminal authority Grandfather Hasan. As a result, the entire trio passed away.

Soldier era

The so-called Gomel looking Soldier ( Nikolay Soldatenko) experienced many fatal moments. In an era of violent and illegal business development, new criminal trends decided to stage a “palace coup” in Gomel. However, the hired killer was unable to hit the Soldier sitting in the car. At the same time, he killed two policemen who were pursuing the shooter, Konstantina Borisenko And Eduard Seregin. Their names are forever included in the lists of personnel of the patrol service regiment of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the regional executive committee. In those years, Soldatenko invested criminal capital in legal Russian businesses. He was arrested only in 2009 and sentenced to 11 years in prison.

Since the 90s, organized criminal groups controlled prostitutes in Gomel and sent girls to foreign brothels. Businessmen who refused to pay tribute had their dachas, cars, apartments, and kiosks on fire. The showdown was not complete without killings. One group was called "firemen" because one of its leaders ( Gennady Berezin) was a master of sports in fire-applied all-around, and the second - “Morozovtsy” by the name of its leader ( Sergei Morozov).

A number of small businesses came under the control of bandits. Criminals opened private enterprises through which they laundered criminal proceeds. The leaders of the groups built luxurious multi-storey cottages in the center of Gomel, purchased expensive cars, caroused in restaurants, held meetings and showdowns.

Execution of criminal leaders

According to the prosecutor's office, they began working closely and specifically against the Morozov group in 1999. Employees of the main department for combating organized crime and corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office and the investigative department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee opened the first “Morozov” criminal case in December 2004.

On December 1, 2006, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus issued a guilty verdict against about three dozen members of the Morozov criminal organization involved in the case. Its leader and creator Sergei Morozov, as well as the two most active participants Valery Gorbaty And Igor Danchenko sentenced to extreme punishment - death penalty. The sentence has been carried out. The remaining members of the criminal organization received sentences of imprisonment from 6 to 20 years.

Covered up the bandits former boss criminal investigation department of the Gomel Department of Internal Affairs Nikolay Losev was sentenced to 18 years in prison and stripped of the rank of police colonel. Anatoly Susolkin, a former prosecutor of the department for monitoring compliance with legislation in the fight against organized crime and corruption of the Gomel Region Prosecutor's Office, suspected of having connections with criminals, managed to escape, like some criminal authorities who were creating chaos.

In September 2004, the first criminal case was opened against the “firemen”; in November 2005, almost 30 of its participants began to be tried, who were sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 3 to 14 years. Then the leaders of the groups managed to escape, but law enforcement officers, with the help of foreign colleagues, discovered the wanted men.

Appears on Interpol lists

Belarusian law enforcement officers sent documents to Interpol about the search for 22 suspects in serious crimes in the Gomel region. "Firemen" Oleg Chirkov(Zyan) and Gennady Berezin(Firefighter), Vyacheslav Litsenstein(Litsen) were detained in an apartment in a prestigious building on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow with the assistance of the Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The special forces neutralized them in one of the apartments multi-storey building. They used about a dozen different numbers to contact their accomplices. mobile phones, said the head of the department of the 8th department (for the Gomel region) of the main department for combating organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oleg Kashin. Chirkov and Berezin were sentenced to 19 years in prison, Litsenstein - to 17 years.

Their "bro" Valentin Shkurko broke away from the gang and ran an official business in Bryansk. However, for his previous offenses he was sentenced to 15 years. There was another "fireman" Oleg Goncharov(Goncharik), who spent more than a year in the basement of his partner’s house in his native land, and when he came out, he received 15.5 years in prison.

Lived under a false name in the Urals. He started a family and knew local criminals until he was exposed in 2013. He was sentenced to 20 years behind barbed wire.

A Gomel resident crowned at a thieves' meeting in the United Arab Emirates Alexandra Medvedeva(Bear cub) was detained in Moscow for drug possession. After serving his sentence in Russia, he returned to his homeland, where last year received 7 years in prison for extortion.

According to the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, the international search for six defendants in criminal cases of the “Morozov” and “fire” groups continues. Among them Sergey Derbenev(Derben), Victor Retsky(Boxer). According to data received by the Belarusian police, Alexey Litvinov may be hiding in Sweden, Anatoly Susolkin- in Ukraine. Igor Kulevsky(nicknamed Ferret) was seen in the Tula region, Vladimir Petrov- in Poland, Germany and Spain. The police are working to locate, detain and extradite them to Belarus.

The search was stopped in 2015 Gennady Rubankova, who was not in custody and walked regularly court hearings, however, disappeared on the day of sentencing. It turned out that the man who escaped punishment in Belarus (sentenced to 11 years) died in Russia.

As the Belarusian Partisan learned from unofficial sources, one of the former leaders of the criminal world of Belarus Nikolai Soldatenko, aka Kolya Soldat.

Soldatenko was detained in the summer of 2007 in the Moscow region, and in 2009 Supreme Court Belarus sentenced him to 11 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property and serving the sentence under enhanced security conditions.

In the case, the Soldier was involved as an active participant in the notorious Morozov gang. He was charged with Art. 285 of the Criminal Code (creation and participation in a criminal organization). However, under this article, the case against the authority was terminated due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Kolya Soldier was imprisoned under Part 3 of Article 208 of the Criminal Code - for extortion. Four other people were convicted along with him.

63-year-old Soldatenko was released a year earlier. It is possible that one of the past amnesties was applied to him. Although this is hard to believe.
According to the “Belarusian Partisan”, from the first months of imprisonment, the prisoner, as they say, showed character and quickly earned himself a prison regime. The Soldier spent at least three years in Grodno Prison No. 1. Soldatenkov served out his term in Gorki in IK-9, a maximum security colony.

In the 90s, Kolya Soldat was the “supervisor” of the Gomel region and, according to operatives, headed a criminal group that exercised control over transactions of medium-sized businesses, including in the oil products market, as well as illegal operations at the Kristall Production Association.

They say that with the participation of the Soldier, Sergei Morozov, whose gang left the bloodiest mark in the history of Belarus, received the status of “watcher” of Gomel. The Morozovskys are responsible for two dozen murders and hundreds of other serious crimes. In total, about 50 people were convicted. Three gang leaders - Sergei Morozov, Valery Gorbaty and Igor Danchenko - were sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out in 2008.

According to operatives, Sergei Morozov’s gang was involved in the murder in October 1997 of another crime boss, Viktor Osipenko (Boar).
According to operational data, a group of former athletes headed by Viktor Osipenko controlled several quite profitable places in the city, including the car market.

In 2003, an attempt was made on Nikolai Soldatenko. A hired killer came from Russia to kill him. The boss escaped with minor injuries, after which he went into the shadows and moved to the Moscow region, where he was engaged in legal business.

While Kolya Soldat was in prison, a split occurred in the Belarusian criminal world into two opposing camps due to the “coronation” in Moscow in 2011 of Gomel resident Alexander Kushnerov, aka Sasha Kushner.

It is difficult to say to what extent the information really corresponds, but from behind the thick walls of the Grodno prison it leaked that Kolya the Soldier did not recognize Kushner, and sided with his opponents among the thieves in law Timokha, Galey and the so-called “Dubai Four”.

Timokha was shot, Galya is serving a 10-year sentence in Gorki, two of the “four” - Pashtet Minsky and Medvezhonok Gomelsky, also in known places, Mumu Slutsky was released, but is under surveillance, Lebed Borisovsky is still at large somewhere in the EU. Sasha Kushner went for permanent residence in Turkey and occasionally visits Belarus.
Simply put, all more or less significant Belarusian crime bosses are either localized or are queuing up to board, and therefore they can’t afford to start a bloody showdown on the topic “who is the main thief in the Republic of Belarus.”

So there is no reason to assume that with the release of Kolya Soldat, something significant can happen in the Belarusian criminal world.

A former member of the Legislative Assembly served almost 20 years in prison Chelyabinsk region, leader of a criminal group and crime boss from Zlatoust, Alexander Morozov. The day before, he took part in events dedicated to Victory Day in his hometown.

Morozov announced his release on his VKontakte page, which he had been actively developing over the past few months. Previously, the crime boss said that after his release he intended to engage in social activities, including within the framework of the monastic-knightly order “Brotherhood of Moroz - Chrysostom” created by him. Alexander Morozov is going to preach and give lectures.

“To the question: why the order? Because order is order; and according to the prophecies of the Russian philosopher I.A. Ilyin, Russia will enter the era of order and knightly organizations,” the crime boss commented on his page.

Interview with Alexander Morozov

“Yesterday I founded the World Social Movement “Immortal Regiment” in Zlatoust,” said URA.Ru. He spoke about this in Kopeisk, where he came to meet with kickboxing coach Pyotr Galkin.

“Some guys I know want to open a club, so I want to consult,” Morozov explained the reason for the meeting. By the way, at that moment Galkin had a businessman, the founder of one of the boxing clubs in Chelyabinsk, Evgeniy Weinstein.

“How do you feel after 19 years?” - he asked Morozov.

“Great,” he replied almost proudly. “I was on a diet!”

“The first person who returned from those places and is satisfied,” says Weinshten, looking doubtfully at Morozov, who looks like a gray-haired boy in a long lilac raincoat and does not at all resemble the one who once led one of the most dangerous criminal gangs in Russia.

The lilac cloak and the “Immortal Regiment” became elements of the show organized by Morozov in honor of his return. Let us remember that while still in Omsk, in the colony, he called everyone to a rally. And when I returned home, I recorded a video. However, the Zlatoustites did not need an additional invitation from Morozov. The procession already turned out to be massive, as in all cities of Russia. Morozov also spoke in detail on his page on the VKontakte social network about his meeting with Mayor Vyacheslav Zhilin and the leadership of the local police.

He said that he regretted some of his actions, felt guilty, and was happy about his grandchildren. In a word, he emphasized personal significance and increased interest in his person, doing everything possible under conditions of strict supervision by law enforcement agencies.

By the way, supervision will last three years. According to the law, to Morozov without any warning and permitting documents Police officers may come and search the premises. And he himself must come to the security forces when first called.

Lawyer Natalya Borokhova, who defended one of the ordinary drivers during the gang trial, later wrote the book “The Calling Card of a Predator”, describing those events. And then the famous series “Brigade” about Sasha Bely came out; Borokhova was reproached for “stealing” the idea from the authors, although her book had been written earlier. And, by the way, the heroes of “The Brigade” - the same age as Alexander Morozov - according to the plot, were born in the late sixties. They were doing the same thing as the Morozovites - racketeering, murders, legalization of business, politics. Everything ended badly for the movie gang, but the “foreman” from Zlatoust is now full of ideas.

The holiday in honor of Victory Day in Zlatoust became the occasion for Alexander Morozov to go out into the world. They recognized him, wearing dark glasses and an extravagant raincoat with St. George's ribbon, few.

It is clear that Morozov, despite his loud statements, will not be able to get the “Immortal Regiment” campaign. Morozov's plans contradict the charter of the action. But they are talking seriously about his other future organization, the Order of the Brotherhood of Chrysostom.

“He has a lot of ideas. I decided to defend the rights of citizens. Mostly, of course, prisoners,” said Sergei Kostromin, editor of the local newspaper Nakanune.

Kostromin is perhaps one of the few in Zlatoust, not counting his relatives, who publicly does not hide his sincere joy at the return of Morozov from places not so distant. Let us remember that both of them were seriously involved in politics in the mid-nineties, campaigning for each other in elections. Kostromin wanted to become governor, and Morozov - mayor. Kostromin went to Omsk in early May to meet an old friend at the exit from the colony and take him to Zlatoust, where his children and grandchildren, born while his grandfather was serving his sentence, were waiting for him.

People in the city believe that Morozov still has some money, and a lot of it, but it is “hidden somewhere.” Morozov himself claims that he invested his funds in a certain Libel LLC (now Market LLC), the official owner of which was entrepreneur Valery Uldanov. In the database of courts, arbitration and general jurisdiction, there are many claims by Morozov against Uldanov. Moreover, the plaintiff, at that moment still serving a long sentence, even admitted: not all the funds were obtained in a righteous way. But he claimed that he earned part of the money honestly. By the way, he lost all his claims against Uldanov. And he can hardly count on receiving any amounts now.

Who could invest money in the Brotherhood of Chrysostom? Many members of Morozov's gang were convicted by the verdict of the Chelyabinsk Regional Court. Some people still have relatives in Zlatoust, for example, his “accomplice” Valery Bykovsky. They were engaged in the funeral business, but all companies have already been liquidated. In fact, the entire business that was at least indirectly related to Morozov ceased to exist. The companies were not re-registered; some specializing in gambling were simply prohibited by law. There is no “brigade” that kept the whole city in fear.

But, according to URA.Ru, Morozov is already negotiating with those who are ready to support him financially.

“Dubious project. Well, who will give money for prisoners? - comments a source in law enforcement agencies. - Those with whom he came into contact in the nineties either “blown away” or legalized their business. Why do they need yesterday's prisoner? However, it is possible that, given his fame, they will try to use Morozov, for example, in elections. There is a certain group of the population that considers Morozov a hero, a kind of Robin Hood. Although for most residents of the same Zlatoust he is just a bandit, and interest in him is caused by ordinary idle curiosity.”

“Times are different now, and Morozov probably does not yet realize how the world has changed during the 19 years that he spent in prison,” says ZSO deputy Anatoly Bragin, who headed the regional prosecutor’s office at the time Morozov was tried. - Business representatives are unlikely to want to risk their reputation by giving him money. At least - openly. And society is different now. It’s difficult to manipulate it with the methods that were used in the nineties.”

The gangster years of Morozov from Zlatoust

Let us recall that, according to the materials of the criminal case, master of sports Alexander Morozov in the 90s created a criminal community with the help of friends who trained with him in the boxing section, as well as participants in combat operations in Afghanistan.

Initially, the gang was engaged in petty racketeering, but then the ambitions of the young people increased to the seizure of the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant and the Kazak Uralsky liquor holding, the director of which was killed. It was possible to oust Morozov’s henchmen from “Cossack” only in the mid-90s. Meanwhile, the gang, which had accumulated more than $35 million in its accounts in foreign banks, was already closely involved in the tourism business and trade in fuel and lubricants.

In 1996, Alexander Morozov ran for election simultaneously to the head of Zlatoust and to the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region. In the city elections, he lost to Vasily Maltsev, who, in turn, is now serving a sentence of restriction of freedom for illegal possession of weapons and fraud. A few days before the election date, Morozov “seized” the city administration building, occupying Maltsev’s office, and invited him to give up his chair.

Later Morozov organized charitable foundation"Terek", helping veterans of the first Chechen campaign. Later, security forces told the media that the fund helped the militants.

Morozov is also famous for his friendship with the famous Russian performer and deputy State Duma Joseph Kobzon, whom Morozov met in Spain, where he bought real estate in the 90s. Now the children of the ex-deputy live there. Kobzon sent a book of his memoirs with a personal autograph to the pre-trial detention center for Morozov: “Sasha, hold on, we will help you out!” After this, the famous anti-corruption fighter, former investigator Telman Gdlyan, general and State Duma deputy Lev Rokhlin, and LDPR chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky publicly spoke out in support of Morozov and demanded his release. The latter even sent an official letter to the then Minister of Internal Affairs Anatoly Kulikov with a petition for the release of the Terek leader.

The first time Alexander Morozov was detained in May 1997 for illegal possession of weapons - traffic police officers found a combat pistol in his car. In 1999, he was supposed to be released in this case, but a new criminal case was brought to court - this time Morozov was charged with creating an organized crime group, murder, kidnapping and robbery. In 2001, the Chelyabinsk Regional Court sentenced him to 18 years in prison. In 2005, uncovered fraud increased the sentence to 21 years; in 2008, Morozov was convicted of beating a cellmate.

This time the task was, parallel to the search and “work,” just a search, and I realized that I needed my own group. It took three to four months to find people for it and gather them, which tightened up the already jam-packed schedule. Six months were occupied by Sasha “Evil”, also territorially “Medvedkovsky” - either the godson, or the pupil, as they said, of “Otarik”. I still remember the funny finale of the “arrow” with Sasha two years before these events.

On our side there were five or six people, but well armed (two AKMs and three pistols), with machine guns in the Volga and another sedan, and the Pylevs were in bulletproof vests and leather jackets, dressed on top, ready for a “conversation”, with a TT in his bosom. No one hid their preparation, and guns stuck out of the cars, showing that we were not only ready, but also right!

“Evil” drove up, and behind it was a whole “Ikarus” with the inscription of one of the famous sports teams, from which strong, wrestling-looking guys began to get out, so to speak, to help the “pupil” - about 30–40 people. Then, at the very beginning of the 90s, they usually took it unceremoniously and the number of people who came to the “shooting” - there were still few weapons, so mass participation mattered. Impressive, except that everyone’s head is the same, and a bullet does not bounce off it, no matter how strong the neck it is held on, and no matter what this strong guy does with it, eats or thinks. We must pay tribute to Sasha, when he saw the “trunks”, he “intuited” the situation instantly and reacted: “Ah-ah! Brothers! It's you! Then order, no questions! And we thought they were some kind of strays.” The meeting ended before it began. And it was hard not to understand, seeing, in addition to protruding machine guns, steaming in such heat (more than 30 degrees), in leather jackets buttoned under the very chin, and brothers swollen like “ninja-Cheburashkas”.

The fighters incomprehensibly climbed back, and their leader, looking at the “bristling” cars, said with some resentment: “Why do this, after all, they’re our own boys!”, apparently having forgotten about the inequality: forty to six. But he was not a bad person, and his team was not weak, on friendly terms with the “Afghans”. Although who hasn’t been like this with them? The guys who went through Afghanistan, united officially into an association and unofficially - as it happened, felt good. “Evil” became the closest of all to “Master”, in whose team he visited the bathhouse on Yaroslavskoye Highway, at the Sayany Hotel. The entrance to the bathhouse, which they decorated for themselves, faced backyard, to the Losiny Ostrov forest - optimal place for an ambush. One minus: in winter it’s freezing cold, and you had to lie down for six to seven hours without moving, your feet were frozen, and then your whole body, and, as you know, cold feet put pressure on the bladder, and in such cases sometimes it was necessary to use adult diapers. There is no need to laugh, everything was very serious, although the appearance while getting dressed was funny.

Among other things, “Master” was also a close friend of Oleg Pylev, and the latter persistently asked Grisha first, and after me, having learned that it was I who was dealing with this issue, not to offend Andrey. Gusyatinsky promised, but told me: “See for yourself, in principle, I’m not against it.” What about yourself? I understood perfectly well that a guy who had been running around the Hindu Kush mountains for seven years as an ensign would not watch his friend die, and at the first sound of a shot, most likely, the “bar” would fall altogether, so either go together, which is unacceptable, or... Wait until the veteran is near the right person.

Three days a week passed in this expectation, from 17 to 23 hours, but it ended in nothing and, mainly, due to the presence of the “Evil” “Master” at the right moments next to him. For procrastination, I received a “reprimand” and lost my bonuses. But, as often happens, by April the need for the operation disappeared, but the need arose to listen to everything that was said there. Entrance to the bathhouse was free; you just had to book your visit in advance and pay. It was good opportunity for another date, which I took advantage of. The impressions were, also due to their rarity, unforgettable, we plunged into the warm water world together, forgetting for several hours about the chaos surrounding us, and the only thing that spoiled the atmosphere were my memories of five months of cold spent a few meters away opposite the exit. Goosebumps ran down my back when I stood on the steps, all steamed and relaxed, and suddenly I noticed a rustling, right in the place of the former “bed” - someone’s dog was digging through last year’s foliage, which remained only what it would become when... something like humus, but not a crime scene.

On the way back, I couldn’t stop looking at my fellow traveler, thinking to myself: “What awaits us?!” I couldn’t leave my wife and child, but I couldn’t live in a family at all. Gray-green eyes said that they agreed to everything, but I could not give anything except rare meetings, rare, but as enchanting as her impulsive character, although she tried her best to hide it, thinking that I like women who are calm and reserved, just like I was outwardly. But only externally...

Confused by a string of events, which were superimposed by the impossibility of telling, explaining, giving what I wanted, simply going somewhere, or breaking away and living with my family, I already understood that the day was not far off when I would have to make a choice. There were so many of them, such moments, difficult to the point of impossibility, different in situations, but invariably tearing the soul to shreds. And only “She” and her closeness could, if not put everything together, then at least not fall apart further.

And my heart was filled more and more with this short, slender, then still a student, and, as it seemed to me, she did nothing for this. I wanted to meet more often, and the further I went, the more I felt the desire to wake up and fall asleep, hugging her fragile figure, but a lot of reasons screamed against this.

Periodic meetings with his wife - high, beautiful woman, not just a good housewife, but a real, which is now rare, “guardian hearth and home“, the nature of the complete opposite of its rival, - of course, continued, but did not have such a lyrical character as before. In all the years we have never had a single quarrel, and not once have I heard a single complaint, even when I, heavily drunk, on March 8 had my eye on some lonely guest of our friends... There was nothing between us, but this pig's face, the image of which I took on, uncontrollably allowed itself a little too much. Another would have grabbed the frying pan, or “put her on the potty” for a week or two and demanded a divorce. I didn’t hear anything addressed to me, I just saw a slight reproach in the big brown eyes, but through the emerging tears, it hit the point of conscience very painfully and deservedly. After the apology, I was forgiven and life went on as if nothing had happened. Very patient, dignified and knowing her worth, but never showing it. And it had to go to someone like me, who managed to get into the worst possible thing...

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